Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill, 1972, pp. 136-139 and pp. 167-169. |
"CMOS PHASE-LOCKED LOOPS," Solid State Scientific, SCL40468 88340468 SCL44468 883/44468, pp. 116-119. |
"Disk-Separator IC Eases Encoding/Decoding Tasks" by Herb Schneider, EDN Magazine, DP8460, Aug. 1983. |
Data Sheet for Motorola MC4344/MC4044 Phase-Frequency Detector, 6367248 Motorola Semiconductor, pp. 7-25 to 7-42. |
Product Sheet for Texas Instruments Types SN54LS297, SN74LS297 Digital Phase-Locked-Loop Filters, 8961721 Texas Instruments, Inc., Jan. 1981, pp. 38-39. |
Product Sheet for Texas Instruments, Inc. 8961721, "Digital Phase-Locked Loop Design Using SN54/74LS297" by Donald G. Troha, pp. 1-10. |
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 23, No. 10, Mar. 1981, "Formatting Of Variable Length (CKD) Records on DASD Tracks Having Periodically Occurring Unwritable Segments" by Dishon and Schor, p. 4697. |