The steroid receptor superfamily is a class of ligand activated transcription factors that are involved in regulation of almost all aspects of cell growth and metabolism. Thus it is not surprising that from a pharmaceutical perspective they are considered key targets for therapeutic intervention for a wide range of diseases and metabolic disorders; these include breast and prostate cancers, osteoporosis, inflammation, and diabetes. To enable these drug discovery opportunities, simple, robust assay methods that can be used to assess large diverse chemical collections for identification of novel steroid receptor ligands are needed. In addition, the ability to assess manmade and naturally occurring chemicals found in soil and water for potential disruption of endocrine functions has become an important priority for environmental agencies and industrial manufacturing groups.
Identification of improved drug molecules for modulating SHR function requires methods to rapidly screen large chemical libraries for functional interaction with the receptors. Previous to our lab's efforts in this area, investigators relied on impure preparations of rodent receptors and cumbersome radioactive assay methods to assess binding of test compounds to steroid receptors. Screening the hundreds of thousands of compounds typical of pharmaceutical compound collections was not practical using these methods. To overcome this technical impasse, our lab has developed a series of molecular SHR ligand binding assays that operate in a “mix and read” format: test compounds are added to a mixture of recombinant SHR protein and a fluorescent tracer compound and the relative binding affinity of the test compounds are ascertained by a single instrument reading without any additional manipulations. The assay principle is fluorescence polarization: the ability of the test compound to displace the fluorescent tracer from the SHR binding pocket is proportional to the degree to which the fluorescence of the tracer becomes depolarized. Pharmaceutical scientists can now test tens of thousands of compounds for SHR binding in a single day using any one of a number of commercially available fluorescence plate readers typically used for automated high throughput screening. Thus, this technology should accelerate the development of more selective steroid receptor modulators to address a wide range of diseases and metabolic disorders.
SHRs are Key Targets for Therapeutic Intervention
The steroid hormone receptors (SHRs) are a subclass of the nuclear receptor superfamily, which includes a total of 46 members in humans. The SHR subclass is comprised of the estrogen receptors (ER), the androgen receptor (AR), the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), the progesterone receptors (PR), and the mineralcorticoid receptor (MR). These proteins mediate ligand-induced transactivation of genes responsible for cellular differentiation, reproduction, and metabolism. Upon binding hormone, SHRs in association with their cognate DNA response elements, undergo a conformational change leading to binding with coactivator proteins which direct the recruitment of cellular transcriptional machinery. Because of their involvement with cell growth and differentiation, SHRs participating in cellular pathways gone awry have been implicated in numerous disease states.
Estrogen receptor is a 66 kDa member of the nuclear receptor superfamily of ligand activated transcription factors. It is involved in control of growth, differentiation and function in mammary tumors and in diverse target tissues including reproductive, skeletal, and cardiovascular tissues.
Androgen receptor is a 99 kDa protein that binds testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is involved in sexual maturation, spermatogenesis, and bone metabolism. Recent studies have indicated that AR is expressed in prostate tumors of all stages and mutated forms of AR are present in late-stage metastatic tumors. While the detection of prostate abnormalities has greatly improved with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests, treatment of prostate cancer by androgen ablation therapy via surgery or administration of anti-hormones often works for a limited time, after which the tumor becomes resistant. This resistance has been attributed to AR gene amplification and to mutation of the AR leading to altered ligand specificity; one such mutated AR will be included in the Phase II studies. Since prostate cancer has become the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the male population, research to find novel anti-androgens for resistant tumors has become a high priority. In addition to its role in reproductive cancers, AR has recently been found in osteoclast cells where it is believed to play a role in bone deposition and prevention of osteoporosis in men. The osteoclast AR demonstrated response to a different stereoisomer of alpha-DHT than AR in the prostate indicating that it may be possible to develop selective modulators for AR as well as ER. Specific coactivator proteins have been identified for AR, such as androgen-receptor associated 70 protein (ARA70) and the recently cloned ARA54 and ARA55. These coactivators are expressed in prostate tumors and interact with mutated AR forms to varying degrees. A novel co-regulator for AR named ARIP3 has been found in human testes and represents a tissue-specific regulator, adding another degree of complexity to AR transactivation.
