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A. H. W. M. Schuurs and C. J. van Wijngaarden, "A Modified Haemagglutination Inhibition Test and Its Application for the Estimation of Human Luteinizing Hormone in Unconcentrated Urine", Acta. Endocrinol., Suppl. 141 at 13-31 (1970). _ |
B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Immunoassay Using Antigen-Enzyme Conjugates", FEBS Letters 15 at 232-236 (1971). _ |
H. van Hell and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Immunochromatographic Purification of Human Urinary Luteinizing Hormone", J. Endocrinol. 54 at 171-172 (1972)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and C. J. van Wijngaarden, "Estimation of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in Unconcentrated Urine by a Modified Haemagglutination Inhibition Test", Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 29, Suppl. 126 (1972), Abstr. No. 24.4._ |
F. C. den Hollander and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Radioimmunoassay of Oestrogens (E) Using the `Double Antibody Solid Phase (DASP)` Method ", Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 29, Suppl. 126 (1972), Abstract No. 14.17. |
F. C. den Hollander, B. K. van Weemen and G. F. Woods, "Specificities of Antisera Against Estrogens Linked to Albumin at Different Positions" (C.sub.6, C.sub.11, C.sub.16, C.sub.17); Steroids 23 at 549-560 (1974)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and J. Kacaki, "Reserved Haemagglutination Test for the Detection of Hepatitis B Antigen", Vox. Sang. 27 at 97-114 (1974)._ |
B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Immunoassay Using Antibody-Enzyme Conjugates." FEBS Letters 43 at 215-218 (1974). _ |
G. Wolters, P. Thal, A. H. W. M. Schuurs and J. Kacaki, "Hepanosticon in Screening for HBsAg", Lancet 1 at 1193-1194 (1975)._ |
A. M. G. Bosch, H. van Hell, J. A. M. Brands, B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Methods for the Determination of Total Estrogens (TE) and Human Placental Lactogen (HPL) in Plasma of Pregnant Women by Enzyme-Immunoassay (EIA)", Clin. Chem. 21 at 1009 (1975), No. 358. _ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and G. Wolters, "Hepatitis B Surface Antigen and Human Serum Proteins", Am. J. Med. Sci. 270 at 173-177 (1975)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and C. J. van Wijngaarden, "A Modified Haemagglutination Inhibition Test for Estimating Human Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (HFSH) in Unprocessed Urine", J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 40 at 619-628 (1975)._ |
B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "The Influence of Heterologous Combinations of Antiserum and Enzyme-Labeled Estrogen on the Characteristics of Estrogen Enzyme-Immunoassays". Immunochemistry 12 at 667-670 (1965)._ |
J. Kacaki, A. H. W. M. Schuurs, G. Wolters and J. Lalosevic, "Hepatitis-B Antigen in Venereal Diseases", Lancet at 363-364 (1975)._ |
G. Wolters, L. P. C. Kuijpers, A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) for HBsAg in Microtiter Plates", Hepatitis Scientific Memoranda (July 1975)._ |
Stratis Avrameas, et al., "Detection of Antibodies of Immunocompetent Cells of Animals Immunized with Enzymes", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, (Series D), 265 at 302-304 (17 Jul. 1967) and translation._ |
Stratis Avrameas, et al., "Enzymes Coupled to Proteins: Their Utilization for the Detection of Antigens and Antibodies", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, (Series D), 265 at 1149-1152 (16 Oct. 1967), and translation._ |
Geoffrey Scott, et al., "Electron-microscopic Study of the Formation of Antibodies with the Aid of Alkaline Phosphatase Used like an Antigen", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, (Series D), 266 at 746-748 (12 Feb. 1968), and translation._ |
J. Pelletier, et al., "Radio-immunological Assay of the Luteinizing Hormone of Sheep. Adjustment of the Assay Technique", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris. (Series D), 266 at 2291-2294 (10 Jun. 1968) and translation._ |
