Querying parallel database system that execute stored procedures using abstract data type attributes, retrieving location information of data, sub-data between first and second server

A parallel database system retrieval method and system for transferring from database operation servers to a front end server only those data items that are used in subsequent processing, thereby shortening the query time when the unused data are massive. The invention allows an initial retrieval query to transfer only location information about the target data from a database operation server to the front end server. Using the location information the invention permits a subsequent query to get variable-bound location information so that the latter query will retrieve a desired sub-data item according to the acquired location information and dictionary information about the sub-data item locations within the data.


The present invention relates to a database management system. More particularly, the present invention relates to a query processing method and system that may be adapted advantageously to parallel query processing suitable for relational database management systems.

There are two known conventional database management systems: Abstract Data Type of SQL3, and parallel database systems.

The Abstract Data Type of SQL3 will be described first. Currently, relational database systems, particularly SQL database systems, are increasingly finding their way into administrative data processing and other related fields. Efforts are also under way to implement so-called object database systems. These systems are difficult to operate efficiently in the conventional framework of relational databases, handling data of complicated structures as one of their objectives.

Studies have been performed to expand relational databases so that they may handle data of complex structures. The results of the research are currently merged into SQL3 for standardization. A SQL3 database system is capable of handling user-defined data (types) having complex structures called the Abstract Data Type (ADT). Under the ADT scheme, data called attributes (called sub-data hereunder) are hidden behind function interfaces so that a database system may handle and inherit object-oriented complicated data from one data type to another.

A data type is defined by use of a definition SQL statement beginning with “CREATE TYPE.” Defined types may be used for variable declarations and table column definitions just like the system-defined integer type and character type. Using these types makes it possible to create and utilize data of complicated structures. The ADT of SQL3 is discussed illustratively by Andrew E. Wade, Ph. D., in “Object Query Standards” ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 87-92, March 1996. A draft of SQL3 standards is available from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21/WG3 DBL-MCI-004, ISO Working Draft Database Language SQL, 1996.

Parallel database systems will now be described. A relational database system may easily enhance its performance by having data distributed to a plurality of database processing servers for parallel access therethrough. Along with skyrocketing increases in quantities of data to be handled has come a growing demand for such parallel database systems. Parallel database systems are discussed illustratively by DeWitt, D., et. al., in “Parallel Database Systems: The Future of High Performance Database Systems” (CACM, Vol. 35, No. 6, 1992).

Typically, the parallel database system includes a server (called a front end server) for analyzing and compiling queries made by a user application program (UAP) in a host computer to the database, and a plurality of servers (called database operation servers) for accessing disk drives holding data and for manipulating data therein. For purpose of simplification and illustration, the parallel database system is assumed in the description below to have a single front end server and a plurality of database operation servers. However, it is also possible for the system to have a plurality of front end servers for handling a plurality of queries from one or multiple hosts. In such a case, each query is dealt with by a setup of one host, one front end server and a plurality of database operation servers. Thus, the system is perfectly applicable to the multiple front end server setup as well.

Generally, the SQL representing queries directed at a database (called database queries hereunder) is often embedded (called embedded SQL) in computer language such as C (called the host language hereunder). In operation, the host language in the host computer issues database queries such as searches through the database as well as updates, deletions and insertions in the database. In turn, the database system analyzes and compiles the queries and returns the result to the host. The host language uses the received result in control processing such as decisions as well as in data manipulations such as insertions and calculations. This invention also applies to stored procedures whereby database queries including control operations and data manipulations are issued.

In this case, the processing performed on the side of database operation servers such as searches, insertions, updates and deletions in the database is sometimes called database operation statements, distinct from the processing on the side of the front end server such as control operations and data manipulations. Stored procedures are described illustratively by Hatsuko Katayama in “Utilizing Stored Procedures and Triggers,” Nikkei Open Systems, No. 2, pp. 133-144, 1993.

The host language may have a plurality of database queries embedded therein. This allows the result of queries to be exchanged through the use of host language variables. The transfer of values in variables is determined by the manner in which the result of analysis is processed by the host language. One way of value transfer through variables involves determining in advance an area in which to accommodate a value for each of the variables used, with appropriate information “bound” to the variables so that the areas may later be referenced through the bound information for access to the values therein.

What follows is a description of a typical example in which the embedded SQL is used to create, transfer and execute procedures in an internal format of a parallel database system. The result of database operations is manipulated and/or controlled by UAP (user application program) control statements written in the embedded SQL. Database queries are sent one statement at a time over a network to the front end server connected with the user application program. A compiler subjects the queries to syntax analysis, semantic analysis and optimizing compilation. This creates an internal-format procedure for carrying out actual database operations based on the received database queries.

The internal-format procedure includes codes to be interpreted and executed by an interpreter as well as execute form codes. Definition information needed for the compilation is provided as dictionary information that may be accessed by the front end server. The procedure thus created is transferred over the network to a database operation server that actually operates the database by executing the procedure. Usually the server that performs the actual database operation is determined by information about partitioning of a table for operations. The information about table partitioning is designated by table definitions which are placed in a dictionary. Each database operation server has a processor and at least one disk drive.

A proposed improvement involves placing the internal-format procedure in a cache of a database operation server, so that a second and subsequent queries performed may each issue an execution request to use the procedure that resides in the cache. The typical parallel database system has a plurality of database operation servers for parallel SQL processing. A database operation server exchanges data with other database operation servers as needed over the network, and the result of the SQL processing is eventually returned via the front end server to the user application program for manipulations of and/or control operations on the executed result. The processing is repeated thereafter for each SQL statement.

