The project involves componenets in both research and engineering education. First, the PI will broaden her previous work on the study of the visco-elastic behavior of polymer-matrix composites. Specifically, she will initiate research on the time-and temperature-dependent behavior and physical aging effect on polymers and plymer-matrix composites at Cooper Union's Materials Characterization Laboratory. The project will enable the PI to continue her contributions in the field of composite materils and to allow Cooper Union faculty and students to gain first-hand access to the PI's work and experience.<br/>Second, the PI will use her research to establish a formal materials science program at the Cooper Union. Due to the recent development of advanced composite materials, it is vital to update the curriculum. The PI is porposing the devleopment and implementation of an undergraduate course, Introduction to Composite Materials, to encourge students' interest in compost materials research and in new advanced materials and technology. This course will integrate mini-projects in the Materilas Characterization Laboratory. Students will be exposed to a larger range of professional choices as they contemplate academic and technical careers.<br/>The POWRE awards is made in view of the fact that the PI's career had been interrupted and that she is changing her focus from mechancial engineering to materials science and engineering. As a new faculty memeber - and the Cooper Union's only instructer in materials science and engineering - the POWRE grant will be instrumental in providing the PI with recognition, resources, and opportunity at an early stage in her career, which had been interrupted. The project will contribute to a significant, identifiable advanced in the PI's career path.