A user may select or create a PIN at a non-secure input device, such as a web-enabled personal computer. PINs are stored at a financial host in encrypted form, as PIN offsets. The user selected PIN and a corresponding account number are sent in clear text form to the host, which selects a base PIN offset corresponding to the PIN. A host security module within the host converts the base PIN offset to an actual PIN offset using the actual account number. The actual PIN offset (corresponding to the new PIN and the account number) is then stored at the financial host.


FIG. 1 is a flow diagram illustrating a typical process for the handling a PIN in a financial transaction (and generally illustrating the network over which the flow of data takes place in such a transaction).

FIG. 2 illustrates a financial host system that could be used with the process of FIG. 1.

FIG. 3 is a flow diagram illustrating a process used to create a PIN without the features of the present invention.

FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating a process for creating a PIN according to one embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 5 illustrates a network, including a financial host system of the type seen in FIG. 2, and the flow of data within the network, that could be used with the process of FIG. 4.

FIG. 6 illustrates two database tables (a Base PIN Offset Table and an Actual PIN Offset Table) in the database of the host system seen in FIG. 5.

FIG. 7 is a flow diagram illustrating the creation of base PIN offsets in the Base PIN Offset Table of FIG. 6.


There are various embodiments and configurations for implementing the present invention. However, before describing those embodiments, an explanation of basic PIN handling will first be described with reference to FIGS. 1, 2 and 3. Such a description will make it easier to understand various terms used in conjunction with later described embodiments of the invention.

An example of typical process for PIN handling in a financial transaction is shown in FIG. 1, which will be described in conjunction with FIG. 2. The transaction illustrated in FIG. 1 represents any one of a number of common card-based transactions, such as a sales transaction at a merchant POS terminal, where a customer swipes a financial card (such as a credit or debit card) and enters a PIN in order to authenticate the transaction (rather than, say, signing a paper receipt). FIG. 2 shows the basic hardware components at a financial host system 200. The system 200 may be located at and operated by a financial institution that maintains and stores PINs for user (customer) accounts.

Referring to FIG. 1, when a transaction is to be initiated, a user account number (also referred to as a primary account number or PAN) is entered or captured at a card reader 102 at step 104, and a PIN is entered or captured at a PIN pad device 106 at step 110. The card reader 102 may be a conventional magnetic stripe reader for capturing the account number from a user's card. The PIN pad device 106 may also be conventional, with a keypad for the user to enter his or her PIN (which has been previously assigned by the card issuer or previously selected by the user). At this point the PIN and the PAN may both exist in clear text form (characters representing the actual, human-readable digits). The PIN pad device takes both the PIN and the PAN and, using a private encryption key, encrypts both into a single string of characters known as a PIN block, step 112. A point of sale (POS) system or server 114 takes the PIN block (from the PIN pad 106) and the account number (PAN) from the card reader and transmits both over a transmission line 120 to the host system 200, step 116. Given that the PIN is encrypted, the transmission line need not be highly secure or encrypted itself. It could be a leased telephone line or similar transmission medium.

The host system 200 includes (as seen in FIG. 2) server 210, a database 212, and a host security module (HSM) 214. The database 212 stores, among other things, encrypted PINs (known as PIN offsets), with one stored PIN offset corresponding to each account number (PAN) for accounts maintained at the financial institution.

When the PIN block and the account number (PAN) are received at the host system 200, they are provided to the HSM 214, and are used (along with a private key at the HSM) to convert or decrypt the Pin block into a PIN offset (step 122). The PIN offset is another encrypted form of the PIN (as originally entered at the key pad 106). At the same time, the PAN is also provided to the server 210, which retrieves from the database the stored PIN offset corresponding to the PAN (step 124). At step 126, the HSM compares the PIN offset that it has previously extracted (at step 122) from the PIN block with the PIN offset that has been previously retrieved (at step 124) from the database. If there is a correct match, the transaction is accepted. If there is not a match, the transaction is declined.