J. Pelletier, et al., "Radio-immunological Determination of the Plasma Luteinizing Hormone of Sheep. Comparison with the Biological Determination of LH by the Diminution of Ovarian Ascorbic acid and Example of the Measurements of the LH of the Blood of Ewes", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris", (Series D)., 266 at 2352-2354, (17 Jun. 1968), and translation._ |
Pierr, Leleux, et al., "Detection of Gonadotropic Cells in the Hypophysis of Rams by Means of an Immunofluorescence Method", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, (Series D), 267 at 438-440 (22 Jul. 1968), and translation. _ |
Sidney D. Bradshaw, et al., "Cortisol in the Plasma of Eels, Determined by Fluorimetry and by the Competitive Inhibitions of the Specific Cortisol-Transcortine Bond. The Influence of Various Experimental Conditions", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, (Series D), at 894-897 (26 Aug. 1968) and translation. _ |
Jacqueline Dolais, et al., "Plasma Determination of the Human Luteinizing Hormone (HLH) by Means of Radio-Immunology. Adjustment of the Determination Technique", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, (Series D), 267 at 1105-1108 (23 Sep. 1968) and translation._ |
Jacqueline Dolais, et al., "Determination of the Human Luteinizing Hormone (HLH) in Plasma by Means of the Radio-Immunological Method. LH Strength in the Plasma During the Menstrual Cycle of Normal Women, and During and After the Taking of Oral Contraceptive", C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, (Series D), 267 at 1162-1165 (30 Sep. 1968), and translation. _ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and B. K. van Weemen, "Principles of Heterogeneous Enzyme Immunoassays (EIA or ELISA)", Enzyme Immunoassay Workshop, Wolfgang Vogt, Ed., vol. 1977, at 4-9 (1978)._ |
G. Wolters, L. P. C. Kuijpers, J. Kacaki and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen", Enzyme-Immunoassay; Proc. of a Symp. (Held in the Dr. Saal van Zwanenberg Auditorium, Oss, Sep. 24, 1976), Oss, Organon At 77-88 (1978). B. K. van Weemen (Ed.)._ |
P. Guillien, et al., "Combination of Immunofluorescense and Immuno-enzymology for the Detection of Intra-Cellular Antibodies",C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, (Series D), 267 at 1425-1427 (2 Oct. 1968) and translation._ |
Dr. A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Practical Results with Pregnosticon and Pregnosticon Planotest", Organorama 4(4) at 4-10 (1967). _ |
Dr. A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Pregnancy Diagnosis and Assay of Chorionic Gonadotrophin by Immunochemical Methods", Organorama 4 Nos. 3 and 4 (1969)._ |
B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Prinzip des Enzym-Immunoassay", Verlag Chem. (Weinhem, Ger.) at 96-101 (1977)._ |
G. Wolters, L. P. C. Kuijpers, J. Kacaki and A. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay for Hepatitis H Surface Antigen", Enzyme-Immunoassay Symposium, Sep. 24, 1976; Abstracts, Oss, Organon, 1976 at 20-21. _ |
B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Shuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay: General Aspects", Enzyme-Immunoassay Symposium, Sep. 24, 1976; Abstracts, Oss, Organon, at 6-7 (1976)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and B. K. van Weemen, "Principles En Toepassingen van Enzym-Immunologische Bepalingen", Meded. Ned Ver. Klin. Chem. 2 at 35-42 (1977). _ |
P. Niermeijer, C. H. Gips, J. R. Huizenga, M. van der Waart, and A. Schuurs, "Preference and Significance of HBeAg and Anti-HBe, Determined by Enzyme Immunoassay, in Patients with Acute, Chronic and Resolved Hepatitis B", Hepato-Gastroenerol 27 at 350-355 (1980)._ |
B. K. van Weeman and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay for Oestrogens", Abstr. Commun. Presented at the 8th Meet. Fed. Eur. Biochem. Soc., 20-25 Aug. 1972, Abstr. No. 835. _ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Diagnostic Test Kits for the Determination of Human Gonadotrophins", Research within Akzo, Arnhem, Akzo at 69-72 (1973)._ |
