Phosphinothricin-resistance gene, and its use

The phosphinothricin (PTC)-resistance gene isolated from the genome of Streptomyces viridochromogenes DSM 40736 is, after adaptation to the codon usage in plants, synthesized and incorporated into gene structures which make plants resistant to PTC after expression therein.

Phosphinothricin (PTC, 2-amino-4-methylphosphinobutyric acid) is an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase. PTC is a "structural unit" of the antibiotic phosphinothricyl-alanyl-alanine. This tripeptide (PTT) is active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as against the fungus Botrytis cinerea (Bayer et al., Helv. Chim. Acta 55 (1972) 224). PTT is produced by the strain Streptomyces viridochromogenes Tu 494 (DSM 40736, DSM 4112).
German Patent, 2,717,440 discloses that PTC acts as a total herbicide. The published PCT Application WO 86/02097 describes plants whose resistance to PTC is attributable to overproduction of glutamine synthetase. Overproduction of this type, for example resulting from gene amplification, entails the risks of instability. Hence, such an instability would be associated with a decrease in the overproduction of glutamine synthetase, and the competitive inhibitory action of PTC would reappear.
In contrast, the invention, which is defined in the patent claims, relates to a PTC-resistance gene and to its use for the production of PTC-resistant plants. In addition, this gene can also be used as a resistance marker. Furthermore, the gene is suitable for the selective N-acetylation of the L-form of racemic PTC.
Table I depicts DNA Sequence I which was obtained by sequencing the 0.8 Kb BglII fragment containing the PTC-resistance gene. The Shine-Delgarno sequence (AGGAA) and the start condon (GTG) are underlined.
Table II contains DNA Sequence II which depicts the restriction sites within the sequenced gene. Enzymes which cut the sequence more than six times are not identified.
Table III contains DNA Sequence III (and its corresponding amino acid sequence), depicting a modified PTC-resistance gene which is optimized, by de novo synthesis, to a codon usage favorable for the plant RNA, polymerase II.
Table II contains amino acid and DNA Sequence IV which show the plan of synthesis for making DNA Sequence III.
The PTC-resistance gene according to the invention can be obtained by cutting, with BamHI, the total DNA from Streotomyces viridochromogenes DSM 4112 (deposition under the Budapest Treaty) or DSM 40736 (general collection) which has been selected for phosphinothricyl-alanyl-alanine (PTT)-resistance, by cloning a fragment of 4.0 kb in size, and by selection for PTT resistance. The restriction map details the characteristics of this 4.0 kb fragment.
Cloning experiments on sections of this 4 kb fragment were carried out to localize the position of the coding region more accurately. It emerged from this that the resistance gene is located on the 1.6 kb SstII-SstI fragment. Digestion with BclII resulted in the fragment which is 0.8 kb in size and which, after incorporation into a plasmid and transformation of S. lividans, confers PTT resistance. This resistance is caused by N-acetylation of PTC. Hence the resistance gene codes for an acetyltransferase.
Maxam and Gilbert sequencing of the 0.8 kb fragment reveals DNA sequence I (Table 1). The position of the resistance gene can be determined from the open reading frame of this sequence (from position 258). The end of the gene is located at the penultimate nucleotide shown (position 806), i.e. the last nucleotide (position 807) is the first of the stop codon.
The Shine-Dalgarno sequence in DNA sequence I is emphasized by underlining, as is the GTG acting as start codon. Thus, the top line depicts the definitive reading frame.
DNA sequence II (Table II) shows the restriction sites within the sequenced gene. Enzymes which cut the sequence more than six times are not indicated.
The antibiotic PTT is taken up by bacteria and broken down to PTC. The latter also inhibits glutamine synthetase in bacteria, so that the bacteria die of a lack of glutamine. Hence, PTT-producing bacteria ought to have a mechanism which protects them from the action of PTT, that is to say either prevents reuptake of the PTT which has been produced or permits a modification of the breakdown product PTC. However, surprisingly, the PTT producer S. viridochromogenes DSM 4112 is sensitive to its own antibiotic. Unexpectedly, it proved possible, however, by selection for PTT resistance to find, at the surprisingly high rate of 10.sup.-5, selectants which are resistant to PTT and, moreover, suppress the background growth of adjacent colonies.
A gene bank was set up from the DNA of these selectants by isolating the DNA and cleaving it with BamHI and ligating it into a Streptomycetes vector. The ligation mixture was transformed into the commercially available strain S. lividans TK 23, resulting in about 5000 to 10000 transformants having an insert of about 1 to 5 kb per 1 .mu.g of ligation mixture. Among the transformants there were PTT-resistant S. lividans strains. It was possible, by isolation of the plasmids and retransformation into S. lividans, to show that the resistance is plasmid-coded. The gene responsible for the resistance is located on a 4 kb BamHI fragment. The coding region is located on the 0.8 kb BclII fragment. The BamHI fragment contains no cleavage sites for the enzymes ClaI, EcoRI, EcoRV, HindIII, HpaI, KpnI, PvuI, PvuII and XhoI.
Comparison with the restriction map of a resistance gene, which has not been characterized in detail, for S. hygroscopicus FERM BP-130/ATCC 21705 (European Patent Application with the publication no. 0,173,327, FIG. 7) shows that the resistance gene according to the invention differs from the known gene, which was found during the search for PTT biosynthesis genes.
It was possible to show, by incubation of cell extracts from S. viridochromogenes DSM 4112 and S. lividans TK 23 on the one hand, and the PTT-resistant S. viridochromogenes selectants and a plasmid-carrying S. lividans transformant, on the other hand, with PTC and acetyl-coenzyme A that the latter cells have acetylating activity. Chromatography tests show that the acetylation takes place on the amino group.
Since PTT-resistance has also been found in E. coli, and thus the resistance mechanism also functions in Gram-negative bacteria, it is possible to rule out resistance based on transport phenomena. Thus, after coupling to plant promoters and using suitable vectors, the resistance gene according to the invention can be transformed into plants, and in this way PTC-resistant plants can be produced.
