A prime mover with recovered energy driven compression for stationary and motor vehicle application. Efficient low compression operation, especially beneficial to small gas turbines, is enabled with either ambient or cryogenic intake air. Two features, exhaust gas recirculation by a jet-compressor and a heat of fusion sink to liquefy motive air to the jet-compressor, decrease regenerative heat exchanger terminal temperature difference relative to turbine temperature drop in low pressure operation while reducing heat exchanger surface area.

U.S. Pat. No. 7,398,841 B2 (2008) Kaufman, Jay S.


1. Chrysler Technical Information Office, “History of Chrysler Corporations Gas Turbine Vehicles”, Chrysler Corporation Publication (Jan. 1979)

2. Antoine, H., “Is There a Future For Micro-turbines?, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Industrial Gas Turbine Technologies, Bled, Slovenia (April 2004)

3. DeFrate, L. and Hoerl, A. “Optimum Design of Ejectors Using Digital Computers”, Chemical Engineering Progress, Symposium Series, 21 (1959)


The present invention relates to the use of recovered energy to provide minimal compression work in low compression motor vehicle and stationary engines, and in particular to systems for exhaust gas recirculation by a jet-compressor with liquefaction of the motive fluid by a heat of fusion sink.

Description of Prior Art

A high efficiency prime mover with renewable energy storage has long been a goal of motor vehicle and stationary engine design to provide energy independence, conserve fossil fuels, and reduce emission of combustion products. While the expansion engine of the present invention is applicable to both reciprocating and rotary engines, it is especially beneficial to the gas turbine. The gas turbine offers several advantages over other engines including simplicity, reliability, low maintenance, low emissions, low weight and ability to burn most any fuel or to run on recovered heat. It has the potential to provide a universal prime mover, however it is inefficient in the motor vehicle and stationary distributed electric generation size range, especially with respect to variable speed operation. This is because of two factors:

    • rotor stress limitations imposed by the pressure-speed relationship, wherein rotor speed is directly proportional to working fluid flow rate and compression ratio, and indirectly proportional to rotor diameter
    • high heat exchanger terminal temperature difference relative to turbine temperature drop.

Both of these factors begin to adversely effect cycle efficiency at a pressure ratio less than about 3. As a result turn-down is inefficient, exhaust temperature and rotor stresses are high with rotational speeds exceeding 100,000 rpm, and a large expensive heat exchanger is needed.

Previous efforts to adapt a gas turbine to motor vehicle use, notably the Chrysler turbine [1] have been unsuccessful. Present efforts to employ micro-turbines [2] for distributed electric generation are proving successful, but with marginal cost advantage. In general, problems with smaller gas turbine applications are attributable to high compression work with low density ambient intake air and exhaust gas heat recovery with large and complex regenerative heat exchangers. Several cryogenic compression engines have been built and tested to reduce compression work by, in effect, transferring compression to production and storage of liquefied air or nitrogen for compression cooling. Liquefaction work is by renewable energy or other low cost means such as off-peak electricity, therefore not chargeable to cycle efficiency. Both Brayton and Rankine cycles, either fired or with fuel-less ambient heating have been tried, however consumption of the liquefied coolant has proved to be excessive and high efficiency liquefaction is still sought after. Similarly, a highly effective regenerative heat exchanger is also sought after. Most gas turbines have a heat exchanger for recovering exhaust heat to improve cycle efficiency. Large surface area and enhanced heat transfer features are combined to attain high effectiveness. Fixed area recuperators constructed of numerous tubes, brazed or welded in complex header arrangements and with enhanced heat transfer are difficult to manufacture and expensive. Another kind of heat exchanger, the rotary regenerator, attains higher effectiveness than recuperators by providing passage of the atmospheric and pressurized flow streams, alternately over the same heat transfer matrix. Seals to minimize leakage between the streams are difficult to maintain and application is limited to low compression systems.


Accordingly, objects of the prime mover of the present invention are:

    • to provide high cycle efficiency in a low compression prime mover of a transport vehicle drawing ambient atmospheric working fluid, while utilizing recovery of vehicle braking energy and other recoverable energy to reduce compression work of the prime mover;
    • to provide high cycle efficiency throughout the speed range of a low compression prime mover of a transport vehicle, utilizing recovery of vehicle braking energy and other recoverable energy to drive a heat of fusion sink for absorbing heat from and liquefying the working fluid to reduce compression work of the prime mover;
    • to provide high cycle efficiency of a low compression prime mover for distributed electric generation, drawing ambient atmospheric working fluid, while utilizing recovery of wind, solar and other recoverable energy to reduce compression work of the prime mover;
    • to provide high cycle efficiency of a low compression prime mover for distributed electric generation utilizing recovery of wind, solar and other recoverable energy to drive a heat of fusion sink for absorbing heat from and liquefying the working fluid to reduce compression work of the prime mover;
    • to provide minimal heat transfer surface area of the regenerative heat exchanger of the prime mover of the present invention;
    • to provide minimal liquefied working fluid consumption of the prime mover of the present invention; and
    • to provide a selection of working fluid and heat sink cryo-coolant combinations for the prime mover of the present invention.


