This invention relates to a system that helps a regular or off road vehicle recover from a situation where its wheels are stuck in sand, mud, snow, ice or any other sort of soft and slippery track material. The word stuck refers here to the ideas of penetration of the wheels into the soil and of lack of traction of the wheels on the track material.
It is known in the vehicle art to use traction boards that function as support and anti skid devices when placed in front of the traction wheels of a stuck vehicle, to use shovels to free the vehicle, to pull it with a winch and a cable attached to an anchorage point, to use special tires or chains in the case of snow or even to reduce the tire pressure to increase the contact surface and grip.
Alternatively one can also pull or push the vehicle by means of another vehicle, animals or men. The main drawbacks of these solutions are that they require means like a strong anchoring point, storage capacity for the traction boards, the availability of other vehicles, men or animals for pushing. Also, reducing tire pressure is not recommended and men can get injured when pushing or pulling a vehicle. These solutions do not prevent from getting stuck again further down on the track.
In accordance with the present invention, the vehicle pushing device will overcome all these drawbacks.
It consists primarily in the use of a lever bar to push the vehicle outside of the track holes, in combination with the use of part of the vehicle weight that helps form anchoring points and with the strength of one or several men.
Alternatively a manual or an electrical winch can be used instead of the men's force.
The invention can also allow the mounting around the wheels of anti-skid systems that will prevent getting stuck again. The standard arrangement consists in laying in front of each wheel a chain made of anti-skid blocks connected together by cables, and whose front extremity faces the back of the vehicle and is connected by straps to the triangular part of a lever bar swiveling around the trailer coupling ball.
The triangle is in a plane more or less perpendicular to the direction of the bar and the hooking points of the straps are located in a plane lower than the bar. Lifting the bar from its horizontal position makes these hooking points move away from the vehicle, and pull on the chains of blocks while the front end of the bar pushes the trailer coupling ball, all of these actions creating a relative movement of the vehicle onto the top of the blocks which then form a fulcrum as they become anchored into the ground by the load, allowing now for the vehicle to move forward in relation to the ground and forming a new solid track for the moving vehicle.
There are different possible configurations for the vehicle pushing device according to the ratio of force to movement to obtain. It is also possible to replace the movement of the triangle and the lever effect of the bar on the straps by the pull of a winch (or tie-down) that would be fixed directly to the rear structure of the car or on a part of such bar that in turn is connected to the rear of the car.
The detailed drawing represents the pivot with axle (1.11), the triangle (1.2), the guide bar of the triangle (1.12) with holes as shown to introduce the one way pin (1.12a) or the two way NI pin (1.12b).
Bar (1) blocs blocks (2), adjustable bar connecting system (10), idler pulley (4b), straps (1.9) and (3.6).
Short bar with elements (1.1), shovel (1.6), ring (1.8), reinforced triangle (1.2), idler pulleys with bearing (5), ratchet tie-down (1.10), straps (1.9) and (3.6).
(10.5): linking ring to the strap.
A: starting point, the half bars are apart, the car rear wheels are on line A
B: middle position, the half bars are brought together, the car rear wheels are on line B, 0.5 m further from line A.
C: final position when bars are crossed, car rear wheels are on line C, 0.8 m further from line A.
D: final position when bars are lifted, car rear wheels are on line D, 0.8 m further from line A.
With reference to these drawings, the system includes the following list of items
According to a first arrangement, the invention consists of a set of elements positioned around the vehicle and used in the standard procedure described underneath: A push bar (1) with its components:
bar elements (1.1), the triangular part called the triangle (1.2), pins connecting the various bar components (1.3), a connecting system to the car bumper or to the trailer coupling system (1.4), handles (1.5), a shovel (1.6), a set of straps and buckles (1.9) that can be of a standard tie-down type (13 and 14a or 14b),
four sets of chains of anti-skid or supporting blocks (2) that will each form an anchoring point and a supporting track for the vehicle;
four sets of connecting systems between the push bar and the chains of blocks, each comprising: two rods (3.1 et 3.2), with spigot (3.3) and a small connecting bar (3.4) on the blocks side and a spreader (3.5) on the other side to connect the rods to the straps (
four sets of stowing straps (3.6) with self locking buckles that can be of standard type (13, 14a or 14b), and hooks.
The system is designed to be easily and quickly operated and to be easily stored in the vehicle trunk. It is of adequate dimensions and weight. For that purpose, the bar structures will work as much as possible under direct compression and will have such shapes as to avoid buckling and bending.
