The invention relates to a potting compound suitable for potting an electronic component, in particular a large-volume coil such as a gradient coil, consisting of a supporting matrix in which at least one filler made of polymer nanoparticles is distributed. At least one filler (11) that is used as a flame retardant is introduced into the supporting matrix (8).

The invention relates to a potting compound suitable for potting an electronic component, in particular a large-volume coil such as a gradient coil, consisting of a supporting matrix in which at least one filler made of polymer nanoparticles is distributed.

Large-volume gradient coils of a magnetic resonance device usually consist of three coil sections for generating magnetic field gradients in the three spatial directions (X, Y, Z), wherein it is known for the X- and Y-coils to be designed as so-called saddle coils and for the Z-coil to be implemented by means of a peripheral winding. The individual coils can be constructed as bundled individual conductors, but it is also possible for separating structures to be developed in an electrically conductive plate, preferably made from copper or aluminum, using a suitable process, and for the remaining material to form the coil winding. The coil windings produced according to the various processes are furthermore connected with an electrically insulating support plate and, in a formative step, are formed for example as a semi-cylindrical casing. The individual coil layers are mounted in succession on a cylindrical mandrel. Further components of the coil assembly are usually insulating and reinforcement layers, one or more cooling layers, e.g. consisting of plastic tubing through which a coolant such as e.g. water flows, and possibly so-called shim coils. Further layers forming the coil assembly are for example secondary windings, which serve to shield the magnetic field generated by the primary coils from the outside.

Furthermore, the complete coil assembly is encapsulated in a casting resin, for example based on epoxy resin, wherein it is important to ensure that all spaces between the conductors are impregnated without cavities or bubbles. The casting resin, which can equally be described as a potting compound, must in addition have a broad range of properties. These include, for example, a low viscosity during processing, so that all spaces between the conductors are completely impregnated, i.e. free from cavities or bubbles, and a high modulus of elasticity, in order to ensure a high overall rigidity and thus more accurate positioning of the individual windings. The casting resin should have good thermal conductivity, to ensure effective transfer of heat from the conductor structures to the cooling layer. The casting resin should likewise have a high heat resistance, which is reflected in a high glass transition temperature so that as constant a property profile as possible can be achieved in the operating temperature range. At the same time the casting resin should have a low coefficient of thermal expansion, if possible similar to that of the other materials used (copper conductors, insulation layers), in order to prevent mechanical stress and thereby a simplified crack formation, which may lead to cracks and peeling in the coil unit when heated both during operation and during the cooling from the curing temperature. In this context, a high crack resistance which is manifest in the form of a high critical stress intensity factor KIc combined with a high critical fracture energy GIc, should also be mentioned. Furthermore, a high partial discharge resistance, a low dielectric loss factor, flame retardance, as well as economic aspects, should also be mentioned.

Thermally curing epoxy-based casting resins are normally used as potting compound especially for large-volume coils. This potting compound typically contains approx. 65% filler by weight, for example in the form of quartz powder, aluminum oxide or wollastonite microparticles. The term microparticles, means that the particle size is measured in micrometers. EP 1 850 145 A2 discloses a potting compound or a magnetic coil cast with a potting compound, this potting compound containing microparticular fillers as well as inorganic nanoparticles. A potting compound with such a composition has very good crack resistance based on the combination of a very high critical stress intensity factor K−c with a very high critical fracture energy GIc. The fillers used therein effect some positive changes to the cured potting compound, for example with regard to its heat resistance, crack resistance, thermal conductivity and economic aspects. It would therefore be desirable to implement as high a filler content as possible. There are no specifications included with regard to flame retardance; it is not a flame-resistant, nanoparticular potting compound.

