1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a method of predicting a misfire before it occurs during operation of an HCCI engine so that preventive and/or remedial action may be taken.
2. Description of Related Art
Homogeneous charge compression ignition or HCCI is a combustion method that has been proposed for internal combustion engines. It is attractive in automotive applications, since HCCI can yield high efficiencies at partial loads (up to 30%) compared to a conventional spark ignited combustion. Furthermore, engines that run on HCCI also yield significantly reduced NOx emissions due to their low operating temperatures on an average. Some of these results have been reported. Essentially, HCCI involves a homogenized charge, which auto ignites due to compression within the combustion stroke. Thus, it combines the advantage of diesel-like combustion by including high compression ratios, while maintaining the low emissions observed in Gasoline engines due to the homogeneous charge. Historically, it was first encountered as a combustion mode in two-stroke engines and was later used in a four stroke engine. For an overview of research in HCCI and its potential, see K. Epping, S. Aceves, R. Bechtold and J. Dec, “The Potential of HCCI-Combustion for High Efficiency and Low Emissions,” SAE paper 2002-01-1923, 2002.
There are a couple of methods to induce an HCCI mode of combustion in the IC (internal combustion) engine. These include but are not limited to, heating of the intake manifold or pre-heating of induction gases, and retaining or re-inducting exhaust gases using either external exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and/or internal EGR. Internal EGR can be realized through either rebreathing strategies, which involve reopening the exhaust valve after the top dead center of gas exchange, or by an early closing of the exhaust valve, called negative valve overlap, to trap residual hot gas within the cylinder.
Till recently, research in HCCI has mostly paid attention to steady-state operation with little attention to challenges involved with HCCI operation close to unstable regimes. Thus the dynamics of HCCI, within its nominal operating region, are well understood and control of HCCI at these points has been realized by various strategies (see R. Karrelmeyer, J Haring, W. Fischer, and J. P. Hathout: “Closed-loop control of a 1-cylinder gasoline HCCI-Engine in Dynamic Operation,” E-COSM—Rencontres Scientifiques de l'IFP, 2006; G. M Shaver: “Physically-Based Modeling and Control of Residual-Affected HCCI Engines using variable Valve Actuation,” PhD thesis, Stanford University, 2005; and J. Bengtsson, P. Strandh, R. Johansson, P. Tunestal and B. Johansson: “Model Predictive Control of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine Dynamics,” IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, pages 1675-1680, 2006). While HCCI operation close to the borders of this stable operating region is both beneficial and necessary for practical implementation of HCCI, the control problems in this region remain a challenge since there does not even exist a reduced-order model for control purposes that describes behavior close to misfire region.
Though a wide range of models exist in the literature based on the application domain, most of the current control oriented zero dimensional models do not explicitly model the chemical kinetics of the combustion process and do not have a model for misfire when a disturbance is introduced in the steady-state operation.
Most current control strategies for HCCI (see, e.g., R. Karrelmeyer, J. Haring, W. Fischer, and J. P. Hathout: “Closed-loop control of a 1-cylinder gasoline HCCI-Engine in Dynamic Operation,” E-COSM—Rencontres Scientifiques de l'IFP, 2006; G. M Shaver: “Physically-Based Modeling and Control of Residual-Affected HCCI Engines using variable Valve Actuation,” PhD thesis, Stanford University, 2005; and J. Bengtsson, P. Strandh, R. Johansson, P. Tunestal and B. Johansson: “Model Predictive Control of Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine Dynamics,” IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, pages 1675-1680, 2006) focus on the control of the engine dynamics in the stable region away from the borders of instability. In this case, the engine is transitioned from a delayed combustion operation to a nominal combustion operation by feedback control. This process often involves a decrease of the EGR or a delay in the injection timing to prevent the advanced combustion within the next cycle. However, applying the same strategy in case of misfire is detrimental to bringing the engine back to stable combustion.
In accordance with the present invention, a new method is presented that captures the behavior of HCCI in case of disturbance-introduced misfire. This method involves a control oriented zero dimensional model that is able to capture both steady state behavior and misfire behavior of the engine.