M. van der Waart and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Kanttekeningen Bij de Gevoeligheid van Enzym-Immuno Bepalingen" Meded. Ned. Ver. Klin. Chem. 2 at 141-147 (1977)._ |
A. Schuurs and J. Kacaki, "Der Umgekehrte Haemagglutinattiontest fuer Hepatitis B-Antigen (The Reversed Haemagglutination Test for Hepatitis B Antigen)", Forschungsergebnissb der Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhaematologte; Berlin, Medicus (1974) at 645-652, Bericht Des 16, Kongresses Der Durtschen Gesellschaft Fuer Bluttransfusion vom 28 Bis 31 Mai 1974 in Berlin; M. Matthes and V. Nagel (Hrsg.)._ |
B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Specificity and Sensitivity of Oestrogen Enzyme Immunoassays". Abstract of Paper Read at 1st International Symposium on Immunoenzymatic Techniques (INSERM) Clichy (France), Apr. 2-(1975), 1 p._ |
G. Wolters, L. Kuijpers, J. Kacaki and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, Forschungergebnisse der Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhaematologie (Hand 3: Bericht des 17), Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft Fuer Bluttransfusion und Immunhaematologie , vom 26, Bis 29 Apr. 1976 in Frankfurt._ |
B. K. van Weemen, A. M. G. Bosch, H. van Hell, J. A. M. Brands, G. Wolters, L. P. C. Kuijpers and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay", Organisation des Laboratories et Interpretation des Resultats; Biologie Prospective; Compies Bendus du Troisieme Colloque International, Organise Par L'Association Recherche Biochimique et Pharmaceutique Lorraine, 1975, Pont-a-Mousson (Fr.); G. Siest (Ed.); Paris, Expansion Sci. Fr., (1977) at 615-621._ |
Schuurs et al., "Enzyme Immunoassay", Clin. Chim. Acta., vol. 81, (1977), pp. 1-40. |
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Catt et al., "Solid-Phase Radioimmunoassay of Human Growth Hormone", Biochem. J., vol. 100, (1966), pp. 31c-33c. |
A. M. G. Bosch, H. van Hell, J. A. M. Brands, B. K. van Weemen, and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Recent Advances in Radio-Immunology", at 387 (1977)._ _ |
H. van Hell, A. M. G. Bosch, J. A. M. Brands, B. K. van weemen, A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassays (EIAs) for Protein and Steroid Hormones", Abstract of Paper presented at Recenti Progressi in Radioimmunologia Clinica, Brescia at 11-12 Mar., 1977, 2 p. _ |
G. Wolters, L. P. C. Kuijpers, J. Kacaki and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "enzyme-Immunoassay for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen", Abstract of paper Presented at 220 Convegno di studi della societa italiana di immunoematulogia e Associazione Italiana Dei Centri Trasfusionali at 14-18 Sep., 1977, Abstr. No. 26._ |
B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay; General Aspects", In: Enzyme-Immunoassay; Proc. of Symp. (Held in the Dr. Saal van Zwanenberg Auditorium, Oss, Sep. 24, 1976), Oss, Organon (1976), at 7-15 (B. K. van Weemen, Ed.)._ |
H. van Hell, J. A. M. Brands, A. M. G. Bosch, B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay for Human Placental Lactogen and Total Oestrogens for Use in Pregnancy-Monitoring", Enzyme Immunoassay; Proc. of a Symp. (Held in the Dr. Saal van Zwanenberg Auditorium, Oss, Sep. 24, 1976), Oss, Organon, at 34-40 (B. K. van Weemen, Ed.), 1978._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Radio- and Enzyme-Immunoassays of Drugs", Abstract of Paper Presented at 6th European Workshop on Drug Metabolism, Leiden, Jun. 18-23, 1978, Abstr. No. 123._ |
T. Gribnau, T. van Lith, A. van Sommeren, F. Roeles, H. van Hell, and A. Schuurs, "Synthesis and Application of Immunosorbents Based on Halopyrimidine or Reactive Azo-Dye Activated Polysaccharides-Influence of Ligand Modification on the Performance of Immunosorbents", Chromatographie d'Affinite et Interactions Moleculaires; Colloque, Strasbourg, Jun. 26-29, 1979, Paris, Inserm, 1979, at 175-186, Inserm vol. 86, J. M. Egly, G. Vincendon and J. P. Zanetta (Eds.)._ |