It is known that high filler content causes the flow behavior of the prepared potting compound to be considerably impaired. Furthermore, the type of filler has a significant impact on an actual increase in crack resistance. This is likewise worsened, for example, due to the aluminum oxide trihydrate Al(OH)3, abbreviated to ATH, which is frequently added for flame retardance reasons. An increase in the glass transition temperature of the base resin mixture that serves as the supporting matrix likewise causes a worsening of the crack resistance. Quite fundamentally, moreover, fillers tend toward sedimentation or filtration in particular on the glass fabric layers used for reinforcement. A specific potting resin composition is therefore always a compromise between the required properties.

With regard to flame retardance, the prior art does not appear to provide a satisfactory solution taking into account the aforementioned properties.

The invention is based on the problem of providing a potting compound with excellent mechanical and rheological properties, which additionally offers the possibility of flame retardance.

According to the invention this problem is solved by providing a potting compound of the type described at the start, which is characterized by the fact that at least one filler that serves as a flame retardant is introduced into the supporting matrix.

This inventive potting compound consists of a thermally curable supporting matrix that is known per se, for example made from an epoxy resin, and which, after curing has been carried out, thus always results in a molding with relatively good mechanical properties. The curing process of the supporting matrix may be accelerated or controlled by the addition of a suitable hardening agent for example in the form of special amines.

The supporting matrix is a dispersed system, which means that fillers are distributed in the supporting matrix. According to the invention, preferably homogeneously distributed or well dispersed polymer nanoparticles (“p-nano”), to be designated as first fillers, are contained in the supporting matrix.

The fillers positively influence the spectrum of properties of the potting compound with regard to the molding that results after hardening of the potting compound, particularly with regard to its mechanical properties. Thus the addition of polymer nanoparticles leads to a considerable improvement in the parameters that characterize crack resistance, i.e. the critical stress intensity factor KIc and the critical fracture energy GIc. The addition of polymer nanoparticles enables these parameters that characterize crack resistance to be significantly improved compared to potting compounds which are filled only with inorganic particles.

Moreover, the flow behavior—i.e. the rheological properties—is not adversely affected due to the low particle size of the polymer nanoparticles added. To this extent the inventive potting compound is extremely free-flowing.

In addition, nanoparticular fillers minimize filtration and sedimentation effects; they therefore penetrate into narrow crevices or into areas already filled with tissues, whereupon an increased filler concentration may occur in these areas, which is an improved property adaption being of great advantage in the highly complex multilayer coil assembly particularly with regard to the numerous boundary surfaces. In addition, a more homogeneous distribution of the fillers is favored within the supporting matrix, ensuring that the properties of the potting compound are likewise reproducible and thus have a consistent quality. The adhesion to wetted boundary surfaces is also improved by the use of polymer nanoparticles.

In contrast to the prior art the inventive potting compound also has outstanding flame retardance properties, since at least one filler that is used as a flame retardant, also designated as a secondary filler, is introduced into the supporting matrix. This applies despite the polymer nanoparticles contained in the supporting matrix, which—when viewed in isolation—lead to poorer flame resistance levels due to their large specific surface area. The inventive potting compound however has the fire classification standard or flame resistance level relating to the flammability of plastics, of UL 94 V or UL 94 V-0. The influence of flame retardants, which is know per se and which negatively affects the other properties such as for example the cracking behavior, is reduced or eliminated by combining them with the polymer nanoparticles. This may sometimes even lead to an improvement in properties. This is something that will be discussed later.

In summary, the inventive potting compound has a property profile in accordance with the requirements outlined above, in particular with regard to its mechanical properties, i.e. in particular its crack resistance even at a relatively high glass transition temperature, is extremely free-flowing and is virtually non-flammable, or self-extinguishing. The inventive potting compound is a hitherto unknown class of material in the field of virtually non-flammable, crack-resistant reaction resin systems or reaction resin molding materials.

These property improvements of the inventive potting compound or of a molding formed from it affect not only the system loads occurring in the operating temperature range of a gradient coil for example, but also allow the development of new product innovations, for example with regard to more compact designs, integrated functions or increased performance as well as new areas of application, thanks to the particular safety aspect in case of fire.

