This invention is related to the field of Inertial Navigation Systems aided with data from a Global Navigation Satellite System referred to as INS-GNSS systems. This application teaches how to make an INS-GNSS system that includes a quasi-tightly-coupled INS-GNSS integration process or method (QTC). The GNSS legend stands for Global Navigation Satellite System. This is the generic term for any satellite system used for positioning and navigation. Currently there are 4 national types of GNSS systems: the GPS (U.S.), GLONASS (Russia), Galileo (European Union) and the Compass system from (China).
A GNSS positioning algorithm is executed in a GNSS receiver to compute a position fix using a trilateration of measured ranges in the form of pseduoranges and carrier phases from the receiver antenna to each tracked satellite. Its use in a GNSS-aided INS requires, in principle, a loosely-coupled (LC) integration in which the aided INS AINS Kalman filter processes the GNSS position fix as a measurement. The known disadvantage of an LC integration is that the GNSS receiver cannot compute a position fix with fewer than 4 satellites and consequently the AINS Kalman filter cannot construct an INS-GNSS (IG) position measurement. The complete loss of aiding data during a partial outage of satellites allows the AINS errors to grow without the constraints imposed by GNSS aiding data
By contrast, a tightly-coupled (TC) integration uses an AINS Kalman filter that processes the pseudoranges and possibly carrier phases generated by the rover GNSS receiver and possibly one or more base receivers at fixed and known locations as measurements. The salient advantage of a TC integration is that during a partial GNSS outage the AINS Kalman filter processes the available observables from fewer than the minimum 4 satellites that the GNSS receiver requires to compute a fully-constrained position fix. Consequently the AINS errors are partially constrained.
A QTC integration is an LC integration that exhibits the salient characteristics of a TC integration, these being
The purpose of pursuing a QTC integration is to allow the integration of a GNSS positioning algorithm into a GNSS AINS with TC integration behavior with as few modifications as possible to the GNSS positioning algorithm. This is often desirable if the algorithm implementation in software is complex, mature and hence not easily modifiable. Such algorithms are often found on high performance GNSS receivers used for precision positioning and survey.
A typical GNSS positioning algorithm is a type of statistical position estimator. Its starting data comprises an a priori antenna position and a position variance-covariance (VCV) matrix. It performs a statistical estimation operation on successive epoch observables comprising pseudoranges and possibly carrier phases, and thereby computes an updated antenna position and VCV that is optimal according to an estimation cost function. The simplest example of such an estimator is a Gauss-Markov least-squares adjustment (LSA). More sophisticated examples include the Kalman filter and its many variants (extended Kalman filter, unscented Kalman filter), and Bayesian estimators.
QTC integration is achieved via two key mechanisms added to an LC integration:
The INS position seeding mechanization requires the a priori antenna position and position VCV in the GNSS positioning algorithm to be computed from the INS position and attitude (roll, pitch, heading) solution. This can be done by simple assignment, i.e. the a priori antenna position and VCV are set equal to the INS-derived antenna position and VCV. Alternatively the GNSS positioning algorithm treats the INS-derived antenna position and VCV as epoch measurements along with the GNSS observables. This causes the GNSS position estimator to adopt the INS-derived antenna position and VCV at a given epoch, which is approximately the same as assignment. Either approach is usually an easy modification to a GNSS positioning algorithm.
The observable subspace constraint on INS-GNSS position aiding comprises two steps. The basis vectors of the observable subspace in a 3-dimensioned position error space are computed. Then the LC IG position measurement in an AINS Kalman filter is constrained to lie in the observable subspace spanned by these vectors. The observable subspace basis vectors are obtained from the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the satellite-differenced range measurement model matrix for the available observables. Satellite differenced range measurements are the differences between pseudoranges from different satellites so as to cancel the receiver clock error. The range measurement model matrix thus maps the satellite-differenced range measurements onto the 3-dimensioned antenna position error space. It is typically used in a least-squares adjustment (LSA) that computes GNSS antenna position from these satellite-differenced range measurements. It is exactly column rank deficient, i.e. has column rank less than 3, and will have a kernel (also called a null space) if fewer than 4 (i.e. 2 or 3) satellite observables are used to construct fewer than 3 (i.e. 1 or 2) satellite-differenced range measurements. The orthogonal complement of the kernel is the observable subspace for these measurements.
The SVD is a particular method of decomposing a matrix into its SVD components comprising the left singular vectors, the right singular vectors and the singular values. These components provide useful information about the properties of the matrix, such as its image space, kernel or null space, its rank and nearness to lower rank. The SVD is used in the QTC integration process to compute the right singular vectors of the SVD of the satellite-differenced range measurement model matrix. These right singular vectors are orthonormal and divide into basis vectors for unobservable and observable subspaces corresponding to the kernel and kernel orthogonal complement of the satellite-differenced range measurement model matrix. Orthonormal vectors are vectors that have unit length and that are orthogonal to each other.
If 4 or more satellites are available but the geometry formed by these satellites is poor as expressed in a large dilution of precision (DOP), then the satellite-differenced range measurement model matrix is close to being column rank deficient and is said to be approximately column rank deficient. The SVD will in this case yield one or more singular values close to zero. The approximate kernel is spanned by the right singular vectors corresponding to the small singular values. Its orthogonal complement is the strongly observable subspace for these measurements, spanned by the right singular vectors corresponding to its large singular values.
The basis vectors obtained from the SVD for the exact or strongly observable subspace are assembled into a transformation matrix that multiplies the LC IG position measurement and measurement model in an AINS Kalman filter to implement the observable subspace constraint. This is again an easy modification of an LC integration. The consequence is that the AINS Kalman filter position measurement model is constructed only in the observable subspace defined by the available satellite-differenced range measurements, and is thereby consistent with the actual position measurement.