Where data to be handled in database queries are a collection of a plurality of data items (called attributes or sub-data items in the ADT environment), there are two ways to process the data (i.e., for searches, updates, insertions, manipulations or control operations): either to deal with the sub-data items making up the data one at a time, or to process the data as a whole. In an example of using database queries, the data as a whole may be retrieved first in response to the initial query and the retrieved data may be submitted, in response to subsequent queries, to the front end server one sub-data item at a time for individual processing. In such a case, the subsequent queries may or may not use all sub-data items constituting the retrieved data. However, where techniques of the conventional parallel database system described earlier are adapted to the ADT, what happens is that the data retrieved as a result of a query and bound for the host are all transferred from the database operation server in question to the front end server for subsequent analysis and execution. If the unused sub-data items are massive (e.g., those of LOB data), the time required to transfer such unnecessary data from the database operation server to the front end server can be considerable. Thus it takes more time to deal with queries.


It is an object of the present invention to provide a parallel database system retrieval method and system for transferring from database operation servers to the front end server only those data items that are used in subsequent processing, whereby the query time is shortened.

The present invention may be carried out in one form by providing a parallel database system retrieval method and system for use with a parallel database system which includes a front end server and a plurality of database operation servers. In response to a first query any of the database operation servers having accessed the queried data having a plurality of sub-data items returns only location information about the data to the front end server. The location information includes an address of the data in the database operation server in question and an identifier of that server. In response to a subsequent query the database operation servers submit the location information by use of variables. That is, the subsequent query is allowed to retrieve specific sub-data items by use of the received location information, dictionary information about locations of the sub-data items within the data in question, and identifiers of the necessary sub-data items. Because the location information includes the identifier of the database operation server having the data, the information allows a data retrieval request to be issued to that server. The address of the data inside the database operation server, also included in the location information, allows the data to be retrieved. The dictionary information about the sub-data item locations within the data and the identifiers of the sub-data items combine to let the desired sub-data items be located and retrieved from the data. The retrieved sub-data items are returned to the front end server which in turn may carry out a process using the received sub-data.

The point is that any of the database operation servers transfers to the front end server only the desired data items for use in subsequent processing. Thus if the portion of the data which is not used is significantly large, the query time is shortened considerably.

If the subsequent processing using the retrieved sub-data is an update of the previously retrieved data, an internal-format procedure for the update may receive the necessary sub-data to be updated on the side of the database operation server. In such a case, the query time is further reduced because of the absence of sub-data transfer from the database operation server to the front end server.

In a variation of the present invention as described above, one of two processes may be selected according to suitable criteria. The first process involves retrieving only location information about target data in an initial retrieval step, sub-data items of the data being retrieved in a subsequent retrieval step. The second process is a process in which the entire data including the sub-data items is submitted to the front end server in an initial retrieval step and handed over to subsequent processing. One of the first and second processes is selected upon comparison of the two processes in terms of the cost calculated from the lengths of the sub-data items and the communication time involved, and contingent on whether any of the sub-data items involved is longer than a predetermined reference value (e.g., LOB data) stipulated by the system. This arrangement makes it possible to select in a fine-tuned manner one of the two processes having the shorter query time depending on the current operating status. This is another way to achieve the object of the invention of query time reduction.

The present invention deals mainly with SQL for relational database, the mainstay of today's databases. As such, the present invention will be described below in conjunction with the ADT of SQL3 used as data of complicated structures. However, the invention applies to any database management system capable of handling sets of data each having a plurality of data items, wherein the host language has database queries embedded therein and allows data to be interchanged between a plurality of database queries.


The present invention will be more apparent from the following detailed description, when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1

is a schematic flow diagram depicting a parallel database system retrieval method embodying the invention;

FIG. 2

is a view of typical data composed of a plurality of sub-data items;

FIG. 3

is a view of typical location information;

FIG. 4

is a view of typical variable-bound information;

FIG. 5

is a schematic view of a typical internal-format procedure;

FIG. 6

is a view of typical offset information about sub-data items;

FIG. 7

is a view of typical information for sub-data retrieval;

FIG. 8

is a view of a typical sub-data item;

FIGS. 9A and 9B

are views of typical data stored in database operation servers;

FIG. 10

is a schematic flow diagram of a typical setup for creating offset information about sub-data items;

FIG. 11

is a schematic flow diagram of a typical setup for creating data composed of a plurality of sub-data items;

FIG. 12

is a flowchart illustrating how an internal-format procedure is prepared;

FIG. 13

is a schematic flow diagram depicting steps for transferring and receiving an internal-format procedure;

FIG. 14

is a flowchart illustrating how an internal-format procedure is executed;

FIG. 15

is a flowchart illustrating detailed steps for procedure execution;

FIG. 16

is a schematic flow diagram showing detailed steps for transferring and receiving results of processing;

FIG. 17

is a flowchart depicting detailed steps for sub-data acquisition and retrieval;

FIG. 18

is a schematic flow diagram showing how the invention is illustratively applied to a specific SQL setup;

FIG. 19

is a schematic flow diagram depicting how the invention is illustratively applied to another specific SQL setup;

FIG. 20

is a schematic flow diagram of a parallel database system retrieval method practiced as an alternative embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 21

is a view of typical variable-bound information;

FIG. 22

is a schematic flow diagram of a query for retrieval of data composed of a plurality of sub-data items; and

FIG. 23

is a schematic flow diagram of a query for sub-data utilization.


Preferred embodiments of the invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings.

