Pressure swing adsorption gas flow control method and system

The flow of gas between two vessels, each of which undergoes cyclic changes in gas pressure, is controlled by two check valves installed in parallel between the vessels. The first check valve allows gas to flow from the first vessel to the second vessel when the differential pressure between the vessels exceeds a first value, and the second check valve allows gas to flow from the second vessel to the first vessel when the differential pressure between the vessels exceeds a second value. The gas flow control method is particularly useful in pressure swing adsorption processes.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Pressure swing adsorption is a well-known method for the separation of bulk gas mixtures and for the purification of gas streams containing low concentrations of undesirable components. The method has been developed and adapted for a wide range of operating conditions, product purity, and product recovery. Many pressure swing adsorption systems utilize two or more adsorber beds operated in a cyclic sequence in order to maintain a constant product flow rate while selected beds undergo various steps including adsorption, depressurization, desorption, purge, pressure equalization, repressurization, and other related steps. Multiple adsorber beds using numerous process steps are required to achieve high purity and/or recovery of valuable gaseous products such as hydrogen, carbon oxides, synthesis gas, light hydrocarbons, and the like. The high cost of generating the feed gas mixtures containing these valuable components and the high purity requirements for certain products usually justify the complexity and capital expense of multiple-bed pressure swing adsorption systems.

A number of single-bed pressure swing adsorption (PSA) processes have been developed and are known in the art. Many of these processes operate partially at pressures below atmospheric and are described as vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) or vacuum-pressure swing adsorption (VPSA) processes. In the present specification, pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is used as a generic term to describe all types of cyclic adsorption systems regardless of operating pressure levels.

Other gaseous products amenable to recovery by PSA do not require the high purity and/or recovery of the above-named products. In the recovery of oxygen and nitrogen from air by PSA, for example, a lower purity product containing 90 to 95 vol % oxygen is acceptable for many end uses, and simpler PSA systems can be used to provide such a product. These simpler PSA systems have significantly lower capital and operating costs than the multiple-bed systems earlier described. The simplest of these PSA systems for air separation utilize a single adsorber bed in conjunction with one or more gas storage vessels to allow constant product flow and provide gas for adsorber purge and pressurization during the regeneration portion of the PSA cycle.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,561,865 discloses a single-bed PSA system comprising an adsorber and a surge tank operated with a feed compressor in a three-step cycle. First, compressed feed air is introduced into the adsorber, which increases the pressure in the adsorber, and simultaneously adsorber effluent is withdrawn into the surge tank. A portion of the gas is withdrawn from the surge tank as an oxygen-enriched product. The adsorber feed is then discontinued and the adsorber is vented countercurrently (i.e. through the adsorber feed end) to the atmosphere. During this venting step, purge gas from the surge tank is introduced into the product end of the adsorber. Upon completion of the vent/purge step, the adsorber and the surge tank are pressure equalized through the adsorber product end (i.e. countercurrently). The steps are repeated in a cyclic manner. U.S. Pat. No. 4,511,377 describes a modular apparatus using this PSA process.

A single-bed PSA system is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,892,566 which utilizes an adsorber in conjunction with a surge tank, feed compressor, and switch valves to carry out a series of steps. First, compressed feed air is introduced into the adsorber, which increases the pressure in the adsorber while at the same time adsorber effluent is withdrawn into the surge tank. A portion of the gas is withdrawn from the surge tank as an oxygen-enriched product. The adsorber feed is discontinued and the adsorber outlet closed, and the adsorber is vented countercurrently (i.e. through the adsorber feed end) to the atmosphere. Gas from the surge tank is introduced into the adsorber countercurrently (i.e. through the adsorber product end) and the pressures in the adsorber and surge tank are equalized. The adsorber is then pressurized with feed air through the feed end and pressure equalized with the surge tank. The adsorber is further pressurized to a pressure above that of the surge tank, and finally the adsorber and surge tank are pressure equalized. The steps are then repeated in cyclic fashion.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,032,150 discloses a single-bed PSA process which utilizes multiple gas storage tanks in a PSA cycle to separate air. Compressed air is fed from an air feed tank into an adsorber presaturated with oxygen-rich gas from a previous cycle and the adsorber effluent is directed into a product collector tank, from which a portion of the gas is withdrawn as an oxygen-rich product. The adsorber outlet is then closed and the adsorber is pressure equalized with the air feed tank. Next, the adsorber is rinsed with nitrogen-rich gas from a nitrogen product tank, and the displaced gas is stored in the air feed tank. The nitrogen-saturated adsorber then is depressurized countercurrently (i.e. through the adsorber feed end) into the nitrogen product tank. Nitrogen may be withdrawn as a product if required. Finally the adsorber is purged countercurrently with oxygen-rich gas from the product collector tank to displace the nitrogen therein and then is pressurized countercurrently with the oxygen-rich gas to the adsorption pressure. The steps are repeated in a cyclic manner.

A single-vessel rapid PSA system is described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,071,449 in which the vessel contains dual adsorption layers and operates in alternating fashion with a continuous feed gas and two continuous product streams. A product surge tank is not used. Another rapid PSA system utilizing a single adsorbent bed operating in a cycle of 30 seconds or less is described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,194,892. The adsorber effluent optionally flows through a product surge tank to dampen flow fluctuations during adsorber cycling.

