M. J. Cartmell, "Developments in the Use of CFCs in Polyurethane Foams," DATE, European Isocyanate Producers Association (ISOPA), Avenue Louise, 250 Bte. 52, 1050 Brussells, Belgium, pp. 180-197. |
J. A. Creazzo & P. L. Bartlett, "The DuPont Program on Alternative Blowing Agents for Polyurethane Foams--Recent Developments," Polyurethanes 88, Proceedings of the SPI--31st Annual Technical/Marketing Conference, Oct. 18-21, 1988, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 58-68. |
K. T. Dishart & J. A. Creazzo, "The DuPont Program on Fluorocarbon Alternative Blowing Agents for Polyurethane Foams," Polyurethanes World Congress 1987-50 Years of Polyurethanes, Proceedings of the FSK/SPI, Sep. 29-Oct. 2, 1987, p. 57. |
E. E. Kennedy, C. Y. Lin & D. Bhattacharjee, "Evaluations of HCFC-123 and HCFC-141b as Potential Blowing Agents for Polyurethane/Polyisocyanurate Rigid Foam Laminate Insulation," Polyurethanes 88, Proceedings of the SPI--31st Annual Technical/Marketing Conference, Oct. 18-21, 1988, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 6-11. |
K. W. Dietrich & H. P. Doerge, "Performance of Alternative Chlorofluorocarbons in Rigid Urethane Appliance Foams," Polyurethanes 88, Proceedings of the SPI--31st Annual Technical/Marketing Conference, Oct. 18-21, 1988, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 17-23. |
L. B. Weisfeld, "Formulating Away from CFCs Part II: Alternates and Solutions," Plastics Compounding, May/Jun. 1988, pp. 40-43. |