FIG. 1

is a schematic flow diagram depicting a parallel database system retrieval method embodying the invention. In

FIG. 1

, the system comprises a database server


that acts as a front end server handling database queries


, and a plurality of database operation servers


for operating a database. The front end server


and database operation servers


are connected by a high-speed interconnection network.

In the present invention, the parallel database system having a plurality of network-connected processors may be replaced by a single processor system. The present invention also applies to the latter system as long as parallel processes are assigned the roles of separate servers.

The front end server


is connected to an external host


via a network. Since this invention is intended to reduce the amount of data transferred between the front end server


and database operation servers


, the invention applies to a variety of alternative setups. One alternative may involve allocating the role of the host to the database system side, with a high-speed internal network installed to interconnect the servers. Another alternative to which the invention applies may involve unifying the role of the host and that of the front end server. In another alternative setup in which a series of queries are issued not by a user application program in the host but by stored procedures, the invention still applies if a plurality of sub-data items are queried for retrieval and transferred between queries by means of variables so that the retrieved sub-data items are used in subsequent queries.

FIG. 1

illustrates a representative setup in which database queries are analyzed and executed. Definition statements such as tables and types are analyzed as indicated in FIG.


. Whether a database query or a definition statement has arrived is judged by semantic analysis. An analysis step



FIG. 1

includes the judging process.

An initial retrieval query



is analyzed by the analysis step


in the front end server


to create an internal-format procedure


. The internal-format procedure


may be written in execute form code or in interpreter code.

With the retrieval query



executed, if no operation on the sub-data is recognized in step


then processing proceeds to step


. In step


, if a database operation statement is recognized processing proceeds to step


. In step


the internal-format procedure


is transferred to the database operation servers


. In step


, the database operation servers


receive the internal-format procedure


. In step


, the procedure


is executed. Specifically, if the retrieval query involves retrieval of data made up of a plurality of sub-data items, an identifier ID of the applicable database operation server and an address of the data in question are acquired from execution of the procedure. In step


, the retrieved result


is transferred to the front end server


. Step


is followed by step


in which the front end server


receives the transferred result. In step


, the received result is returned to the user application program as information


to be submitted to a subsequent query



by use of variables.

The subsequent query



that uses the sub-data is analyzed by step


in the front end server


. Because there exist the variables that serve as input, the variable-bound information


is transferred from the user application program. If the variable-bound information


is location information


about data composed of a plurality of sub-data items, then offset information


for retrieving desired sub-data is acquired from a dictionary


. Using the information




, the front end server


creates an internal-format procedure


for acquiring the sub-data and a query procedure that uses the acquired sub-data.

Executing the query



reveals the presence of a sub-data operation in step


and thus step


is carried out to acquire the sub-data. The database operation server identifier in the location information


obtained during the initial query indicates which database operation server has the data in question. Given the server identifier as well as information


necessary for sub-data retrieval, the front end server


issues a sub-data retrieval request to the database operation server


in question. The necessary information


for sub-data retrieval comprises the address of the data inside the database operation server


and the offset information


by which to retrieve the desired sub-data from within the data. A decision of which of the sub-data items is necessary is made during the analysis


, and the information is embedded in the internal format for sub-data acquisition.

Upon receipt of the sub-data retrieval request, the database operation server


retrieves the applicable sub-data item in accordance with the data address and the sub-data offset location information. The retrieved sub-data item


is returned to the front end server


which issued the request earlier. In this embodiment, the system is arranged so that its database operation servers


receive data address information and sub-data offset information and return the retrieved sub-data as per the information. Alternatively, the invention also applies to a setup where an internal-format procedure for performing similar processing is generated upon query analysis. The procedure is then transferred for execution to the database operation server in question.

The front end server


receives the necessary sub-data


in step


. The location at which to receive the sub-data is pointed to beforehand during the analysis


from a sub-data use location in an internal-format procedure constituting a sub-data use process, which is the main process of the query



. With the location for sub-data reception thus designated, the sub-data may be used in subsequent steps




for executing the internal-format procedure


, regardless of whether the subsequent query is found to be a database operation statement or not in step



As described, the location information


alone is obtained in response to the initial query



for retrieval of data composed of a plurality of sub-data items, and only the necessary sub-data item


is acquired in response to the subsequent query



for sub-data use. This makes it possible to reduce the query time significantly especially when the amount of the unused data is massive (e.g., LOB data).

FIG. 2

is a view of typical data composed of a plurality of sub-data items. The data example describes a data type definition


, a body of data


created in the defined type, and a data retrieval query



The data type definition


includes names of sub-data items (called attributes in ADT) and a sub-data type definition


. The sub-data type may be a system-defined or user-defined type. It is possible, optionally, to designate a definition


of a function or a procedure regarding the type data or to specify relationships of inheritance between data types.

As with system-defined type data, data made up of a plurality of sub-data items is used in the table definition


. Inserting the data into a table creates illustratively address data


composed of sub-data items


such as a ZIP code, an address and a telephone number.

The data thus created is subject to queries




illustratively for data retrieval. The query


is intended for retrieval of a ZIP code, which is a sub-data item in the address data. The query


is for retrieving the address data whose sub-data address is Yokohama. In this manner, both an individual sub-data item and the entire data comprising a plurality of sub-data items may be retrieved by queries.

FIG. 3

illustrates an example of location information


included in FIG.


. The location information


comprises an identifier


of a database operation server


and an address


of data inside the server


. Used in control operations by the front end server


or like entity, the location information


may include additional information such as a data type identifier. The database operation server identifier


may be any information that specifies the database operation server holding the data in question. The data address


may be either a real address at which the data is retained or a logical offset address designating the data relative to a starting address in memory.

