The application relates to data communication, signal processing, computer, and optimization.
Modern advance in computing technology enables complex decoding processes to be implemented in practical engineering systems. This allows a broader class of error control codes (e.g., block code with a large block size such as low density parity check codes, turbo codes, etc.) to be candidates for practical systems. Indeed some of these codes achieve performance very close to the fundamental limit [1]. Typically, the longer the unit length is, the better is the performance (data throughput under a fixed requirement of fidelity criterion such as the bit error probability). For example, the performance of low density parity check code becomes very close to the fundamental limit as the length of the block increases. The longer block length is especially important for improving performance in some wireless communication systems in which the channel condition changes with time and the transmitter does not have the information of the current channel condition. However, longer data unit increases the computational complexity of the codes. For example, computational complexity of decoding algorithms will increase with the increase of block length in a block code. As an important illustration, let us consider a binary block code that has block length n and has 2k code words. (Thus, each codeword block of n bits carries k bits of information and we say that the code rate is k/n.) For simple illustration, let us consider that the n bits in a block go through a channel and come out of the channel with some bits changed probabilistically. The decoder's function is to decide which of the 2k code words entered the channel on the basis of the n bits received and possibly containing bit errors. Let us denote by Y (an n-dimensional binary vector) the received bits and let us index code words by iε{1, 2, . . . , 2k}. In most systems optimal performance is achieved by maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) detection—that is, to choose codeword i that maximizes the a posteriori probability P(i|Y)=P(i,Y)/P(Y)=P(i|Y)=P(i,Y)/P(Y) for the particular received signal Y. For this maximization, exhaustive search will have to consider 2k code words. Therefore, if we fix code rate (r=k/n=0.5, for example) and increase the block length n, then the computational complexity of the exhaustive search will increases exponentially; i.e., O(2k)=O(2nr). Even modern computation technology run into a problem if the block size is large.
Decoding algorithms typically take advantage of algebraic structure of the particular code being used in order to reduce computational complexity. Another approach would be to design a computationally efficient algorithm that does not guarantee choosing a codeword attaining the exact MAP but rather tends to choose a codeword with a posteriori probability close the MAP. For example, genetic algorithms have been suggested for decoding linear block codes in
This description presents methods and apparatus for using probabilistic learning algorithms such as, inter alia, estimation of distribution algorithm (EDA), cross-entropy optimization, ant colony, etc. to select the code word on the basis of received signals.
The methods and apparatus may be embodied in numerous engineering systems that include communication systems, sensors, storage and/or retrieval devices.
Embodiments of our method use and configure population-based evolutionary algorithms, and an aspect of the invention provides methods of generating initial populations for these algorithms. Such methods include representing a possible solution by constructing an initial feed vector constituted by the contents of message bit positions in the received signal of a systematic code and generating multiple vectors by choosing the set of vectors close to the initial feed vector in a distance metric in the vector space. Another aspect of the invention allows the methods to configure the population-based algorithm in order to prevent premature convergence to a local optimum.
Further aspects of the invention and features of specific embodiments of the invention are described below.
Let us denote by the set of message symbols. We denote by
the number of elements in set
so the size of the symbol alphabet is
. We denote by
the l-fold Cartesian product of
or equivalently the set of all l-dimensional vectors whose components are symbols in
. For example, in the case of binary symbols, set
is {0,1} and
is the set of all 2l binary vectors. We denote a source (user) message by k-dimensional vector ms in
which can carry k user symbols representing information. (We can have up to
distinct user messages.) We represent a codeword by n-dimensional row vector, c in
is a set of coded symbols to which each component of c belongs. For each user message m, we can assign a distinct corresponding codeword c as long as the number of possible messages is smaller than the number
of code words. This deterministic mapping from the set (
or a subset of
) of messages to Cn defines the coding method. We note that most coding methods in practice use the same set of alphabets for the message symbols and code symbols; i.e., in most coding methods we have