B. K. van Weemen and J. Kacaki, "A Modified Hemagglutination Inhibition Test for Rubella Antibodies, Using Standardized, Freeze-Dried Reagents" (Report of a Comparative Multi-Centre Trial), J. Hyg. (CAMB) 77 at 31.increment.(1976)._ |
G. Wolters, P. Thal, J. Kacaki and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Screening for HBsAg by Hepanosticon in Microplates", Biomed. Express 25 at 72 (1976)._ |
G. Wolters, L. Kuijpers, J. Kacaki and A. Schuurs, "Solid Phase Enzyme Immunoassay for Detection of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen", J. Clin. Pathol. 29 (10) at 873-879 (1976)._ |
G. Wolters, L. P. C. Kuijpers, J. Kacaki and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay for HBsAg", Lancet II at 690 (1976). _ |
J. Kacaki, G. Wolters, L. Kuijpers and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Specificity Control in Solid-Phase Enzyme Immunoassay for HGsAg by One-Step in situ Blocking With Human Anti-HBS", J. Clin. Pathol. 30 at 894-898 (1977)._ |
M. Van der Waart, A. Bosch, G. Wolters, L. Kuijpers, B. van Weemen and A. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay; A New Diagnostic Tool", Chem. Rundsch. 30, No. 28 at 1-2 (1977)._ |
G. Wolters, L. P. C. Kuijpers, J. Kacaki and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen", J. Infect. Dis. 136, Suppl., Suppl. 311-S, Suppl. 317 (1977)._ |
M. Van der Waart and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Nieuwe Ontwikkelingen In Het Gebied van de Enaymimmuunbepalingen", Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd. 121 at 1407 (1977). _ |
B. K. van Weemen, A. Bosch, J. Brands, H. van Hell, L. Kuijpers, A. Schuurs and G. Wolters, "Enzyme-Immunoassays for HBsAg, HPL and Estrogens in Serum", Clin. Biochem. 10, No. 2 at 6-7 (1977)._ |
M. van der Waart, A. Snelting, J. Cichy, P. Niermeijer, C. H. Gips, J. R. Huizenga and A. Schuurs, "The Hepatitis B Related `E` Antigen-Antibody System as Measured by Enzyme-Immunoassay", Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 44 at 461-462 (1978)._ |
A. M. G. Bosch, W. H. J. M. Stevens, C. J. van Wijngaarden and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Solid Phase Enzyme-Immunoassay (EIA) of Testosterone", Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 290 at 98 (1978)._ |
E. C. Dawson, A. E. H. C. Denissen and B. K. van Weemen, "A Simple and Efficient Method for Raising Steroid Antibodies in Rabbits", Steroids 31 at 357-366 (1978)._ |
B. K. van Weemen, A. M. G. Bosch, E. C. Dawson, H. van Hell and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme Immunoassay of Hormones", Scand. J. Immunol. 8, Suppl. 7 at 73-82 (1978)._ |
A. M. G. Bosch, D. M. Dijkhuizen, A. H. W. M. Schuurs and B. K. van Weemen, "Enzyme Immunoassay for Total Oestrogens in Pregnancy Plasma or Serum", Clin. Chim. Acta 89 at 59-70 (1978)._ |
A. M. G. Bosch, H. van Hell, J. Brands and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Specificity, Sensitivity and Reproductibility of Enzyme-Immunoassays", Enzyme Labelled Immunoassay of Hormones and Drugs; S. B. Pal (Ed.), Berlin, De Gruyter, at 175-187 (1978)._ |
M. van der Waart, A. Snelting, J. Cichy, G. Wolters and A. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay in the Diagnosis of Hepatitis With Emphasis on the Detection of `E` Antigen (HBeAG)", J. Med. Virol. 3 at 43-49 (1978)._ |
B. K. van Weemen, A. M. G. Bosch, E. C. Dawson and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay of Steriods; Possibilities and Pitfalls", J. Steroid Biochem. 11 at 147-151 (1979)._ |
J. N. Katchaki, M. van der Waart, T. H. Siem, R. Brouwer and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "The Occurrence of Antibody Markers of Hepatitis B Virus, Infection in an HBsAG-Negative Blood Donor Population", Vox Sang. 37 at 9-13 (1979)._ |
H. van Hell, J. A. M. Brands and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay of Human Placental Lactogen", Clin. Chim. Acta. 91 at 309-316 (1979)._ |