FIG. 4

depicts an example of variable-bound information


included in FIG.


. Shown in

FIG. 4

is a case in which retrieved data composed of a plurality of sub-data items is bound to variables. If what needs to be retrieved is not the whole data made up of multiple sub-data items, then the information to be bound to variables is the data itself to be retrieved. The variable-bound information


includes an identifier


of a database operation server


and an address


of data inside the database operation server


. Used in control operations by the front end server


or like entity, the information


may include additional information such as a data type identifier. The database operation server identifier


may be any information that specifies the database operation server holding the data in question. The data address


may be either a real address at which the data is retained or a logical offset address designating the data relative to a starting address in memory. An example of variable-bound information shown in

FIG. 21

is associated with a setup permitting the choice of having data retained either on the front end side or on the back end side depending on the cost involved. In such a case, the variable-bound information comprises information indicating whether the data resides on the front end side or on the back end side. Where data made up of sub-data items is queried, the user application program in the host needs to provide a variable area long enough to accommodate the variable-bound information.

FIG. 5

illustrates an example of the internal-format procedure


included in FIG.


. This procedure comprises codes to be interpreted and executed by interpreter and information attached to each of the codes. The attached information includes varieties of items contingent on the processing involved, such as the type and length of data to be retrieved, offset information regarding the sub-data items making up the data, and location information designating where the retrieved data is to be retained. Also included is information about the code to be executed next. Information


about a code


for sub-data retrieval contains data location information


and offset information about the sub-data to be used. If the internal-format procedure is written not in interpreter code but in execute form code, the invention still applies to such an arrangement.

FIG. 5

depicts relations between an internal-format procedure


for retrieving the sub-data


from the location identified by the location information


on the one hand, and an internal-format procedure


for using the sub-data on the other hand. A location


at which to place the sub-data


retrieved by the procedure


is represented by an offset location


in shared memory. The location is included in information


about the code in which to use the sub-data with the procedure



The information furnished as described above allows the procedure


to use the sub-data


retrieved by the procedure


. The internal-format procedure


for sub-data retrieval and the internal-format procedure


for sub-data utilization may alternatively be unified into one procedure. In the example of

FIG. 5

, the process of retrieving the sub-data


involves having a code


a interpreted and executed by use of the sub-data retrieval information


. Alternatively, the sub-data retrieval process may comprise a plurality of codes representing a sub-data retrieval procedure. Whereas the example of

FIG. 5

is a typical internal-format procedure setup for using the sub-data


, there may be an alternative arrangement in which the internal-format procedure does not use sub-data. In the latter case, there is no need for the internal-format procedure


for sub-data retrieval or the offset information about the location


at which to place the sub-data


. In the case of an internal-format procedure


for retrieving location information


, the information needed for code interpretation and execution includes an offset location of a memory area equivalent the length of the location information to be retrieved.

FIG. 6

illustrates typical offset information


about sub-data included in FIG.


. The sub-data offset information


is created for each of a plurality of sub-data items constituting a body of data. The sub-data offset information


comprises a sub-data identifier


, a data type


, a data length


and an offset location


. The offset location represents an offset relative to a reference address such as the beginning of data. If the sub-data items are clustered together, the offset location of each sub-data item may be calculated from the data length


. In such a case, the data type


and offset location


may be omitted. If there exists any variable-length sub-data item, its offset location cannot be placed in the dictionary


. In that case, the offset locations are alternatively incorporated into data


so that each offset location will correspond to the applicable sub-data identifier


. For example, where sub-data identifiers are numbered from 1 up in the order in which the corresponding sub-data items are defined, the offset locations may be arranged in the same order within the data



FIG. 7

illustrates an example of the information


for sub-data retrieval included in FIG.


. The information


comprises the address


of data in a database operation server


and offset information


about the sub-data


to be used. The offset information


about the target sub-data item includes a sub-data identifier


, a data type


, a data length


and an offset location


. During the analysis


, the offset information


about the sub-data


to be used allows the offset information about the identifier


of the target sub-data


to be retrieved from the sub-data offset information


. Alternatively, the sub-data offset information


and the identifier of the sub-data


to be used may be included in the sub-data retrieval information


, so that the database operation server


may select the offset information about the target sub-data



FIG. 8

illustrates an example of the sub-data


included in FIG.


. The sub-data


is real data


of the system-defined or user-defined type. If the sub-data to be retrieved is of user-defined type and if the data to be used is a sub-data item subordinate to another sub-data item, then the database operation server


may alternatively retrieve the sub-data item subordinate to another sub-data item by incorporating sub-data sub-data offset information into the sub-data retrieval information


. If the sub-data item in question is subordinate to another sub-data item which in turn is subordinate to another sub-data item and so on, the invention still applies as long as the applicable offset information is incorporated similarly into the sub-data retrieval information



FIGS. 9A and 9B

illustrates examples of data


stored in database operation servers as illustrated in FIG.


. In the database operation servers, the data


constitute a collection of data items


in columns. For rapid retrieval of data from any one column, the data in each column may have additional information such as offset information relative to the beginning of the data. The data in each column includes system-defined data


and user-defined data


. The data type of each column is stipulated by a table definition such as “CREATE TABLE.” The data


of the system-defined type and the data


of the user-defined type may appear any number of times in any sequence, provided at least either the data


or the data


appears once.


illustrates an example in which bodies of column data composed of a plurality of sub-data items each are clustered together and embedded in the overall data


. If any sub-data item is variable in length, offset information


about each sub-data item may be provided for the data column having the variable-length sub-data item, as shown illustratively in FIG.


