Szabo, Nick, “Delegation and Agreement Based Certification Policy”,, 1997, entire document.* |
Hu, Yuh-Jong, “Agent-Oriented Public Key Infrastructure for Multi-Agent E-Service”, Emerging Network Technology Lab. Dept. of Computer Science, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan 116, 1999, entire document.* |
Microsoft Corp.,IMAGEHLP Functions for Embedding Digital Signatures in PE-Format Executables (draft),Microsoft Corp, Feb. 1996,entire document.* |
Branchaud, Marc, A Survey of Public-Key Infrastructures, Department of Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Mar. 1997, entire document, particularly chapters 3 and 4.* |
“A DCE Directory/Security Structure for the Intranet/Enterprise”, IBM Corporation, Research Disclosure, p. 453, Apr. 1998. |
“DFS As An Internet File System”, IBM Corporation, Research Disclosure, pp. 625-626, May 1998. |
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