The 38th Quality and Productivity Research Conference (QPRC) will be hosted by San Francisco State University in San Francisco, California on June 14-16, 2022, preceded by a traditional one-day course on June 13. This conference is the main annual meeting for the Quality and Productivity Section of the American Statistical Association. The theme of the 2022 QPRC is "Data, statistics, and responsibility." The conference aims to promote the highest level of scientific integrity, reproducibility, public accountability, and social responsibility in handling big, multidimensional data. It will include a comprehensive discussion of cutting-edge modern methodologies in all aspects of data science and statistics. Student participation is a vital part of the conference. NSF funds are used to support the active participation of students in the conference and its associated one-day course. Students from numerous universities and graduate programs across the US, especially those from under-represented groups, will be fully engaged. Students will have the opportunity to present their research, build connections with others in the scientific community, and learn from researchers and practitioners working at the cutting edge of statistics and data science. They will be invited to submit contributed and poster presentations and compete for travel scholarships. <br/><br/>This conference attracts prominent researchers from academia, industry, and government. Participating statisticians, data scientists, quantitative analysts will exchange novel ideas and experience in working with modern big data to discover knowledge and apply it to diverse fields. The Conference will demonstrate the power of knowledge gleaned from data and the importance of scientific integrity and reproducibility. Plenary and invited sessions at the 38th QPRC are scheduled in the following subjects: data science, machine learning, big data analytics, time series and forecasting, statistical process control monitoring, design and analysis of experiments. The conference also includes contributed and poster sessions and a technical tour. It is preceded by a one-day course, "Empowering the Statistician with Spark, Machine Learning and Deep Learning." This course will provide an overview of using R and Python for some of the most popular machine learning and deep learning models in real-world data science applications in a cloud environment. The conference details are on its website,<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.