B. That is, the structure of data



having the sub-data in question is identical to that of the entire data


. Whereas the example of


illustrates offset information designating a location relative to the starting address of each sub-data item, this is not limitative of the invention. Other arrangements may also be used as long as there is provided information whereby sub-data locations are determined on the basis of sub-data identifiers. In another alternative, the offset information may be replaced by data length information that is incorporated into the variable-length sub-data item in question. If the desired sub-data item is retrieved by use of its identifier from the dictionary information in

FIG. 6

, the invention still applies to such an arrangement.

In a further alternative, the column data


composed of a plurality of sub-data items may be stored in areas separate from those of the entire data


. In such a case, only pointers to the column data areas are included in the data



FIG. 10

illustrates a typical setup for creating offset information


about sub-data items. The sub-data offset information


is created upon definition of the type of data composed of a plurality of sub-data items. A data type definition statement


such as “CREATE TYPE” is analyzed in step



FIG. 1

) by the front end server


. Each of the sub-data items constituting the data is checked for type. The sub-data identifier


, data type


, data length


and offset location


are obtained on the basis of a predetermined length for each type, or of a suitably defined length in the case of character strings. Any sub-data identifiers


may be used as long as they to correspond to sub-data names. Alternatively, the front end server may be separated from a server having the dictionary


, so that analysis may be carried out by the latter server.

FIG. 11

illustrates a typical setup for creating data


composed of a plurality of sub-data items. Such data


made up of multiple sub-data items are created illustratively at the time of insertion queries. For creating the data, table definition information generated by use of table definition statements such as “CREATE TABLE” is used. The table definition information includes a column identifier and a data type corresponding to each column. As a feature that makes the inventive method distinct from the related art, the user-defined data type may also be used.

The representative setup in

FIG. 11

is associated with an insertion query. In operation, an insertion query


is analyzed in step


by the front end server


. The insertion query


includes value data to be inserted into each column. If the value data to be inserted is composed of a plurality of sub-data items, either the value of each sub-data item may be designated, or functions and their arguments may be specified for creating the data in question. With ADT, it is customary to designate functions and their arguments for creating the applicable data (arguments may be omitted in some cases). Where data are created by use of functions, the dictionary


accommodates the result of the analysis of the functions or like feature designated in the type definition outlined in FIG.



The analysis


of the insertion query


creates an internal-format procedure


containing either values to be inserted or functions and arguments for generating values as the information to be interpreted and executed by interpreter. The information includes types and lengths of columns and sub-data items obtained from table definition information and sub-data offset information. The internal-format procedure


is transferred to the database operation server


that holds the table in which to insert the values. For its part, the database operation server


receives and executes the internal-format procedure


. The codes to be executed by interpreter are prepared as insertion values in step


on the basis of the type and length information about columns and sub-data items as well as information about those data. After type conversion in step


, the values are arranged into data


for storage in step


. With a sub-data item subordinate to another sub-data item, the data


is prepared through recursion or by use of similar processes. If the internal-format procedure


is written not in codes to be interpreted and executed by interpreter but in execute form codes, the invention still applies to such an arrangement.

FIG. 12

is a flowchart illustrating in more detail how an internal-format procedure


is prepared in step


of FIG.


. In step


, a query


is received along with variable-bound information


if there are inputs through variables. The query


is subjected to syntax analysis in step


and to semantic analysis in step


. In step


, a check is made to see whether any sub-data item of any variable is used. If any such sub-data item is found to be used, the sub-data is analyzed for its identifier. Because there may be a plurality of sub-data items used in the query


, any one sub-data item on the data using side and its counterpart on the data retrieving side are included in the analyzed result together with the same identifier. If there is any sub-data item of any variable is found to be used in step


, data location information


is retrieved from the variable-bound information in step


. In step


, the internal-format procedure


as shown in

FIG. 5

for retrieving the sub-data item is created on the basis of the data location information


, of the sub-data offset information


in the dictionary, and of the identifier of the sub-data item to be used. In step


, the procedure


as shown in

FIG. 5

is created for the query


that uses the sub-data item.

When the sub-data item having the same identifier is given an offset representing the same storage location, sub-data items may be interchanged between the sub-data retrieving side


and the sub-data using side


. If no sub-data item of any variable is found to be used in step


, there is no need for an internal-format procedure


for sub-data retrieval. In that case, step


is reached in which only an internal-format procedure


for the query


is created. If the query involves execution of a database operation server


, the internal-format procedure


is furnished with information about the database operation server to be executed. The information about the target server is acquired from information about division of the table to be manipulated. The information about the table division was designated at the time of table definition and is held in the dictionary.

FIG. 13

is a schematic flow diagram depicting in more detail steps





FIG. 1

for transferring and receiving an internal-format procedure


. In step


, one database operation servers


to be executed is determined. In step


, the internal-format procedure


is transferred to the selected database operation server


. For its part, the database operation server


receives the internal-format procedure


in step


, and executes the procedure


in step


. Alternatively, each database operation server


may report the receipt of the procedure


to the front end server


. When the receipt of the procedure


by all database operation servers


involved is confirmed, the front end server


may request all servers to start operating and execute the procedure


in step


. In another alternative, the internal-format procedure


is placed in a cache of each database operation server. In such a case, the execution of the cached procedure for a second and subsequent iterations may be carried out by issuing execution requests to the caches.

