The Pauli principle lends stability to matter, from the shell structure of nuclei and the periodic system of elements to Pauli pressure protecting a neutron star from gravitational collapse. In search of a robust quantum information architecture, one may strive to emulate the particular stability of noble gases and magic nuclei, provided by fully filled shells of fermions, which are subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, with half-integral spins that follow Fermi-Dirac statistics. In other words, fermions are half-integer spin particles that obey the Pauli principle: no two fermions can occupy one and the same quantum state.
Interactions between fermions can further enhance stability, e.g., via formation of Cooper pairs in nuclear matter and superconductors, opening energy gaps and thereby carving out protected subspaces for fermion pairs. Thus, fermion anti-symmetry and strong interactions, the core challenges for classical computations of many-fermion behavior, may offer decisive solutions for protecting and processing quantum information.
Our quantum register uses entangled pairs of fermions trapped in an optical lattice for storing and manipulating quantum information. In our scheme, the Pauli principle yields robust quantum information as it disallows leakage into unwanted channels. The chosen qubit subspace uses pairs of entangled fermions in a spin singlet state to reduce, by orders of magnitude, the sensitivity of the qubit to magnetic field fluctuations. The two fermions are trapped in a single well of an optical lattice, which is a crystalline structure formed by laser light. The quantum information is stored in a particular superposition of motional states of the two fermions in their well. The energy splitting of these states is purely determined by geometry, eliminating sensitivity to laser intensity fluctuations. Distributing quantum information over two physical, fermionic atoms in a spin singlet, and in two motional states, i.e., in a non-local way, results in pristine stability. This qubit can be read by mapping motional states onto dark and bright states in fluorescence imaging.
These qubits have much lower decoherence rates relative to neutral atom quantum computation platforms that rely on storage of information in atomic hyperfine states or motional states alone. They can be implemented by trapping pairs of fermions in respective elongated harmonic potential wells formed in an optical lattice. These pairs of fermions can be initialized in a qubit basis comprising a first state and a second state separated by an energy difference depending on a geometry of the optical lattice. More specifically, the energy difference between the first state and the second state can be equal to Er=2π2/(2maz2), where m is a mass of one fermion, az is the spacing of the optical lattice in the z direction, and the elongated harmonic potential wells are elongated in the z direction. The first and second states may be motional states of the pairs of fermions, in which case the first state may comprise an excited state of motion for each of the two fermions in the fermion pair and the second state may comprise a ground state of motion for one fermion and a higher excited state of motion of the other fermion in the fermion pairs.
If desired, one of the elongated harmonic potential wells can be split into a double harmonic potential well. The pair of fermions can be fluorescence imaged with a detector array in the double harmonic potential well.
Each of the fermion pairs can undergo an avoided crossing between the first state and the second state. This can be accomplished by ramping a magnetic field across the corresponding elongated harmonic potential well.
With our technology, a qubit can be represented with first and second quantum objects (e.g., first and second fermions, respectively). These quantum objects are trapped in a potential energy landscape (e.g., an optical lattice) realizing a potential well (e.g., a lattice site) having quartic corrections, wherein energy corrections to the first and second quantum objects due to the quartic corrections are independent of a magnitude scale factor (e.g., an amplitude of the optical lattice) of the potential energy landscape. The qubit has a first state encoded with the first and second quantum objects in a first set of states of the potential well and a second state encoded with the first and second quantum objects in a second set of states of the potential well.
The first set of states of the potential well can comprise a first motional state and a second motional state and the second set of states of the potential well can comprise a third motional state and a fourth motional state different than the first motional state and second motional state, e.g., as described below with respect the relative and center-of-mass motion of fermions trapped in an optical lattice site. In addition, the energy levels of the states in the first set of states may sum to a value equal to a sum of energy levels of the states in the second set of states, before including quartic corrections to the energy. For example, if the potential well is an approximately harmonic potential well with three energy levels (e.g., a ground state of energy level 0, a first excited state of energy level 1, and a second excited state of energy level 2), the first set of states may be both quantum objects in the first excited state (1+1=2) and the second set of states may be one quantum objects in the ground state and the other in the second excited state (0+2=2). For a potential well with more states/energy levels, other combinations are also possible, such as sets of states corresponding to energy levels (1+3=2+2=0+4).
