Probes for detecting and identifying Helicobacter pylori


  • Patent Grant
  • 6172215
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, July 12, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, January 9, 2001
    23 years ago
DNA probes for detecting the presence of Helicobacter pylori are provided. These isolated, purified oligonucleotide probes are useful in assays for the specific detection of Helicobacter pylori because they specifically hybridize to the DNA of H. pylori.


The present invention relates to probes useful for detecting and identifying

Helicobacter pylori

, the causative bacteria of the digestive diseases including gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer or the like.


Since Warren's group reported the existence of

Helicobacter pylori

[Former Name:

Campylobacter pylori

] in the human gastric mucosal (Warren J. R. et al., “Unidentified curved bacilli on gastric epithelium in active chronic gastritis”, Lancet 1: 1273-1275 (1983)), numerous researches have been performed with regard to the biochemical properties thereof, in particular, the correlation between

Helicobacter pylori

and digestive diseases including gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer or the like.

In view of the focus that

Helicobacter pylori

have been separated/detected at a high rate from the human gastric mucosa of the gastritis patients or the gastriculcer patients [e.g., there are reports that they were detected at a rate of 50˜80% in the cases of chronic gastritis, superficial gastritis, atrophic gastritis, erosive gastritis or the like], and the symptom of these digestive diseases are alleviated with sterilization by administration of drugs, accordingly, the correlation between

Helicobacter pylori

and the digestive diseases were suggested.

Helicobacter pylori

would not make an invasion upon mucosal cells, but stay on the epithelial mucosa surface and/or the intercellular space and grow (proliferate) thereat. Then, it is thought that PAS (Periodic Acid-Sciff) reaction positive layer in the gastric mucosa are thinned through growth of

Helicobacter pylori

, thereby, effects of mucin which protects mucosa are declined, and potency on defense factor of the gastric mucosa are also declined (T. Ito, “Recent findings on

Helicobacter pylori

”, Medical Technology, 19 (10), pp. 892-893 (September 1991)).

Then, the mechanism was also reported that

Helicobacter pylori

arrive and stay in gastric mucosal epithelium, then ammonia were produced through degradation of urea in the stomach by urease from

Helicobacter pylori

, the ammonia so produced damage gastric mucosa and generate reverse diffusion of the hydrogen ion, and, tumors are thereby formed (Tsujii, M. et al., “Mechanism of gastric mucosal damage Induced by ammonia”, Gastroenterology 107: pp. 1881-1888 (1992)).

In general, conventional diagnosis of

Helicobacter pylori

, which is correlative to the human digestive diseases, includes:

(1) Direct proof on presence of

Helicobacter pylori

in a part of mucosa [Smear, Tissue-Microscopy, Cultivation],

(2) Detection utilizing character of

Helicobacter pylori

including urease activities, and

(3) Seroimmunodiagnosis (T. Shirai et al., “Diagnosis on Presence of

Campylobacter pylori

”, Saishin-Igaku, 44 (2), 284-288 (1989)).

Of the methods aforenoted, a method (cultivation method) for detecting

Helicobacter pylori

through micro-aerobic cultivation of biopsy sample on gastric mucosa is the most reliable and accurate method. But, this method usually needs about one hour for a cultivation to grow the bacteria, the longer time would therefore be necessary to obtain the test results.

Then, in consideration of urease productivity by

Helicobacter pylori

, a method for directly detecting urease in samples of gastric biopsy have also been utilized (T. Ito, “Special diagnosis for bacterial infection/4.

Campylobacter pylori

”, Rinnshoui, 15 (supplement), pp. 367-369 (1989). However, since these are methods to test the biopsy samples with an endoscope, the methods need the skilled operation and the patients will suffer from the unbearable pain.

Further, since urea in the stomach are degraded into ammonia and




, there is a diagnosis including evaluation of such




by a scintillation counter. But, this method also needs a skilled work to handle radioisotope.


In view of the aforenoted problems in the art, the present invention was established to develop technology for easily, specifically and effectively detect

Helicobacter pylori

without introducing into patient's body any medical instrument like an endoscope.

Then, the merit of the invention is directed to probes having specific reactivities to DNAs or RNAs of

Helicobacter pylori

which is the causative bacteria of the digestive diseases including gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer or the like, and to analysis of base sequences in the probes concerning the characteristic gene portion of

Helicobacter pylori.

That is to say, DNAs of the subject bacteria,

Helicobacter pylori

, can significantly be detected by the specificity between the probes of the present invention and the bacteria DNAs, thereby,

Helicobacter pylori

can be detected/identified rapidly and exactly without cultivating/growing

Helicobacter pylori.

Then, if primers are designed based on base-sequence information of these probes,

Helicobacter pylori

can be identified by amplifying DNAs with PCR techniques without performing any hybridization procedure.