The following variations on when to compute and apply the observable subspace constraint can be used in any embodiment.
In a first variation the AINS Kalman filter applies an observable subspace constraint to the IG position measurement only if fewer than 4 satellites are used to compute the GNSS position solution or DOP is large. In this case the satellite differenced model matrices are exactly or approximately column rank deficient, and the IG position measurement must be constrained to the exact or approximate observable subspace. When 4 or more satellites are available, then the AINS Kalman filter computes the regular, i.e. unconstrained IG position measurement.
In a second variation the AINS Kalman filter applies the observable subspace constraint to the IG position measurement at every epoch. If 4 or more satellites are used in the GNSS position estimator, then the transformation is a non-singular rotation from the navigation frame in which the IG position measurement is normally resolved into a basis spanned by the right singular vectors of the model matrix having a full column rank of 3. The information in the measurement is preserved since the transformation is orthonormal.
The preferred embodiment uses the satellite differenced range measurement model matrix and its SVD to compute the observable subspace constraint based on zero or small singular values. It applies the observable subspace constraint to the IG position measurement every epoch to maintain simplicity and consistency.
The description that follows provides a number of equations in which, by way of example, the following notation. {right arrow over (x)} denotes a vector with no specific reference frame of resolution. The notation {right arrow over (x)}a denotes a vector resolved in a coordinate frame called the a-frame. All coordinate frames are right-handed orthogonal frames. The X-Y-Z axes form an orthogonal triad in the forward, right and down directions. Typical coordinate frames of interest are the geographic frame (g-frame) whose principal axes coincide with the North, East and Down directions, and the inertial sensor body frame (b-frame), whose principal axes coincide with the input axes of the inertial sensors of an inertial guidance system.
Subscripts on vectors are used to indicate a particular property or identification of the vector. For example, {right arrow over (l)}sab is a lever arm vector from an INS sensor frame (s-frame) origin to the GNSS antenna frame (a-frame) resolved in the INS body (b-frame) frame coordinates.
Capital letters, when used as in Cab, denotes a direction cosine matrix (DCM) that transforms the vector
{right arrow over (x)}
{right arrow over (x)}
Time dependency of a quantity is indicated with round brackets around a time variable or index. For example, Cab(t1) denotes the value of the DCM at time t1. An upside down “T” superscript “⊥” is used to indicate the orthogonal complement. “Ker” is used to indicate Kernal.
An increment of a variable is indicated with the symbol Δ. For example, Δ{right arrow over (x)} denotes the increment of the vector {right arrow over (x)} over a predefined time interval. An error in a variable is indicated with the symbol δ. For example, 82 denotes the error in the vector {right arrow over (x)}. δΔ{right arrow over (x)} denotes the error in the increment of vector {right arrow over (x)} over a predefined time interval.
The small hat above the vector {right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)} implies that the vector {right arrow over (x)} is approximately but not exactly known. It can be an estimate of {right arrow over (x)} generated by an estimation process such as a least-squares adjustment (LSA) or Kalman filter. A superscript—on a vector {right arrow over (x)} to yield {right arrow over (x)}− indicates an a priori estimate of {right arrow over (x)}, which is the estimate or best guess of {right arrow over (x)} before the occurrence of an estimation process involving new or timely information. A superscript on a vector {right arrow over (x)} to yield {right arrow over (x)}+ indicates an a posteriori estimate of {right arrow over (x)}, which is output of an estimation process involving new or timely information.
The following notation is adopted for use in the Drawings and flow charts. The shape of the blocks in the flow charts of
An inertial navigation system (INS) is a navigation instrument that computes its navigation solution by propagating Newton's equations of motion using as inputs measured specific forces or incremental velocities from a triad of accelerometers and measured angular rates or incremental angles from a triad of gyros. A terrestrial INS is designed to navigate on the earth where it is subjected to gravity and earth rate. A celestial INS is designed to navigate in space where in is subjected to smaller gravitational forces from multiple celestial bodies. This disclosure is concerned only with a terrestrial INS. The qualifier “terrestrial” is hereafter implied but not cited explicitly.
An INS can navigate with a specified accuracy after an initialization of the inertial navigator mechanization during which it determines its initial position, initial velocity and North and down directions to a specified accuracy that is commensurate with its inertial sensor errors. The term “alignment” is used to describe this initialization and any ongoing corrections of the inertial navigator mechanization. A free-inertial INS performs an initial alignment and then propagates its navigation solution with no further corrections. See the text by George Siouris, Aerospace Avionics Systems, A Modern Synthesis, Academic Press 1993 for an overview of an INS.
A Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is one of several satellite-based navigation systems. Current GNSS's are the United States deployed Global Positioning System (GPS), the Russian Federation deployed GLONASS, the European Community deployed GALILEO and the Peoples Republic of China deployed COMPASS. A GNSS receiver uses signals received from satellites to compute a position fix and possibly a velocity every receiver epoch. A typical epoch is one second, but can be shorter depending on the receiver design. A GNSS receiver outputs navigation data comprising time, position and possibly velocity every epoch. Some GNSS receivers also output channel data for each tracked satellite comprising pseudoranges, carrier phases and possibly Doppler frequencies for each frequency and modulation protocol broadcast by the satellite. These are often called observables data or simply observables. A publication by J. Spilker & B Parkinson “Global Positioning System, Theory and Practice Volume I, AIAA Press provides descriptions about GPS and GPS receivers.
