Process for the preparation of molybdenum-tungsten carbides

A process for the preparation of an extrahard material based on tungsten and molybdenum carbides and having a hexagonal crystal structure identical with that of tungsten carbide. According to this process, one heats between C. and a temperature T.sub.x, which is lower than the maximum stability limit of the Mo.sub.x W.sub.l-x C phase wherein 0.01.times.1, a mixture, intimate to the molecular or atomic scale, of tungsten and molybdenum the total content of which in Fe, Ni and Co does not exceed 0.1% with carbon and/or a carbon compound.T.sub.x is defined as follows:For 0.01<.times.<0.8, T.sub.x;For 0.8<.times.<1, T.sub.x

The present invention concerns a process for the preparation of an extrahard material based on metal carbides, the properties of which are essentially similar to that of tungsten carbide but that is substantially lighter than the latter.
This material can be used for the manufacturing of tools for the machining of metals and which have excellent properties of resistance to wear, shock and heat.
This material is represented by the formula Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C, wherein x is between 0.01 and 1, and presents, as has been established by X ray diffraction analysis, a hexagonal crystal structure identical with that of tungsten carbide WC.
Hence, it consists of a solid solution containing tungsten and molybdenum monocarbides WC and MoC.
It is known that tungsten carbide WC is much used as an extrahard material, namely for the manufacturing of machining tools such as cemented carbide tools for cutting metals and drilling rocks and minerals. It has been established that some of the desirable properties of WC, such as for instance its resistance to rupture and to developing cracks under moderate stress are related, at least partly, to its hexagonal crystal structure. Further this carbide is very hard and resistant under hot conditions and its wettability by cementing bonding metals, such as Co, Ni and Fe, is excellent.
However tungsten is heavy and expensive and, for economical reasons, it is desirable to replace it by a lighter and more abundant metal having similar properties. Molybdenum is one such metal: indeed, molybdenum monocarbide MoC has a hexagonal crystal structure identical with that of WC and is also very hard. Unfortunately, it is not stable above about C. (whereas WC retains its strength to temperatures up to about C.) which prevents it from being used in all applications suited to WC.
It has been shown, however that solid solutions of tungsten and molybdenum monocarbides, that is materials of the formula Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C defined hereinabove, possess excellent physical properties which practically resemble those of WC, even with proportions of the molybdenum carbide as low as 1%. Such materials are therefore much advantageous, as compared to pure WC, with regard to lightness and price since the density of MoC is only 9 (as compared with 15.7 for WC) and molybdenum is a relatively abundant and cheap metal. Further, the heat resistance of the solid solution and decomposition temperature thereof, in between that of MoC and WC, is directly related to the magnitude of the W/Mo ratio. However, in order to exploit these advantages, the method of manufacturing such solid solution should be also economical.
There already exists some methods to fabricate such solid solutions or, more specifically, such solid solutions with, in addition, significant proportions of iron-group metals such as Co, Ni and Fe. It has indeed been found that such metals promote the formation of materials consisting of carbides of hexagonal structure and of the formula Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C wherein x is the same as in the above-given definition.
Thus, there was obtained a hexagonal carbide of formula Mo.sub.0.44 W.sub.0.56 C in admixture with cobalt by heating together WC, Mo.sub.2 C, and C with 4.8% of Co at C. (Z. Anorg. Chem. 262 (1950), 212-217). In this respect, the Applicant has found that when mixtures of compressed powders containing WC, Mo and C or W, Mo and C were reacted in the presence of 2.5-10% Co by heating 4 hrs to C. (the temperature being dependent on the W/Mo ratio) under an inert atmosphere, there were also obtained materials containing mainly, as the carbide phase, Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C in which 0&lt;x&lt;0.8.
According to another method, mixtures of sintered powders containing, in atom-percent, about 41% Mo, 57% C and 2% Co were fused together with variable proportions of WC and the product was annealed 300 hrs at C. under 10.sup.-6 Torr. There was thus obtained a series of materials containing mainly the carbide Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C where x can reach the value of 0.88 (Monatsh. Chem. 107 (1976), 1167-1176).
