The present invention relates to detection of pharmaceutical products using Raman spectroscopy and paper based microfluidics.
Recently, paper based sensing has emerged in the field of point of care testing with applications in the area of biosensing, environmental monitoring and food quality control. Paper provides a means by which microfluidic devices can be fabricated in a very low-cost, simple and reproducible manner. Patterning of paper using techniques such as ink-jet and wax printing produces defined hydrophilic channels in the paper structure. These control the flow of liquid through the sensor. Due to the inherent wicking capability of paper, the passive transport of liquid through pre-defined channels is possible and a vast range of chemicals have been shown to be compatible with the paper substrate.
Paper microfluidics has emerged as a promising complementary technique to current microfluidic technologies with the key advantage of not requiring significant external instrumentation (e.g. microfluidic pumps) to function. Paper microfluidics has the promise to realize a lab on a chip device due to the approach being fast, simple to implement as well as offering ease of transport and disposal.
Although there are significant promising advantages of paper microfluidics, a number of limitations, such as poor accuracy and sensitivity, constrain their applications. Currently, a number of detection techniques are being explored to overcome such disadvantages. These include colorimetric, electrochemical and fluorescent detection technologies.
Optical approaches such as Raman spectroscopy confer the possibility of label free detection of analytes on paper microfluidic devices. However, this technique in its native form has so far been obviated in favour of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). To date, notable uses of SERS include the quantitative detection of narcotics, such as cocaine and heroin, and the development of ELISA type formats to detect antigen-antibody interactions. These examples have been successful in achieving the detection of analytes down to nanomolar concentrations. The fabrication of paper based SERS substrates relies on deposition of an enhancement material, such as nanoparticles or nanorods, onto a paper substrate. However, there are challenges to employing this technique, such as, difficulty in achieving a uniform covering of the paper substrate with the enhancing material and the loss of key functionalities such as separation and pre-concentration on the paper device. Also, the reproducibility achieved using SERS can be highly variable. Attempts to control this enhancement have led to different techniques being introduced to improve the reproducibility and fabrication of the SERS substrates.
Whilst Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique, the signal obtained from Raman scattering is typically weak due to only 1 in 106 photons being Raman scattered. Hence, it can be easily obscured due to auto-fluorescence from the substrate or the sample being analyzed. Numerous techniques have been employed to suppress background fluorescence including time resolved Raman spectroscopy and shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy (SERDS). Another option is wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy. This involves recording a series of Raman spectra, which are slightly shifted in excitation wavelength (<1 nm) with respect to one another. Using multivariate, principal components analysis (PCA) the modulated Raman information can be recovered and the fluorescent signal eliminated from the Raman signal.
According to the present invention, there is provided a method for detecting or identifying an analyte, the method comprising: applying an analyte in fluid, for example a drug, to a paper microfluidic device; exciting Raman scattering in the analyte in the paper microfluidic device at a series of different wavelengths, capturing a signal at each wavelength; and analyzing the captured signal at each wavelength to identify a Raman signal associated with the analyte.
By using wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy, the drawbacks of paper microfluidics, in particular relating to fluorescence of the paper, can be overcome. Using wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy the inherent background fluorescence from the paper substrate can be eliminated. The approach is inherently simple and powerful, and can yield quantitative information.
Raman spectroscopy is based on the inelastic scattering of light from a sample. The resulting spectrum of the scattered photons reflects a shift in frequency characteristic of specific vibrational modes of the analyte being interrogated. As a result of this, a fingerprint spectrum is obtained from which individual analytes can be detected. Multiple analytes can be distinguished simultaneously.
The method may involve analyzing the captured signal using a principal component analysis (PCA) to recover the modulated Raman information.
The method may involve varying the excitation wavelength by a predetermined amount, for example 1 nm, so that the series of different wavelengths comprises a series of wavelengths separated by said predetermined amount, e.g. 1 nm.
The method may involve using the Raman signal to detect or identify the analyte.
The method may involve applying a known analyte to the paper microfluidic device and using the Raman signal as a fingerprint for that analyte.
The method may comprise creating a library of at least one fingerprint for at least one known analyte. Preferably, the known analyte is a known or authenticated drug.
The method may further involve identifying a Raman signal associated with an unknown analyte using the method of the invention and comparing it with the at least one fingerprint for the at least one known analyte.