The prime mover and associated energy recovery systems of the present invention have application in a capacity range of approximately 20 kW(e to 150 kW(e) in which speed of an expansion engine such as a gas turbine is reduced by operation in a compression ratio range of approximately 1.1 to 2.5. Problems and deficiencies of the prior art described above are improved by the present invention, wherein:

    • A feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in providing a jet compressor to circulate exhaust gas for increasing thermodynamic cycle efficiency in low compression operation while reducing the size and complexity of a regenerative heat exchanger;
    • another feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in providing recovered energy available to a transport vehicle or a distributed electric generator to drive an ambient primary air compressor to offset motive compression work of a jet compressor;
    • another feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in providing recovered energy available to a transport vehicle or a distributed electric generator to reduce motive compression work of a jet compressor by liquefying the motive fluid;
    • another feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in providing a heat of fusion sink with a slush compressor driven by recovered energy to provide suction pressure for solidifying a melt cryo-coolant during liquefaction of the working fluid;
    • another feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in providing two parallel working fluid flow paths, a lower pressure primary working fluid path and a motive fluid path to minimize consumption of the liquefied working fluid;
    • another feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in maintaining the melt cryo-coolant of a heat of fusion sink between a subliming solid-vapor and a liquid state;
    • another feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in providing on-stream liquefaction of boiled-off working fluid by circulation through the heat of fusion sink;
    • another feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in providing partial make-up of the melt cryo-coolant of a heat of fusion sink by reliquefaction of vented cryo-coolant in a liquefier powered by recovered energy;
    • another feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in providing make-up of the melt cryo-coolant of a heat of fusion sink by Dewar exchange; and still another feature of the prime mover in accordance with the present invention lies in providing a selection of working fluid and melt cryo-coolant combinations for economizing coolant consumption.

Accordingly, the principal object of the present invention is to provide a prime mover with high cycle efficiency and economic consumption of heat sink coolant and liquefied working fluid in vehicle and stationary application. Still further objects and advantages will become apparent from a consideration of the ensuing description and drawings.


The above and other objects and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the following description when read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings wherein:

FIG. 1 is a schematic illustrating a preferred embodiment of a gas turbine engine of the present invention with a recovered energy driven heat of fusion sink for working fluid liquefaction and compression cooling.

FIG. 2 is a schematic illustrating a transport vehicle powered by two jet compression gas turbine engines of the present invention with recovered energy driven compression.

FIG. 2A is a schematic illustrating a preferred embodiment of a jet compression gas turbine engine of the present invention with recovered energy driven compression of ambient atmospheric air.

FIG. 3 is a schematic illustrating an alternate preferred embodiment of a jet compression gas turbine engine of the present invention with a recovered energy driven heat of fusion sink for working fluid liquefaction and compression cooling.

FIG. 4 is a schematic illustrating an alternate preferred embodiment of a cryogenic cooling system of the gas turbine engine of the present invention with recovered energy driven make-up for evaporated working fluid and heat sink cryo-coolant.

FIGS. 1 to 4

FIG. 1 is a schematic illustrating a preferred embodiment of a gas turbine 100 of the present invention wherein a turbine-generator 102 fired from a fueled combustor 104 with a recuperator 106 provides electrical power to an electrical controller 108 for distribution. The products of combustion 110 of the working fluid continue through the atmospheric side of recuperator 106 and exhaust to atmosphere. A heat of fusion sink 112 of a cryogenic cooling system 114 provides liquefaction of a bypass portion of cryogenic intake combustion air 116 drawn through the atmospheric side of a chiller 118 by a cryogenic primary motor-compressor 120. A bypass valve 122 controls the flow of air to the working fluid side of a freeze Dewar 124 of sink 112. The remaining combustion air from chiller 118 combines with the liquefied portion from a liquid air Dewar 126 via a liquid air valve 128 to motor-compressor 120.

In sink 112, a slush compressor 130 powered by a storage battery 132, circulates nitrogen slush 134 through the shell side of Dewar 124 wherein entering frozen nitrogen alternately melts due to heat absorption from the working fluid and solidifies due to suction pressure of compressor 130. Condensed nitrogen is imported into the shell side of Dewar 124 and nitrogen vapor is vented through a vent 126. Liquefied working fluid air 136 for start-up and boil-off replacement is imported to Dewar 126.