An aided INS (AINS) undergoes ongoing corrections to its inertial navigator mechanization or its computed navigation solution. The traditional AINS uses a Kalman filter to estimate INS errors and some means of INS error control to correct the INS errors. A closed-loop AINS uses the estimated INS errors from the Kalman filter to correct the inertial navigator mechanization integrators. This causes the INS alignment to be continuously corrected, and as such is a method for achieving mobile alignment. A feedforward AINS corrects the computed INS navigation solution but leaves the inertial navigator mechanization uncorrected.
The aiding sensors 5 are any sensors that provide navigation information that is statistically independent of the inertial navigation solution that the INS generates. A GNSS receiver is the most widely used aiding sensor, and is the aiding sensor to which this invention applies.
The Kalman filter 4 is a recursive minimum-variance estimation algorithm that computes an estimate of a state vector based on constructed measurements. The measurements typically comprise computed differences between the inertial navigation solution elements and corresponding data elements from the aiding sensors. For example, an inertial-GNSS position measurement comprises the differences in the latitudes, longitudes and altitudes respectively computed by the inertial navigator and a GNSS receiver. The true positions cancel in the differences, so that the differences in the position errors remain. A Kalman filter designed for integration of an INS and aiding sensors will typically estimate the errors in the INS and aiding sensors. The INS errors typically comprise the following:
GNSS errors can include the following:
Reference [3] is a definitive and comprehensive treatment of Kalman filtering. It also contains the aided INS as an example application. Reference [4] provides a detailed analysis of different INS error models that can be used in an AINS Kalman filter.
The error controller 3 computes a vector of resets from the INS error estimates generated by the Kalman filter and applies these to the inertial navigator integration processes, thereby regulating the inertial navigator errors in a closed-loop error control loop. This causes the inertial navigator errors to be continuously regulated and hence maintained at significantly smaller magnitudes that an uncontrolled or free-inertial navigator would be capable of.
The state-of-the-art in aided inertial navigation is mature. The technology originated in the late 1960's, and found application on several military navigation systems. Since then, much research has been conducted and much literature has been generated on the subject.
A tightly-coupled (TC) GNSS-AINS integration uses the observables from the GNSS receiver to construct Kalman filter range measurements, typically one for each receiver channel that tracks a satellite. The commonly known advantage of a TC integration is its optimal use of any and all information in the observables regardless of the number of satellites, including fewer than 4 satellites. An additional advantage reported in [11] is rapid fixed integer ambiguity recovery following a GNSS outage. This is a consequence of the inertial coast of position accuracy through the outage that accelerates the convergence of estimated ambiguities and subsequent ambiguity resolution.
A loosely-coupled (LC) GNSS-AINS integration uses the position fixes and possibly the velocity fixes computed by the GNSS receiver.
{right arrow over (z)}
={right arrow over (r)}
−{right arrow over (r)}
GNSS (1)
{right arrow over (r)}INS is the predicted GNSS antenna position computed from the INS navigation solution
{right arrow over (r)}GNSS is the GNSS antenna position measured by the GNSS receiver.
The IG position measurement can be constructed in any Cartesian coordinate frame of convenience. The following is an example of the IG position measurement constructed in the ECEF coordinate frame.
{right arrow over (z)}
={right arrow over (r)}
−{right arrow over (r)}
e (2)
{right arrow over (r)}
={right arrow over (r)}
{right arrow over (l)}
b (3)
{right arrow over (r)}se is the INS position resolved in the ECEF coordinate frame,
{right arrow over (r)}GNSSe is the GNSS antenna position computed by the GNSS receiver (same as {right arrow over (r)}GNSS in (1)),
{right arrow over (l)}sae is the lever arm vector from the INS to the GNSS antenna resolved in the INS body frame,
Cbg is a direction cosine matrix (DCM) from the INS body frame to the local geographic frame (North-East-Down coordinates) computed from the INS-generated roll, pitch and heading,
Cge is a DCM from the geographic frame to the ECEF frame computed from the INS-generated latitude and longitude.
The following is an example of the IG position measurement constructed in the local geographic or North-East-Down coordinate frame.
The AINS Kalman filter 4 implements a measurement model that has the generic form
{right arrow over (z)}
{right arrow over (x)}
+{right arrow over (η)}
where {right arrow over (x)}AINS is the AINS Kalman filter state vector, AIG is the IG position measurement model matrix and {right arrow over (η)}IG is the measurement noise model with covariance RIG. The measurement model is expanded as follows.
The components of the measurement (1) comprise the true antenna position {right arrow over (r)}a plus INS and GNSS errors as follows.
{right arrow over (r)}
={right arrow over (r)}
+δ{right arrow over (r)}
INS (6)
{right arrow over (r)}
={right arrow over (r)}
+δ{right arrow over (r)}
δ{right arrow over (r)}INS is the error in {right arrow over (r)}INS,
δ{right arrow over (r)}GNSS is the error in {right arrow over (r)}GNSS.
The true antenna position cancels in measurement (1) leaving a difference of the INS and GNSS errors.
{right arrow over (z)}
=δ{right arrow over (r)}
−δ{right arrow over (r)}
GNSS (8)
The measurement model (5) is expressed in terms of the components of the state vector {right arrow over (x)}AINS that are the INS and GNSS position errors.
δ{right arrow over (r)}Iw is a sub-vector of {right arrow over (x)}AINS comprising the INS position errors resolved in the INS wander angle navigation frame, δ{right arrow over (r)}Gg is a sub-vector of {right arrow over (x)}AINS comprising the GNSS position errors resolved in the local geographic frame, {right arrow over (η)}IG is the measurement noise model with covariance RIG=E[{right arrow over (η)}IG{right arrow over (η)}IGT].