A single-bed PSA system with a product surge tank and an equalization tank is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,370,728. In the operation of this system, compressed air feed is introduced into the adsorbent bed, pressurizing the bed from an intermediate pressure up to a maximum adsorption pressure, and the effluent product is withdrawn from the bed into the product surge tank. The adsorbent bed then is isolated and depressurized cocurrently (i.e. through the product end) into an equalization tank at the intermediate pressure. Next, the bed is further depressurized countercurrently (i.e. through the feed end) to a lower desorption pressure, and the bed is purged countercurrently with gas from the product surge tank. The bed is then pressurized countercurrently to the intermediate pressure with gas from the equalization tank. Finally the bed is pressurized with feed air and the steps are repeated in a cyclic manner.

Other single-bed PSA processes are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,065,272; 4,477,264; 5,228,888; 5,415,683; 5,658,371; 5,679,134; and 5,772,737; and in Japan Patent Application Kokai Nos. H9-77502 and H10-1947080; and in European Patent Application EP 0 771 583 A1.

Several of the above-cited documents disclose multiple gas storage tanks to provide purge and repressurization gas. U.S. Pat. No. 5,370,728, U.S. Pat. No. 5,658,371, and European Patent Application EP 0 771 583 A1 describe the use of dual gas storage tanks in single-bed air separation systems for oxygen recovery. One tank stores void space gas or partial depressurization gas having lower oxygen purity and the other tank stores higher purity oxygen product gas. Stored gas having lower oxygen purity is used for partial repressurization of the adsorber while a portion of stored higher purity product gas is used for adsorber purging. U.S. Pat. No. 5,032,150 describes the recovery of nitrogen from air in a PSA system which use multiple gas storage tanks, wherein one tank stores oxygen-rich gas for purging the adsorber and another tank stores nitrogen-rich product for displacing oxygen from the adsorber after purging is completed.

The PSA processes and systems described above provide for the efficient production of an enriched gaseous product from a feed gas mixture. These processes require multiple valves and appropriate control systems to control gas flow rate and flow direction during the cyclic adsorption, depressurization, evacuation, and repressurization steps. Future improvements will encourage the wider use of these PSA processes and systems, and such improvements should include the simplification of equipment, particularly blowers, valves, and associated gas flow control systems, which are required in PSA processes. The invention described below and defined in the appended claims offers a simplified gas flow control method and system which is particularly useful in PSA processes.


The invention is a method for controlling the flow of gas between a first vessel and a second vessel, each of which contains gas and undergoes cyclic changes in pressure, which method comprises:

(a) allowing gas to flow from the first vessel to the second vessel when the differential pressure between the first vessel and the second vessel is equal to or greater than a first differential pressure; and

(b) allowing gas to flow from the second vessel to the first vessel when the differential pressure between the second vessel and the first vessel is equal to or greater than a second differential pressure.

The method may further comprise:

(c) allowing no gas to flow in either direction between the first and second vessels when the differential pressure between the first vessel and the second vessel is less than the first differential pressure and when the differential pressure between the second vessel and the first vessel is less than the second differential pressure.

The flow of gas from the first vessel to the second vessel preferably is controlled by a first check valve installed in flow communication between the first and second vessels, and the first check valve opens at the first differential pressure and allows gas flow at or above the first differential pressure.

The flow of gas from the second vessel to the first vessel can be controlled by a second check valve installed in flow communication between the second and first vessels, wherein the second check valve typically opens at the second differential pressure and allows gas flow at or above the second differential pressure.

The first and second check valves preferably allow no gas flow between the first and second vessels when the differential pressure between the first vessel and the second vessel is less than the first differential pressure and when the differential pressure between the second vessel and the first vessel is less than the second differential pressure.

The first vessel can be an adsorber vessel and the second vessel can be a gas storage tank, wherein the adsorber vessel and the gas storage tank can be utilized in a pressure swing adsorption process for the separation of a pressurized feed gas containing at least one more strongly adsorbable component and at least one less strongly adsorbable component, which process comprises the steps of:

(a) introducing the pressurized feed gas at a feed pressure into a feed end of the adsorber vessel containing a solid adsorbent which preferentially adsorbs the more strongly adsorbable component, withdrawing from a product end of the adsorber vessel an adsorber effluent gas enriched in the less strongly adsorbable component, and introducing at least a portion of the adsorber effluent gas into the gas storage tank;

(b) terminating introduction of the pressurized feed gas into the adsorber vessel and depressurizing the adsorber vessel by evacuating gas from the feed end of the adsorber vessel;

(c) continuing to evacuate gas from the feed end of the adsorber vessel while simultaneously introducing stored adsorber effluent gas from the gas storage tank into the product end of the adsorber vessel until the pressure in the adsorber vessel reaches a minimum adsorber pressure;

(d) terminating the evacuating of gas from the feed end of the adsorber vessel and repressurizing the adsorber vessel from the minimum adsorber pressure to an intermediate pressure by introducing pressurized feed gas into the feed end of the adsorber vessel while continuing to introduce stored adsorber effluent gas from the gas storage tank into the product end of the adsorber vessel;

(e) further repressurizing the adsorber vessel to the feed pressure by continuing to introduce pressurized feed gas into the feed end of the adsorber vessel; and

(f) repeating steps (a) through (e) in a cyclic manner.

A final product gas can be obtained during step (a) by withdrawing a portion of the adsorber effluent gas, or alternatively by withdrawing a portion of the stored adsorber effluent gas from the gas storage tank. Preferably, a portion of the stored adsorber effluent gas is withdrawn from the gas storage tank as a final product gas during steps (b), (c), (d), and (e).