All combinations of the foregoing concepts and additional concepts discussed in greater detail below (provided such concepts are not mutually inconsistent) are part of the inventive subject matter disclosed herein. In particular, all combinations of claimed subject matter appearing at the end of this disclosure are part of the inventive subject matter disclosed herein. The terminology used herein that also may appear in any disclosure incorporated by reference should be accorded a meaning most consistent with the particular concepts disclosed herein.
The skilled artisan will understand that the drawings primarily are for illustrative purposes and are not intended to limit the scope of the inventive subject matter described herein. The drawings are not necessarily to scale; in some instances, various aspects of the inventive subject matter disclosed herein may be shown exaggerated or enlarged in the drawings to facilitate an understanding of different features. In the drawings, like reference characters generally refer to like features (e.g., elements that are functionally and/or structurally similar).
ωz vibrational energy via a magnetic field sweep across a Feshbach resonance with a molecular state (dashed line at lower right) that brings the fermion pair (arrow line at upper left) to the qubit subspace. For vanishing interatomic interactions, at magnetic field B0, there are two degenerate two-particle states of harmonic motion along z, with atoms either both in the first excited state |1,1
or with one atom carrying two excitations |0,2
s. The latter state is adiabatically connected to a molecular state in center-of-mass (COM) motion (solid line).
(upper box) and |0,2
s (lower box) are split by the recoil energy ER=
2ω2/(2maz2), determined solely by geometry (lattice spacing az) and the atomic mass m. Strong interactions (|U|>>ER, left and right side) fully mix the anharmonic eigenstates. The fermion pair stores the 2
ωz vibrational energy in either center-of-mass motion zc=(z1+z2)/√{square root over (2)} (upper right box) or relative motion zr=(z1−z2)/√{square root over (2)} (lower right box). This avoided crossing enables universal control of fermion pair qubits.
and |0,2
s, measured via the number
of fermion pairs in state |1,1
in a central region of the 2D array.
show standard deviation from 2-3 repetitions. Error bars representing the fit error for the Rabi frequency are smaller than datapoints.
of fermion pairs in state |1,1
versus time for a strongly driven Rabi oscillation. The solid line shows a phenomenological guide to the eye composed of three sinusoids with frequencies near ER/h, 2ER/h, and 3ER/h. This strongly driven Rabi oscillation at the avoided crossing of
) quantifies the coherence of the register array at strong interactions. A fitted exponential without offset has 1/e time constant τ=2.3(1) s at |ΔE|=h×1.594(7) kHz (upper trace), τ=0.84(5) s at |ΔE|=h×8.98(7) kHz (middle trace), and τ=0.49(2) s at |ΔE|=h×50.7(4) kHz (lower trace), corresponding to magnetic fields B=206.976(8) G, B=204.235 (8) G, and B=202.091(8) G, respectively. Error bars of τ represent fit error.
An array of fermion pairs can used to robustly encode and manipulate quantum information. Fermionic statistics enable initialization of a low-entropy array of spin-singlet fermion pairs and restrict the fermion dynamics to a symmetry-protected subspace. Quantum information is encoded in the motional state of each fermion pair by forming superpositions of center-of-mass and relative vibrational motion. Working in a subspace of pairs of fermions decouples the quantum information from environmental noise. Strong interactions are induced via a Feshbach resonance, allowing for tunability of the two-fermion motional qubit frequency over several orders of magnitude.
A quantum register based on fermion pairs in a 2D optical lattice provides a new route towards quantum simulation and computation by leveraging Pauli exclusion for high fidelity preparation and control of spin-entangled and motionally entangled states of fermions. Local control of fermion pairs can be achieved using optical tweezers to alter the confinement or change the anharmonicity on a lattice site. Alternatively, localized Raman lasers allow for rapid (e.g., about 1 μs) variation of the interaction strength. Shorter wavelength lattices and lighter mass fermions can be used to increase the speed of the recoil gate by over two orders of magnitude.
Extensions to full gate-based control of entangled many-body states may be realized via locally induced cold collisions between fermion pairs in adjacent lattice sites or by Rydberg excitation of fermion pairs. Allowing for tunneling between adjacent lattice sites enables the exploration of extended Fermi-Hubbard models with additional orbital degrees of freedom. Furthermore, the accurate simultaneous control of hundreds of molecules in superposition with free atom pairs allows for site-resolved detection of many-body states of dipolar molecules, for tests of fundamental symmetries, and for metrology based on molecular clocks.
