This invention relates to a controller for a temperature management system, and to a method of controlling such a system.
The invention is particularly applicable to temperature management systems, such as heating and/or air conditioning systems, that are used to control the temperature of one or more rooms in a building or other structure. The invention is more particularly, but not exclusively, concerned with domestic space heating systems and their control.
Most domestic space heating systems control the temperature by targeting a set point temperature (which may form part of a schedule of set point temperatures that vary over a control period) and using a thermostat with hysteresis to turn the heat source on and off. This level of control is based only on the current state of the house and its heating system, and does not take into account any forward planning or knowledge of the thermal response of the house. Consequently, this known method of control can fail to achieve energy efficiency and/or the best comfort for the occupants of the house. For example, the room temperature is prone to fluctuate significantly under thermostatic control and can be uncomfortably low for the first part of a period with a raised set point temperature. Furthermore, if the set point temperature is raised for a relatively short period of time, this could result in further energy wastage as the temperature of the room increases gradually over that period, only reaching the vicinity of the set point temperature towards, or after, the end of the period of the raised set point temperature.
According to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided a controller for a temperature management system for heating and/or cooling a room in accordance with a schedule of set point temperatures over a control period, the controller comprising a data processor arrangement; a temperature input for receiving a signal indicative of the current temperature in the room; a control output for supplying control signals to the system; and at least one electronic memory for storing said schedule of set point temperatures, a relationship, based on known heating or cooling characteristics of the room, between the energy supplied to the system in a portion of the control period and the predicted temperature of the room during that portion and subsequent portions of the control period, a first parameter value representative of the cost of supplying said energy and a second parameter value representative of a predetermined acceptability of variations of the actual or predicted temperature of the room from the set point schedule, wherein processor arrangement is operable to calculate, for each said portion, the energy to be supplied to the system in order for a plurality of parameter values to satisfy a predetermined criterion, said plurality of parameter values comprising said first parameter value and said second parameter value.
Thus a controller in accordance with the present invention can provide control for a temperature management system which not only takes into account the schedule of set point temperatures, but also a balance between the cost or notional cost of maintaining room temperature in accordance with the schedule and the effect of departures from that schedule. This enables the control of the temperature management system to be optimised so as to achieve the most effective use of energy to maintain the room at a comfortable temperature. The controller also takes into account the effect of an energy input in a given portion of the control period on the room temperature in that portion and also in subsequent portions of the period.
The controller may to advantage be preprogrammed with said relationship between the energy supplied to the systems in a portion of the control period and the predicted temperature of the room during that and subsequent portions of the control period stored in the memory, and is preferably arranged for the user to enter the set point temperature schedule.
Preferably, the criterion is applied to the sum of the parameter values.
In this case, the criterion is preferably that the sum of the two values is substantially at a minimum.
This enables the energy supplied to the system to be such that unnecessary heating/cooling, having regard to the acceptability (i.e. tolerance) defined by the second parameter value, can be avoided.
The sum may, for example, be substantially at a minimum at the actual turning point defining the minimum or at an approximate minimum determined by an iterative process such as the gradient descent method or the Newton's method.
Preferably, the approximate minimum is determined by the Primal-dual barrier function method.
Preferably, the sum is of the values over the whole control period.
Preferably, the data processor arrangement is operable to update said calculations for each of the portions over the course of the control period. This enables departures of the current temperatures from those previously predicted to be taken into account.
The control period may conveniently be of 24 hours' duration, each portion being of 15 minutes' duration so that the period is constituted by 96 consecutive portions.
The first parameter value may to an advantage comprise the product of the energy to be supplied to the system and an energy cost multiplier.
This multiplier may vary over the course of the control period to take into account variations in the actual cost of consuming energy, as happens in the case of a smart grid electrical energy supply system, where the cost per unit of energy (usually electrical energy) supplied will vary or in the efficiency of the system, for example in the case of a heat pump, the efficiency of which will vary greatly with the temperature difference between the heat source and the heat sink of the pump.
Preferably, the second parameter value comprises the product of a comfort cost multiplier and the difference between the set point temperature and the actual or predicted temperature at the time. The second parameter value can thus be considered to be a discomfort cost.
Thus, the second parameter value can be expressed as a discomfort cost, for example to an occupier of the room.
The criterion, with these two types of parameter value may be that said total is minimised, subject to a fixed energy cost. Thus the user could specify the cost of energy to be consumed, and in response, the controller will determine a control schedule which achieves this with minimum discomfort cost.
As with the cost multiplier for the first parameter value, the discomfort cost multiplier may vary over the course of a day/control period to account for, for example, levels of occupancy of the room, or the likely activity level of an occupant. Thus, the multiplier might be lower at night, when the occupant is in bed.
Preferably, said relationship is based on a heat transfer model that takes into account at least one of:
Preferably, the properties listed at (c) above include the forecasted temperatures of the environment outside the room over the control period.