The invention includes a system for controlling the flow of gas between a first vessel and a second vessel, each of which contains gas and undergoes cyclic changes in pressure, which system comprises:

(a) a first check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the valve is installed in flow communication between the first vessel and the second vessel, and wherein the first check valve opens at a first differential pressure;

(b) a second check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the valve is installed in flow communication between the second vessel and the first vessel, and wherein the second check valve opens at a second differential pressure;

(c) piping means connecting the inlet of the first check valve to the first vessel and the outlet of the first check valve to the second vessel; and

(d) piping means connecting the inlet of the second check valve to the second vessel and the outlet of the second check valve to the first vessel.

The first vessel can be an adsorber vessel and the second vessel can be a gas storage tank, wherein the adsorber vessel and the gas storage tank are utilized in a pressure swing adsorption process for the separation of a pressurized feed gas containing at least one more strongly adsorbable component and at least one less strongly adsorbable component, which process comprises the steps of:

(a) introducing the pressurized feed gas at a feed pressure into a feed end of the adsorber vessel containing a solid adsorbent which preferentially adsorbs the more strongly adsorbable component, withdrawing from a product end of the adsorber vessel an adsorber effluent gas enriched in the less strongly adsorbable component, and introducing at least a portion of the adsorber effluent gas into the gas storage tank;

(b) terminating introduction of the pressurized feed gas into the adsorber vessel and depressurizing the adsorber vessel by evacuating gas from the feed end of the adsorber vessel;

(c) continuing to evacuate gas from the feed end of the adsorber vessel while simultaneously introducing stored adsorber effluent gas from the gas storage tank into the product end of the adsorber vessel until the pressure in the adsorber vessel reaches a minimum adsorber pressure;

(d) terminating the evacuating of gas from the feed end of the adsorber vessel and repressurizing the adsorber vessel from the minimum adsorber pressure to an intermediate pressure by introducing pressurized feed gas into the feed end of the adsorber vessel while continuing to introduce stored adsorber effluent gas from the gas storage tank into the product end of the adsorber vessel;

(e) further repressurizing the adsorber vessel to the feed pressure by continuing to introduce pressurized feed gas into the feed end of the adsorber vessel; and

(f) repeating steps (a) through (e) in a cyclic manner.

A final product gas can be obtained during step (a) by withdrawing a portion of the adsorber effluent gas, or alternatively by withdrawing a portion of the stored adsorber effluent gas from the gas storage tank. Preferably, a portion of the stored adsorber effluent gas is withdrawn from the gas storage tank as a final product gas during steps (b), (c), (d), and (e).

The system optionally can further comprise:

(e) a third vessel;

(f) a third check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the valve is installed in flow communication between the second vessel and the third vessel;

(g) piping means connecting the inlet of the third check valve to the second vessel and the outlet of the third check valve to the third vessel; and

(h) piping means connecting the inlet of the third check valve to the second vessel and the outlet of the third check valve to the third vessel; wherein the third check valve allows gas flow from the second vessel into the third vessel.

In this option, the first vessel can be an adsorber vessel, the second vessel can be a first gas storage tank, and the third vessel can be a second gas storage tank. The system can be utilized in a pressure swing adsorption process for the separation of a pressurized feed gas containing at least one more strongly adsorbable component and at least one less strongly adsorbable component which comprises the steps of:

(a) introducing the pressurized feed gas at a feed pressure into a feed end of the adsorber vessel containing a solid adsorbent which preferentially adsorbs the more strongly adsorbable component, withdrawing from a product end of the adsorber vessel an adsorber effluent gas enriched in the less strongly adsorbable component, introducing at least a portion of the adsorber effluent gas into the first gas storage tank, transferring gas from the first gas storage tank into the second gas storage tank, and withdrawing a final product gas from the second storage tank;

(b) terminating introduction of the pressurized feed gas into the adsorber vessel and depressurizing the adsorber vessel by withdrawing gas therefrom until the pressure therein reaches a minimum adsorber pressure, while continuing to withdraw a final product gas from the second gas storage tank;

(c) repressurizing the adsorber vessel from the minimum adsorber pressure to the feed pressure by introducing repressurization gas into the adsorber vessel, wherein at least a portion of the repressurization gas is provided from the first gas storage tank, while continuing to withdraw the final product gas from the second gas storage tank; and

(d) repeating steps (a) through (c) in a cyclic manner.

In another version of the invention, the system further comprises (e) a third vessel; (f) a third check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the outlet is installed in flow communication with the third vessel; and (g) piping means connecting the outlet of the third check valve to the third vessel.

The first vessel can be an adsorber vessel, the second vessel can be a first gas storage tank, and the third vessel can be a second gas storage tank. The system can be utilized in a pressure swing adsorption process for the separation of a pressurized feed gas containing at least one more strongly adsorbable component and at least one less strongly adsorbable component which comprises the steps of:

(a) introducing the pressurized feed gas at a feed pressure into a feed end of the adsorber vessel containing a solid adsorbent which preferentially adsorbs the more strongly adsorbable component, withdrawing from a product end of the adsorber vessel an adsorber effluent gas enriched in the less strongly adsorbable component, introducing a portion of the adsorber effluent gas into the first gas storage tank, introducing another portion of the adsorber effluent gas through the third check valve and from the outlet of the third check valve into the second gas storage tank, and withdrawing a final product gas from the second gas storage tank;

(b) terminating introduction of the pressurized feed gas into the adsorber vessel and depressurizing the adsorber vessel by withdrawing gas therefrom until the pressure therein reaches a minimum adsorber pressure, while continuing to withdraw the final product gas from the second gas storage tank;

(c) repressurizing the adsorber vessel from the minimum adsorber pressure to the feed pressure by introducing repressurization gas into the adsorber vessel, wherein at least a portion of the repressurization gas is provided from the first gas storage tank while the final product gas continues to be withdrawn from the second gas storage tank; and

(d) repeating steps (a) through (c) in a cyclic manner.


