The present invention relates to the field of application of molecular biology techniques to generate plants resistant to phytopathogenic microorganisms residing in the vascular tissue of the plants through the expression of proteins with antimicrobial activity translationally fused to proteins capable of supracellular and systemic movement. In one of its embodiments, the invention relates to methods for controlling the bacteria causing the citrus yellowing or Huanglongbing (HLB) by constitutive expression and tissue-specific vascular antimicrobial proteins fused to proteins capable of simplasmic movement to distant tissues through the vascular tissue.
Huanglongbing (“yellow dragon” in Chinese) is a disease of citrus that has taken on great importance in Mexico. It is also known by the initials HLB and the English word Greening or Ex-Greening. The disease is very destructive, because it causes total losses in citrus production. HLB symptoms include but are not restricted to leaf yellowing, reduced production of fruits and practically, the absence of seeds (
The HLB disease was first reported in China in 1929, which spread rapidly and was detected in South Africa in 1947; it has also been a severe problem in Taiwan's citrus production since 1951. Thus, it has scattered mainly in citrus growing regions both tropical and subtropical, including Florida, USA, since 1998. In the case of Mexico, it has been reported in several producing regions of the country since 2009, from Sinaloa to Campeche. It is likely that the disease is already present in other citrus producing regions in Mexico, making its control a priority.
In Mexico, there are 23 citrus-producing states, in 13 of which the HLB bacterium and the insect vector transmitting the disease have already been detected. This phytosanitary problem is crucial since citrus is grown on 549,000 hectares with a production of seven million tons annually, valued at $10.206 billion Mexican pesos (SENASICA, 2011).
Among the citrus that are susceptible to HLB infection, the more severe symptoms occur in the Mexican lime, orange (Citrus sinensis), Mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata), and grapefruits (Citrus reticulata×Citrus paradisi), while less severe symptoms are present in limes (Citrus limon) and tangerines (Citrus paradisi), Citrus limonia, Citrus limettioides (McClean & Schwarz, cited in EPPO quarantine pest, 1990). However, worldwide the list of infected plants is greater, wherein the susceptible species are listed below (Halbert and Manjunath, 2004): Aeglopsis chevalieri Swingle, Atalantia missionis Oliver, Balsamocitrus dawei Stapf., Calodendrum capensis Thunb, Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don X Citroncirus webberi J. Ingram & H. E. Moore, Citrus amblycarpa Ochse, Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle, Citrus aurantium L., Citrus depressa Hayata, Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck, Citrus hassaku Hort. ex Tanaka, Citrus hystrix DC., Citrus ichangensis Swingle, Citrus jambhiri Lushington, Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka, Citrus kabuchi Hort. ex Tanaka, Citrus limon (L.) Burm., Citrus×limonia Osbeck, Citrus×nobilis Lour. “Ortanique”, Citrus maxima (pomelo/shaddock), Citrus×nobilis Lour., Citrus oto Hort. ex Tanaka, Citrus×paradisi Macfad., Citrus reticulata Blanco, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, Citrus sunki Hort. ex Tanaka, Citrus unshiu (Mack.) Marc, Clausena indica Oliver, Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels, Cuscuta australis R. Br. (Convolvulaceae, Cuscutaceae), Fortunella spp., Limonia acidissima L., Microcitrus australasica (F. J. Muell.) Swingle, Murraya koenigii (L.), Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack, Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf., Swinglea glutinosa (Blanco) Merr., Toddalia lanceolata Lam, and Triphasia trifolia (Burm. f.) P. Wilson.
Likewise, the non-hosts include Citrus indica Tanaka, Citrus limetta Risso, and Citrus macroptera Montrons (Gomez, 2008).
It has been recognized that the etiology of the disease is bacterial (Liberibacter); however, there are various related strains (table 1). It has been found that HLB is transmitted by insects of the psyllid group (Hemiptera), which includes other important vectors such as, for example, the white midge vectors and aphids. Similar to other vector-borne diseases, one of the strategies used for controlling this disease is precisely the control of the vectors associated with it. While the mechanisms by which psyllid transmit the disease are not precisely known, it is clear that these insects are capable of transmitting it very efficiently. Moreover, psyllids transmit pathogens similarly to aphids, so we can wait that the bacteria transmition details would be similar to other pathogens restricted to the phloem. They are also capable of transmitting the virus, which makes the control of these vectors even more necessary.
One of the vectors of the Candidatus Liberibacter spp bacteria causing HLB is Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae); this insect has an embryonic period ranging from 9.7 days at 15° C. to 3.5 days at 28° C.; the eggs are placed at the end of the tender shoots of the plant, on and between young folded leaves, appearing frequently in large numbers in the same twig; the oviposition is conditional on the presence of tender shoots, where the female puts up to 800 eggs throughout her life, the nymphs are sedentary and settle on the young twigs and petioles, forming colonies with a varying number of individuals. Nymphs excrete a waxy white substance through threads deposited on the leaves, while adults have little ability to hold long flights, but can be transported for long distances by air currents.
Liberibacter associated with HLBa
Citrus spp.;
Diaphorina citri
Catharantus roseus,
tabacum), tomato
esculentum; ) through
Liberibacter of non-rutaceae hostsb
Liberibacter cause
Citrus, Crotolaria
aBové et al., 1974; Garnier and Bové, 1983; Jagoueix et al., 1994, 1997; Garnier et al., 2000, Duan et al., 2008;
bGudmestad and Secor, 2007; Hansen et al., 2008; Lin et al., 2009;
cTeixeira et al., 2008; Wulffet et al., 2009;
dChen et al., 2009
The duration of the biological cycle of the insect (egg-adult) varies from 14.1 to 49.3 days at 28° C. and 15° C. respectively, wherein temperatures of 25° C. to 28° C. are the most suitable for its development as the psyllid does not develop at 33° C. and 10° C. temperatures. The insect has a population peak in late spring and early summer (coinciding with the budding period of citrus). The presence of the psyllid does not imply its infection with the bacteria, although in the case of Mexico, both elements are present.
It has been determined that HLB is caused by a group of bacteria that form a coherent clade, generally called Candidatus Liberibacter, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, Candidatus Liberibacter africanus, and Candidatus Liberibacter americanus. Mexico has reported that Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus is the bacteria transmitted by Diaphorina citri psyllid and is present in the Rutaceae family; however, there are reports of the presence of Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous whose host plants are the Solanaceae. Brazil and China have reported phytoplasma associated with HLB also restricted to the vascular system of infected plants.