The way in which the temperature management system is controlled to have the calculated amount of energy supplied to it may depend on the nature of the temperature management system itself. For example, where such a system comprises a boiler, the only type of allowable control of the boiler's operation may be switching the boiler (or its burner) on or off. However, in this case the controller may control the boiler by means of a suitable algorithm that simply turns the boiler on for a sufficient proportion of the portion for the calculated amount of energy for that portion to be supplied to, and hence consumed by, the boiler. For example the control system may supply the boiler with a control signal in the form of a series of pulses, each of which defines a period when the boiler is on. This signal can be pulse code modulated to provide short term control for the amount of energy delivered. Such modulation may be subject to conditions arising from operational constraints on the boiler, for example a minimum interval between successive activating pulses, to avoid damage or excessive wear to the temperature management system.
Alternatively, however, the controller may be operable, during each portion, to use the predicted temperature profile associated with the calculated energy inputs as a target for the boiler and to compare this profile with further predicted temperatures for a part of the control period for different periods of activation or deactivation of the boiler's burner, an on-off control sequence being selected from a number of possible sequences to provide a profile of said further predicted temperatures that most closely matches the temperature profile.
In this case the predicted temperature profile is used as an expression of the calculated amounts of energy to be supplied for each portion of the control period.
According to a second aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of controlling a temperature management system for controlling the temperature of a room in accordance with the schedule of set point temperatures over a control period, the method comprising the steps of:
The invention can more generally be seen as enabling the formulation of a control strategy for a system, which strategy balances one parameter value (for example a value related to the cost of operating the system) against another parameter value that has an antagonistic relationship to the first value (for example a cost attributable to the non-compliance of the system with a predetermined schedule).
Thus the invention also lies in a controller for an apparatus management system for managing a quantitative characteristic of an apparatus in accordance with a schedule of set point values for the characteristic over a control period, the controller comprising an input for receiving data on the current value of said characteristic, a control output for supplying control signals to the system and at least one electronic memory for storing said schedule, a relationship between the control output in a portion of the control period and the predetermined value of the characteristic during that and subsequent portions of the control period, a first parameter value representative of the cost of energy supplied to or consumed by the system in response to said control signals and a second parameter value representative of the acceptability of variations of the actual or predicted value of the characteristic from the set point schedule, the controller further comprising a data processor arrangement which is operable to calculate, for each set portion, the energy to be supplied to or consumed by the system in order for a plurality of parameter values to satisfy a predetermined criterion, said plurality of parameter values comprising said first parameter value and said second parameter value.
In the examples of the controller described and illustrated below, the characteristic is temperature and the first and second values are the energy and discomfort costs. However, the invention may be applied to other types of apparatus management systems, for example a plug-in series electric hybrid vehicle management system for controlling the amount of charge to be supplied to the batteries of the vehicle by the vehicle's internal combustion engine. In such a case, the first parameter value may comprise the cost of fuel consumed by the internal combustion engine, and the second value the acceptability of variations from the desired maximum speeds at which the vehicle may travel over the course of a journey.
The invention will now be described, by way of example only, with a reference to the accompanying drawings in which:—
A temperature sensor in the house (or a respective sensor in each room) is denoted by reference numeral 8 and feeds an output representative of the detected temperature to an input 9 of a controller 10 in accordance with the invention. The controller 10 also has an input for control signals from a user interface 12 within the house 1. The user interface 12 can be used by a user to set up a schedule of set point temperatures over a control period (for example, a full day) and may also enable the user to specify the acceptability of variations from the set point temperature schedule, i.e. how hard the heating system has to work in order to strive to maintain the temperature within the room(s) of the house in accordance with the set point schedule. The acceptability parameter could be manifested as a comfort versus economy input value. The user may also specify that the acceptability of variations may itself change over the course of the control period.
The controller 10 takes the form of a data processor arrangement comprising a computer programmed to perform the various tasks presented by functional blocks 14-17, and these are discussed below. It will be appreciated that the computer has an electronic memory on which said schedule is stored. The memory also stores data relating the energy supplied to/consumed by the boiler 4 in each portion of the control period to the temperature, predicted by the controller, during that portion and subsequent portions of the control period. In addition the computer memory stores first and second parameter values described above. The controller 10 is also connected to an external computer network 19, such as the Internet, over which it obtains a forecast for the temperatures in the external environments (and optionally current temperature data) in the region of the house 1 over the course of the control period. The controller may receive further external temperature data from a local external temperature sensor 21 mounted on the exterior of the house 1, and directly connected to the controller 10.