FIG. 1

is a schematic flow diagram of an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 2

is a plot of adsorber and gas storage tank pressures vs. time for a process cycle of the present invention.

FIG. 3

is a schematic flow diagram of an alternative embodiment of the present invention.


The present invention is a method for controlling the flow of gas between vessels in a PSA process during cyclic feed, evacuation, purge, and repressurization steps to provide a final gas product enriched in one of the feed components. The process is carried out in a simple system which utilizes a single two-way four-port valve for controlling gas flow between an adsorber vessel and a blower, and the blower is used for the introduction of feed gas into the adsorber and the evacuation of gas from the adsorber. The control of gas flow in either direction between the adsorber vessel and a product gas storage tank is accomplished by two check valves installed in parallel between the vessel and the tank. The system thus functions with only two mechanical drivers—one for operating the two-way four-port valve and one for operating the blower. The check valves between the adsorber and the gas storage tank are activated directly and automatically by the gas differential pressure between the adsorber and the storage tank.

In the descriptions of the embodiments of the present invention given herein, the following meanings are associated with specific terms used.

A feed step occurs during the time in which pressurized feed gas is introduced into the adsorber vessel. Depressurization is defined as the withdrawal of gas from the adsorber vessel accompanied by decreasing adsorber pressure. Depressurization can be achieved by venting gas from a superatmospheric pressure directly to the atmosphere, or alternatively to another process vessel or enclosed volume which is at a lower pressure. Depressurization also can be achieved by evacuation, defined as the withdrawal of gas from the adsorber by mechanical means such as a vacuum pump or blower. Evacuation can be carried out over any range of adsorber pressures, but typically is carried out at subatmospheric pressures, i.e., under vacuum. Repressurization is defined as the introduction of gas into the adsorber vessel accompanied by increasing adsorber pressure.

Purge is defined as the introduction of a purge gas, typically product gas, into one end of the adsorber while an effluent gas is withdrawn from the other end of the vessel. Purge can be carried out at any pressure, but is most effective at subatmospheric pressures. Purge can be carried out during depressurization, evacuation, or repressurization, and thus the adsorber pressure may increase, decrease, or remain constant during any portion of a purge step. Preferably, as described below, purge is carried out during the latter portion of the depressurization or evacuation step.

Differential pressure (or alternatively pressure differential) is defined as the positive difference in gas pressure between a vessel or tank at a higher pressure and a vessel or tank at a lower pressure. Differential pressure also is defined as the positive difference in gas pressure between the inlet and outlet of a check valve. The opening differential pressure of a check valve is the difference in pressure between the inlet and outlet required to open the valve and allow gas flow from the inlet to the outlet.

Void space gas is defined as nonadsorbed gas contained within the interstitial or interparticle volume within the adsorber vessel, and includes gas in the piping and vessel dead volume which is not occupied by adsorbent.

The portion of the adsorber effluent gas from the adsorber vessel, which also can be defined as adsorber product gas, is stored in a product gas storage tank. Gas withdrawn for external consumption is defined as a final product gas (or alternatively a final gas product), and this final product gas can be supplied by withdrawal from the product gas storage tank or as a portion of the adsorber product gas.

The process of the present invention is carried out in the pressure swing adsorption system shown schematically in FIG.


. Feed gas and waste evacuation gas (later defined) flow through intake/vent line


connected to silencer


which reduces the noise of gas intake and exhaust. Line


, through which gas flows in either direction, is connected to two-way four-port valve


at inlet/outlet port



. Line


, through which gas flows in either direction, connects inlet/outlet port



of two-way four-port valve


to blower


. Line


, through which gas flows in either direction, connects inlet/outlet port



of two-way four-port valve


to blower


. Line


, through which gas flows in either direction, connects inlet/outlet port



of two-way four-port valve


with the feed end of adsorber vessel



Two-way four-port valve


can be any type of commercially-available two-way four-port valve which can be operated in two positions to direct gas in two flow directions. This valve typically is a four-ported ball valve with a double angle or double L ball actuated by means of an electric reversing motor actuator with brake. Valves and actuators suitable for such service are available commercially, and can be obtained for example from Pittsburgh Brass Manufacturing Co. and from AMSCO Sales Corp.

Adsorber vessel


contains adsorbent material which selectively adsorbs one or more of the components in a feed gas mixture, thereby enriching the non-adsorbed gas in the remaining components as explained later. Line


, through which gas flows in either direction, is connected to the product end of the adsorber vessel



, through which gas flows in only one direction as shown, is connected to the inlet of check valve


. Line


, through which gas flows in only one direction as shown, is connected to the outlet of check valve


. Check valve


allows flow only from adsorber vessel


to gas storage tank


, in the direction shown, when the differential pressure between adsorber vessel


(the higher pressure) and gas storage tank


(the lower pressure) is equal to or greater than a predetermined value. This differential pressure is the opening differential pressure of the check valve. When the differential pressure is less than this value, check valve


is closed. This predetermined value of the differential pressure is typically between about 0.05 and 1.0 pounds per square inch differential (psid), and is set by the design of the specific check valve used in this service. Line