The straps work under traction conditions and the triangles and other bracings optimize the design to take advantage of these combinations.
Standard Procedure for Setting and Using the Push Bar
General. The principle consists in the use of:
anchoring points created by the blocks loaded and anchored into the ground by the weight of the vehicle,
a special push bar acting as a lever,
and the strength of men.
Once anchored into the ground, the blocks will virtually no longer move. The system leverage will vary within a range of 10/1 to 2/1, creating for each operation a vehicle movement of between 0.2 and 1.0 meter. The differences come from the different possible arrangements and types of push bars that are in fact chosen according to the vehicle weight, number of men available and the depth in the sand of the stuck vehicle.
The procedure is described for a four-wheeled vehicle and for the standard push bar configuration.
Positioning of the System
The operator deploys on both sides of the vehicle and just ahead of the front and rear wheels a chain of blocks that are connected to each other by the blocks connecting elements (2.2). The 4 chains of blocks (2) are straight, in wheels axis and their concave face is on top. The 2 arched rods (3.1 and 3.2) of each connecting system (3) will be positioned behind each wheel and the extremity of the inside rod (3.1) will be dug into the sand to reach the front side of the wheel. Then its spigot (3.3) will be hooked to the inside hole of the first block (2.1) as the outside rod (3.2) is laid along the outside face of the same wheel and its spigot is in turn hooked to the outside hole of the first block. Finally both rods and spigots are secured by the small bar (3.4). The arched shape of the inside rod helps to reach the front of the wheel by going underneath the sunk parts of the wheel axle and popping up through the sand on the other side.
Once the 4 chains of blocks are connected to the connecting systems (3), the operator checks that the first blocks are in line with their wheel, fastens the straps (3.6) to the connecting spreader (3.5) ring and leads the straps free extremities to the rear of the vehicle (alternately, the front wheel strap is attached to the back front end of the rear wheel chain of blocks in the serial arrangement of the system). These straps extremities will later go through the triangle end rings (1.7) or be attached to the rings or to the straps (1.9) going through these rings.
The bar is deployed behind the car and in its main axis. The bar length is in general around 3 m, but can vary from case to case. All bar components have been previously put together: main bar elements (1.1), triangle (1.2), shovel (1.6), handles (1.5) and other pins (1.3), bracings and straps (1.9). The bar front extremity is assembled to the rear car bumper or to the trailer coupling system by its fixing assembly to the vehicle (1.4). The type of assembly allows some free rotation in both horizontal and vertical planes.
Pushing phase. Once the system is set, the lifting of the bar at handles (1.5) level will induce a relative movement of the vehicle onto the 4 chains of blocks which will then act as anchoring points (or fulcrum) for this “lever” system. Lifting the bar 1 m will induce a car movement of around 0.1 m, it may be necessary to repeat the action several times taking precautions to keep the straps under tension and prevent the car from going back into the holes by filling them, having someone using the car brakes or using a non return system. Instead of lifting upwards, one can also rotate the bar in the horizontal plane and use the pulling action of one long side of the triangle on the same side of connecting straps. In this case, the movement to force ratio is increased and the pushing force is reduced.
Once the vehicle is free, the operator disconnects the bar elements and stores them in the trunk.
Detailed description of the bar: the push bar (1) is made of light elements (1.1) such as hollow pipes of individual length of 1 m, diameter and wall thickness of around 50 and 5 mm. These dimensions are only approximate and vary according to the construction materials which are generally steel, aluminum, even glass or carbon fiber, according to the push forces to generate and of the actual bar arrangement used. The elements ends are fit together in order to form the bar and are secured by pins (1.3) introduced into the adequate holes. The gap between inside and outside diameters is reduced in order to avoid buckling effects. The front end of the bar is made of a flat piece (1.4.1) with a horizontal hole. This shape and the associated pin (1.4.2) are designed to connect the bar to the fixing assembly to the vehicle being in turn mounted on the trailer coupling device of the car or the rear bumper assembly (1.4, 1.4a or 1.4b). The hole and pin (1.4.2) of the flat piece allow free vertical rotation of the bar, as well as some free movement in the horizontal plane by use of short guide length and big construction gaps. The pin has a locking system.
The triangle (1.2) is also located at this side of the bar. The triangular shape is designed to allow the transmission of pulling forces away from the bar main axis and the different bracings avoid collapsing of the assembly under such forces.
In the standard arrangement, the triangle is located in a plane perpendicular to the bar axis and its total width is around 1.5 m. The triangle end rings (1.7) are then located slightly on the outside of the wheels plane and at a level around 0.3 m underneath the level of the bar when the bar is connected to the car bumper in horizontal position.