The filler used as a flame retardant preferably consists of particles of aluminum oxide trihydrate (Al(OH)3), magnesium dihydroxide (Mg(OH)2), antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) and/or of brominated and/or chlorinated compounds, halogenated and/or halogen-free organophosphorous compounds. These substances, which restrict, slow or inhibit the spread of fire, may be based on both physical modes of action, such as for example through evaporation of chemically bonded water, and on chemical modes of action, such as for example through the principle known by the term irtumescence, according to which the foaming of a flame retardant causes the formation of an insulating layer preventing the feeding of oxygen. Of course, particles and compounds serving as flame retardants other than the ones described here merely by way of example may also be used.

It is possible for at least one filler made from inorganic particles, in particular microparticles, to be distributed in the supporting matrix. Where present, these may be designated as a third filler, wherein it is possible for the polymer nanoparticles to replace a proportion of the inorganic particles, thereby—provided the quantity of filler remains the same compared to known potting compounds—resulting in a reduction in the viscosity of the inventive potting compound. In other words, the polymer nanoparticles may be added or substituted. If the original viscosity is sufficient, the inorganic particle content may be increased accordingly. This enables an increase in heat conductivity and a reduction in the coefficient of expansion to be achieved in the inventive potting compound. Because of the polymer nanoparticles contained in the inventive potting compound, even the addition of inorganic particles does not impair the flow behavior.

The inorganic particles preferably consist of silicon dioxide (SiO2) and/or aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and/or aluminum nitride (AlN) and/or calcium magnesium dicarbonate (CaMg(CO3)2) and/or titanium dioxide (TiO2) and/or boron nitride (BN) and/or iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) and/or iron (II, III) oxide (Fe3O4) and/or zinc oxide (ZnO) and/or silicon carbide (SiC) and/or synthetic ceramics and/or zeolites and/or chalk and/or talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) and/or wollastonite (CaSiO3) and/or purely carbon-based particles. Both pure substances and composites of the same are evidently possible. The use of other inorganic particles is of course also possible, since those listed above are merely by way of example.

The polymer nanoparticles may for example be formed from polybutadiene and/or polystyrene and/or polysilane and/or polysiloxane and/or elastomers and/or thermoplastics and/or hybrid materials, or may contain these. The latter is significant especially in the case of particles with a so-called core-shell construction, i.e. particles consisting of a core made from a first material and their surrounding shell from a second material. It is possible in turn to use polymer nanoparticles made from a single material as well as different polymer nanoparticles made from at least two different materials. The said list is likewise not exhaustive; all types of polymers, i.e. essentially organic nanoparticles, can generally be used.

The inorganic particles may be present at least in part as nanoparticles. The use of inorganic nanoparticles makes it possible to specifically adjust other parameters of the inventive potting compound. Consequently these may contain both polymers, i.e. organic nanoparticles, and inorganic nanoparticles at least in part, and therefore nanoparticular composites of organic and inorganic particles.

As mentioned, the polymer nanoparticles may be unmixed from one material, or core-shell particles. The same applies for the inorganic nanoparticles where present. Core-shell particles offer the possibility of combining various functionalities and specifically influencing the properties, e.g. through blending, thickness of the core and shell, and particle size. These materials, which are consequently also defined as hybrid particles, are normally manufactured by means of a process called heterocoagulation, in which the smaller particles are chemically or physically bonded to the surface of the larger ones. Core-shell particles synthesized in this way essentially have a core which has entirely different properties than the shell, resulting in a specific representation of functionalized materials.

In a development of the invention it is possible for the polymer nanoparticles and/or the inorganic particles to have a surface functionalization, particularly by means of silanization. A surface functionalization may be conducive to or may establish the compatibility of the different fillers contained in the supporting matrix. The same applies for the compatibility of the fillers with the supporting matrix. It is also possible that the functionalization of the dispersion, for example caused by sterically or electrostatically repellent effects, is beneficial. Silanization has proved successful for this purpose, though this is mentioned only by way of example.