When non-radioactive probes, for example, biotinylated probes are employed for hybridization, since such probes can be detected with an optical microscope in a conventional laboratory without facilities to handle radioisotype, thereby, a process for detecting bacteria can perform rapidly and simply.


FIG. 1

is a view showing positional relation between well in the well-plate and the samples (blotted strain DNAs).

FIG. 2

is a view showing results of dot-hybridization on reactivities between the probes of the present invention and DNAs from various strains.


Although examples of the probes prepared from

Helicobacter pylori

according to the present invention are illustrated as follows, the present invention shall not be limited due to disclosures of Examples.


DNA Probes Prepared from

Helicobacter pylori

(1) Preparation of DNA probes from

Helicobacter pylori

Firstly, Skirrow medium containing the components listed in the following Table 1 was prepared.


Blucella broth (Difco Co.,)



Distilled Water



Polymyxin B









Horse Serum (Difco Co.,)






Then, clinically isolated

Helicobacter pylori

were cultured in said Blucella broth (Difco Co., ) and said Skirrow medium under micro-aerobic condition [mixed gas consisting of 2% hydrogen, 5% oxygen, 7% carbon dioxide, 86% nitrogen (respectively expressed as volume %); relative humidity 90%] at 37° C. for five days to separate and grow

Helicobacter pylori.

After the cultivation, the cultured bacteria were collected. Then, they were applied to the modified method based on Saito-Miura methodology (“Preparation of transforming deoxyribonucleic acid by phenol treatment”, Biochem, Biophys. Acta vol. 72, pp. 619-629 (1963)) employing proteinase K (Merck)-0.1% SDS and utilizing an isolation method for nucleic acid, and the genomic DNAs thereof were extracted. Extracted DNAs were completely digested with the restriction enzyme HindIII, and were randomly cloned into vector pGEM-3Z (Promega).

Eight probes comprising DNA fragments, which specifically react with

Helicobacter pylori

, were selected from the clones so obtained, and each of which was designated as probe HP-32, probe HP-34, probe HP-49, probe HP-55 (down), probe HP-55 (up), probe HP-60, probe HP-64 and probe HP-66 (SEQ ID NOS:




, respectively).

(2) Study on Species-Specificity of DNA Probes Prepared from

Helicobacter pylori

Reactivities between each probe selected in Example 1 (1) and DNAs from various causative strains of infectious diseases were tested according to the following method.

First of all, as subject strains for the test, the clinically isolated strains and the deposited strains listed respectively in Table 2 were collected. In Table 2, Human Genomic DNA is Human Genomic DNA obtained from the human leukocytes of single healthy adult male (30 years old), while the control is

Escherichia coli

K-12, JM109 strain having plasmid pGEM-3Z (Seikagaku Kogyo).


Strain No.

Strain Name



Helicobacter pylori

ATCC 43629


Helicobacter pylori

Clinical Isolates


Helicobacter cineadi

ATCC 35683


Helicobacter fennelliae

ATCC 35684


Helicobacter mustelae

ATCC 43772


Campylobacter jejuni

CIP 702


Campylobacter coli

CIP 7080


Campylobacter fetus

CIP 5396


Streptococcus aureus

ATCC 25923


Streptococcus epidermidis

Clinical Isolates


Escherichia coli

ATCC 25922


Klebsiella pneumoniae

Clinical Isolates


Streptococcus pneumoniae



Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Clinical Isolates


Enterobacter cloacae

Clinical Isolates


Haemophilis influenzae

Clinical Isolates


Candida albicans

ATCC 48130


Aspergillus fumigatus

TIMM 0063


Cryptococcus neoformans

TIMM 0354


Mucor spinosus

TIMM 1322


Absidia corymbifera

TIMM 2435


Human Genomic DNA



(Escherichia coli K-12,



ATCC; American Type Culture Collection (Maryland, USA)

NYSDH; New York State Department of Health (Albany, New York, USA)

CIP; Collection of the Institute Pasteur (Paris, FRANCE)

TIMM; Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology (Tokyo, JAPAN)

Chromosomal DNAs in each strain were extracted according to the method of Example 1 (1) for the species belonged to Helicobacter genus referred to in Table 2 and according to Saito-Miura methodology (supra) employing lytic enzymes (lysostaphyn (Sigma), lysozyme (Sigma), acetylmuramidase SG (Seikagaku Kogyo)] for the other strains.

Samples for dot-blot-hybridization were obtained by spotting certain amount (e.g., 0.1 μg/5 μl) of the extracted DNAs onto nylon filters (Pauldyne) and selecting alkaline-denatured DNAs.

Samples of Human Genomic DNA were prepared by applying the previously obtained human leukocytes to Saito-Miura methodology (supra).

On the other hand, the controls were prepared by applying

Escherichia coli

K-12, JM109, which have plasmid pGEM-3Z (Promega) and was employed previously for cloning the probes, to the preparing method of the plasmid DNA to be referred to in the following Example 2 (1).