According to another process (German Patent Application DOS No. 2.623.990) concerning the preparation of solid solutions of WC in MoC containing iron-group metals, a mixture of graphite, metallic W and Mo in desired proportions, or a corresponding mixture of Mo.sub.2 C, WC and graphite, together with 0.5-1% of Ni or Co is heated to a temperature high enough to promote the formation of high-temperature stable phases. In this process, the temperatures are chosen as follows: Above C. for inducing the formation of a solid solution of cubic carbides WC.sub.1-y and MoC.sub.1-y (y being defined in the recited reference and being called x in this reference); above C. for inducing the formation of a solid solution of pseudo-cubic carbides W.sub.3 C.sub.2 and Mo.sub.3 C.sub.2. Then, the temperature is lowered to the range where the solid solution of the desired monocarbides is stable and maintained in this range for the time required to form the desired solution of hexagonal crystal structure.
However, these methods of the prior-art all have at least one of the following drawbacks: the need for a high temperature premelting of the ingredients, or the need for a preformation of the carbide phases at high temperature.
Moreover, having an iron-group metal present together with the desired extra-hard material is not always desirable in regard to further uses of the product and it may be wanted to maintain the level of such added metal as low as possible.
It will also be noted that, according to the prior-art, (Planseeber. fur Pulver Metallurgie 4 (1956), 2-6), it is recognized that solid solutions of hexagonal carbide Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C do not form easily when there are used, as starting substances, mixtures of C, W and Mo in the form of separate distinct phases. Thus, if graphite mixed with Mo metal (or carbide Mo.sub.2 C) and W metal (or carbide WC) is heated to C., a solid solution of hexagonal type monocarbides does not form but, instead, there are formed two separate phases: a monocarbide WC and a carbide of formula (Mo,W).sub.2 C.
The process of the invention remedies, at least partly, these disadvantages. It comprises heating between C. and a temperature T.sub.x lower than the maximum temperature limit of the domain of stability of the Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C phase a mixture, intimate on an atomic or molecular level, of tungsten and molybdenum, i.e. at least one compound or at least one solid solution of these two elements, the total Ni, Co and Fe content of which does not exceed 0.1%, in the presence of carbon and/or of a carbon containing compound. The upper limit T.sub.x of the heating temperature embodied in the process is defined as follows: For the mixtures leading to a phase of the above-mentioned formula where 0.01&lt;x.ltoreq.0.8, T.sub.x C. For the cases where 0.8.ltoreq.x&lt;1, T.sub.x C. Preferably, the heating temperature is chosen between C. or more and a value somewhat 2-10% below the limit calculated as above but this is in no way compulsory and can be adapted to the needs in each case.
The proportions of the ingredients comprising the starting mixture will preferably conform to the molecular fractions corresponding to the desired carbide phase. Thus, for instance, for a material of formula Mo.sub.0.5 W.sub.0.5 C, the corresponding starting Mo, W and C compounds will be in the mole ratio 1:1:2. The proportions are, moreover, not immutable and can be varied within certain limits, e.g. .+-.10% depending on the operating conditions as will be seen in the experimental part of this specification.
As carbon-containing compounds, one can use gases such as CO or gaseous hydrocarbons such as CH.sub.4 or acetylene; carbon powders such as soot, charcoal, carbon-black or, together, a carbon powder and a gas as defined above.
The starting solid solution containing tungsten and molybdenum can consist of a mixture of the metals in the elementary or combined state. A mixture of the metallic elements comes to be an alloy; in the combined state, such solid solution can be, for instance, molybdo-tungstic oxide or molybdo-tungstic acid or a lower carbide of formula (Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x).sub.2 C where x is defined as hereintofore. Indeed, it has been found that the simultaneous presence of Mo and W in the crystals of the starting solid solution which consists of a mixture of these elements at the molecular level, is one of the key factors leading to the formation of a practically sole hexagonal carbide Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C under relatively mild reaction conditions and at a rate sufficient for industrial application. Thus, the formation of the solid solution of hexagonal carbides is surprisingly rapid, even at relatively moderate temperatures, when the starting association W-Mo conforms to the above criteria and the reaction has a very high yield even in the absence of cobalt, the usual promoter.
It will also be remarked that the partial replacement of some of the W atoms of tungsten carbide by molybdenum, which is achieved in principle by the application of the present process, leads to a very significant lowering of the weight of said carbide (about 30% reduction when replacing 2 atoms over 3) without involving significant deficiencies. On the contrary, such mixed carbides have a better strain resistance at high temperatures and a better stability regarding granular growth than ordinary carbides (see DOS No. 2.623.990).