A. Schuurs and B. van Weemen, "Enzyme-Immunologische Bestimmungsverfahren", Diagn. Intensivther. 4, No. 2 at 17-21 (1979)._ |
G. Wolters, L. Kuijpers and A. Schuurs, "Detection of Human Antibodies to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAG) by an Enzyme-Immunoassay for HBsAG", J. Clin. Pathol. 32 at 1264-1271 (1979)._ |
J. H. W. Leuvering, P. J. H. M. Thal, M. van der Waart and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Sol Particle Immunoassay (SPIA)", J. Immunoassay 1 at 77-91 (1980)._ |
D. C. Dumonde, M. S. Pulley, D. O'Connell, B. M. Southcott, M. R. G. Robinson, F. J. Paradinas, C. C. Rigby, F. den Hollander, A. Schuurs and R. W. de Briun, "Clinical Effects of Long-Term Lymphokine Injections in Patients With Advanced Carcinoma", Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 2 at 190-191 (1980)._ |
H. Verheul, W. Stimson, F. den Hollander and A. Schuurs, "Prophlaxtic and Therapeutic Effects of Nandrolone and its Decanoate Ester (Deca-Durabolin) in Murine Lupus", Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 2 at 230 (1980)._ |
B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Immunochemische bepalingsmethoden voor geneesmiddeln", Pharm. Weekly 115 at 797-801 (1980)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Estimation of LH in Unconcentrated Urine by a Modified Hemaagglutination Inhibition Reaction", J. Endocrin. 43:xx (1969)._ |
H. van Hell, A. H. W. M. Schuurs and F. C. den Hollander, "Purification and Some Properties of Human Urinary FSH and LH", Gonadotropins, New York, Wiley-Interscience; B. B. Saxena, C. G. Belling and H. M. Gandy (Eds.) at 185-199 (1972)._ |
A. Schuurs and J. Kacaki, "Reversed Haemagglutination Test for Hepatitis B Antigen", International Congress, Ninth, on Tropical Medicine and Malaria, Athens, 14<Oct. 1973. vol 2: Abstracts of Communications, Athens, at 164 (1973)._ |
B. K. Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Sensitivity and Specificity of Hapten Enzyme-Immunoassays", Immunoenzymatic Techniques; Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Immunoenzymatic Techniques, held in Paris, 2-4 Apr., 1975; Amersterdam, N. Holl. Publ. 1976 at 125-133. Eds. G. Feldmann, P. Druet, J. Bignon. |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and M. Van der Waart, "Towards the Development of Radioenzyme-Immunoassay (REIA)D", Z. Anal. Chem. 279 at 142 (1976)._ |
F. C. den Hollander et al., "Assessment of Activities of Leukocyte Inhibitory Factor (LIF), and of Antibodies Against LIF", Biochemical Characterization of Lymphokines; Proc. of the 2nd Int. Lymphokine Workshop: Ermatingen (Switz)., A. L. de Weck et al. (Eds.), May 27-31, 1979, New York, Acad. Press at 109-111 (1980)._ |
A. M. G. Bosch, H. van Hell, J. A. M. Brands and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Application of Enzyme-Immunoassay to Steroid and Protein Hormones", Abstract of Paper Presented at Quantitative Enzyme Immunoassays; Principles and Clinical Applications; Proceedings of the 1st Conference; Glasgow, 1978. Abstr. No. 6. _ |
M. Van de Waart, A. Snelting, J. Cichy, G. Wolters and A. Schurrs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay for Hepatitis B-Related `E` Antigen (HBeAG)", Abstract of Paper Presented at the 19th Dutch Federative Meeting of Med. Biol. Verenigingen; Rotterdam, 1978 at 427._ |
A. Schuurs, Introduction to the Microsymposium "Elisa's Vlucht: Toepassingen van de Enzyme-Immunoassay", abstract of Paper Presented at the 19th Dutch Federative Meeting of Med. Biol. Vereningingen; Rotterdam, 1978, at 50._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and B. K. van Weemen, "Enzyme-Immunoassay; A Powerful Analytical Tool", Mitt. Disch. Ges. Klin. Chem. 10 at 22-31 (1979)._ |