To date it has not been possible to cultivate these bacterial groups, which has prevented further characterization of these pathogens. While the taxonomic relationship of Candidatus Liberibacter spp. with other groups is not fully clear, the DNA sequences available indicate that it is an alpha-proteobacteria. Available information suggests that it is related to rhizobacteria such as Bradyrhizobium, and more distant with Agrobacterium. These bacterial groups have a cell wall composed of peptidoglicane and thus, they could be susceptible to destroy enzymes such as lysozyme.
The Candidatus Liberibacter (CaL) bacteria are restricted to the phloem of their host; there are a great variety of plant pathogens, which also accumulate in the phloem, or that are restricted to the tissue, from viruses (such as geminivirus and luteovirus) to bacteria (e.g. principally phytoplasms). The case of fungi has been little studied, but it is possible that many endophytes colonize the phloem. The knowledge of the role of this tissue is essential for developing strategies for these pathogens.
Significantly, Gram-negative bacteria are susceptible to lysozyme in high hydrostatic pressure (for example, a buffer with 10 mM potassium phosphate (Marsschalk et al., 2001)), a condition found in the phloem of the plant. The symptoms of their infection are sometimes confused by nutritional deficiencies, but as the infection progresses the asymmetry of the chlorotic spots present in the disease differs from the symmetric spots on both sides of the central nervures, which are precisely produced by nutritional deficiency (
Particularly, the accumulation in the phloem of these pathogens appears to cause most of the observed symptoms. The ultrastructural analysis of infected tissue has shown that the free-flow of phloem is blocked by massive deposits of callose (beta 1-3 glucanase) in sieve plates. The plant organs, which are interconnected through blocked vascular bundles develop chlorosis; this will surely cause a lower growth-rate of the infected plants. Callose accumulation could be an uncontrolled response to the presence of these bacteria in the phloem, which also suggests a treatment against the disease (i.e., inducing the expression of glucanase in phloem, for example).
Movement of solutes in the phloem is owed to pressure difference between the source tissues and consumer tissues, which are interconnected, because in these solutes, especially sucrose or other sugars and amino acids are rapidly consumed, resulting in water entering the cells by osmosis, and subsequent dilution of the solute; there is also a greater accumulation of solute carbon fixation in the tissue source. The interconnection between both tissues allows the movement of solutes between these tissues. The phloem is also a conduit through which chemical signals are transported between distant organs involved in their communication, wherein said communication is necessary to coordinate the growth and development of vascular plants, both in response to a genetic program and external stimuli.
Transport in the phloem is altered in plants infected with Candidatus Liberibacter, particularly, simplasmic transport occurring through cytoplasmic channels or plasmodesmata. Candidatus Liberibacter infection causes an excessive accumulation of starch in the leaves; this is reminiscent of mutants in the function of simplasmic transport through the phloem, such as sxd in corn (Provencher et al., 1999). sxd mutant has a defect in the simplasmic mobilization of sugars, causing starch sugars to polymerize into starch producing the speckle-diffuse asymmetric symptom, such as found in HLB diseased citrus.
To understand HLB disease it is also important to describe the functions and structures of the conducting tissues of higher plants whose specialization has conferred on them evolutionary advantages, wherein this tissue is formed from the xylem (unidirectional conductor of water and minerals) and the phloem, which translocates photo assimilates, minerals, proteins, and nucleic acids, and consisting essentially of two cell types, the companion cell (CA) and the sieve element (EC), which can be a sieve tube (TC), both of which are interconnected by modified plasmodesmata. The vascular tissue in angiosperms differs from cambium cells, which undergo a longitudinal asymmetric division (Esau, 1953) to lose, when maturating, the nucleus and producing the sieve tube.
Plasmodesmata are channels that traverse the membrane and the cellular wall; they are not passive, but specialized and act as dampers to facilitate and regulate communication and transportation of water, nutrients, metabolites, and macromolecules between the plant cells; they contain a form of the endoplasmic reticulum captured, interconnecting all plant cells, except for the guard cells. Plasmodesmata appear to allow the movement of molecules up to 30 kD from both cell types; in contrast, the plasmodesmata interconnecting mesophyll cells have an exclusion limit of about 1 kD.
The mechanisms for transport of macromolecules through the plasmodesma are complex. The model described by Haywood et. al., 2004, considers the presence of structural and facilitating molecules of translocation, wherein a protein recognizing the systemic nature of the molecules forms a complex, which is recognized by a protein anchored to the beginning of the plasmodesma; there should be a wide variety of complexes to recognize families that are so diverse in their sequences, and capable of traversing that simplasmic barrier; chaperon-type molecules unfold proteins and initiate their translocation to the sieve tube. System control is exercised by the nucleus, which transcribes coding RNAs for proteins of supra cellular nature; molecules are folded after traversing the plasmodesma and are in turn recognized by other molecules that presumably will indicate them the target tissue. A great number of proteins have been discovered, which can scroll through plasmodesmata, increasing their exclusion limit, wherein some of these proteins have the ability to bind RNA nonspecifically, while in other cases, their role in the long-distance communication in the phenomenon of floral induction has been demonstrated; there are also background of the ability of RNA to traverse a heterograft and reach distant tissues such as vegetative and floral meristems as reported for squash by Ruiz Medrano and colleagues (1999).
Owed to the spatial restrictions of plasmodesma, there is a molecular exclusion limit as mentioned above, however the presence of proteins of higher molecular weight from 1 up to 250 kD and RNAs suggests that transport is highly selective and regulated by mechanisms not clearly known yet in the entrance of plasmodesma. The nature of the chemical signals involved is largely unknown, but various molecules have been found in the phloem, which could provide such signals; among them are phytohormones and other molecules of low molecular weight, lipids, proteins, and a high diversity of RNA species.
At present experimental approaches are being developed for treating HLB, including the application of pesticides to control the vector. However, their toxicity and residual activity limit their application, while the use of antibiotics attempting to achieve a systematical distribution within the phloem has the limitation that its application must necessarily be continuous, which implies a considerable investment for this strategy.
To control HLB the use of tetracycline has been reported, which interferes with protein synthesis in bacteria, or of penicillin, which inhibits the synthesis of peptidoglicane, a structural component of the bacterial cell wall. Although the result was a marked reduction in symptoms, the use of bacteriostatic tetracycline was discarded because of the phytotoxicity produced thereby; besides, the use of antibiotics in plants and animals for human consumption is not recommended.