There are, of course, many other possible methods for PIN data to be encrypted. However, for purposes of security, it would normally be preferred that the entered PIN be in an encrypted form (e.g., as a PIN block) before it is transmitted to the host system for validation, and the stored PIN also be in an encrypted form (e.g., as a PIN offset) at the database of the host system. The encrypted PIN block (for transmission) and the encrypted PIN offset (for storage at the host) both include the PIN as an element, but may use different private keys and encryption techniques, as dictated by industry standards and practices.

To further understand the nature of PIN encryption, the following illustrates one example (in a progression of character strings) a PIN block created at the PIN pad using a PIN and a PAN, starting with a clear text PIN and a clear text PAN that are each entered or captured from a user, where each of the clear text PIN and the clear text PAN are padded with certain additional digits, where the padded clear text PIN and padded clear text PAN are combined to create a clear text PIN block, and where the clear text PIN block is then encrypted to form the final PIN block (for transmission to the host system):

Example Chart 1—PIN Block created from a PIN and a PAN

Clear Text PIN

(entered at a PIN pad)

Clear Text PIN Padded (CTPINP)

(“04” is added at the beginning of

the string, and the string of characters

“FFFFFFFFF” is added at the end)

Clear Text PAN

(received at the PIN pad from a card reader)

Clear Text PAN Padded (CTPANP)

(at the PIN pad, the first three digits “543”

and the last single digit “1” are dropped from

the PAN, and “0000” is added at the beginning)

Clear Text PIN Block

(the CTPINP and CTPANP are combined at the

PIN pad using an exclusive OR logical


PIN Block

(the clear text PIN block is encrypted at the PIN

pad using a private key)

To further understand PIN encryption, the following illustrates (in a progression of character strings) the same PIN block and PAN received at the HSM, where the HSM decrypts the PIN block, and converts (re-encrypts) the decrypted PIN block into a PIN offset (which is ready to be compared to a PIN offset stored in the database):

Example Chart 2—PIN Offset from PIN Block and PAN

PIN Block

(the PIN block received at the HSM)


(the PAN received at the HSM)

Decrypted PIN Block

(the PIN block decrypted at the HSM

using a private key)

PIN Offset

(PIN Block converted to a PIN offset

(using another private key) for comparison

to the PIN offset stored in the database)

It should be appreciated from the forgoing that the PIN offset is not the same string of characters as the clear text PIN, since the HSM leaves the PIN offset in an encrypted form that would not be recognizable to a human reader, but if desired the PIN offset could be decrypted further by the HSM (using the private key) to yield the PIN if it should be needed.

Having described PIN handling in a typical card-based transaction, there will now be described with reference to FIG. 3 a common method used when the user selects or creates a new PIN. As seen in FIG. 3, the PAN is captured (step 304) at the card reader 102 and the new PIN is entered (step 310) at the PIN pad device 106. The PIN pad takes the PIN and PAN and encrypts them into a PIN block (step 312), and the PIN Block and the PAN are then transmitted (step 316) from the POS system 114 over the transmission line 120 to the host system 200. The HSM 214 (FIG. 2) converts the PIN block to a PIN offset (step 322) and the PIN offset is then stored in the database 212 of the host system (step 324). In the illustrated example, the PIN offset is stored in the database (in relation to the PAN), so that the PIN can be retrieved using the PAN.

As should be appreciated from FIG. 3 and the preceding discussion, common methods for creating a new PIN have required the new PIN be entered at PIN pad 106 (or a similar secure device) for proper encryption of the PIN into a PIN block that can be transmitted to and subsequently decrypted/converted at the HSM into a PIN offset. Unless the HSM 214 has been put into a non-secure state, a clear text PIN cannot be transmitted to and accepted by the host system 200 (and HSM 214).

One embodiment of the present invention will now be described with reference to FIGS. 4, 5 and 6.

Before referencing the details of those figures, it should be mentioned that one feature of the illustrated embodiment is the storage of base PIN offsets in the host system database. Base PIN offsets are temporary or interim PIN offsets, with one base PIN offset corresponding to each possible PIN that could be selected by the user. Thus, as an example, if four digit PINs are permitted, any one of ten thousand possible PINs (0000-9999) could be selected by the user, and thus ten thousand possible base PIN offsets would be stored in the database 212. As a further example, if six digit PINs are permitted, then any one of one million possible PINs (000000-999999) could be selected, and thus one million possible base PIN offsets would be stored in database 212.

