The present invention relates to opto-mechanical systems. Specifically, the present invention concerns an opto-mechanical device aimed at extracting mechanical energy from a photon source (i.e., a laser source). In particular, the present invention relates to a photonic motor that exploits the principles of opto-mechanics, and more particularly to a photonic motor according to the preamble of claim 1.
Since 1821, Sir Michael Faraday adopted the magnetic force, generated by a current-carrying wire, to isolate and move continuously a magnetic pole in a coil. That was the first demonstration of an electric motor. In this kind of device, the magnetic flux requires a continuous inversion to allow the rotation of the electrical motor.
Considering both micro and macro scale applications, so far current technologies in the domain of rotary motors are the following:
At present, the most challenging limitations for existing motors are a low deliverable power in the case of micro motors, or the substantial weight, size, and polluting emissions in the case of macro motors.
Radiation pressure generates optical forces inducing mechanical displacements in opto-mechanical systems. Cavity opto-mechanics principles are, however, the most efficient strategy to enhance the strength of the optical forces acting on the matter, obtained through improving the light-matter interaction occurring in resonant photonic systems. To date, the investigation of cavity-enhanced opto-mechanical systems is limited to linear displacement systems allowing unidirectional actuation.
US 2009/0116788 discloses controlling optical resonances between two spaced-apart, coupled strong-confinement photonic devices, wherein optical resonances are used to generate optically induced forces and achieve precise mechanical actuation in an opto-mechanical system made of the two coupled strong-confinement photonic devices. Axial approach or departure between two stacked photonic devices formed as ring resonators are disclosed.
The international patent application WO 2018/087789 by the same applicant describes a photonic motor adapted to efficiently convert optical power into mechanical torque.
Specifically, said application relates to a photonic motor comprising:
An exemplary photonic resonant motor M of the prior art is disclosed that comprises an arrangement of two sets of wave-guiding photonic resonators, optically coupled one to the other and having the same rotation axis, that rotates mutually due to the generated asymmetric optical forces that are induced by the resonance phenomena and shown in
The opto-mechanical system of the photonic resonant motor M comprises two parallel planes lying in close proximity: a rotor plane ΠR, which is free to rotate, and a stator plane ΠS, which is at rest, depicted in
The photonic motor M comprises:
The second optical waveguide arrangement is configured to move in the rotor plane with respect to said first optical waveguide arrangement according to at least a predefined direction of movement so as to form a moving part of motor M in the predetermined coordinate reference system x, y, z of the motor.
In the exemplary embodiment depicted in
For certain input wavelengths of excitation, the photonic resonant motor rotates by tracking the wavelength of an optical source, thanks to the opto-mechanical torque generated through the radiation pressure force deriving from the coupling of the stator resonators with the rotor ones. The asymmetric optical forces associated to the resonant symmetric and anti-symmetric modes exciting the rings create useful torque on the rotor. An embodiment of the photonic resonant motor is shown in
An example of implementation of a photonic resonant motor based on the interaction of optical resonators is described in the following.
The basic element (fundamental cell) of the photonic resonant motor includes two vertically stacked wave-guiding ring resonators, evanescently coupled each other. The vertical inter-ring distance is indicated q, the lateral stator ring-master ring distance is indicated d, while the lateral master ring - bus waveguide distance is indicated as g. By using the Finite Element Method (FEM), an association between the physical parameters q, d, and g and the fractions of the optical powers that regulate the spectral features of the photonic resonant motor may be found.
The whole optical resonant cavity is composed by a closed loop of N pairs of vertically stacked ring resonators (CVSRRs) of internal radius r, equally interspaced through a periodical circular distribution of period 2π/N rad. According to the disclosed exemplary embodiment N=4 and, thus, the four CVSRRs interact each other only through the closed loop consisting of a wider ring lying in the stator plane (i.e., coinciding with the plane where the bottom rings of the four CVSRRs are located) called ‘master ring’, whose radius RMR is chosen, together with q, in order to avoid the lateral cross-coupling between the master ring and the rotor rings.
The master ring is excited through one or two bus waveguides, WG1 and WG2, lying in the stator plane.
The photonic motor can be optically modeled by the transfer matrix method, the scattering matrix method and the coupled mode theory (CMT) as described in the following, by analyzing its basic element, consisting of two vertically stacked ring resonators, i.e. the top ring belonging to the rotor plane and the bottom one belonging to the stator plane, as depicted in
The optical feature of a single pair of VSRRs can be derived by Coupled Mode Theory (CMT) and, then, used to construct the transfer matrix associated to this pair (block).