Recently, the genome sequence of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and also of Candidatus Liberibacter ZC, a closely related bacterium which causes the disease known as Zebra chip in potatoes, has been obtained; both have high similarity to each other (Hartung et al., 2011; Lin et al., 2011). However, comparison of the sequences available of both pathogens suggests divergent rearrangements in their genomes; wherein the gain and loss of genetic material have contributed to genome differences. Anyhow, available information clearly indicates that Candidatus Liberibacter formed a compact clade with a “lifestyle” adapted to the phloem of plants, including e.g., a limited ability to synthesize certain amino acids and nucleic acids. Comparison with the genome of a rhizobacteria, Sinorhizobium melitoti shows that although both bacteria are clearly related Candidatus Liberibacter has a smaller genome with a much higher A/T content and a limited potential ability to repair DNA deduced from the absence of exonuclease domains on its DNA polymerase and the presence of a single gen for DNA ligase to 10 genes of S. meliloti (Hartung et al., 2011).
Studies indicate the susceptibility of C. Liberibacter ZC to beta-lactam antibiotics, showing that its cell wall is similar to that of other bacteria having peptidoglycan and therefore susceptible to lysozyme enzyme. Moreover, C. Liberibacter asiaticus clearly shows a typical cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, which also shows that the treatment with beta-lactam antibiotics is possible, a strategy that is being carried out experimentally in the University of Florida and the USDA to control this bacterium (Bové, 2006).
Another strategy that has been considered is to induce the expression of genes involved in systemic acquired resistance or pathogen response. However, from a commercial point of view this is not desirable since the plants will generally reduce productivity in stress situations. Parallel strategies have considered the silencing of key genes in the insect vector. RNA interference (RNAi) to control psyllids would be expressed in the plant by introducing it to the vector when feeding the plant, quenching essential genes in the insect and thereby causing a population decline.
Various strategies have been proposed for the control of bacteria that live in the simplasmic domain and specifically, of the causal agent of HLB. Several laboratories, mainly in the United States, have proposed different strategies to control the bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter. For example, the genetic transformation of citrus has been successfully performed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated techniques and biolistics. Table 2 describes the expression of different genes of agronomic interest, for example in citrus species.
Citrus sinensis x
C. paradisi
C. aurantifolia
C. reticulate
C. limonia
C. aurantium
P. trifoliata
Citrus FT (CiFT)
C. sinensis x
P. trifoliata
C. sinensis
To date, the use of antimicrobial peptides, the induction of the innate immune response, and the use of RNA interference against psyllids have been used with limited results.
Examples of antimicrobial peptides are the myeloid antimicrobial peptide, Beta-defensin-1, Polifemusine-1, Tachyplesin, protegrin-1, Magainin, indolicidin (of animal origin); Cecropins, Sarcotoxin IA, Pirrocoricine (insect originated), and Defensins of plant and animal origin. The expression of these molecules has been evaluated, but the results have not produced the desired control effects.
At present, there are numerous protocols for the genetic transformation of plants with disease control purposes.
For example, U.S. Pat. No. 6,455,759 refers to the production of multiple proteins in a transgenic plant, including the DNA construct that expresses two fusion proteins binded by a linker and that are cleaved by enzymes in the plant, both remaining free proteins.
The U.S. Pat. No. 7,196,057 refers to the production of fusion proteins for protecting plants from pathogen insects, wherein one part of these proteins is toxic to the insect and the other part thereof translocates toxin through the insect gut, mentioning only the possibility of obtaining transgenic plants expressing the vectors of these fusion proteins without showing evidence of their performance.
Patent application WO2009/064255 relates to the use of a signal anchor that localizes a fusion protein to the apoplast of vascular elements in plant, which may be useful for engineering secretory proteins to the cell wall and/or apoplast of plant cells and for producing secretory proteins in transgenic plant cells as bioreactors.
Patent application WO99/28484 relates to a method for improving resistance or tolerance in a plant and its descendants to a pathogen, consisting of expressing a fusion protein comprising a first domain with anti-pathogenic activity, a linker, and a second domain with anti-pathogenic activity; it also describes the expression constructs, the expression in E. coli, its introduction in Agrobacterium sp to mediate the transformation of plants and their performance against pathogenic nematodes.
Notwithstanding the above, it is essential to have methods and/or efficient control strategies to address plant diseases caused by microorganisms that invade the phloem via the simplasma, as before the present invention there were no effective control and/or combat procedures.
The present invention discloses efficient methods for the treatment of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms invading the phloem of plants. Specifically, the invention discloses the genetic modification of citrus explants transformed with Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the citrus CsPP16 gene, which is homologous to the CmPP16 gene tested in pumpkin (Xoconostle-Cazares et al., 1999). This CsPP16 gene was translationally fused to antimicrobial peptides selected from the group comprising human alpha-defensin, human lysozyme, indolisine, magainin, cecropin, sarcotoxin, lysozyme, and mixtures thereof. For this purpose, a hinge was used that allows CsPP16 proteins and antimicrobial peptides to bend independently. According to the present invention, the proteins used in the control of pathogenic bacteria in the phloem are fused to the amino terminus with the hinge and the supracellular movement protein CsPP16.
All the genetic constructs as described herein contain the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus CaMV 35S as promoter 1 and NOS sequence as the terminator sequence. Additionally, another set of constructs containing the phloem specific expression promoter 59880 of Arabidopsis thaliana (Ruiz-Medrano et al., 2011) driving the expression of the antimicrobial peptides mentioned above, thereby allowing the expression only in the vascular tissue, where the phytopathogenic bacteria is present. All constructs described herein contain the left and right borders of the T-DNA of Agrobacterium on each end, and lack selectable markers (
The second method of transformation with the constructs described above comprises promoting the generation of small genetically transformed areas of adult plants, whether healthy or diseased with the bacteria causing HLB. This consists exposing the vascular tissue of stems or branches located between consumer and producer tissues (photosynthetic). This is done by scrapping until observed green photosynthetic tissue, wherein a swab moistened with Agrobacterium solution pretreated with acetosyringone and diluted in buffer with plant-growth inducers (auxins and cytokinins) is placed. The treated plant or branch is placed in a bag to maintain the high humidity of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens parch up to three days, removing the dressing after the indicated treatment. Plants are exposed to two-day treatments up to a period of one month, obtaining in all cases the expression of the antimicrobials in the vascular tissues and accumulated in the consumer tissues, which are the sites of bacterial infection. According to the present invention, after the transformation of diseased plants, the next step is to monitor the presence of the bacteria causing HLB, which decreases owed to the treatments of expression of the antimicrobials applied alone or in combinations. The diseased plants that were treated by the invention recovered the photosynthesis, which indicates that the vascular tissues were no longer blocked, and the plants were able to flower and fill with fruit. Meanwhile, the plants treated with Defensin flowered as seen in
The results obtained in the transformation of 1.20 m diseased plants by the present invention and their evaluation up to 210 days show a substantial reduction of the symptoms of HLB and the recovery of normal physiological conditions of the plant (growth, production of shoots, increasing photosynthesis, flowering, and fruit filling) (
Moreover, genetic transformation of 1.20 m young trees with a sanitation control certificate, coming from the certified vivarium Emiliano Zapata and exposed to psyllids infected in field with Candidatus Liberibacter in Tecoman Colima, Mexico, under biosafety conditions (
Moreover, the second method that comprises the transformation of explants and their regeneration via tissue culture according to the present invention shows that the plants are able to regenerate and are vigorous. In these experiments, vigorous grafted plants were obtained by expressing the above antimicrobials, of which ten independent transformants were selected for further field-testing under bio safety conditions.