Prediction of misfire and its avoidance is critical to safe and reliable operation of HCCI engines at low load. HCCI operation at low loads is beneficial, but difficult due to the presence of combustion instabilities. These instabilities cause the engine to misfire, thus stalling its operation. Prediction of misfire is the first step to avoiding it. In this invention, a strategy is presented that allows one to extrapolate information based on the initial state of an engine and allows one to predict if misfire will occur. If a misfire is predicted, one can take appropriate remedial measures to avoid it or compensate for it.
As noted above, most current control strategies for HCCI focus on the control of the engine dynamics in the stable region away from the borders of instability, in which case the engine is transitioned from a delayed combustion operation to a nominal combustion operation by feedback control, and this process often involves a decrease of the EGR or a delay in the injection timing to prevent the advanced combustion within the next cycle. However, applying the same strategy in case of misfire is detrimental to bringing the engine back to stable combustion, i.e., in case of misfire, instead of decreasing the amount of EGR, it is necessary to increase the amount of EGR to keep more thermal energy inside of the cylinder.
The method of the present application uses a modified Arrhenius integral threshold, a novel recursive mass flow equation to capture the effect of feedback from cycle-to-cycle and couple it with a thermodynamics model to capture the effect of partly burned fuel and misfires. Also presented is a model to predict the amount of fuel that is used if a misfire occurs. For illustration purposes, the strategy/method in the present application is compared to a high-fidelity model for misfire, presented in K. L. Knierim, Sungbae Park, J. Ahmed, A. Kojic, I. Orlandini and A. Kulzer: “Simulation of misfire and strategies for misfire recovery of gasoline HCCI,” Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference, pages 3947-3952, 2008. In “Simulation of misfire and strategies for misfire recovery of gasoline HCCI,” a model was presented which used a simplified chemical mechanism for the oxidation of iso-octane and n-heptane coupled with an airflow model, and the chemical kinetics were modeled using a detailed simulation software that was able to capture the effect of partly burned fuel or misfires.
An engine cycle is shown in
1. Exhaust valve opening (EVO): This event corresponds to the crank angle at which the exhaust valve opens.
2. Exhaust valve closing (EVC): This event corresponds to the crank angle at which the exhaust valve closes.
3. Trapping phase, before combustion (TP,c−): This event corresponds to the instant just before 50% heat release (CA50) if there is combustion in the trapping phase. Otherwise, this event corresponds to the point just before the instant of injection in step 5. For a nominal engine cycle, there is no combustion in this phase and steps 3, 4 and 5 are identical.
4. Trapping phase, after combustion (TP,c+): This event corresponds to the instant just after CA50 or 50% heat release point, if there is combustion in the trapping phase. Otherwise, this event corresponds to the point just before the instant of injection in step 5. For a nominal engine cycle, there is no combustion in this phase and steps 3, 4 and 5 are identical.
5. Before instant of injection (IOI−): This event corresponds to the crank angle just before injection.
6. After instant of injection (IOI+): This event corresponds to the crank angle just after injection.
7. Post-injection/Pre-intake, before combustion (PI,c−): This event corresponds to the instant just before 50% heat release (CA50) if there is a combustion event in the post-injection and pre-intake phase. Otherwise, this event corresponds to the intake valve opening in step 9. For a nominal engine cycle, there is no combustion in this phase and steps 7, 8 and 9 are identical.
8. Post-injection/Pre-intake, after combustion (PI,c+): This event corresponds to the instant just after CA50 or 50% heat release point, if there is a combustion event in the post-injection and pre-intake phase. Otherwise, this event corresponds to the intake valve opening in step 9. For a nominal engine cycle, there is no combustion in this phase and steps 7, 8 and 9 are identical.
9. Intake valve opening (IVO): This event corresponds to the crank angle at which the intake valve opens.
10. Intake valve closing (IVC): This event corresponds to the crank angle at which the intake valve closes.
11. Before combustion (c−): In case of complete combustion, this event corresponds to the instant just before 50% heat release (CA50). In case of misfire, this corresponds to the crank angle at EVO in step 1.
12. After combustion (c+): In case of complete combustion, this event corresponds to the instant just after CA50 or 50% heat release point. In case of misfire, this step corresponds to the crank angle at EVO in step 1.
Note that steps {3, 4} and {7, 8} do not occur for a nominal engine operation and are identical to the subsequent steps.