Although the controller 10 is shown outside of the house 1, it will be appreciated that in reality the controller 10 will be accommodated within the house. The controller 10 has an output 18 over which it supplies control signals for switching the boiler 4 on and off. The functional control blocks 14-17 perform various data processing steps based on a thermal model of the house 1 as shown in
The functional block 15 represents the initial estimate of the thermal state of the house at the start of a control period. The thermal state will be constituted by the air temperature of the room(s), TR, the temperature of the heat delivery system 6, TH, and the thermal mass temperature, TM. TR can be measured using the temperature sensor 8 whilst the other two temperatures can be estimated: TM can be treated as being the same as the room temperature (on the assumption that initially the house is in a steady state), whilst TH can be treated as being a predetermined temperature (e.g. the normal operating temperature of the radiators, say 65° C. if the boiler 4 is operating, but room temperature otherwise).
The outputs from the learning and observation functions can be used to predict the effect of the energy supplied to the boiler during one portion of a trial period on the temperature of the room in that and in subsequent portions of the trial period. That effect can also be taken into account in the calculation of the effect of supplying energy during the next portion on the room temperature on the rest of the control period, and so on. The optimisation calculations that relate the energy to be supplied to the boiler to the resultant temperature profile of the room and, using inputs from the interface 12 calculate a suitable energy input schedule, and the resultant predicted temperature profile for the room, are described below. In this particular instance, the output from the optimisation function is in the form of the calculated temperature profile which the short term control function uses to determine when to activate and deactivate the boiler 4 over the control period. The operation of, and theory behind, the calculations used by the controller 10 will now be described with further reference to the model shown in
The optimisation calculations are based on a core model (for a “model predictive control” strategy).
Each of these has a heat capacity C (i.e. quantity of thermal material, taking a certain amount of energy to raise its temperature T), and each link has a thermal conductance k. The heat capacities and thermal conductances constitute the known heating or cooling characteristics of the room.
The energy flow between the blocks is represented by arrows.
The physics can be written as three coupled linear differential equations for the conduction of heat between each block and the resulting change in temperature:
There is an approximation here. Radiators (and also underfloor heating) transfer heat to the room by convection and radiation as well as conduction, which means there is a non-linear relationship between temperature difference and heat transfer. Nevertheless, we can regard the above equations as a linearised approximation around a “baseline” temperature difference, and iterative corrections can if necessary be made for the non-linearity.
A matrix formulation means that the above equations can be more simply represented, and also provides an elegant framework for manipulating sets of temperatures—particularly when we need to manipulate time series of sets of temperatures. This approach is known as a “state space” formulation and is a more modern replacement for the more traditional “transfer function” approach to control theory.
The differential equations above can be rewritten in matrix form as:
where is a vector of temperatures
and the other symbols are matrices or vectors of the thermal parameters of the house {C, T, k}. The suffix d indicates that these matrices and vectors are differential. Explicitly,
The zeros arise from the assumption that there is no direct heat transfer between the heating system and the thermal mass of the house. In this case there are 6 independent parameters that describe our house model (whether or not the true boiler power is known).
For short time periods, this can be used as a difference equation for updating the temperatures, but for longer time periods this will be inaccurate, and it is necessary to integrate the equation. This can be done analytically for a first order linear differential equation:
E,k+1 (2)
where A=expm (Ad Δt), B=(A−I)Ad−1Bd and F=(A−I)Ad−1Fd and Δt is the time interval between k and k+1, k representing the portion of the control period and k+1 the next portions. We have approximated energy input Ek+1 as the average energy input between step k and k+1, etc. The matrix function expm( ) is the “matrix exponential” which can be calculated with standard methods (once only for fixed house parameters and time-step). The advantage of this formulation is that we can predict temperature evolution with a simple matrix multiplication. In this example the duration of the control period is 24 hours and each portion is of 15 minutes' duration, so that k ranges from 1 to 96 inclusive.
In order to optimise heating control, a cost functional is required that reflects what we are trying to achieve. We wish to minimise energy consumption and discomfort; we assume that discomfort can be quantified by how much the temperature is below the user's setpoint. Hence (in discrete form):
where the function ƒ(ΔT) specifies the cost of an individual temperature's variation from set point. In the simplest case ƒ(x)=0 (x<0): ƒ(x)=x (x>0), giving a linear penalty for temperatures below set point and no discomfort cost for temperatures above set point. QkE is the energy cost multiplier, i.e. the cost per unit energy and QkT is the comfort cost multiplier, i.e. the cost per degree-hour (if Δt is measured in hours).
Both of the costs and the set point can be specified for each time-step, to reflect variable energy tariff, or changes in desired comfort level through the day. The controller may set be set up so that, instead of inputting a comfort cost multiplier via the interface 12, the user simply specifies the ratio of the two multipliers as the cost is arbitrary to an overall multiplier; in this case one parameter QE/QT specifies the user's choice of comfort vs economy.
It would also be possible to include a penalty for being too much above a set point—for example some people like it to be cool at night—or an additional penalty for being too much below set point (e.g. “minimise my energy consumption but never let it be more that 2 degrees below set point”). The system design is scalable to including these new parameters.