Then, with regard to the each sample, in accordance with Maniatis's manual (T. Maniatis, et al., “Molecular Cloning (A Laboratory Manual)”, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory (1982)), overnight hybridization was performed, under the condition of 45% formamido (Merck), 5×SSC and 42° C., using DNA probes which were prepared from

Helicobacter pylori

and were labelled with Digoxigenin-11-dUTP (Boehringer Mannheim).

After the overnight hybridization, the samples were washed twice with 0.1×SSC, 0.1% SDS for 20 minutes at 55° C., then were color-developed and detected with Anti-Dig-ALP conjugates (Boehringer Mannheim), and hybridization-specificities thereon had been confirmed.

Experimental results on reactivities between each probe and DNAs from each clinically isolated strains are shown in FIG.


. Then, positional relation between well in the well-plate and samples (blotted strain DNAs) to be blotted thereto were shown in FIG.


. Namely, position numbers denoted in the schematic view of well-plate shown in

FIG. 1

are corresponding to the sample (strain) numbers listed in Table 2.

Apparently from reaction results shown in

FIG. 2

, all of the tested probes have reacted only with DNAs from

Helicobacter pylori

(Strains Nos. 1 and 2), but not reacted (not hybridized) with any DNA from strains belonged to Helicobacter genus except from

Helicobacter pylori

, accordingly, their specificities have been confirmed.


Analysis of Base Sequence

Base sequences of DNA probes (total 8 probes), species-specificities of which have been confirmed in Example 1, were sequenced according to the following method.

(1) Preparation of Plasmid DNA

Escherichia coli

K-12, JM109 comprising pGEM-3Z (Promega) incorporated thereinto the subcloned insert fragments (to be sequenced) was inoculated in 5 ml Luria-Bactani Medium (bacto-tryptone, 10 g/1 L; bacto-yeast extract, 5 g/1 L; NaCl, 10 g/1 L; pH 7.0 adjusted with 5 N NaOH) and was cultivated overnight.

Culture liquid was centrifuged (5,000 rpm, 5 min.) and the bacteria were collected. 100 μl solution of 50 mM glucose/25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)/10 mM EDTA containing 2.5 mg/ml lysozyme (Sigma) was added to the precipitates, and they were left at room temperature for five minutes. 0.2 M NaOH solution containing 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (Sigma) was added to the suspension so obtained, and they were mixed. 150 μl of 5 M pottasium acetate solution (pH 4.8) was further added thereto, then they were mixed and were cooled with ice for 15 minutes.

Mix solution of water and phenol/chloroform (CHCl


) (volume ratio of water:phenol/chloroform=1:1) was added to equivalent volume of supernatant obtained through the centrifugation (15,000 rpm, 15 min.) of the cooled solution, and they were mixed. Double volume of ethanol was added to the supernatant obtained from such mixed solution, then they were mixed, and precipitates were obtained through further centrifugation (12,000 rpm, 5 min.). These precipitates were dissolved in 100 μl solution of 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)/0.1 mM EDTA, then 10 mg/ml RNaseA (Sigma) solution were further added thereto, and they were left at room temperature for 15 minutes.

300 μl of 0.1 M sodium acetate solution (pH 4.8) was added to such preparation, then, equivalent volume of mix solution consisting of water and phenol/chloroform (CHCl


)(volume ratio of water:phenol/chloroform=1:1) was added thereto, and they were mixed. Double volume of ethanol was further added to the supernatant obtained from such mixed solution, and precipitates were obtained. DNA samples were prepared by drying these precipitates and dissolving them in 10 μl distilled water.

(2) Pretreatment for Sequencing

Pretreatment for sequencing was performed with AutoRead™ Sequencing Kit (Pharmasia).

Concentration of DNA for a template was adjusted to 5-10 μg in 32 μl solution. 32 μl of template DNA solution was transferred to 1.5 ml mini-tube (Eppendolf), then 8 μl of 2 M NaOH solution was added thereto, and they were mixed gently. After light centrifugation, they were left at room temperature for 10 minutes.

7 μl of 3 M sodium acetate (pH 4.8) and 4 μl distilled water were added thereto, then 120 μl ethanol was further added, and they were mixed and were left for 15 minutes on dry ice. DNAs precipitated through 15-minutes centrifugation were collected, and supernatants were removed carefully. The precipitates so obtained were washed with 70% ethanol and were centrifuged for 10 minutes. Then, the supernatants were removed carefully again and the precipitates were dried under the reduced pressure.