Of the various states that are tracked, the two most important states are temperature T and the mole vector NεR5≧0 that denotes the vector of moles of the relevant chemical species present in the combustion chamber. Components of N are referred to as Ni, where i∈{CaHb, O2, N2, CO2, H2O}. For instance, NN2 denotes the moles of N2 in the cylinder. Another important state that is tracked is the integrated arrhenius rate (IAR), which shall be defined later.
To start the computation in an engine control unit (ECU), one can ideally begin from any point in the circle. However, for the purposes of this discussion, we consider step 1 as the starting point.
Mass Balance
In the context of engine misfire, an explicit mass balance becomes crucial for tracking the quantities of major species present in the cylinder. Implicit mass balance assumptions, like those made in G. M Shaver, M Roelle and J. C. Gerdes: “A two-input two-output control model of HCCI engines,” American Control Conference, Proceedings of the 2006, 2006, are no longer valid when a combustion produces a partial burn of fuel.
In the following mass balance, the engine is considered to be a batch process reactor with product recycling from cycle-to-cycle as follows.
1. Nc(k−1) denotes the mole vector after combustion on the previous cycle.
2. Some product is exhausted. The remaining, recycled, moles are denoted by Nr(k).
3. The recycled product is mixed with additional fuel from injection and air from intake. This input is denoted as u(k) and Nm(k) denotes the mixed pre-combustion mole vector.
4. Combustion occurs according to the reaction stoichiometry (1). Partial burn is captured by the disturbance εc(k)ε[0,1], where εc(k)=0 indicates a complete combustion of fuel. The parameter φ(k)ε[0,1] is the ratio of fuel moles to the stoichiometric value. Nc(k) denotes the post-combustion mole vector.
φCaHb+(a+b/4)O2→φεcCaHb+(a+b/4)(1−φ(1−εc))O2+aφ(1−εc)CO2+(b/2)φ(1−εc)H2O (1)
The mass balance is as follows:
Nr(k)=β(k)Nc(k−1) (2)
Nm(k)=Nr(k)+u(k) (3)
Nc(k)=P(εc(k))Nm(k), (4)
where ε(k) is the fraction of recycled products and u(k)=Ñint(k)+Ñinj(k) is the input mole vector Ñint(k)=(k)ñint(k) [0 μO2 μN2 0 0]T=ñint(k)=Ñint is the intake mole vector, where ñint is the total of moles of intake and μO2 and μN2 denote the mole fractions of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere, respectively.
Ñinj(k)=ñinj(k) [1 0 0 0 0]T=ñinj(k)=Ñinj is the injection mole vector, where ñinj is the total moles of injected fuel.
is the reaction matrix obtained directly from (1).
Additionally, P0=P|εc=0 is defined as the nominal reaction matrix, corresponding to a full fuel burn, so that P(k)=(1−εc(k))P0+εc(k)I. Letting B=[Ñint Ñinj], the mass balance takes the simple form
Since the fraction of recycled products is controlled from cycle-to-cycle, β(k) is an input and in general the model is nonlinear. However, one might view (6) as a time-invariant linear system when β(k) and εc(k) are constant.
Simplified Thermodynamic Model
The combustion, gas exchange, injection, and compression/expansion processes are now approximated with simplified thermodynamic mechanisms. In addition to the mole vector state N, and temperature (in Kelvin), T, an additional state and a pressure p (Pa) are introduced. V is the cylinder volume. The notation in this section follows specific events in the engine as described earlier, where state variables can change.
Given N and T, the pressure in the cylinder is assumed to be given by the ideal gas law, pV=1T NRT, where 1T=[1 . . . 1]. For some vector xεRn,1T x=Σi=1nxi so that 1TN is the total number of moles of (ideal) gas. Similarly, the specific heat vectors Cp(T) and Cv(T), the constant-pressure and constant-volume specific heat, respectively, are defined. Then, CpTN/1T N denotes the constant-pressure specific heat of the in-cylinder gas mixture. Under the ideal gas assumption, Cp−Cv=1R. Finally, the molar enthalpy vector is approximated with a constant specific heat as H(T)=ΔfH+(T−Tref)Cp, where ΔfH is the molar enthalpy of formation vector and Tref is a reference temperature corresponding to the heat of formation.
The sequence of thermodynamic events in the cylinder during one nominal engine cycle as shown in
1. Post-combustion (c+) to exhaust valve opening (EVO): isentropic expansion.
2. EVO to exhaust valve closure (EVC): Isentropic, constant pressure expansion of exhaust gases to atmospheric conditions.
