The present invention relates to a clean burning dual fuel combination in a secondary combustion process resulting in greater heat output and lower emissions, and a process for the production thereof.
Solid fuels (coal, wood or bio char) or liquid fuels (oil, LPG or natural gas) are used extensively to produce heat in boilers. The boiler emits heat and the heat is used to produce steam for a wide range of applications.
The burning of these fuels to produce heat for a wide range of applications results in a high volume of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions and much has been published on the effect of such pollution on the atmosphere and the environment. One such effect is the “greenhouse gas effect” causing climate changes and which may eventually result in catastrophic climactic events. A further consequence of the burning of carbon based fuels and consumption of Oxygen (O2) in the production of CO2 is oxygen depletion in the atmosphere as plants cannot keep pace with the production of excess CO2. The emissions from the burning of these fuels typically also include a range of carcinogens and other toxic substances with a range of well recognized health consequences.
The object of this invention seeks to address some or all of the above issues by providing a dual fuel which is able to produce high levels of heat output with substantially lower CO and CO2 emissions.
Magnegas is a clean burning fuel as described and formed by the process in U.S. Pat. No. 6,663,752. This fuel is comprised of 65% hydrogen with a calorific value of 28 Mega joules per cubic Metre (MJ/m3) and a pressure of 18,000 kPa per bottle.
Electromagnecules are stable clusters of individual atoms such as H (Hydrogen), C (Carbon) and O (Oxygen), parts of molecules called dimers (such as OH and CH), and ordinary molecules (such as CO and H—H—O) bonded together by internal attractive forces due to the electric and magnetic polarizations of the orbits of peripheral atomic electrons.
Magnegas acts as a catalyst. Molecular valence bonds are broken and the Magnegas converts or drawing atoms from the molecules in the primary fuel emissions into electromagnegular clusters. These molecules include those in the emissions targets such as CO and CO2.
Methanol Magnegas is a hydrogen based fuel sourced from Magnegas Corporation in Tarpon Springs, Fla., USA. This was the form of Magnegas used in all tests conducted in Australia. Unless otherwise specified, any reference to Magnegas in this document refers to Magnegas (Methanol). Ethylene glycol and oil based Magnegas are fuels with a higher calorific value (than Methanol). Magnegas (glycol) was used in the tests conducted in the USA. Where Magnegas (Glycol) is used, this is specified.
The following research equipment procured, built and used in the experiments were:
Testo Analyzer data
The emissions are recorded in flue gases using a testo 350 Analyzer. The equipment records the data from the flue gases into the Analyzer. Recorded Testo data is transferred into a computer software program. Data from flow meters are also recorded and merged with testo data to show flow rates and flue measurements using Excel spreadsheets.
Flow Meter data
Serra flow meters purpose built to test different gases are linked to a totalizer box to change mixing rates. Data logging devices collect pulses from the totalizer and this data is downloaded onto a computer. Trendreader software collects the data from the data logger used in the boiler. Data was then analyzed on a spreadsheet program.
According to the present invention, emissions from the primary combustion process are captured, cooled (in order to avoid premature combustion before reaching the combustion chamber), compressed, mixed with Magnegas, and then re-combusted in a secondary combustion chamber at a temperature of at least 140 degrees Celsius. The most effective temperature range is between 140 and 220 degrees Celsius. A chart of the data showing the most effective temperatures for Magnegas heating in combustion process is shown in
The use of Magnegas in combination with the emissions, from these traditional fuels as a dual fuel under the above conditions results in high levels of energy output and substantially lower emissions than that achieved for traditional fuels.
This dual fuel is not a simple mixture of fuels. When Magnegas is mixed with the emissions so that it bonds to the emissions to form a structured dual fuel combination with unexpected effects.
The availability of isolated and unbonded atoms is of paramount importance because these atoms are then able to recombine at the time of combustion and release large amounts of energy. Electromagnecules and their properties are explained in detail in U.S. Pat. No. 6,663,752 Santilli, R M and in 2005, Santilli R M, The New Fuels with Magnecular Structure, and the contents thereof are incorporated by reference.
Magnegas reforms the emissions into a clean burning fuel. It also changes the structure of the molecules allowing the reformed molecules to burn at a higher temperature and
Below is a diagram of an example of the preferred process design in which coal is the primary fuel in a 100 HP boiler.
A description of the above process is as follows: Coal feedstock is added to the primary combustion chamber (in this example, the boiler) at a rate of approx. 125 kg per hour. Oxygen is used to provide combustion in the primary combustion chamber. Flue emissions are in the range of approximately 140 to 300 degrees Celsius. Emissions from the primary combustion chamber is used when Magnegas is added creating a fuel for the secondary combustion chamber. Waste heat is captured and sent to a heat exchange system (in this example, a clean cycle generator). This can produce up to approx. 125 KWh of electricity which may be used in the electricity grid.
The emissions from the boiler are cooled using a heat exchange to a temperature in the range of approx. 125 degrees Celsius to 150 degrees Celsius. The emissions are then condensed in the pipe and compressed before being transferred via a further pipe to the post combustion chamber. Magnegas is added to the emissions/feedstock. A mixing valve is used to control the rate of flow of the feedstock into the post combustion chamber.