The N-acetylation of PTC can also be used for racemate resolution of synthetic D,L-PTC since selective acetylation of only the L-form takes place.
Thus the invention also relates to the use of the resistance gene for the selective N-acetylation of the L-form of racemic PTC.
The PTC acetyltransferase coded for by the resistance gene according to the invention can thus be used to separate racemic PTC, as can be obtained, for example, by the method of German Patent 2,717,440, into the optical antipodes by exposing the racemate to the acetylating action of this enzyme, since there is selective attack on the L-form while the D-form remains unchanged. The mixture thus obtained can then be fractionated in a manner known per se on the basis of the differences in properties.
The contacting of N-acyl-D,L-amino acids with acylases, which are immobilized on carriers where appropriate, with selective liberation of the L-amino acid, which can be extracted with water-immiscible solvents from the mixture with the N-acyl-D-amino acid after acidification, has been disclosed (British Patent 1,369,462). A corresponding fractionation of N-acyl-D,L-PTC is disclosed, for example, in German Offenlegungsschrift 2,939,269 or U.S. Pat. No. 4,226,941.
The D-PTC which remains according to the invention can be racemized in known manner (European Patent Application with the publication no. (EP-A) 0,137,371, example 8), and then returned to the process.
It is possible, but not necessary, to isolate the enzyme, this also being intended to mean, here and hereinafter, always the enzymatically active part. If the enzyme is isolated, it can be used in the free form or the form immobolized on a carrier. Examples of suitable carriers are described in EP-A 0,141,223. However, it is expedient not to isolate the enzyme but to use any desired PTC-resistant cells which express the enzyme according to the invention. Thus, it is possible and expedient to use the PTT-resistant selectants of S. viridochromogenes DSM 4112. Moreover, it is possible and advantageous to use any desired cell which has been transformed with the gene according to the invention and which is able to express PTC acetyltransferase. In this connection, the gene according to the invention, this also being intended to mean active parts thereof, can be introduced into the host cell in plasmid-integrated form or by using other customary methods of gene manipulation, for example by transfection. For example, incorporation into an E. coli expression plasmid and transformation of E. coli with such a plasmid is expedient, for example by the methods known from EP-A 0,163,249 and 0,171,024.
For the N-acetylation, according to the invention, of L-PTC in the racemate the cells which express PTC acetyltransferase can be used in the free or immobolized form, with the customary methods of immobilization being used (for example German Offenlegungsschrift 3,237,341 and literature cited therein).
The enzymatic acetylation, according to the invention, of L-PTC is carried out in the manner customary for enzymatic reactions, with the conditions of the method being governed by the characteristics of the organism used. In principle, methods suitable for this are the same as for the above-mentioned selective deacylation method.
Genes from Streptomycetes have a very high proportion of G+C, the adenine (A)+thymine (T) : guanine (G)+cytosine (C) ratio being about 30:70. The proportion of GC in plant genes is far lower, being about 50%. For this reason, in a further development of the inventive idea, the DNA sequence of the resistance gene has been optimized, by de novo synthesis, to a codon usage favorable for plant RNA polymerase II.
The invention relates to a modification of the resistance gene as discussed above which is proposed in German Patent Application P 36 28 747.4 and the additional application P 36 42 829.9, namely an adaptation to the codon usage in plants. The corresponding amino acid sequence is depicted in DNA Sequence III. Further embodiments of the invention are defined in the patent claims or are explained hereinafter.
As is known, the genetics code is degenerate, i.e., only 2 amino acids are coded for by a single triplet, whereas the remaining 18 genetically codable amino acids are assigned to 2 to 6 triplets. Thus, theoretically, a wide variety of codon combinations can be chosen for the synthesis of the gene. Since the said relative proportion of the individual nucleotides in the total DNA sequence exerts an influence, it was used as one of the criteria on which the sequence optimization was based.
The following modifications were made to the sequenced gene:
1. The Streptomycetes gene start codon GTG (position 258-260 in the sequence in DNA Sequence I was replaced by the start codon ATG which is used by plant RNA polymerase II.
2. Within the gene, the Streptomycetes gene codons were changed in such a way that they resulted in codons suitable in plant genes (G/C ratio).
3. The TGA stop codon was placed at the end of the sequence to terminate the translation process.
4. The beginning and end of the gene sequence were provided with protruding ends of restriction sites in order to be able to amplify the gene and ligate it between plant regulation sequences.
5. Palindromic sequences were reduced to a minimum.
The DNA sequence III according to the invention (with the corresponding amino acid sequence) is depicted in the annex.
Three internal unique cleavage sites for the restriction enzymes XbaI (position 152), BamHI (312) and XmaI (436) make possible the subcloning of part-sequences which can be incorporated in well-investigated cloning vectors such as, for example, pUC18 or pUC19. In addition, a number of other unique recognition sequences for restriction enzymes were incorporated within the gene, and these, on the one hand, provide access to part-sequences of acetyltransferase and, on the other hand, allow modifications to be made:
______________________________________ Cut after nucleotide No.Restriction enzyme (codings strand)______________________________________BspMII 11SacII 64EcoRV 74HpaI 80AatII 99BstXI 139ApaI 232ScaI 272AvrII 308AflII 336StuI 385BssHII 449FokI 487BglI 536BglII 550______________________________________
The construction of part-sequences by chemical synthesis and enzymatic ligation reactions is carried out in a manner known per se (EP-A 0,133,282, 0,136,472, 0,155,590, 0,161,504, 0,163,249, 0,171,024, 0,173,149 or 0,177,827). Details, such as restriction analyses, ligation of DNA fragments and transformation of plasmids in E. coli, are described at length in the textbook of Maniatis (Molecular Cloning, Maniatis et al., Cold Spring Harbor, 1982).
