This disclosure relates generally to quantum circuits, and more particularly, to quantum number preserving circuits for preparing quantum states representing fermions in computational unit-based quantum computers.
The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) is a class of quantum algorithms suitable to solve certain optimization problems, including such of relevance in computational chemistry. Since the inception of the VQE approach in 2014, there have been many proposals for the design and construction of the “entangler circuit” element, also referred to as VQE ansatz or just ansatz.
Prior embodiments typically assume the existence of efficient techniques to initialize an initial quantum state with proper quantum numbers (e.g., the Hartree-Fock state, which can be initialized by a single PauliX gate on each qubit representing an occupied orbital in the Jordan-Wigner representation when starting from the canonical all-zero state).
From this point, prior embodiments typically explore different pathways for the construction of parametrized entangler circuits with favorable properties. The objective of the entangler circuit design is to produce an entangler circuit template with the power to explore a large and chemically important portion of the computational Hilbert space for the underlying molecular problem at hand. Additionally, some of these prior embodiments may preserve one or more of the target molecular quantum numbers N60 , Nβ and s. However, the prior embodiments do not preserve all three quantum numbers while also providing short, e.g., linear or quadratic in the number of qubits, circuit depths with local gates each acting on a small number of qubits (e.g., two) of the entangler circuits proposed in our embodiments
The present disclosure provides a method for preparing states on a quantum computer with given particle number and total spin squared quantum numbers by means of parametrized gates. Explicit decompositions of these gates are given for an embodiment of the method where fermions are mapped to the computational units of the quantum computer by means of a Jordan-Wigner mapping. As an example, the method is advantageous for the variational optimization of energies of chemical systems and the quantum computation of activation energies of chemical reactions.
One object of the disclosure is a construction of parametrized quantum circuits that have advantageous properties as ansätz for the simulation of fermionic systems with the VQE method. In particular, embodiments of the disclosure proposed here preserve all three quantum numbers Nα, Nβ and s, have a linear (in number of computational units (e.g., qubits) n) or low polynomial, e.g., proportional to n2or n3, number of gates and parameters and can reach states with seniority larger than zero. Preservation of these three quantum numbers is beneficial for finding accurate approximations to the properties of the fermionic system, because the physically relevant states typically have exactly determined and a priori known values for these quantum numbers.
Accordingly, the disclosure provides a method according to claim 1, a data processing apparatus system according to claim 14, a computer program product according to claim 16 and a computer-readable storage medium according to claim 17. Advantageous embodiments are the subject of dependent claims. They may be combined freely unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
A method for preparing one or more quantum states in a quantum computer representing states of fermions in m modes comprises:
Embodiments of the disclosure have other advantages and features which will be more readily apparent from the following detailed description and the appended claims, when taken in conjunction with the examples in the accompanying drawings, in which:
In the method according to the disclosure, mapping fermions to computational units has the function of enabling computations and simulations of physical systems of fermions, such as the electrons in molecules, on quantum computers using computational units as their elementary computational units. A mapping is an isomorphic embedding of a subspace of the Hilbert space of the fermions into a subspace of the Hilbert space of the computational units. Examples of suitable mappings include the Jordan-Wigner mapping and the Bravyi-Kitaev mapping.
The fermions can for example be electrons in a molecule.
A computational unit of a quantum computer is a logical entity characterized by a discrete or continuous number of controllable quantum states with the property that multiple identical or non-identical computational units can be combined to increase the computational power of the quantum computer by means of quantum coherence appearing between the quantum states of the computational units. Examples of computational units are qubits, qudits, fermions, and bosons.
Qubits can either be physical qubits realized with technologies including superconducting qubits, trapped ions, trapped atoms, photons in waveguides, quantum dots, nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond, nuclear magnetic resonance, or topological quantum computing, or they can be logical qubits of an error correcting or fault tolerant quantum computer. Depending on the technology used, the qubits are carried by different physical entities such as, e.g., an ion in the case of a quantum computer realized with trapped ions or a photon in the case of a quantum computer realized with photos in waveguides, in a similar way as a classical bit can be carried by different physical entities such as the direction of magnetization of a small area of a hard drive or a charged or uncharged capacitator. Depending on the technology used, the hardware may support different gate operations natively, meaning that there is a direct correspondence between a physical action on the one or more carrying physical entities, e.g., such as shining a laser on a set of ions, and the action of the corresponding native gate on the one or more qubits carried by these entities.
As used herein, the term quantum computer can include computationally non-universal quantum computing devices, such as devices that are not BQP (bounded-error quantum polynomial time) complete, also commonly referred to as quantum simulators.
