Physiological Effects of the Colostral Peptide, Colostrokinin, and Inanition on Immunoglobulin Absorption and Adrenal/Thyroid Response in the Bovine Neonate, T. G. Schlagheck, A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate College of the University of Arizona (1983). |
The Effects of Passive Immunity on Growth and Mortality in the Dairy Heifer, J. D. Robison, A 1984 Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfullment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Graduate College of the University of Arizona. |
Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies to Bovine IgGl, W. A. Fleenor, D. O. Lucas, G. H. Stott and A. J. Guidry, Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 6(1984) 365-378 Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam--Printed in the Netherlands. |
Colostral Immunoglobulin Absorption Linearly Related to Concentration for Calves, G. H. Stott and A. Fellah, Dept. of Animal Science, U. of A., 1983 J. Dairy Sci. 66:1319-1328. |
Quantification of Bovine IgG, IgM and IgA Antibodies to Clostridium Perfringens B-Toxin by Enzyme Immunoassay I. Preparturient Immunization for Enhancement of Passive Transfer of Immunity, W. A. Fleenor and G. H. Stott, Dept. of Animal Science, U. of A., Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 4 (1983) 579-591, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam--Printed in the Netherlands. |
Colostral Immunoglobulin Concentration in Two Fractions of First Milking Postpartum and Five Additional Milkings, G. H. Stott, W. A. Fleenor and W. C. Kleese, Dept. of Animal Science, U. of A., 1981 J. Dairy Sci 64: 459-465. |
Effect of Suckling Followed by Bottle Feeding Colostrum on Immunoglobulin Absorption and Calf Survival, T. J. Bringnole and G. H. Stott, Dept. of Animal Sciences, U. of A., 1980 J. Dairy Sci 63: 451-456. |
Colostral Immunoglobulin Transfer in Calfs II, The Rate of Absorption, G. H. Stott, D. B. Marx, B. E. Menefee and G. T. Nightengale, Dept. of Animal Sciences and Center for Quantitative Studies, U. of A., 1979 J. Dairy Sci. 62: 1766-1773. |
Nutritional and Biochemical Studies of Whey Products, E. Forsum and L. Hambraeus, Institute of Nutrition, University of Uppsala, J. Dairy Sci 60: 370-377. |
Use of Ultrafiltration/Reverse Osmosis Systems for the Concentration and Fractionation of Whey, R. I. Fenton-May and C. G. Hill, Jr., Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Madison Wisconsin and C. H. Amundson, Dept. of Food Science, Univ. of Madison, Wisconsin 14-Journal of Food Sciences--vol. 36 (1971). |
Nomenclature of Proteins of Cow's Milk: Fifth Revision, W. N. Eigel, J. E. Butler, C. A. Ernstrom, H. M. Farrell, Jr., V. R. Harwalkar, R. Jenness, R. McL. Whitney, 1984 J. Dairy Sci 67: 1599-1631. |
Antibody to Human Rotavirus in Cow's Milk, R. H. Yolken, MD, G. A. Losonsky, MD, S. Vonderfecht, DVM, PhD, Flora Leister, BA, and Siok-Bi Wee, MS, The New England Journal of Medicine, Mar. 7, 1985. |
Preparation of Bovine Immunoglobulins and Free Secretory Component and Their Specific Antisera, J. E. Butler and C. F. Maxwell, J. Dairy Sci 55: 151. |
Advertisement: The Genecol 99 Story . . . How to Reduce the Death Losses Caused by E. Coli Scours. |
Protection of Calves Against Fatal Enteric Colibacillosis by Orally Administered Escherichia Coli K99-Specific Monoclonal Antibody, D. M. Sherman, D. D. Acres, P. L. Sadowski, J. A. Spring, B. Bray, T. J. G. Raybould and C. C. Muscoplat, Infection and Immunity (Nov. 1983) 42: 563-658. |
Trends in Whey Fractionation and Utilization, A Global Perspective, Roger, Zall, Dept. of Food Science, 16 J. Dairy Sci 67: 2621-2629. |
Review of Processes and Products for Utilization of Lactose in Deproteinated Milk Serum, P. G. Hobman, New Zealand Dairy Research Institute, 1984 J. Dairy Sci. 67: 2630-2653. |
Whey Protein Recovery Processes and Products, M. E. Matthews, Rangitaiki Plains Dairy Company 1984 J. Dairy Sci 67: 2680-2692. |
Symposium: Assessing Functionality of Whey Proteins--Critical Aspects in Development of Whey Protein Concentrate, Nicholas Melochouris, Stauffer Chemical Company, 1984 J. Dairy Sci. 67: 2693-2700. |
Effects of Various Heat Treatments on Structure and Solubility of Whey Proteins, J. N. deWit and G. Klarenbeek, Netherlands Institute for Dairy Research 1984 J. Dairy Sci 67: 2701-2710. |
Article Title: "Studies on Replacement Colostrum for Piglets", Date of Publication: May 19, 1976, Source: Japanese Journal of Swine Reserch 16.1:1-12 (Partial Translation of Selected Sections of Article), Authors: A. Takahashi; T. Abe; T. Moriji; S. Maeda; K. Himeno and S. Nakano. |