Microprogramming-Another Look at Internal Computer Control--M. J. Flynn, IEEE Proc. vol. 63, No. 11, Nov. 1975, pp. 1554-1567. |
Microprogramming: A Tutorial and Survey of Recent Developments-Rauscher et al., IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. C--29, No. 1, Jan. 1980. |
The Microprogramming of Pipelined Processors--P. M. Kogge, 4th Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture, Mar. 1977, pp. 63-69. |
A Pipeline Architecture Oriented Towards Efficient Multitasking--F. Romani, Euromicro, Oct. 1976, vol. 2, No. 4, North Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam. |
Stack Computers, Bulman et al., Computer, 5/77, pp. 14-15. |
Stack Computers: An Introduction, Bulman et al., Computer, 5/77, pp. 18-28. |
Exploring a Stack Architecture, Blake et al., Computer 5/77, pp. 30-39. |
Semantic Structures for Efficient Code Generation in a Stack Machine, Couch et al., Computer, 5/77, pp. 42-48. |
Stack Machine Development: Australia, Great Britain and Europe, F. G. Duncan, Univ. of Bristol, Computer, 5/77, pp. 50-52. |