Chemical Abstracts, vol. 87, No. 17, Oct. 24, 1977, Columbus, Oh., V. E. Platonov et al. "Thermolytic Reactions of polyfluoro-organic compounds XIX. Reaction of decafluorobiphenyl and octa-fluoronaphthalene With Potassium fluoride and poly(tetrafluoro-ethylene)" pp. 685, Zusammenfassung-No. 134 761d. |
Izv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim, Nauk 1977, (2), 133-141 Chemical Abstracts, Tenth Collective Index (1977-1981), Formulas C.sub.6 H.sub.5 --C.sub.8 H.sub.24 N.sub.4 ZN, pg. 225F, Formel C.sub.7 HF.sub.7, erstgenannte Verbindung. |