3. EVC to pre-injection (IOI−—“instant of injection”): Isentropic compression/expansion. Typically, the injection is after top dead center (TDC).
4. IOI− to post-injection (IOI+): instantaneous injection
5. IOI+ to intake valve opening (IVO): Isentropic expansion
6. IVO to intake valve closure IVC: Isentropic, constant pressure induction of gases.
7. IVC to pre-combustion (c−): Isentropic compression
8. c− to c+: constant-volume combustion with partial heat loss
The evolution of the states from process to process is now calculated. For any event E (e.g. E=IVC), VE denotes the cylinder volume at that event. During injection and combustion, V is assumed to remain constant and the distinction between the “pre” and “post”-event V in notation will be dropped.
Finally, the state IAR mentioned earlier, is defined as
where A, Ea, σ1, and σ2 are parameters of the combustion reaction rate, [S] is the concentration of species S given by NS(θ)/V(θ), and V(θ) is given by the familiar cylinder volume formula. The temperature variation T is determined by polytropic relations. For example, given the temperature at IOI+, the temperature at any angle θε[IOI+, IVO] is calculated by T(θ)=(V(θ)/VIOI)γ-1TIOI+. The IAR yields in some sense, the rate to which the reaction has proceeded up to crank angle θ. In particular, if IAR(EVO)≧Kth, where Kth represents a threshold, then a complete combustion occurs. On the other hand, if IAR(EVO)<Kth, then there is a misfire; see
The IAR parameters for a typical engine are shown in Table 1:
Also, the amount of fuel that is consumed in the reaction at the crank angle θ is a function of the IAR (see
εc(θ)=Φ(IAR(θ)), (8)
where φ(x): R→[0, 1] is continuous, non-increasing, Φ(x)=0 for all x≧Kth, and Φ(x)−1 as x→0. For example, when IAR(EVO)≧Kth, εc=0; however, if a misfire occurs (IAR(EVO)≧Kth), then εcε(0, 1] Note that similar to the threshold, the function Φ can be different between steps 2-5, 6-9 and 10-1.
In further regard to
As mentioned before, for purpose of illustration, step 1 in
Step 1: c+→EVO
In this case,
where γ is the polytropic coefficient and
Step 2: EVO→EVC
The exhaust event is assumed to expand the gas in the cylinder to atmospheric conditions isentropically and under constant pressure. The temperature evolution is given by
where pEXH is the measured pressure of the exhaust manifold (or assumed to be atmospheric) and pEVO=1TNEVORTEVO/VEVO.
denote the volume of expanded gas so that the moles of gas after exhaust is given by
EVC=(VEVC/{tilde over (V)}EVC)NEVO. (13)
Step 3: EVC→TP,c−
In this case, the crank angle that TP,c− corresponds to is first identified. To find this, compute
where [CaHb]=NEVCC
Once the crank angle TP, c− is identified, then
Step 4: TP, c−→TP, c+
In this case, compute εc=Φ(IARTP,c
, (19)
To compute temperature, a constant-volume combustion is assumed, and a modified energy balance is used, where some heat generated by the combustion is lost to the engine surroundings, in terms of the “lower heating value” of our fuel. For the purposes of this discussion, it is defined as
LHVCaHb=−[1 0 0 0 0](P0−I)TΔfH
Multiplied by the number of moles of fuel burned, LHVC
Then, using the definition of enthalpy U=H−pV, exploiting the ideal gas law, recalling that H(T)=ΔfH+(T−Tref)Cp, using the fact that NTP,c+═NTP,c−, and noting that (1−εc)(P0−1)=(P−I), equation (21) is expanded into
ΔfHTNTP,c−+(TTP,c−−Tref)CpTNTP,c−−1TNTP,c−RTTP,c−−εQΔfHT(P−I)NTP,c−=ΔfHTPNTP,c++(TTP,c+−Tref)CpTPNTP,c−−1TPNTP,c−RTTP,c+. (22)
Solving for TTP,c+, grouping terms, and noting that Cp−1R═Cv, the following is obtained:
Step 5: TP, c+→IOI−
In this case,
where γ is the polytropic coefficient and
where [CaHb]=NTP,c
The injection event is modeled as a constant-volume process, where the final temperature is calculated using standard energy balance calculations. Let ΔvaphC
Thus, the following equations are obtained:
Step 7: IOI+→PI, c−
In this case, the crank angle that PI, c− corresponds to is first identified. To find this, compute
where [CaHb]=NIOI
Once the crank angle PI, c− is identified, then
Step 8: PI,c−→PI, c+
As formulated in step 4, compute εc=Φ(IARPI, c−) as given in (8) and P as given in (5) for the computed εc. Then,
where εQ denotes the fraction of heat generated by combustion that is lost to the cylinder wall and ΔfH was defined in step 4.