It will be appreciated that the superscripts E and T in equation (3) denote the energy and discomfort cost multipliers respectively, not Q raised to the power E or T.
To calculate the optimal heating profile, we need to determine the that minimises the cost Q. This is an N-dimensional minimisation problem, where N is the number of time-steps k we want to include.
Prior information required before optimisation is the initial state T0. The room temperature component of this will be measured, but the other components need to be estimated. A guess is adequate (radiator temperature is may be 65° during heating, at room temperature otherwise; thermal mass temperature is the same as room temperature), but a better method is to use an observer such as a Kalman filter (just requires the state evolution equations above and estimates of process and measurement noise).
We can express the temperature state at each of N times in the future as a linear matrix function of the energy input at each time in the future. Specifically, from the equation constructed above:
We start from k=0 (T0 is our known initial state):
and in general
+ . . . +BE
+ . . . +FT
T=(TR,1, TH,1, TM,1, TR,2, TH,2, TM,2 . . . TR,N, TH,N, TM,N)T:(3N×1) where the final superscript T indicates a matrix transpose, creating a column vector.
This allows us to write a matrix expression for the temperature states at every time as a function of the initial temperature state, and the energy input and external temperature at every time step. Explicitly, this uses the following matrices (constructed iteratively and representing the forward propagation of the predictions of the model):
The matrix (sizes are A:(3N×3) B:(3N×N) F:(3N×N)), when expanded to show all the terms of A, B and F.
The set of temperature predictions for the time period
T=(TR,1, TH,1, TM,1, TR,2, TH,2, TM,2 . . . TR,N, TH,N, TM,N)T:(3N×1) where the final superscript T indicates a matrix transpose, creating a column vector
These can be calculated from the initial conditions, energy input E=(E1, E2, . . . EN)T and external temperatures using these matrices as:
E (4)
where T0=(TR0, TH0, TM0)T, the initial temperatures before the first time-step, and where
is the vector of external temperatures. (Note nomenclature changed slightly here to distinguish between the different types of vector) This enables the predictions of the model at every time point in our range to be calculated with a simple matrix multiplication. The superscript T used in the expressions of E, and To denotes the matrix transpose function, not that the matrix is raised to the power T. The term ATo represents the initial conditions in the control period, BE relates to the effect of operating the boiler at any stage in the control period on temperature at that and any subsequent stage in the control period, whilst FTE accounts for the effects of external temperatures.
All the matrices above are a little complex to use as they contain predictions for all three model temperatures. Most of the time we just want to see the effect of energy on room temperature, and for this we pick out selected rows. If we use the superscript R to indicate the rows in the matrices corresponding to room temperatures R, i.e. rows 1, 4, 7, . . . 3N−2 we can write the room temperature as:
E, where the matrices have sizes
We define TR,offset=ART0+FRTE, a fixed vector for given starting temperatures and external temperature forecast. We can now rewrite the cost function using matrix indexing:
(j)+ΣiQ(i)Tƒ(Tsp,(i)−TR,offset,(i)−ΣjB(i,j)RE(j)) (5)
with i and j ranging from 1 to N. This is Eqn 3 rewritten with the dependence of TR on the energy input E made explicit. Note that the superscript R in the previous equations denotes a matrix formed from only the rows corresponding to room temperature, not a matrix raised to the power R.
The aim now is to calculate the vector of energy inputs that minimises the cost Q(E) subject to a number of constraints. There are many established techniques for solving this type of problem, and we can formulate it in the standard form:
Intuitively, minimising this functional involves adjusting each of the N dimensions of E to reduce the total cost.
We consider below three different methods for solving the optimisation problem.
This method requires that Q, c and g are linear. This means the function ƒ must be piecewise linear. We consider the simple case described after Eqn 3: ƒ(x)=0 (x<0); ƒ(x)=x (x>0), and to that end we need to introduce a vector of auxiliary variables ε≧Tsp−TR. Now we can write:
defining new matrices, Q(1×2N), a (5N×2N), and b (5N×1).
The rows of c correspond respectively to E>0, E<max, ε>0, ε≧Tsp−TR.
(Note that this excludes for simplicity constraints on the maximum temperature of the heating system which can be achieved by adding a further set of rows to a and b similarly to the last above.).
These matrices can be passed straightforwardly to the Octave interface1 to GLPK2 with the following syntax 1 http// http//
to produce via standard linear programming the solution E.
This method no longer requires that Q(E) is linear and so enables solution of heat pump control problems (see section below) and non-linear cost functions (e.g. ƒ). The method is intuitive but is slow in the vicinity of constraints, which are better dealt with by a barrier function method (see below), but it provides an easily describable algorithm for the non-linear case.