Progesterone receptor exists as two forms referred to as A and B with molecular masses of 94 kD and 114 kD, respectively. PR-A lacks N-terminal sequences compared to PR-B and results from an alternative translation start site. PR is expressed in the reproductive system, mammary tissue, and brain and has been implicated in breast cancer, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. Like estrogen, progesterone is believed to play a role in regulation of bone mass, and hence development of bone specific agonists may be useful for prevention of osteoporosis. PR-A and PR-B can form heterodimers and have distinct ligand specificities and transactivation capabilities. PR-B functions as a transactivator whereas PR-A functions as a dominant repressor of PR-B and even down-regulates other SHRs including ER (28,30-33). Various ratios of PR-A:PR-B have been found in breast cancer tissues.
Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) is a 94 kDa ligand-activated intracellular transcriptional regulator that is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. GR is the mediator of glucocorticoid action that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, suppresses the immune/inflammatory responses, activates the Central Nervous System, regulates cardiovascular function, and affects basal and stress-related homeostasis. Glucocorticoid therapies are used in the treatment of asthma, chronic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, lymphoma, leukemia, hyperglycemia, renal and pulmonary conditions, multiple sclerosis, and headaches. GR is the only SHR that absolutely requires association with heat shock and other proteins to exhibit ligand binding activity, thus it is not possible to use a highly purified from of the receptor for in vitro assays.
Assays for SHR Ligand Binding
Detection and characterization of SHR agonists and antagonists can be done at three levels of complexity: whole organism (bioassays), cell based assays, and molecular assays. In this discussion, the whole organism and cell based approaches will be classified as in vivo assays and contrasted with the molecular assay, an in vitro method. Though each approach is useful for certain aspects of drug development and toxicological testing, the molecular assay based on direct detection of the interaction of ligands with the receptor is the most useful for screening large, diverse chemical libraries in an automated, high throughput format.
The classic method for measuring steroidogenic effects is based on the ability of a compound to affect the development of secondary sexual characteristics in vivo. For example, test compounds must be fed or injected into mice over a period of three days, followed by surgical removal and weighing of the sexual organs. These assays measure specific biological outcomes of ligand binding to SHRs, and are still used by investigators studying SHR effects in the reproductive system. However, the time and intensive labor required for the in vivo methods preclude their use for screening large numbers of compounds.
A number of cell based assays have been developed to circumvent the difficulty of the bioassays; examples of these are induction of proliferation in the breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7 for ER, or the prostate tumor cell line LNCaP for AR, or induction of reporter gene expression from a hormone-responsive promoter transfected into yeast or mammalian cells. All of these measure the biological consequences of ligand binding within a specific cell and promoter context, thus a panel of such assays would provide a relatively broad functional characterization of ligands. However the cell proliferation and reporter gene assays require extensive manipulations of live cells and response times of several hours or even days.
Molecular ligand binding assays are faster, more precise, and less labor intensive than animal or cell-based assays because they are done in vitro with isolated components. These advantages allow accurate measurements of receptor and other assay components in an automated format and eliminate signal variability inherent in any vivo assay. In addition, in vitro assays do not require any of the cell growth and maintenance steps required for in vivo assays, and thus are much easier to format for high throughput screening.
More importantly, using the initial molecular event (ligand binding) in steroid hormone receptor signal transduction as a primary screen supports a rational approach of starting with a broad screen and applying increasing levels of selectivity. Such a funneled approach insures that compounds of potential interest are not eliminated by a primary screen that is too selective.
Ligand Binding Assays: Several methods are used for SHR ligand binding assays. All are competitive assays, in which the test compound displaces a receptor-bound probe molecule—generally radiolabelled hormone. As explained above, there are compelling reasons for using the initial molecular event in ER signal transduction to develop high throughput screening assays. However, the current methods for detecting this event suffer from a number of important shortcomings, generally caused by the use of relatively crude receptor preparations, the requirement for a separation step to remove free ligand, and the use of radioisotopes. Unfortunately, these shortcomings prevent the widespread adaptation of current SHR ligand binding assays to HTS formats.