More generally, the qubit encoding disclosed here can be applied to any physical system with a similar energy landscape. The features of the physical system (or Hamiltonian) are simply: kinetic energy, a harmonic trap, and quartic corrections to the harmonic trap which have fixed relative magnitude (which is generally enforced by a fixed geometry of the potential). In such a system, if the harmonic trap is sufficiently deep, the lowest-lying spatial eigenstates resemble simple harmonic oscillator eigenstates and the quartic corrections to the harmonic trap are perturbative. By placing two excitations (for example, fermions) in such a system, and encoding quantum information in how these excitations are distributed between excited states of the potential, the qubit encoding is insensitive to the depth of the potential. The effects of the corrections to the spatial potential of higher order than the quartic terms can be reduced or eliminated by increasing the overall potential depth.
Alternative physical implementations of this qubit encoding are possible. For example, instead of being sinusoidal, the spatial potential could include an optical tweezer formed by a Gaussian light beam, where the lowest-lying spatial eigenstates resemble simple harmonic oscillator eigenstates in a sufficiently deep trap, and the quartic corrections to the harmonic trap are fixed in magnitude and determined by the waist and Rayleigh range of the Gaussian beam. Alternatively, the quantum information can be encoded in the excitations of a superconducting circuit formed by a capacitor and Josephson junction, where an effective energy landscape exists for the phase of the superconductor. This energy landscape is identical to a massive particle in an optical lattice, where the role of mass is fulfilled by the capacitor, and the strength of tunneling in the Josephson junction determines the depth of the effective lattice. Furthermore, while fermionic symmetry constraints protect the qubit encoding here, this encoding could be implemented with bosons as well, or with a single massive particle in a rotationally symmetric 2D potential, although in such implementations, the symmetry protections may be reduced or altered, and the initialization method is different.
During initialization, Pauli exclusion energetically freezes out triply occupied lattice sites (i.e., Pauli exclusion prevents more than two fermions 102 from occupying a single lattice site 120/potential well 122). Pauli exclusion also forces the spin wavefunction of each fermion pair 110 to be a spin singlet, thereby protecting the two-particle spatial wavefunction Ψ({right arrow over (r)}1, {right arrow over (r)}2) to remain exchange-symmetric at all times, Ψ({right arrow over (r)}1, {right arrow over (r)}2)=Ψ({right arrow over (r)}2, {right arrow over (r)}1) . Motion in each well 122 occurs in the quasi-1D regime, with in-plane (x-y) confinement much stronger than in the out-of-plane (z) direction (angular frequencies ωx,y≈4ωz) as indicated by the elongation of the lattice site 120 in the out-of-plane direction.
The quantum information (quantum bits, or qubits for short) is encoded in the subspace of vibrational states of the potential well 122 with two units of harmonic energy along z (2ωz), where exactly two symmetric two-particle states exist. In the first state |1,1
, shown at upper right in
)/√{square root over (2)}, also shown at upper right in
ωz. Generally, single-particle perturbations can only couple the pair states at second order. The singlet spin wavefunction being a bystander to the pair motion, fermion pairs 110 are also immune against magnetic field noise.
ωz energy into the relative motion of the fermion pair promoting it to state |2
rel, while leaving the center-of-mass (COM) motion in the harmonic ground state, |0
COM. At the magnetic field B0 where interactions vanish, this atom pair 110 in relative motion becomes degenerate with the state |2
rel where the two atoms 102 instead have two units of COM motion. The latter emerges from a molecular state with that same excited COM motion existing at B<B0.
Control of the fermion pair qubit 110 is achieved via tunable interactions with optical and magnetic fields and the anharmonicity of the lattice potential, which couples the interacting states.
At vanishing interactions, the degeneracy of the two-pair qubit states is lifted by the anharmonicity of the lattice (center of 2 π2/(2maz2), and az is the lattice periodicity. For V>>1 (in the experiment described below, V≈8000), atoms experience a deep lattice and are localized near the potential minima. To first order, the trap is harmonic with energy
ωz=2ER√{square root over (V)}, and the pair states |1,1
and |0,2
s are degenerate, removing dependence of their energy difference on V. At second order, the quartic corrections ˜VER(z/az)4 possess two effects. First, the characteristic size of the wave packet scales with the harmonic oscillator length √{square root over (
/mωz)}=(az/π)V−1/4, leading to quartic corrections ˜ER on the scale of the recoil energy, independent of the potential depth. Second, because
grows as ˜n2, the single-particle energy spectrum becomes non-linear En−E0≈n
ωz−n(n+1)ER/2, which breaks the degeneracy of the atom pair states. As a result, |0,2
s shifts below |1,1
by ER, which we call the recoil gap. The relative fluctuations of this gap with V, due to the next order corrections (9/8)ER/√{square root over (V)}, are strongly suppressed by √{square root over (V)}>>1, highlighting the advantages of atom pair states compared to encoding information in single-particle harmonic states. Moreover, the existence and inherent stability of the recoil gap are not specific to a lattice potential 120. They are a general feature of any anharmonic potential with rigid shape, with the role of az replaced by another geometric scale.