The intersection points of the bar and triangle elements are either made by special parts into which the elements ends are fitted or by pin or bolt assembly of these element ends.
The fixing assembly (1.4, 1.4a or 1.4b) to the bumper or the trailer coupling ball of the vehicle transmits the pushing force of the bar to the vehicle. It also transmits forces in other directions, in particular downwards. According to the trailer coupling shape and to the space available around it, it is possible to assemble the bar directly by means of a swivel coupling. In most cases an intermediate part is required. If the vehicle is not previously equipped with a trailer coupling ball or system, the main rear bumper assembly will cover the bumper and will form a rigid structure that will spread the push force evenly over a great surface to avoid punching effects. If the bumper is not strong enough, this assembly will be extended to the car chassis. The assembly will be secured onto the bumper with easy to use fasteners (1.4.3b).
On the operator side, the bar can have lifting handles (1.5) made of a piece of pipe around 400 mm long and 25 mm in diameter. They go through the main bar element and ease the lifting process for two operators.
The shovel (1.6) has a runner shaped surface on which the bar can rest without touching the ground or slide easily when the system moves forward.
The straps transmit the pulling forces of the bar to the blocks. They are made of materials that are as little elastic as possible to avoid accumulation of energy and associated risks for the operator and to maintain a direct and instantaneous conversion of the lifting movement into the car translation movement. For the standard assembly, the set of straps linking the chains of blocks to the back end of the bar can be attached or not to the triangle end rings (1.7). When they are not attached, the triangle must have bracings with a component in the direction of the bar main axis (that is to say with a triangular shape in a plane view). These straps ends are equipped with self locking buckles (14a or 14b) that allow the adjustment of the length, the of the slack or the fastening of straps together. Their friction against the rings will be minimal and their flexibility as good as possible. They are made of synthetic woven material for the stowing strap type (13) or high tensile strength steel for the cable type. The forces exerted on theses straps or cables vary according to the arrangements and the vehicle characteristics in a range of 500 to 2000 daN.
Detailed Description of the Chains of Blocks (
The blocks (2.1) have “U” shape with the dimension of the width slightly wider than the tire. They are connected to one another by means of blocks connecting elements (2.2) to form a chain. These connecting elements are flexible, of cable, chain, strap or other type and allow for freedom so that the blocks can be stored and manipulated easily and can copy the track profile as well as transmit the pulling forces.
The pulling force can be limited to the traction of one chain of blocks or can correspond to the force of two chains of blocks for the serial arrangement, that is to say for the arrangement where the front wheel connecting element is attached to the rear wheel chain of blocks.
The quantity of blocks included in each chain is such that when deployed, they provide a supporting track long enough to guide the vehicle until it is totally free. The standard number varies from 4 to 8 blocks. The individual block length, width and thickness are such that they allow good support on the ground and under the vehicle wheel while sinking deep enough under the vehicle weigh to become a good anchoring point. They also form a thick track that lifts up the car a little bit and can avoid contact of the lower part of the car with the ground.
The “U” wings guide the tire or align the blocks with the tire. For some arrangements, the anchoring capacity of the blocks can be improved (see
Detailed Description of the Connecting System (3) (See
The inside and outside rods (3.1 and 3.2) are made of spring steel. Their length is around 1 m and diameter of around 5 mm. They are slightly arched and have good pulling capacity, are easy to store and are easy to install during maneuvers around the stuck wheel (from back of the tire to front and going under the wheel axle). On the blocks side they each have a hooked end or spigot (3.3) which with a small removable connecting bar, form the connecting system linkage to the first block. On the other side, the end ring of each rod is attached to a spreader (3.5) that insures the connection of the rods to the straps.
According to a second arrangement, the push bar elements are made of tubular profiles that can fit inside one another for reduced storage volume. For instance, during storage phase, the elements at the operator's end will be of smaller diameter and can be put inside the center elements which in turn can be put inside the elements of the car side and can also accommodate the triangle tubular elements. For operating phase, the connection between all these different diameter elements is made by screw or pin systems. This arrangement also allows the use of bigger diameters where they are needed to avoid buckling, and without increasing the storage volume.
According to a third arrangement, the triangle will be tilted forward in order to increase the movement of the car for the same lift of the bar. With the standard arrangement, when the bar is lifted to an angle over 30 degrees, the rotation of the triangle end rings produces a smaller displacement for each additional lift. With the third arrangement, the reduction of displacement is lessened.
