PROJECT SUMMARY PRECLINICAL/CO-CLINICAL CORE The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) and The Jackson Laboratory Center for Precision Genetics (JCPG) occupy a unique niche within the global biomedical research community. Although we do not see patients, many of these individuals have benefited from our stewardship of the thousands of different mouse strains that JAX provides for use in human disease research. And it is not just our mice; our faculty researchers, with deep expertise in genetics and mammalian biology, collaborate directly with investigators at hospitals, medical centers and an array of other clinically oriented partners worldwide. Thus, the JCPG will operate using a ?hub and spokes? concept where the JCPG forms part of a mammalian disease model ?hub? that integrates a variety of JAX resources to establish an array of collaborative ?spokes? with a variety of partners to co-produce precise preclinical disease models. The Preclinical/Co-clinical core of the JCPG will work with expert clinical, patient, research and industry collaborators to facilitate optimal creation and application of existing and nominated projects. Together with the JCPG Coordination Core, the Preclinical/Co-clinical Core and the Steering Committee will apply a series of benchmark standards to work toward the eventual goal of translation into clinical practice. Ultimately, we will further extend our impact by providing a more advanced Fee for Service approach to broaden community access to JAX resources. To meet current goals of the JCPG and to refine and expand its future operation, the Preclinical/Co-clinical Core will: 1) Solicit, evaluate and prioritize new preclinical/co-clinical project requests and provide recommendations to the Steering Committee for adoption by the JCPG. 2) Advance new models through the production-like pipelines, with characterization and drug testing so they can more tangibly inform future clinical applications. 3) Continue to develop and expand existing JAX infrastructure to facilitate access to clinical data and samples, supporting data exchange between mouse information and patient data.