For gradient descent we also need to calculate the gradient ∇Q. For the simple linear f form off ƒ this is:
The idea is that E is always adjusted in the multi-dimensional direction which will reduce Q best.
The optimisation algorithm for gradient descent is as follows:
This method has two significant advantages over the gradient descent method: constraints are dealt with elegantly and efficiently, and the full Newton's method can be used to improve convergence speed. Non-linear cost functions are supported. This is the method we have found to work best, and is still a standard method in the scientific literature3. 3 George B. Dantzig and Mukund N. Thapa. 2003. Linear Programming 2: Theory and Extensions. Springer-Verlag.Margaret H. Wright (2005). “The interior-point revolution in optimization: history recent developments, and lasting, consequences”. Bull. Amer. Math Soc. (N.S), Vol 42. pp. 39-56. Retrieved 21 Feb. 2011.Bonnans, J Frédéric; Gilbert, J. Charles; Lemaréchal, Claude; Sagastizábal, Claudia A. (2006). Numerical optimization: Theoretical and practical aspects. Universitext (Second revised ed. of translation of 1997 French ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. xiv+490. doi:10,1007/978-3-540-35447-5. ISBN 3-540-35445-X. MR2265882., Narendra (1984). “A New Polynomial Time Algorithm for Linear Programming”, Combinatorica, Vol 4, no. 4, pp. 373-395.Mehrotra, Sanjay (1992). “On the implementation of a primal-dual interior point method”, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 575-601.Nocedal, Jorge; and Stephen Wright (1999). Numerical Optimization. New York, N.Y.: Springer. ISBN 0-387-98793-2.Press, W H; Teukolsky, S A; Vetterling, W T; Flannery, B P (2007). “Section 10.11. Linear Programming: Interior-Point Methods”. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (3rd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978M-521-88068-8., Stephen (1997). Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods. Philadelphia, Pa.: SIAM. ISBN 0-89871-382-X
Similarly to the linear programming method, auxiliary variables ε are required representing the temperature delta below set point. There are five constraints (for each time point):
For each of these we introduce a logarithmic barrier function multiplied by a single common variable P, together with a dual variable (Lagrange multiplier) for each dimension of each constraint. We also need the ability to calculate the Hessian matrix of the cost Q with respect to the energy inputs E.
The optimum solution is calculated using a multi-dimension Newton gradient descent method, and the barrier functions gradually reduced as the solution becomes closer to optimum.
The steps in this algorithm are as follows:
Finish if μ is sufficiently small (and change since last time was sufficiently small), otherwise iterate back to Step 3.
The standard barrier function (or interior point) method additionally allows for the specification of equality constraints in the form of the matrix equation Ax=b, through the addition of further Lagrange multipliers and some extensions to the internal formulation. This provides a straight-forward means of specifying a fixed energy Etotal such that ΣiEi=Etotal, and using the above optimisation to calculate the optimal distribution of the energy. Alternatively, the discomfort cost can be fixed as a linear matrix equation in E as:
4. Linear Programming with Equality Constraints
The linear programming method above can be easily adapted for the fixed energy input requirement. We redefine the matrices a and b so that there is an additional row specifying the equality constraint on the total energy (being the sum of the elements of E):
and pass these matrices as before to GLPK, specifying the last constraint as an equality constraint:
=glpk( , , , [ ],[ ],“LL . . . LS”,“CC . . . CC”,1).
If the house has a heat pump instead of a boiler, it is necessary to separate the power input to the plant (i.e. electricity) from the thermal energy delivered to the heating system, as their relationship varies quite a lot, and is highly dependent on the resulting system state (i.e. water temperature).
Our model for an air source heat pump is that the thermal power E provided by the heat pump when driven by electrical power P is
where kHP is the thermodynamic effectiveness of the heat pump, assumed to be a fixed value for a particular heat pump.
To carry out the optimisation it is necessary to work with the thermal power E as our variable as otherwise the propagation step (calculating T) becomes non-linear and potentially time-consuming. The energy cost term is dependent on P not E so
using a temperature cost function ƒ as previously.
This equation is missing a particular subtlety: We need the dependence of Q on E, but the heating system temperature T(j)H is a function of E, as energy input causes the radiators etc to get hot and at the same time reduce the efficiency of the heat pump. These are critical terms to include: not only do changes in energy directly impact the cost, they also impact the coefficient of performance and impact the cost indirectly because of this—important for heat pump optimisation.
As previously for TR, we can define ToffsetH=AHT0+FHTE (where the suffix H indicates e.g. A with the rows relevant to the heating system pulled out, i.e. TH=(AHT0+BHE+FHTE)), and write:
(this is incidentally the same formulation that is required to implement a maximum heating system temperature constraint for the non-heat pump case).