The gene sequence which has been cloned in this way is then introduced into plants, under the control of plant regulation signals, and its expression is induced. EP-A 0,122,791 reviews known methods. In this way are obtained PTC-resistant plant cells (i.e., a selection feature for transformed cells is available), plants or parts of plants and seeds.
The invention is illustrated in detail in the examples which follow. Unless otherwise stated, parts and percentage data relate to weight.

Example 1: PTT-resistant selectants
The strain S. viridochromogenes DSM 4112 was cultured on minimal medium (Hopwcod et al., Genetic Manipulation of Streptomyces, A Laboratory Manual, The John Innes Foundation, Norwich, England (1985), page 233) and increasing concentrations of PTT were added. At a concentration of 100 .mu.g/ml one resistant colony was found per 10.sup.5 colonies, approximately.
Example 2: Preparation of the vector
The plasmid pSVH1 (European Patent 0,070,522; U.S. Pat. No. 4,673,642) is cut with BolII, and the fragment about 7.1 kb in size is isolated and ligated with the 1.1 kb BclI fragment having thiostrepton resistance (European Patent Application with the publication number 0,158,201). The plasmid pEB2 which is about 8.15 kb in size is obtained.
Example 3: Isolation of the resistance gene
The total DNA is isolated from the selectants obtained in example 1, and it is cleaved with BamHI. The plasmid pEB2 is likewise opened with BamHI, and the two mixtures are combined and ligated. The ligation mixture is transformed into S. lividans TK 23 (obtainable from the John Innes Foundation), with 5000 to 10000 transformants having an insert of about 1-5 kb being obtained per 1 .mu.g of ligation mixture. Selection for PTT-resistance produces two resistant S. lividans colonies. The plasmid which has been taken up is isolated from the latter and is cut with BamHI. A 4 kb BamHI fragment which carries the gene responsible for resistance is found. This plasmid was called pPR1.
Retransformation into S. lividans TK 23 shows, that the PTT-resistance is plasmid-coded, since the transformants grow on minimal medium containing 100 .mu.g/ml PTT.
Example 4: Demonstration of the inactivation of PTC by N-acetylation
The following strains were examined to demonstrate the acetylating activity of the cloned fragment: S. viridochromogenes DSM 40736, S. viridochromogens (PTT-resistant mutant), S. lividans TK 23 and S. lividans TK 23 (pPR1).
This entails the strains being inoculated into lysis medium A (European Patent Application with the publication number 0,158,872, page 6) and incubated at C. in an orbital shaker for 2 days. After harvesting, 1 mg of mycelium is disrupted with ultrasound in a suitable buffer (for example RS buffer: C. J. Thompson et al., J. Bacteriol. 151 (1982), 678-685). The procedure for a typical experiment to measure PTC breakdown is as follows:
100 .mu.l of PTC solution (250 .mu.g/ml) and 50 .mu.l of acetyl-CoA (4 mg/ml) are added to 250 .mu.l of crude extract, and the mixture is incubated at C. for 2 hours. The amounts of PTC which are still present after this time are measured by HPLC. The results of this are as follows:
______________________________________ unreacted PTCStrain introduced PTC______________________________________S. lividans TK23 100%S. viridochromogenes 72%(DSM 40736)S. viridochromogenes 7%SelectantS. lividans TK23 (pPR1) 31%______________________________________
A comparison with reference substances on thin-layer chromatography (no stain with ninhydrin) demonstrates that N-acetylation of the PTC has taken place.
For the next series of examples, the following media were used:
a) for bacteria:
YT medium: 0.5% yeast extract, 0.8% Bacto tryptone, 0.5% NaCl
LB medium: 0.5% yeast extract, 1% Bacto tryptone, 1% NaCl as solid medium: addition of 1.5% agar to each
b) for plants
M+S medium: see Murashige and Skoog, Physiologica Plantarum 15 (1962) 473
2 MS medium: M+S medium containing 2% sucrose
MSC 10 medium: M+S medium containing 2% sucrose, 500 mg/l cefotaxime, 0.1 mg/l naphthylacetic acid (NAA), 1 mg/l benzylaminopurine (BAP), 100 mg/l kanamycin
MSC 15 medium: M+S medium containing 2% sucrose, 500 mg/l cefotaxime, 100 mg/l kanamycin.
5. Chemical synthesis of a single-stranded oligonucleotide
The synthesis of fragment II, one of the four part-fragments I-IV, started from the terminal oligonucleotide IIc (nucleotide No. 219 to 312 in the coding strand of DNA sequence I). For the solid-phase synthesis, the nucleotide at the 3' end, that is to say guanosine (nucleotide No. 312) in the present case, is covalently bonded via the 3'-hydroxyl group to a support. The support material is CPG (controlled pore glass) functionalized with long-chain aminoalkyl radicals. Otherwise, the synthesis follows the known (from the said EP-As) methods.
The plan of synthesis is indicated in DNA sequence IV (Table IV), which otherwise corresponds to DNA sequence III.
6. Enzymatic linkage of the single-stranded oligonucleotides to give gene fragment II
For the phosphorylation of the oligonucleotides at the 5' end, 1 nmol of each of oligonucleotides IIb and IIc was treated with 5 nmol of adenosine triphosphate and 4 units of T4 polynucleotide kinase in 20 .mu.l of 50 mM tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.6), 10 mM magnesium chloride and 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) at C. for 30 minutes. The enzyme is inactivated by heating at C. for 5 minutes. Oligonucleotides IIa and IId, which form the "protruding" sequence in DNA fragment II, are not phosphorylated. This prevents the formation, during the subsequent ligation, of larger subfragments than correspond to DNA fragment II.