Precipitates were dissolved in 10 μl distilled water, then 2 μl fluorescent primer [Fluorescent Primer, M13 Universal Primer; 5′-Fluorescein-d[CGACGTTGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT (SEQ ID NO:


)]-3′ (1.6 pmol/μl; 0.42 A


unit/ml); M13 Reverse Primer, 5′-Fluorescein-d[CAGGAAACAGCTATG AC(SEQ ID NO:


)]-3′ (2.1 pmol/μl; 0.42 A


unit/ml)] (0.42 A


unit/ml, 4˜6 pmol) and 2 μl annealing buffer were added thereto, and they were mixed gently.

After light centrifugation, they were heated at 65° C. for 5 minutes, then were rapidly put under temperature of 37° C. and were kept the temperature for 10 minutes. Thereafter, they were left at room temperature for 10 minutes or more and were centrifuged lightly. Then, the samples were prepared by adding thereto 1 μl elongation buffer and 3 μl dimethyl sulfoxide.

Four mini-tubes have been marked with single symbol of “A”, “C”, “G” or “T”, and, according to the written symbol, 2.5 μl of A Mix (ddATP dissolved together with dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP), C Mix (ddCTP dissolved together with dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP), G Mix (ddGTP dissolved together with dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP), or T Mix (ddTTP dissolved together with dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP) were poured into each tube. Each solution was preserved in ice until the use, and the solution was heated at 37° C. for one minute or more when it is actually used.

2 μl diluted T7DNA polymerase (Pharmacia; 6-8 units/2 μl) was added to each DNA sample, and was completely mixed by pipetting or gently mixing them. Immediately after completing the mixing, 4.5 μl of each of these mix solution were poured into prewarmed those four mix-solution respectively. Fresh tips were used at the time of pouring of these mix solution.

The solution was warmed for five minutes at 37° C., then 5 μl of termination solution attached to the previously noted AutoRead™ Sequencing Kit (Pharmacia) were poured into each reaction-solution. Fresh tips were also used at this pouring procedure.

The solution was warmed for two to three minutes at 90° C., and was immediately cooled on ice. 4-6 μl/lane of the solution was applied to the electrophoresis.

(3) Sequencing on Base Sequence

Base sequences of probes disclosed in Example 1 specific for

Helicobacter pylori

were sequenced with A. L. F. DNA Sequencer System (Pharmacia) under an electrophoresis condition of 45° C. for 6 hours.

As a result thereof, base sequences of probe HP-32 (SEQ ID NO:


), probe HP-34 (SEQ ID NO:


), probe HP-49 (SEQ ID NO:


), probe HP-55 (down) (SEQ ID NO:


), probe HP-55 (up) (SEQ ID NO:


), probe HP-60 (SEQ ID NO:


), probe HP-64 (SEQ ID NO:


) and probe SP-66 (SEQ ID NO:


) were clarified respectively.


According to the probes of the present invention,

Helicobacter pylori

can be directly detected and can rapidly/exactly be identified without using any invasive-medical instrument and growing the bacteria. That is to say, according to the diagnosis using the present probes, the detection rate would remarkably be improved, and the bacteria can be identified with single specimen, thereby, necessary time for diagnosis will be reduced to about one to two day(s). Therefore, an effective therapy will be able to plan in the early stage of the diseases and can immediately start.

Then, since the base sequences of the present probes, which are specific for DNAs of

Helicobacter pylori

involved closely with the human digestive diseases, have been clarified, these probes are able to prepare artifically. Further, causative bacteria DNAs in the clinical specimen can amplify with PCR techniques employing primers prepared by making use of a part of the analyzed base sequences, as a result thereof,

Helicobacter pylori

will rapidly be detected and the present probes can therefore be practically utilized in the diagnosis.

Further, by comparing base sequences of Genomic DNAs in the clinical specimen with those analyzed by the present invention, the causative bacteria species of digestive diseases will rapidly be identified.

As stated above, according to the present invention, contemplated probes specific for

Helicobacter pylori

are provided, and excellent utilities thereof are also expected as a guide factor for preparing PCR primers and as a standard sequence suitable for the comparison with Genomic DNAs in the clinical specimen. The present invention may further offer an effect to provide valuable hints for preparing and developing the other useful probes, which are specific for DNAs of

Helicobacter pylori

which is the causative bacteria of the digestive diseases. Then, since the base sequences disclosed in the present application were obtained by random-cloning the Genomic DNAs of clinically isolated strains, utilities of the base sequences of the present invention shall be extended to the complementary strands thereof.

It is naturally understood that DNAs of the wild strains contain the mutated portion. But, apparently from the disclosure of the illustrative Examples above, such mutated portions would not affect the specificity of the present probes as well as any utility for the clinical utility thereof (e.g., use of which to design PCR primers).