By denoting with ζ the curvilinear coordinate along the two VSRRs, depending on axis x, y in the stator and rotor plane, the amplitudes of the optical signal propagating in the bottom and in the top rings are a1(ζ) and a2(ζ), respectively. The dependence of these two amplitudes on the curvilinear coordinate ζ can be modelled by CMT, which provides these two coupled differential equations:
where j is the imaginary unit, ω is the angular frequency (i.e., 2πc/λ with c the speed of the light in vacuum and λ the wavelength), nSym and nAsym are the effective indices associated to the symmetric and anti-symmetric modes, respectively, while ng is the group index of a standing alone (unperturbed) waveguide. nSym and nAsym can be evaluated by FEM by considering the electromagnetic distribution of the optical field in the cross section of two coupled waveguides, while ng results from the electromagnetic analysis of the cross section of the unperturbed standing alone waveguide. It is important to notice that nsym and nasym are functions of the distance ζ between the cross sections of the two coupled optical waveguides, that can be evaluated through considering the distance between the centers of the two VSRRs as shown in
This distance ζ depends on the vertical distance q between the two VSRRs and on the rotation angle θonce fixed the distance R between the rotation axis and the ring centers. In other words, with reference to the structure depicted in
By neglecting the propagation losses, the two general solutions a1(ζ) and a2(ζ), of the system described by Eqn. (1), are:
The two amplitudes a1(0) and a2(0) can be determined by imposing boundary conditions. The first boundary condition is:
a2(L)=a2(0) (3)
Eqn. (3) is a closure condition due to the circular shape and due to the condition that the upper ring is only coupled with the lower ring and not with the master ring. L is the average perimeter of each ring of the pair of VSRRs (i.e., L=2πr)
By supposing the presence of a single excitation source (i.e., En in
where Eil is the amplitude of the signal on the master ring before interacting with a pair of VSRRs, and Et is the amplitude of the signal in the master ring after the interaction with a pair of VSRRs (See
By imposing the two boundary conditions (Eqns. (3) and (5)) to the equation system in Eqns. (2), we obtain:
Once an order of resonance m is fixed, the resonance conditions (obtained by imposing the denominator of Eqn. (6) equal to zero) occur for ω≈ωm=, where ωm+ is the symmetric resonance frequency and ωm. is the anti-symmetric one. These resonances are combinations of the difference between Sym and nAsym and their expressions are given by:
where ωm is the resonance frequency (λm is the resonance wavelength) of a single ring resonator (on the stator plane) occurring when the distance between the two VSRRs is large enough to avoid the interaction between them.
ωm (λm) is given by:
The resonance condition corresponds to the condition for which ωL/c=2πm, with m corresponding to the resonance order. By combining Eqns. (4) and (6), we derive the optical field amplitude transmitted on the master ring through a pair of VSRRs as:
The model has been validated through three-dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain (3D-FDTD) method.
The optical wave-guiding structures, forming the ring resonators and the two bus waveguides of the photonic resonant motor, are preferably silicon wires (silicon refractive index nSi=3.45) characterized by a cross section of width W=500 nm and height H=300 nm. The rotor silicon ring resonators and the stator ones are anchored to two silicon dioxide disks (refractive index nSiO2=1.46), belonging to two different silicon substrates. The two different rotor and stator planes are bonded via a mechanical joint made of silicon dioxide (supposed to be a built-in pin on the rotor and a corresponding recessed seat on the stator) and surrounded by air (nair=1).
The wave-guiding components are preferably realized with silicon photonics technology, allowing extreme miniaturization of the integrated optics devices and, thus, an improvement of opto-mechanical effects due to the strong light-matter interaction that can be used as fundamental strategy for the best performance of the photonic resonant motor.