FIG. 14

is a flowchart illustrating in more detail how step



FIG. 1

is carried out to execute an internal-format procedure


. In step


, one code is retrieved at a time by interpreter for the next execution. In step


, the code is interpreted and executed according to its attached information. In step


, a check is made to see if there still exists in the current information any code to be executed next. The process is repeated until the codes are exhausted.

FIG. 15

is a flowchart illustrating in more detail how step



FIG. 1

is carried out for procedure execution. The code execution by interpreter is performed in the same manner as depicted in FIG.


. The codes handled by the interpreter on the side of the front end server


maybe different from those on the side of the back end servers


. In step


, one code at a time is retrieved by interpreter for the next execution. In step


, the code is interpreted and executed according to its attached information. In step


, a check is made to see if there still exists in the current information any code to be executed next. if the code being executed is found in step


to constitute retrieval of data composed of a plurality of sub-data items, the identifier


of the database operation server



in question and the address


of the data therein are acquired. The server identifier and the data address are used to create the location information


in an area prepared to accommodate the analyzed result. Alternatively, the identifiers of the database operation servers


may be furnished in the internal-format procedure


as information for use by the codes. If the retrieval is for data not composed of multiple sub-data items, then the whole data is placed into the area reserved for accommodating the analyzed result.

FIG. 16

is a schematic flow diagram illustrating in more detail steps





FIG. 1

for transferring and receiving results of processing. In step


, the database operation server


to which the internal-format procedure


was sent transfers the results of the processing to the front end server side. The transfer of the processing results continues until the results are found to be exhausted in step


. Alternatively, the results may be transferred a plurality of items at a time. In step


, the front end server


retrieves the results from within a queue or like arrangement so that the results may be received in the order in which they were transferred.

Alternatively, a procedure for receipt of the results may be created during analysis. The results are received in step


until the activated database operation server


reports the end of all results in step


. In step


, the results are returned to the user application program in the host. Whereas the setup of

FIG. 1

shows that all results have been received before they are returned to the user application program, it is possible alternatively to return to the host side every time one or a plurality of items are received. If the query is for retrieval, the retrieved results are returned If the query is associated with data composed of a plurality of sub-data items, the queried results include the location information


. If the query is for something other than retrieval, only the end of the results is reported.

FIG. 17

is a flowchart depicting in more detail step


for sub-data acquisition, step


for sub-data retrieval, step


for data transfer and step


for data receipt included in FIG.


. In step


, the identifier of the database operation server


having the data is retrieved from the data location information


. In step


, the front end server


sends a sub-data retrieval request along with information


necessary for sub-data retrieval to the database operation server


in question. In step


, the database operation server


receives the sub-data retrieval information


from the front end server


. In step


, the target data is acquired according to the data address


within the database operation server


. In step


, on the basis of offset information


about the sub-data item


to be used, the sub-data item


is retrieved from the offset location


by as much as the data length


with respect to the data type



In a setup where the offset of a variable-length sub-data item is included in the data


, the offset is acquired from the data


according to the identifier of the sub-data item in question, so that the sub-data item is retrieved by use of the offset. In step


, the retrieved sub-data item


is transferred to the front end server


. In step


, the front end server


receives the retrieved sub-data item


. In step


, at least one sub-data item


thus received is moved to the location


which was prepared during the analysis


for storage of processing results. That location


is designated by an offset


in the internal-format procedure that uses sub-data items. It is now possible to use the sub-data thus retrieved.

It may happen that the query



for sub-data use, as in the case of an update of retrieved data, is incapable of transferring sub-data from the database operation server


to the front end server


. In such a case, step


for placing sub-data into a location shared by the data-using procedure may alternatively be performed by the database operation server


, and the location



FIG. 5

at which to place the sub-data may be furnished on the side of the database operation server


. Whether or not the query is for updating retrieved data may be judged during the analysis of the initial retrieval query



as long as the query specifies search for an update. In this case, there is no data transfer between the front end server


and database operation servers


, which amounts to a reduction in query time.

In an alternative setup, if the query



for sub-data utilization is for updating the retrieved data and if the data address


is a real address indicating where the data is actually stored, then sub-data retrieval may not be carried out. Instead, the location information


and sub-data offset information


may be incorporated in the internal-format procedure


for update, so that the applicable data in the database may be updated directly. In that case, the data is not moved into memory but updated where it resides, which translates into a reduction in query time.

FIGS. 18 and 19

are schematic flow diagrams showing how this invention is illustratively applied to specific SQL setups.

FIG. 18

illustrates an SQL setup for retrieving data composed of a plurality of sub-data items, and

FIG. 19

depicts an SQL setup for using a sub-data item retrieved by the setup of FIG.


. The examples in the two figures show that one sub-data item is retrieved by an “INTO” statement for subsequent use. Alternatively, the invention also applies to a setup where a plurality of results are retrieved so that they are subsequently used one by one illustratively through a loop arrangement.

The setup of

FIG. 18

involves analyzing and executing the SQL for retrieving address data from address records. Address data comprises three sub-data items: a ZIP code, an address, and a telephone number. An address record table and address data type definition information are acquired from the dictionary and analyzed to create an internal-format procedure


. It is assumed that the address record table is split and held in two parts, e.g., servers




of database operation servers


. It is also assumed that the data meeting a “WHERE” conditional statement is located in the server


. In step



FIG. 18

, the internal-format procedure


is transferred to the servers




. The procedure


database operation servers


is executed in step


. Because the data that meets the condition exists in the server


, the identifier of a database operation server



(i.e., server


) is acquired in step


. In step


, an address


of the data is acquired. In step


, the location information


is created. In step


, the result


is returned to the front end server


. The result


is returned to the user application program in the host as variable-bound information


. Although disk drives are omitted in

FIG. 18

, the address may be either a real address at which the data resides or a logical offset address according to which the data is moved into memory.