According to a fourth arrangement, a ring (1.8) will be fitted to the bar near the handles to possibly connect the bar to the top of the vehicle. The strap connecting the ring to the roof will form a close loop with its length adjusted by a locking buckle (1.15). The purpose of this arrangement is to maintain the lifted position of the bar by tightening this loop and therefore preventing the car from going back into the hole.
It is also possible to pull on this strap in order to lift the bar. Due to the fact that the strap is doubled when forming the loop but acts only up to the ring level, the pulling effort of the operator is more or less equivalent to the pulling effort that is normally exerpted by the operator on the bar. However, with this arrangement, the bar works more under bending condition.
If the fix point on the top of the car is replaced by a point on each side of the front bumper, it is also possible to pull the straps from these points and lift the bar to vertical position.
According to a fifth arrangement, the triangle is reinforced and the straps or cables simply slide inside the triangle end rings. It is then possible to create the pulling on the straps and the car movement by action on a tie-down or on a winch (1.10) located at the back end of the bar. The bar will remain in horizontal position and will slide on its shovel (1.6). This arrangement allows for safe pushing of heavy vehicles. Here, the bar is used only as a means to locate the pulling device far behind the rear wheels, to have the direction of the pulling forces almost parallel to the movement and to transfer the only important efforts to the vehicle on its trailer coupling ball. One can use the manual winches from around 500 daN to 3500 daN or electrical winches. The use of winches can also be combined (but not simultaneously) to a lifting of the bar. The bar length can be reduced in that case (2 to 3 m).
According to a sixth arrangement, the triangle can pivot inside a vertical guide (1.11) located next to the front side of the bar, immediately under the main bar element, and the straps (3.6) are attached to the triangle end rings. The straps (3.6) coming from the front wheels can be attached to the straps (3.6) coming from the rear wheels to the same triangle end ring, then minimizing the different forces applied on the triangle, or can be attached to another triangle ring located near the end ring if the front wheel straps come from the inside underneath the car. In that case, the straps going to the winch are attached to a new ring located in between the two previous ones. The triangle acts only as a spreader that keeps the distances between straps on each side of the vehicle.
It is then the action on the tie-down or winch (1.10) located at the back end of the bar that induces the car movement. The free rotation of the triangle allows for a displacement of around 400 to 500 mm for an angular displacement between position 45 degrees forward and 90 degrees backwards. The arrangement also allows the standard use of the bar for a triangle position between around −45 and +45 degrees. In order to optimize the displacement and to adjust the height of the triangle, there is a system that guarantees a minimum height without limiting it and even letting the triangle to free itself from the guide (1.12). This is obtained by inserting the pin (1.12a) at the top of the central guide when pin (1.12b) is not inserted. During the pushing operation, the bar will slide on its shovel (1.6).
This arrangement provides a long displacement and a secure push of a light or heavy vehicle by only one operator. Again, the bar transfers the traction point far behind the car wheels in order to get forces in a direction parallel to the wheels plane and transfers strong forces to the car bumper or trailer coupling device. Manual winches from 500 daN to 3500 daN or electrical winches can be used.
To operate the bar in its lifting configuration, it is necessary to insert the pin (1.12b) in the only hole of the central tube of the pivot and in one of the tubular guide (1.12) holes. This tubular part is therefore drilled with holes for pins (1.12a and 1.12b) at intervals and in two perpendicular directions.
According to a seventh arrangement (
According to an eighth arrangement (
According to a ninth arrangement, the bar is divided into two halves (1.1a and 1.1b), (
One half bar (1.1b) is located slightly underneath the other one (1.1a), the horizontal element of its half triangle (1.2b) is located slightly above the horizontal element of the half triangle of the other half bar, and its vertical element is open with a slightly bigger dimension than the other half triangle vertical element, so that the smaller diameter can fit inside the bigger one and rotate freely as soon as the open shape is closed by enclosing pins (1.13) or bearings. A vertical thrust is also added to this vertical element to stop any relative axial displacement.
This arrangement provides a big displacement of the vehicle. The starting position is a position where the two halves are horizontal and spread apart, then joining the two halves by rotating them towards the middle axis. During the phases of horizontal rotation of the half bars, the leverage is according to the ratio of half bar length to half triangle horizontal part length. Displacement of the vehicle and the pushing forces also vary accordingly. The loop made around the rings (1.18) by the strap fitted with the self locking buckle (1.15) is used to secure the tight position of the two half bars or to get the halves closer to one another by pulling on the loose end of the strap.