In the particular case of a pair of vertically stacked ring resonators, it is considered the eigenvalues grid, obtained by finding the resonance wavelengths that zero the denominator of Eqn. (9). In
By fixing q=q* (i.e., by fixing the distance associated to the vertical coupling in order to operate in a condition below to the ‘trapping’ condition, as disclosed in P. T. Rakich, M. A. Popović, M. Soljačić, and E. P. Ippen, “Trapping, corralling and spectral bonding of optical resonances through optically induced potentials,” Nat. Photonics 1(11), 658-665 (2007), corresponding to the crossing of two asymmetric resonances of two contiguous resonant orders) and by considering the rotor ring free to rotate by an angle θ with respect to the stator ring, the mode-splitting dynamics of the rotating structure can be evaluated through
Intuitively, with reference to the embodiment of the photonic motor in
At the angular conditions θ=(2p+1)π/N the rotor ring resonator is fully decoupled from the all stator ring resonators and no electromagnetic energy is exchanged between rotor and stator ring resonators. In the transmission spectrum, this condition is visible as the disappearing of the mode-splitting since the two resonance lines coincide with the resonance line of the standing alone stator ring resonator (λm±≈λm). Additionally, due to the continuity of the eigenvalues and to the rotatory symmetry, i.e. λm±(θ*)=λm±(−θ*), the mode-splitting dynamics is characterized by minima displaced at λm±≈λm for angles θ=(2p+1)π/N, and maxima displaced at:
for angles θ=2πp/N. In particular, the rotatory mode-splitting dynamics is ruled by:
The conditions expressed through Eqns. (10)-(12) are graphically represented in
Now, reverting back to considering the geometrical construction reported in
The physical parameters of the optical resonators, including geometrical features of the wave-guiding rings and their cross sections, converge into an equivalent concentrated point coinciding with the geometrical center of each ring resonator (placed at a distance R from the rotation axis). With this assumption, the opto-mechanical theory focuses on a lumped model enabling the study of the mutual forces acting along the moving line connecting those points (i.e., see PS and PR the stator and rotor equivalent points in
The mechanical behavior of the photonic resonant motor is ruled by opto-mechanical force Fζ, due to the cavity-enhanced radiation pressure, acting between PS and PR. Fζ can be derived by a quantum argument or classical argument, being that force generated between two weakly-coupled resonators, as disclosed by M. L. Povinelli, Steven G. Johnson, Marko Lončar, Mihai Ibanescu, Elizabeth J. Smythe, Federico Capasso, and J. D. Joannopoulos, “High-Q enhancement of attractive and repulsive optical forces between coupled whispering-gallery-mode resonators,” Opt. Express 13, 8286-8295 (2005). Its expression is given by:
where P is the optical power circulating in a single pair of VSRRs, and P is given by:
P=PiEN (18)
where Pi is the input source (e.g., laser) power and EN is the power enhancement factor (Eqn. 16):
and where Qm is the quality factor of a standing alone ring resonator, referred to the m-th resonance order, that can be evaluated for angular conditions θ=(2p+1)π/N (non-coupling condition).
The resonant electromagnetic energy Ur stored in a single stator ring is given by:
With the assumption of small rotation angles near the zero reference angle it can be considered the linearized distance Rθ (corresponding to the projection of the distance ζ on x-y plane, see
ζ=√{square root over (R2θ2+q*2)} (20)
By considering Eqn. (20) and Eqn. (21), Δλ(θ)=λm±(θ)−λm where d (Δλ(θ))=d (λm±(θ))≈d(λpm±(θ)), Eqn. (17) may be expressed as:
We conventionally define as negative the attractive forces, associated to the symmetric resonance line, and as positive the repulsive forces, associated to the anti-symmetric resonance line. Thus, Fζ may be expressed as Fζλ+ and Fζλ−, for the symmetric and the anti-symmetric resonance line, i.e., λpm+ and λpm−, respectively:
Due to the reduction to the lumped equivalent system, Fζλ+ and Fζλ− act along ζ (i.e., the moving line connecting the centers of the coupled stator and rotor rings). With reference to the angle γ (see
two particular projections of the overall force Fζλ+(−) are considered: the axial component, Fzλ+(−) and the tangential component Fθλ+(−), given by:
Fzλ+(−) is balanced by the reaction forces given by the external frame, while Fθλ+(−) causes the motion of the rotor.
With reference to the specific configuration of the photonic motor reported in
The torque C1(θ) exerted by a single pair of coupled rings and acting on the rotor is computed, by multiplying the value of the tangential force Fθλ+(−) by the distance R from the point PR to the rotation axis. As stated before, this assumption (implying perpendicular directions for Fθλ+(−) and R) is acceptable when considering small rotation angles near the zero reference angle:
In the presented configuration (N=4 CVSRRs, equally interspaced over 2π rad), N in-phase functions may be summed in order to obtain the overall torque C(θ):
C(θ)=N·C1(θ) [Nm] (28)
It is easy to notice that the overall torque linearly increases with increasing dynamic parameter Fθλ+(−) and topological/geometrical parameters N and R.