The setup in

FIG. 19

constitutes a query wherein a telephone number, which is a sub-data item within address data, is used as a condition for decision. The processing subsequent to the decision is omitted (marked as . . . ) since it is not relevant to the invention. In step


, the query is received and subjected to syntax and semantic analysis. Because the process uses a telephone number as a sub-data item in a variable X, an internal-format procedure


for sub-data retrieval as shown in

FIG. 5

is created in step


by use of the variable-bound information


and the offset information


about the sub-data telephone number to be used. In step


, an “IF” statement internal-format procedure


as shown in

FIG. 5

is created for sub-data utilization. Upon execution, the server


, i.e., the database operation server



retaining the data indicated by the location information


receives the sub-data telephone number offset information which constitutes sub-data retrieval information


and which is used together with an address from within the address data. In this example, the telephone number offset is


. Illustratively, the ZIP code data length is


, address data length is


, and the telephone number is located


from the starting address of the address data. This allows the sub-data telephone number to be retrieved. It is assumed here that sub-data items are clustered together.

For the purpose of simplification and illustration, the beginning of the first sub-data item is represented by 0. In a simplified alternative, address data may be placed in a cache for the retrieval query of

FIG. 18

so that unnecessary I/O operations are not performed. The front end server


receives the retrieved sub-data item


in step


and sets the item in step


to an area shared by the “IF” statement procedure using the sub-data. This makes it possible to use the sub-data item


when the “IF” statement procedure is carried out in step



FIG. 20

is a schematic flow diagram of a parallel database system retrieval method practiced as an alternative embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 20

illustrates an example of analyzing and executing the initial retrieval query



What makes the setup of

FIG. 20

different from that of

FIG. 1

is that for the query



regarding data composed of a plurality of sub-data items, the retrieved result


is not location information


but the data itself. In such a case, the information


to be bound to variables is either an address of data in the front end server


or data itself. If the user application program has no capability of receiving data composed of a plurality of sub-data items, then the retrieved data serves as a data address in the front end server


. For the subsequent query



for sub-data utilization, the data exists on the front end server side and there is no need for any database operation server to carry out sub-data retrieval. In that case, the data and sub-data items in the front server


may be used directly.

FIG. 21

illustrates an example of the variable-bound information



FIG. 1

, different from the example in FIG.


. This information


is for use in the setup of FIG.


. The variable-bound information


comprises flag information


indicating the transfer of either data or location information to the front end server


. The flag may be set to 0 when data is transferred to the front end server


, and set to 1 when location information instead of data is transferred to the front end server


. Alternatively, the flag information may be omitted if suitable means is provided to distinguish either data or location information that is transferred to the front end server


. The variable-bound information


further includes information


in effect when the data is transferred to the front end server


, and information


in effect when the location information is transferred to the front end server


. The information


is either the address of the data in the front end server


or the data itself. The information


is constituted by the location information



FIGS. 22 and 23

are schematic flow diagrams illustrating an example wherein either the method of

FIG. 1

for transferring location information or the method of

FIG. 20

for transferring data is selected on the basis of calculated costs or other suitable criteria. One selection criterion may involve calculating and comparing the costs of the respective methods based on dictionary information such as sub-data item lengths. Another criterion may involve checking the presence of massive sub-data items such as LOB data in the data to be retrieved. Where the latter criterion is illustratively adopted, the method of

FIG. 1

is selected if any massive sub-data item is present, and the method of

FIG. 20

is chosen in the absence of such sub-data items.

FIG. 22

is a schematic flow diagram of a query for retrieval of data composed of a plurality of sub-data items. The cost of the method


in FIG.


and that of the method



FIG. 20

are analyzed in the analysis step


and calculated in step


. In step


in which the result is returned, the variable-bound information



FIG. 21

is created. The user application program in the host needs to prepare a variable storage area long enough to accommodate the variable-bound information if the query is for retrieval of data composed of a plurality of sub-data items.

FIG. 23

is a schematic flow diagram of a query for sub-data utilization. During the analysis


, the flag information


in the variable-bound information


is checked to see whether the data is transferred to the front end server or the location information instead of the data is transferred thereto. According to the result of the check, either the method



FIG. 1

or the method



FIG. 20

is selected for subsequent use.

As described, the parallel database system retrieval method according to the invention allows an initial retrieval query to transfer location information about data composed of a plurality of sub-data items from a database operation server to the front end server, and permits a subsequent sub-data utilization query to retrieve only the desired sub-data item from within the data. The absence of the transfer of unnecessary sub-data items translates into reductions in communication time as well as in query time. The inventive method is particularly advantageous when applied to systems in which the unused sub-data items are massive data such as LOB data.

While the present invention has been described in detail and pictorially in the accompanying drawings it is not limited to such details since many changes and modifications recognizable to those of ordinary skill in the art may be made to the invention without departing from the spirit and the scope thereof.