Oligonucleotides II (a-d) are ligated to give subfragment II as follows: 1 mmol of each of oligonucleotides IIa and IId and the 5'-phosphates of IIb and IIc are together dissolved in 45 .mu.l of buffer containing 50 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 20 mM magnesium chloride, 25 mM potassium chloride and 10 mM DTT. For the annealing of the oligonucleotides corresponding to DNA fragment II, the solution of the oligonucleotides is heated at C. for 2 minutes and then slowly cooled (2-3 hours) to C. Then, for the enzymatic linkage, 2 .mu.l of 0.1 mM DTT, 8 .mu.l of 2.5 mM adenosine triphosphate (pH 7) and 5 .mu.m of T4 DNA ligase (2000 units) are added, and the mixture is incubated at C. for 16 hours.
The gene fragment II is purified by gel electrophoresis on a 10% polyacrylamide gel (without addition of urea, 20.times.40 cm, 1 mm thick), the marker substance used being .phi.X 174 DNA (from BRL) cut with HinfI, or pBR322 cut with HaeIII.
Gene fragments I, III and IV are prepared analogously, although the "protruding" sequences are, before the annealing, converted into the 5'-phosphates because no ligation step is necessary.
7. Preparation of hybrid plasmids containing gene fragments I, II, III and IV.
a) Incorporation of gene fragment I in pUC18
The commercially available plasmid pUC18 is opened in a known manner using the restriction endo nucleases SalI and XbaI in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions. The digestion mixture is fractionated by electrophoresis in a known manner on a 1% agarose gel, and the fragments are visualized by staining with ethidium bromide. The plasmid band (about 2.6 kb) is then cut out of the agarose gel and removed from the agarose by electroelution. 1 .mu.g of plasmid, opened with XbaI and SalI, is then ligated with 10 ng of DNA fragment I at C. overnight.
b) Incorporation of gene fragment II in pUC18.
In analogy to a), pUC18 is cut open with XbaI and BamHI and ligated with gene fragment II which has previously been phosphorylated at the protruding ends as described in Example 2.
c) Incorporation of gene fragment III in pUC18
In analogy to a), pUC18 is cut open with BamHI and XmaIII and ligated with gene fragment III.
d) Incorporation of gene fragment IV in pUC18
In analogy to a), pUC18 is cut with XmaIII and SalI and ligated with gene fragment IV.
8. Construction of the complete gene and cloning in a pUC plasmid.
a) Transformation and amplification of gene fragments I-IV
The hybrid plasmids obtained in this way are transformed into E. coli. For this purpose, the strain E. coli K 12 is made competent by treatment with a 70 mM calcium chloride solution, and the suspension of the hybrid plasmid in 10 mM tris-HCl buffer (ph 7.5), which is 70 mM in calcium chloride, is added. The transformed strains are selected as is customary, utilizing the antibiotic resistances or sensitivities conferred by the plasmid, and the hybrid vectors are amplified. After the cells have been killed, the hybrid plasmids are isolated and cut open with the restriction enzymes originally used, and gene fragments I, II, III and IV are isolated by gel electrophoresis.
b) Linkage of gene fragments I, II, III and IV to give the total gene
Subfragments I and II obtained by amplification are linked as follows. 100 ng of each of the isolated fragments I and II are dissolved together in 10 .mu.l of buffer containing 50 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 20 mM magnesium chloride and 10 mM DTT, and this solution is heated at C. for 5 minutes. After the solution has cooled to room temperature, 1 .mu.l of 10 mM adenosine triphosphate (pH 7) and 1 .mu.l of T4 ligase (400 units) are added, and the mixture is incubated at room temperature for 16 hours. After subsequent cutting with the restriction enzymes SalI and BamHI, the desired 312 bp fragment (nucleotides 1-312, SalI-BamHI) is purified by gel electrophoresis on an 8% polyacrylamide gel, the marker substance used being .PHI.X 174 RF DNA (from BRL) cut with the restriction enzyme HaeIII.
Gene fragments III and IV are linked together in the same way, there being obtained after purification a 246 bp fragment (nucleotides 313-558, BamHI-SalI). The marker used for the gel electrophoresis is pBR322 cut with the restriction enzyme MscI.
To construct the total gene (DNA sequence I), 15 ng of the 312 bp fragment and 12 ng of the 246 bp fragment are ligated, as described above, with 1 .mu.g of the commercially available plasmid pUC18 which has previously been cut open with the restriction enzyme SalI and enzymatically dephosphorylated at the ends. After transformation and amplification (as described in Example 8a), the correct clone having the 558 bp fragment corresponding to DNA sequence I is identified by SalI digestion.
9. Transformation of the hybrid plasmids
Competent E. coli cells are transformed with 0.1 to 1 .mu.g of the hybrid plasmid containing DNA sequence III and are plated out on amplicillin-containing agar plates. It is then possible to identify clones which contain the correctly integrated sequences in the plasmid by rapid DNA analysis (Maniatis, loc. cit.).
Fusion of the synthetic gene to regulation signals which are recognized in plants.
The optimized resistance gene which had been provided at the ends with SalI cleavage sites was ligated in the SalI cleavage site of the polylinker sequence of the plasmid pDH51 (Pietrzak et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 14 (1986) 5857). The promoter and terminator of the 35S transcript from cauliflower mosaic virus, which are recognized by the plant transcription apparatus, are located on this plasmid. The ligation of the resistance gene resulted in it being inserted downstream of the promoter and upstream of the terminator of the 35S transcript. The correct orientation of the gene was confirmed by restriction analyses.
The promoter of the ST-LS1 gene from Solanum tuberosum (Eckes et al., Mol. Gen. Genet. 205 (1986) 14) was likewise used for the expression of the optimized acetyltransferase gene in plants.