A. M. G. Bosch, H. van Hell, J. Brands, A. H. W. M. Schuurs and B. K. van Weemen, "Enzyme-Immunoassay for Hormones; Preparations of Tracer; Comparison with Radioimmunoassay", Immunoenzymatic Assay Techniques; Proceedings of a European Workshop sponsored by the Comm. of the Europ. Commun., as advised by the Comm. on Med. and Public Health Res., R. Malvano (Ed).; held in Tirrenia (PISA), Apr. 23-27, 1979, The Hague, Nijhoff, 1980; Developments in Clinical Biochemistry 1 at 1.(1980)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and B. K. van Weemen, "Enzyme-Immunoassay; A Powerful Analytical Tool", J. Immunoassay 1 at 229-249 (1980)._ |
P. Nermeyer, G. H. Gips, J. R. Huizenga, M. van der Waart and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Preference and Significance of Hepatitis B Antigen and Anti-Hepatitis B Determined by Enzyme Immunoassay in Patients with Acute Chronic and Resolved Hepatitis" Hepato-Gastroenterol 27(5) at 350-355 (1980)._ |
M. van der Waart, A. Snelting, J. Cichy, G. Wolters and A. Schuurs; "Enzyme-Immunoassay for Hepatitis B Related `E` Antigen (HBsAg)", International Virology 4; Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress for Virology (Hague, Aug. 30-Sep. 6, 1978), Wageningen, Pudoc, 1978, Abstr. W 28/7. _ |
Bauke K. Van Weemen and Anton H. W. M. Schurrs, "Principles of Enzyme-Immunoassays", Principles of Enzymatic AnalysisWeinheim, Verl. Chemie at 93-98 (1978), H. U. Bergmeyer and K. Gawehn (Eds.)_ |
B. K. Van Weemen, "Enzyme-Immunoassay. The Use of Enzyme-Labeled Compounds for Immunoassays of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, Leutinizing Hormone and Oestrogens". Thesis, Groningen, 161 p. (1974)._ |
H. van Hell and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Purification and Characterization of Urinary Luteinizing Hormone", Abstract of Paper Presented at the 13th Federal Meeting of the Medisch-Biologische Verenigingen", Amsterdam, Apr. 6-8, 1972, Abstract No. 132, (Original in Dutch). _ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and C. J. van Wijngaarden, "A Modified Haemagglutination Inhibition Test for the Estimation of FSH in Unconcentrated Urine"; Abstract of Paper Presented at the 13th Federal Meeting of the "Medisch-Biologishe Verenigingen", Amsterdam, Apr. 6-8, 1972, Abst. No. 308 (Original in Dutch)._ |
F. C. den Hollander and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Application of the `Double Antibody Solid Phase` Method to Radioimmunoassays of Insulin and Oestrogens", Abstract of Paper presented at the 13th Federal Meeting of the Medisch-Biologische Verenigingen, Amsterdam, Apr. 6-8, Abst. No. 146 (Original in Dutch)._ |
A. M. G. Bosch, H. van Hell, J. A. M. Brands, B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay and its Application to the Determination of Protein and Steroid Hormones", Acquisitions recentes en Radioimmunologie; Compte-Rendus du III.sup.e Colloque International de Radioimmunologie; at Lyon, 9-30-76 to 10-2-76. Z. Pl., Z. Uitg., (1978) at 387-396 (1978)._ |
H. van Hell, A. M. G. Bosch, J. A. M. Brands, A. H. W. M. Schuurs and B. K. Van Weeman, "Der Enzymimmunoassay in Der Endokrinologie", Praktische Anwedung des Enzym-Immunoassays in Klinishcher Chemie und Serologie 10-19; W. Vogt (Ed.), Stuttgart, Thieme (1979)._ |
G. E. Abraham et al., "Solid Phase Radioimmunoassay of Serum Estradiol-17.beta.; A Semi-Automated Approach", in Immunologic Methods of Steroid Determination (F. G. Peron et al.; editors, Meredith Corp. New York 1970) at 87-112 (1970)._ |
B. E. P. Murphy, "Some Studies of the Protein Binding of Steroids and Their Application to the Routine Micro and Ultramicro Measurement of various Steroids in Body Fluids by Competitive Protein-Binding Radioassay," J. Clin. Endo. and Metab. 27 (7) at 973-990 (1967)._ |
S. G. Korenman, "Radio-Ligand Binding Assay of Specific Estrogens Using A Soluble Uterine Macromolecule," J. Clin. Endo. Metab. 28(1) at 127-130 (1968)._ |
Methods in Immunology and Immunochemistry (ed. by C. A. Williams, et al., Academic Press, New York, 1967), xi-xvii._ |
R. S. Yalow and S. A. Berson, "General Principles of Radioimmunoassay," in Radioisotopes in Medicine, in Vitro Studies (R. L. Hayes et al.; editors, U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Jun. 1968: Proceedings of Symposium at Oak Ridge Associated Universities Nov. 13-16, 1967) at 7-41 (1968)._ |