When repulsive interactions dominate (right side of COM|0
)/√{square root over (2 )} while the lower energy state is |0
)/√{square root over (2)}. In the relative ground state, |0
rel atoms 102 overlap maximally and experience a repulsive energy shift rel
rel=U from two-particle interactions Û, while in |2
rel they overlap less strongly, leading to a weaker shift rel
rel=U/2. The resulting energy separation between the pair states is U/2, which is set by the interaction strength and is experimentally controlled via the magnetic field.
and |0,2
s. Analogous to other two-level systems, Rabi oscillations are produced by modulating an off-diagonal matrix element, the interaction energy
sU/4, at the frequency of the recoil gap. The oscillation is observed by counting the number
of fermion pairs in state |1,1
in a central region of the 2D array (see methods).
is engineered to fluoresce when imaged with a detector array or camera, and state |0,2
, is engineered to appear dark. This is achieved by coherently splitting exclusively fermion pairs in the |1,1
state via a double-well into two separate, spin-entangled fermions, which are subsequently imaged as shown in the top row of
state (bright) to the |0,2
s state (dark) and returns to the |1,1) state. The images were taken at 0 ms (left), 22.5 ms (center), and 44.5 ms (right) and are arranged in a 20×20 grid over the field of view. The insets at lower left show the prevalent qubit states at the different times. The insets at lower right show the entire atomic cloud at the different times.
For every state of COM motion, there is an identical ladder of states of relative motion, starting with the molecular state. The pair qubit states approach degeneracy for vanishing interactions, at the zero of the scattering length a3D. There, the approximate 1D two-particle spatial wavefunctions (insets) approach the eigenstates |1,1 and |0,2
s of the recoil gap. For increasing attraction, moving towards the Feshbach resonance, the lower energy state first evolves into |2
rel and then into a deeply bound molecular state with COM motion, with the two atoms therefore strongly bound to each other, as seen by their wavefunction being concentrated near the diagonal z1≈z2. In stark contrast, the higher energy state evolves into |0
rel and then into a strongly repulsive, “fermionized” pair, with largely reduced probability for the two atoms to be at the same location. Near the point of fermionization, additional, narrow anharmonicity-mediated resonances exist with molecules in excited transverse COM states, where coherent interconversion has been demonstrated.
and |0,2
s at the recoil gap frequency ER/h=140.76(3) Hz. In contrast, at strong interactions (right panel) the molecular binding energy drives a much faster Ramsey oscillation at 36.00(3) kHz between a 2D array of strongly repulsive fermion pairs and a lattice of tightly bound molecules.
The recoil gap features suppressed sensitivity to laser intensity noise. The inset of ωz doubles, while the recoil gap energy changes by only 2.40(6)%. Moving away from the avoided crossing, the energy difference begins to be determined by interactions. In this regime, increasing the trapping depth confines the atomic wavefunction more tightly and enhances interactions, thus enabling local manipulation of the pair qubit frequency with targeted laser beams.
The upper plot shows the envelopes of the coherent fermion pair qubit oscillation for the different pulse sequences. The lower plots show the oscillations of the fermion pair qubits for the different pulse sequences. The decay envelopes for the different pulse sequences provide insight into noise sources and increasing the qubit coherence time. The Ramsey pulse sequence produces a decay envelope (triangles) that yields the intrinsic phase noise. The superposition decays in τ=300(10) ms after about 40 recoil oscillations, with random spatial structure. In contrast, if an echo Tt-pulse (squares) is inserted into the Ramsey oscillation to cancel static noise, the coherence time increases to τEcho=3.2(1) s, corresponding to about 450 recoil oscillations and 105 harmonic oscillator periods. In combination, these observations indicate the presence of a near static spatial variation of recoil gap energies on the order of about 0.75 Hz, or 0.5% ER, within the 2D array of fermion pair qubits.