For implementing the present process, the classical metallurgical techniques will preferably be applied, for instance, with respect to the starting alloy, sintering and melting. Moreover, for economical reasons, common techniques for manufacturing pure WC are applied as much as possible.
Thus, preferably, the following steps will be carried out:
(1) Preparation of a mixture of tungsten and molybdenum compounds, preferably intimate at the molecular scale.
(2) Reduction by hydrogen of the above mixture into a Mo-W alloy, this alloy consisting of a solution at the atomic scale of Mo and W.
(3) Carbidization of the powder of the alloy thus obtained.
In accord with the above steps, it is possible to start from a solution of ammonium molybdo-tungstate which is acidified, which results in the precipitation of molybdo-tungstic acid (intimate mixture of molybdic and tungstic acids) or to directly use the ammonium salts after evaporation of the solution. Then, the solid acids or salts obtained are roasted in air which converts them into oxides which are then reduced to Mo-W alloys by heating in the presence of hydrogen. It is also possible to effect the direct reduction of the acids and salts without going through the oxide step. Roasting is preferably effected by heating in air at C. for several hours. For the reduction, one can heat the oxide between C. and C. under an atmosphere of hydrogen. For this, one preferably raises the temperature gradually, for instance C./hour, until C. is reached, which temperature is then kept constant for several hours. After cooling, the alloy is obtained in the form of a metallic powder which can be further milled in finer form if desired. By X-ray diffraction analysis, the extent of reduction can be checked as well as the purity of the alloy. Then the metal powder is mixed with a measured quantity of carbon powder, this quantity being calculated for obtaining a product in accord with the formula Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C defined above. It is important that this mixing should be as intimate as possible and it can be obtained, for instance, by milling for several hours in a ball-mill. Then, the mixture is heated for several hours under a non-oxidizing atmosphere (for instance of hydrogen) at a temperature defined as a function of the alloy composition as indicated hereinabove. This temperature will preferably be at least C. but always lower than the temperature corresponding to the stability limit of the carbide considered; it will be determined by the formulae given heretofore.
By way of example, the maximum heating temperatures for several compositions of mixed carbides are: Mo.sub.0.3 W.sub.0.7; Mo.sub.0.5 W.sub.0.5 C C.; Mo.sub.0.6 W.sub.0.4 C C.; Mo.sub.0.8 W.sub.0.2 C C. If the heating temperatures exceed the above-mentioned values, a material is obtained which contains significant proportions of lower carbide (Mo,W).sub.2 C and free carbon.
The mixed carbide obtained by the present process can be thereafter converted according to usual metallurgical techniques into other form. For instance, it can be powdered, mixed with binders (cements), e.g. Co and Ni, shaped by compression and sintered as usual. It can also be mixed with other powdered extra-hard materials, such as cubic type carbides, e.g. TiC, and binders before sintering. Preferably, the carbides of formulae between the limiting formulae Mo.sub.0.8 W.sub.0.2 C and Mo.sub.0.2 W.sub.0.8 C are used.
It is also useful to mention at this stage that it is possible to use (Mo,W)C carbides as catalysts for chemical reactions, e.g. in the cases where the simple carbide WC is active and has a catalytic effect similar to that of platinum. An example of such catalytic effect is the catalytic oxidation of hydrogen in fuel-cells using an acid electrolyte (see Annual Report of the Institute for Material Research, National Bureau of Standards, Washington DC; issued May 1977).
It is possible to obtain a mixture of the solid solution of the desired monocarbide of crude formula (Mo,W)C with the lower carbide of formula (Mo,W).sub.2 C and only traces of free carbon by heating the starting Mo-W alloy with an amount of carbon lower than the stoichiometric quantity corresponding to (Mo,W)C but higher than the stoichiometric quantity corresponding to (Mo,W).sub.2 C at temperatures not exceeding the above mentioned maxima. The material obtained then has properties different from the pure monocarbide of the invention and is also interesting industrially, because the presence of a small amount of (Mo,W).sub.2 C in the hexagonal monocarbide (Mo,W)C of the invention imparts to the hard material a very fine grain structure.

