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Ramaswami et al "Analysis of the Link Error Monitoring Algorithms in the Signaling System No. 7 Protocol" Infocom 1993 IEEE pp. 859-866. |
Lightwave Systems in Subscriber Loop. Single-mode fibers and coherent transmission have become the focal point of research in subscriber-access systems. M. Gawdun. |
Economic FO System for New Residential Services. Neale C. Hightower. Telephony Mar. 17, 1986. |
Economic ASnalyssi of Telecommunication Loop Architectures. Linda F. Garbanati, Member of Technical Staff, Bell Communications Research. |
Das BIGFON-Systemkonzept ASnforderungen and Aufgabenstellung. Wolfgang Schmidt. Nachrichtentechnische Berichte. Heft 1 Mai 1984. |
Fiber Optics Seminar. Jan. 18-20, 1988. SCTE--Society of Cable Television Engineers. |
AM Transmission to Fiber. Communications Engineering and Design Apr. 1988. |
Fiber Optics-Technology and Applications. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data. |
Broadband Networks. Chapter 11. pp. 216-223. |
The Broward Cable Area Network Fiber Model. Robert A. Luff, Group VP Technology, Jones Intercable Communications Engineering and Design Feb. 1989. |
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. UK & RI Section SP/COM Chapter. Programme and Abstracts for IEEE Workshop on Passive Optical Networks for the Local Loop. Heathrow Penta Hotel, London 8th-9th May 1990. Sponsors IEEE UK & RI Section and Optical Communications Committee of IEEE Communications Society in association with IEE. |
BOC Week. Executive briefings on the Bell operating companies/regional holding companies. vol. 7, No. 15. Apr. 16, 1990. |
Passive Optical Networks: The Low Cost Road to the Future. Keither Oakley. British Telecom, London, UK. Broadband '89 313-318. |
Advanced Optical Technologies for the future Local Network. A. M. Hill, J. R. Stern. British Telecom Research Laboratories, Ipswich, UK. E-FOC 89. 111-115. |
Digital CATV via Passive Optical Networks. D. W. Faulkner, D. M. Russ, British Telecom, Research Laboratories, Martiesham Heath, Ipswich, UK. EFOC/LAN 88. 127-130. |
Broadband Passive Optical Network Evolution. D. W. Faulkner. British Telecom Research Laboratories Ipswich, Suffolk, UK. Broadband '89. 202-204. |
Passive Optical Networks for the Subscriber Loop. Howard L. Lemberg. Bellcore. |
Low-cost Digital Passive Optical Networks. A. R. J. Cook, D. W. Faulkner, P. J. Smith, R. A. Lobbett. British Telecom Research Laboratories, Martlesham Heath, U.K. |
Big business drives U.K. local fiber. John Williamson, International Editor. Telephony/Aug. 28, 1989. |
British Fiber loop trial to delivery telephone service. Public Networks. Lightwave Jun. 1989. |
Special Report: Operational Support Systems. OSS: A Must for Fiber to the Curb. To become a deployable volume product, any FTTC system needs to be automated via an operational support system. Jul. 15, 1990/TE&M. |
Plans for the Bishops Stortford (UK) Fibre to the Home Trials. Lawrence Bickers, Tom Rowbotham & Cliff Hoppitt. British Telecom Research Laboratories. 203.1.1.-203.1.5. |
Star-structured optical local networks. J. R. Fox and E. J. Boswell. Fulcrum. |
Broadband systems on passive optical networks. D. W. Faulkner and D. I. Fordham. Fulcrum. |
Optically coupled remote multiplexers. M. G. Foxton and G. A. Pilling. Fulcrum. |
Design of passive optical networks. M. H. Reeve, S. Hornung, L. Bickers, P. Jenkins and S. Mallinson. Fulcrum. |
The Satnet Monitoring System. BBN Laboratories Incorporated. |
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 32, No. 4B, Sep. 1989, New York, US, pp. 201-203, "Data Switch Error Isolation and Reporting". |