An open cycle fired system is selected to illustrate design point performance of an 8 kW (10.7 HP) gasoline fired turbine-generator for vehicle or stationary application. Cycle efficiency is 54% at 50,000 rpm with the turbine compression ratio of 1.5, turbine inlet gas temperature of 825° C. (1515° F.), air compressor inlet temperature of −172° C. (−280° F.) and recuperator effectiveness of 95%. Under these conditions fuel consumption is 33 km/L 1.2 kg/hr (2.7 lb/hr), liquefied air consumption is 44 kg/hr (97 lb/hr) and excess air ratio is 24. For comparison a typical reciprocating engine in the same application has a cycle efficiency of 18% at 5,000 rpm and compression ratio of 10, and efficiency of a typical micro-turbine is 28% at 96,000 rpm with a compression ratio of 3.6.

The sink is filled with solidified nitrogen and maintained below the boiling point of −196° C. (−325° F.). Reduction of vapor pressure from 0.7 to 0.1 atmospheres by the suction compressor provides circulation of the alternately melting and solidifying nitrogen. Work input to the slush compressor is 2.6 kW (3.5 HP), requiring recovered energy equal to 33% of turbine-generator shaft power. A continuous and sufficient supply of liquefied air is maintained as recovered energy charges the battery to drive the slush compressor.

A small [28 kWe (21 HP) peak] recuperated gas turbine, which can be modified to incorporate cryogenic features of the present invention, is available from the Capstone Corporation of Chatsworth, Calif. Cryogenic components including chiller, compressor and Dewar are available from Chart Industries of Garfield Heights, Ohio, Barber-Nichols of Arvada, Co. and Technifab Products of Brazil, Indiana, respectively.

FIG. 2 is a side elevation view illustrating a preferred embodiment of a transport vehicle 240 of the present invention with propulsion provided to two motorized wheels 242 by two 4 Kwe (5.4 HP) jet compression gas turbines 200. An electrical controller 208 distributes recovered energy from a storage battery 232, charged by a braking generator 244 for pressurization of the gas turbines 200. A regenerative braking system, which can be adapted to the vehicle of the present invention, is available from the Ford Motor Company of Dearborn, Mich.

FIG. 2A is a schematic illustrating a preferred embodiment of a gas turbine 200 of the present invention wherein a turbine-generator 202 fired from a fueled combustor 204 with a recuperator 206 provides electrical power to an electrical controller 208 for distribution. The working fluid of gas turbine 200 consists of a motive combustion air portion 246 which drives a jet compressor 248, a circulated exhaust portion 250 which is entrained into the motive air, and an emission portion 210 which continues to atmosphere through recuperator 206. A motive compressor 252 provides combustion air through recuperator 206 to a motive nozzle 254 which entrains the circulated exhaust, under control of an exhaust valve 256, for delivery through a discharge nozzle 258 to combustor 204.

An open cycle fired system is selected to illustrate performance of a gasoline fired gas turbine as prime mover in a compact car operating at an 80 km/hr (50 mph) design point requiring 8 kW (10.7 HP). Compression work, normally provided by turbine-generator output, is supplemented by 33% recovered vehicle braking energy. Cycle efficiency is 44% at 50,000 rpm with motive compression ratio of 5, turbine inlet gas temperature of 825° C. (1515° F.), air compressor inlet temperature of 20° C. (68° F.) and recuperator effectiveness of 95%. Under these conditions fuel economy is 33 km/L (78 mpg) and excess air ratio is 22. High excess air ratio associated with the low turbine pressure ratio obviates the effect of combustion products in the recirculating suction flow. For comparison a typical reciprocating engine in the same application has a cycle efficiency of 18% at 5,000 rpm and compression ratio of 10, and efficiency of a typical micro-turbine is 28% at 96,000 rpm with a compression ratio of 3.6.