11. Insertion of the resistance gene having the regulation sequence into Agrobacterium tumefaciens
a) Cointegrate method
The entire transcription unit comprising promoter, optimized resistance gene and terminator (Example 10) was cut out with the restriction enzyme EcoRI and ligated in the EcoRI cleavage site of the intermediary E. coli vector pMPK110 (Peter Eckes, Thesis, Univ. Cologne, 1985, pages 91 et seq.). This intermediary vector was necessary for the transfer of the resistance gene with its regulation sequences into the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This so-called conjugation was carried out by the method described by Van Haute et al. (EMBO J. 2 (1983) 411). This entailed the gene with its regulation signals being integrated in the Ti plasmid by homologous recombination via the sequences of the standard vector pBR322 which are present in the pMPK110 vector and in the Ti plasmid pGV3850kanR (Jones et al., EMBO J. 4 (1985) 2411).
For this purpose, 50 .mu.l of fresh liquid cultures of each of the E. coli strains DH1 (host strain of the pMPK110 derivative) and GJ23 (Van Haute et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 14 (1986) 5857) were mixed on a dry YT-agar plate and incubated at C. for one hour. The bacteria were resuspended in 3 ml of 10 mM MgSO.sub.4 and plated out on antibiotic-agar plates (spectinomycin 50 .mu.g/ml: selection for pMPK110; tetracycline 10 .mu.g/ml: selection for R64drd11; kanamycin 50 .mu.g/ml: selective for PGJ28). The bacteria growing on the selective agar plates contained the three plasmids and were grown for the conjugation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens in YT liquid medium at C. The Agrobacteria were cultivated in LB medium at C. 50 .mu.l of each bacterium suspension were mixed on a dry YT-agar plate and incubated at C. for 12 to 16 hours. The bacteria were resuspended in 3 ml of 10 mM MgSO.sub.4 and plated out on antibiotic plates (erythromycin 0.05 g/l, chloramphenicol 0.025 g/l: selection for the Agrobacterium strain; streptomycin 0.03 g/l and spectinomycin 0.1 g/l: selection for integration of pMPK110 in the Ti plasmid). Only Agrobacteria in which the pMPK110 derivative has been integrated into the bacterial Ti plasmid by homologous recombination are able to grow on these selected plates.
Besides the gene for resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin, which is active in plants and was already present from the outset, the PTC-resistance gene was now also located on the Ti plasmid pGV3850kanR. Before these Agrobacterium clones were used for transformation, a Southern blot experiment was carried out to check whether the desired integration had taken place.
b) Binary vector method
The binary vector system described by Koncz et al. (Mol. Gen. Genet. 204 (1986) 383) was used. The vector pPCV701 described by Koncz et al. (PNAS 84 (1987) 131) was modified in the following way: the restriction enzymes BamHI and HindIII were used to delete from the vector a fragment on which are located, inter alia, the TR1 and TR2 promoters. The resulting plasmid was recircularized. Into the EcoRI cleavage site present on this vector was inserted a fragment from the vector pDH51 which is about 800 base-pairs in length and on which were located the promoter and terminator of the 35S transcript from cauliflower mosaic virus (Pietrzak et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 14 (1986) 5858). The resulting plasmid pPCV801 had a unique SalI cleavage site between the 35S promoter and terminator. The optimized PTC-resistance gene was inserted into this cleavage site. Its expression was now under the control of the 35S transcript regulation sequences.
This plasmid (pPCV801Ac) was transformed into the E. coli strain SM10 (Simon et al., Bio/Technology 1 (1983) 784). For the transfer of the plasmid pPCV801Ac into Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 50 .mu.l of both the SM10 culture and a C58 Agrobacterium culture (GV3101, Van Larebeke et al., Nature 252 (1974) 169) were mixed with the Ti plasmid pMP90RK (Koncz et al., loc. cit.) as helper plasmid on a dry YT-agar plate, and the mixture was incubated at C. for about 16 hours. The bacteria were then resuspended in 3 ml of 1 mM MgSO.sub.4 and plated out on antibiotic plates (rifampicin 0.1 g/l: selection for GV3101, kanamycin 0.025 g/l: selection for pMP90RK, carbenicillin 0.1 g/l: selection for pPCV801Ac). Only Agrobacteria which contained both plasmids (pMP90RK and pPCV801Ac) are able to grow on these plates. Before these Agrobacteria were used for the plant transformation, Southern blotting was carried out to check that the plasmid pPCV801Ac is present in its correct form in the Agrobacteria.
12. Transformation of Nicotiana tabacum by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
The optimized resistance gene was transferred into tobacco plants using the so-called leaf disk transformation method.
The Agrobacteria were cultured in 30 ml of LB medium containing the appropriate antibiotics at C., shaking continuously (about 5 days). The bacteria were then sedimented by centrifugation at 7000 rpm in a Christ centrifuge for 10 minutes, and were washed once with 20 ml of 10 mM MgSO.sub.4. After a further centrifugation, the bacteria were suspended in 20 ml of 10 mM MgSO.sub.4 and transferred into a Petri dish. Leaves of Wisconsin 38 tobacco plants growing on 2MS medium in sterile culture were used for the leaf disk infection. All the sterile cultures were maintained at to C. in a 16 hours light/8 hours dark rhythm under white light.
Tobacco leaves were cut off, and the leaf surfaces were lacerated with sandpaper. After the laceration, the leaves were cut into smaller pieces and dipped in the bacterium culture. The leaf pieces were then transferred to M+S medium and maintained under normal culture conditions for two days. After the 2-day infection with the bacteria, the leaf pieces were washed in liquid M+S medium and transferred to MSC10-agar plates. Transformed shoots were selected on the basis of the resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin which had also been transferred. The first shoots became visible 3 to 6 weeks later. Individual shoots were further cultivated on MSC15 medium in glass jars. In the weeks which followed, some of the shoots which had been cut off developed roots at the site of the cut.
It was also possible to select transformed plants directly on PTC-containing plant media. The presence and the expression of the PTC-resistance gene was demonstrated by DNA analysis (Southern blotting) and RNA analysis (Northern blotting) of the transformed plants.