To develop ligand binding assays more suited to an HTS format, investigators have begun using various types of scintillation proximity assays, or flash plate assays, in which the receptor and the scintillant are bound to a solid phase such as a bead or a plate to ensure that only the receptor bound labeled hormone—and not the excess free ligand—is close enough to excite the scintillant. This approach eliminates the need to separate free from bound ligand, but still relies upon the use of radioisotopes and immobilization of the receptor, which could cause disadvantageous conformational changes. In addition, antibodies often are used to immobilize the receptor, thus introducing another source of assay variability from possible interference of test compounds with Ab-antigen interactions, and possible degradation of the antibodies.
Use of Fluorescence Polarization for Ligand Binding Assays
To fully explain how fluorescence polarization can be used to overcome the shortcomings of existing methods for SHR ligand identification and characterization, it is helpful to briefly summarize the principles of the technique. Fluorescence polarization (FP) is used to study molecular interactions by monitoring changes in the apparent size of fluorescently-labeled or inherently fluorescent molecules. When a small fluorescent molecule (probe) is excited with plane polarized light, the emitted light is largely depolarized because the molecule rotates rapidly in solution during the fluorescence event (the time between excitation and emission). However, if the fluorescent probe is bound to a much larger receptor, thereby increasing its effective molecular volume, its rotation is slowed sufficiently to emit light in the same plane in which it was excited. The bound and free states of the fluorescent molecule each have an intrinsic polarization value, a high value for the bound state and a low value for the free state. In a population of molecules, the measured polarization is a weighted sum of the two values, thus providing a direct measure of the fraction of the fluorescent probe molecule which is bound. The method can be used for direct measurement of probe binding in response to effectors or for competitive binding assays, where the probe molecule is displaced by added test compounds. Data from FP assays are analyzed graphically in a manner similar to that used for radioactive ligand binding assays. The use of FP for SHR competitive ligand binding assays is shown graphically below.
The magnitude of the FP signal is proportional to the apparent size of the fluorescent assay probe, thus assay probes (fluorescent steroids) have a high polarization when they are bound to the receptor and a low polarization after they are displaced from the receptor by a test compound.
FP offers several key advantages over other technologies for development of SHR ligand binding and coactivator interaction assays that can be adapted to HTS formats. (Multiwell FP instruments are readily available from three different companies.) Specifically, FP is:
It is not practical to use FP for binding assays with poorly enriched receptor fractions. Because there are no separation steps in FP, a sufficient amount of receptor must be present to allow binding by at least 50% of the fluorescent probe molecule prior to the addition of test compound. Otherwise, the unbound probe molecule decreases the starting polarization value and limits the dynamic range of the assay. To avoid this, relatively high concentrations of receptor are required, which generally are not attainable in crude preparations from native sources. In addition, because pharmaceutical drug screening programs preferentially target the human receptors, obtaining suitable quantities from natural sources is not practical. For these reasons, recombinant, purified receptors are the most useful reagents for use in an FP assay.
It is clear from the scientific literature that SHRs are particularly difficult to produce in large quantities. Some of the approaches used in the past to overcome these difficulties have included addition of ligand to the culture media in order to stabilize the receptor, and expression of smaller domains of the receptors. However, neither of these approaches is ideal for production of protein for drug screening assays; full length, unliganded receptors would be optimal for this purpose. (It is very difficult to remove bound SHR ligands because of their slow dissociation rate.) Our experience and the scientific literature suggests that BaV is the best expression system for producing large quantities of full length SHRs. In order to obtain high yields of active receptor, it is useful to systematically optimize all of the parameters that are likely to have an impact on BaV mediated expression in insect cells, including:
Other expression systems can also be used for SHR expression. Yeast has been used to express several nuclear receptors. Another possibility is the expression of ligand binding domains (LBD) in E. coli, most likely as an N-terminal fusion to increase solubility. Although full length protein is optimal for drug screening purposes, the LBDs of several nuclear receptors have been shown to exhibit ligand binding properties essentially identical to the full length receptors. N-terminal domains used as fusions to LBDs include glutathione S-transferase (GST), thioredoxin (TRX), and maltose binding protein (MBP). Several SHRs and other nuclear receptors have been expressed in this way and subsequently purified and crystallized. In the case of the AR-LBD even a TRX-LBD fusion protein was largely insoluble, and it was necessary to denature and refold the protein.
