Lightwave Systems in the Subscriber Loop. Single-mode fibers and coherent transmission have become the focal point of research in subscriber-access systems. M. Gawdun. |
Economic FO System for New Residential Services. Neal C. Hightower. Telephony Mar. 17, 1986. |
The Provision of Telephony Over Passive Optical Networks. C E Hoppitt and D E A Clarke. Br. Telecom Technol--vol. 7, No. 2--Apr. 1989. |
Das BIGFON-Systemkonzept ASnforderungen and Aufgabenstellung. Wolfgang Schmidt. |
Nachrichtentechnische Berichte. Heft 1 Mai 1984. |
Advanced Optical Technologies for the future Local Network. A. M. Hill, J. R. Stem, British Telecom Research Laboratories, Ipswich, UK. E-FOC 89. 111-115. Mar. 17, 1986. |
Passive Optical Networks for the Subscriber Loop. Howard L. Lemberg. Bellcore. |
Low-cost Digital Passive Optical Networks. A. R. J. Cook, D. W. Faulkner, P. J. Smith, R. A. Lobbett. British Teleom Ressearch Laboratories, Martlesham Heath, U.K. |
Special Report: Operational Support Systems. OSS: A Must for fiber to the Curb. To Become a dpolyable volume product, any FTTC system needs to be automated via an operational support system. Jul. 15, 1990/TE&M. |
Star-structed optical local networks. J. R. Fox and E. J. Boswell. Fulcrum. |