It is also possible to use the ring (1.18) and the rings at the top of the car or at front bumper level as explained in the fourth arrangement.
The loop also allows the operation by only one operator when two are normally required
When the two halves are close together and fastened, it is possible to increase the displacement of the car by lifting the joined bars as for a standard bar, or if the halves are not fastened, by continuing the horizontal movement of the halves that are then crossed beyond the central axis.
Lifting the bars gives more pushing force and crossing the bars optimizes the displacement. It will therefore be possible to fasten the half bars in their position with the loop and lift them instead of continuing crossing them when the resisting effort increases. Crossing the half bars will lead to an interference zone between one half bar and the other half bar's straps so that it is not possible to have the same displacement in this phase than within the previous one.
According to a tenth arrangement, the push bar is shortened in significantly and is basically transformed into a triangle with idler pulleys (5) at its ends (
According to an eleventh arrangement (
In this configuration, a mere tie-down or a winch connected to the loose end of the straps (3.6) coming from the connecting systems (3 or 10) of each side of the vehicle, will produce the pulling effort on the chains of blocks and therefore induce the pushing effort on the car where the forces change direction, at the level of the permanent rings (6).
Normally the displacement of the car is balanced on each side, but with the use of a mere winch (for instance a ratchet type (12)) this is not necessarily the case, and in that case and in order to correct the unbalance it is possible to block one of the straps to the car (trailer coupling) so that only the other strap will create a movement. The blockage can also be done at ring (6) level by introducing a rubber edge (provided near the ring location and fastened to the car body by a small cable) in the ring. This arrangement is best suited for the use of a double wind winch (8) that will automatically balance the displacement on both sides.
According to a twelfth arrangement, the bar and triangle are replaced by a winch (9) fixed on the trailer coupling system and pulling only on the front wheels straps. These straps (3.6) need to go under the vehicle. This is made easier by the use of a thin steel rod similar to the rods (3.1 and 3.2).
According to a thirteenth arrangement, an adjustable bar connecting system (10) that does not need access to the inside face of the wheels, replaces the rods connecting system with arched rods (3.1 et 3.2). It consists of two parts with edged surface, with length equal to the tire width, kept parallel and joined together on their outside end by a length adjustable bar (10.1 and 10.2). The system is positioned on the wheel outer side, the rear edged part being connected by a set of rings or spigots (10.4) to the chain of blocks and the front edged part (10.2) being connected by a linking ring (10.5) to the pulling strap (3.6). The distance between the two edged parts is adjusted by the position of a pin (10.3) in one of the holes drilled in the inner sliding part of the adjustable bar telescopic system and according to the tire size and the depth of the wheel in the track. The adjustable bar and pin are designed to resist the force exerted during the pulling phase.
According to a fourteenth arrangement (
According to a fifteenth arrangement, the function of the chain of blocks is insured by a thick rubber strip with rough lower surface (2.6).
According to a sixteenth arrangement, a vehicle non return system (11) is added to the set of equipment. It is composed of a base plate (11.1) fixed to a lever (11.2) bottom end, the upper lever end (11.3) is hinged onto a chassis beam at the rear part of the vehicle. During a forward movement of the car, the system will slide on the ground. During a backward movement of the car, the lever pushes on the base plate and stops the movement. Ploughshares (11.4) increase the efficiency of the non return system.
According to a seventeenth arrangement, the types of tie-downs, manual and electrical winches used in the various arrangements can be switched.
That is to say, that each arrangement can be used with one or any other type.
There are many tightening device types. Models (8, 9 and 12) are only a few examples and any other adequate type can be used in place of these within the framework of the invention.
According to a eighteenth arrangement, the push bar systems and all their variations are also suitable for vehicles with a number of wheels that differs from four, whether they are light or not. Sizes mentioned in the text are approximate and for reference and are to be adapted to each situation. Other adequate sizes are included within the framework of the invention.
The invention helps a vehicle get released from a situation where it is stuck in soft track material. On-road vehicles can venture onto tracks that are usually only accessible to specialized vehicles, and specialized vehicles can increase their capacity to deal with obstacles. The invention allows people to enjoy the great outdoors whilst increasing their safety and independence on isolated tracks roads with the means to react efficiently if they become stuck. However, people should respect basic safety rules when driving on tracks.
The main applications are encountered when driving on sand, mud or other difficult tracks.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
05 03454 | Apr 2005 | FR | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/FR2006/000745 | 4/3/2006 | WO | 00 | 10/5/2007 |
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20090146118 A1 | Jun 2009 | US |