Artificial Sequence

Description of Artificial Sequence Synthesized

cgacgttgta aaacgacggc cagt 24




Artificial Sequence

Description of Artificial Sequence Synthesized

caggaaacag ctatgac 17




Helicobacter pylori

At position 1529, n = any nucleotide (g, a, c
or t)

aagcttctag taaagaaatc actctttttt gctgttccaa tagtgcgtct atcttggcac 60
tcaaacgatt tattttactt tccatgcgtt caatactaac cactaaaaat aaatagctat 120
ttaatcatta aaaatgatta ttttaatacc atgctcttaa attaagatgt gtttttatga 180
tcatgctaca ataaaaacac aaaatgattt caaagaaaaa gggtttaaaa tgaaaacttt 240
tgaagtaatg attcaaaccg attcaaaagg gtatttggac gctaaatttg gcggtacgct 300
cctagagggt ttctcaatcc aaacggctta cccacttatt cgcctaaaat ctcatggcaa 360
aaagtagaag gcgctcaaag ctatgcacta gaactcatcg atcatgacgc tcaaaaagtg 420
tgtggcatgt cgtttgtcat tgggtcgtgg gcaatatttc ttataatgtt ttagaagaaa 480
acgcttccat gatggataaa agaattgttc aaggggtcaa ttcgctcact caaggcttta 540
tccgttcccc acttaatgaa agcgaaaaac aacgctccaa tctcaataac agcacctata 600
tcggccccat gccccctaat ggcgatcacc attacttaat ccaagtgtat gccctagaca 660
ttcctaaact cgccttaaaa gccccgtttt tcttaggcga tttgcatgac agaatgcgcg 720
gacatatcat cgccataggg agaaaagaat ttttatacaa gcagtttgtg aggaaatagg 780
ctactgcttg tagctattct ttcgctaaat tgaatttttg atacatctct aaaattctct 840
tttcatctag catgctttct tcaatccttg tgcctatcaa atcggcatgg tgctttttaa 900
aatcttttaa agggattaaa tcattatcaa caagagcgtt tcgcctcttt ttagctaaag 960
ggaagtgcca ttgcacgagt tctttatcct taaatatggt gtttatcctt aagccttaaa 1020
gttttataag catcaccatt atattgccaa atttcaaaag gctcacaatc gttataaaat 1080
aaccaatgat ctccccatgc gtctaaaaat ccaaaatccc catcattacg cataaacacc 1140
tcaaaatctt gcaccacaaa attaatacgc gaatacatca caacctcttt aatgctctta 1200
gggatataaa aactttcata aagtttttta gcgtcataaa tatgatcaca atcaattttg 1260
ataacccact catttttagg gataaaagaa agcgtataat tatagtaatg atagagttgg 1320
tgccacaaac tcgggcaatc ctttagtatg acttcataag gatagctgat agggataaat 1380
gaggggaact ttttacaaaa ctctaaaatc acttctttag agccatcatc gcaatcatta 1440
aaaccaatga cccccctttg aatggcagga agcatagaaa acaaactctc ttctaaagta 1500
acgatttcat ttttgactct aataaaagnc catgggttta gagggctttt agggttttga 1560
cttttttatc atagtcaaaa taacctgaat gcgtgggatt gggtagagtt aaagtgggat 1620
ggataaccct atcttctaaa tgcccccccc ccccccataa ttataattaa gagaactatt 1680
tttataaata ctcttattgc gttcaatgaa actttcatta tttaaagaag cgatagccaa 1740
aaacacgctt tcttgatggt catggttgaa taaagctt 1778




Helicobacter pylori

aagctttacc tctaatagcg ttttaaactt ttttgtggtt ttgtctttca tcacgatagg 60
gctagttttt ttctttttgc gttcccaacc cactagcgtg gtctctaaag aaaatattcc 120
taaaattgaa ttagaaaatt ttaaagcgtt tcaaatcaac gataaaatcc ttgatctgtc 180
catagagggc aaaaaagctc tacaatacga tgatcatgag atcttttttg attccaaaat 240
caagcgttat gatgaagaca cgatagaaag cgttgaatcc cctaaagcca aacggcagca 300
ggatttgtat ttcttcccta atggggtaac ttataaaaga agcgatgatt ctagtttttg 360
gagtgaaaca gggatttaca accataagga gcaaaatttt aaaggcaagg gccgtttcat 420
tctcactcaa aggacagcaa ggttgaaggg cttgacattt cttattcgca tgctttagcc 480
attattgaag cccaaagcat tcaagctaat ttattcttag atgaaatcaa acaaagccag 540
aaagaaaaga aaaaattccc cactttcaaa ggaggggttt taatgcgttg gtggtgtgtt 600
cttgtgtgtt gttttggaat tttaagcgtg atgaacgctc aaaaaacaga caataaaggt 660
ttgaaaaaag aaagagaaac ttttagaaat taccggcaac aaattcgtag cgaacgacaa 720
aacaaaaacc gccgttattc aaggcaatgt gcagatcaaa aaaggtaaag accggttgtt 780
tgcggataag gtgagcgtgt ttttaaacga taaacgaaag ccagagcgct atgaagccac 840
agggaacacg cattttaaca tctttacaga ggataatcgt gaaatcagcg ggagtgctga 900
caagctcatt tataacgcac tgaatgggga atacaaatta ttgcaaaatg cggtggttag 960
agaagtgggg aaatctaatg ttattaccgg tgatgagatc attttaaaca aagctaaggg 1020
ttatgctgat gtgttgggga gcacgaaacg gcccgctaaa tttgtgtttg atatggaaga 1080
cattaatgaa gaaaatcgta aggccaaatt gaagaagaaa ggcgctaagg aaaaaccatg 1140
atcgctatta aagacgctca ttttctcact tcttctagcc aactttcgca atgccctgcg 1200
agcttgactt ctgaaatggt cattttaggg cgcagcaatg tcggtaaaag ctcgtttatt 1260
aataccttgt taggaaaaaa tctcgctaaa agttcagcaa cgcctggaaa aacccgttta 1320
gtgaattttt tttccaccac ttgggaagat aaagaaaacg ccttaagggc cacttttaat 1380
gtgattgatt tgcctgggtt tgctacgcta aagtttctaa aagctt 1426