, through which gas flows in either direction, is connected to line


, through which gas flows to the inlet of control valve


. Final product gas line


is connected to the outlet of control valve


. Line


, through which gas flows in either direction, is connected to line


and to gas storage tank





, through which gas flows in only one direction as shown, is connected to the inlet of check valve


. Line


, through which gas flows in only one direction as shown, is connected to the outlet of check valve


and to line


. Check valve


allows flow from gas storage tank


to adsorber vessel


, in the direction shown, only when the differential pressure between gas storage tank


(the higher pressure) and adsorber vessel


(the lower pressure) is equal to or greater than a predetermined value. This is the opening differential pressure of the check valve. When the differential pressure is less than this value, check valve


is closed. This predetermined value of the differential pressure is typically between about 2.0 and 20 pounds per square inch differential (psid), and is set by the design of the specific check valve used in this service.

An alternative mode for the withdrawal of final product gas is given in

FIG. 1

in which the product is withdrawn directly from gas storage tank


via line


, valve


, and product line


as shown.

The description of the process of the present invention which utilizes the system of

FIG. 1

is given below. The process is illustrated by the recovery of oxygen from air, but the process can be used to separate other gas mixtures as explained later.

1) Air Feed

Atmospheric air, preferably filtered by known methods (not shown) to remove harmful particulate material, flows through intake/vent line


, silencer


, line


, two-way four-port valve


via ports






, and line


into the inlet of blower


. Blower


, which typically is a rotary lobe Roots-type blower, compresses the air to a feed pressure typically in the range of 18 to 23 psia. An aftercooler (not shown) following the blower optionally can be used. Pressurized feed gas flows through line


, two-way four-port valve


via ports






, and line


into adsorber vessel


containing adsorbent material which selectively adsorbs nitrogen, a more strongly adsorbed component in the air feed. Adsorber vessel


is initially at a typical intermediate pressure of about 14.5 to 15.5 psia as a result of a previous repressurization step (described below), and the pressures in adsorber vessel


and gas storage tank


are nearly equal except for the differential pressure required to keep check valve


open. Pressurized feed air increases the pressure in the adsorber vessel to the full adsorption pressure of about 18 to 23 psia over a period of about 13 to 30 seconds. Water present in atmospheric air can be removed upstream of adsorber vessel


by known methods, or alternatively can be removed by the use of a layer of adsorbent at the adsorber inlet end which preferentially adsorbs water.

As the pressurized air feed passes through the adsorber vessel, it is enriched in oxygen, a less strongly adsorbed component in the air feed. Oxygen-enriched adsorber effluent typically containing 85 to 95 vol % oxygen is withdrawn through line


, line


, check valve


, and line


. A portion of the adsorber effluent gas flows through line


into gas storage tank


, and the remainder passes through flow control valve


and line


to provide a final oxygen product gas.

The air feed step continues until the adsorbent approaches a predetermined level of nitrogen breakthrough and before complete adsorption equilibrium with feed air is reached in the adsorber, at which time the step is terminated. The typical duration of the air feed step is about 13 to 30 seconds.

Adsorber vessel


contains one or more adsorbents which preferentially adsorb nitrogen and thus enrich the adsorber effluent in oxygen. These adsorbents can be selected from the group consisting of monovalent or bivalent cation-exchanged zeolites having type A, type X, or mordenite structure. Specific examples are NaX, NaA, CaX, and CaA type zeolites.

2. Evacuation

The air feed step is terminated by changing the position of two-way four-port valve


such that blower


evacuates adsorber vessel


, whereby void space and desorbed gas from the adsorber flow through line


, two-way four-port valve


via ports






, blower


, and line


. Shortly after the termination of the air feed step, check valve


automatically closes when the differential pressure between adsorber vessel


(the higher pressure) and gas storage tank


(the lower pressure) falls below a predetermined value in the range of 2 to 20 psid. Check valve


therefore is closed for most of the evacuation step. Evacuated gas flows through two-way four-port valve


via ports






, line


, and silencer


, and is vented to the atmosphere through inlet/vent line


. Adsorber vessel


is countercurrently evacuated (i.e. in the opposite flow direction as the feed step), which desorbs nitrogen adsorbed during the air feed step, thereby partially regenerating the adsorbent for the next air feed step. Evacuation continues until an intermediate adsorber pressure of about 4 to 10 psia is attained.

3. Combined Evacuation and Purge

When the differential pressure between gas storage tank


(the higher pressure) and adsorber vessel


(the lower pressure) increases to a predetermined value between about 2 and 10 psid, check valve


automatically opens and oxygen-rich product gas flows from tank


into adsorber vessel


via lines








, and


. This countercurrent flow of purge gas sweeps the adsorbent and further desorbs residual nitrogen. The purge gas admission rate is such that the pressure in adsorber vessel


continues to fall. When a predetermined minimum adsorber pressure of between about 4 and 10 psia is reached, this combined evacuation and purge step is terminated. Typically, the duration of the step is between about 2 and 8 seconds. Termination of the step is effected by switching the position of two-way four-port valve


so that blower


is changed from the evacuation mode to the feed compression mode earlier described. If desired, the rate of purge gas supplied through check valve


and the switch time of valve


can be selected such that the combined evacuation and purge step is carried out for a period of time at the minimum adsorber pressure.