One of the techniques through control means that can be used to sustain the rotation in such a system and extract useful torque from the rotor is a synchronous timing: when working with the symmetrical resonance line (attractive forces), it is required to keep the (laser) source active only during the approaching phase and to turn it off when the rotor rings are in perfect stacking condition with the corresponding stator rings. After this phase, due to the inertia forces, the rotor will keep its motion until it reaches the next evanescent wave coupling condition, with a different stator ring.
An alternative to this technique through control means consists in working with the anti-symmetrical resonance line (repulsive forces), turning on the (laser) source only when the rotor rings are in perfect stacking condition with the corresponding stator rings and maintaining it switched on during the entire escaping phase, until the optical coupling between the facing rings drops down.
Another method consists in using a combination of the previous, ensuring a switch from attraction (during approaching phase) to repulsion (during escaping phase).
A more complex, but efficient, technique that can be applied to obtain full motion control is represented by a step-by-step architecture: considering, as an example, the symmetrical resonance line (attractive forces) a single stator ring, when active, attracts the nearest rotor ring, until it gets trapped in the local zero position (stacking condition). In order to obtain a second movement (step), a driver unit turns off the previous stator ring and activates the next one. The aforementioned rotor ring leaves its actual position because it gets attracted by a different stator ring, and pulls the whole rotor until it reaches the new settling position. This mechanism repeats (even along both directions of rotation) according to the actions imposed by the driver unit.
A photonic motor of the type described in the prior art disadvantageously has a high technological complexity due to the need to construct the rotor and stator on different substrates, with techniques that are not yet established in the field of micromachining on silicon. Further, it presents the difficulty of having to maintain a fixed stacking distance between the rotor and stator during the operation of the motor, since during the operation of the motor the out-of-plane mechanical oscillations may affect the stacking distance, making the performance of the motor uncontrollable.
The object of the present invention is to provide a planar photonic motor that exhibits a lower technological complexity of construction and operation.
According to the present invention this object is achieved by means of a photonic motor having the features of claim 1.
Particular embodiments are the subject of the dependent claims whose content is an integral part of the present description.
Specifically, the invention relates to a planar photonic motor, comprising a first arrangement of optical waveguides—comprising a plurality of first optical resonators—forming a static part of said motor or stator and a second arrangement of optical waveguides—comprising at least one second optical resonator—forming a movable part of said motor or rotor, which lie in a respective first and second region of space of a common plane, separated from each other by a predetermined lateral coupling distance, wherein the second arrangement of optical waveguides is configured to move in the second plane region with respect to the first arrangement of optical waveguides.
The lateral coupling distance is adapted to establish an evanescent wave coupling of the optical modes between at least one first optical resonator of the first optical waveguide arrangement and at least one second optical resonator of the second optical waveguide arrangement, in a proximity condition of the first and second optical resonators, whereby an attraction or repulsion condition of the second optical resonator toward, respectively from, the first optical resonator is created, which generates an approaching, respectively receding, motion of the second optical resonator toward, respectively from, the first optical resonator according to a predefined local direction of motion.
The invention further relates to a photonic motor assembly, including a plurality of elementary units each comprising a photonic motor as defined above, said elementary units being mechanically coupled on a plane or in a three-dimensional volume.
The present invention is based on a distribution gradient of the electromagnetic field generating optical forces inducing mechanical displacements in opto-mechanical systems.
According to an aspect of the invention, an opto-mechanical system, where optical forces are generated through preferably circular arrangements of resonators, lying on two coplanar regions of space in relative motion, preferably rotating, and behaves like a photonic resonant motor. A photonic resonant motor is a cavity-enhanced opto-mechanical rotating system conceived by means of coupled resonator dynamics and may be advantageously manufactured as a miniaturized system employing silicon photonics and silicon micro-machining techniques. Emerging semiconductor manufacturing technologies such as silicon photonics allow fabrication of opto-mechanical micro systems where the relative force strength is enhanced by the miniaturized dimensions. Consolidated manufacturing technologies by means of micromachining on silicon allow the construction of the assembly and support structure of the motor, and allow scale constructions of the structure.