The storage and use of base PIN offsets permit a clear text PIN to be transmitted to the host system. As will be explained in greater detail below, the base PIN offsets are created (and stored in the database) in advance, by encrypting each possible PIN (e.g., ten thousand possible PINS if four digit PINs are permitted) using a single base (universal) PAN. When a clear text PIN is received at the host system (along with the user's PAN), the corresponding base PIN offset is retrieved, and that base PIN offset is converted (at the HSM 214) into an actual PIN offset using the user's actual PAN. Thus, a clear text PIN ends up being converted into a PIN offset that can be securely stored in the database (corresponding to the newly selected PIN), without the HSM being manually operated in a non-secure mode.

Turning now to FIG. 4, there is illustrated a process 400 for selecting a new PIN for a specific user account or PAN, and storing a corresponding PIN offset for that PIN (and account) in the database 212, according to one embodiment of the invention. FIG. 4 will be described in conjunction with FIG. 5, which more specifically illustrates the network used with the process of FIG. 4, including a non-secure user device 406, the host system 500, and a transmission line or medium 420 (e.g, the Internet). The host system 500 can be seen to include the same elements as the earlier described host system 200 (i.e., server 210, database 212 and HSM 214), but is specifically programmed to carry out the novel features illustrated in FIG. 4.

The user first enters his or her account number (PAN) at the user device 406 (step 404). The user device 406 may be, in one example, a personal computer running a web-based application. In such an example, the user (when desiring to change a PIN) could use the device 406 to access the host system 500 from his home, and without having to visit an ATM, bank, retail store or other location where a secure device (e.g., PIN pad 106) is present. The user enters his/her PAN (step 404) and enters the new PIN (step 410). The clear text PIN and PAN are transmitted at step 412 over a transmission medium 420 (e.g., the Internet) to the host system 500. The server 210 uses the PIN to look up in database 212 the corresponding (and pre-calculated) base PIN offset for that PIN (step 422), and provides the base PIN offset and the PAN to the HSM 214. The HMS 214 uses the PAN to convert the base PIN offset to a real or actual PIN offset (step 424) that not only corresponds to the new PIN, but also the actual PAN of the user. The actual PIN offset is then stored in the database (step 426) so that it may be used thereafter to validate PINs entered by the user in subsequent card-based transactions.

FIG. 6 illustrates two tables in the database 212, a Base PIN Offset Table 610 and an Actual PIN Offset Table 612. The Table 610 stores base PIN offsets (a base PIN offset corresponding to each possible PIN) and Table 612 stores actual PIN offsets (the actual PIN offsets corresponding to each user account number or PAN). Thus, in Table 612 the PIN offsets represent (in encrypted form) original PINs assigned by a financial institution to users, or PINs that have subsequently been selected and substituted by users (replacing original PINs).

It is assumed in FIG. 6 that PINs are all four digits, and thus there are ten thousand possible base PIN offsets in Table 610, one corresponding to each of ten thousand possible PINS (0000-99999). As should be apparent, Table 612 could be a conventionally configured with a single PIN offset for each PAN, with the number of PANs depending on the number of accounts maintained by the financial institution.

FIG. 6 further illustrates the selection of a new PIN by a user and the creation of an actual PIN offset corresponding to the new PIN. Specifically, for the PIN “1234” (illustrated previously above in connection with Example Charts 1 and 2), a base PIN offset “7201” has been stored in Table 610. In the illustrated Table 610, each and every base PIN offset has been created (as will be described in greater detail below) using a single base or universal PAN. In the present embodiment, any predetermined base PAN could be used, as long as that same base PAN is used for creating all base PIN offsets. As a first step in converting the base PAN offset into an actual PIN offset, the HSM 214 takes the base PIN offset (“7201”) and, knowing that it has been created using the predetermined base PAN, then uses a private encryption key to extract the actual PIN (“1234”). The HSM then encrypts the actual PIN (“1234”) into an actual PIN offset corresponding to the actual PAN (“5432109876543210”) by using the same private encryption key. Thus the actual PIN offset is stored in the Table 612 corresponding to the actual PAN.