The average diameter of the polymer nanoparticles and possibly of the inorganic nanoparticles is ≦1000 nm, in particular ≦100 nm. This essentially applies for each particle shape, i.e. for example spherical, filament-shaped or plate-like nanoparticles, wherein in the case of filament-shaped or plate-like nanoparticles it is of course not their diameter but their length that is ≦1000 nm, in particular ≦100 nm.

The content of polymer nanoparticles is preferably ≦20% by weight, ideally ≦10% by weight, the content of particles used as flame retardants is ≦80% by weight, ideally ≦30% by weight. Insofar as inorganic nanoparticles are also used, the total nanoparticle content should be ≦30% by weight, though preferably the total nanoparticle content should not exceed ≦10% by weight.

The invention additionally relates to an electronic component potted with the inventive potting compound, in particular a large-volume coil such as a gradient coil.

Further advantages, features and details of the invention are apparent from the exemplary embodiment described below and on the basis of the drawings. In these:

FIG. 1 shows a partial view of an inventive coil in cross-section;

FIG. 2 is a diagram showing the viscosity gradient over the shear rate of an inventive potting compound B and of a normal potting compound A containing microparticular fillers.

FIG. 1 shows a gradient coil 1, consisting of a multitude of individual coil windings 2 from coil conductors 3, which have by way of example an essentially rectangular cross-section. For illustrative purposes the coil conductors 3 are shown enlarged. The coil conductors 3 comprise a core 4 containing the conductive material and an insulating layer 5 surrounding it, for example in the form of a paint or thermoplastic layer, or a plastic filament mesh. The coil windings 2 are wound sufficiently tightly, and accordingly the spaces 6 shown here between the individual vertical and horizontal conductor layers are shown enlarged merely for reasons of clarity and do not correspond to an actual arrangement, i.e. the spaces 6 are normally much smaller. Moreover, such a gradient coil 1 usually has additional layers, such as, for example, a cooling layer made from coolant lines, which are not shown here, but are however likewise potted in an ideal case. The coil windings 2 are potted with a potting compound 7 or impregnated with it, so that the coil windings 2 are completely embedded in the potting compound 7.

The potting compound 7 consists of a supporting matrix 8, for example a modified epoxy resin based on bisphenol A. Other reaction resins with a similar property spectrum may of course also be used as the supporting matrix 8. Fillers made from inorganic microparticles 9 and fillers made from polymer nanoparticles 10 are distributed in the supporting matrix 8 homogeneously and with good dispersion. The inorganic microparticles 9, at least some of which may also be present in the form of nanoparticles, consist for example of silicon dioxide (SiO2) and/or aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and/or aluminum nitride (AlN) and/or calcium magnesium dicarbonate (CaMg(CO3)2) and/or titanium dioxide (TiO2) and/or boron nitride (BN) and/or iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3) and/or iron (II, III) oxide (Fe3O4) and/or zinc oxide (ZnO) and/or silicon carbide (SiC) and/or synthetic ceramics and/or zeolites and/or chalk and/or talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) and/or wollastonite (CaSiO3) and/or purely carbon-based particles, with any combinations of the aforementioned being possible.

The polymer nanoparticles 10 consist for example of polybutadiene and/or polystyrene and/or polysilane and/or polysiloxane and/or elastomers and/or thermoplastics and/or hybrid materials, or contain these. The latter is particularly the case if the polymer nanoparticles 10 are so-called core-shell particles, i.e. particles which have a core made from a first material and a shell surrounding it made from a second material. In the case of inorganic nanoparticles present in the supporting matrix 8, these are likewise formed at least in part as core-shell particles.

