US Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Com. (SBCCOM) Protection Assessment Test System (PATS) M41 Product Description of the WWW;; Feb. 15, 2000.* |
Cmdr. ERDEC, Attn: SCBRD-ENM-T, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5423; Instruction Manual for the Instl., Op., and Maint. of Tester, Leakage, Protective Mask, M14; 136-300-18H; Oct. 22, 1996.* |
Cmdr. ARRADCOM, Attn: DRSMC-QAO-T(A), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010; Instr. Man. for the Instl., Op., and Maint. of Indicator, Outlet Valve Leakage, M4A1 Modified; 136-300-284D; Apr. 2, 1986.* |
Cdmr. ARRADCOM, Attn: Product Assurance Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010; Instr. Man. for the Instl., Op., and Maint. of the Tester, Air Leak, Dry Bubble, Q204; 136-300-294; Sep. 1, 1982.* |
Cmdr. ARRADCOM, Attn: DRDAR-QAC-T, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010; Instr. Man. for the Instl., Op., and Maint. of Tester, Air Flow Resistance, Q179; 136-300-262D; Sep. 1, 1982.* |
Marine Corp Order 3960.5; MCO 3960.5/WF11B; Aug. 30, 1988.* |
“TDA-99” Brochure, Dec. 1986. |
“Instruction Manual for the Installation, Operation and Maintenance of the Field Mask Leakage Tester Model TDA-99.” |
“Instruction Manual for the Operation, Calibration, and Maintenance of Tester, Air leakage, Flow Type Model Q211” No date. |
“Instruction Manual for the Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Indicator, Outlet VAlve Leakage, TDA-124.” No date. |
“Instruction Manual for the Operation, Calibration, and Maintenance of Tester of the Field Mask Tester Model TDA-99 D”. |
“American National Standard—respirator fit test methods.” |
“Instruction Manual for the Operation, Calibration, and Maintenance of Multipurpose Tester, Protective Mask, Q227”. |
“Development of an Improved Protective Mask Leakage Tester—Final Report.” |
“Manual for the Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Improved Protective Mask Leakage Tester” Feb. 5, 1985. |
“Project 984 Contract DAAK11-83-C-0098 Production Test Equipment Design Proposal for Improved Protective Mask Leakage Tester.” Apr. 25, 1984. |