For convenience, the remaining description uses the term ‘qubit.’ However, references to qubits in the remaining description may be applicable to other types of computational units. The technology used to realize the qubits may impose constraints on which qubits can be made to directly interact with which other qubits, e.g., depending on the positions of the physical entities carrying the qubits, and the technology may allow the movement of qubits either physical or logically. Thereby, physically moving qubits can mean moving the physical carrier inside the quantum computer and logically moving qubits can mean applying one or more SWAP operations to exchange the quantum states of the qubits between different physical carriers.
We denote with the symbol m the number of modes of the fermionic system. In case of a chemical system, m equals the number of spin orbitals of the electrons that are to be simulated.
The particle number operators {circumflex over (N)}α and {circumflex over (N)}β count the number of spin up (alpha) and spin down (beta) fermions, i.e., number of particles in fermionic orbitals with spin up and down respectively. Ŝ2 measures the total spin of the fermions. These operators have a canonical representation in terms of fermionic creation and annihilation operators acting on the Hilbert space of the fermions. Transforming them under the chosen fermion to qubit mapping yields their representation as operators acting on the Hilbert space of qubits. For example, their qubit representation under the Jordan Wigner may be mapped in terms of Pauli matrices. It is possible to use a specific variant of the Jordan-Wigner mapping, where for the purpose of treating the sign coming from the fermionic anti-commutation relations the fermions are thought to be in a sequential (first all alpha then all beta orbitals) ordering but subsequently the qubits are numbered (starting from zero) in an interleaved fashion such that the qubits corresponding to alpha (beta) orbitals have even (odd) numbers. Here we refer to this as the seq-int Jordan-Wigner mapping.
Quantum states that are eigenstates of the operators {circumflex over (N)}60 , {circumflex over (N)}β, and Ŝ2 tare referred to herein as configurations. An alpha and a beta fermion are said to be paired if they occupy the same spatial orbital. Configurations can then be classified according to the number of unpaired fermions, their so called seniority. A configuration in which all fermions are paired (in the case of an even number of fermions) is said to have seniority zero, a configuration with one unpaired fermion (in the case of an odd number of fermions) is said to have seniority one, a configuration with two unpaired fermions (in the case of an even number of fermions) is said to have seniority two, and so on.
Initializing initial states of qubits has the function of being able to start the quantum computation from well-defined states. The canonical initial state is the all-zero state of the computational basis which, under the standard Jordan-Wigner mapping, is an eigenstate of {circumflex over (N)}α, {circumflex over (N)}β, and Ŝ2 with eigenvalue zero. Further examples of other initial with states that are eigenstates of {circumflex over (N)}α, {circumflex over (N)}βunder this mapping include those states that can be reached from the all-zero state by flipping subsets of the qubits to their one state, which can be achieved by applying a PauliX Gate, and simple superpositions of such computational basis states can be formed to prepare states that are also eigenstates of Ŝ2. The physical operations performed in the quantum computer to initialize the all-zero state, to apply PauliX gates, and to superpose the resulting states depend on the physical implementation of the quantum computer. Being Hermitian operators, these operators can be diagonalized, which reveals the subspaces of states in Hilbert space that have the same eigenvalues (also called quantum numbers) with respect to these operators.
Gates are the quantum computing analogs to the logic gates of classical computing. They can be applied to subsets of qubits and transform the state of the quantum computer. The quantum gates are the quantum computing analogues of to the classical logic operations such as AND, OR, XOR, and NAND and they are applied in a similar fashion, just to a quantum state of qubits rather than to a register of bits. Applying AND to two classical bits results in the mapping AND(0, 0)=0, AND(0, 1)=0, AND(1, 0)=0, and AND(1, 1)=1. Similarly quantum gates take qubits as inputs and output qubits in different states depending on the input states. How these gates are actually realized in a hardware implementation of a quantum computer depends strongly on the technology that is used, similarly to how one can realize classical bits and logic gates with transistors, relays, or vacuum tubes. Gates can be represented or defined by linear algebraic operators. Parametrized gates are those gates whose linear algebraic form depends on one or more parameter.
A (quantum) circuit is a recipe to apply certain gates to certain subsets of qubits in a given order. Some gates have one or more parameters that can be changed to influence the action of the gate. Examples of such gates are the RX, RY, and RZ rotation gates that rotate a single qubit around the axis defined by the PauliX, PauliY, and PauliZ operator respectively. The parameter here is the rotation angle.
The eigenvalues of the operators of {circumflex over (N)}α, {circumflex over (N)}β, and Ŝ2 are known as quantum numbers. Gates preserve a quantum number if they commute with the respective operator. For example, if the action of a gate is given by an operator &then it preserves the spin squared quantum number s if and only if only if Ĝ Ŝ2−Ŝ2Ĝ=0.