According to another aspect of the invention, there is provided a system adapted to detect or identify an analyte, the system comprising: a sample holder for holding a paper microfluidic device to which an analyte has been applied; an excitation source for exciting Raman scattering in the analyte in paper microfluidic at a series of different wavelengths, a detector for capturing a signal from the device at each wavelength; and an analyzer for analyzing the captured signal at each wavelength to identify a Raman signal, and use the Raman signal to detect or identify the analyte.
According to another aspect of the invention, there is provided a method for detecting counterfeit drugs, the method comprising: applying drug in fluid to a paper microfluidic device; exciting Raman scattering in the drug in the paper microfluidic device at a multiple different wavelengths; capturing a signal at each wavelength; analyzing the captured signal at each wavelength to identify a Raman signal associated with the drug, and comparing the Raman signal associated with the drug with a stored Raman signal associated with a known, authenticated drug. In the event that the Raman signal associated with the drug, and the stored Raman signal associated with a known, authenticated drug are substantially the same, the drug is identified as being authentic. Otherwise, the drug is identified as being counterfeit.
According to yet another aspect of the invention, there is provided a system for detecting counterfeit drugs using a paper microfluidic device, the system being adapted to: excite Raman scattering in a drug in fluid form applied to the paper microfluidic device at a multiple different wavelengths; capture a signal at each wavelength; analyze the captured signal at each wavelength to identify a Raman signal associated with the drug, and compare the Raman signal associated with the drug with a stored Raman signal associated with a known, authenticated drug.
Various aspects of the invention will now be described by way of example only, and with reference to the accompanying drawings, of which:
The present invention combines paper microfluidics and wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy for sensitive detection of analytes. Paper microfluidics is a low cost, easy to fabricate and portable approach for point of care testing. Combining Raman spectroscopy with paper microfluidics was previously an unmet challenge in the absence of using surface enhanced mechanisms. Using wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy allows the background fluorescence of the paper to be suppressed, and so enables the implementation of this technique for pharmaceutical analysis. Using paper microfluidics and wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy, it is possible to discriminate between analytes, for example paracetamol and ibuprofen, whilst, also being able to detect the presence of each analyte quantitatively at nanomolar concentrations.
Wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy involves capturing Raman spectra at multiple different wavelengths, so that an individual spectrum is available for each wavelength. Background fluorescence is typically independent of wavelength, but the Raman signal is sensitive to wavelength. By using the individual spectra at each wavelength signal variation between different spectra can be attributed to the Raman signal, whereas constant non-varying parts of the different spectra can be attributed to background fluorescence. Hence, by identifying variations between the different spectra, the Raman signal can be distinguished.
A particularly useful technique for identifying the varying, wavelength dependent Raman signal is principal components analysis (PCA). This is a statistical technique used to change and reduce the representation of a multidimensional data set. A new representation or coordinate system is constructed such that the variance of the data sets is biggest for the first coordinate component of the new representation. This is then called the first principal component. The second biggest variation lies on the second coordinate of the new representation, and so on. If the wavelength modulated spectra are fed into a PCA routine, the resulting first principal component describes the variation observed in the spectra. Because of the wavelength modulation, this variation is the moving Raman spectrum only, as the fluorescence remains steady. Thus, the PCA routine outputs a spectrum, or principal component that is an effective differential Raman spectrum of the sample.
An example of wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy is described in the paper “Optimal algorithm for fluorescence suppression of modulated Raman spectroscopy”, Mazilu M et al (2010), Optics Express 18: 11382-11395, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.
When applied to paper microfluidics, the steps involved in the wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy can be summarized as follows. Firstly, the analyte of interest is applied in fluid form to the paper sample, and multiple spectra from each paper sample are captured. Typically, ten spectra are used, each at predetermined wavelengths, separated for example by 1 nm. Ideally, the spectra are normalized with the total spectral intensity calculated by integrating over all spectral data (using Matlab 2014b). Normalization allows for compensation for any power fluctuation in the laser during wavelength modulation. Once this is done, principal component analysis (PCA) is used to analyze the normalized spectra collected, with each excitation wavelength step as a parameter. This produces a modulated Raman spectrum with essentially all fluorescence background suppressed. This modulated Raman spectrum is defined by the first principal component of the PCA. Within this representation, all standard Raman peaks are indicated by the zero crossing points and the modulated Raman spectrum is similar to a differential spectrum.