"Rinsho Kensa" (Clinical Test), 20(9) at 29-35 (Sep. 15, 1976). _ |
Radioimmunoassay (Pub. K. K. Asakura Shoten, Japan, Jan. 10, 1970)._ |
A. E. Gurvich et al., "Use of Antibodies on an Insoluble Support for Specific Detection of Radioactive Antigens", Nature 203 at 648-649 (1964)._ |
A. Dohlwitz et al., "Studies on Antibody Formation in Patients Treated with L-Asparaginase, reported in Experimental and Clinical Effects of L-Asparaginase" (ed. E. Grundman et al., Springer-Verlag, New York and Berlin, 1979) at 198-203._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and K. W. Van Pondman, "Separation of Skin-Sensitive and Complement-Fixing Antibodies From Guinea Anti-Bovine Insulin Sera", Int. J. Immunochem. 2 at 67-70 (1965)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, B. K. Van Weemen, H. Hell and B. C. Van Goverde, "Purification, Characterization and Immunochemical Properties of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin", Nature 212 at 261-262 (1966)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and R. Assendorp, "The Early Diagnosis of Pregnancy: Experience With a New Immunochemical Pregnancy Test (Pregnosticon Planotest)", Med. Gynaec. Sociol. 2, No. 9 at 6-11 (1967)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, E. de Jager, J. D. H. Homan, "Studies on Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin. III. Immunochemical Characterization", Acta. Endocrinol. (Copenhagen) 59 at 120-138 (1968)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Agglutination Inhibition Reactions for the Determination of Gonadotrophins", Acta. Endocrinol., Suppl. 142 at 95-112 (1970)._ |
R. Assendorp and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "A Survey of the Initial Clinical Results Obtained With an Immunochemical Test for Measuring Urinary LH-Excretion", Acta. Endocrinol., Suppl. 141 at 185-195 (1970)._ |
G. Wolters, L. Kuijpers and A. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay as a Diagnostic Tool in Viral Hepatitis B", Abst. of Paper Presented at Meeting of the European Group for Rapid Laboratory Viral Diagnosis and 16th Symposium European Association Against Virus diseases; Amsterdam Sep. 6-9, 1977._ |
L. Matthyssen, O. Schoenherr, B. Van Weemen, "Rapid Screening for Rubella Antibodies by Enzyme Immunoassay", International Virology 4; Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress for Virology (Hague, Aug. 30-Sep. 6, 1978), Wageningen, Pudoc, 1978 at 626 Abstr. W 504A/2._ |
B. K. Van Weemen, A. M. G. Bosch, H. van Hell, J. A. M. Brands, G. Wolters, L. P. C. Kuypers and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Enzyme Immunoassay", Organisation des Laboratoires-Biologie Prospective, IIIe Collogue de Pont-a-Mousson at 615-621 (1975)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs and B. K. Van Weemen, "Prinzip des Heterogenen enzymimmunoassays (EIA oder ELISA)", Ensymimmunossay; Grundlagen und Praktische Anwendung (Workshop `Enzymimmunoassay` im Rahmen des Kongresses Fuer Laboratoriumsmedizin, May 15 to May 19, 1977, Berlin); Stuttgart, Thieme, at 4-9 (1978; W. Vogt (Hrsg.). _ |
P. Niermeyer; Gips, C. H.; Huizenga, J. R.; Van der Waart, M.; and Schuurs, A. H. W. M., "Preference and Significance of Hepatitis B.sub.E Antigen and Anti-Hepatitis B.sub.E Determined by Enzyme Immunoassay in Patients with Acute Chronic and Resolved Hepatitis B.sub.E,"Hepato-Gastroenterol 27(5) at 350-355 (1980)._ |
J. H. W. Leuvering, P. J. H. M. Thal, M. van der Waart and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Sol Particle Agglutination Immunoassay for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin," Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem. 301 at 132 (1980)._ |
M. van der Waart, A. Snelting, F. Bruijnis, M. Prins-Bekius, E. Bos, J. Katchaki and A. Schuurs, "Comparison of Enzyme-Labelled F(ABl)2 and IGG conjugates in an Enzyme-Immunoassay for Hepatitis B `E` Antigen," J. Virol. Methods 2 at 85-96 (1980)._ |