13. Demonstration of the PTC-resistance of the transformed plants
To check the functioning of the resistance gene in transformed plants, leaf fragments from transformed and non-transformed plants were transferred to M+S nutrient media containing 1.times.10.sup.-4 M L-PTC. The fragments from non-transformed plants died, while the fragments from transformed plants were able to regenerate new shoots. Transformed shoots took root and grew without difficulty on M+S nutrient media containing 1.times.10.sup.-3 M L-PTC. Transformed plants were, from sterile conditions, potted in soil and sprayed with 2 kg/ha and 5 kg/ha PTC. Whereas non-transformed plants did not survive this herbicide treatment, transformed plants showed no damage brought about by the herbicide. The appearance and growth behavior of the sprayed transformed plants was at least as good as that of unsprayed control plants.
14. Acetyltransferase assay to demonstrate acetylation of PTC in transgenic PTC-resistant plants.
About 100 mg of leaf tissue from transgenic PTC-resistant tobacco plants or from non-transformed tobacco plants were homogenized in a buffer composed of: 50 mM tris-HCl, pH 7.5; 2 mM EDTA; 0.1 mg/ml leupeptin; 0.3 mg/ml bovine serum albumin; 0.3 mg/ml DTT; 0.15 mg/ml phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF).
After subsequent centrifugation, 20 .mu.l of the clear supernatant were incubated with 1 .mu.l of 10 mM radio-labelled D,L-PTC and 1 .mu.l of 100 mM acetyl-CoA at C. for 20 minutes. 25 .mu.l of 12% trichloroacetic acid were then added to the reaction mixture, followed by centrifugation. 7 .mu.l of the supernatant were transferred to a thin-layer chromatography plate and subjected to ascending development twice in a mixture of pyridine : n-butanol : acetic acid : water (50:75:15:60 parts by volume). PTC and acetyl-PTC were separated from one another in this way, and could be detected by autoradiography. Non-transformed plants exhibited no conversion of PTC into acetyl-PTC, whereas transgenic resistant plants were capable of this.
TABLE I DNA Sequence I IleTrpSerAspValLeuGlyAla GlyProValLeuProGlyAspAsp PhePheSerLeuGlyGlyT hrSerIle AspLeuGluArgArgProGlyGly ArgSerGlyAlaAlaArgGlyArg LeuLeuLeuProAr gArgHisLeuHis ArgSerGlyAlaThrSerTrpGly ProValArgCysCysProGlyThr ThrSerSer ProSerAlaAlaProPro AGATCTGGAGCGACGTCCTGGGGGCCGGTCCGGTGCTGCCCGGGGACGACTTCTTC GCGGCACCTCCA 75 TCTAGACCTCGCTGCAGGACCCCCGGCCAGGCCACGACGGGCCCCTGCTGAAGAAGAGGGAGCCGCCGTG GAGGT SerArgSerArgArgGlyProPro ArgAspProAlaAlaArgProArg SerArgArgGlyArgAr gCysArgTrp AspProAlaValAspGlnProGly ThrArgHisGlnGlyProValVal GluGluGlyGlu AlaAlaGlyGlyAsp IleGlnLeuSerThrArgProAla ProGlyThrSerGlyProSerSer LysLysGluArgProProValGluMet SerAlaLeuArgValValSerArg IleArgLysGluLeuGlyValPro LeuArgLeuAlaValIlePheG luThr LeuGlyValAlaGlyGlyLeuAla HisProGlnGlyThrArgArgAla ThrProAlaArgArgAs pLeuArgAsp SerArgArgCysGlyTrpSerArg AlaSerAlaArgAsnSerAlaCys HisSerGlySer ProOP SerSerArg TCTCGGCGTTGCGGGTGGTCTCGCGCATCCGCAAGGAACTCGGCGTGCCACTCCGGCTC CCGTGATCTTCGAGA 150 AGAGCCGCAACGCCCACCAGAGCGCGTAGGCGTT CCTTGAGCCGCACGGTGA GGCCGAGCGGCACTAGAAGCTCT ArgProThrAlaProProArgAla CysGlyCysProValArgArgAla ValGlyAlaArgArgSerArgArgSer ArgArgGlnProHisAspArgAla AspAlaLeuPheGluAlaH isTrp GluProGluGlyHisAspGluLeuArg GluAlaAsnArgThrThrGluArg MetArgLeuSerSe rProThrGly SerArgSerAlaThrIleLysSerVal ProSerLeuGluAlaValAlaGlu SerValLeuArgGluLeu LysGlyThrAM OC ArgGlyAlaArgHisPro AlaValProGlySerGlyGl yArg IleArgThrProArgThrGluGly AspValValLysArgCysProProPro ArgArgProTrpLys ArgTrpPro AsnProTyrSerAlaAsnOP ArgGlyArgSerLysGluValProAlaThr CGCCGTGGGTG GAAGCGGTGGCCGAATCCGTACTCCGCGAACTGAAGGGGACGTAGTAAAGAGGTGCCCGCCACC 225 GCGGCAGGGACCTTCGCCACCGGCTTAGGCATGAGGCGCTTGACTTCCCCTGCATCATTTCTCCACGGGCGGTG G AlaThrGlyProLeuProProArgIle ArgValGlyArgValSerProSer ThrThrPheLeuHisGly GlyGly ArgGlyGlnPheArgHisGlyPhe GlyTyrGluAlaPheGlnLeuPro ArgLeuLeuSerThrG lyAlaValArg GlyAspArgSerAlaThrAlaSer AspThrSerArgSerSerPhePro ValTyrTyrLe uProAlaArgTrpGly LeuSerGlnAsnThrGluGlyArg ProHisValSerProGluArgArg ProValGluIleArgProAlaThrAla