The present invention relates to efficient methods for the treatment of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms invading the phloem of plants, particularly to methods for the generation of transgenic plants, including citrus, resistant to bacterial infection by the clade of Candidatus Liberobacter (Ca.L.) that cause HLB disease; these bacteria are located in a restricted manner in the phloem; therefore, the protocols where antibiotics are used have been unsuccessful.
Until the present invention, the solution to this disease had not been addressed by genetic engineering methods whereby the generated plants will acquire a genetic construct, which is stably found and expressed.
It is considered that the most effective method for long-term management of diseases associated with Liberibacteria relies on the acquisition of resistance in the host plants, whereby the present invention is based on the acquisition of resistance in plants using genetic engineering. Therefore, the invention comprises a method of genetic transformation, which is adequate for citrus species and is directed to transfer a defense mechanism to eliminate or combat the infection caused by at least one pathogenic microorganism invading the phloem of the plants; for example, bacteria of the group comprising Candidatus Liberobacter, Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticus, Candidatus Liberobacter africanus, and/or Candidatus Liberobacter americanus, thereby controlling the diseases associated with these infections, such as HLB and Zebra chip (ZC). The success of the method of the present invention is based on using a mechanism used by plants to translocate molecules with antimicrobial activity via the vascular tissue.
The present invention is based, e.g., on the fact that the cell wall of Candidatus Liberibacter spp. is composed of peptidoglycan, so we assume that the bacteria are susceptible to be destroyed by enzymes such as lysozyme. Also, the present invention relates to a strategy for controlling the infection by using the need of Candidatus liberibacter spp. to settle in the phloem of the plant.
The method of the present invention comprises to achieving the expression of a chimeric gene encoding a fusion protein that has a double function: to act as a transporter inside the vascular tissue of the plant and to perform antimicrobial activity; e.g., to destroy the cell wall of pathogenic bacteria invading the phloem of the plants, for example Candidatus Liberibacter spp. During the development of the present invention, we conducted a transformation protocol with which it was possible to obtain a reasonable transformation efficiency and a successful and stable integration of the chimeric transgene proposed herein, as confirmed by the experimental data shown below, which also show that the protection against HLB infection by the method of the present invention has also been successfully owed to the transference, the expression, and the functionality of the transferred gene.
Our research team has characterized in detail a protein that binds RNA independent of its sequence; we have called it CmPP16, wherein this protein not only associates to different RNAs in vitro, but is also capable to transport them from one cell to another via the plasmodesmata (Xoconostle-Cazares et al., 1999). CmPP16 is therefore, functionally similar to the movement proteins of RNA viruses although, as it has already been implied, its role in healthy plants is unknown. This pioneering work demonstrated the presence of an endogenous system of the healthy plant to translocate proteins and nucleic acids, a system that is used by viruses to move systemically. Homologues of the protein CmPP16 have been found in different plant species, but their conservation is not as high. Our investigations also indicate that CmPP16 fused to larger proteins does not lose its ability to intercellular transport via plasmodesmata. An evidence of the movement ability of the protein CmPP16 are the results shown in
Regarding pathogens circulating through the phloem and rarely leave it during the infectious process, a limitation on the treatment of diseases caused by these pathogens is the inability of chemical agents (e.g., antibiotics) to reach the sieve elements harboring the pathogen. Based on this precedent, for the development of the present invention we have considered that the protein CsPP16 functions as vehicle to transport proteins into the sieve elements, which are normally not accessible. Therefore, we suggest that a protein with antimicrobial activity fused to CsPP16 could access the phloem and particularly the sieve element, wherein the peptide exerts its antimicrobial and/or antibacterial activity. For succeeding in the strategic approach of the present invention, it was necessary to design the expression vector of the fusion proteins CsPP16-peptide described herein and to perform a transformation strategy.
The present invention proposes the use of a gene encoding the protein CsPP16 fused with a protein with antimicrobial activity, for example with antibacterial activity; in this case, for example human lysozyme. The expression of such fusion protein is to be directed by a phloem-specific promoter, for example which we have previously characterized. Said promoter regulates the expression of a protein that is required to maintain the high conductivity of the phloem such as for example the actin-depolymerizing factor 3 (ADF3), although other factors achieving the same effect can be used in the present invention.
Based on the literature, we selected proteins with antimicrobial activity in other systems, selected those with antimicrobial activity in plants. It is worth noting that we used human lysozyme and human defensin to prevent the recombinants from generating immune problems in humans, since the citrus fruits are intended for human consumption.
According to the present invention, the antibiotic protein sequences were obtained from the GenBank database (NCBI), and the amino acid sequence was converted to a base sequence using the more common codons in citrus. The information required to change the usage of codons is in table 3.
To provide the essential elements to be able to carry out the invention, the list of commonly used codons for citrus available in the database is presented below.
Citrus idaeovirus [gbvrl]: 1
Citrus sinensis x Poncirus trifoliata [gbpln]: 3
Citrus tatter leaf virus [gbvrl]: 3
Citrus natsudaidai [gbpln]: 1
Citrus leaf blotch virus [gbvrl]: 3
Citrus leaf rugose virus [gbvrl]: 4
Citrus variegation virus [gbvrl]: 17
Citrus junos [gbpln]: 7
Citrus maxima [gbpln]: 8
Citrus sinensis x Citrus reticulata [gbpln]: 1
Citrus x paradisi [gbpln]: 28
Citrus aurantiifolia [gbpln]: 1
Citrus kinokuni [gbpln]: 1
Citrus latipes [gbpln]: 1
Citrus cv. Shiranuhi [gbpln]: 12
Citrus hystrix [gbpln]: 1
Citrus unshiu [gbpln]: 64
Microcitrus sp. citruspark01 [gbpln]: 1
Citrus hybrid cultivar [gbpln]: 1
Citrus jambhiri [gbpln]: 15
Citrus yellow mosaic virus [gbvrl]: 6
Citrus psorosis virus [gbvrl]: 9
Citrus limon [gbpln]: 11
Citrus cv. Sainumphung [gbpln]: 5
Citrus iyo [gbpln]: 2
Citrus sinensis [gbpln]: 116
Citrus reticulata [gbpln]: 3
Citrus macrophylla [gbpln]: 2
Citrus clementina [gbpln]: 4
Citrus sudden death-associated virus [gbvrl]: 4
Citrus ringspot virus [gbvrl]: 1
Citrus tristeza virus [gbvrl]: 476
Citrus clementina x Citrus reticulata [gbpln]: 4
For the design of the constructs used in the present invention, after obtaining the sequence of the synthetic genes, these were added with regulatory sequences, for example the promoter 35S of the cauliflower mosaic virus and NOS terminator. However, other regulatory sequences that work in the same way can be used for the purposes of the present invention.