The ignition of the fuel and the emissions occurs in the post combustion chamber. This chamber is shaped to allow for expansion of the fuel during combustion. The chamber comprises an enlarged cylinder with an input opening for injection of feedstock at one end and an output opening at the other end for the release of heat and remaining emissions.
A traditional coal fired boiler will emit the following emissions. Results from tests conducted on Sep. 21, 2012 are shown in
A preferred embodiment of the invention is described in detail below:
Table 1 compares Coal emission produced from the primary boiler combustion system (traditional coal fired boiler emissions) to emissions from the Post Combustion process of the present invention.
The results show oxygen is higher and that Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxide, Nitric Oxide and Carbon Dioxide emissions are all lower when emissions from the primary combustion process are combined with Magnegas in post combustion process over coal in a primary burning process.
In this case, temperatures from the post combustion process were not measured as the temperature equipment was not designed for the temperatures achieved.
This dual fuel meets the following
Coal is fed into in the primary combustion chamber and fired. At this point the vent is closed and the flu is partly closed to increase the CO2 to its maximum. We need the emissions to become as intense as possible. Once CO2 is at 15% no atmospheric oxygen is allowed to enter the process, because this would reduce and even stop the post combustion burn. The amount of coal placed in the primary combustion chamber is 1 kilo per 20 minutes. The coal is high-grade coal. However, it can be lower-grade coal.
Copper or stainless steel pipe from the primary combustion chamber to the post combustion chamber is 1.6 mm in thickness 100 mm in diameter. Because the pipe is relatively thin it allows the emissions that are hot, to be cooled in the heat exchange down from between 120 c and 140 c. Cooling is required in order to avoid extreme heat in the pipes and early reaction before reaching the combustion chamber.
The copper pipe coming down from the Primary combustion chamber is directed into a heat exchange process containing water. The pipe is built into a heat exchange chamber, which cools the pipes as the emissions flows through the pipes. The copper pipe is sealed, no water mixes with the emissions.
The copper pipe then leads into the compressor station. The compressor station is a 7 inch×3 inch diameter fan that moves 410 m3 per hour of air. The emissions from the Primary combustion chamber through the heat exchange and condenses the emissions into a smaller pipe which compressors the emissions which increases the emissions concentration (more smoke is made) ready for Magnegas to be mixed with the compressed emissions.
After the Compressor station the Copper pipe is reduced from 100 mm down to 50 mm(50% reduction) before reaching the 2.5 inch emissions control valve which controls the speed of emissions flowing through the pipe and controls how much we send into the final post combustion chamber.
The pipe from the tap to the post combustion chamber is 75 mm and an inlet is provided through which Magnegas is added to the emissions. The rate of flow of Magnegas into the pipe is 85 standard litres per minute at a pressure of 180 kpa.
The post combustion chamber is a purpose built machine made from refractory Fosico cement. The chamber is made with a diffuser action, which helps to swirl the mixture and mixes it. The chamber is larger in the middle than in the end, this expands in the middle then it contracts after combustion, which then gives it thrust. The measurements of the post combustion chamber are 75 mm inlet into a cone of 100 mm
This causes the particulates to mix and burn properly. The chemical by-products comprise CO particulates carbon CO, NOx, SOx, heavy metals O2, and NO2. Magnegas is then mixed with Coal flue emissions , then it is ignited. The exhaust gases are CO2 7% O2 11%, NOx 40 parts per million. The NOx and O2 will be the controls. No blending of air into the system, otherwise increases in CO, occurs.
When the control valve is turned off the colour of the flame turns blue. When the experiment is running correctly (eg when splitting of CO2), the flame is bright orange and there is little smoke. When Magnegas is added it pulls apart the molecules, NOx, SOX and CO. This has now turned into a structured fuel or bonded fuel. When the mix is correct (85 litres of Magnegas per minute is used) with the right amount of coal emissions.
The Post-combustion chamber −75 mm grows out to 100 mm then it forms a cone then a reverse cone on the backside back down to 75 mm out. The reverse makes the chamber a 1:5 ratio 100 diameter to 500 long it allows for the gas to expand and then burn. The reaction time tube has got to be cooled the bond built in the magnecules is not structured the new Magnegas fuel (H4) may not need as much cooling. No Nitrates.
Emissions from the chemical reaction process is CO, particulates (carbon), NOx, SOx, all sorts of heavy metals CO2, O2 NO2 and NO, Hydrogen and CO are added and that is ignited. Results recorded are: CO2 7%, O2 11%, NOx 46 ppm, and an increase in O2 which is released and supports the combustion process. Carbon provides heat energy rather than forming CO. Particulates are lowered.