In tests, each of the pharmaceuticals was diluted to the required concentration using purified MilliQ water. Of the resulting solution 10 mL were deposited into a 50 mL plastic sampling tube. The solution was swabbed by fully immersing the paper device three times in the solution prior to analysis. In order to ensure each of the paper devices was exposed to the solution for an equal amount of time, each device was immersed in the corresponding solution for ten seconds three times prior to subsequent analysis by wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy. This ensured that each device was fully covered by the immersion solution.
The invention has been demonstrated experimentally. For these experiments modulated Raman spectra were acquired using a system based upon a tunable Littman geometry diode laser (Sacher Lasertechnik, centre wavelength of at λ=785 nm, maximum power 1 W, total tuning range 200 GHz). Laser tuning was controlled with a waveform/function generator (Keithley, 50 MHz) that modulated the wavelength. A telescope enlarged the size of the laser beam to fill the back aperture of a microscope objective (Olympus, magnification 40×/NA=0.74) subsequent to passage through a line filter. The inelastically scattered Raman photons were collected through the same objective and coupled through a F/# matcher to a spectrometer with a 400 lines/mm grating. Detection was performed with a deep depletion, back illuminated and thermo-electrically cooled CCD camera (Newton, Andor Technology). Uniform illumination of the sample was realized with a standard Kohler illumination set-up in transmission mode.
The optimization of wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy has previously been discussed by Mazilu et al, see Praveen B B et al (2012) “Fluorescence suppression using wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy in fibre-probe-based tissue analysis”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 17:077006; Praveen B B et al (2013) Optimization of Wavelength Modulated Raman Spectroscopy: Towards High Throughput Cell Screening, PLoS ONE 8: e67211; and Mazilu et al, Optimal algorithm for fluorscence for suppression of modulated Raman spectroscopy, Optics Express 18: 11382-11395. The contents of these three papers are incorporated herein by reference.
The optimal conditions for wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy required optimization of a number of factors including the modulation amplitude, the time constant used for a single spectral acquisition, the sampling rate across one modulation cycle and the number of modulation cycles which are performed per experiment. The standard Raman spectra of a single unmodified paper device showed a number of Raman bands were present which were assigned to the various stretches and bending modes of C—C and C—H cellulose bands. The most intense band detected occurred at 1089 cm−1. To optimize the wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy conditions, the signal to noise ratio was calculated using the intensity of this band and the standard deviation of the Raman free region as noise. The signal to noise ratio was monitored as each individual set of conditions was modified.
Based on the optimization experiments, the 4-second exposure time provided the most consistent and highest signal to noise ratio S/N achievable. As the number of modulation cycles was incrementally increased from 5 to 30 cycles, the signal to noise ratio became more consistent, however, this prolonged the time required to perform the analyses. When only five modulation cycles were used significant deviations in the signal to noise ratio were observed. Therefore, a compromise was made to gain a consistent signal to noise ratio S/N over the shortest period and the number of modulation cycles was assessed to be optimum at 15.
Another key variable was the amplitude of the modulation cycle. Four different wavelength modulation amplitudes were explored and each was found to provide an improvement in the signal to noise ratio S/N in comparison to the standard Raman spectrum. The signal to noise ratio S/N obtained for each of the amplitudes tested indicated that no significant enhancement of signal to noise ratio S/N was gained when the amplitude was greater than Δλ=0.37 nm without resulting in increased statistical errors occurring between the measurements performed i.e. increase in the standard deviations of the average signal to noise ratio S/N measurements obtained. Therefore, the highest achievable signal to noise ratio S/N over the shortest number of modulation cycles occurred when using a modulation amplitude of Δλ=0.37 nm, with 15 modulation cycles and 4 s exposure time.