Citrus sinensis x Citrus reticulata [gbpiln]: CD's (354 codons)
All the genetic constructs described herein contain as promoter 1 the d35S promoter of the cauliflower mosaic virus CaMV 355 and the NOS sequence as terminator sequence. Additionally, another set of constructs contains the phloem-specific expression promoter 59880 of Arabidopsis thaliana for conducting the expression of the antimicrobial peptides mentioned above, thereby allowing the expression only in vascular tissue where the phytopathogenic organism for example, is found. All constructs described herein contain in their ends the left and right borders of the T-DNA of Agrobacterium and lack selection markers.
The main objective of the present invention is to provide methods for obtaining genetically modified or transgenic plants expressing a fusion protein by which they acquire the resistance vs. microorganism's infections affecting the phloem of the plants and generating diseases, such as the bacteria causing HLB. One of the methods of the invention comprises following steps:
1) Conjugated to a strain of Agrobacterium a DNA expression vector of CsPP16 protein fused to an antibacterial molecule,
2) Inoculate a plant susceptible to infection by microbial agents that cause diseases, for example bacterial agents causing HLB or diseases caused by microorganisms affecting the phloem of the plants, with the said strain of Agrobacterium that possesses the expression vector.
3) Verify the acquisition of the vector and its expression, its stability in the transformed plants and its descendants, and verify the resistance acquired.
In one embodiment, the above method comprises in step 2) the inoculation of the previously infected plants with the antimicrobial agent causing the disease, with the vectors described herein.
According to the present invention, the expression vector construction is provided, which should possess basically the gene encoding CsPP16 linked to the gene coding for an antimicrobial protein with specificity for removing microorganisms affecting the phloem of the plants, for example bacteria located in the phloem of the plants, particularly bacteria such as Candidatus Liberibacter, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, Candidatus Liberibacter africanus, and/or Candidatus Liberibacter americanus, which cause HLB infection in citrus species. In the embodiments of the invention also are those expression vectors that facilitate the expression of a fusion protein selected from the group comprising CsPP16-peptide with antimicrobial activity, CsPP16-myeloid antimicrobial peptide, CsPP16-lysozyme, CsPP16-Beta-defensin-1, CsPP16-Polyphemusin-1, CsPP16-Tachyplesin, CsPP16-Protegrin-1, CsPP16-Magainin, CsPP16-Indolicidin, CsPP16-Cecropin, CsPP16-Sarcotoxin IA, CsPP16-Pyrrocorycin and CsPP16-Defensins, and a mixture thereof.
Another embodiment of the invention is the possibility of generating resistant to “Zebra chip” (ZC) condition that occurs in potatoes by Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum.
Still, other embodiments of the invention are the expression vectors constructions shown in
Also, and for purposes of the present invention, following expression units are also comprised:
In one of the embodiments of the invention, the short promoter 35S (SEQ. ID. No. 2) or large promoter (SEQ. ID. No. 7) of the cauliflower mosaic virus found in the expression units of the invention CsPP16-Lysozyme, CsPP16-Defensin, CsPP16-Magainin, CsPP16-Cecropin, CsPP16-Sarcotoxin, and CsPP16-Indolicidin mentioned above, can be replaced by the vascular promoter AT5G59880 (SEQ. ID. No. 13).
The expression units mentioned above were later synthesized by GenScript USA Inc., sequenced to verify that no mutations were inserted in the assembly process and cloned into the vector with resistance to beta-lactam antibiotic. The plasmids obtained were transformed by electroporation into the bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes, selecting the transforming bacteria with the antibiotic carbenicillin at final concentration of 100 μ/ml.
The first method of transformation with the constructs described above comprises, for example, the genetic transformation of citrus stems and shoots, which are regenerated in vitro to obtain a genetically modified seedling, which is grafted into a rootstock or pattern, such as sour orange, and volkameria or macrophylla varieties. The pattern may come from a seedling of 1 cm, from the germination of a seed of sour orange, or the pattern is a young citrus plant, to which the genetically modified bloom is laterally grafted for its growth.
The second method of transformation with the constructs described above comprises to promote the generation of small genetically modified areas of adult plants, healthy or diseased with the bacteria producing HLB. This involves exposing the vascular tissue of stems or branches located between consumer and producer tissues (photosynthetic). This is done by scraping till finding the green photosynthetic tissue and placing therein a swab moistened in buffer with a solution of Agrobacterium pretreated with acetosyringone and diluted in buffer with plant-growth inducers (auxins and cytokinins). The treated plant or branch is placed in a bag to maintain in high humidity the parchment with Agrobacterium tumefaciens up to three days, removing the dressing after the indicated treatment. Plants are exposed to treatments of two days up to a month, obtaining in all cases the expression of the antimicrobial in the vascular tissues and accumulated in consumer tissues, which are the sites of infection of the bacteria. According to the present invention, after the transformation of diseased plants, the presence of the organism causing the disease is monitored; for example, the bacteria causing HLB, which decrease owed to the treatments of antimicrobial expression applied alone or in combinations. Diseased plants that were treated by the invention recovered their photosynthesis, indicating that the vascular tissues were no longer blocked and the plants were able to blossom and conduct a proper filling of fruit. Meanwhile, the plants treated with Defensin flowered; the
The results in the transformation of diseased plants of 1.20 m high by the present invention and their evaluation up to 210 days, show a substantial decrease in the symptoms of HLB and the recovery of normal physiological conditions of the plant (growth, production of shoots, increasing photosynthesis, flowering, and fruit filling) (
Moreover, genetic transformation of 1.20 m young trees, with sanitation certificate and from the certified vivarium Emiliano Zapata, were exposed to psyllids infected in field with Candidatus Liberibacter in Tecoman, Colima, Mexico, under bio safety conditions (
Moreover, the second method comprising the transformation of explants and their regeneration via tissue culture according to the present invention shows that the plants are able to regenerate and are vigorous. In these experiments, vigorous grafted plants were obtained by expressing the aforementioned antimicrobials, of which ten independent transformants were selected for further field-testing under bio safety conditions.
