The broader impact of this Partnerships for Innovation - Technology Translation (PFI-TT) project includes a novel technique that will enable pharmaceutical companies to significantly reduce their time and financial cost in their efforts to improve drug quality and yield, production cost, and development of new drugs, especially drugs for rare diseases. This solution will result in more effective, affordable, and equitable healthcare services. In particular, the unique technology features (e.g., simple sample preparation and the measurement of easily understood cell properties (such as cell size and shape), and a wide range of potential applications) will reduce educational barriers and attract students who lack intensive and specialized training or prior preparation. The project will train future entrepreneurs and build and strengthen industry-university partnerships.<br/><br/>The project develops a label-free and non-invasive method for rapid measurement and selection of high-performing, highly stable Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. This project involves the creation of an automated microwave system for comprehensive single cell measurement; the characterization of a variety of CHO cells; the development of machine-learning techniques for microwave feature extraction; and the identification of stable, high-producing CHO cells based on cell microwave properties. The microwave cell properties, features, and markers will fill significant knowledge gaps for measurements related to CHO performance. The low-cost system will fill a critical technology gap in biomanufacturing. Additionally, the project will enable graduate students to learn and experience the full cycle of market needs identification, technology conceptualization, prototype implementation, and performance evaluation as well as the development of close collaborations with partners to transition basic scientific discoveries to practical use. Such experience is key for a student to mature as a technology pioneer and leader.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.