AlaPheAlaGluHisArgArgLys ThrThrArgGluProArgTh rThr ProGlyArgAspProSerArgHisArg ArgPheArgArgThrProLysGlu AspHisThrOP AlaGlnAsnAspAlaArg SerArgSerValProProPro ##STR1## 300 GCGAAAGCGTCTTGTGGCTTCCTTCTGGTGTGCACTCGGGTCTTGCTGCGGGCCAGCTCTAGGCAGGG CGGTGGC AlaLysAlaSerCysArgLeuPhe ValValArgSerGlyLeuValVal GlyProArgSerGly AspArgTrpArg LysArgLeuValGlyPheSerSer TrpValHisAlaTrpPheSerAla ArgAspLeuA spThrGlyGlyGlyGly SerGluCysPheValSerProLeu GlyCysThrLeuGlySerArgArg GlyThrSerIleArgGlyAlaValAla AlaAspMetAlaAlaValCysAsp IleValAsnHisTyrIleGluThr SerThrValAsnPheArgThrG luPro ArgArgHisGlyGlyGlyLeuArg HisArgGlnSerLeuHisArgAsp GluHisGlyGlnLeuPr oTyrGlyAla ProProThrTrpArgArgSerAla ThrSerSerIleThrThrSerArg ArgAlaArgSer ThrSerValArgSer CCGCCGACATGGCGGCGGTCTGCGACATCGTCAATCACTACATCGAGACGAGCACGG TCAACTTCCGTACGGAGC 375 GGCGGCTGTACCGCCGCCAGACGCTGTAGCAGTTAGTGATGTAGCTCTGCTC TGCCAGTTGAAGGCATGCCTCG ArgArgCysProProProArgArgCysArgOP AspSerCysArgSerSe rCysProOP SerGlyTyrProAla GlyValHisArgArgAspAlaVal AspAspIleValValAspLeuA rg AlaArgAspValGluThrArgLeuArg AlaSerMetAlaAla ThrGlnSerMetThrLeuOP AM MetSerValLeuValThr LeuLysArgValSerGly GlnThrProGlnGluTrpIleAsp AspLeuGluArgLeuGlnAspArg TyrProTrpLeuValAlaGluV alGlu AlaAspSerAlaGlyValAspArg ArgProGlyAlaProProGlyPro LeuProLeuAlaArgAr gArgGlyGly ArgArgLeuArgArgSerGlySer ThrThrTrpSerAlaSerArgThr AlaThrProGly SerSerProArgTrp CGCAGACTCCGCAGGAGTGGATCGACGACCTGGAGCGCCTCCAGGACCGCTACCCCTG GCTCGTCGCCGAGGTGG 450 GCGTCTGAGGCGTCCTCACCTAGCTGCTGGACCTCGCGGAGGTCCTGGCGA TGGGGACCGAGCAGCGGCTCCACC AlaSerGluAlaProThrSerArg ArgGlyProAlaGlyGlyProGl y SerGlyArgAlaArgArgArgProPro LeuSerArgLeuLeuProAspVal ValGlnLeuAlaGluLeu ValAla ValGlyPRoGluAspGlyLeuHisLeu CysValGlyCysSerHisIle SerSerArgSerArgA rgTrpSerArgAM GlyGlnSerThrAlaSerThrSer GlyValValAlaGlyIleAlaTyr AlaGlyProTrpLysAlaArgAsn AlaTyrAspTrpThrValGluSerThr GlyArgArgArgArgHisAr gLeu ArgArgProLeuGluGlyProGln ArgLeuArgLeuAspArgArgValAsp ArgAlaSerSerPro AlaSerPro ThrProAlaProGlyArgProAla ThrProThrThrGlyProSerSerArg AGGGCGTCGTCG CCGGCATCGCCTACGCCGGCCCCTGGAAGGCCCGCAACGCCTACGACTGGACCGTCGAGTCGA 525 TCCCGCAGCAGCGGCCGTAGCGGATGCGGCCGGGGACCTTCCGGGCGTTGCGGATGCTGACCTGGCAGCTCAG CT ProArgArgArgArgCysArgArg ArgArgGlyArgSerProGlyCys ArgArgArgSerSerArgAr gThrSer AlaAspAspGlyAlaAspGlyVal GlyAlaGlyProLeuGlyAlaVal GlyValValProGly AspLeuArgArg ProThrThrAlaProMetAlaAM AlaProGlyGlnPheAlaArgLeuAlaAM SerGlnValThrSerAspVal ValTyrValSerHisArgHisGln ArgLeuGlyLeuGlySerThrLeu T yrThrHisLeuLeuLysSerMetGlu GlyValArgLeuProProAlaPro AlaAlaArgThrGlyLeuHis Pro LeuHisProProAlaGluValHisGly ArgCysThrSerProThrGlyThr SerGlySerAspTrpA laPro ProSerThrProThrCysOP SerProTrp CGGTGTACGTCTCCCACCGGCACCAGCGGCTCGGACTG GGCTCCACCCTCTACACCCACCTGCTGAAGTCCATGG 600 GCCACATGCAGAGGGTGGCCGTGGTCGCCGA GCCTGACCCGAGGTGGGAGATGTGGGTGGACGACTTCAGGTACC ProThrArgArgGlyGlyAlaGlyAla A laArgValProSerTrpGlyArg CysGlyGlyAlaSerThrTrpPro HisValAspGlyValProValLeu ProGluSerGlnAlaGlyGlyGlu ValGlyValGlnGlnLeuGlyHisLeu ThrTyrThrGluTrpArgC ysTrp ArgSerProSerProGluValArgAM ValTrpArgSerPheAspMetSer AlaGlnGlyPheLysSerValVal AlaValIleGlyLeuProAsnAsp ProSerValArgLeuHisGluA laLeu GlyProGlyLeuGlnGluArgGly ArgArgHisArgThrAlaGlnArg ProGluArgAlaProAl aArgGlyAla ArgProArgAlaSerArgAlaTrp SerProSerSerAspCysProThr ThrArgAlaCys AlaCysThrArgArg AGGCCCAGGGCTTCAAGAGCGTGGTCGCCGTCATCGGACTGCCCAACGACCCGAGCG TGCGCCTGCACGAGGCGC 675 TCCGGGTCCCGAAGTTCTCGCACCAGCGGCAGTAGCCTGACGGGT TGCTG GGCTCGCACGCGGACGTGCTCCGCG ProGlyProSerOP SerArgProArgArgOP ArgValAlaTrpAr gGlySerArg AlaGlyAlaArgProAla GlyLeuAlaGluLeuAlaHisAsp GlyAspAspSerGlnGly ValVal ArgAlaHisAlaGlnValLeuArgGlu AlaTrpProLysLeuLeuThrThr AlaThrMetProS erGlyLeuSer GlyLeuThrArgArgCysSerAlaSer GlyTyrThrAlaArgGlyThrLeu ArgAlaAlaGlyTyrLysHisGly GlyTrpHisAspValGlyPheTrpGln ArgIleHisArgAlaArgAs pAla AlaGlySerArgLeuGlnAlaArg GlyLeuAlaArgArgGlyValLeuAla SerAspThrProArg AlaGlyArg CysGlyGlnProAlaThrSerThr GlyAlaGlyThrThrTrpGlySerGly TCGGATACACCG CGCGCGGGACGCTGCGGGCAGCCGGCTACAAGCACGGGGGCTGGCACGACGTGGGGTTCTGGC 750 A AGCCTTGTGGCGCGCGCCCTGCGACGCCCGTCGGCCGATGTTCGTGCCCCCGACCGTGCTGCACCCCAAGACCG