An embodiment of the present invention includes a photonic resonant motor that utilizes photonic resonant structures to convert electromagnetic forces in order to generate useful mechanical energy. Such a photonic resonant motor can be actuated through an optically-induced force generated by tracking the wavelength of an optical signal (i.e., a laser source). Specifically, an arrangement of optically coupled optical resonators, rigidly connected to the same rotation axis according to an aspect of the invention, relatively revolves thanks to the generated asymmetric optical forces, induced by the resonance phenomena.
The photonic resonant motor is essentially a motor powered by a coherent radiation source (i.e., a laser beam) exciting a waveguides structure. It presents an input that allows the photons to enter into an electromagnetic waveguide that excites an arrangement of optical resonators distributed over two coplanar regions of space in relative motion (e.g., sliding planes, rotating systems, etc.). While the fundamental building blocks may be manufactured in different shapes, the disclosed exemplary embodiment adopts a circular shape for both the resonant elements and the moving regions of space, and one of the regions of space in relative motion is fixed while the other one is free to rotate.
According to an aspect of the invention, a photonic motor may include one or more electromagnetic resonators. Specifically, the photonic motor may include one or more arrangements of optical resonators, optically coupled through two coplanar regions of space in relative rotation. In this embodiment, the photonic motor should comprise at least two regions of space of a common plane in close proximity: a region of rotor space, free to rotate, and a region of stator space, in a fixed position. According to an aspect of the invention, the stator region of space comprises a certain number of optical closed paths, hereinafter named as ‘ring resonators,’ that may be preferably, but not exclusively, arranged in a circular geometry and excited through one or more internal or external electromagnetic resonators (master electromagnetic resonators), such as a master ring resonator surrounding them. The master ring resonator may be excited through one or more bus waveguides (excitation waveguides). The rotor region of space, similarly, contains a number of optical ring resonators, the amount of which is related to the number of ring resonators positioned in the stator region of space, preferably arranged as in the stator region of space. Rotor and stator coplanar regions of space are optically coupled through evanescent coupling. The asymmetric optical forces, associated to the asymmetric resonant modes, enable the generation of opto-mechanical torque. It is possible to trap the momentum of the photons through a multi-resonator cavity-enhanced system and extract a useful opto-mechanical torque.
The rotor and the stator regions of space may be built with two semiconductor wafers, manufactured by using conventional micro-manufacturing techniques widely adopted in the photonics and MEMS technology industry. The optimal mechanical conditions allowing the relative rotation between rotor and stator can be obtained by adopting specific micro-mechanical solutions already available in the current technology landscape.
For opportunely chosen wavelengths of excitation, the photonic resonant motor passively rotates or translates by tracking the wavelength of an optical source, under the torque generated through the evanescent coupling of the resonators in the coplanar regions of space of the rotor and the stator, thereby generating an optical-induced torque. The asymmetric optical forces associated with the resonant symmetric and anti-symmetric modes with which the resonators contained in the photonic motor are excited enable the generation and exploitation of an opto-mechanical torque that occur between the rotor and the stator.
In addition to the wide range of practical applications, some of which have already been mentioned above, the photonic resonant motor demonstrates how it is physically possible to trap the momentum of photons, through an optical cavity-enhanced system, for extracting an opto-mechanical torque from the light-matter interaction.
The fundamental building blocks of the photonic resonant motor consist of optical ring resonators, respectively belonging to a stator region of space and rotor region of space, mutually evanescently coupled, in which the lateral coupling distance between the coplanar regions of space of the stator and rotor, the lateral distance between the master ring and stator rings, and the lateral distance between the master ring and the bus waveguide (excitation waveguide) determine the optical power distribution in each ring, which consequently governs the spectral features of the photonic resonant motor. The ring resonators may or may not have congruent shapes and sizes, and their ring shape may be circular, elliptical, or according to any other closed curve. In a general embodiment, the photonic resonant motor includes a pair of rings, for example concentric, of N, M ring resonators, for example, but not exclusively, arranged uniformly in a circular periodic distribution of period 2π/N, respectively 2π/M. A different number of resonators between the stator region of space and the rotor region of space is useful in determining an imbalance of forces. In a preferred embodiment, the photonic resonant motor includes N pairs of ring resonators, for example, but not necessarily arranged uniformly in a circular periodic distribution of period 2x N. In a different embodiment, the photonic resonant motor includes two linear arrangements, for example, but not exclusively, of equal numbers of ring resonators and uniformly arranged in a periodic distribution.
Although two different optical modes (Quasi-TE and Quasi-TM) can be supported by the waveguides, only the fundamental mode (Quasi-TE) is selectively excited in a number of ways, for instance by adjusting the polarization of the laser source.