Below, we describe as examples two constructs used that include the sequences fused, which were synthesized, and examples of the procedure to obtain genetically transformed plants resistant to HLB. We also include a description that uses examples to determining the performance of the constructs as vectors for the transfer of the designed fusion genes.
The following examples are included for the sole purpose of illustrating the invention, without implying limitations on its scope. Therefore, the procedures and materials may have detectable variants to a person skilled in the technical filled, which are within the scope and the spirit of the invention.
To obtain such expression units of the sequences indicated in table 4, they were synthesized and assembled in the order listed; they were sequenced to verify that no mutations were inserted in the assembly process and finally cloned into the vector of Genscript, containing carbenicillin antibiotic resistance.
The resulting recombinant plasmids were transformed into competent cells of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes. We used carbenicillin antibiotic, which is the synthetic version of ampicillin and is more stable. Plasmid DNA was extracted from the resistant bacteria, and the presence of the recombinant plasmid was verified on agarose gel.
To verify the presence of the gene of interest with antimicrobial activity inserted into the vector or on the plant thereby transformed, specific oligonucleotide primers were used for PCR amplification; for example, in the case of lysozyme, the forward oligonucleotide 3′-AGGTTTTTCGAAAGATGCGAACTTGCTAGAA-5″ (SEQ. ID. No. 14), and the reverse 3″-AAACACCGCAACCTTGAACATATTGTCTGC-5″ (SEQ. ID. No. 15); and in the case of defensin, the forward oligonucleotide 3′-ATGAGAGTTCTTTATCTTCTTTTCAGCTTC-5″ (SEQ. ID. No. 16) and the reverse 3″-ACTTCTTCTTGCAGCATCTTGTACCTGGAA-5″ (SEQ. ID. No. 17).
For obtaining such expression units, the promoter 35S of the cauliflower mosaic virus, the short version (SEQ. ID. No. 2) or the large version (SEQ. ID. No. 7), indicated in the expression units of table 4 were replaced by the vascular promoter AT5G59880 (SEQ. ID. No. 13). As in example 1, the resulting sequences were synthesized and assembled in the order listed, they were sequenced to verify that no mutations were inserted in the assembly process and finally cloned into the vector of Genscript company, containing carbenicillin antibiotic resistance.
As in example 1, the resulting recombinant plasmids were transformed into competent cells of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes. We used carbenicillin antibiotic, which is the synthetic version of ampicillin and is more stable. Plasmid DNA was extracted from the resistant bacteria, and the presence of the recombinant plasmid was verified on agarose gel.
aurantifolia orthologous in citrus or protein CsPP16
aurantifolia orthologous in citrus or protein CsPP16
aurantifolia orthologous in citrus or protein CsPP16
aurantifolia orthologous in citrus or protein CsPP16
aurantifolia orthologous in citrus or protein CsPP16
aurantifolia orthologous in citrus or protein CsPP16
To verify the presence of the gene of interest with antimicrobial activity inserted into the vector or on the plant thereby transformed, specific oligonucleotide primers were used for PCR amplification; for example, in the case of lysozyme, the forward oligonucleotide 3′-AGGTTTTTCGAAAGATGCGAACTTGCTAGAA-5″ (SEQ. ID. No. 14), and the reverse 3″-AAACACCGCAACCTTGAACATATTGTCTGC-5″ (SEQ. ID. No. 15); and in the case of defensin, the forward oligonucleotide 3′-ATGAGAGTTCTTTATCTTCTTTTCAGCTTC-5″ (SEQ. ID. No. 16), and the reverse 3″-ACTTCTTCTTGCAGCATCTTGTACCTGGAA-5″ (SEQ. ID. No. 17).
Agrobacterium was grown in LB medium at 30° C. under constant stirring to reach an O.D. of 0.4 (600 nm). Acetosyringone was added to the cells to a final concentration of 140 micromolar, incubating for two additional hours with the inducer. Bacteria were harvested by centrifugation and resuspended in transformation medium (
The method of inoculation of adult plants included removing the lignified bark with sandpaper, exposing the green photosynthetic tissue. A pre moisturized swab with the recombinant bacteria containing some of the expression vectors described in examples 1 and/or 2 was placed on the tissue, and resuspended in transformation medium. The swab was temporarily fixed around the photosynthetic tissue uncovered with plastic and the plant was covered with a plastic bag and maintained in high humidity for two days. After the incubation, the bag and the swab were removed. Plants continued to be watered to maintain adequate water content favoring the transfer of T-DNA to the treated area.
Materials of citrus created using patrons of volkamerian lime grafted into Mexican lime and/or Persian lime were used in the assays. The plants showed symptoms associated with HLB, and their bacterial load of Candidatus Liberibacter was confirmed by real-time PCR. The experimental design performed is shown in table 5.
The photosynthetic capacity of the plants was measured using IRGA system at constant radiation, taking ten measurements per plant.
The plants were inoculated by scraping the woody stem tissue with a scalpel, wherein a swab containing the bacterial solution was deposited on the exposed region. The swab was covered with plastic, and the whole plant was covered with a large plastic bag to maintain high humidity and favor the generation of transformed tissue (
The analysis of the plants was performed at 60 days after inoculation. We analyzed the effect of the expression of lysozyme, defensin, and the combination thereof, plus healthy controls, diseased controls, and a control that consisted of using the GUS reporter gene, an indicator of the gene transformation event.
The inoculation of the plants with these treatments implies the integration of the T-DNA containing the gene of interest in the exposed tissue. Generally, the avirulent Agrobacterium species produce a small tumor in the applied area, evidence of the transformation. The plants treated were analyzed for the presence of transformed tissue, finding small tumor areas as shown in
Ten measurements of each plant were taken, which were recorded and averaged with Excel software; wherein the μmol units CO2/cm2·s−1. The
At the same time, the number of new shoots in these plants and their size was quantified. As shown in
After 60 days of inoculation, the new shoots showed no further symptom associated to HLB, compared to the preexisting shoots, where despite the inoculation the symptoms characteristic of HLB remained. This was for us an indication that possibly owed to the excessive accumulation of callose in the phloem, the free movement of proteins is blocked through this element, preventing it from reaching those tissues. This is consistent with the photosynthesis analysis shown earlier, where heterotrophy in those tissues is evident. The new shoots to not presenting any visible symptom of the disease, led us to conclude that it is owed to the treatments with antimicrobials according to the invention;
The measurement of leaf areas was conducted before and after 60 days of treatment in the new shoots of each treatment, analyzing 10 leaves per each plant. The leaf areas of each plant were averaged and analyzed by the graph shown in
We obtained plant samples consisting of preexisting and new leaves. The plants were processed according to testing procedures established by the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria of SAGARPA, México.