Hence, we can write Q with its full dependence on E shown explicitly:
where ƒ( . . . ) is the same as previously. This is now our fully specified cost function for a heat pump, and is clearly non-linear in E. The optimisation problem can be solved by either of the second two methods above (although not linear programming due to the nonlinearity).
This method requires an explicit function for the gradient of Q with respect to E. This is slightly simplified if we note that
and so finally for the air source heat pump this gradient
(for the simple form off again).
It will be appreciated that we are, in effect, performing matrix multiplications using indices to take care of which time step we're comparing with which. BH characterises the effect of E on water temperature, and BR characterises its effect on room temperature.
We can use this gradient within the same algorithm described above, taking care of the difference between electrical power provided to the heat pump and its output power. The heat pump's output power is constrained by a direct limit on the input power and so this limit must be updated each loop according to the current water temperatures. Similarly the heat pump has a maximum water temperature it can deliver (typically 60°).
Water temperatures can change quite rapidly in the course of one time-step, and if the initial temperature is used in the constraint, the algorithm can fail to reflect the disadvantage of putting in high power, and so can be unstable to spikes. A solution for this is, whenever a water temperature is used in the update loop, to use the average
(on the assumption that the water temperature increases linearly within the timestep)—and the same calculation with matrix is also used in the gradient.
Extension to a ground source heat pump is fairly straight forward—just replace the forecast air temperature TE with the forecast temperature of the ground loop.
On a similar note, this approach may need alteration if applied to an air source heat pump with CO2 refrigerant as it has different thermodynamics (i.e. the COP expression above is not valid).
The differential equations used to describe our model of the house are expressed as matrices Ad, Bd, Fd, for use within the subsequent calculations. We can identify six independent parameters as making up these matrices, as described below.
Each of the parameters can be thought of as a timescale or rate for:
These are all exponential timescales.
Hence we can write
where {r1, r2, r3, r4, r5} are all positive rates and r6 a positive heating rate. Note that in this notation we can just multiply r6T by [0 . . . 1] for the BE term according to the modulation level of the boiler.
Note that our method is not specific to these parameters—we can include an arbitrary number of blocks in our thermal model of the house—this is just a relatively simple example. The method would also work just as well excluding the radiator or thermal mass components of the model, although of course the match to reality would be less good.
The six thermal parameters are determined from previously recorded data of the house's temperature and heat request inputs. There are a variety of methods of achieving this inference. Here we describe a simple and reasonably effective method for estimating these parameters. r1 and r2 are the only ones it is important to get right; estimates suffice for the others.
and so r2 is approximately the current room temperature negative gradient divided by the temperature difference to outside.
from which r1 can be determined from the temperature gradient if we assume a maximum radiator temperature (e.g. TH=65°).
An example set of sensible parameters (in units of per hour, or degrees per hour for r6) are these (learned from the author's house):
6}={0.05 0.06 0.28 2.14 0.16 178}
Using a house model with parameters (for time measured in hours, and temperature in degrees C.)
r=(0.034 0.032 0.04 3 0.09 150)T
we can construct matrices
Integrating these for a timestep of 15 minutes yields
We can now construct propagation matrices. Considering 24 hours ahead at 15 minute steps, gives 96×96 matrices. Demonstrating this for room temperature, we construct ToffsetR (96×1) and BR (96×96) such that TR=ToffsetR+BRE—a linear equation for predicting room temperature from any set of energy inputs.
For initial temperatures
and external temperature forecast (2.5454 2.3907 2.2425 . . . )T these matrices can be calculated from A, B and F:
R=(18.8700 18.7415 8.6144 . . . )T
(how temperature is predicted to evolve with no further energy input) and
(how much energy at each point in time in the future affects temperature at each point in time in the future). The first column shows that energy input at the first time point has a bigger effect on the fourth time point than the first (representing system delays), and the zeros at the top right show that later energy inputs have no effect on earlier temperatures (as would be expected from causality).
The annexed spreadsheet (Annex) shows further information in detail:
If the temperature cost function ƒ(ΔT)=ΔT+2(ΔT)2 and we also apply a heating system maximum temperature constraint of 70° C. then the optimised energy input (limited to between 0 and 1) is:
E=(0.00004777 1 0.000049795 0.000052045 . . . )T
with target room temperature (initially identical to the offset because there is no energy input):
R=(18.8700 18.7415 18.6114 . . . )T
The T superscript for the bracketed terms denote the transpose function, the R superscript for T the fact that is a T matrix of room temperature.
Examples of further heating, energy input and discomfort profiles are discussed below with reference to
We choose an energy cost of 20 (units per 15 mins at full capacity) and a temperature cost of 1 (units per 15 mins per degree below set point)—this is an “economy” setting with a big energy penalty. We also choose a slightly non-linear (quadratic) cost function to achieve better performance.
We can now plot graphs of heating profiles and their costs.
The temperature is just allowed to decay as no heat is provided to the (simulated) property.