The measurement model (9) assumes the INS and GNSS position errors are statistically uncorrelated. Consequently a Kalman filter update will yield an INS position VCV that is constrained by the IG measurement in all three axes of the Cartesian navigation frame in which {right arrow over (z)}IG is constructed.
The rover GNSS receiver 10 generates a set of observables per receiver channel that tracks a satellite signal every epoch. The epoch duration is typically 1 second but can be shorter depending on the receiver design and on its configuration set by the user. The observables for a GPS satellite comprise some or all of the following depending on the design of the receiver:
Comparable observables may be obtained for GLONASS, GALILEO and COMPASS satellites, again depending on the receiver design. The optional reference GNSS receiver 11 is located at a known stationary position. It generates some or all of the observables generated by the rover receiver that are typically required to compute one of several types of differential GNSS position fixes. The GNSS position engine 12 in a typical receiver implements a GNSS positioning algorithm. It receives the rover observables and possibly the reference observables, and with these computes an antenna position fix and possibly an estimation variance-covariance (VCV) matrix. The GNSS positioning algorithm can range from a simple trilateration of pseudoranges to a sophisticated precision position algorithm that computes a kinematic ambiguity resolution (KAR) solution having centimeter-level accuracy relative to the reference receiver position.
The following is a summary of the single point position (SPP) solution in any Cartesian coordinate frame such as the earth-centered-earth-fixed (ECEF) frame. This is likely the simplest GNSS positioning algorithm, and can be cast as representative of any other positioning algorithm that computes an antenna position fix from GNSS range measurements.
Given an a priori (before estimation) rover antenna position {right arrow over (r)}g−, the a posteriori SPP solution is the corrected a priori position
{right arrow over (r)}
={right arrow over (r)}
−δ{right arrow over ({circumflex over (r)}
g (10)
where δ{right arrow over ({circumflex over (r)}g is the estimated error in the a priori position solution obtained from a least squares adjustment (LSA) of range measurements. The following two least squares adjustments using undifferenced and satellite differenced range measurement models can be used to compute δ{right arrow over ({circumflex over (r)}g.
The linearized measurement model relating a GNSS range measurement to the antenna position and receiver clock error is the following.
{circumflex over (r)}
i−ρi=−{right arrow over (u)}iTδ{right arrow over (r)}g−δT (11)
{right arrow over (z)}=H{right arrow over (x)} (12)
The undifferenced range measurement vector is the following.
The undifferenced range measurement model matrix is the following.
The LSA state vector is
The LSA that minimizes the objective
where W is a positive definite symmetric weight matrix. The LSA solution is unique if H has full column rank, which occurs with near certainty if m≧4. Column rank deficiency with m≧4 is a consequence of two LOS vectors coinciding, which is a rare occurrence.
In a system of m equations and n unknowns described by (12), the null space or kernel of the m×n matrix H comprises all n-dimensioned vectors {right arrow over (x)} such that H{right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}=0. The kernel of H is written as Ker (H) and is non-trivial if H is rank deficient, which happens if m is less than n, as in the case where there are fewer equations to be solved than the number of variables in each equation.
Only column rank deficient matrices have kernels. Column rank deficiency implies the matrix does not have linearly independent columns. If the columns of a matrix H are {right arrow over (h)}1, . . . , {right arrow over (h)}n then linear dependence implies at least one column can be cast as a linear combination of the other columns, i.e. {right arrow over (h)}i=s1{right arrow over (h)}1+ . . . +si−1{right arrow over (h)}i−1+si+1{right arrow over (h)}i+1+ . . . +sn{right arrow over (h)}n. An m×n matrix is column rank deficient if m is less than n or if n is greater than m and its columns are not linearly independent.
The receiver clock error is removed by computing differences between GNSS range measurements in (11) as follows using Δxij
xi−xj and
Δ{right arrow over (u)}ijT={right arrow over (u)}iT−{right arrow over (u)}jT;
Δ{circumflex over (r)}ij−Δρij=−Δ{right arrow over (u)}ijTδ{right arrow over (r)}g (19)
m satellites observables are used to construct m−1 satellite differenced measurements where without loss of generality i=1, . . . , m−1 and j=m is suppressed for clarity. The satellite differences are generated by pre-multiplying both sides of (12) by an m×m differencing matrix D given by
The satellite differenced measurement model is given by
The satellite differenced range measurement vector is given as follows.
where the m-th undifferenced range measurement vector is given as follows.
={circumflex over (r)}
m−ρm (25)
The satellite differenced range measurement model matrix is given as follows.
The satellite differencing operation thus separates the least-squares estimations of position error and clock error. (28) is the LSA solution of the satellite differenced measurement model
{right arrow over (z)}
δ{right arrow over (r)}
g (30)
and (29) is the LSA estimate of the receiver clock error given an estimated position error (28). This is not in general the same solution as (18) in which both are estimated together. The LSA solution (28) using the satellite differenced measurement model (30) does however provide a means of estimating only the position error if the receiver clock error is not required.
The satellite-differenced range measurement model matrix (26) can be generalized as follows. The undifferenced range measurement model matrix (14) is cast as follows,
An m×m nonsingular transformation E that effects receiver clock error cancellation is given as follows
(33) implies that E1{right arrow over (k)}=0 which in turn implies that the sum of each row of E1 is zero. This describes one or more satellite differences per row. E1LT=H1 must have column rank one less than the column rank of H for any H, consequently E1 must have full row rank. This implies that each row of E1 must describe a unique satellite difference. E2 is any 1×m matrix so that E is nonsingular.
There exists a nonsingular m×m matrix T such that E=TD. This implies that the differencing transformation D in (20) is representative of all possible transformations E that can be used in the invention. The differencing transformation D in (20) is used hereafter without loss of generality.