Briefly, the midrib of the leaf was dissected and cut into small sections with the aid of a disposable razor. The tissue was weighed (100 mg) and processed in two ways, one for obtaining total DNA using a commercial purification kit, and the other for the treatment with Mono ethidium azide (MEA) and subsequent purification of DNA, to discriminate if the DNA used as template was present in live or dead bacteria.
The graph in
Stable expression of lysozyme in Mexican lime is accomplished by transforming lime explants and once regenerated; they are grafted into lime patterns, which allow obtaining mature transgenic plants expressing the protein of interest in a short time.
In vitro germination of Mexican lime seeds was conducted in assay tubes containing sterile germination medium as shown in
The plants thus obtained were then used to obtain explants, which were transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes containing the CsPP16-Lysozyme construct.
For the transformation of lime explants with A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes, these bacteria were first grown in LB medium at 30° C. under stirring to reach an O.D. of 0.4 (600 nm). The cells were added acetosyringone to a final concentration of 140 micromolar and incubated for two additional hours with the inducer. Bacteria were harvested by centrifugation and resuspended in transformation medium. The stems of the limes germinated in vitro were cut to an approximate length of 1 cm with a knife previously dipped in transformation medium under sterile conditions. The excess fluid of the cut explants was removed by using sterile absorbent paper. The explants were transferred to co-cultivation medium (CM), where they were incubated at room temperature for 1-2 days in the dark. After this time, the explants were re-transferred to regeneration medium (SRM) and incubated at room temperature in the dark for 4 weeks. Subsequently, the explants were incubated for another 4 to 6 weeks at room temperature under photoperiod (16 hours of light and 8 hours of dark) until complete regeneration. Explants were changed to fresh SRM every 4 weeks or incase of contamination.
For propagating the transformed explants in different patterns of Mexican lime, these were grafted into patterns of volkamerian lime, citrange troyer, or rough Schaub.
The grafts in the above patterns were making a cut in the form of “V” at 15 cm from the base of the pattern, and carefully placing within this cut the transformed explant in its entirety. The graft was secured with parafilm. The plant was watered with water only, and the graft was covered with a plastic bag to maintain high relative humidity and allow the regeneration. Sixty days after graft implantation, the lysozyme expression was analyzed by PCR endpoint and qRT-PCR using oligonucleotides such as those described in examples 1 and 2.
The composition of the culture media used for the transformation of Mexican lime was: LB medium (950 mL distilled water; 10 g tryptone; 5 g yeast extract; 10 g NaCl with pH 7 adjusted with NaOH 1N (this solution is adjusted to a final volume of 1 liter with deionized water and sterilized); medium for germinating lime seeds (1 liter of MS medium, wherein 30 g sucrose and 2 g rite gel are dissolved); MC co-culture medium (1 liter of MS medium, wherein 2 mg indole-3-acetic acid, 1 mg 2-isopentyl-adenine, 2 mg 1,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 8 g agar are dissolved; the pH at 5.2 is adjusted with NaOH 1N and sterilized); SRM regeneration medium (1 liter MS medium where 3 mg 6-benzylaminopurine and 10 g agar are dissolved; the pH at 5.2 is adjusted with NaOH 1N and sterilized; once the medium is warm, 250 mg/L of vancomicyn and 500 mg/L of cefotaxime antibiotics were added).
Genetic transformations of Persian lime and Mexican lime citrus were performed on rootstock patterns of C. volkameriana and C. macrophylla sour orange. In these assays, the antimicrobial rootstocks containing defensin, lysozyme, and a mixture thereof was transformed, each one of them translationally fused with the protein CsPP16, which is the protein of systemic protein of 16 KDa citrus. The transformation was performed by exposing the stem tissue to an abrasive, and the tissue was subsequently contacted with a solution of A. tumefaciens or A. rhizogenes, containing the genetic constructs described (
The plants were analyzed for the presence of the protein in grafts and of their agronomic characteristics such as plant height, photosynthesis, leaf area, and quantification of the bacteria.
Previously treated plants were monitored for one year, finding that new shoots and fruits were produced with a reduced quantity of the bacteria regarding the initial accounts. Old and new leaves were monitored; finding the highest concentration in the old leaves and not in the new shoots. It should be noted that the diffuse mottling symptom did not disappear from mature leaves. This fact is interpreted as an inability to mobilize leaf starch polymer generated by this mottling symptom.
Samples of leaves with symptoms, such as asymptomatic systemic leaves were collected, their DNA extracted, and the presence of CLa and COX endogenous gene was quantified by real-time PCR techniques. A variant of this method for detecting live bacteria in the tissue analyzed was to conduct the EMA PCR technique. Interestingly, it is shown that the live bacteria decreased around 70% and are confined to old tissues. In contrast, young tissues show very low values or below the detection limit of the technique.
These evidences allow us to assert that the use of genetically transformed patterns with proteins of supra cellular nature are sufficient to confer resistance to the bacteria causing HLB or others present in the vascular tissues of plants.
The fruits produced by infected plants treated with antimicrobials according to the present invention showed commercial grade and were used to conduct toxicity testing.
The fruits obtained from plants treated according to the present invention showed the characteristic symmetry of healthy fruits (
10 BALB-c mice per treatment were fed with normal diet and instead of simple water they were given lime water with 2% juice of the fruits from plants treated according to the present invention (RR09 Defensin and RR18 Lysozyme). The mice were weighed at the start of the experiment. After 30 days of the experiment, they were weighed again and a sample of peripheral blood was obtained by tail vein puncture.
As can be seen in
The blood collected from mice was analyzed by hematologic micro biometry. When comparing the values obtained from both the control group and the treatments, these were in the ranges proposed as normal values (table 6). As can be seen, the hematologic biometry of mice treated was similar to that of mice in the control group, obtaining values in the range reported as normal for BALB-c mice of 10-14 weeks. Note that at the end of the acute toxicity test 100% survival was obtained both in treated and in control animals.
Pollen and flowers of plants treated with antimicrobials according to the present invention were collected, for which total DNA was extracted from pollen and flowers collected from treated and control plants. The endogenous gene was amplified, not the encoding antimicrobial, demonstrating that the plants produce pollen and wildflowers. This experimental evidence shows that the transgene cannot be inadvertently dispersed to a potential receiver plant; similarly, the transgene will not be present in the fruit, which allows obtaining a non-genetically modified fruit and therefore, for example not subject to the law of Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO) bio safety governing current Mexican law.
a) Genetic Transformation of Persian Lime, Valencia Orange, Grapefruit, and Mandarine Grafted into Volkamerikana.