. Also we note that binary codes use set {0,1} for both
The methods presented in this document are applicable for both the class of systems (for example, communication systems, storage and retrieval systems, etc.) that employ hard decision rule and the class of systems that employ soft decision rule for decoding. For the case of hard decision decoding, we can represent the received signal by an element y in a finite set. The channel can be then modeled by conditional probabilities
Pr(y|ms),∀msε∀y (1)
This channel characteristics or estimate of this channel statistics is often assumed to be known to the decoder in communication engineering The method described in the present document can be embodied in the decoding processes that find a good (may be suboptimal) solution or solutions within sufficiently short time to the following optimization problem:
on the basis of received signal y. P(ms) in expression (2) is the a priori probability that the message is ms. A posteriori probability in (2) is
so for each particular received signal y we have
In many communication systems, the encoder is designed in such a way that Pr(ms)=1/∀msε
(equally likely a priori). In this case the maximization is reduced to maximum likelihood decision:
For the case of soft decision decoding, the signal received is represented as a vector of real numbers, yε where we denote by l the dimension of the vector. In a special example embodiment of an M-ary IQ (in-phase quadruture-phase) modulation and binary messages and binary code, each binary coded message in
is mapped to (n/log2 M)-dimensional vector of complex numbers through coding and modulation, where the real and imaginary parts of each complex number represents the in-phase and quadruture-phase component of each symbol signal. After going through the channel, the received signal will contain some noise and possible channel distortion, and the received signal can be still represented as (n/log2 M)-dimensional vector of complex numbers. Note that (n/log2 M)-dimensional vector of complex numbers can be equivalently represented by (2n/log2 M)-dimensional vector of real numbers. In summary, for the case of soft decision decoding, maximum a posteriori detection of the transmitted/stored message can be performed by the following optimization:
where ƒ (y|ms) is the (joint) probability density function of the received signal y (real-valued random vector) conditioned on the event that the transmitted/stored message is ms. Note that in the special case of M-ary IQ modulation embodiment, received signal y is (2n/log2 M)-dimensional real-valued random vector. If digital circuitry must be used to perform this optimization, received signal y can be quantized to take only discrete set of values and the corresponding probability mass function p(y|ms) can be derived from the probability density function characterizing the channel. Again, for the special case of equally likely a priori probability of messages, the optimization is reduced to maximum likelihood detection:
The decoder chooses one of the 2k possible messages. Enumerating over all possible 2k possible messages is computationally inefficient. The methods presented in this document apply evolutionary algorithms such as Estimation-of-Distribution (EDA) algorithms, Cross-Entropy, quantum evolutionary algorithm, swarm intelligence, etc. to optimizations exemplified by (2)(3)(4)(5) in order to embody decoders.
Consider an optimization problem that seeks the best solution from the set, , of candidate solutions. The criterion for determining the best solution is represented by a fitness function F(x), xε
. The higher value of F means the better solution. For decoding purpose, fitness function F can be designed, for example, from (2)(3)(4)(5). A decoding mechanism can perform optimization process to determine the message encoded, where the set,
, of candidate solutions is the set of possible message sequences or the set of code words in the code employed by the system. There are many ways of representing set
for embodying a probabilistic learning algorithm. For example, set can
be a set of binary vectors of dimension d where d is sufficiently large so that 2d is at least the number of code words in the code employed in the system. For another example, set
can be represented by a set of inter vectors in which each component can have a value in a finite set of integers.
Then, a technique for solving integer programming problem can be applied to solve the optimization problem designed for decoding. For example, any message m in can be represented by a k-dimensional binary vector. Then, binary integer programming techniques can be applied to solve optimizations (2), (3), or (4). As an example applying of non-binary integer programming, let us consider the following space-time-coded system. For example, let us consider a communication link constituted by a transmitter having NT transmit antennas and a receiver having NR antennas, as illustrated in