ArgIleCysArgAlaArgSerAla AlaProLeuArgSerCysAlaArg ProSerAlaArgArgProThrA rgAla SerValGlyArgAlaProArgGln ProCysGlyAlaValLeuValPro AlaProValValHisPr oGluProLeu ProTyrValAlaArgProVal SerArgAlaAlaProAM LeuCysProProGlnCys SerThrProAsnGlnCys ArgAspPheGluLeuProAlaProPro ArgProValArgProValThrGlnIle AlaArgLeuArgAlaA laGlyProAla ProProArgProAlaArgHisThrAsp SerAlaThrSerSerCysArgProArg ProAlaProSerGlyProSerHisArgSer AGCGCGACTTCGAGCTGCCGGCCCCGCCCCGCCCCGTCCGGCCC TCACACAGATCT 807 TCGCGCT GAAGCTCGACGGCCGGGGCGGGGCGGGGCAGGCCGGGCAGTGTGTCTA GA AlaArgSerArgAlaAlaProGly AlaGlyGlyArgGlyAlaArgOP ValSerArg AlaValGluLe uGlnArgGlyArgGly AlaGlyAspProGlyAspCysLeuAsp ArgSerLysSerSerGlyAlaGlyGly A rgGlyThrArgGlyThrValCysIle
TABLE III Amino acid and DNA sequence III ##STR16## ##STR17## ##STR18## ##STR19## ##STR20## ##STR21## ##STR22## ##STR23## ##STR24## ##STR25## ##STR26## ##STR27## ##STR28## ##STR29##
TABLE IV Amino acid and DNA sequence IV ##STR30## ##STR31## ##STR32## ##STR33## ##STR34## ##STR35## ##STR36##
  • 1. An isolated resistance gene coding for the protein of amino acid sequence III, which gene is adapted to codon usage in plants so that it is expressed in plant cells at a level sufficient to confer resistance to phosphinothricin in said plant cells.
  • 2. The resistance gene as claimed in claim 1, having DNA sequence III (nucleotide positions 9-554).
  • 3. A gene structure having DNA sequence III operatively linked to regulation and expression signals active in plants so that it is expressed in plant cells at a level sufficient to confer resistance to phosphinothricin in said plant cells.
  • 4. A vector containing a gene structure as claimed in claim 3.
  • 5. A plant or bacterial host cell containing a vector as claimed in claim 4.
  • 6. A plant cell containing a gene as claimed in claim 1.
  • 7. A plant cell containing a gene as claimed in claim 2.
  • 8. A plant cell containing a gene as claimed in claim 3.
  • 9. Plants and their propagules containing a gene as claimed in claim 1.
  • 10. Plants, their parts and seeds containing a gene as claimed in claim 2.
  • 11. Plants, and their propagules containing a gene as claimed in claim 3.
  • 12. A process for generating phosphinothricin resistant plant cells, plants, and their propagules which comprises transforming plant cells with the gene as claimed in claim 1, and regenerating the transformed plant cells to plants which produce propagules.
  • 13. A process for generating phosphinothricin resistant plant cells, plants, and their propagules which comprises transforming plant cells with the gene as claimed in claim 2, and regenerating the transformed plant cells to plants which produce propagules.
  • 14. A process for generating phosphinothricin resistant plant cells, plants and their propagules which comprises transforming plant cells with the gene structure as claimed in claim 3, and regenerating the transformed plant cells to plants which produce propagules.
Priority Claims (6)
Number Date Country Kind
3628747 Aug 1986 DEX
3637307 Nov 1986 DEX
3642829 Dec 1986 DEX
3700313 Jan 1987 DEX
3701624 Jan 1987 DEX
3737918 Nov 1987 DEX
Parent Case Info

This application is a continuation-in-part application, combining application Ser. No. 07/501,314, filed Mar. 26, 1990, now abandoned which is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 07/145,302, filed Jan. 19, 1988, now abandoned and application Ser. No. 07/605,131, filed Oct. 31, 1990, now abandoned, which is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 07/088,118 filed Aug. 21, 1987, now abandoned.

US Referenced Citations (2)
Number Name Date Kind
4769061 Camai Sep 1988
5077399 Brauer et al. Dec 1991
Foreign Referenced Citations (4)
Number Date Country
0173327 Mar 1986 EPX
0242246 Oct 1987 EPX
WO8602097 Apr 1986 WOX
WO8705629 Sep 1987 WOX
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Continuations (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 145302 Jan 1988
Parent 88118 Aug 1987
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 501314 Mar 1990