Step 9: PI, c+→IVO
In this case,
where γ is the polytropic coefficient and
where [CaHb]=NPI,c
Step 10: IVO→IVC
The intake model relies on an isentropic, constant-pressure induction of atmospheric gases. When the intake valve opens at IVO, the in-cylinder gas is assumed to instantly expand/contract to the conditions at the intake manifold. Then, up until IVC or bottom-dead-center (BDC), the contracted in-cylinder gas is assumed to mix with atmospheric gases that fill the void in the cylinder. Because both the post-intake temperature and the number of moles of intake are unknown, the two must be solved for jointly (unless other, simplifying assumptions are made).
First, let X=min(IVC, BDC), i.e., X is the event that comes first: intake valve closure, or the piston reaching bottom-dead-center. The temperature and volume of the in-cylinder gas expanded/compressed to the conditions at the intake manifold are calculated using an isentropic expansion/compression.
Then, the mole vector at event X is
A simple energy balance yields the relationship between the moles of intake and the post-intake temperature as
{tilde over (P)}
XCpTNIVOTintCpTNint=TXCpT(NIVONint). (43)
Invoking the ideal gas assumption relates TX to Ninj by
Then, substituting (44) into (43), one obtains
Factoring out nint and grouping terms in (45), one obtains
Thus, to solve for Tx and nint jointly, the quadratic equation (45) must be solved for nint.
For this intake event to make physical sense, equation (46) must have two real roots, either with one positive and one negative, or a double-root at zero. Certainly, having two positive roots or two negative roots, one could not make sense of the solution. Letting anint2+bnint+c=0 denote (46), the following conditions must be satisfied: b2−4ac>0 (guaranteeing real roots) and |b|<√{square root over (b2−4ac)}. Note that these two conditions are satisfied when a>0 and c<0.
Examining a, it follows that a=TintCpT
c={tilde over (T)}
Factoring CpTNIVO>0 from the left hand side and recalling from (41) that pint{tilde over (V)}X={tilde over (T)}XR1TNIVO, it follows that
{tilde over (V)}
X. (47)
That is, when the in-cylinder gas at IVO is expanded/compressed isentropically to the conditions at X, the volume of the cylinder must be large enough to hold this volume of gas. Only then can a positive amount of gas from the atmosphere fill the “void” in the cylinder.
With this calculation in hand, if IVC≦BDC, then this concludes the intake model, otherwise (having X=BDC), the intake model is completed by assuming that by BDC, the gases have reached an equilibrium temperature, and since the volume decreases after BDC, the mixed in-cylinder gas is simply pushed out of the cylinder so that
Step 11: IVC→c−
In this case, the crank angle that c− corresponds to is first identified by computing
where [CaHb]=NIVCC
Once the crank angle c− is identified, then
Step 12:c−→c+
As formulated in step 4, εc=Φ(IARc−) is computed as given in (8), and P is computed as given in (5) for the computed εc. Then,
where εQ denotes the fraction of heat generated by combustion that is lost to the cylinder wall and ΔfH was defined in step 4.
Example Simulation Results for the Method
As described earlier, in case of misfire, instead of decreasing the amount of EGR, it is necessary to increase the amount of EGR to keep more thermal energy inside of the cylinder. The following control inputs can improve the misfire recovery behavior. These control inputs are necessary to introduce the desirable transitions from misfire state to a nominal operating case.
The increased EGR in the above control strategy makes combustion within the trapping cycle possible, and therefore the system recovers to a nominal operating case eventually. Depending on the initial conditions, the nominal value may be reached within the third cycle. Thus, the region of recovery for an HCCI engine from misfire can be increased. In the absence of the feedback strategy described above, the engine might stall.