McCutcheon's vol. 1: Emulsifiers & Detergents North American Edition 1993 ( McCutcheon Division, MC Publishing Co., Glen Rock NJ, USA, copyright 1993) p. 63, Jan. 1994.* |
English language Derwent Abstract No. 91-270690 of JP 3178331, Week 9137. |
English language Derwent Abstract of DE-A-4243272, AN 94-209627/26, Week 9426. |
English language Derwent Abstract of DE-A-4318171, AN-95-014884/03, Week 9503. |
English language Derwent Abstract of EP-A-0641557, AN-95-099980/14, Week 9514. |
PTO 98-1147 translation of De 43 18 171, 1/98. |
Myers, “Surfactant Science and Technology,” 2nd ed. (VCH Publishers, Inc., NY, NY copyright 1992) Month unknown. pp. 148-155 and 240-241. |
McCutcheon's vol. 1: Emulsifiers & Detergents 1993 North American Edition (McCutcheon Division, MC Publishing Co., Glen Rock, NJ Copyright 1993) Month unknown. pp. 86 and 108. |
M. Rosen, “Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena” (John Wiley & Sons, NY, NY, Copyright 1978) Month unknown. p. 224. |
Myers, “Surfactant Science and Technology,” (VCH Publishing, NY, NY, copyright 1992) Month unknown. p. 151. |
Shinoda et al., “Emulsions and Solubilization,” (John Wiley & Sons, NY, NY, copyright 1986) Month unknown. p. 5. |
WPIDS on STN, Week 9514, London: Derwent Publications Ltd., AN—95 106622, WO 9505769 A1 (Sixtensson) abstract. |
WPIDS on West, week 8950, London: Derwent Publications LTD., AN—89 364978, CA 1,334,458 C or DE 38 191 93 A (Henkel) abstract. |