Modulating interactions at the recoil gap frequency reduces or eliminates the effects of static noise at the recoil gap. This dressing scheme preserves the quantum information in an arbitrary qubit state for over 4 seconds. The method is analogous to applying an oscillating transverse magnetic field in order to stabilize an ensemble of dephasing spins. In the frame rotating with the drive, the applied static field is perpendicular to and much larger than any residual dephasing fields, leading to a uniform quantization energy across the ensemble, thereby preserving arbitrary state superpositions. Here, interaction dressing extends coherence to τ=4.0(3) s (circles in
The fermion pair qubits 110 are composed of 40K atoms from a 40K source 514 coupled to the main vacuum chamber 510 as shown in and |F=9/2, mF=−7/2
. These states possess an approximately 7 G wide s-wave Feshbach resonance at B∞≈202.1 G, which allows tuning of the interaction strength using the magnetic field, and a zero crossing of interactions at B0=209.094(8) G.
The fermion pairs 110 can be manipulated by varying the magnetic field produced by the magnetic field coils 540, which are at opposite ends of the vacuum chamber 510 and concentric with the z axis (the elongated dimension of the 3D optical lattice 521). Varying the amplitude of the current running through the coils 540 changes the amplitude of the magnetic field along the z axis. This current can be pulsed to increase the coherence time as explained with respect to FIGS. 4A-4D and 6A-6C.
In a typical experiment, the atoms 102 are prepared near 151 G at repulsive interactions. To initialize fermion pairs 110 in the qubit subspace, the coils 540 ramp the magnetic field across the Feshbach resonance to 208 G in about 80 ms, which is sufficiently fast to avoid narrow resonances between fermion 110 pairs and molecules in higher COM states, either in transverse or z-directional motion, that all occur at fields below about 202 G. The coils 540 ramp the magnetic field further to zero interactions at 209.094 G, in another roughly 100 ms, to initialize fermion pairs in the state |1,1, the upper of the two recoil eigenstates. At the recoil gap, the measured loss rates for the two pair qubit states |1,1
and |0,2
s are 0.00(2) Hz and 0.08(3) Hz, respectively, and the measured bit-flip rates are 0.06(1) Hz and 0.05(3) Hz.
To drive Rabi oscillations between the |1,1 and |0,2
s states at the recoil gap, interactions are modulated from repulsive to attractive at 140.65 Hz using a magnetic field generated by the coils 540. State |1,1
is converted to state |0,2
s and vice versa with probability 99.9973(3) %, as calculated from the decay of the contrast of Rabi oscillations (ƒRabi=23.902(4) Hz, τ=4.0(3) s, Gaussian fit). Some fermion pairs 110 in excited vibrational states give spurious, but constant, contributions to the signal, reducing oscillation contrast to 92(1) %. A route to improve this contrast through better sample preparation techniques has been demonstrated in recent experiments that achieve low-entropy arrays with fermion pair densities exceeding 99.5%.
For readout, an additional 1064 nm superlattice beam 527 from laser 520c illuminates the fermion pair qubit(s) 110 through a window 512 in the bottom of the vacuum chamber 510. (Alternatively, the lattice beams 523 and superlattice beam 527 can be generated by the same laser.) This superlattice beam 527 is directly retroreflected in the z direction (532 nm lattice spacing), coherently separating the long wavelength z lattice into a double well, as described above with respect to
Through readout, only lattice sites 120 with two atoms originally in state |1,1 appear bright, while sites with two atoms initially in state |0,2
s appear fully dark as sensed by the detector array 570, such as a CCD, through the microscope 530. Imperfect preparation of pair qubits can lead to some sites that are occupied by fluorescent single atoms. To more easily distinguish state 51 1,1
from these single atoms, the applied double well is tilted during the splitting process to move all singly occupied sites into a specific layer, which can then be made dark by tuning the relative fluorescence of the two vertical layers. The variable
counts the bright sites in a circle of radius 10 sites at the center of the atomic cloud. Repeated images of the same cloud reveal an imaging loss of
of about 12%. Improved imaging loss rates near about 2% have been demonstrated.