Helicobacter pylori

aagctttgcc aactttacca acacaacaaa gatttagtag caagtatatg attttggtca 60
aatcaaatga gttatactat gcaataggta gtgctattaa tcaagattta agctcttctc 120
ctatcttcaa aacaaatgtt tccccaaaca aattgatgct gtataaaaat ggaaaaattt 180
catctatgat caaaggagaa aaagggtttg ggggtcatga aggttctgag atagtagatg 240
ctactgagct agctacagga tttatgaacc acattgtccc tattcttagt tataaactag 300
attgtccata ttcttaatta taaactagcg gaaatctatt atgaagcata tgtcgaaact 360
aatcgtcttt taacgaaaat caaaggctac tcgcacaaca aaacactttt gttacccaac 420
aaattaatgc cttaaaagct aaaactaaat ttctccaaaa agtttataag gatatttctc 480
aaatttctaa aagtgatgtt ttgatacaat caacatgcac aaatttacaa agaatacgca 540
ttgaactaga tgaaattttt tataatttta tatcccaaat aaatcaagga ctaatggtaa 600
aaaactttaa tgatgtaagt ggtaactaca tttgtgcaag atacgctctt tctcattata 660
tttttgcgtt ggttttagaa tatgttgttg caggactcat tgataatgag agcatggaag 720
ctt 723




Helicobacter pylori

aagcttttgc ctggcacggc tatgcctaga gtggggttga gcgaacaggc tcaaaaacaa 60
gtcatcgcat atttggaaaa agcgggcgat aggaaaaaac atgaaaggaa caccttaggg 120
ataaaaatca tgattttctt tgcggtgctg tcgttcttgg cttatgcgtg gaaaagaaag 180
gtttggagcg aagtgcattg aattaaaaaa agggggaggg catggtttta tgatttttga 240
tctatggtgg ggtgtttgaa tggcgttttc aaaacaacct ttattttagg attttattat 300
tactaatacc cctataagga ttttatggct acaaagctt 339




Helicobacter pylori

aagcttgaaa tattaatgct tcaaatgagt ttggtttaat ctttaattaa agaaaaagtc 60
atcaaactag cccaaacatt aggaatcaac atgatcattg gcgggcctcc ctgtcaaggc 120
ttttctaata aagggaaaaa tttagggcta aaagactcta ggaatttttt atttttagaa 180
tatatagaga tagtaaaagc cttaaaacca gaaattttta tcattaaaaa catgaaaaac 240
ctcatctctt gcgctaaagg ctatttttta gaagaaatta aagaaagatt gaacgcttta 300
gggtatcaat taagctatca aatcctaaat gctaaagatt atggcgtgcc tcaaaacaga 360
gagagggcct ttattgtggg ggctagtcgt tttagttttg atttcaatct tttagagcct 420
tctcaaagcg tgaatgttca ggatgcgata agcgatttag cctatcttgt tctaatgagg 480
gggcgtttga aagcgattat ttaaacccta tccaatcaag ctatcaagcc ttgatgcgaa 540
aagatagccc taaattatac aaccatcaag ccaccaacca ctcgcaagcc gctttagaga 600
aattaaagct cattaacaaa gagcaaggca aagaatgctt gcctaaaaac ttgcatggca 660
aacagcaatt caaaagcaca tgggggcgtt tgaattggaa taaaatcagc cccaccatag 720
acacacgatt tgacactcca agtaatggca ccaactccca ccctgaattg caccgctcta 780
tcacgcccag agaagccgct aggatacaaa gttttagcga taattatatc ttttatggca 840
ataaaacgag cgtttgcaag caaatcggta acgctgtgcc ccctcttcta gccctagctt 900
taggcaaagc gatcttaaaa agctt 925