Advantageously, by adopting the prior art from micromachining on silicon and constructing the rotor and stator on the same substrate, a fully planar photonic motor structure is obtained, which allows the problem of motor control in the case of out-of-plane mechanical oscillations to be solved. This opto-mechanical actuator architecture is a viable opto-mechanical alternative to Optical MEMS electrostatic actuators for applications in consumer goods (e.g., head-up displays, projectors, TV-lasers, pico-projectors and auto-focus systems), automotive (e.g., LiDAR), biomedical (e.g., micro-endoscopes), space and telecommunications (e.g., optical switches), MEMS electrostatic sensor applications (including, but not limited to, gyroscopes and accelerometers), and MEMS actuators (including, but not limited to, microturbines and microvalves).
Further characteristics and advantages of the invention will be disclosed in more detail in the following description of preferred embodiments, given by way of non-limitative example, referring to the appended drawings, where:
With reference to
The opto-mechanical system of the photonic resonant motor M that is the subject of the present invention comprises two coplanar regions of space, i.e., defined in a common plane Π, lying in close proximity: a rotor region ΠR, free to rotate, and a fixed stator region IIs, depicted in
The photonic motor M comprises:
The second optical waveguide arrangement is configured to move in the rotor region of space with respect to the first optical waveguide arrangement according to at least a predefined direction of movement so as to form a movable part of the motor M in the predetermined coordinate reference system x, y, z of the motor.
In the exemplary embodiment of the invention depicted in
The entire resonant optical cavity is composed of a closed ring of N pairs of laterally coupled ring resonators (LCRR). The master ring is excited through one or two bus waveguides (excitation waveguides), WG1 and WG2, lying in the proximity of the stator region of space. The N pairs of LCRRs interact with each other only through the closed ring formed by a larger ring lying in the stator plane (coinciding with the plane where the outer rings are located. The lateral distance between the stator ring and the master ring MR is denoted with d, while the lateral distance between the master ring MR and the bus waveguide distance (excitation waveguide) WG1 and WG2 is denoted with g. By using the Finite Element Method (FEM), an association between the physical parameters q, d, and g and the fractions of the optical powers that regulate the spectral features of the photonic resonant motor may be found.
According to one variant, the rotor region of space is arranged concentrically outside the stator region of space.
In the exemplary embodiment of the invention depicted in
The basic element (elementary cell) of the photonic resonant motor according to an example embodiment of the invention is shown in
The photonic motor represented in the figures may be optically modeled by the transfer matrix method, the scattering matrix method, and the coupled mode theory (CMT). By using a lumped parameters model, the opto-mechanical force (radiation pressure), regulating the mechanical behavior of the photonic motor, is derived by the quantum theory.
The force F between two weakly-coupled resonators can be derived from the resonant wavelength shift (Δλ) resulting from a rotation θ about the axis perpendicular to the plane where the resonators are situated. The force F is given by:
where ζ is the distance between a ring on the stator and a rotor ring, corresponding to an angle of θ. Qm is the quality factor of a single rotor/stator ring (associated to the m-th order of resonance), while P is the optical power circulating in the resonators.
P is given by PiEN where Pi is the input laser power and EN is the power enhancement factor due to the presence of the master resonator, which allows the recirculation of the photons in the resonators.
The resonant electromagnetic energy stored in a ring resonator of the stator is PQλm/2πc (λm=2πr/neff, with r the stator/rotor ring radius and neff the effective refractive index of a stand-alone stator/rotor ring waveguide cross-section). Qm may be evaluated in a single ring resonator of the stator/rotor, without the perturbation related to the presence of the other rotor/stator ring and calculated at a rotation angle of θ=πp/N (p is an integer and N is the total number of resonator pairs, in the embodiment wherein the number of stator resonators is equal to the number of rotor resonators). The asymmetrical optical forces F associated with the symmetrical and asymmetrical resonant modes, by exciting the resonators of the photonic motor, allow for the generation of a movement of the rotor region of space with respect to the stator region of space and the exploitation of the generated movement by opto-mechanical means.
Naturally, without prejudice to the principle of the invention, the embodiments may vary with respect to that which has been described by way of non-limiting examples, without departing from the scope of protection as defined by the appended claims.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
102021000007118 | Mar 2021 | IT | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/IB22/52641 | 3/23/2022 | WO |