where Q is the number of symbols communicated in a space time code block and αq+jβq, q=1, . . . , Q are complex numbers that represent the Q symbols. (Note that αq and βq denote the real and imaginary parts of a symbol.) Then, the Q symbols can be represented as a 2Q-dimensional real-valued row vector χ, where components of χ are constituted by αq and βq, q=1, . . . , Q. (e.g., χ=(α1, β1, α2, β2, . . . , αQ, βQ) In the case of a square (2 L)2-QAM constellation, without loss of generality, components of χ, αi, βj are in {(2k+1)d|k=−L, −L+1, . . . , −1, 0, 1, . . . , L−1} where d is the minimum distance between symbols in the symbol constellation. Then, objective functions of optimizations (2), (3), (4), (5) are respectively
max Pr(α1,β1,α2,β2, . . . ,αQ,βQ)Pr(y|S)
max Pr(α1,β1,α2,β2, . . . ,αQ,βQ)
max Pr(α1,β1,α2,β2, . . . ,αQ,βQ)
max Pr(y|S)max Pr(y|Σq=1Q[(αq+jβq)Cq+(αq−jβq)Dq])
max Pr(y|Σq=1Q[((2kqR+1)d+j(2kqt+1)d)Cq+((2kqR+1)d−j(2kqt+1)d)Dq]),
max Pr(α1,β1,α2,β2, . . . ,αQ,βQ)f(y|S)
max Pr(α1,β1,α2,β2, . . . ,αQ,βQ)
max Pr(α1,β1,α2,β2, . . . ,αQ,βQ)
max f(y|S)max f(y|Σq=1Q[(αq+jβq)Cq+(αq−jβq)Dq])
max f(y|Σq=1Q[((2kqR+1)d+j(2kqI+1)d)Cq+((2kqR+1)d−j(2kqI+1)d)Dq])
where the optimization variables are (k1R, K1I, k2R, K2I, . . . , kQR, KQI) with integer constraint kqR,KqIε{(2k+1)d|k=−L, −L+1, . . . , −1, 0, 1, . . . , L−1} for each q. The objective functions for a given y are functions of input symbols (α1, β1, α2, β2, . . . , αQ, βQ). Therefore, even if integer constraint kqR,KqI are relaxed, these objective functions for optimizations (3) and (5) are well defined. Thus, integer programming techniques that uses relaxation of integer constraints (e.g. branch and bound algorithm for bounding the objective for a partitioned constraint sets).
For the case non-square or non-rectangular MQAM, we can add additional constraint (not necessarily containing integer constraints in order to have describe the shape of the symbol constellation in the complex plane.
We now consider a special case of binary code and hard decision decoding system that has a binary symmetric channel [3]. This special case represented by ={0,1}=
and by representing each output signal y as a binary vector in
Let us denote by mapping χ:
the code, so each message m in
is encoded to codeword χ(m). In the case that source message mε
is equally likely a priori, optimization (3) is reduced to searching for a code c (in
) that has shortest Hamming distance from y. That is,
where ⊕ denotes addition in the binary field and ∥·∥H denotes Hamming weight.
As a special example of soft decision decoding, we now consider a binary code in a communication system that employs binary phase shift key (BPSK) modulation and has additive white Gaussian noise. We denote by χi (m) the ith bit of codeword χ(m), i=1, 2, . . . , n. Note that χi (m) takes either value 0 or 1. Then, for each message m, the received symbols y=(y1, y2, . . . , yn) can be represented as
i=(−1)χi(m)+Wi,i=1,2, . . . ,n
where W1, W2, . . . Wn are statistically independent identically distributed Gaussian random variables with 0-mean and variance (signal to noise ratio per symbol) σ2. Accordingly, the joint distribution of the received signal y=(y1, y2, . . . , yn) conditioned on source message m is
In this special case, for each received signal y, finding m that maximizes ƒ (y|m) in set is equivalent to minimization:
Population-based probabilistic learning algorithms can be generally described as the following pseudo code. We denote by f(x;u), xε, a probability distribution f(x;u),xε
, where u is a parameter that refers to this probability distribution, and the domain of this probability distribution is
. Denote by xBl the variable that stores the best solution found up to iteration l.
=arg max
One methods is to represent the probability distribution as that of independent components of random vector X; that is, to assume that the probability distribution has a product form
f(x1,x2,x3, . . . ,xd;u)=f1(x1;u)f2(x2;u) . . . fd(xd;u). (6)
Under this assumption, the probability distribution is specified by (L−1) d real numbers. Another method is to partition the variables of the probability distribution as
{x1,x2,x3, . . . ,xd}=Ui=1qχi (7)
where x1, x2, . . . , xq are mutually exclusive set of variable use the product form
f(x1,x2,x3, . . . ,xd;u)=f1(y1;u)f2(y2;u) . . . fq(yq;u) (8)
where y1 denotes the vector constituted by the set of variables in χi and fl(yl;u) denotes the joint distribution of the random variables represented by the members of set χi. Note that distribution fi(yi;u) is represented by L|χi|−1 real numbers, so distribution of the form (8) is represented by Σi=1q(L|χi|−1) real numbers.
This document includes the description of a decoding method that applies Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs). EDAs exemplify the class of population-based probabilistic learning algorithms. A typical, conventional EDA is illustrated in
Application of conventional EDAs to decoding can be characterized by [2] parameters (I, F, Δ, η, ps, Des, FTer), where
(X1,X2,X3, . . . XΔ)={(x11,x21,x31, . . . ,xk1),(x12,x22,x3j, . . . ,xkj), . . . ,(x1Δ,x2Δ,x3Δ, . . . ,xkΔ)}
Step 2: Evaluate the current population according to the fitness function F. Sort the candidate solutions according to their fitness orders 320.