A proportion of the particles contained in the supporting matrix 8, i.e. the inorganic microparticles and/or nanoparticles 9 and the polymer nanoparticles 10, may, for example, be provided with surface silanization, which is among other things conducive to good dispersion of the particles in the supporting matrix 8, whilst preventing the development of agglomerates. The average particle size of the polymers introduced into the supporting matrix 8, and possibly of inorganic nanoparticles, is between 0.5 nm and 1000 nm, though preferably below 100 nm. Nanoparticles of different sizes may of course be contained in the supporting matrix 8. The morphology of the nanoparticles is largely arbitrary, i.e. different shapes are possible such as for example spherical, elongated, etc. The maximum concentration of blended nanoparticles advantageously should not exceed 20% by weight, and a concentration of below 10% by weight is particularly preferred.

The supporting matrix 8 further contains flame retardant filler particles 11, which are formed for example from aluminum oxide trihydrate (Al(OH3)), magnesium dihydroxide (Mg(OH)2), antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) and/or from brominated and/or chlorinated compounds, halogenated and/or halogen-free organophosphorous compounds. Consequently the potting compound 7 has low flammability and has a flame resistance level according to UL 94 V-0.

The potting compound 7 has an improved property profile compared to the prior art; in particular the crack resistance at a practically unchanged glass transition temperature and adhesion to wetted boundary surfaces are significantly improved. The known, negative influence of flame retardants for example on mechanical properties such as for example the cracking behavior, is reduced or eliminated by the use of core-shell nanoparticles. The potting compound 7 is essentially characterized as being a fire-resistant or low flammability, crack-resistant and extremely free-flowing reaction resin system. This significant improvement in properties is essentially due to the use of polymer nanoparticles 10, which also does not imply any disadvantage from an economic perspective, since the polymer nanoparticles 10 are used only in comparatively low concentrations and therefore lead to only a moderate increase in price of the potting compound 7. The improvement in flow behavior by the use of polymer nanoparticles 10 also offers the possibility of increasing the overall filler content of the supporting matrix 8 and thus optimizing its property profile while reducing overall costs. The use of nanoparticles, i.e. polymer nanoparticles 10 in particular, reduces or eliminates disadvantageous filtration or sedimentation effects. The nanoparticles reach all spaces together with the supporting matrix 8 and are distributed there largely homogeneously.

The table below contains various characteristic values of cured test specimens (reference objects) shown in the second column from the right under the heading “A”, formed from a potting compound consisting of a modified epoxy resin based on bisphenol A as the resin component of the supporting matrix containing 66% by weight of microparticular silicon oxide (SiO2) modified with surface silanization, and having an average particle size of D50=20 μm, which are compared to characteristic values of test specimens formed from an exemplary composite of an inventive potting compound shown in the right-hand column under the heading “B”. The supporting matrix of the inventive potting compound likewise consists of a modified epoxy resin based on bisphenol A as the resin component; yet contains only 52% by weight of microparticular silicon oxide (SiO2), since a proportion of it has been replaced by polymer nanoparticles in the form of spherical core-shell nanoparticles based on polybutadiene with a particle size of ≦100 nm and the flame retardant aluminum oxide trihydrate Al(OH)3 (52% by weight), abbreviated to ATH, having an average particle size of D50=20 μm, so that the inventive potting compound or the test specimens produced from it have an overall filler content of approx. 66% by weight.

A modified anhydride hardener based on methylhexahydrophthalic acid anhydride was used as the hardener component reacting with the resin component of the respective potting compound. The curing reaction of the reference and test specimens ran in a two-stage curing process, in which curing was carried out at 80° C. for 8 hours in the first stage and at 140° C. for 10 hours in the second stage. A tertiary amine was additionally used as an accelerator.

Different measurements were carried out on the basis of or in accordance with ISO, DIN or ASTM standards. The second column from the right shows the sample geometry used in the respective measurements. Standard deviations from the measured values were determined where possible. The measurements were carried out down to the measurements of viscoelastic properties, i.e. of the mechanical loss factor tan δ, the storage modulus E′ and the loss modulus E″ at 25° C.