The range measurement model H is column rank deficient when it has fewer than 4 rows. It has a kernel or null space labeled as Ker (H) and defined as follows: {right arrow over (x)}ε Ker (H) if and only if H{right arrow over (x)}=0. Similarly the measurement model Hd is column rank deficient range when it has fewer than 3 rows. Both column rank deficiencies occur when fewer than 4 satellites are available for computing a position solution. The LSA as given in (18) cannot be computed because HTWH is singular. Likewise the LSA as given in (28) cannot be computed because HdTWdHd is singular. The range measurement model H can be column rank deficient when it has 4 or more rows and one or more rows are linear combinations of the remaining rows so that there are in fact fewer than 4 linearly independent rows. This occurs in a range measurement model matrix only if two or more satellites are exactly coincident. For example the following H constructed with 4 satellites is a 4×4 matrix
where {right arrow over (h)}iT is the i-th row of H represented as a transposed vector. If for example {right arrow over (h)}4T={right arrow over (h)}1T because the satellites corresponding to rows 1 and 4 are exactly coincident, then H is row and column rank deficient because it has only 3 independent rows and hence only 3 independent columns. A similar example can be constructed for a satellite differenced measurement model matrix Hd. This cannot occur within a single GNSS such as GPS because the satellite orbital radii are the same. This might happen if H describes range measurements from two different GNSS's such as GPS and GLONASS since their respective satellites have different orbit radii. This is a pathological occurrence, i.e. has miniscule probability of happening. Satellites can however be close to each other and hence close to being coincident. In this case H or Hd can become close to being column rank deficient.
The following analysis of the undifferenced range measurement model H is equally applicable to the satellite differenced range measurement model Hd.
The singular value decomposition (SVD) of an m×n matrix H is the following,
The SVD is a method of decomposing a matrix H into its SVD components U, V and Σ that have useful properties for characterizing a matrix and understanding its properties. The following SVD properties are relevant to this disclosure:
The columns of V1 form an orthonormal basis for Ker(H)⊥ the orthogonal complement of the null space or kernel of H.
The columns of V2 form an orthonormal basis for Ker (H) the kernel of H.
The following properties result from the SVD (36) when H is column rank deficient.
Subspace Components
The columns of V=[V1V2] form an orthonormal basis for n. Then for any {right arrow over (x)}ε
n there exists {right arrow over (b)}ε
n such that
where {right arrow over (x)}1=V1{right arrow over (b)}1 and {right arrow over (x)}2=V2{right arrow over (b)}2.
Furthermore VT{right arrow over (x)}={right arrow over (b)} implies
Thus V is a rotation matrix that transforms {right arrow over (x)} into a canonical form comprising partitioned sub-vectors in Ker (H) and Ker(H)⊥. The sub-vectors are generated as follows.
{right arrow over (x)}=V
{right arrow over (b)}
{right arrow over (b)}
={right arrow over (b)}
1 (39)
{right arrow over (x)}=V
{right arrow over (b)}
{right arrow over (b)}
={right arrow over (b)}
2 (40)
{right arrow over (x)}=V
{right arrow over (b)}
={right arrow over (x)}
1 (41)
{right arrow over (x)}=V
{right arrow over (b)}
={right arrow over (x)}
2 (42)
LSA Solution
The measurement equation (12) becomes the following.
{right arrow over (z)}=U
1Σ1V1T{right arrow over (x)} (43)
The complete set of solutions that minimize the least
squares objective function (17) are characterized as follows,
{right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}={right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}
+{right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}
2 (44)
{right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}
1Σ1−1U1T{right arrow over (z)} (45)
and {right arrow over (x)}2=V2T{right arrow over (b)} is any linear combination of the columns of V2. The LSA solution (44) is therefore not unique, comprising the sum of {right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}1ε Ker (H)⊥ and any vector {right arrow over (x)}2ε Ker (H). The solution with the minimum vector norm is {right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}={right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}1.
Kernel Equivalence
is equivalent to δ{right arrow over (r)}ε Ker(Hd) and
{right arrow over (u)}
δ{right arrow over (r)}=−δT (46)
This is shown as follows.
H{right arrow over (x)}=0 for any {right arrow over (x)}ε Ker(H) implies
and hence δ{right arrow over (r)}ε Ker (Hd) and {right arrow over (u)}mTδ{right arrow over (r)}=−δT. Since D is nonsingular, the reverse implication DH{right arrow over (x)}=0H{right arrow over (x)}=0 also holds.
The position dilution of precision (PDOP) and time dilution of precision (TDOP) for the undifferenced range measurement model (13) are defined as follows.
The dilution of precision (DOP) is the root-sum-square of PDOP and TDOP.
The SVD representation H=UΣVT applied to (47) yields
G=(VΣUTUΣVT)−1=(VΣ2VT)−1=VΣ−2VT (50)
since VT=V−1. Then (50) becomes the following
where {{right arrow over (v)}i}j is the j-th element of the i-th right singular vector. (49) then becomes the following.
(52) relates DOP to the singular values of H. It also shows how an ill-conditioned H having at least one singular value that is near zero generates a large DOP.
PDOP for a satellite differenced range measurement model is defined as follows.
A development similar to (50) to (52) results in
where ci for i=1, 2, 3 are the singular values of Hd. (56) relates PDOP for satellite differenced range measurements to singular values of Hd, and in particular points to a method for identifying nearness to rank deficiency from PDOP.