Step 3: If the best candidate solution satisfies the convergence criterion 330 or the number of iterations exceeds its limit, then terminate 370 else go to step 4.
Step 4: Select the best η candidate solutions 340 from current Δ populations. This selection is accomplished according to the sorted solutions 320.
Step 5: Estimate the joint probability distribution 350 from η best candidate solutions
=P(x1,x2, . . . ,xk|It−1η) (6)
Step 6: Generate new Δ−η populations according to this new estimated probability distribution Des 360.
Step 7: Go to step 2 and repeat the steps
We note that even for non-binary source (user) symbols, the block of user symbols can be represented by a block of binary bits. That is, the user information is most often represented by binary vectors, and the search space of EDA is most often I= with
={0,1}. In this binary representation, a method presented in this document includes the following enhancements. Optimization process through an Estimation-of-Distribution algorithm can get stuck in a local optimum due to a premature convergence of the probability distributions or can be slowed down due to no-convergence of the probability distributions. In addition to applying an EDA to decoding, we present a preferred method of avoiding these two problems by adding a threshold 445 on estimated distributions and performing scattered local search (SLS) 570.
Any of probability p1, p2 . . . pk in 440 and 540 can converge to 1.0 or 0.0 prematurely. In order to thwart such premature convergence, the invention documented here includes an idea of adjusting the distribution p1, p2 . . . pk after estimating these at each iteration. The adjustment in general can be described as a mapping from the set of n-dimensional vectors, Π≡{(p1, p2, . . . , pk)|0≦pi≦1, i=1, 2, . . . ,k}, to set Π itself. A preferred embodiment of this idea is to use thresholds. First we address the problem that a probability value prematurely converges to 1. To avoid this, we define thresholds 0.5<y1, y2, . . . , yk<1. At any iteration, if the probability value in pi, i=1, 2, . . . , k, is greater than y1, we set that value to y1, so that some degree of randomness remains in the algorithm until the termination criterion is satisfied. A simpler application of this idea is to set the same threshold y=y1=y2= . . . =yk. Now we address the problem that a probability value prematurely converges to 0. We define thresholds 0<α1, α2, . . . , αk<0.5. At any iteration, if the probability value in pi, i=1, 2, . . . ,k, is less than αi, we set that value to αi, so that some degree of randomness remains in the algorithm until the termination criterion is satisfied. A simpler application of this idea is to set the same threshold α=α1=α2= . . . =αk
When the termination criterion 525 is satisfied, it may be observed that some values in p1, p2 . . . , pk have never shown evidence of convergence in the evolutionary pattern. We present the method of applying scattered local search (SLS) in that case. Now we describe the SLS. Suppose that some probability values among p1, p2 . . . pk have not shown convergence when the termination criterion 525 is satisfied—e.g., pi, pj and pl have not converged to γ or α. We denote by Nc the number of non-converging probability values in the k-tuple, p1, p2 . . . pk. We apply exhaustive search on these Nc bits 570 and call it scattered local search (SLS). Since Nc is very small as compared to k, it will not add any significant extra computational complexity to the system. The simulation results show that performance of EDA with SLS is better than EDA.
We now consider a special case of binary code and hard decision decoding system that has a binary symmetric channel [3]. This special case represented by ={0,1}=C and by representing each output signal y as a binary vector in
Let us denote by mapping χ:
the code, so each message m in
is encoded to codeword χ(m). In the case that source message mε
is equally likely a priori, optimization (3) is reduced to searching for a code c (in Cn) that has shortest Hamming distance from y. That is,
where ⊕ denotes addition in the binary field and ∥·∥H denotes Hamming weight.