  • 1. A method in a database system comprising a first server including an execution part of stored procedures using an Abstract Data Type (ADT) as a parameter, and a second server connected to said first server, via a network, for operating said database and retrieving data from said database for enabling said first server to transmit retrieved data to said stored procedures, said method comprising the steps of:causing said second server, upon retrieval of data including a plurality of sub-data items indicating attributes of said ADT, to return location information of said data as a retrieval result to said first server; and retrieving said sub-data items of said data from said second server based on said location information so that any of said sub-data items in said data is used for processing, control and database operations included in said stored procedures.
  • 2. A method according to claim 1, wherein said sub-data items of said data are retrieved from said second server based on said location information, dictionary information concerning locations of said sub-data items within said data, and sub-data identifiers necessary for queries.
  • 3. A method according to claim 2, further comprising the step of:performing a process using the retrieved sub-data items of said data.
  • 4. A method according to claim 2, wherein said dictionary information of locations of said sub-data items clustered within said data comprises offset values representing locations of said sub-data items relative to a starting address of said data.
  • 5. A method according to claim 2, wherein said sub-data items are clustered within said data, and said data comprises offset values representing locations of said sub-data items relative to a starting address of said data, and each sub-data item being retrieved by a respective offset value extracted.
  • 6. A method according to claim 1, further comprising the step of:performing a process using the retrieved sub-data items of said data.
  • 7. A method according to claim 1, wherein said location information comprises an identifier of said second server having said data retrieved, and an address of said data within said second server.
  • 8. A method according to claim 7, wherein, when said process using said retrieved sub-data items is an update of the retrieved data, an internal-format procedure for providing an update is sent together with said location information of said data and said dictionary information concerning locations of said sub-data items to said second server, so that said internal-format procedure in operation uses the retrieved sub-data items on the side of said second server.
  • 9. A method in a parallel database system comprising a first server including an execution part of stored procedures using an Abstract Data Type (ADT) as a parameter, and a second server connected to said first server, via a network, for operating said database and retrieving data from said database for enabling said first server to transmit retrieved data to said stored procedures, said method comprising:a first process of causing said second server, upon retrieval of data including a plurality of sub-data items indicating attributes of said ADT, to return location information of said data as a retrieval result to said first server, and retrieving said sub-data items of said data from said second server based on said location information so that any of said plurality of sub-data items in said data is used for processing, control and database operations included in said stored procedures; and a second process of causing said second server, upon retrieval of data including a plurality of sub-data items indicating attributes of said ADT, to return retrieved data including sub-data items as a retrieval result to said first server, and retrieving said sub-data items of said data from said first server for processing, control and database operations included in said stored procedures, wherein one of said first and second processes is selected in accordance with predetermined selection criteria upon analysis of a query, so that an internal-format procedure corresponding to the selected process is generated and executed.
  • 10. A method according to claim 9, wherein, in said first process, said sub-data items of said data are retrieved from said second server based on said location information, dictionary information concerning locations of said sub-data items within said data, and sub-data identifiers necessary for queries.
  • 11. A method according to claim 10, wherein said location information comprises an identifier of said second server having said data retrieved, and an address of said data within said second server.
  • 12. A method according to claim 10, wherein said dictionary information of locations of said sub-data items clustered within said data comprises offset values representing locations of said sub-data items relative to a starting address of said data.
  • 13. A method according to claim 10, wherein said data comprises offset values representing locations of said sub-data items clustered within said data relative to a starting address of said data, and each sub-data item being retrieved by a respective offset value extracted.
  • 14. A method according to claim 10, wherein said predetermined selection criteria involve calculating costs of said first process and said second process based on said dictionary information including sub-data lengths, and comparing said first process and said second process in terms of calculated costs so that a more cost-effective one of said first process and said second process is selected.
  • 15. A method according to claim 10, wherein said predetermined selection criteria require that said first process be selected if any sub-data item within said data is longer than a reference value stipulated by the system, and that said second process be selected if no sub-data item within said data is longer than said reference value.
  • 16. A database system, comprising:a first server to analyze queries about a database; and a second server coupled to said first server, via a network, to operate said database, including retrieving data from said database, wherein said second server is configured, upon retrieval of data including sub-data items indicating attributes of a user defined type, to return location information of said data as a retrieval result to said first server; and wherein said first server is configured, upon receipt of said retrieved data, to retrieve said sub-data items of said data from said second server based on said location information so that any of said sub-data items in said data is used for processing, control and database operations subsequent to the retrieval of said data.
  • 17. A system according to claim 16, wherein said user defined type is an Abstract Data Type (ADT), and said sub-data items of said data are retrieved from said second server based on said location information and dictionary information concerning locations of said sub-data items within said data and sub-data identifiers necessary for queries.
  • 18. A system according to claim 17, wherein said location information comprises an identifier of said second server having retrieved said data and an address of said data within said second server.
  • 19. A system according to claim 17, wherein said dictionary information of locations of said sub-data items clustered within said data comprises offset values representing locations of said sub-data items relative to a starting address of said data.
  • 20. A system according to claim 17, wherein said sub-data items are clustered within said data, and said data comprises offset values representing locations of said sub-data items relative to a starting address of said data, and each sub-data item being retrieved by a respective offset value extracted.
  • 21. A system according to claim 17, wherein, when said process using said retrieved sub-data items is an update of the retrieved data, an internal-format procedure for providing an update is sent together with said location information of said data and said dictionary information concerning locations of said sub-data items to said second server, so that said internal-format procedure in operation uses the retrieved sub-data items on the side of said second server.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
8-226406 Aug 1996 JP

This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 09/369,327, filed on Aug. 6, 1999, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/918,106 filed on Aug. 27, 1997 now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 5,940,289 on Aug. 17, 1999, which is incorporated by reference herein.

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Number Date Country
Parent 09/369327 Aug 1999 US
Child 09/998219 US
Parent 08/918106 Aug 1997 US
Child 09/369327 US