R.W. Schutz & Ming Xiao “Corrosion: Specific Issues” Sep. 1993 vol. 3A. |
R.W. Schutz Developments in Titanium Alloy Environmental Behavior 1995 no month. |
R.W. Schutz “Ruthenium Enhanced Titanium Alloys” Platinum Metals Rev., 1996, 40, (2) 54-61 no month. |
R.W. Schutz “Performance of Ruthenium-Enhanced Alpha-Beta Titanium Alloys in Aggressive Sour Gas and Geothermal Well Produced-Fluid BNrines” NACE International. 1997 no month. |
R.W. Schutz “Recent developments in titanium alloy application in the energy industry” Elsevier Scien e S.A. 1998 no month. |
R.W. Schutz “Lower Cose Ruthenium-Enhanced titanium Alloys for Severe Chemical Servie” First Interational Conference on reactive Metals in Corrosive Applications Sep. 12-16 1999. |
R.W. Schutz “Titanium” Process Industries Corrosion -the therory and Practice NACE Publication 1986 Edition no month. |
R.W. Schutz & Richard L. Porter TiRu-26 and -27: Lower-Cost, Corrosion-Resistant Titanium Alloys for Hydrometallurgical Process Equipment ALTA 2000 Nickel/Cobalt-6 May 15-18 2000. |
R.W. Schutz & David E. Thomas Metals Handbook Ninth Edition vol. 13 Corrosion 1992 no month. |