If all of the singular values of Hd are non-zero, then Hd technically has rank 3 which is full column rank. It may however be close to being column rank deficient because one or more of its singular values are small. This can happen if two or more satellites are close to each other and hence close to being coincident. Equation (56) for PDOPd comprises the RSS of the inverse singular values. Hence, if any one singular value becomes small, it will cause its inverse squared to become large. Equation (55) says that PDOP is equal to or larger than PDOPd, and so if PDOPd becomes large, then PDOP will also become large. Therefore, if equation (56) shows that PDOPd will be large, equation (55) shows that PDOP will also be large.
The specification of a small singular value of Hd is
min (57)
where cmin is a specified minimum value of a large singular value. If the ns smallest singular values ci for i=4-ns, . . . , 3 and ns=1 or 2 are small according to (57), then
(58) shows that √{square root over (ns)}/cmin is a lower bound on PDOPd which in turn is a lower bound on PDOP from (55).
A specified maximum PDOP dmax is used to determine when Hd is considered nearly column rank deficient. Setting cmin=√{square root over (ns)}/dmax in (58) causes PDOPd>dmax if ns singular values are smaller than cmin. To avoid dependency on ns, set cmin=1/dmax so that (58) becomes
max√{square root over (ns)}≧dmax (59)
Thus a specification dmax translates to a specification on a small singular value threshold cmin=1/dmax for the purpose of identifying small singular values and Hd being nearly column rank deficient.
Section 3.2 provides a theoretical development of the key process steps that are described at the beginning of the section, i.e. INS position seeding and OSC. Section 3.2.2 describes INS position seeding of the GNSS position algorithm. It describes how the unobservable component of the estimated position error is a consequence of INS position seeding when not enough satellites are available and how this presents a problem to the GNSS-AINS without the OSC. Section 3.2.3 describes the OSC as the solution to this problem and how it is constructed using the SVD of Hd. Section 3.3 presents the preferred embodiment of the QTC algorithm as a step-by-step process with flowcharts. It references the key equations that were developed in Sections 2.0 and 3.2 simply to not be repetitive.
QTC integration is achieved via two key mechanisms added to a standard LC integration:
The following describes the a priori antenna position 15 computed from INS data resolved in an earth-centered-earth-fixed (ECEF) Cartesian coordinate frame.
{right arrow over ({tilde over (r)}
={right arrow over (r)}
{right arrow over (l)}
b (60)
The corresponding position VCV matrix 16 is computed as follows.
eT (61)
The GNSS position engine 12 receives the following necessary input data every GNSS epoch for computing a position solution as part of the QTC integration:
The GNSS position engine 12 may receive the following optional input data every GNSS epoch for computing a differential GNSS position solution:
The GNSS position engine 12 computes an antenna position and position VCV matrix from these data. As part of this position fix computation, it does one of the following:
a. It uses the antenna position 15 computed from INS data as its a priori position and the INS position error VCV 16 computed from the AINS Kalman filter as its a priori position VCV. An example is the LSA SPP algorithm (17) and (18) that uses the INS-derived antenna position as an a priori position.
b. It uses the antenna position 15 computed from INS data as a position measurement in its estimation process. It uses the INS position error VCV 16 computed from the AINS Kalman filter to compute the position measurement covariance. An example of such a GNSS position engine is a GNSS Kalman filter that estimates the antenna position using measurements constructed from GNSS observables and the INS-derived antenna position.
The actual GNSS positioning algorithm that the GNSS position engine 12 implements is not important. The actual algorithm is approximated by a simple GNSS positioning algorithm comprising the following sequence of operations:
The range measurement model matrix (14) contains the satellite geometry that every GNSS positioning algorithm has to work with. PDOP described by (48) parameterizes the geometry-dependent position error that every GNSS positioning algorithm typically generates.
If the range measurement model matrix (14) is column rank deficient because fewer than 4 satellites are available, then Ker (H) defines an unobservable subspace in the 4-dimensioned position-time error space defined by the state vector (15). In this case the GNSS positioning algorithm uses the minimum norm SPP solution (45) to estimate position and receiver clock error in the observable subspace defined by the kernel orthogonal complement Ker (H)⊥, and with this compute a corrected antenna position as in (10).
The a priori position 15 used by the SPP algorithm at a given epoch comprises the true position plus the INS position error.
{right arrow over (r)}
={right arrow over (r)}+δ{right arrow over (r)}
INS (62)
The true a priori state vector (15) is partitioned as in (44) as follows
The true measurement vector (12) is given as follows:
{right arrow over (z)}=H({right arrow over (z)}1−+{right arrow over (x)}2f−)=UΣ1V1T{right arrow over (x)}1− (64)
The SPP approximating the true GNSS positioning algorithm uses the minimum norm LSA solution (45) because it is unique in Ker(H)⊥. This is called the rank deficient SPP solution and is characterized as follows.
The components δ{right arrow over ({circumflex over (r)}GNSS1 and δ{circumflex over (T)}1 are respectively used to correct the a priori GNSS position (which is the INS position) and the GNSS clock error. The updated error state that reflects these corrections is
The minus superscript “−” in equation (66) indicates that {right arrow over (x)}− is an a priori value of {right arrow over (x)}, which is a best estimate of {right arrow over (x)} that the SPP algorithm uses as its starting value. The hat “̂” in the vector {right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}1 in equations (66) and (67) indicates the quantity that the SPP algorithm is able to estimate because it is not in Ker (H). The plus superscript “+” in equation (66) indicates that {right arrow over (x)}+ is an a posteriori {right arrow over (x)}, which is {right arrow over (x)} after being corrected by the estimated {right arrow over ({circumflex over (x)}1 generated by the SPP algorithm.
Equation (66) shows that the a priori state component {right arrow over (x)}2−εKer(H) remains unchanged by the position-time error correction.
