Not Applicable
Not Applicable
1. Field of Invention
This invention is in the field of transportation. It proposes the use of standard commuter buses to be fited with railroad wheels that can be lowered to allow the bus to now run on railroad rails and roads. This now allows the buses to pick up commuters in their own neighborhood, take them to the nearest commuter railhead, (no expensive station) jump on the rails and run into the city with no stops. Then instead of dumping them off in the city at a station to find there own transportation to get to wherever they are going, the bus now jumps off the rails and takes them to their final destination all on the same bus. The ability to jump from road to rail and back again is called “RABBIT RAIL”.
This same idea could be used between cities and longer distances by using special cars to meet federal regulations that would enable them to use main line railroad tracks. These cars could be built to the same engineering standards as present day passenger cars. The difference is that they would be hollow so that buses could be driven in and clamped down so they can not move. Windows would be put on the rail car so the buses passengers would fell they are on the train.
Passenger trains have the same problems that commuter systems have, they only go from one station to another. Passengers must rent cars or get busses to get to their final destination and hope their luggage gets there too. With “RABBIT RAIL”, they can be picked up at the airport or hotel with their luggage, on a bus that then drives onto a train for a quick trip from maybe Miami directly to Disney World and their hotel with no lost luggage and no stress, on the same bus. Theses buses would be plush tour buses with sleeper seats, restroom, snack bar and movies. This would definitely be good for foreigners that do not like to drive on our highways.
2. Description of Prior Art
The railroads have been using these attached railroad wheels for years on their maintenance vehicles. The rail wheel kits are put on cars and pickups for track inspections. The kits are also put on larger trucks and cranes up to 60,000 pounds, for track maintenance and clearing wrecks. They have also been put on school type buses to take large work crews to remote work sites. Large modern commuter buses weigh about 30,000 pounds.
To my knowledge rail buses have never been used to transport the general paying public. This may be due to government regulations prohibiting their use on main lines with regular trains.
There are several companies that make rail conversion equipment. They will fit on almost any type of vehicle with a rail type frame or some additions to strengthen the bus frame. The rail kits can have brakes in addition to the buses brakes. The kits can also add hydraulic drive wheels for added traction.
The government regulations pertaining to use with mainline trains does not apply to light rail systems that have their own dedicated rail systems. The “RABBIT RAIL” System could be used on these tracks. Cities such as Los Angeles, Atlanta, Miami, Jacksonville and more are losing money every day due to low rider participation. Commuters do not want to drive to crowded stations, then in the city, find another type of transportation to get to their final destination. “RABBIT RAIL” will get those people back out of their cars an on the commuter system.
My proposal is to put these rail wheels on a regular inexpensive commuter bus. When this is done, the bus can now run on the streets or on railroad tracks and can jump on or off, hence “RABBIT RAIL”. This ability is what makes the system work.
The “Rabbit Rail” bus driver can drive onto the railroad rails with rubber tires and then when aligned with the rails, he can activate a control that will bring down the rail wheels to the tracks and lock in place.
This procedure is done at a Rail-On area. It is a rail siding that is paved like a railroad crossing, with the pavement flush with surface of the rails. The surface is fitted with channels for the standard “Rabbit Rail” bus wheels to guide the bus into exact alignment with the railroad rails. When in position, the driver activates a control that lowers the rail wheels onto the railroad rails and is automatically locked in place. The front wheels of the bus are raised slightly above the rails because the rail wheels do the steering. The rear inter-wheels are kept in contact with the rails because they provide the propulsion and braking. The rail wheels can also be equipped with hydraulic power and braking if needed.
The “Rabbit Rail’ system works by picking up the commuters close to their home at inexpensive small parking lots in the pickup areas. These parking areas will be determined by extensive surveys of the people in each rural area so as to minimize their driving time. After picking up these commuters at these parking lots, the bus then drives to the “rail-on” area on non congested side roads. When the bus driver is in position at the “rail-on” area and the rail wheels are down and locked, he contacts Central Control for clearance to proceed onto the commuter system and start his very safe run, with no red lights or traffic to slow him down, into the city.
The “Rabbit Rail” is now in the city, it pulls onto a “rail-off’ siding and raises the rail wheels and locks them in place. The “Rabbit Rail” bus then “jumps” off the rails and starts it's run on the city streets to deliver the commuters right to their jobs or within walking distance. These routes will be established by surveys taken from commuters.
Now that is real convenience and “can not’ be done with regular light rail.
By picking up commuters in or near their subdivisions, they would be riding to work with their own friends and neighbors which would be a great incentive to use the “Rabbit Rail’.
The “Rabbit Rail” buses will have comfortable seats with cup holders and maybe even tray tables for laptop computers with electrical outlets. A coffee bar with snacks or breakfast rolls could be put in the back of the bus along with a small rest room. Things that will make the ride into work more enjoyable for the business commuter.
By using standard transit buses, instead of light rail cars, the present maintenance facility can be used. Also the regular maintenance personal can be used as is and not be retrained in railcar maintenance. This is a real cost savings.
The only thing that will make the present day commuter rail systems desirable to the commuter, is to make it easer and more enjoyable to use than their own automobile.
“RABBIT RAIL” Commuter system will accomplish this goal by picking the commuter up where they live and taking them in comfort, to where they want to go with out changing from buses to train and back again. The presently proposed Light Rail systems will not do this.
“RABBIT RAIL” is also a very flexible system in that it does not have permanent expensive stations. If one location does not have enough commuters, you just move the buses to a more productive location. You are not stuck with a useless expensive station. If a new development is built, you just send new buses to service it. No new expensive station.
“RABBIT RAIL” as a new commuter system should cost less than a third the cost of a present proposed commuter system with many expensive stations, very expensive commuter rail cars, and a new maintenance rail building with trained employees. “RABBIT RAIL” commuter system only needs the rail system, a central traffic control, and the “RABBIT RAIL” buses. Simple and efficient. The tax payers will love it and use it.
An added plus is that when combined with the local bus transit system, the “RABBIT RAIL” buses at off peak hours can be used on the city streets as regular transit buses. They can also use the transit systems maintenance facilities and maintenance programs. That is a real cost savings. Another tax payers pluss.
Drawing Figures
In the drawings, the “RABBIT RAIL” vehicles are shown in generic form because many different types of people moving vehicles could be used. Also the railroad wheel kits could be used from several different suppliers.