Progressively rolling animation display method on cellular phones

A progressively rolling display method of animation graphics on a cellular phone to offer much more dynamic and interest way of contents of display by a cellular phone, featured by having a selection pending area of a large graphic animation provided in the center of the display on the cellular phone and accompanied to its right and left by multiple icons of previous and next options; so that when user is browsing and selecting options from List of Main Functions, the icon in progressively rolling sequence the enters either from right to left or left to right into the central area to become an option pending selection to exit then existing option being reduced and quitting the central area and becoming an icon of a previous option.


[0001] (a) Field of the Invention

[0002] The present invention relates to a method of progressively rolling animation display on a cellular phone, and more particularly, to one that offers a much more dynamic and interesting way display of options to operate the cellular phone.

[0003] (b) Description of the Prior Art

[0004] As limited by man-machine interface, display on a cellular phone generally available in the market is usually dull and lacking in variation. In addition, production of patterns for the display is also confined by the size, type and driver (e.g. maximal monitor resolution and number of colors) of LCD used by the cellular phone. Therefore, graphics has to be modified as LCD changes. As a result, Palette function available in Windows operation system can only be dot produced manually page by page failing the automatic production of graphics as desired. Graphics manually produced is prevented from being inspected by Palette of Windows operation system to find out whether said graphics relates to continuous animation without other graphic browser, such as ACDSee, FLASH. Graphics produced from Palette is also prevented from being converted into the definition as required. To acquire the text definition, it takes to separately write conversion programs by compromising to the size, type and driver of the LCD used in the cellular phone.


[0005] The primary purpose of the present invention is to provide a method of progressively rolling animation display on a cellular phone. Within, a graphic area of options to display a large animation is provided in the center of the monitor on the cellular phone. Small icons are respectively displayed at the right side and the left side to that large animation. Said small icons progressively enter one by one into the central of the monitor to become an option to offer much more dynamic and interesting ways of display for the cellular.

[0006] To achieve the purpose, graphics are plotted by pixel depending on the size of the LCD used by the cellular. Dot matrix are plotted page by page using Palette of Windows operation system in unit of pixel, B/W colors and stored in BMP format. Then graphics stored is converted using a proper tool to a format used by the cellular and displayed in rolling animation page by page in the LCD of the cellular using clipboard technique.


FIGS. 1 through 7 are schematic views showing a production flow of the present invention.

FIG. 8 is a schematic view showing a rolling sequence of the present invention.

FIG. 9 is a schematic view showing function of SIM Tool Kit of the present invention.

FIG. 10 is a schematic view showing operation of Phone Book function of the present invention.

FIG. 11 is a schematic view showing operation of Message function of the present invention.

FIG. 12 is a schematic view showing operation of Call Records function of the present invention.

FIG. 13 is a schematic view showing operation of Services function of the present invention.

FIG. 14 is a schematic view showing operation of Clock function of the present invention.

FIG. 15 is a schematic view showing operation of Settings function of the present invention.

FIG. 16 is a schematic view showing operation of Miscellaneous function of the present invention.


[0017] Referring to FIGS. 1 through 7, graphics production process disclosed in the present invention includes the following steps:

[0018] 1. Basic graphics and associated small icons are plotted as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2.

[0019] 2. Background is plotted based on resolution of a LCD used by a cellular phone as illustrated in FIG. 3.

[0020] 3. Depending on a list of main functions as defined, place each basic graphics and its associated previous and next small icons into the background as illustrated in FIG. 4 and stored in BMP format.

[0021] 4. Number of pixel to be displaced in progressively rolling for each graphics (including the basic ones and small icons) on the background (FIG. 3) is counted before placing the graphics captured into the background as illustrated in FIG. 5.

[0022] 5. Store the graphics in BMP format as illustrated in FIG. 6.

[0023] 6. Repeated Steps 1 through 4 to complete the rest of the graphics pending displacement as illustrated in FIG. 7.

[0024] 7. Repeat Steps 3 through 5 to complete all the graphics as may be required as illustrated in FIG. 8.

[0025] 8. Depending on the file name of the text definition, the graphics are named in hexadecimal 4-digit by following the sequence.

[0026] 9. Use conversion programs of hexadecimal text definition file available in BMP graphic file to convert into the text definition file into that used by the cellular phone. (Note that said conversion programs must be separately developed and placed under the same directory of the graphic file in BMP format to be converted).

[0027] 10. Directly run the conversion programs by clicking the mouse to select options in the directory. Said programs are executed in MS-DOS mode window of Windows operation system.

[0028] 11. Upon completing the format conversion, MS-DOS mode window is automatically closed and files PDEXH and IX•H are created under the same directory.

[0029] 12. Open a graphic definition file containing man-machine interface source code (led by head file: ICON•H). Then copy the text of each graphic in PI•H file to its corresponding item in ICON•H file.

[0030] 13. Upon completing the copy of all graphic text definition, re-store ICON•H file and run compile of all source codes to translate program codes into firmware programs of the cellular phone.

[0031] 14. Upon completing the compile, download the firmware programs to the cellular phone.

FIGS. 9 and 10 show a preferred embodiment of the present invention, within, the rolling sequence is illustrated depending on whether SIM Tool Kit function is made available by the network system provider.

[0033] Refer to FIG. 11 for a schematic view of Phone Book options display of the present invention.

FIGS. 12 through 17 respectively shows a preferred embodiment of the present invention for the progressively rolling display of Message, Call Records, Services, Clock, Settings and Miscellaneous functions.

  • 1. A progressively rolling display method of animation graphics on a cellular phone featured by having a selection pending area of a large graphic animation provided in the center of the display on the cellular phone and accompanied to its right and left by multiple icons of previous and next options; in progressively rolling sequence the icon enters either from right to left or left to right into the central area to become an option pending selection to exit then existing option being reduced and quitting the central area and becoming an icon of a previous option.
  • 2. A progressively rolling display method of animation graphics on a cellular phone as claimed in claim 1, within, production process of the icon includes: a. To plot basic graphic and its associated small icons by compromising a background plotted depending on resolution of an LCD on the cellular phone; b. Place based on a list of main functions as defined, icons of a previous and a next options plotted according to the basic graphics into the background and stored in BMP format; c. Count the number of pixels to be displaced in the course of the progressively rolling display for each icon and save it in BMP format; d. Convert BMP hexadecimal graphic file using its text definition conversion programs into a text definition format used by the cellular phone; e. Open a man-machine interface source graphic file to copy text definition of each graphic into corresponding item in ICO•H file; f. Complete copying all text definitions, save new ICOM•H file, run all sources of the cellular phone to translate them into a firmware programs of the cellular phone; and g. Download the firmware programs to the cellular phone.