1.5% polymer-

nano +

Molding material

66% μ-SiO2 (μ-
12.3% ATH +

Sample geometry
52% μ-SiO2

Thermal linear
3 × 3 × 4 mm

coefficient of expansion

α [ppm] (ISO


Glass transition TG
3 × 3 × 4 mm

[° C.]

(ISO 11359-2)

Elasticity modulus E
10 mm × 15 mm ×
8747 ± 511
8617 ± 266

from flexural test [MPa]
125 mm

(DIN EN ISO 178)

0.5 mm/min

Flexural strength [MPa]
10 mm × 15 mm ×
 121 ± 9.2
 110 ± 6.5

(DIN EN ISO 178)
125 mm

0.5 mm/min

Impact strength,
10 mm × 15 mm ×
  12 ± 1.2
  10 ± 3.1

unnotched [kJ/m2] × 125 mm
125 mm

(DIN EN ISO 179)

Mechanical loss factor
10 mm × 15 mm ×
2.66 · 10−2
4.12 · 10−2

125 mm

δmech [—] at TG

(DIN 65583)

Storage modulus E′
10 mm × 15 mm ×

125 mm

(DIN 65583)

Loss modulus E″
10 mm × 15 mm ×

125 mm

(DIN 65583)

Elasticity modulus from
10 mm × 15 mm ×
12543 ± 564 
10752 ± 247 

tensile test [MPa]
125 mm

(DIN EN ISO 527-2)

Tensile strength [MPa]
10 mm × 15 mm ×
76.5 ± 4.9
64.5 ± 6.1

(DIN EN ISO 527-2)
125 mm

Critical stress intensity
80 mm × 40 mm × 4 mm
 1.90 ± 0.04
 2.38 ± 0.05

factor KIc [MPa√m]
centric V-notch

(based on

ASTM E 399, Double


Critical fracture energy
80 mm × 40 mm × 4 mm
337 ± 19
680 ± 31

GIc [J/m2]
centric V-notch

(based on ASTM E 399,

Double Torsion

Flammability (UL 94)

V-1 (12 mm)
V-0 (12 mm)

The measurements of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion α and of the glass transition temperature TG resulted in no significant differences between the reference samples and the test specimens formed from the inventive potting compound. The same essentially applies taking into account the error values for the modulus of elasticity determined from the flexural test, the flexural strength and the impact strength (unnotched).

The situation is different for the measurements relating to the viscoelastic properties of the reference samples and of the test specimens, wherein an increase by almost a factor of 2 is shown in the mechanical loss factor tan δ of the test specimens produced from the inventive potting compound compared to the reference objects. The measurements were carried out at the corresponding glass transition temperature. This measurement for the test specimens from the inventive potting compound containing 1.5% polymer nanoparticles by weight and 12.3% flame retardant by weight is 4.12×10−2, and for the reference objects from the potting compound containing only microparticles is 2.66×10−2.

The measurements from tensile testing, i.e. relating to the modulus of elasticity from tensile testing and the tensile strength, produce lower values for the test specimens from the inventive potting compound.

Particularly noticeable is the marked improvement in the critical stress intensity factor K1, and, in particular, the critical fracture energy GIc. In the latter case the test specimen from the inventive potting compound, measuring approximately 680 J/m2, is twice as high compared to the reference objects.

Finally the parameters relating to flame retardance and/or flammability of the test specimens produced from the inventive potting compound also improved, at UL 94 V-0. The reference objects are categorized according to UL 94 V-1.