FIG. 3 is a schematic illustrating an alternate preferred embodiment 300 of gas turbine 200 of vehicle 201 (FIG. 2), in which the working fluid is cooled to cryogenic temperature by a heat of fusion sink 306 of a cryogenic cooling system 314. The sink 306 is powered by recovered braking energy of vehicle 201 (FIG. 2). A turbine-generator 302 fired from a fueled combustor 304 with a recuperator 306 provides electrical power to an electrical controller 308 for distribution. The working fluid of gas turbine 300 consists of a combustion air portion 316 following two parallel flow paths, a circulated exhaust portion 350 which is entrained into the motive air, and an emission portion 310 which continues to atmosphere through recuperator 306. The first combustion air path provides primary air from a cryogenic motor-compressor 320, drawing air through the atmospheric side of a chiller 318 and discharging to combustor 304 via recuperator 306. The second path provides motive air, which is drawn through chiller 318 and a bypass valve 322 for liquefaction and storage in a liquid air Dewar 326. The liquid is discharged, as required, back through chiller 318 to recuperator 306 by a motive pump 352 to a jet compressor 348. A motive nozzle 354 entrains the circulated exhaust into the motive air, under control of an exhaust valve 356, for delivery through a discharge nozzle 358 to combustor 304.

In sink 312, a slush compressor 330 powered by a battery 332, circulates a two phase melt cryo-coolant 334 through the shell side of freeze Dewar 324 wherein entering cryo-coolant alternately melts due to heat absorption and solidifies due to suction pressure of compressor 330. Condensed melt cryo-coolant is imported into the shell side of Dewar 324 and liquefied air is imported into Dewar 326 for boil-off replacement.

An open cycle fired system is selected to illustrate performance of a gasoline fired gas turbine as prime mover in a compact car operating at an 80 km/hr (50 mph) design point requiring 8 kW (10.7 HP). Compression work for combustion air is provided by turbine-generator output and cryo-coolant compression work is provided by recovered vehicle braking energy, which is limited to 33% of turbine-generator shaft power. Cycle efficiency is 70% at 46,000 rpm with primary air compression ratio of 1.4, motive compression ratio of 20, turbine inlet gas temperature of 825° C. (1515° F.), air compressor inlet temperature of −172° C. (−280° F.) and recuperator effectiveness of 95%. Under these conditions fuel economy is 60 km/L (140 mpg), liquefied air consumption is 40 kg/hr (88 lb/hr) and excess air ratio is 27. High excess air ratio associated with the low turbine pressure ratio obviates the effect of combustion products in the recirculating suction flow. For comparison a typical reciprocating engine in the same application has a cycle efficiency of 18% at 5,000 rpm and compression ratio of 10, and efficiency of a typical micro-turbine is 28% at 96,000 rpm with a compression ratio of 3.6.

The sink is filled with solidified nitrogen coolant and maintained at below the boiling point of −196° C. (−325° F.). Reduction of vapor pressure from 0.7 to 0.1 atmospheres by the slush compressor provides circulation of the melting and solidifying nitrogen. Recovered vehicle braking energy to the slush compressor is 2.4 kW (3.2 HP), equal to 30% of turbine-generator shaft power, while the freeze Dewar provides required working fluid reliquefaction of 35 kg/hr (76 lb/hr). A continuous and sufficient supply of liquefied air is maintained as recovered energy charges the battery to drive the slush compressor. A high temperature jet compressor suitable for exhaust gas recirculation in the present invention is available from the Fox Company of Dover, N.J. Other components to enable features of the present invention are available as listed for FIG. 1 above.

FIG. 4 is a schematic illustrating an alternate preferred embodiment of a cryogenic cooling system 414 of gas turbine 300 (FIG. 3), in which boil-off vapor of the working fluid air and vented nitrogen cryo-coolant is made-up. A boil-off compressor 458 powered by recovered braking energy of vehicle 201 (FIG. 2) returns the evaporated working fluid to the tube side of Dewar 424 for reliquefaction. Vented melt cryo-coolant is made-up with solidified nitrogen by removal and replacement of Dewar 424 at flanges 460. Supplementary liquefied nitrogen is provided by a braking energy driven reliquefier 462 powered from a controllar 428. The vent rate for solidified nitrogen cryo-coolant is estimated at 12%, sufficient for a 100 kg (205 lb) initial inventory to provide 16 hours of vehicle operation at 80 km/hr (50 mph).


Accordingly, it is shown that the recovered energy driven compression engine of this invention improves cycle thermal efficiency in both motor vehicle and stationary application. In particular, it overcomes problems of the gas turbine in small low pressure applications.

Although the description above contains many specific details, these should not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention but as merely providing illustration of some of the preferred embodiments of this invention. For example, turbines, either radial or axial types having either electrical or mechanical output, can be connected in series to lower expansion ratio and speed, or connected in parallel to increase power. In addition, the motive compressor, motive pump, primary compressor and liquefier may be powered by recovered energy of vehicle braking or draft loss, as well as by solar radiation and wind. The heating source may be solar radiation as well as combustion in either open or closed working fluid systems. The heat of fusion sink may absorb compression heat from within the compressor and from the compressor outlet, as well as absorbing heat from the working fluid at the compressor inlet.