The following Examples illustrate the invention in a more detailed manner.
In 1 liter of 13% aqueous ammonia, there were dissolved 0.67 mole of H.sub.2 WO and 0.67 mole of MoO.sub.3. The solution was acidified at pH 1 with HNO.sub.3 which co-precipitated the molybdic and tungstic acids formed and the precipitate was collected by filtration. After drying in air, the solid was placed in the tube of an oven and roasted 2 hrs at, whereby it was converted to the oxide. Then, the tube was heated to C. and a current of H.sub.2 was passed for 2 hrs on the oxide which was thus reduced to a 1:1 molar-ratio alloy of Mo and W (solid solution). X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the reduction of the oxides was complete because the oxide bands were no more present and because the spectrum contained the bands characterizing the alloy. Thus, the formation of a (110) band at d=2.3 A was observed which was situated between the values for pure Mo (2.225 A) and pure W (2.238 A) and was characteristic of the alloy.
One hundred grams of the alloy powder was mixed in a ball-mill with 9.44 g of carbon powder to give a mixture (109.44 g) for which the molar ratio of the components was W/Mo/C=1:1:2.2, the excess of C being for compensating possible operating losses and to avoid the formation of lower carbides. Pellets were formed by subjecting 10 g portion of the mix to a pressure of 6.4 ton/cm.sup.2 in a hydraulic press. The pellets were placed in a graphite container and were heated for 4 hrs at under H.sub.2 in an electric oven. After cooling, there was obtained a very pure metal carbide of approximate formula Mo.sub.0.5 W.sub.0.5 C. The purity of the product was evidenced by the following analytical results:
X-ray diffraction analysis: The spectrum showed only the bands of the desired monocarbide.
______________________________________Elemental analysis:______________________________________Calculated for Mo.sub.0.5 W.sub.0.5 C W 60.5% Mo 31.6% C 7.91%found W 60.5% Mo 31.3% C 7.95%______________________________________
The discrepancy originated in the following impurities: free carbon 0.12%, N 0.01%, O 0.03%. The total of Fe, Ni and Co was below 0.09%.
In order to show the differences between the prior-art and this embodiment of the present invention, there was prepared an intimate mixture of very finely ground powders of molybdenum, tungsten and carbon in amounts corresponding to the overall formula Mo.sub.0.5 W.sub.0.5 C+10% excess of C. The mixture was pelletized and carbidized as described above. After this treatment, it was noticed by X-ray diffraction analysis that the obtained product showed two carbide phases in the mole ratio 0.4:1; the first phase had the lower-carbide structure (Mo,W).sub.2 C; the second phase had the hexagonal structure of the WC type.
The process was performed exactly as described in Example 1 but using a starting solution wherein the molar ratio W:Mo was 1:2 (0.5 moles of W and 1 mole of Mo as ammonium tungstate and molybdate respectively in 1000 ml of 13% NH.sub.4 OH). This was acidified at pH 2.5 and the resulting solid was dried, roasted and reduced. Thereafter, a mixture of alloy powder and C was prepared using amounts of the components calculated for having a molar composition Mo.sub.0.67 W.sub.0.33 C, plus 10% carbon. Pellets were formed under 1.6 ton/cm.sup.2 and carbidization was carried out for 4 hrs at C. under H.sub.2 containing 5% (by volume) of acetylene.
According to X-ray diffraction analysis, the obtained product consisted of very pure molybdenum and tungsten carbide of approximate composition Mo.sub.0.67 W.sub.0.33 C containing only traces of the lower carbide (Mo,W).sub.2 C, that is less than 2%.
The process was performed exactly as described in Example 1 by means of the following products and under the following conditions:
Molar ratio W:Mo in the starting solution 3:1. Acidification at pH 1 with HCl. Roasting temperature C. Reduction 2 hrs at C. under H.sub.2. Respective quantities of the components of the powder mixture of the pellets corresponding to Mo.sub.0.25 W.sub.0.75 C. Carbidization 2 hrs at C. under a mixture 3:1 (vol.) of H.sub.2 and N.sub.2. The analytical results were as follows (by weight): W 79.3%, Mo 13.6%, C (total) 6.95%, C (free) 0.08%, N 0.011%, O 0.02%. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the obtained solid solution of carbide was very pure.