These incorporate both the multipliers Q and the cost functions of energy and temperature difference.
The Total Cost is the sum of both of these over all time, which in this case is 2465.7 arbitrary units. Clearly this is not the optimal solution as all the cost is being incurred only for discomfort—we can inject energy to reduce this.
The optimisation process is a way of adjusting the energy input to reduce the total cost. There are published methods for this (linear programming, gradient descent, interior point method, primal-dual methods), given a cost functional (which can be differentiated twice, for a gradient vector and a Hessian matrix) and matrices expressing inequality constraints (and optionally equality constraints). Hence we do not describe these steps in detail as the intricacies are not novel.
Note that the energy cost directly indicates the energy input on a scale of 0 to 20.
The cost as shown in
The boiler fires in advance of the first (evening) period of high set point (at 15 to 35 timesteps), getting the room to temperature in advance, but compromises slightly so that the room isn't quite to temperature at the start. It also doesn't fire for the second half of the period, letting the temperature ride to about 1 degree below set point—energy late at night is effectively expensive, as the heat is “wasted” when not needed overnight. For the following morning period, energy is saved by compromising on a lower temperature (there is little benefit from this energy as the period is so short), and the boiler firing is timed to give maximum benefit from this energy—just taking the chill off.
Comparisons with Other Heating Strategies
To further see the benefits of the controller of the invention, we can compare the heating profile of
Firstly, a “comfort” setting where no compromise is allowed. We can calculate this in the same way as above, but with a very low Energy Cost multiplier. This results in a profile as shown in
This uses 7.18 hours of boiler firing energy—nearly 60% more for (subjectively) disproportionately little benefit to the consumer—although this is a demonstration rather than an energy savings claim. The graph is representative of a system which is programmed to get the house to temperature in advance of a high set point period. Note that the method employed by the controller provides an automatic way (i.e. with no separate calculation required) of determining the optimum start time required to get a house to temperature in advance of a high set-point period.
This uses 5.57 hours of boiler firing energy (more than our economised control), but very little of the benefit is seen by the consumer—most of the warmth occurs after they have gone to bed (timestep 40) or when they don't need it (at the end of the time period when the set point is quite low). The Discomfort Cost is high also, as the room is mostly below set point during the higher set point periods.
An example of optimised heat pump control is shown in
The solution of the optimisation problem for an air-source heat pump (for a house with specific thermal parameters) is shown on the graph of
At the start, the heat pump has to work hard (and relatively inefficiently with a high flow temperature) to bring the room temperature up to the first high set point. During the next period, a minimum flow temperature (˜40 degrees) is maintained statically (as in conventional heat pump control, but customised automatically to the house's thermal properties), until the high-demand period approaches. The control then ramps the heap pump power up, to generate enough heat to largely ride out the high-demand period with little further power required. Overnight (the next lower set point period, starting at 100 time steps), the heat pumps runs quite hard to take advantage of cheap electricity. Finally, during the unoccupied period (around 150 timesteps) the heat pump gradually ramps its power up—this is a novel heat pump control strategy, as conventionally heat pumps are either run continuously overnight, or are turned off for a crude set-back. At the end, the temperature is allowed to fall off as no future periods are (yet) in sight.
All of the above decisions are determined automatically from the optimisation process, for the whole period at once; at best, conventional heuristic algorithms would have to make each decision individually.
To illustrate short term control,
It can be seen that far tighter control of the smoothing band is achieved with our algorithm, in this case achieving sub-noise level smoothing (which would be impossible with any hysteresis approach). The benefit of this is that the house is always at the required temperature: there is better consumer comfort and no energy is wasted getting the room unnecessarily warm. Whereas the final fire of the conventional control is largely “wasted”, the algorithm used by the controller does not heat the room any more than necessary at the end of the high set point period.
The boiler cycles far more often, but at twice an hour this is still within the specification of normal boilers (typically four cycles per hour maximum) and will not impact appreciably on the boiler lifespan. The cycling is far less frequent than “chrono-proportional” control, which cycle the boiler six times per hour all the time (and achieve poorer temperature control).
In summary, through the explicit house model, the algorithm knows exactly the best times to inject heat into the radiators (subject to some cycling time constraints) to achieve a target room temperature.
This invention thus uses a model-based approach to predict an optimal “heating profile” according to the expected occupancy (expressed as a discomfort cost multiplier) of the house over the next day or longer: the best times to provide heat to the house given the occupiers' requirements. The strategy maintains the benefits of undershoot/overshoot correction, and eliminates the need to make detailed individual decisions about the heating strategy.
The invention quantifies the trade-off between comfort and energy consumption, and uses a mathematical optimisation technique to calculate the heating profile (e.g. energy input at each minute of the day) that will minimise the net “Cost” of combined energy usage and occupier discomfort. In the described examples of quantifiable discomfort is the amount of time that the temperature is below a desired set point (Cost measured in degree-hours), but the technique is not restricted to this measure. Other factors such as the impact of cycling on the lifetime of the heating system can be factored into this Cost.