4. Dual-Ended Repressurization

Repressurization of adsorber vessel


is initiated by introducing compressed feed air through line


as earlier described in the air feed step. Air flows through intake/vent line


, silencer


, line


, two-way four-port valve


via ports






, and line


into the inlet of blower


. Blower


thus introduces feed air at increasing pressure into adsorber vessel


. Pressurized feed gas flows through line


, two-way four-port valve


via ports






, and line


into adsorber vessel


. Stored product gas from gas storage tank


continues to flow into the adsorber vessel through line


, line


, line


, check valve


, line


, and line


. When the differential pressure between gas storage tank


(the higher pressure) and adsorber vessel


(the lower pressure) decreases to the predetermined value between about 2 and 10 psid, check valve


automatically closes, and the dual-ended repressurization step ends. The duration of the dual-ended repressurization step typically is about 2 to 8 seconds.

5. Feed Repressurization

As pressurized air feed continues, the pressure in adsorber vessel increases to the feed pressure, at which time the cycle is repeated beginning with the air feed step described above. At the end of this step, check valve


opens and adsorber product effluent gas begins to flow through line


, line


, check valve


, line


, and line


. Check valve


automatically opens when the differential pressure between adsorber vessel


(the higher pressure) and gas storage tank


(the lower pressure) reaches the predetermined value in the range of 0.05 to 1.0 psid. A portion of the product gas flows via line


into gas storage tank


and the remainder is withdrawn as the final oxygen product gas via line


, control valve


, and line



During steps 1 through 5 described above, final oxygen product gas is withdrawn continuously through valve


and line


. During step 1, the total gas flow from adsorber vessel


through lines






, and


provides gas to storage tank


via line


and final oxygen product gas via line


. During steps 2 through 5, final oxygen product gas is withdrawn from gas storage tank


via lines




. During steps 2, 3, and 4, product gas also is withdrawn from gas storage tank


via lines








, and


for adsorber vessel purge and repressurization. Gas storage tank


is designed to be of sufficient volume to provide purge and repressurization gas while providing final oxygen product gas at the required pressure and flow rate.

In an alternative embodiment of the invention, all adsorber effluent gas can be introduced via lines




into gas storage tank


. Final product gas is withdrawn directly from gas storage tank


via line


, valve


, and product line


as shown. Gas for purge and repressurization of the adsorber is withdrawn via lines




as described above.

A summary of the PSA cycle described above is given in Table 1, which indicates the valve position and time duration for each cycle step for the cycle described above. A plot of the absolute pressures in adsorber vessel


and gas storage tank


as a function of time is shown in

FIG. 2

in conjunction with the Example given below. The time axis of

FIG. 2

is not necessarily to scale, and the lengths of the cycle steps shown are illustrative only.


Cycle and Valve Position Summary

(Time Periods from FIG. 2)





Valve 7


Cycle Step



Port Connections



1) Air Feed






7a to 7b; 7c to 7d



2) Evacuation






7d to 7b; 7c to 7a



3) Evacuation/Purge






7d to 7b; 7c to 7a



4) Dual-end






7a to 7b; 7c to 7d




5) Feed






7a to 7b; 7c to 7d




Valve Position: O = Open C = Closed C* = closes slightly after step 2 begins

Total cycle time from t




is typically in the range of 36 to 94 seconds.

In an alternative embodiment of the invention, all adsorber effluent gas can be introduced via lines




into gas storage tank


. Final product gas is withdrawn directly from gas storage tank


via line


, valve


, and product line


as shown optionally in FIG.


. Gas for purge and repressurization of the adsorber is withdrawn from tank


via lines




as described above.

Another alternative embodiment of the invention is given in FIG.


. In this embodiment, gas storage tank



FIG. 1

is replaced with two tanks




. These tanks can be partitioned volumes of a single vessel as shown, or alternatively can be separate vessels if desired. Tank


is in flow communication with line


via line


such that adsorber effluent gas can flow into storage tank


and stored gas can be withdrawn from storage tank


for purge and repressurization of the adsorber vessel as earlier described. Tank


provides gas for these purposes in a manner similar to tank



FIG. 1

as earlier discussed.



also is in one-way flow communication with gas storage tank


via line


, check valve


, and line


. Check valve


opens to allow flow of stored adsorber effluent gas from tank


to tank


only when the differential pressure between tank


(the higher pressure) and tank


(the lower pressure) equals or exceeds a predetermined value in the range of 0.05 to 1.0 psid. When the differential pressure between tank


and tank


drops below the predetermined, no gas can flow from tank


into tank


. Typically the opening differential pressure of check valve


is essentially the same as that of check valve


, although the opening differential pressures of the two check valves can differ if desired. Final product gas can be withdrawn via line


, valve


, and line



Alternatively, instead of transferring gas from tank


to tank


as described above, a portion of adsorber effluent gas from line


can be introduced directly into tank


via check valve


and line


(not shown). The remaining portion of the adsorber effluent gas is stored in tank


, and this gas is used only for purge and repressurization of the adsorber vessel. Final product gas would be withdrawn via line


, valve


, and line


as above. In another version of this alternative, check valve


can be installed between lines




(not shown) rather than directly between tanks




as described above.

These alternative embodiments of the invention allow the use of lower pressure gas from tank


for purge and repressurization while utilizing higher pressure gas from tank


for final product gas. During the periods of stored gas withdrawal, the pressure in tank


will drop faster than the pressure in tank


. This allows a more efficient use of available adsorber effluent gas pressure than the earlier-described use of the single gas storage tank of FIG.


. This also allows better flow control of final product gas via valve


, since the average pressure in tank


is higher than the pressure in the single tank version.

