The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of flowering dogwood, which has fused bracts. This dogwood is botanically known as Cornus kousa and hereinafter referred to by the following cultivar name: ‘Pam's Mountain Bouquet.
This new dogwood cultivar was discovered in a planting of seedlings at the University of Tennessee (UT) Arboretum and arose from seed gifted to UT by Ms. Polly Hill. ‘Pam's Mountain Bouquet’ is a selection from the original seedlings. Asexual reproduction of ‘Pam's Mountain Bouquet’ by harvested terminal cuttings and grafting of axillary buds onto seedling rootstocks have shown that the unique features of this new dogwood cultivar are stable and reproduced true-to-type in successive generations.
A new and distinct cultivar of flowering dogwood, which has fused bracts is provided. This dogwood is botanically known as Cornus kousa and referred to by the following cultivar name: ‘Pam's Mountain Bouquet’. This cultivar appears to be resistant to powdery mildew and dogwood anthracnose.
This new and distinct dogwood cultivar was discovered in a planting of seedlings at the University of Tennessee (UT) Arboretum in Oakridge, Tenn. and arose from seed gifted to UT by Ms. Polly Hill. ‘Pam's Mountain Bouquet’ is a selection from the original seedlings. Asexual reproduction of ‘Pam's Mountain Bouquet’ by harvested terminal cuttings and grafting of axillary buds onto seedling rootstocks have shown that the unique features of this new dogwood cultivar are stable and reproduced true-to-type in successive generations.
The following observations, measurements and comparisons describe this cultivar grown in Oak Ridge, Tenn. Dogwoods used for this description were about twenty (20) years old. Plant hardiness is expected to be zones 4-9. The following description uses color references to the Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S.) Color Chart, except where general terms of ordinary dictionary significance are used. All color ratings were on adaxial surfaces. Measurements are provided as an average (with ranges also provided as indicated).
Unique Features: This tree features heavy flowering and exhibits fused bracts. About 82% of all bracts on the cultivar exhibit some degree of fusion (one side, two sides or three to four sides being fused; see data in Table 1).
Wadl, P. A., X. Wang, A. N. Trigiano, J. A. Skinner, M. T. Windham, T. A. Rinehart, S. M. Reed, V. R. Pantalone and R N. Trigiano. 2008. Molecular identification key for cultivars and lines of Cornus florida and C. kousa based on microsatellite loci. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133 (6): 783-793.
Wadl, P. W., X. Wang, B. E. Scheffler, T. A. Rinehart, and R. N. Trigiano. 2008. Microsatellites from kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa). Molec. Ecol. Res. 8:780-782. DOI:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.0262.x