As a special example of soft decision decoding, we now consider a binary code in a communication system that employs binary phase shift key (BPSK) modulation and has additive white Gaussian noise. We denote by χi (m) the ith bit of codeword χ(m), i=1, 2, . . . , n. Note that χi (m) takes either value 0 or 1. Then, for each message m, the received symbols y=(y1, y2, . . . , yn) can be represented as
i=(−1)χi(m)+Wi,i=1,2, . . . ,n
where W1, W2, . . . Wn are statistically independent identically distributed Gaussian random variables with 0-mean and variance (signal to noise ratio per symbol) σ2. Accordingly, the joint distribution of the received signal y=(y1, y2, . . . , yn) conditioned on source message m is
In this special case, for each received signal y, finding m that maximizes f(y|m) in set is equivalent to minimization:
Cross-Entropy optimization is also an example in the class of population-based probabilistic learning algorithms. This document includes the description of a decoding method embodiment that applies Cross-Entropy (CE) optimization. We first provide a brief introduction to CEO. A detailed description of CEO method can be found in [6]. Consider a maximization problem:
Let us denote a maximum by x* and the maximal function value by y*.
The probabilistic evolutionary algorithm in general randomly generates a population (subset of ) of candidate solutions (elements of constraint set
) in accordance with some probability distribution at each iteration. Then, good candidate solutions are selected from the population and the probability distribution is updated on the basis of the selected good candidate solutions. In the next iteration, a new population of candidate solutions is generated according to this updated probability distribution. In order to focus on the essential idea of CEO, let us consider an arbitrary probability mass function (pmf) f(x;u), xε
, where u is a parameter that refers to this pmf, and the domain of this pmf is
. A simple example would be a pmf that has the value 1/|
|, ∀xε
, which represents the equally likely choice of candidate solutions from set
. Suppose a pmf f(x;u) is used at a stage (at an iteration) in the algorithm. Hypothetically, if pmf
is used1 as the pmf at the next iteration, then every sample generated from this distribution will be a high-quality candidate (a candidate whose objective function value is a least γ). Hypothetically, if γ=γ* were used in (12), then pmf g(x;γ*,u) would only generate random samples that are optimal because all probability mass is concentrated in the optimal solution or optimal solutions. However, the optimal value γ* is unknown to the algorithm. Instead of using pmƒ (12) with γ=γ*, a CEO algorithm cautiously increases γ at each new iteration on the basis of samples (candidate solutions) Xi, i=1, 2, . . . ,┌ randomly generated in accordance with pmf f(x;u).
Another hurdle in using (12) is that pmf in (12) is difficult to compute even for a known γ, because computation of
could be prohibitive for the case of a large set . The CEO algorithm uses in place of (12) the pmf that is closest to (12) in terms of Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance (cross entropy) [5]. That is, the pmf v that minimizes
I{F(x)≧γ} is an indicator function and defined as
Minimizing this KL-distance by choosing pmf v is equivalent to maximizing
Σxεg(x;γ,u)ln f(x;v),
This is also equivalent to maximizing
ΣxεI{F(x)≧γ}f(x;u)ln f(x;v)=Eu[I{F(X)≧γ}ln f(X;v)], (13)
where Eu( )denotes expected value in accordance with pmf u of random variable X. In order to avoid computational complexity, a CE algorithm finds in the family of pmfs, a pmf v that results in the largest
which is the estimate oƒ (13) on the basis of the samples Xi, i=1, 2, . . . ,┌ (randomly generated in accordance with pmf ƒ (x;u)). In general, CE algorithm proceeds as:
Ant colony optimization (ACO) [4][9] is a swarm-like stochastic heuristic optimization procedure to solve complex combinatorial optimization problems. ACO takes inspiration from the foraging behavior of ants. These ants deposit pheromone on the ground in order to mark some favorable path that should be followed by others ants of the colony. Each ant contributes its effort to the solution. The main idea of ant colony optimization is the cooperation of a number of artificial ants to find shortest path. In ACO, the ants construct the solution by traveling through the edges of graph as shown in
In general, ACO can be characterized by parameters
(Is, F, N, k, {circumflex over (X)}l, τl, Bgl, BIl, BSl=0, ω, ε, CF, FTer),
for the case of soft decision decoding and
in the case of hard decision decoding.
l=(xm,1l,xm,2l, . . . ,xm,kl).
In the special case illustrated in
where max0≦x≦L−1 (τixl) is the maximum value of the pheromone among all edges from node i to i+1 and min0≦x≦L−1 (τixl) is the minimum value of the pheromone among all edges from node i to i+1. In accordance with this definition, we have 0≦CFl≦1. As iterations progress, a superior path in terms of fitness function emerges and the pheromone values along the edges in the superior path dominate. This dominance is translated into high vales of CFl. Therefore, a high value of CFl indicates that the process is mature at the lth iteration and is close to producing a solution. The convergence indicating variable can be used in determining which values the weight parameters ωG,ωI, and ωS are set to at each iteration l. These weights can be used to influence the pheromone update procedure and can be adapted in accordance of different stages of the process' maturity to make the process computationally efficient. One example of adapting ωG,ωI and ωS is shown in Table 1.