Aside from the tests in Mexican lime with thorns, we performed the induction of the expression of antimicrobials according to the present invention in Persian lime, Valencia orange, grapefruit, and mandarine, all of them grafted both into Citrus macrophylla and C. volkameriana (table 7). 100 plants for each variety were treated, of which 25 were treated with lysozyme 25 with defensin, and 25 with a mixture thereof. The remaining 25 were used as controls of the experiment and were inoculated with water.
One year old trees with 1.5 m average size and safety certificate from the Vivarium Francisco Villa in Tamaulipas, Mexico, were inoculated as described above for Mexican lime. The plants were in high humidity chamber for 3 days and then transplanted to micro tunnels prepared with an anti-aphid mesh.
The meshes were removed to allow the entry of psyllids infected with CLa, as the biocontainment area is located in a HLB endemic region in Tecoman, Colima, Mexico. The presence of psyllids infected was monitored and the possible infection of treatment and control plants in the referred cultivars. After 8 months of planting, no symptoms nor the positive detection of bacteria were observed when using molecular methods for the detection of CLa in treated plants, but not in the control plants, which were infected and showed symptoms associated with the presence of HLB.
In conjunction with the quantifications of the bacteria, their growth and photosynthetic capacity were monitored, wherein no significant differences were found between treatment and control plants. One year after treatments, bacteria levels are very low or below the detection limits of the technique used (real-time PCR with Taqman probes).
b) Genetic Transformation of Productive Mexican Lime Trees Grafted in Citrus volkameriana.
24 productive 3-year old trees were selected in the HLB endemic zone in Tecoman, Colima, Mexico, and the presence of the bacteria causing HLB was quantified on them, producing high titers in symptomatic leaf samples with diffused mottles. The plants were subjected to induction treatment of antimicrobial expression as described above, with a distribution shown in table 8.
The trees of three years after planting had a mean size of 3 m. The plants were biocontained in tunnels framed with aluminum and anti-aphid mesh. Two entrances to the property restricted access and greenhouses had locked doors.
The trees were marked by placing a ribbon with the color of the treatment (table 8) and an aluminum label with the tree number in their trunk.
As seen in
The appearance of the plants grown in micro tunnels after 12 months (Mexican lime) and 6 months treatment (Persian lime, orange, grapefruit, and mandarine) according to the present invention, showed growth, and the apparition of ramifications without HLB symptoms (
Measuring photosynthetic parameters showed that the plants treated according to the present invention have photosynthesis values similar to the vivarium plants grown in absence of the psyllid. Also, the treated plants produce flowers and fruit filling of commercial grade (
Moreover, the bacterial content at three months was estimated, showing that the bacteria are present both in mature leaves and new shoots. In contrast, although the bacterium is detected in mature leaves existing from the start of the treatment, new leaves have significantly reduced in number. Regarding photosynthesis, untreated control plants show lower photosynthesis in contrast to the three treatments tested (treatment 1: defensin, treatment 2: lysozyme and treatment 3: mixture of defensin with lysozyme) (
Regarding the Persian lime, mandarine, grapefruit, and orange trees, plants were evaluated for their agronomic parameters, finding no significant differences six months after being treated in relation to their leaf area. However, the CLa content is different in the control plants, which already show the presence of bacteria and symptoms characteristics of HLB (
Lime fruits derivate from trees treated with defensin, lysozyme, and a mixture thereof, in addition to limes of control trees, were collected. Juice was extracted using a juicer and summoned for determining bromatological parameters according to Mexican and FDA norms for juices. The results are shown in
Genetically modified lime plants expressing the antimicrobial defensin or lysozyme according to the present invention were processed for inclusion in paraffin and perform immunodetection tests. Semi-thin sections were performed, deparaffinized, and hydrated to subsequently incubate them with anti-human-beta-defensin antibodies. The first antibody generated in goat was immunodetected with goat anti-rabbit antibody coupled to alkaline phosphatase and developed with BCIP and NBT, which generate a blue-violet color, indicating the presence of the protein immunodetected. As shown in
Also and by end-point PCR, in the transformed plants according to the present invention we detected the genes encoding the antimicrobials above described (
Pollen from plants treated according to the present invention, which was photographed and measured to assess its substantial equivalence, were collected.
The average area of pollen was obtained, and there are no statistically significant differences among them (
As can be seen from the above, according to the present invention it is possible to obtain genetically modified plants expressing proteins with antimicrobial activity, such as the citrus tested, which have the ability to protect themselves from infection caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus; e.g., Mexican lime, Persian lime, orange, mandarine and grapefruit.
Also, the present invention allows obtaining rootstocks (patterns) of genetically modified citrus expressing antimicrobial proteins. The experimentally tested patterns are Citrus volkameriana and Citrus macrophylla, which are resistant to citrus tristeza virus. Genetically modified rootstocks can mobilize antimicrobials via the vascular tissue to the grafts of plants susceptible to the infection, such as Mexican lime, Persian lime, orange, mandarine and grapefruit, as demonstrated experimentally, and thus, providing protection to grafts. The rootstocks have the advantage of producing conventional fruits without the presence of genes encoding antimicrobials, and the fruits are not subject, for example, to the Mexican law of bio safety use of genetically modified organisms. This also implies a great safety in their consumption and production.
According to the present invention, for healthy plants produced in certified vivariums, the transient expression of antimicrobials is performed via inoculation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing in their T-DNA the expression units of antimicrobials. This inoculation can be performed on healthy plants as a preventive method. At the time of planting endemic areas, such as HLB, plants will not infect or will show very low levels of the bacteria, thus allowing the generation of conventional fruits, which will not be subject, for example, to the Mexican law of bio safety use of genetically modified organisms. Also, the product can be used in new plantings or replace diseased plants.
For productive trees diseased with HLB, the transient expression of antimicrobials is performed according to the present invention via the inoculation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the antimicrobial expression units in its T-DNA. This inoculation can be performed on healthy plants as a preventive method. At the time of planting endemic areas, such as HLB, plants will not infect or will show very low levels of the bacteria, thus allowing the generation of conventional fruits, which will not be subject, for example, to the Mexican law of bio safety use of genetically modified organisms. Also, the product can be used in new plantings or replace diseased plants.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
MX/A/2013/004623 | Apr 2013 | MX | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/IB2014/060965 | 4/24/2014 | WO | 00 |