FIG. 2 is a diagram showing the flow behavior of an inventive potting compound, consisting of 52% by weight of microparticular silicon oxide, 12.3% by weight of aluminum oxide trihydrate and 1.5% by weight of polymer nanoparticles (white symbols) and a potting compound consisting of 53.5% by weight of microparticular silicon oxide and 12.3% by weight of aluminum oxide trihydrate (black symbols). Both potting compounds consequently have an overall filler content of 65.5% by weight. Viscosity η is plotted on the coordinate in mPas; the abscissa describes the shear rate in s−1 in a shear rate range from 0.001 to 500 with logarithmic plotting. The viscosity can be significantly reduced by more than 30% in the measurement range from 0.01 to 30 s−1, i.e. in a wide range, by the addition of polymer nanoparticles.

The two flow curves essentially show a similar course rising from a shear rate at 0.01 s−1 to a peak at around 0.1 s−1 and thereafter falling as the shear rate increases. The measured temperature was 50° C. and the measurements were carried out using a cylinder-beaker set up according to Searle, DIN 53019.

Because of the significantly better flow behavior of the inventive potting compound, it would essentially be possible for the proportion of inorganic microfillers to be increased in order to compensate for the reduction in the modulus of elasticity from tensile testing or in tensile strength as identified in the table.

Increasing the filler content at the same time reduces the heat conductivity of the molding material and reduces the coefficient of expansion.


  • 1 Gradient coil

  • 2 Coil winding

  • 3 Coil conductor

  • 4 Core

  • 5 Insulation

  • 6 Space

  • 7 Potting compound

  • 8 Supporting matrix

  • 9 Inorganic particles

  • 10 Polymer nanoparticles

  • 11 Flame retardant particles

  • 1. A potting compound suitable for potting an electronic component, in particular a large-volume coil such as a gradient coil, consisting of a supporting matrix in which at least one filler made of polymer nanoparticles is distributed, characterized in that at least one filler (11) that is used as a flame retardant is introduced into the supporting matrix (8).
  • 2. The potting compound as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the filler used as a flame retardant (11) comprises particles from Al(OH)3, Mg(OH)2, Sb2O3 and/or is formed from brominated and/or chlorinated compounds, halogenated and/or halogen-free organophosphorous compounds.
  • 3. The potting compound as claimed in claim 1 or 2, characterized in that at least one filler comprising inorganic particles (9) is distributed in the supporting matrix (8).
  • 4. The potting compound as claimed in claim 3, characterized in that the inorganic particles (9) consist of SiO2 and/or Al2O3 and/or MN and/or CaMg(CO3)2 and/or TiO2 and/or BN and/or Fe2O3 and/or Fe3O4 and/or ZnO and/or SiC and/or synthetic ceramics and/or zeolites and/or chalk and/or Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 and/or CaSiO3 and/or purely carbon-based particles.
  • 5. The potting compound as claimed in one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the polymer nanoparticles (10) are formed from polybutadiene and/or polystyrene and/or polysilane and/or polysiloxane and/or elastomers and/or thermoplastics and/or hybrid materials, or contain these.
  • 6. The potting compound as claimed in one of the preceding claims, characterized in that at least a proportion of the inorganic particles (9) are nanoparticles.
  • 7. The potting compound as claimed in one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the polymer nanoparticles (10), and possibly also the inorganic nanoparticles, are unmixed from one material, or core-shell particles.
  • 8. The potting compound as claimed in one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the polymer nanoparticles (10) and/or the inorganic particles (9) have a surface functionalization, in particular by means of silanization.
  • 9. The potting compound as claimed in one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the average diameter of the polymer nanoparticles (10) and possibly of the inorganic nanoparticles (9) is ≦1000 nm, in particular ≦100 nm.
  • 10. The potting compound as claimed in one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the content of polymer nanoparticles (10) is ≦20% by weight, preferably ≦10% by weight and the content of particles used as flame retardant (11) is ≦80% by weight, preferably ≦30% by weight.
  • 11. An electronic component, in particular a large-volume coil such as a gradient coil, characterized in that it is potted using a potting compound (7) as claimed in one of the preceding claims.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
10 2010 022 523.1 Jun 2010 DE national
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/EP2011/057766 5/13/2011 WO 00 3/1/2013