A. M. G. Bosch, H. van Hell, J. Brands and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Specificity, Sensitivity and Reproducibility of Enzyme-Immunoassays," Enzyme Labelled Immunoassay Horm. Drugs, Proc. Int. Symp. (S. B. Pal. ed.), de Gruyter, Publisher, Berlin, at 175-187 (1980)._ |
E. C. Dawson, A. M. G. Bosch and B. K. van Weemen, "Enzyme-Immunoassay for Steroids," In: Research on Steroids; vol. VIII; Proceedings of the Serono Sympusia, vol. 21, London Acad. Press at 139-146 (1979), eds.: A. Klopper, L. Lerner, H. J. van der Molen, A. D. Transactions of the 8th Meeting of the International Study Group for Steroid Hormones. _ |
T. C. J. Gribnau, T. van Lith, F. Roeles, C. J. van Wijngaarden, H. van Hell and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Immunosorbents based on Halopyrimidine or Reactive Azodye Activated Polysaccharide Matrices," Protides of Biological Fluids; Proceedings of the 27th Colloquium; Broges, Apr. 30-May 3, 1979, at 793-796. Oxford, Pergamon, H. Peeters (Ed.) 1979)._ |
A. S. Hamblin, R. A. Wolstewcroft, D. C. Dumonde, F. den Hollander, A. H. W. M. Schuurs, B. M. Backhouse, D. O'Connell and F. Paradinas, "The Potential of Lymphokines in the Treatment of Cancer," In: International Symposium on Biological Preparations in the Treatment of Cancer; Proceedings of the 34th Symposium Organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization and Held at the royal college of Physicians, London, Apr. 13-15, 1977, at 355-341. Basel, Karger (1978), A. H. Griffith and R. H. Regamey (Eds.), Developments in Biological Standardization, vol. 38. _ |
B. K. van Weemen, A. Bosch, E. Dawson and A. Schuurs, "Enzyme-Immunoassay of Steroids; Possibilities and Pitfalls," Abstr. of Paper Presented at 5th International Congress on Hormonal Steroids; New Delhi, Oct. 29-Nov. 4, 1978 at 16._ |
B. K. van Weemen, "Techniques Immuno-Enzymatiques," Ann. Biol. Clin. (Paris) 33 at 238 (1975). _ |
G. Wolters, L. P. C. Kuijpers, A. H. W. M. Schuurs and J. Kacaki, "Enzyme-Immunoassay (EIA) of Hepatitis B. Surface Antigen (HBsAG) in Microtiter Plates," Z. Anal. Chem. 279 at 144 (1976). _ |
H. van Hell, A. M. G. Bosch, J. A. M. Brands, B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Pregnancy Monitoring with Enzyme-Immunoassay for Human Placental Lactogen and Total Oestrogens," Z. Anal. Chem. 279 at 143 (1976)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, A. Delver, C. J. van Wijngaarden and F. J. Verbon, "Statistically Designed Haemagglutination Inhibition Tests," J. Immunol Meth. 1 at 133-144 (1972)._ |
B. K. van Weemen and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Immunoassay Using Hapten-Enzyme Conjugates," FEBS Letters 24 at 77-81 (1972)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Immunochemische Bepalingen van Organische Verbindingen," Chem. Weekbl. 71, No. 18 at 23-25 (1975)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, P. J. Keller and K. Thomas, "A Modified Haemagglutination Inhibition Test for Estimating LH in Unconcentrated Urine; Comparison of the Method with Various Bioassays and with the Radioimmunoassay," Hormones, Lipids and Miscellaneous; 7th Int. Congr. Clin. Chem.; Geneva/Evian, vol. 3; Karger, Basel at 201-206 (1970)._ |
F. C. den Hollander, A. H. W. M. Schuurs and H. van Hell, "Radioimmunoassays for Human Gonadotrophins and Insulin, Emplying a Double-Antibody Solid-Phase Technique," J. Immunol. Meth. 1 at 247-262 (1972)._ |
A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Estimation of LH in Unconcentrated Urine by a Variation of the Passive Haemagglutination Inhibition Reaction," Acta. Endocrinol. (KbH.), Suppl. 119 at 120 et seq. (1967)._ |
H. van Hell and A. H. W. M. Schuurs, "Further Studies on the Purification and Characterisation of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin", Gonadotrophins and Ovarian Development; Proc. of the Two Workshop Meetings on the Chemistry of the Human Gonadotrophins and on the Development of the Ovary in Infancy; Birmingham, 1969. Edinburgh, Livingston; W. R. Butt, A. C. Crooke and M. Ryle (Eds.) at 70-76 (1970). |