Helicobacter pylori

aagcttgaag gtgcgttaaa atgaaaatct ctttatttgg gcatggcaaa accactctag 60
ccttagggcg tttttttaga aaaaaccata acgaagtcaa attttttgac gaccaattca 120
ctgcatcttt taaagatagc gagggttttg tttgctatcc cagtaaggat ttcaacccta 180
atgattccca actagagata gtcagccctg gcattagctt cacgcaccct ttagtcataa 240
aagccaagca tttagtgagc gaatacgatt atattgatag cttgtttgat ttggttttca 300
cgcctactat aataagtatt agcggcacta atggtaaaac caccacgaca gaaatgctca 360
ccatgctttt agaagatttt aaggctgtga atggggggaa tatcggcacg cccttgattg 420
aattgtttga aaaacaatcg cccttgtggg tgttagaaac aagctccttt tctttgcatt 480
acactaataa ggcttaccct ttaatctact tgctcatcaa tgtggaagct gatcatttga 540
cttggcattg caattttgaa aattatttga acgctaaact caaggtttta acattgatgc 600
ctaaaacttc actcgctatc ctccctttaa aattcaaaga acattcaagc gttcaaaatt 660
cgcaagcgca aaaaatcttt tttgacaaaa gcgaagaggt tttagagcgt ttaaaaatcc 720
cttctaacgc cctttttttt aaaggagcgt ttttattaga cgctgcatta gcccttttag 780
tttacgagca atttttaaaa ataaagaatt taaaatggca agattataga gaaaacgccc 840
ttaaaagact gaacgctttt aaaatcggct cgcataaaat ggaagaattt agggataaac 900
aagggcgttt gtgggtagat gacagcaaag ccacaaacat tgatgccacc ttgcaagccc 960
taaaaacctt taaaaaccaa aaaatccatt tgattttagg gggcgatatt aaaggggtca 1020
atttaacccc cctttttgaa gaatttaaaa atcatgaaat aagcctttat gccataggat 1080
caagcgcttt tattatccaa tccttagcat tagaatttaa tgtttcttgt caggtttgtt 1140
tggagttaga aaaagcggtt caagaaatta aaagcgtttt atcgcaaaat gaaattgctt 1200
tgctttcacc cagcgcagcc agtttggatc aattttcttc gtataaagaa aggggtgaaa 1260
gatttaaagc gtttgtttta aaagattaaa gcacatgcac cacttggtct aattgtgaaa 1320
ttttttgaaa aatctcgttc cgttcttctt catttgaaac ttccatagaa acattaaagc 1380
tataaaattt agcgttttta gaagtgtttt ttaattccaa tttaaagggg cgttggtagg 1440
tttctaaaag ctcttttaac acgcttgtat ctttagtagt cataatcacc ctataatccc 1500
aaagacaagg gtaaataata gtgggttttc ctgaatcaga tggcattgaa cagctcctta 1560
aacactttag gaatggcaat agggctgtat gtagagcgat tgacaaagcc aaacttgatt 1620
tctgaagcaa agaccttaaa aggcttcata ggctctaaag aagcgttttg gatgcaataa 1680
atttcttgaa aaagcaccac aaaaaccttt cttaattctt taatttgcgt tcttatttct 1740
aagacctgcc caaggcttgc gggggtgaaa aaatccgctt tgatagagcg gataacaaac 1800
acgccttctt cattttctgg caagacattt tgtttaaaaa aaaactcgct cctagccctt 1860
tcgcaatatt tcaaataatt cgcatgatag accacgcctt cagagtcggt atcttcgtaa 1920
tataccctac agcgcattga ttccccttac tcaaataatg aaattttctt gaaattatac 1980
aactatgtaa cttaactata gtataatcta ggggcgttgc ttatattttt taggtatttt 2040
taaagtggtt tttgtggttt ttttcttaaa tcttaagatc tttaaagatt ttagaaaact 2100
aatacagcaa tagttggacg attaaagaca ttgctcttta attttaatca tttataagga 2160
gtttggtagt taagatatgg gtaatcattt ttctaaatta ggatttgttt tagccgcatt 2220
aggaagcgcg ataggtttag ggcatatctg gcgattcccc tatatgaccg gggtgagtgg 2280
tgggggtgct tttgttttat tgtttttatt tttatcttta agcgttggcg cggcgatgtt 2340
tatcgctgaa atgctattag gacaaagcac gcaaaaaaat gtaacagaag ctt 2393