The AINS Kalman filter uses the corrected GNSS position to construct the IG position measurement (1) and corresponding IG position measurement model (5) and (9). The measurement model assumes the INS and GNSS position errors are statistically uncorrelated so that a Kalman filter update will yield an INS position VCV that is constrained by the IG measurement in all three axes of the Cartesian navigation frame in which {right arrow over (z)}IG is constructed.
The residual INS and GNSS errors in the IG position measurement (8) from the rank deficient SPP solution are the following.
The unobservable position error δ{right arrow over (r)}INS2 remains in the updated GNSS position solution and hence cancels in the IG position measurement. The IG measurement thus constrains only δ{right arrow over (r)}INS1, and δ{right arrow over (r)}INS2 is unconstrained and can grow with time.
The IG position measurement model (5) describes the assumed measurement (8) given by
which assumes the SPP solution is not rank deficient and has computed a statistically independent a posteriori value for δ{right arrow over (r)}GNSS2+. The IG position measurement model (5) does not account for the cancellation of δ{right arrow over (r)}INS2− in the IG position measurement and the consequent growing INS position error, which causes the AINS Kalman filter's estimated state to become perturbed with a growing bias. Thus the IG position measurement model (5), (9) does not correctly describe the residual INS and GNSS position errors in the measurement (68) when H is column rank deficient. This is a problem brought on by INS position seeding that requires a solution in order for QTC integration to work.
The solution to this problem is the observable subspace constraint (OSC) on the IG position measurement (1) and corresponding IG position measurement model (5), (9). The following two equations comprise the OSC.
The IG position measurement is transformed as follows,
The corresponding IG position measurement model is transformed as follows,
{right arrow over ({tilde over (z)}
IG=Γ(AIG{right arrow over (x)}AINS+{right arrow over (η)}IG) (71)
The transformed IG position measurement model (71) correctly describes the transformed IG position measurement (70). This is the desired outcome of the OCS.
The OSC requires a 3×3 transformation matrix Γ to be determined so that
Γδ{right arrow over (r)}INS2=0 (72)
(72) states that δ{right arrow over (r)}INS2εKer(Γ), which in turn implies δ{right arrow over (r)}INS1εKer(Γ)⊥.
Any Γ that fulfills the requirement (72) can be used to implement the OSC given by (70) and (71). There are several different ways of computing a suitable transformation matrix F. The transformation matrix Γ that implements the OSC for the preferred embodiment is constructed as follows.
The SVD of Hd given by (26) is used to generate the SVD components Ud, Vd and Ed whose diagonal elements are the singular values of Hd. Thus Hd is described in terms of its SVD components as follows:
dΣdVdT (73)
which becomes the following when Hd is column rank deficient.
(73) the becomes the following.
The kernel equivalence property (46) shows that {right arrow over (x)}2−εKer(H) implies δ{right arrow over (r)}INS2εKer(Hd) spanned by the columns of Vd2. Since Vd1Tδ{right arrow over (r)}2=0 for any δ{right arrow over (r)}2εKer(Hd), Γ=Vd1T is a suitable IG measurement transformation that implements the observable subspace constraint when H and hence Hd are column rank deficient. Furthermore this transformation is nonsingular when 4 or more satellites are available and Hd has full column rank. It can therefore be constructed and applied at every epoch, and thereby automatically implement the observable subspace constraint when H is deemed to be column rank deficient.
Column rank deficiency or nearness to column rank deficiency is determined from the singular values of Hd which are the diagonal elements of Σd in (73). A threshold dmax on PDOP is specified to the QTC integration algorithm to indicate that Hd is nearly rank deficient and should be treated as rank deficient if PDOP exceeds the threshold. From (58), this translates to a threshold cmin=1/dmax on the singular values of Hd.
Γ=Vd1T is then assembled as follows using the singular values c1, c2, c3 and right singular vectors that are the columns of Vd obtained from the SVD (73).
i≧1/dmax→{right arrow over (v)}diεVd1 (78)
where {right arrow over (v)}di is the right singular vector corresponding to the i-th singular value ci for i=1, 2, 3. By construction, the largest singular value will pass this test, and hence Vd1 will contain at least one column. If all singular values equal or exceed 1/dmax, then the Γ=Vd1T will be an orthonormal matrix and the IG position measurement vector transformation (71) becomes a rotation. If one or two singular values are smaller than 1/dmax, then Γ=Vd1T will have less than 3 rows and so constrain the transformed IG position measurement vector to be in the observable subspace defined by Ker(Hd)⊥.
The observable subspace constraint (70) and (71) on the IG position measurement in the AINS Kalman filter becomes the following. The transformed IG position measurement is computed every epoch as follows. Let Vd1T be an m×3 matrix assembled from the right singular vectors corresponding to m large singular values equal to or larger than 1/dmax where m equals 1, 2 or 3. The transformed IG position measurement that the AINS Kalman filter 13 processes comprise the IG position measurement premultiplied by Γ=Vd1T.
{right arrow over ({tilde over (z)}
{right arrow over (z)}
T({right arrow over (r)}INS−{right arrow over (r)}GNSS) (79)
The corresponding transformed IG position measurement model is the IG position measurement model (5) also pre-multiplied by Γ=Vd1T,
{right arrow over ({circumflex over (z)}
{right arrow over (x)}
AINS+{right arrow over ({tilde over (η)}IG (80)
where {right arrow over ({tilde over (η)}IG is an m-dimensioned vector of uncorrelated white noises with diagonal variance matrix {tilde over (R)}IG. Equations (79) and (80) comprise the OSC for the preferred embodiment.
This section is concerned with an explicit step-by-step description with words and the flowcharts of the process implemented in the preferred embodiment. This description references equations in the previous sections.