Thus the scope of the invention should be determined by the appended claims and their legal equivalents, rather than by the examples given.

  • 1. The compression means of an expansion engine comprising compression cooling means for absorbing heat from said compression means, wherein power is supplied to said cooling means from energy storage means charged by recovered energy selected from the group consisting of motion of a transport vehicle, solar radiation and wind.
  • 2. The cooling means of claim 1 comprising heat of fusion sink means, wherein cryogenic coolant alternately melts during absorption of heat from said compression means and solidifies due to suction pressure induced by suction means of said sink, at less than the working fluid intake temperature to said compression means.
  • 3. The storage means of claim 2 comprising a storage battery and an electric generator selected from the group consisting of photo voltaic panels and electromagnetic rotating machines, wherein said battery, charged by said generator, supplies power to drive said suction means.
  • 4. The cooling means of claim 2 comprising condensed working fluid and melting cryogenic coolant, wherein the working fluid and the coolant are selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, air, nitric oxide, argon, neon, methane and hydrogen.
  • 5. A transport vehicle comprising recovered energy storage means and exhaust gas circulation means, wherein said storage means supplies power to compression means of the vehicle prime mover for driving said circulation means to circulate exhaust working fluid from the expansion means to the heat source means of said prime mover.
  • 6. The circulation means of claim 5 comprising jet compression means, wherein a motive fluid portion of working fluid from said compression means entrains a portion of exhaust working fluid while discharging the mixed motive fluid and exhaust working fluid to said heat source means.
  • 7. The heat source means of claim 6 comprising regenerative heating means, wherein the vented portion of exhaust working fluid heats the intake working fluid from said compression means.
  • 8. The compression means of claim 7 comprising motive fluid liquefaction means, wherein cryogenic working fluid is liquefied by transfer of heat to melting cryogenic coolant in heat of fusion sink means of said liquefaction means while intake working fluid, is cryogenically cooled in regenerative cooling means of said liquefaction means.
  • 9. The sink means of claim 8 comprising motive fluid heat absorption means and coolant suction means, wherein the cryogenic coolant alternately melts during absorption of heat from the cryogenic working fluid in said absorption means, and solidifies due to suction pressure induced by said suction means.
  • 10. The storage means of claim 9 comprising recovered energy charging means, wherein said storage means is charged by recovered energy selected from the group consisting of motion of a transport vehicle and solar radiation.
  • 11. The charging means of claim 10 comprising a storage battery and an electric generator selected from the group consisting of photo voltaic panels and electromagnetic rotating machines, wherein said battery, charged by said generator, supplies power to drive said suction means.
  • 12. The cooling means of claim 11 comprising condensed working fluid and cryogenic coolant import means, wherein the working fluid and the coolant are selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, air, nitric oxide, argon, neon, methane and hydrogen.
  • 13. The liquefaction means of claim 12 comprising boil off gas liquefaction means, wherein excess vaporized working fluid is reliquefied and returned to said storage means.
  • 14. The prime mover of claim 13 comprising a regenerative gas turbine.
  • 15. A gas turbine prime mover of a transport vehicle comprising a cryogenic cooling system for absorbing heat from a cryogenic compressor of said prime mover, wherein power is supplied to said cooling system from an energy storage system charged by recovered braking energy of said vehicle.
  • 16. The cooling system of claim 15 comprising a heat of fusion sink, wherein cryogenic coolant alternately melts during absorption of heat from said compressor and solidifies due to suction pressure induced by a suction compressor of said sink, at less than the working fluid intake temperature to said compressor.
  • 17. The sink of claim 16 comprising a cryogenic coolant replacement system selected from the group consisting of importation of solidified coolant to said vehicle and liquefaction of coolant on said vehicle, wherein evaporated coolant is periodically replaced with condensed coolant.
  • 18. The storage system of claim 16 comprising a storage battery and an electric generator, wherein said battery, charged by said generator, supplies power to drive said compressor.
  • 19. The prime mover of claim 15 comprising a jet compressor, wherein a motive fluid portion of working fluid from said cryogenic compressor entrains a portion of exhaust working fluid while discharging the mixed motive fluid and exhaust working fluid to a combustor of said prime mover.
  • 20. The prime mover of claim 18 comprising a working fluid bypass with a bypass compressor and a cryogenic regenerator, wherein a bypass portion of the working fluid continues in parallel flow relation with the motive fluid to said combustor while regeneratively heating the pressurized motive fluid.

This Application is a continuation in part of co-pending U.S. Non-Provisional patent application Ser. No. 13/374,861, filed on Jan. 20, 2012.

Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 13374861 Jan 2012 US
Child 14082221 US