In the decoding process modeled in section 1, a source (user) message is represented by k-dimensional vector ms in In order to find the source message on the basis of the received signal, the decoding process can construct
edges between each pair of neighboring nodes in the graph illustrated in
edges connecting node i and node i+1 has one-to-one correspondence with the set of alphabet
Therefore, the choice of an edge between node i and node i+1 represents the symbol value in the ith component of source message ms. Correspondingly, a path from node 1 to node k+1 uniquely represents a source message ms. The present invention determines the source message by finding the best path from node 1 to node k+1 through ant colony optimization.
The number of edges, L, between neighboring nodes, say from node i to i+1 can be set differently for different embodiments. For example, L can be set as and we can consider
paths from node 1 to node k+1 for ant colony optimization, where each path corresponds to a code word. Another possible embodiment is to group multiple symbols into a set and represent each member of this set by an edge in the ant colony optimization. For example,
possible sequences of two symbols can be represented by
edges between neighboring nodes and 1+k/2 nodes in ant colony optimization. For another example,
possible sequences of three symbols can be represented by
edges between neighboring nodes and 1+k/3 nodes in ant colony optimization, etc. In fact, the number of edges between adjacent nodes does not have to be identical. For example, we can set up
edges from node 1 to node 2 to represent the first four symbols of the code word and set up
edges from node 2 to node 3 to represent the fifth symbol of the code word, etc.
For the purpose of simple illustration, we use and example of setting L= paths from any node i to i+1, for i=1, 2, . . . , k. The decoding algorithm is describe as the following.
Step 1: Initialize values τix0 for x=0, 1, 2, . . . , L−1 and i=1, 2, . . . , k in such a way that Σx=0L−1τix0=1 for each i. A common way of initialization is to set τi00=τi10= . . . τi(L−1)0=1/L. In decoding process more weight can be assign to a more significant path at the start. The significant path can be determined either by hard decision or any other technique.
Step 2: Generate each ant s path based on pheromone values according to the relation
for in =1, 2, . . . , N. The superscript/is the iteration.
Step 3: Evaluate the paths with fitness function F. Determine global best Bgl, iteration best BIl and start best BSl=0.
Step 4: Update the iteration counter.
Step 5: Update the pheromone. The following specific embodiment exemplifies the pheromone update. For ease of description, we first define indicator functions,
An embodiment of the pheromone update rule is
τixl=(1−ε)τixl−1+ε(ωgγi,x(bg,il=x)+ωIγi,x(bI,il=x)+ωSγi,x(bS,il=0=x)) for, i=1,2, . . . k and x=0,2, . . . L−1 (10)
The updated pheromone value depends on pervious pheromone values and the weighted global, iteration and start best paths. Parameter ε is called evaporation parameter and is initialize as ε=ε0 where ε0 is any suitable value with the condition ε0≦1. In each iteration the evaporation parameter can be adjusted; for example, as ε:=δε, where δ≦1.
Step 6: Update the convergence indicating variable
Step 7: If convergence criterion satisfied, then terminate; else, go to step 2.
The methods presented in this document includes the one that allows for more than two edges between neighboring nodes in ant colony optimization; that is, applying a non-binary ACO to decoding.
In population-based probabilistic learning algorithms, the quality of produced solutions after a given number of iterations often depends on the selection of the initial population. Equally likely selection among all code words is one way of making up the initial population. Intuitively, inclusion of many members with good fitness in the initial population (initial positions with good fitness) should improve performance of the algorithms. This section presents other methods that can improve the performance of decoding.
