FIG. 1 is a front view of a portion of a display panel, showing a first embodiment of a computer icon; and,
FIG. 2 is a front view of a portion of a display panel, showing a second embodiment of the computer icon.
The broken line bordering the figure and illustrating the boundary of the display panel portion forms no part of the claimed design. The broken lines within the figure illustrate graphical environmental features that form no part of the claimed design. In some examples there is a horizontal band across the visible area of the display panel near the lower edge of the display portion, the upper and lower extent of the band corresponding to respective dashed lines in FIGS. 1 and 2. The rectangles of the design, the upper and lower extents of which are shown in solid lines, may be of different height to width aspect ratios, as indicated by the middle regions of each rectangle being shown only in dashed outline, and as evidenced in comparing the two illustrated embodiments.