A detailed description of post combustion trials conducted on Aug. 4, 2012 is as follows:
High-grade coal from Acland mine Queensland Australia was burned in the primary combustion chamber. Magnegas was added to the emissions prior to the combustion chamber. The trial ran from 17:08 to 17:50 and we had a Testo 350 analyser ( this data was brought into the computer recording at second intervals. The following emissions O2, CO, NOX, NO, NO2, CO2 are recorded on the file 20120804 Coal Magnegas Post Combustion test 2.xlsx. Magnegas Flow rate for this test ranged between 79.9 litres/minute and 84.8 litres/minute (refer to 20120804 Magnegas and Coal Post Combustion Flow rate of fuel.xlsx tab Magnegas Flow Rate)
The process for this test was: add coal to the Primary combustion chamber and burnt it, this was repeated over and over and shows on the graph the times we opened the flue to add more coal or to stoke the primary combustion furnace, or we checked the flue. The example of this can be seen on the seconds run line between 230 and 460 seconds. Another example is at 678 to 792 seconds the same event occurred. This occurred regularly throughout the test and is the oxygen blue line. At the same time the CO2 (red line) and the NOX (purple line) decreased and resumed non-activity levels. Also at the same time the CO (mauve line) it also decreased.
The greatest amount of emissions becomes available for processing when the machine is running at near to full capacity. An example of this can be seen on the seconds run line between 467 to 673 second mark. Another example is at 1153 to 1388 seconds. The measurements taken in the post combustion chamber show in this event the CO2 (burgundy line) and NOX (purple line) are declining and at the same time the O2 (blue line) increasing. This occurred consistently through the tests.
The CO2 decline and the O2 increase are counter-proportional. However other Oxygen atoms from NO2, NO and CO also become available as oxygen and this increases oxygen readings. This allows for more combustion and increases in heat in the post combustion chamber. Graphs 2 & 3 showing increases in O2 and declines in CO2.
Thrust—The post combustion chamber makes an air blowing noise similar to the thrust motor and produces heat. The flame, which exhausts out of the chamber is only visible in low light due to the high levels of Hydrogen in the feedstock. The end of the flame is actually which is clear extends approx. 1 metre from the end of the chamber. Tests were conducted in the early evening so the flame could be viewed, filmed and recorded. The temperature where the exhaust leaves the post combustion chamber reached 3,000 degrees Celsius as the ceramic tip of the Testo 350 Analyser ceramic measuring equipment glowed bright orange. No smoke was able to be detected as particulates were incinerated in the chamber.
Graphs showing the results of Coal and Magnegas post combustion trials conducted on Aug. 4, 2012 are provided in
A graph showing the flow rate in the combustion chamber is shown in
Graphs showing the results of Coal and Magnegas (Glycol) post combustion trials are shown in
Tests were conducted on Magnegas and Bitumen on Aug. 25, 2012. Graphs of the test results for Magnegas and bitumen dual fuel are shown in
Tests were conducted on Magnegas and Rubber on Feb. 21, 2013. Graphs of the test results for Magnegas and rubber dual fuel are shown in
Tests were conducted on Magnegas and LPG on May 21, 2012. Graphs of the test results of recordings for O2, CO2 and temperature, fuel use and temperature, CO and NOx for Magnegas and LPG dual fuel are shown in
The above test results are for Magnegas blended (mixed) with LPG as a dual fuel. Under the conditions when the temperature reaches 580 degrees Celsius in the boiler. Magnegas runs at 2.25 litre per minute and LPG runs at 1 litre per minute. A lower temperature of 470 degrees is reached when we mix 2.9 litres per minute of Magnegas with 0.65 litres per minute of LPG. A surprisingly high temperature output was achieved with this dual fuel combination.
Details of the results of further tests for Magnegas blended (mixed) with LPG conducted on May 29, 2012 are also provided. Graphs of these results are shown in
The increase in O2 occurs when Magnegas flow rates increase resulting in CO2 declining. NO2 is lower than NO, bottom of page 1 due to splitting. In fact all CO2, CO, NO2 are split during combustion using Magnegas. These emissions are lower when using Magnegas.
A drawing of a preferred form of the post combustion chamber design is shown in
The emissions from the primary combustion chamber are captured, cooled, and compressed. Magnegas is injected and mixed with the emissions in the mixing chamber before being sent to the secondary combustion chamber to ensure appropriate bonding of Magnegas to the emissions prior to secondary combustion. This needs to occur at least one metre before being fed into the secondary combustion chamber. Preferably, this is at approximately one metre before being fed into the secondary combustion chamber.
No additional atmospheric oxygen added to the sytem and combusted a second time using Magnegas. The inlet and chamber are connected and sealed in order to avoid the entry of additional oxygen into the post combustion chamber.
Preferably, the inlet is flared so as to provide a diffuser action and to help swirl the mixture. A circular motion occurs in the chamber during combustion.
The chamber, when ignited, pushes out the emissions. A thrust noise, generated from the escaping combustion. Some of the combustion occurs otside the chamber. The hydrogen flame, being partly invisible froms part of the combustion.
Particulates and small carbon flakes from the primary combustion process are ignited in the secondary combustion process. These embers fall both inside and outside the secondary combustion chamber.
A Drawing showing an outline of a preferred form of the secondary combustion dual fuel system is shown in
A drawing of a further preferred form of the dual fuel system designed for Magnegas and LPG is shown in
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2013902833 | Jul 2013 | AU | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/IB2014/063565 | 7/30/2014 | WO | 00 |