To purify recombinant SHRs, techniques described in the literature or developed at our lab for ERs and VDR are useful. These include using ion exchange, size exclusion, metal chelate, affinity chromatography directed against fusion domains, and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The SHRs are very hydrophobic and tend to aggregate, thus a primary challenge is maintaining protein solubility and activity during the purification and perfoming the purification without ligand or other stabilizing reagents that could interfere with hormone receptor binding, such as most detergents. Methods to stabilize the unliganded receptor include addition of agents that prevent aggregation such as urea, KCl or glycerol and inclusion of protease inhibitors.
We are developing the FP-based competitive ligand binding assays for steroid hormone receptors primarily for drug screening purposes as in vitro assays using isolated proteins, however other applications are applicable:
We have synthesized a series of fluorophore-steroid conjugates and identified one fluorescein-estradiol conjugate that was optimal for development of fluorescence polarization (FP)-based competitive ligand binding assays for estrogen receptors (ER). The assay measures the difference in fluorescence polarization of the fluorescent ligand when it is bound to a steroid receptor and when it is displaced by a competing test ligand. We have now extended the FP based assay methods to GR and PR by developing suitable fluorescent ligands for these receptors and optimizing their use in competitive HTS binding assays. Human androgen, glucocorticoid, and progesterone receptors (AR, GR, PR) have been produced and purified, and validated for high affinity steroid binding. Fluorescent steroid ligands that bind to the glucocorticoid and progesterone have been identified and used to develop FP assays for high throughput drug screening; efforts to synthesize a high affinity fluorescent AR ligand are ongoing.
Synthesis of fluorescent steroid conjugates. The directed combinatorial approach used for synthesis of a high affinity fluorescein-estradiol conjugate was also used to develop fluorescent GR and PR ligands and is being applied to AR as well: different combinations of powerful fluors and high affinity ligands were assembled using different linkage chemistries and tested for binding to the cognate receptor. Table 1 below shows summarizes some of the chemical components used for GR, PR and AR.
The following systematic, iterative approach was used to produce fluorescent ligands for GR, PR and AR.
In order to test the affinity and specificity of the fluorescent steroids, they were tested in equilibrium binding experiments and in competition experiments with their cognate receptors. The equilibrium binding experiments showed that the binding of the fluorescent glucocorticoid and the fluorescent progesterone to GR and PR-LBD 5 respectively was saturable, which is an indication of specific binding at a single site (
The other criteria used for validating a fluorescent steroid conjugate is the ability 10 of known receptor ligands to compete with the fluor for binding to the receptor. This indicates that the fluorescently labeled steroid is interacting specifically with the ligand binding pocket of the receptor.
In addition to fluorescein conjugates, we also have prepared conjugates of teramethyl-rhodamine to progesterone and dexamethasone. These fluorescent molecules were also demonstrated to be effective for FP-based competitive binding assays as is shown fro PR in
The foregoing is considered as illustrative only of the principles of the invention. Further, since numerous modifications and changes will readily occur to those skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and operation shown and described. Therefore, all suitable modifications and equivalents fall within the scope of the invention.
This application is related to provisional application Ser. No. 60/221,621 which filed on Jul. 28, 2000.
Number | Date | Country | |
60221621 | Jul 2000 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 09918589 | Jul 2001 | US |
Child | 11752869 | May 2007 | US |