Helicobacter pylori

aagctttagt gcgagattcc aatttgattt ctgctaaagc ccaagcggtg cctattgttt 60
tgcaattgca tgcgctatac aatgaagaaa acaattacac gcaatacctt ttaagcgtga 120
tgctgccttg catgtggctt attttgattg cgattggcat gctcaatttc attcaaaaag 180
cctctaacat gcacgagctt ttaatcagta ttttagcgaa tatgtgcgtg tttagttttt 240
gggggatggg catggcgttt tattttaatc tcattggcat ggagggacat tatgcgcatt 300
tgtcattggt ctttttggcg gtcgttttaa tggcgctcat tatgagcggg tttgtggtgt 360
tggtttatgg cgtttcaaaa agcgttattg aaaccgctgg cgcaattggg gtctataccg 420
ctccaagttt tgcgtttgct ggggttactt acccgcaaaa taacatggaa atttttggga 480
gtttttggag ccattgcttg cctattagcc attttatgaa gttcttttta caagaggcct 540
attataagac ggattttaca gagtctttaa attctctaat gccgcttgcg ttctttttaa 600
tctttttagt cttagggctt ttgatttttt atttttcttt taaaaaaggc aaggctagcg 660
catgaatttt tttaaaatcc ttttaatgga gttaagggct attgtttctc ataagggcgt 720
tttgttaatc cttataggcg cgcctttaat ctatggctta ttataccctt tgccttattt 780
aaaagacatc gtaacgcagc aaaaaatcgc cccttgtaga tgaagacaat tcctttcttt 840
ccaggcaatt agccttcatg gtgcaaagct ccaacgagtt agaaatcgct ttttttagcc 900
cctctatgct ggaagccaaa aagctt 926




Helicobacter pylori

aagcttatgg ggtttatgaa agcagctatt tgcaagaagt ccctagagat caatttgaag 60
gcattgaatt ggaaaaaggc atgagcgttt ttgggcaaac tgaagaccac aaaaccattc 120
aagccactat caaagacttt agcagcacgc atgtgatggt ggattataac catccgttag 180
ccgggaaaac tttagcgttt cgtttcaagg ttttgggctt tagggaagtg agcgaagaag 240
aaattttagc ttcacaccat ggcggtggga caggttgctg tggcggtcat gggggtcatg 300
gcggaaagaa aggtgggggc tgtggttgct catgttcgca tgggtagtag ggtataggag 360
catttaaaag gcaaggtcat gaatagttct aatctcaaaa attggctgtt ccctaccatt 420
tgcttttttt tgttttgtta tattttaatt tttttgatgt tttttatgtt taaaagtttg 480
caatcgcaat cttttggctc tgtggcagaa accggaaaaa aacccatcac caccaccaag 540
aaatttggta aggaattgca aaaacagatt tcaaagatcc attaactttt tttctttttt 600
gccgatactt gccgtaatgg aatgaatatc aaattaaagg attttacaat gatcaatgcc 660
gtttcttctc tttctccggt gcaatctgtg gggaattaca agcgtgtgga aaagaatgaa 720
aaagttgaaa atagcgaggc cgctcttgat agggtggctg aaatcaagca agctattgaa 780
aacaaccagt ataaaatcaa cttgcatgag acttctcaca aaatggcaca ggatttattg 840
gggataggct aagggtttta agggcttcat ttctaggggg ggttattctt gctgtcgttt 900
tgtttttcat taaattttag tttctttatg ttttgagttt tttgctctct taaatagggc 960
gtgtttttgt tgcgtgttag gaatgattga ttgggaattt taacttttat ggatttttgt 1020
tctggtattg gtggaggccg tttgggcttg gagcaatgcc atttaaaatg cgtagggcat 1080
gcagaaatca atcatgaagc cattagaact tatggattat tttttaaaga tacccataat 1140
tttggggatt tgatgcgaat caaccctaat gatttacccg attttgatgc gctcattagc 1200
gggtttcctt gtcaagctt 1219

  • 1. An isolated and purified probe consisting of a nucleotide sequence selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NOS:3 through 10, wherein said probe specifically hybridizes with the DNA of Helicobacter pylori.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
8-194317 Jul 1996 JP
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 102e Date 371c Date
PCT/JP97/02552 WO 00 7/12/1999 7/12/1999
Publishing Document Publishing Date Country Kind
WO98/03681 1/29/1998 WO A
Non-Patent Literature Citations (4)
Database GenBank Rel. 100, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Accession U75328, Jan. 2, 1997.
Database GenBank Rel. 100. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Accession U86610, Feb. 13, 1997.
Desai et al., “Genetic diversity of Helicobacter pylori indexed with respect to clinical symptomology, using a 16S rRNA and a species-specific DNA probe” J. Applied Bacteriology vol. 75, pp. 574-582 (1993).
Li et al., “A Highly Specific and Sensitive DNA Probe Derived from Chromosomal DNA of Helicobacter pylori Is Useful for Typing H. pylori Isolates” J. Clinical Microbiology vol. 31, pp. 2157-2162 (Aug. 1993).