The fermion pairs 110 can also be manipulated with an optical tweezer beam 525 from one of the lasers 520a. The optical tweezer beam 525 can manipulate a fermion-pair qubit 110 by altering the confining potential experienced by the fermion-pair qubit 110 or by altering the interaction strength between the fermions in the fermion-pair qubit 110 as described below. This optical tweezer beam 525 is at a wavelength that is not resonant with any fermion energy level transition to prevent undesired excitation. The optical tweezer beam 525 can be shaped or spatially modulated with a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator (SLM), a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) mirror array, or another suitable device to produce a desired spatial pattern in the focal plane of the microscope 530. This modulation can be varied in time, e.g., to shift the optical tweezer beam 525 from one lattice site to another lattice site or to manipulate a particular fermion pair in a particular way.
The optical tweezer beam 525, optical lattice 521, and magnetic coils 540 are controlled by a computer 580 that is coupled to the lasers 520, active optical components 526, frequency stabilization circuitry 528, and magnetic coils 540. All of the components are powered by one or more power supplies 590. In this example, many of the optical components are mounted on two different optical tables 502a and 502b, but they could also be mounted on the same optical table. The system can also be made much more compact with integrated electronics and optics and a smaller vacuum chamber.
The energy spectrum of two identical atoms in a 3D, anisotropic harmonic trap interacting via a delta function potential can be calculated exactly, given the 3D scattering length and the harmonic trap frequencies. The trap frequencies ωx/2π=96.84(4) kHz, ωy/2π=96.55(4) kHz, and ωz/2π=25.09(4) kHz are measured via lattice intensity modulation spectroscopy. The 3D scattering length a3D of the lowest two hyperfine states of 40K as a function of magnetic field is provided by a theoretical calculation, adjusted for the new precise measurement reported here (
The magnitude of the recoil gap at vanishing interactions in a 1D lattice potential can be derived using perturbation theory. Corrections proportional to z4 in the potential are included up to second order in perturbation theory, and corrections proportional to z6 are included to first order in perturbation theory. The resulting energy of vibrational state |n in a lattice potential VER sin2(πz/az) to this order is
The recoil gap between the pair states |1,1 and |0,2
s is
Exact energies can be obtained from solutions to Mathieu's equation.
The two atoms interact via a delta function potential Û=(4πa3D/m)δ(3)(r1−r2). The first order perturbative energy shift
for a given state is more easily evaluated in the basis of suitably normalized center-of-mass and relative coordinates, R≡(r1+r2)/√{square root over (2 )} and r≡(r1−r2)/√{square root over (2)}, respectively.
First, calculate Û
for the ground state. At vanishing interactions, in the absence of anharmonicity, the ground state of the trap is the harmonic oscillator ground state in x, y, and z for both atoms,
where li=√{square root over (/mωi)} is the harmonic oscillator length for coordinate rμ,i. To evaluate
, one can transform to R and r coordinates. The form of the wavefunction is identical,
and the form of Û is (4π2a3D/m)[δ(3)(r)/23/2]. The operator Û does not affect the coordinate R, and the wavefunctions of R are already normalized. Thus, the ground state energy shift at weak interactions is
In a quasi-1D geometry, the transverse wavefunction (i.e., for motion along x and y) remains in the harmonic ground state for weak interactions. One can then work in the basis of normalized harmonic oscillator states of the rotated z coordinates, zc=(z1+z2)/√{square root over (2)} and zr=(z1−z2)/√{square root over (2)}, with the understanding that the transverse state is the ground state. As explained above, the two pair qubit states can be written as |2COM|0
)/√{square root over (2 )} and |0
)/√{square root over (2)}. The interaction energy shift depends solely on the magnitude of the relative wavefunction at zrel=0, which is a factor of √{square root over (2 )} smaller in state |2
rel than in state |0
rel. Thus, the energy shift is U/2 for |0
rel, while it is U for |2
and |0,2
s states, the fermion pairs are initialized at the recoil gap. Aside from an overall offset, the static effective Hamiltonian near the recoil gap is
in the basis |1,1, |0,2
s, where σz and σx are the Pauli matrices.