To illustrate a method of generating initial population of a given size (Δ as denoted for EDA in section) let us consider an exemplary case of binary code and hard decision decoding system that has a binary symmetric channel [3]. This special case represented by ={0,1}=
and by representing each output signal y as a binary vector in
. Let us denote by mapping χ:
the code, so each message ms in
is encoded to code word χ(ms). For the purpose of illustration we consider a linear code, in which codeword χ(ms) for source message ms is related to ms by a generator matrix G producing as χ(ms)=msG. We denote by H the parity check matrix of the code. Then, any codeword χ(m′) has property χ(m′)HT=0. For each received signal yεCn, decoder can compute syndrome yHT. The shortest-Hamming-distance decoding looks for error vector eεCn that has the minimal Hamming weight ∥e∥H under the constraint eHT=yHT. Then, the decoder decides that y+e is the codeword transmitted/stored and the source message is ms that satisfies y+e=msG. Finding the error vector e can be computationally overwhelming for a code with a large block size (large n and k). The application of heuristic algorithms to decoding can reduce the computational complexity. In order to generate initial population/positions, we can take note that constraint eHT=yHT has n binary variables in vector e and n−k linear equality constraints in the binary field (GF(2)). Therefore, even if we choose arbitrary k components of e and set their values to be 0, we treat the rest n−k variables as unknown variables and solve the system of binary linear equations eHT=yHT for those unknown variables. (A motivation of setting k components of e to 0 is to make Hamming weight ∥e∥H small.) For example, let us consider setting to 0 variables e1, e2, . . . , ek of vector e=(e1, e2, . . . , ek, ek+1, . . . , en). Correspondingly, we can partition the parity check matrix H=[H1,H2] where H1 is (n−k)×k matrix and H2 is (n−k)×(n−k) matrix.) Then, constraint eHT=yHT is reduced to (ek+1, . . . , en)H2T=yHT for setting e1=e2= . . . =ek=0. A solution to (ek+1, . . . , en) H2T=yHT can be algebraically solved by various methods such as Gaussian elimination in the binary field {0,1}. If matrix H2 is non-singular, there will be a unique vector (ek+1, . . . , en) that satisfies (ek+1, . . . , en)H2T=yHT. If H2 is singular, the process may be able to obtain multiple values of vector (ek+1, . . . , en) that satisfy (ek+1, . . . , en) H2T=yHT. The process can explore (not necessarily exhaustively) through combinations of k components to set to 0 in vector e and obtain a solution for the rest components to satisfy eHT=yHT. For different such combinations the solution vector e=(e1, e2, . . . , ek,ek+1, . . . , en) may coincide, but this process can still generate multiple values of e=(e1,e2, . . . ,ek,ek+1, . . . , en) and all these values of e have Hamming weights less than or equal to (n−k). Now, y+e for each of these solutions e is a codeword, and each codeword has a corresponding source message ms. The process can use some of these code words as some of the members of the initial population in probabilistic learning algorithms.
We now discuss another method of generating an initial population for probabilistic learning algorithms. For simple illustration of an embodiment, we now consider a binary linear systematic code. Each code word in a linear systematic code can be represented by a binary row vector of dimension n, where n bits in the vector has k message bits and (n−k) parity check bits. From a received n-dimensional binary signal y of, we can select k bits that are in the positions of message bits of a code word and represent those selected bits by a k-dimensional vector m0ε, as denoted in expressions (1)-(5), representing a candidate solution. An embodiment of a decoder employing a probabilistic learning algorithm can include this candidate solution in the initial population. Then, an embodiment can consider including all or some of k message vectors that have Hamming distance 1 from m0. Then, we can consider the set of code words that have Hamming distance 2 from m0 and include some or all of these code words. Generally, we can consider the set of code words that have Hamming distance less than some number hr and include some or all of these code words.
Even for a soft decision decoding system, the process can perform demodulation first to obtain initial population (positions). After the initial population is generated, the process can run a probabilistic learning algorithm for soft decision decoding—namely, use the fitness function for the soft decision decoding.
For the case of hard decision decoding for linear codes in general, a variety of syndrome decoding methods such as the standard array decoding and step-be-step decoding [7] are already known. These methods work well for a modest block sizes. However, for a code with a large block size (e.g., capacity approaching low density parity check (LDPC) codes), the number of array elements becomes too large for efficient implementation. For example, for a binary (n,k) block code, the number of syndrome sequences is 2n−k. The method being presented in this section maintains a partial list of syndromes in order to keep the size of the array implementable. In decoding on the basis of received signal y, if its syndrome yHT is in the partial list, then use the known syndrome decoding techniques such as reading the syndrome's coset leader and determine the transmitted codeword on the basis of the received signal y and the coset leader. Or, the process can employ the “step-by-step” decoding [p. 78, 7] to determine the codeword transmitted. If the syndrome yHT is not in the process' partial list, then the process runs the heuristic algorithms such as the ones presented in the previous sections.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. provisional patent application No. 61/193,567 filed 8 Dec. 2008.