Some gates, such as those acting on disjoint subsets of qubits can be applied in parallel. Other gates, for example ones that do not commute and act on overlapping subsets of qubits, need to be performed in successive time steps. The circuit depth is the minimal number of time steps needed to execute a circuit on a quantum computer. The depth of a circuit constructed according to a recipe can depend on the number of qubits it is to be applied to or the number of fermionic modes m represented by these qubits. The depth can grow with the number of qubits. We say that a quantity such as the circuit depth, or number or parameters grows linearly, quadratically, cubically, polynomially, or exponentially with a quantity x (such for example the number of modes m) if for large values of x the growth of the quantity is approximately described by a linear, quadratic, cubic, polynomial or exponential function. The output of a quantum computation may possibly be further processed classically to derive the sought solution to a given problem or influence following quantum computations. In any case, one measures an observable quantity of the final state of the qubits of the quantum computer. Examples of observable quantities include Hermitian operators such as {circumflex over (N)}α or the Pauli Operators as well as quantities measurable via so-called positive operator valued measurements (POVMs).
In one embodiment the method is a computer-implemented method. In another embodiment, the computational units of the quantum computer are qubits. In another embodiment, the computational units of the quantum computer are fermions. In another embodiment the method further comprises: transmitting and/or receiving a description of the fermionic system and/or the measured observable quantity or results derived from such measured observable quantity to/from the quantum computer. In another embodiment the parametrized quantum circuit comprises one or more of the quantum number preserving gates QNP_A10B01, QNP_A12B21, QNP_A1B1_PX, QNP_A1B1_PBL, QNP_A1B1_PBU, OrbitalFSWAP. These gates have favorable decompositions into short sequences of elementary gates supported on any universal quantum computer.
In another embodiment representations of the quantum number preserving gates are used that have the property of acting on small subsets of the qubits and the parametrized quantum circuit having the property of bringing subsets of qubits corresponding to different orbitals into positions so that the representations of the quantum number preserving gates can act on them. This is favorable because this allows to reach a large class of states with circuits of low depth and few parameters that are moreover easy to optimize or train by means of an iterative procedure.
In another embodiment the system of fermions describes the electrons of a chemical system comprising one or more molecules.
In another embodiment the parameters are changed with the goal of preparing a state with the target quantum numbers as well as further properties equaling target values or being as high or low as possible, where the further properties are observable quantities or a quantum state of quantities that can be computed from such observable quantities. Examples for such properties include them having a low energy with respect to a Hamiltonian of the fermionic system. As an example, the iterative procedure may train the parameters in a similar way as one would be training a neural network.
In another embodiment the decrease (e g , minimization) or increase (e.g., maximization) of an observable quantity of the prepared state or states is performed via an iterative procedure. Examples of such iterative procedures include zeroth, first, or higher order methods from optimization, such as the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm or the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm.
In another embodiment the method further comprises steps to performing a simulation of a chemical reaction or properties of such chemical reaction. An example being the (possibly repeated) usage of the steps from any of the preceding claims to approximate or calculate the energies of one or more chemical system with the intention to deduce the activation or reaction energy of a reaction. In such example one could construct the second quantized Hamiltonian of three chemical systems representing arrangements of atoms in three dimensional space corresponding to the reactants, transition state, and products of the reaction. A VQE algorithm with an ansatz according to the method disclosed here could then be used to perform a minimization of the energy of all three chemical systems. The difference between the minimized energy of the reactants and transition state could yield the activation energy, the difference between the minimized energies of the reactants and products would yield the reaction energy. Another example being the (possibly repeated) usage of the steps from any of the preceding claims to approximate or calculate the absorption or emission spectrum of a molecule.
In another embodiment the quantum computer is either simulated on a classical computer or realized with one of the following approaches: superconducting qubits, trapped ions, trapped atoms, photons in waveguides, quantum dots, nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond, nuclear magnetic resonance, or topological quantum computing.
In another embodiment each qubit is acted on non-trivially by at least one of the gates, i.e., the state vector of the qubits is changed during the computation. The present disclosure is also directed towards a data processing apparatus system comprising means for carrying out the method of the disclosure.
In one embodiment the apparatus comprises a quantum computer realized with one of the following approaches: superconducting qubits, trapped ions, trapped atoms, photons in waveguides, quantum dots, nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond, nuclear magnetic resonance, or topological quantum computing.
Another aspect of the disclosure is a computer program product comprising instructions which, when the program is executed by a computer, cause the computer to carry out the method of the disclosure.
Another aspect of the disclosure is a computer-readable storage medium comprising instructions which, when executed by a computer, cause the computer to carry out the method of the disclosure.
The present disclosure will be further described with reference to the following figures and tables without wishing to be limited by them.