With reference to Example 1, the process was performed under the following conditions: Molar ratio W:Mo in the starting solution 1:4. Acidification at pH 0.8 (HCl). Roasting C. Reduction 2 hrs at C. (H.sub.2). Pellets, ratio of components in accord with Mo.sub.0.8 W.sub.0.2 C. Carbidization 2 hrs at C., mixture H.sub.2 :N.sub.2 3:1.
Analytical results: hexagonal, WC type structure confirmed by X-ray diffraction patterns. Elemental analysis (by weight): W 29.5%, Mo 60.8%, C (total) 9.64%, C (free) 0.15%, N 0.032%, O 0.05%.
An aqueous solution containing 1 mole of ammonium tungstate and 5 moles of ammonium molybdate was evaporated near to dryness (98.2%). The solid formed (yield 97%) was dried and, with reference to the previous Examples, was subjected to the following treatments: Roasting C., 2 hrs; reduction, H.sub.2 ; pellets, ratio of components according to Mo.sub.0.82 W.sub.0.18 C; carbidization 2 hrs, C., H.sub.2 :N.sub.2 3:1 (NH.sub.3 cracking gas).
Analytical results: monocarbide containing only traces of lower carbide (Mo,W).sub.2 C (X-ray diffraction). Elemental analysis (% by weight): W 25.1, Mo 64.7, C (total) 9.91, C (free) 0.15, N 0.038, O 0.08.
Ten g of the lower carbide (W.sub.0.5 Mo.sub.0.5).sub.2 C were mixed with 0.45 g of carbon powder. After good grinding and milling, pellets were formed under 1.6 ton/cm.sup.2 and heated 4 hrs at C. under H.sub.2. Analysis of the obtained product (elemental and X-ray diffraction) showed it to be a hexagonal monocarbide of formula W.sub.0.5 Mo.sub.0.5 C practically pure.
As in the method described in Example 1, there were prepared four samples of mixtures of molybdenum and tungsten oxides, respectively S.sub.1, S.sub.2, S.sub.3 and S.sub.4. They were obtained by first precipitating (pH 1, HCl) ammonia solutions of ammonium molybdate and tungstate the molar ratio (Mo/W) of which were: S.sub.1 0.49, S.sub.2 0.96, S.sub.3 1.63 and S.sub.4 3.35. Then the mixed acids were roasted 2 hrs at which provided the desired oxides. Thereafter, the oxides were reduced by hydrogen in a tubular electric oven. The temperature was progressively raised to C. ( and it was maintained for 4 hrs at C. The hydrogen used was 99.9997% purity to minimize as much as possible nitrogen contamination. After the reaction was terminated, the alloy products were checked for homogenity and purity. The "d" values of the X-ray diffraction patterns (321) are given below and also for pure W and Mo.
______________________________________Sample Alloy composition d.sub.(321) A______________________________________Mo Mo 0.8411S.sub.4 Mo.sub.0.79 W.sub.0.23 0.8421S.sub.3 Mo.sub.0.62 W.sub.0.38 0.8430S.sub.2 Mo.sub.0.41 W.sub.0.51 0.8435S.sub.1 Mo.sub.0.33 W.sub.0.67 0.8444W W 0.8459______________________________________
It is noted that the "d" values are practically linearly dependent on the atomic ratios of the alloying constituents.
The alloy powders were thereafter mixed for 125 hrs in a ball-mill with the stoichiometric quantity (+10%) of carbon powder required for forming the carbides (Mo,W)C. Then, pellets were molded under 1.6 ton/cm.sup.2 which were heated at various temperatures, for 4 hrs under very pure H.sub.2. The figures reported below show the degree of purity of the obtained monocarbide in term of the mole % of lower-carbide (Mo,W).sub.2 C present in the samples as a function of the heating temperature. Said figures have been estimated from the X-ray diffraction pattern intensity.
______________________________________Molar % of (Mo,W).sub.2 C after heating at (.degree.C.)Sample 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200______________________________________S.sub.1 9.7 0.0.-.-.-.- 0.0 2.0S.sub.2 18 1.8 0.0.-.- 0.0 16 38S.sub.3 53 0.0.-.- 0.0 4.8.-.-S.sub.4 36 2.9 1.2 0.0 24 83.-.-______________________________________
These figures clearly illustrate the fact that heating temperatures must be lowered in proportion to the amount of molybdenum present in the alloy.