This Hamiltonian is produced by sinusoidal modulation of the magnetic field, B(t)=B0+ΔB sin(ERt/), with B0=209.094 G being the field where the interactions vanish. The resulting frequency of Rabi oscillation is ƒRabi=ΔU/4h. Each drive operation begins as a sine wave, and the applied amplitude ΔB is varied to achieve a π/2-pulse (left panel of
In a Ramsey measurement ( and |0,2
s, the two states acquire a relative phase due to their energy difference, and a π/2-pulse re-interferes the superposition (
and |0,2
s. The first π/2-pulse is along the x-axis and rotates the state from the z-axis to y-axis. The h/4ER delay then leaves the state unchanged but ensures that the subsequent applied dressing is along the y-axis, aligned with the state vector. The final π/2-pulse lies in the x-y plane of the rotating frame. The orientation of this pulse rotates with the dressing time, leading to oscillation.
then decays due to loss of coherence within the register array, from which the coherence time is obtained, shown in
Local addressing can be used to implement single-qubit gates among the fermion pair qubits in the quantum register. Locally altering the fermion pair confinement is entirely sufficient for arbitrary local control and can be accomplished on a specific lattice site using far-off resonant optical tweezers, for example. Optical tweezers can be implemented in quantum gas microscopes with single-site resolution in a dense 2D lattice.
An optical tweezer can double the trap depth on a given lattice site with an optical power level as low as 150 μW for 40K atoms, with a negligible rate of photon scattering. This increase in confinement nearly doubles the speed of phase winding at finite interactions per the scaling of the interaction energy with the trap depth V given below. Thus, local gates can easily be engineered to proceed at the same rate as any global gate demonstrated here, with good dynamic range.
In addition, other schemes exist for fast, local control. In a localized Raman scheme, for example, local co-propagating Raman beams can cause hyperfine changes dependent on the atom pair state, rapidly advancing the phase and coming back to the original hyperfine state. Alternatively, optical Feshbach resonances can be used, where optical coupling can be used to shift the energy of the molecular state which produces the resonance, thereby changing the effective induced interaction strength. The interaction strength can thus potentially be modulated at speeds exceeding 1 MHz.
There are two processes that drive gates for a fermion-pair qubit: (1) the recoil energy sets a default rotation rate about one axis of the qubit; and (2) interaction modulation or tuning sets the rotation rate about another axis of the qubit. The dynamic speed of the second process and hence of a single-qubit gate can be varied by interaction tuning (e.g., as in
The speed of rotations around the recoil gap axis of the Bloch sphere is controlled by the recoil energy. The 140 Hz rotation speed for a 3-micron lattice can be increased by decreasing the lattice spacing in the z direction, decreasing the fermion mass, or both. For example, using a 532 nm lattice increases the rotation speed to 4.4 kHz. The lighter fermion lithium-6 in a 532 nm lattice increases the recoil energy further to 30 kHz. Focused tweezers can increase in the recoil frequency locally and dynamically by changing the spatial potential experienced by the fermions. More specifically, an optical tweezer can change both the depth of the effective harmonic trap and the quartic corrections to the harmonic trap potential. The value of the energy gap at vanishing interactions (the recoil energy) is determined by the precise geometric nature of the optical lattice potential. Changing the geometry of this potential with an optical tweezer changes the value of the energy gap (recoil energy). These changes enable universal, local, single-qubit control at speeds near 30 kHz. Given qubit coherence times exceeding tens of seconds, this can yield qubit error rates below 10−5.
Long range interactions between fermion-pair qubits on different lattice sites can be induced through Rydberg excitation of fermion pairs, which allow two-qubit gates to be performed between separate pairs of fermions at rates approaching MHz timescales. Established technology for Rydberg excitation with localized addressing lasers can be directly employed. Here, the Rydberg laser excites the pair of fermions into a molecular Rydberg state, dependent on the initial state of the pair of fermions.
A collisional two-qubit gate can be implemented by lowering the barrier between adjacent lattice sites with a targeted optical tweezer, causing the fermion pairs from the adjacent lattice sites to collide and acquire a state-dependent phase due to interactions, then separating the fermion pairs and restoring the barrier between the adjacent lattice sites. The timescale for a controlled collision two-qubit gate is set by the timescale to ramp down a lattice well, have atoms collide, and leave again. Collisions between the qubits can be made resonantly strong (e.g., as in
While various inventive embodiments have been described and illustrated herein, those of ordinary skill in the art will readily envision a variety of other means and/or structures for performing the function and/or obtaining the results and/or one or more of the advantages described herein, and each of such variations and/or modifications is deemed to be within the scope of the inventive embodiments described herein. More generally, those skilled in the art will readily appreciate that all parameters, dimensions, materials, and configurations described herein are meant to be exemplary and that the actual parameters, dimensions, materials, and/or configurations will depend upon the specific application or applications for which the inventive teachings is/are used. Those skilled in the art will recognize or be able to ascertain, using no more than routine experimentation, many equivalents to the specific inventive embodiments described herein. It is, therefore, to be understood that the foregoing embodiments are presented by way of example only and that, within the scope of the appended claims and equivalents thereto, inventive embodiments may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described and claimed. Inventive embodiments of the present disclosure are directed to each individual feature, system, article, material, kit, and/or method described herein. In addition, any combination of two or more such features, systems, articles, materials, kits, and/or methods, if such features, systems, articles, materials, kits, and/or methods are not mutually inconsistent, is included within the inventive scope of the present disclosure.