The PSA process cycle of the present invention is described above for the preferred application of air separation for oxygen production. The process cycle also can be used for the separation of other gas mixtures by using appropriate adsorbent(s) and cycle times. The process can be applied, for example, in the recovery of moderate purity hydrogen from petroleum refinery offgases, in the drying of air, and in the removal of heavier hydrocarbons from natural gas. Adsorbents useful for these separations include activated carbon, types A and X zeolites, and mordenite. The system as described utilizes a single adsorber, but multiple adsorbers can be used in parallel if higher production rates are required.


A PSA system according to

FIG. 1

is operated to recover oxygen from air as described above and as summarized in Table


. The minimum differential pressure between adsorber


and gas storage tank


required to allow flow through check valve


is 0.25 psid. Thus the opening differential pressure of check valve


is 0.25 psid. The minimum differential pressure between gas storage tank


and adsorber


required to allow flow through check valve


is 10 psid. Thus the opening differential pressure of check valve


is 10 psid.

The cycle is described in

FIG. 2

, which presents the pressure-time profile for adsorber vessel


and gas storage tank


. The cycle and air feed step (1) begin at time at to in which the initial pressure in adsorber vessel


is 17.0 psia. The gas flow through the system proceeds as described in air feed step (


) above and the valves operate in the positions summarized in Table 1. Since the minimum differential pressure required to maintain flow through check valve


is 0.25 psid, the pressure in gas storage tank


at to is 0.25 psia lower than the pressure in adsorber vessel


. The pressure in adsorber vessel


rises approximately linearly from t


to t


while the pressure in gas storage tank


rises more slowly because only a portion of the product gas in line


flows through line


into tank



At time t


(20 seconds after t


), when the adsorber pressure reaches 22 psia, the air feed step is terminated and the evacuation step is initiated by switching the position of feed valve


as described above. Blower


immediately begins to withdraw evacuation gas from adsorber vessel


, and the pressure therein decreases rapidly. Shortly after time t


, the differential pressure between adsorber


and tank


falls below 0.25 psid, and flow through check valve


stops. Evacuation proceeds and the pressure in adsorber


continues to decrease. At the same time, the final oxygen gas product is withdrawn from storage tank


via line


, and the pressure in the tank decreases slowly.

At time t


(30 seconds after t


), the evacuation step automatically terminates, and the combined evacuation and purge step begins when the differential pressure between gas storage tank


and adsorber


exceeds 10 psid. This initiates flow of oxygen product gas from tank


through check valve


and into adsorber vessel


, thereby providing purge gas into the product end of the adsorber while evacuation continues from the feed end of the adsorber. The pressure in adsorber


continues to decrease, although at a slightly lower rate, and the pressure in storage tank


decreases more rapidly as both purge gas and final product gas are withdrawn therefrom.

At time t


(8 seconds after t


), adsorber vessel


reaches a pressure of 4.0 psia and the evacuation/purge step is terminated by switching the position of two-way four-port valve


so that blower


is changed from the evacuation mode to the feed compression mode as earlier described. This switch introduces compressed feed air into the feed end of adsorber


, while product gas continues to flow from storage tank


into the adsorber, thereby providing dual end repressurization of the adsorber. This step continues as the pressure in the adsorber increases and the pressure in the gas storage tank decreases.

At time t


(4 seconds after t


), the dual end repressurization step automatically terminates and the feed repressurization step begins when the differential pressure between gas storage tank


and adsorber


drops below 10 psid. This terminates the flow of oxygen product gas from tank


through check valve


and into adsorber vessel


as check valve


closes, and feed repressurization proceeds until the adsorber pressure reaches the initial feed pressure of 17.0 psia. The pressure in storage tank


continues to decrease, but at a slightly slower rate, as final oxygen product gas withdrawal continues through line


. At time t


(6 seconds after t


), the differential pressure between adsorber


and tank


exceeds 0.25 psid, and flow through check valve


begins. At this point the cycle repeats beginning with the air feed step.

While specific cycle step durations and pressures are described in this Example, other cycle step durations and pressures can be used depending on required product rate and purity, adsorber size, ambient temperature, and type of adsorbent. The relative durations and pressures in the main segments of the PSA cycle in

FIG. 2

, namely the air feed step (t




), the evacuation steps (t




), and the repressurization steps (t




), are controlled by the switch times of two-way four-port valve


. The relative duration of the evacuation step (t




), the evacuation and purge step (t




), the dual end repressurization step (t




), and the product repressurization step (t




) are controlled by the selection of the differential pressures at which check valves




open. For example, selecting a higher value of this differential pressure for check valve


would lengthen the evacuation step and the product repressurization step, and would shorten the dual end repressurization step and the evacuation and purge step. Conversely, selecting a lower value of this differential pressure for check valve


would shorten the evacuation step and the product repressurization step, and would lengthen the dual end repressurization step and the evacuation and purge step.

The process described above is carried out in a simple system which utilizes a single two-way four-port valve for controlling gas flow between an adsorber vessel and a blower, and the blower is used for the introduction of feed gas into the adsorber and the evacuation of gas from the adsorber. The control of gas flow in either direction between the adsorber vessel and the product gas storage tank is accomplished automatically by two check valves installed in parallel between the vessel and the tank. The system thus functions with only two mechanical drivers—one for operating the two-way four-port valve and one for operating the blower. The check valves between the adsorber and the gas storage tank are activated directly and automatically by the gas differential pressure between the adsorber and the storage tank. The design of the present PSA system thus reduces capital cost and increases operating reliability when compared with previous systems which require the controlled mechanical opening and closing of numerous valves to direct gas flow during the various PSA steps.