The optimum conditions noted above were implemented for all wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy experiments discussed below. The significant enhancement of the signal to noise ratio S/N gained from the implementation of these conditions is shown in
As can be seen from
In addition, the wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy spectra obtained from the blank paper device are easily distinguishable from the Raman spectroscopy spectra obtained from the paracetamol and ibuprofen swabbed samples. As shown in
Although the paracetamol spectrum displays an identifiable band difference from the paper substrate and ibuprofen, the differences in spectral position and intensity are minimal. To improve on this, a Principal component analysis was used. In this case, the PCA data set used included two or more of the wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy spectra from
Tests were done to identify the lowest concentration of both paracetamol and ibuprofen detectable on the paper substrate. By serial dilution, a range of concentrations of both paracetamol and ibuprofen were produced. Using the swabbing method and the optimized wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy conditions noted above, it was possible to achieve adequate cluster separation of both components down-to nanomolar concentrations. The PCA figures showing cluster separation for paracetamol and ibuprofen on the paper substrate are shown in
To demonstrate quantitative analysis, a range of concentrations of both paracetamol and ibuprofen were swabbed onto individual paper devices and analyzed by wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy. The PCA scatter plots and the resulting confusion matrix are shown in
This shows a PCA scatter plot, PC2 vs. PC1, for varied concentrations of ibuprofen on individual paper devices. The table shows the confusion matrix from PCA analysis of a limit of detection study of ibuprofen on paper microfluidic devices. The numbers indicate the overlap of data points between each concentration studied.
The confusion matrix of
The invention may be used in a number of different ways. For example, the invention may be used to detect counterfeit drugs. In this case, known authentic drugs would be analyzed using the paper microfluidics and wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy of the invention, and a Raman fingerprint would be stored for each authentic drug. The authentic Raman fingerprints for multiple drugs may be stored in a library/database. To authenticate or identify one or more drugs of unknown origin or suspected counterfeit drugs, a solution of the drug would be applied to a paper microfluidic device and tested using wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy. Ideally, the same concentration of drug and the same wavelength modulation should be used for the test of the counterfeit drug as was used to determine the Raman fingerprint for the authentic drug. Once the Raman fingerprint for the drug of unknown origin or suspected counterfeit drug has been obtained, it is then compared with the Raman fingerprint for the authentic drug. In the event that the Raman signal associated with the drug, and the stored Raman signal associated with a known, authenticated drug are substantially the same, the drug is identified as being authentic. Otherwise, the drug is identified as being counterfeit.
The step of comparing the Raman fingerprints may be done using a principal component analysis. In this case, the dataset for the PCA would be the Raman fingerprint for the unknown/suspected counterfeit drug and the Raman fingerprint for the authentic drug. Of course, it will be appreciated that other techniques for comparing the fingerprints could be used. For example, any suitable multivariate analysis could be used, such as linear discriminate analysis (LDA) or support vector machine (SVM), as well as PCA.
The present invention uses wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy in combination with paper microfluidics for real-time detection of analytes. The use of wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy for this application establishes that the common sensitivity issues which plague conventional detection techniques used with paper microfluidics can be overcome, with sensitivity of analyte detection being achieved in the nanomolar range. As a result, it is possible to determine an experimental limit of detection for paracetamol and ibuprofen at concentrations of 1.58 nM and 96.8 nM respectively, when using a combination of wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy and paper microfluidics. This level of sensitivity is at least equal with current examples of SERS based paper microfluidic detection, but does not require a prolonged fabrication process and is not hindered by substrate reproducibility.
The present invention can be used for real-time detection of multiple analytes simultaneously. There are multiple methods for doing such multiple analyses. The methods discussed above can all be used to distinguish/classify at the same time multiple analytes. To use PCA for example regions in PC space can be defined (PC1 vs PC2) for pure compounds. An unknown multiple analytes sample would correspond to a point in this PC space and its distance to the different regions corresponds to the concentration of each of the pure compounds of interest. This is called partial least-squares regression.
A skilled person will appreciate that variations of the disclosed arrangements are possible without departing from the scope of the invention. Accordingly the above description of the specific embodiment is made by way of example only and not for the purposes of limitations. It will be clear to the skilled person that minor modifications may be made without significant changes to the operation described.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
1505297.0 | Mar 2015 | GB | national |
This application is a national stage application (filed under 35 § U.S.C. 371) of PCT/GB2016/050531, filed Mar. 1, 2016 of the same title, which, in turn claims priority to Great Britain Application No. 1505297.0, filed Mar. 27, 2015 of the same title; the contents of each of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/GB2016/050531 | 3/1/2016 | WO | 00 |