FIG. 7 illustrates the program steps in a process 700 executed by the server 210 and HSM 214 in order to create the base PIN offsets that are stored in database Table 610.

Initially, at step 710, the HSM is put into administrative mode, in order to enable the HSM to generate PIN offsets using a clear text PIN as an input. As mentioned earlier, and as illustrated in FIG. 7, the HSM 214 can be put into an administrative mode (non-secure mode) when two employees having authorization keys input those keys into the HSM. In the described embodiment this is done only once, i.e., when needed to create and store all possible base PIN offsets in the Table 612. Once the HSM is in the administrative mode, it creates the first base PIN offset, based on inputs of the base PAN and the initial PIN (“0000”) provided by the server 210, and the HSM encryption key. The encryption key may be already stored in the HSM or may be provided by the server 210 for purposes of creating the base PIN offset. It is the same key that is later used to convert base PIN offsets into actual PIN offsets (step 424, FIG. 4).

Once the first base PIN offset is created at the HSM, it is provided to the server 210 for storage in Table 610 of the database 212 (step 714). The first base PIN offset is stored to correspond with the initial PIN (“0000”) in Table 610 (FIG. 6). The server 210 increments the PIN (step 718), and the HSM creates the next base PIN offset, with inputs being the base PAN, the next (incremented) PIN, and the encryption key (step 720). The process repeats, with each subsequent base PIN offset stored in the Table 610 at step 714 (based on incrementing PINs from the server 210) until the last or final PIN is reached (step 730), at which time no further base PIN offsets remain and the administrative mode for the HSM is cancelled (step 732).

