Down-Hole Emulsification for Improving Viscous Crude Production by Simon et al, 1968, Journal of Petroleum Technology. |
Down-Hole Water Injection Helps Pump Viscous Crude by Franco, 1966, Oil & Gas Journal. |
The Flow Mechanism of Dilute, Stable Emulsions in Porous Media by Soo et al, 1984, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. |
Use of Emulsions for Mobility Control During Steamflooding by French et al, 1986, Society of Petroleum Engineers. |
Crude-Oil-in-Water Emulsions to Improve Fluid Flow in an Oil Reservoir by McAuliffe, 1973, Journal of Petroleum Technology. |
The Contribution of Chemistry to New Marongani Mass-Transfer Instabilities at the Oil/Water Interface by Nakache, 1983, Faraday Discuss Chem. Soc. |
Separation of Metal Ions by Ligand-accelerated Transfer through Liquid Surfactant Membranes by Wasan et al, 1984, Faraday Discuss Chem. Soc. |
Transfer of Alkali-metal and Hydrogen Ions Across Liquid/Liquid Interfaces Mediated by Monensin, by Koryta et al., 1984, Faraday Discuss Chem. Soc. |
Chemical Kinetics and Mechanisms in Solvent Extraction of Copper Chelates by Flott, 1976, Solvent Extraction. |
Theory of Oil Detachment from a Solid Surface. In Situ Emulsification and Enhanced Production of Heavy Oils by a Novel Chemical Huff-and-Puff Method by Ostrovsky, 1987, Colloids and Surfaces. |
The Use of Oil/Water Emulsions as a Blocking and Diverting Agent by Farouq Ali et al, 1987, Advances in Petr. Recovery and Upgrading Technology. |
Heavy and Extra-Heavy Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions for Transportation: Their Formulation, Formation and Characterization by Rivas et al, UNITAR/UNDP Information Centre for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands. |
Viscous Crude Oil Transportation: The Presentation of Bitumen, Heavy and Extra-Heavy Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions by Stockwell et al, UNITAR/UNDP Information Centre for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands. |
Transportation of Viscous Crude Oil-in-Water Emulsions Through Pipes by Layrisse et al, UNITAR/UNDP Information Centre for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands. |
Chemicals by GAF.RTM., pp. 11 through 15, 1985. |