Since only one actuated valve and one blower are required, the PSA system is simple and compact. The single two-way four-port valve is controlled by a single timer, which in combination with the check valves eliminates the need for a more complex microprocessor to control the cycle.

The use of check valves can be applied to control gas flow between vessels which undergo cyclic pressure changes in any other type of PSA process, and is not limited to the specific single-bed PSA cycle described above. In addition, the method can be used in other processes in which gas flow must be controlled between vessels which undergo cyclic pressure changes.

The essential characteristics of the present invention are described completely in the foregoing disclosure. One skilled in the art can understand the invention and make various modifications without departing from the basic spirit of the invention, and without deviating from the scope and equivalents of the claims which follow.

  • 1. A method for controlling the flow of gas between a first vessel and a second vessel, each of which contains gas and undergoes cyclic changes in pressure, which method comprises allowing gas to flow from the first vessel to the second vessel when the differential pressure between the first vessel and the second vessel is equal to or greater than a first differential pressure, and allowing gas to flow from the second vessel to the first vessel when the differential pressure between the second vessel and the first vessel is equal to or greater than a second differential pressure, wherein the first vessel is an adsorber vessel and the second vessel is a gas storage tank, and wherein the adsorber vessel and the gas storage tank are utilized in a pressure swing adsorption process for the separation of a pressurized feed gas containing at least one more strongly adsorbable component and at least one less strongly adsorbable component, which process comprises the steps of:(a) introducing the pressurized feed gas at a feed pressure into a feed end of the adsorber vessel containing a solid adsorbent which preferentially adsorbs the more strongly adsorbable component, withdrawing from a product end of the adsorber vessel an adsorber effluent gas enriched in the less strongly adsorbable component, and introducing at least a portion of the adsorber effluent gas into the gas storage tank; (b) terminating introduction of the pressurized feed gas into the adsorber vessel and depressurizing the adsorber vessel by evacuating gas from the feed end of the adsorber vessel; (c) continuing to evacuate gas from the feed end of the adsorber vessel while simultaneously introducing stored adsorber effluent gas from the gas storage tank into the product end of the adsorber vessel until the pressure in the adsorber vessel reaches a minimum adsorber pressure; (d) terminating the evacuating of gas from the feed end of the adsorber vessel and repressurizing the adsorber vessel from the minimum adsorber pressure to an intermediate pressure by introducing pressurized feed gas into the feed end of the adsorber vessel while continuing to introduce stored adsorber effluent gas from the gas storage tank into the product end of the adsorber vessel; (e) further repressurizing the adsorber vessel to the feed pressure by continuing to introduce pressurized feed gas into the feed end of the adsorber vessel; and (f) repeating steps (a) through (e) in a cyclic manner.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein a portion of the adsorber effluent gas enriched in the less strongly adsorbable component is withdrawn as a final product gas during step (a).
  • 3. The method of claim 1 wherein a portion of the stored adsorber effluent gas enriched in the less strongly adsorbable component is withdrawn from the gas storage tank as a final product gas during step (a).
  • 4. The method of claim 1 wherein a portion of the stored adsorber effluent gas from the gas storage tank is withdrawn as a final product gas during steps (b), (c), (d), and (e).
  • 5. A system for controlling the flow of gas between a first vessel and a second vessel, each of which contains gas and undergoes cyclic changes in pressure, and between the second vessel and a third vessel, which system comprises:(a) a first check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the valve is installed in flow communication between the first vessel and the second vessel, and wherein the first check valve opens at a first differential pressure; (b) a second check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the valve is installed in flow communication between the second vessel and the first vessel, and wherein the second check valve opens at a second differential pressure; (c) piping means connecting the inlet of the first check valve to the first vessel and the outlet of the first check valve to the second vessel; (d) piping means connecting the inlet of the second check valve to the second vessel and the outlet of the second check valve to the first vessel; (e) a third vessel; (f) a third check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the valve is installed in flow communication between the second vessel and the third vessel; (g) piping means connecting the inlet of the third check valve to the second vessel and the outlet of the third check valve to the third vessel; and (h) piping means connecting the inlet of the third check valve to the second vessel and the outlet of the third check valve to the third vessel; wherein the third check valve allows gas flow from the second vessel into the third vessel.
  • 6. The system of claim 5 wherein the third vessel is another gas storage tank.
  • 7. A system for controlling the flow of gas between a first vessel and a second vessel, each of which contains gas and undergoes cyclic changes in pressure, and between the first vessel and a third vessel, which system comprises:(a) a first check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the valve is installed in flow communication between the first vessel and the second vessel, and wherein the first check valve opens at a first differential pressure, (b) a second check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the valve is installed in flow communication between the second vessel and the first vessel, and wherein the second check valve opens at a second differential pressure; (c) piping means connecting the inlet of the first check valve to the first vessel and the outlet of the first check valve to the second vessel; (d) piping means connecting the inlet of the second check valve to the second vessel and the outlet of the second check valve to the first vessel; (e) a third vessel; (f) a third check valve having an inlet and an outlet, wherein the outlet is installed in flow communication with the third vessel; (g) piping means connecting the outlet of the third check valve to the third vessel; and (h) piping means connecting the inlet of the third check valve to the piping means connecting the outlet of the first check valve to the second vessel.
  • 8. The system of claim 7 wherein the third vessel is another gas storage tank.
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