While a detailed description of presently preferred embodiments of the invention have been given above, various alternatives, modifications, and equivalents will be apparent to those skilled in the art without varying from the spirit of the invention. As an example, while base PIN offsets are illustrated as being created using a single base PAN, other methods would be available for creating the Table 612 (such as a predetermined base number or code rather than an actual account number), provided that the HSM is able to use an account number or other identifier corresponding to the account to convert the base PIN offset into an actual PIN offset. Further, while the description includes exemplary methods for creating PIN blocks and PIN offsets, many other methods are possible for encrypting and decrypting PINs. Also, while a four digit PIN is shown in FIG. 6 for purposes of illustrating the base PIN offsets in Table 610, PINs may be other lengths (e.g., any even or odd number of digits), could be variable in length, and could be alpha-numerical or in other forms (e.g., user bio-metric measurements). Therefore, the above description should not be taken as limiting the scope of the invention, which is defined by the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for establishing a PIN to be associated with an identifier and to be stored at a host, wherein the host includes a database that stores PINs in encrypted form, the method comprising: capturing the PIN from a user at an input device;transmitting the captured PIN from the input device to the host;selecting a base encrypted PIN at the host corresponding to the captured PIN, wherein the base encrypted PIN has been created using a base number rather than the identifier;using the identifier to convert the base encrypted PIN to a final encrypted PIN; andstoring the final encrypted PIN in the database of the host.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the captured PIN is an inputted clear text PIN.
  • 3. The method of claim 2, wherein the clear text PIN represents human recognizable characters.
  • 4. The method of claim 3, wherein the clear text PIN is a string of alphanumeric characters.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the captured PIN is based on user biometrics.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the encrypted PINs stored in the database are PIN offsets, wherein the base encrypted PIN is a base PIN offset, and wherein the final encrypted PIN is a final PIN offset.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the host further includes a security device that may operate in a mode for receiving PINs in encrypted form.
  • 8. The method of claim 7, wherein the security device is a host security module (HSM), wherein the mode for receiving PINs in encrypted form is a secure mode, and wherein the HSM accepts PINs only in encrypted form in the secure mode.
  • 9. The method of claim 8, wherein the HSM in the secure mode receives an encrypted PIN in the form of PIN block when a user conducts a transaction and enters a PIN, and wherein the HSM converts the PIN block into a PIN offset in order to compare the converted PIN offset to a PIN offset stored in the database.
  • 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the PIN block received at the HSM is transmitted to the host by a secure input device that converts a PIN entered by the user into a PIN block.
  • 11. The method of claim 10 wherein the secure input device is a PIN pad.
  • 12. The method of claim 10, wherein the identifier is an account identifier, wherein the account identifier is transmitted to the host with the PIN block, and wherein the HSM uses the account identifier and a private key to convert the PIN block into a PIN offset.
  • 13. The method of claim 1, wherein the identifier is an account identifier.
  • 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the PIN and account identifier are both associated with financial account.
  • 15. The method of claim 14, wherein the account identifier is a PAN.
  • 16. The method of claim 15, wherein the input device at which the PIN is captured is a non-secure input device that does not encrypt the PIN into a PIN block.
  • 17. The method of claim 16, wherein is a non-secure device is a personal computer that is connected to the host via the internet.
  • 18. A method for creating a user PIN to be stored at a financial host and to be associated with a account identifier, wherein the account identifier identifies an account of the user, wherein the financial host has a database for storing the PIN in encrypted form as a PIN offset and wherein the PIN offset is encrypted using a private key and the associated account identifier, the method comprising: inputting a selected PIN and an account identifier from a user at a non-secure input device connected to the host via the internet;transmitting the inputted PIN and account identifier in clear text form from the input device to the host;maintaining a plurality of base PIN offsets at the database of the host, each base PIN offset corresponding to one of each of the possible PINs selected by the user, and each base PIN offset created using a single base account identifier;selecting a base PIN offset from the database corresponding to the selected PIN inputted at the non-secure input device;using the account identifier inputted at the non-secure input device to convert the base PIN offset into an actual PIN offset corresponding to selected PIN and associated with the inputted account identifier; andstoring the actual PIN offset in the database of the host.
  • 19. A method for establishing a PIN to be associated with an account identifier of a user, wherein the host includes a database that stores PINs in encrypted form as PIN offsets, the method comprising: creating a plurality of base PIN offsets, wherein each base PIN offset corresponds to one of each possible PIN to be established, and wherein all base PIN offsets are created using a single base identifier; andselecting one base PIN offset corresponding to the PIN being established;using the account identifier to convert the selected base PIN offset into an actual PIN offset associated with the account identifier; andstoring the actual PIN offset in the database.
  • 20. A system for permitting a user to establish a PIN, wherein the PIN corresponds to an account identifier of the user, and wherein PINs are stored in encrypted form, the system comprising: an input device for capturing from a user a PIN to be established and an account identifier corresponding to that PIN;a host connected for receiving the PIN and the account identifier captured at the input device, the host comprising: a database;a server; anda security module;wherein the database includes: a first table for storing encrypted PINs, each encrypted PIN corresponding to an account identifier;a second table for storing base encrypted PINs, with each base encrypted PIN corresponding to one of each possible PIN to be established by a user, and with all base encrypted PINs created using a single base account identifier;wherein the server receives the PIN captured at the input device and selects a base encrypted PIN from the second table corresponding to the captured PIN;wherein the security module receives the selected base encrypted PIN from the second table and receives the account identifier captured at the input device;wherein the security module converts the selected encrypted base PIN into a final encrypted PIN using the captured account identifier; andwherein the final encrypted PIN is stored in the first table as an encrypted PIN corresponding to the captured account identifier.
  • 21. The system of claim 20, wherein the input device is a personal computer of the user that captures the PIN and account identifier in clear text form and provides the clear text PIN and account identifier to the host.
  • 22. The system of claim 21, wherein the security module is a hardware security module (HSM) having a secure mode and a non-secure mode, and wherein the PIN is established with the HSM in the secure mode.
  • 23. The system of claim 22, wherein the base encrypted PINs stored in the second table are encrypted using a private key, and wherein the HSM converts the selected base encrypted PIN into the final PIN using a private key.