  • 1. A process for the preparation of an extrahard material based on a metal carbide of hexagonal crystal structure identical with that of tungsten carbide and of formula Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C wherein 0.01&lt;x&lt;1 which consists essentially of the following steps:
  • (a) intimately contacting on a molecular level a compound having the formula (Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x).sub.2 C where the total amount of Ni, Co and Fe therein does not exceed 0.1% with an amount of carbon or a carbon-containing gas at least equal to the stoichiometric amount required to form the metal carbide of hexagonal crystal structure identical with that of tungsten carbide; and
  • (b) heating said compound of the formula (Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x).sub.2 C in intimate contact with said carbon or said carbon-containing gas to a temperature between C. and a temperature T.sub.x lower than the maximum temperature limit of the domain of stability of the Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C phase, T.sub.x being equal to C. in the case where 0.01&lt;x.ltoreq.0.8 and equal to C. in the case where 0.8.ltoreq.x&lt;1.
  • 2. A process for the preparation of an extrahard material based on a metal carbide of hexagonal crystal structure identical with that of tungsten carbide and of formula Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x C wherein 0.2.ltoreq.x.ltoreq.0.8 which consists essentially of the following steps:
  • (a) intimately contacting on a molecular level a compound having the formula (Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x).sub.2 C where the total amount of Ni, Co and Fe therein does not exceed 0.1% with an amount of carbon or a carbon-containing gas at least equal to the stoichiometric amount required to form the metal carbide of hexagonal crystal structure identical with that of tungsten carbide; and
  • (b) heating said compound of the formula (Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x).sub.2 C in intimate contact with said carbon or said carbon-containing gas to a temperature between C. and a temperature T.sub.x lower than the maximum temperature limit of the domain of stability of the MoW.sub.1-x C phase, T.sub.x being equal to C.
  • 3. A process for the preparation of an extrahard material in the form of a mixture of a solid solution of a metal carbide of hexagonal crystal structure identical with that of tungsten carbide and selected from the group consisting of (Mc.sub.0.3 W.sub.0.7)C, (Mo.sub.0.5 W.sub.0.5)C, (Mo.sub.0.6 W.sub.0.4)C and (Mo.sub.0.8 W.sub.0.2)C and of a lower carbide of the formula (Mo.sub.x W.sub.1-x).sub.2 C where 0.2.ltoreq.x.ltoreq.0.8 which comprises the steps of:
  • (a) intimately contacting a molybdenum tungsten alloy where the total amount of Ni, Co and Fe therein does not exceed 0.1% with an amount of carbon lower than the stoichiometric amount required to form the metal carbide of hexagonal crystal structure identical with tungsten carbide; and
  • (b) heating said alloy and said amount of carbon lower than the stoichiometric amount required to form the metal carbide of hexagonal crystal structure identical with tungsten carbide to a temperature of at least C. and sufficient to form said mixture and at most
  • C. in the case of (Mo.sub.0.3 W.sub.0.7)C;
  • C. in the case of (Mo.sub.0.5 W.sub.0.5)C;
  • C. in the case of (Mo.sub.0.6 W.sub.0.4)C; and
  • C. in the case of (Mo.sub.0.8 W.sub.0.2)C.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
9725/77 Aug 1977 CHX
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 102e Date 371c Date
PCT/EP78/00004 7/27/1978 4/5/1979 4/9/1979
Publishing Document Publishing Date Country Kind
WO79/00089 2/22/1979
US Referenced Citations (9)
Number Name Date Kind
3077385 Robb Feb 1963
3743499 Ramqvist Jul 1973
3795522 Fox et al. Mar 1974
3902917 Baresew et al. Sep 1975
4049380 Yih et al. Sep 1977
4066451 Rudy Jan 1978
4139374 Yih et al. Feb 1979
4216009 Miyake et al. Aug 1980
4257809 Burden Mar 1981
Foreign Referenced Citations (1)
Number Date Country
1282307 Jul 1972 GBX
Non-Patent Literature Citations (1)
Albert, M. J. et al. Planseeberichte fur Pulvermetallurgie 4 (1956), pp. 2-6.