
Politicsophy is a clever and comical board-game of politics that questions the ideologies of both left and right side of politics in the US with a satirical and historical lens. Blue or left, red or right, both are ideological and comical. The game is strongly satirical, but the historical perspective gives it balance. Notwithstanding, the White house challenges give players the opportunity to campaign for the presidency and make decisions like real events. How much does anyone know about congress and the judiciary system is often evident in the answers provided. Consequently, players will get a history lesson while at the same time ascribe to a friendly competition showing no one wants to lose no matter their ideological differences.

Politicsophy is an inventive concept in board-game format that makes politics a comical and learned experience. Politically, blue or left, red or right, both are ideological and comical. Historically, blue and red suggest different directions, Politicsophy uses that system as satire, a creative nuance with players travelling in opposite directions because of the president (Republican or Democrat) they choose at the start. Substantiating the idea that politics is indeed comical and clever in the way people get caught up in the inertia that separates the two sides.

There are two main advantages to Politicsophy. First, it creatively and strategically opens a conversation on the political underside, systemically from a historical perspective and ideologically from each side's points of view, authenticating the bottom line of the question as whether in the end it will be business, politics or heart. Second, there's a unique learning curve that teenagers as well as adults will appreciate. The learning curve is inherent in the game, but the gist, its essence, provides an engagement that's entertaining and eventful.


The field of art to which Politicsophy pertains is entertainment, more specifically, board-game genre. It was for the love of politics why Politicsophy was born. It seemed almost comical every election year as well as other events in between. There is hypocrisy so blatant, one wonders if we have been hypnotized and is in a dream state. It is entertainment captured on a board-game giving individuals a glimpse of the political machine at work.

The known problem is that many are indifferent to politics so a board-game of politics might seem unamusing and certainly insensitive to the uninitiated. Nevertheless, the creative and strategic way it was designed and developed will put players at ease, particularly the Politicsophy Rap blocks situated at the four corners of the board. Imagine singing or rapping the preamble of the constitution, many will undoubtedly learn and hence never forget that introduction.


In FIG. 1, the board-game distinctly demonstrate the red and blue sides of politics along with questions relating to each side, then an additional eight white blocks giving players the opportunity to be amusingly satirical.

  • 1. Politicsophy is a clever and comical board-game of politics, questioning the ideologies of the two major political parties in the United States through a historic and satirical lens, and comprising: ELEMENT 1nine pictured presidents marked with their quotes to choose from at start of game;ELEMENT 2depending on the choice of president at start, players go left (blue) or right (red) on the board;ELEMENT 3a question about republicans or democrats on every block (blue, red & white) that must be answered to gain points;ELEMENT 4an option to buy an answer from any player if one gets stumped;ELEMENT 5an option to participate in congress and judiciary playing card challenges;ELEMENT 6an option to participate in four challenges that leads to winning the presidency;ELEMENT 7a Politicsophy Rap which is an opportunity to recite/perform/dramatize sited speeches and slogans;ELEMENT 8eight white blocks on the board are satirical questions that can be politically incorrect/opinionated views;ELEMENT 9all players will be given $150 at start, allowing the opportunity to buy an answer, pay when someone lands on their start/finish block, pay for political favors, pay to support a candidate;ELEMENT 10the winner is deemed a Politicsophy Master;ELEMENT 11titled sets of playing cards, white house cards, congress cards judiciary cards;ELEMENT 12three ways to win the game, completing all white house challenges, finish a complete lap around the board and highest point achiever;ELEMENT 13players travelling in opposite directions on the board depending on the president they choose;ELEMENT 14thirty-two question-driven blocks around the board, plus eight additional uptake blocks for players interested in a white house campaign for president, congress or judiciary questions;ELEMENT 15every player must choose at start one of nine presidents, JFK, Bill Clinton, FDR, Nixon, George W. Bush, President Obama, President Carter, President Reagan, President Lincoln; andELEMENT 16a single dice is used to determine the number of spaces to travel.