The quasi tightly coupled (QTC) integration process flowcharts shown in
Referring to
The GNSS position engine, represented by block 26, is designed to do INS position seeding and it receives the following input data required to compute a GNSS position fix:
The GNSS position engine, block 26, uses the INS-derived a priori antenna position from block 24 and the a priori position VCV matrix from block 23 to do INS position seeding as described in Section 3.2.2 either by setting the INS-derived a priori antenna position from block 24 as the a priori position whose errors the GNSS position engine estimates and corrects, or by setting the INS-derived a priori position VCV matrix from block 23 as a measurement in the GNSS position engine estimation process.
The GNSS position engine at
The parallelogram shape of block 28 data shows that the above two items of data are being transferred from the GNSS position engine 26 process to the following AINS Kalman filter IG position measurement construction process represented by block 29.
The AINS Kalman filter IG position measurement construction process, block 29 then computes the IG position measurement (1) and corresponding measurement model (5), (9) using the GNSS antenna position and position variances, from block 28. The parallelogram shape of block 30 data shows outputs of block 29 are the IG position measurement {right arrow over (z)}IG and corresponding measurement model AIG. The rounded corner block 3 provides a link between the QTC flowchart of
The OSC process then computes and applies the OSC process to the IG position measurement and measurement model 30 as described by equations (79) and (80) and as shown in the OSC flowchart in
The OSC process receives the following data items at block 41:
At the rounded corner block 40 of
The SVD provides a method for constructing a matrix Vd1 whose columns form a set of orthonormal basis vectors for the Ker(Hd)⊥ where, as explained earlier, the upside down “T” superscript “⊥” is used to indicate the orthogonal complement, and “Ker” is used to indicate Kernal.
The SVD output data to block 43 comprises matrices Ud, Vd and singular values c1, c2, c3 are transferred to trapezoidal block 43 for temporary storage.
The OSC process of
The Vd1T matrix is a matrix of transposed right singular vectors of the Hd matrix corresponding to large singular values according to the selection test of equation (78), that are used to implement the OSC process. The Vd1 matrix is an OSC matrix because for any {right arrow over (x)}2 in Ker(Hd), Vd1T{right arrow over (x)}2=0. The columns of any matrix S obtained by post-multiplying Vd1 with a non-singular matrix C, i.e. S=S=Vd1C, will comprise linear combinations of the columns of Vd1 and hence also span Ker(Hd)⊥. Then S=C Vd1 which is the transpose of both sides of S=Vd1C. Such linear transformations of basis vectors are trivial operations. We therefore can state without loss of generality that Vd1T describes all possible OSC matrices because ST=CTVd1T for any non-singular CT is an OSC matrix.
The Vd1T matrix is used as the OSC matrix in the preferred embodiment because:
With 4 or more satellites, Hd has 3 or more rows and hence a column rank of 3. The OSC algorithm constructs the SVD of the Hd matrix and obtains U, V and the singular values in 43 on successive cycles. All singular values are nonzero, and hence Vd2 is a null matrix. Vd1 is a 3×3 matrix, and Γ (GAMMA)=Vd1T is a 3×3 matrix.
With 3 satellites, Hd has 2 rows and hence a column rank of 2. The OSC algorithm constructs the SVD of Hd and obtains U, V and the singular values. One singular value is zero, and hence Vd2 is a 3×1 matrix, i.e. a single column with 3 elements. Vd1 is a 3×2 matrix, and Γ (GAMMA)=Vd1T is a 2×3 matrix.
With 2 satellites, Hd has 1 row and hence a column rank of 1. The OSC algorithm constructs the SVD of Hd and obtains U, V and the singular values. Two singular values are zero, and hence Vd2 is a 3×2 matrix, i.e. two columns with 3 elements. Vd1 is a 3×1 matrix, and Γ=Vd1T is a 1×3 matrix.
With 0 or with 1 satellite, Hd cannot be constructed since there are not enough range measurements to compute single differences. The QTC integration algorithm cannot work in this case.
The OSC process block 49 on
The AINS Kalman filter in
If the AINS is a closed-loop AINS as described in
If the AINS is a feedforward AINS as described in
Alternative embodiments may use a different approach to construct the OSC transformation matrix Γ. The following are possible methods.
This process generates a set of orthogonal basis vectors for Ker(Hd)⊥. Possible methods for this are the Gram-Schmidt algorithm, Hausholder transformation or Givens rotation. Then assemble the transposed basis vectors as the rows of Γ. This works only for exactly rank deficient Hd when fewer than 4 satellites are used and m<3 since this method does not provide any measure of nearness to rank deficiency.
In the claims to follow, a first independent claim is concerned with handling fewer than 4 satellites in the GNSS position solution. The second independent claim is concerned with handling 4 or more satellites but with poor geometry leading to a large DOP. The independent claims describe an OSC matrix that suppresses uncorrected components of the GNSS position solution when defective or poor geometry occurs. The dependent claims qualify the OSC matrix as having an image equal to the orthogonal complement of the kernel of H that is further qualified in subsequent dependent claims.
The second independent claim, Independent claim 7, describes the invention in a scenario where there are a sufficient number of satellites, i.e. 4 or more, but PDOP is large. In this case, the Hd matrix is approximately rank deficient and hence has one or more singular values that are nonzero but small. The observable subspace constraint is, in this case, approximate or barely observable, and is approximated as unobservable in the OSC. The same algorithm described in
This invention claims priority from provisional patent application for A QUASI-TIGHTLY-COUPLED GNSS-INS INTEGRATION PROCESS filed on Nov. 30, 2011 and having Ser. No. 61/565,466, Confirmation No. 1028 and docket number A3089P.