Also, various inventive concepts may be embodied as one or more methods, of which an example has been provided. The acts performed as part of the method may be ordered in any suitable way. Accordingly, embodiments may be constructed in which acts are performed in an order different than illustrated, which may include performing some acts simultaneously, even though shown as sequential acts in illustrative embodiments.
All definitions, as defined and used herein, should be understood to control over dictionary definitions, definitions in documents incorporated by reference, and/or ordinary meanings of the defined terms.
The indefinite articles “a” and “an,” as used herein in the specification and in the claims, unless clearly indicated to the contrary, should be understood to mean “at least one.”
The phrase “and/or,” as used herein in the specification and in the claims, should be understood to mean “either or both” of the elements so conjoined, i.e., elements that are conjunctively present in some cases and disjunctively present in other cases. Multiple elements listed with “and/or” should be construed in the same fashion, i.e., “one or more” of the elements so conjoined. Other elements may optionally be present other than the elements specifically identified by the “and/or” clause, whether related or unrelated to those elements specifically identified. Thus, as a non-limiting example, a reference to “A and/or B”, when used in conjunction with open-ended language such as “comprising” can refer, in one embodiment, to A only (optionally including elements other than B); in another embodiment, to B only (optionally including elements other than A); in yet another embodiment, to both A and B (optionally including other elements); etc.
As used herein in the specification and in the claims, “or” should be understood to have the same meaning as “and/or” as defined above. For example, when separating items in a list, “or” or “and/or” shall be interpreted as being inclusive, i.e., the inclusion of at least one, but also including more than one, of a number or list of elements, and, optionally, additional unlisted items. Only terms clearly indicated to the contrary, such as “only one of” or “exactly one of,” or, when used in the claims, “consisting of,” will refer to the inclusion of exactly one element of a number or list of elements. In general, the term “or” as used herein shall only be interpreted as indicating exclusive alternatives (i.e., “one or the other but not both”) when preceded by terms of exclusivity, such as “either,” “one of,” “only one of,” or “exactly one of.” “Consisting essentially of,” when used in the claims, shall have its ordinary meaning as used in the field of patent law.
As used herein in the specification and in the claims, the phrase “at least one,” in reference to a list of one or more elements, should be understood to mean at least one element selected from any one or more of the elements in the list of elements, but not necessarily including at least one of each and every element specifically listed within the list of elements and not excluding any combinations of elements in the list of elements. This definition also allows that elements may optionally be present other than the elements specifically identified within the list of elements to which the phrase “at least one” refers, whether related or unrelated to those elements specifically identified. Thus, as a non-limiting example, “at least one of A and B” (or, equivalently, “at least one of A or B,” or, equivalently “at least one of A and/or B”) can refer, in one embodiment, to at least one, optionally including more than one, A, with no B present (and optionally including elements other than B); in another embodiment, to at least one, optionally including more than one, B, with no A present (and optionally including elements other than A); in yet another embodiment, to at least one, optionally including more than one, A, and at least one, optionally including more than one, B (and optionally including other elements); etc.
In the claims, as well as in the specification above, all transitional phrases such as
“comprising,” “including,” “carrying,” “having,” “containing,” “involving,” “holding,” “composed of,” and the like are to be understood to be open-ended, i.e., to mean including but not limited to. Only the transitional phrases “consisting of” and “consisting essentially of” shall be closed or semi-closed transitional phrases, respectively, as set forth in the United States Patent Office Manual of Patent Examining Procedures, Section 2111.03.
This application claims the priority benefit, under 35 U.S.C. 119 (e), of U.S. Application No. 63/069,279, which was filed on Jun. 23, 2020, and is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
This invention was made with Government support under Grant No. PHY1734011 and PHY1506019 awarded by the National Science Foundation and under Grant No. FA9550-14-1-0035 and FA9550-16-1-0324 awarded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and under Grant No. N00014-17-1-2257 and N00014-19-1-2631 awarded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR). The Government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
63069279 | Aug 2020 | US |