Three applications of this optimisation approach may be particularly beneficial:
The invention provides a methodology for calculating the best strategy for putting heat into a home (or other building), so that minimal energy is consumed for achieving occupant comfort.
To utilise Optimised Heating in practice, three stages are involved:
The learning calculations will be run continuously; the optimisation calculations are run periodically (e.g. every 15 minutes, looking ahead for the next day); and the short-term control is run continuously on controller 10, (e.g. every 2 minutes).
To run the optimisation calculations, the following inputs are used:
The output of the optimisation calculations is a “heating strategy” consisting of how much power should be input to the heating system at each point in the optimisation period.
The balance between the two “effective cost” figures determines whether the heating strategy is “economy” (for example, the homeowner is willing to have the temperature below set point for some of the day in order to save energy) or “comfort” (for example, the homeowner is willing to expend energy in order to ensure the house is always at their desired temperatures).
With regard to the model shown in
When the heat source is non-linear (as in the case of a heat pump the optimisation is formed with the thermal energy output from the heat source as the variable parameter, which has a variable cost assigned to it dependent on the system state in the minimisation loop.
The parameters of the thermal model of the house are typically unknown, and need to be learned from measurements made of the house's response to heat input (the techniques for carrying out this learning will be the subject of a future patent application). Nevertheless, even without learning, values can be estimated given the power of the heating system, the number of radiators, the size and build of the house.
In the described examples, the prediction model is used to construct an expression for the Total Cost of a given heating strategy. Total Cost typically consists of (a) Energy Cost plus (b) Discomfort Cost (although the approach is not restricted to this type of Cost). Each of these is multiplied by a Cost coefficient—the balance between these determines whether we are in “comfort” or “economy” mode, as discussed in the Description section.
For a non-linear heat source such as a heat pump, the Total Cost is a function of the input power, but the effect on the heating system is a different quantity. We rewrite the Energy Cost term as a function of the output heat (so for a heat pump the Energy Cost is the output heat divided by coefficient of performance). When we differentiate the Cost functional (with respect to input power) we include terms that result from the fact that changing temperatures within the system affect the Total Cost indirectly—the output heat is a function of the input power.
The iteration loop processes impose constraints on the system variables (including but not restricted to):
If the heating system has large changes during a timestep, the iteration process can become unstable for non-linear systems. The solution is to use the average water temperature (or problematic variable) in the update loop, i.e. the average of the previous and next water temperatures, which ensures the Cost implications of a change are directly reflected.
Step changes in variables (costs or constraints) can also cause instability in the optimisation process. This can be helped by using a smooth mathematical function that tends to the desired shape (e.g. piecewise linear) as another parameter goes to zero through the iterations, and with the use of “barrier functions” to represent constraints (with a weighting that goes to zero). We have found that the method that works well in practice is a primal-dual interior point method with logarithmic barrier functions; this can reliably inequality constraints, equality constraints, and non-linearity.
This approach with prediction model matrices and a Cost functional can also be used for other requirements:
Both of these require the specification of equality constraints within the optimisation problem.
The Optimisation calculations are run frequently enough that many changes can be reacted to as part of that, and Short-Term Control can be regarded as finding the best method of distributing the power throughout the optimisation time-step given the physical limitations of the heating system.
One specific approach for Short-Term Control is for an on-off controller as follows:
For each of these the future temperature is predicted, and compared with the heating profile. The option with a closest (e.g. least squares) match is chosen, and the boiler state changed if this option involves an immediate change to the boiler state.
This approach applies the system wear Cost through fixed cycling time constraints—i.e. Infinite cost for exceeding these constraints. The approach can be extended by dynamically adjusting of the minimum times according to house thermal parameters and state, effectively taking account of a system wear Cost.
A more sophisticated approach takes account of both types of cost directly (i.e. Cost of cycling and accuracy of meeting heating profile), and calculates the configuration of control outputs that minimise the resulting total cost.
One specific example is as follows: Predicting 30 minutes ahead, compare the Cost of not changing the output state (i.e. on to off or vice versa) and changing the output state (once overall) at each 2 minute timestep in the 30 minute period. The Cost is the sum of the cost of a state change and the integrated cost of temperature inaccuracy during the period. If the option with the least Cost is to change the output state now, implement this.
The Short-Term Control method is dependent on the physical system and being controlled and the interface available to it. Such systems include (but are not restricted to):
Short-Term Control is not necessarily required; in some cases the output from the Optimisation step can be used directly as an output (e.g. control of return water temperature in heat pump).
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
1208519.7 | May 2012 | GB | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/GB2013/050376 | 2/18/2013 | WO | 00 |