TABLE 1 shows specific embodiments of quantum number preserving gates and their decompositions. Some gates in this table have one parameter called theta indicated in brackets behind the gate name. We define the gates via their action on the fermionic configurations specified in terms of diagrams in the “Configurations” column. The lines represent two spatial fermionic orbitals and a solid (hollow) dot means it is occupied with an alpha (beta) fermion. We also specify the corresponding computational basis states in standard bra-ket notation under the seq-int Jordan-Wigner mapping. The decompositions are also given for this mapping and the gates being applied to qubits labeled [0, 1, 2, 3]. Under the seq-int Jordan-Wigner mapping the gates preserve the quantum numbers Nα, Nβ and s whenever they are applied to any consecutive set of four qubits starting with an even qubit. For the gates in their decompositions it is specified whether/how the gate depends on this parameter and on which of the four gates [0, 1, 2, 3] it acts, where by qubits=[1,3] means that it should act on qubits 1 and 3. The decompositions are in terms of the standard gates CNOT (controlled not gate), SWAP (swaps two qubits physically or logically), PauliZ (operator marking whether a qubit is in state zero or one with respect to the Z axis), RZ (Z rotation gate), and CRZ (controlled RZ rotation gate), and equivalently for X and Y. We adopt the gate conventions from Ville Bergholm, Josh Izaac, Maria Schuld, Christian Gogolin, M. Sohaib Alam, Shahnawaz Ahmed, Juan Miguel Arrazola, Carsten Blank, Alain Delgado, Soran Jahangiri, Keri McKiernan, Johannes Jakob Meyer, Zeyue Niu, Antal Száva, and Nathan Killoran. PennyLane: Automatic differentiation of hybrid quantum-classical computations. 2018. arXiv:1811.04968.04968 The gates of the decompositions (right column) of Tables 1 and 2 are to be applied from top to bottom in the row order given.
In an advantageous embodiment the method comprises specific quantum number preserving gates listed in TABLE 1. We define those gates via the quantum number subspace in which they act and the configurations between which they rotate (middle column). We also disclose in TABLE 1 representations of these quantum number preserving gates in terms of the gates from a standard universal set of gates (right column). This makes them straightforward to implement on any universal quantum computer. For the mapping being the seq-int Jordan-Wigner mapping these representations of the gates rotate between the listed configurations and preserve the quantum numbers Nα, Nβand s whenever they are applied to any sequential set of four qubits starting with a qubit with an even-numbered index.
The specific embodiments of gates have the advantageous effect of acting on a small number (four) of qubits while they can also be combined to circuits with low circuit depth, e.g., linear or quadratic in the number of qubits, that can reach a large number, e.g., exponential in the number of qubits, of states with the target quantum numbers. This makes circuits comprising these gates especially advantageous ansätze for simulating fermionic systems with variational quantum algorithms such as the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE). TABLE 2 lists gates used in the definition of the quantum number preserving gates in TABLE 1 and their decompositions. The decompositions are given for gates being applied to qubits labeled [0, 1, 2, 3] and we use the same notation and conventions as in TABLE 1.
In an embodiment the method further comprises a parametrized quantum circuit, an example of which is displayed in
Additional Material
Depending on the kind of computational unit of a quantum computer and their physical realization, the operations to realize the application of a logical quantum gate can have substantially different physical implementations. The examples below are provided for the standard case of qubits in a standard universal gate library of one and two qubit gate operations.
This is purely for sake of concreteness and not meant to limit the claims of this disclosure. In some quantum computing architectures, other gate operations may directly correspond to physically implementable actions on the computational units. For example, some of the concrete gates described below may be realizable natively in this sense in quantum computers whose computational units are fermions.
On the following we describe an advantageous embodiment of the method. One skilled in the art will recognize that this is one of many specific embodiments of the method detailed in the claims (particularly the general method of claims 1 and 2), and that while we provide this section to aid in technical absorption of the method, the method is not limited by these specifics:
In the following description we utilize quantum number preserving gates from the set QNP_A10B01, QNP_A12B21, QNP_A1B_PX, QNP_A1B1_PBL, QNP_A1B_PBU, OrbitalFSWAP (described above and previously disclosed in application 63/086,555) and the gate QNP_OrbitalGivens which is defined in
In one embodiment, the quantum number preserving gate elements Q may be arranged in a fabric, e.g., a potentially infinitely extendible, local, geometric pattern, such as that in
Additional Material
In some embodiments, aspects of the disclosure may be implemented on a quantum computer and may be accessed via quantum computing as a service (QCaaS), for example, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 10,614,370.
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/086,555, “Quantum Number Preserving Circuits for Preparing Quantum States Representing Fermions in Qubit-Based Quantum Computers,” filed on Oct. 1, 2020 and priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/165,638, “Quantum Number Preserving Circuits for Preparing Quantum States Representing Fermions in Qubit-Based Quantum Computers-Addendum,” filed on Mar. 24, 2021, the subject matter of all of the foregoing is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/US2021/047816 | 8/26/2021 | WO |
Number | Date | Country | |
63086555 | Oct 2020 | US | |
63165638 | Mar 2021 | US |