Radar System Having Arrangements and Methods for the Decoupling of Transmitting and Receiving Signals and for the Suppression of Interference Radiation

Radar system for covering the surroundings, designed such that one or several sequences of identical or similar individual signals are radiated per transmitting antenna in a measuring cycle, which sequences are interlaced where appropriate, wherein the average time interval of said individual signals is greater than the propagation time of received signals that corresponds to the maximally interesting distance, particularly for determining the relative velocity of objects and for increasing the detection sensitivity.

The invention relates to a radar system for the use for driver assistance systems in a motor vehicle. According to the invention, the radar system has arrangements and methods for the decoupling of transmitting and receiving signals and for the suppression of interference radiation.


Motor vehicles are being increasingly equipped with driver assistance systems that cover the surroundings by means of sensor systems and derive automatic vehicle reactions from the traffic situation detected in this manner and/or instruct (in particular warn) the driver, wherein a distinction between comfort functions and safety functions is made.

FSRA (Full Speed Range Adaptive Cruise Control) is the most important comfort function as far as present development is concerned. The vehicle adjusts the ego-velocity to the desired velocity predetermined by the driver if said adjustment is possible in the present traffic situation. Otherwise, the ego-velocity is automatically adjusted to the traffic situation.

Besides increased comfort, safety functions will be more and more important in future, wherein a reduction of the length of the brake path in emergency situations will probably play the most important role. The corresponding driver assistance functions range from prefilling the brake automatically for reducing brake latency via an improved Brake Assist System (BAS+) to autonomous emergency braking.

Nowadays, radar sensors are used in most driver assistance systems of the type described above. Said radar sensors reliably operate even in bad weather and are capable of measuring the distance between objects as well as of directly measuring the relative velocity of the objects by means of the Doppler effect.

These radar sensors are still rather expensive, and the detection quality thereof is not perfect, which is very critical particularly with respect to safety functions. Reasons thereof are, for example:

    • For precisely determining the lateral position of objects, radiation lobes directed in many different directions are required. This is being increasingly realized by using several transmitting and/or receiving antennas integrated in one sensor, wherein a planar design is preferred. Said transmitting and/or receiving antennas are operated in a parallel or quasi-parallel manner. For preventing the antennas from influencing each other, they must be decoupled or isolated very well, which has not been realized in a satisfying manner so far, not even by using expensive circuitry.
      • One example are 24-GHz UWB sensors (UWB=Ultra Wide Band). The very restrictive frequency allocation only allows the radiation of a very low transmitting power, which results in the fact that the amount of power unintentionally radiated by the actual receiving antennas on account of insufficient isolation comes close to the amount of power radiated by the transmitting antennas. This may result in problems with respect to the azimuth angle estimation of objects and in sensitivity losses in particular angle regions.
    • If several antennas are used, several parallel receiving paths are implemented, which makes analog and digital signal processing very expensive.
    • Interference coupling or interference radiation (caused by other systems) in the radar frequency range or in the range in which the low-frequency part of the electronic evaluation unit operates may result in incorrect detection and thus in wrong reactions.


The object of the invention is to provide a radar system and a method for a motor vehicle that suppresses the effect of interference radiation.

Said object is basically achieved by means of a radar system according to claims 1 to 14.

The suppression of interference radiation particularly comprises the decoupling or isolation of transmitting and receiving signals, which results in a precise determination of the lateral position of objects and in the avoidance of sensitivity losses. The suppression of interference radiation is also comprised.

The advantages of the invention result from reduced demands, particularly on the high-frequency electronic components and on the components of analog and digital signal processing, which reduces the costs of the radar system. Further advantages of the invention result from an improved and robust detection quality.


FIG. 1 shows the first embodiment of a radar system.

FIG. 2 shows the frequency of the transmitting and receiving signals that consists of so-called frequency ramps.

FIG. 3 shows a sampled signal in the presence of two objects prior to the first DFT (left) and after the first DFT (right).

FIG. 4 shows the complex spectral value in range gate 4 in which exactly one object is present, said complex spectral value rotating over the frequency ramps.

FIG. 5 shows the two-dimensional complex-valued spectrum after the second DFT.

FIG. 6 explains the different phase positions at the four receiving antennas and their interrelationship with the azimuth angle.

FIG. 7 shows the data prior to the three-dimensional DFT (left) and the three-dimensional complex-valued spectrum thereafter (right).

FIG. 8 shows, for an intensive 500-kHz coupling, the Doppler spectrum of a receiving channel in the affected range gate 6 with and without random inversion.

FIG. 9 shows the transmitting-antenna diagram with and without the power unintentionally radiated by the receiving antennas.

FIG. 10 shows the second embodiment of a radar system.

FIG. 11 shows the third embodiment of a radar system.

FIG. 12 shows the fourth embodiment of a radar system.


In the following, the invention will be explained on the basis of exemplary embodiments of radar systems. The invention described in the embodiments and the indicated numerical examples refer to a 24-GHz radar. However, it is not intended to restrict the invention to the 24-GHz range but the invention is claimed for high-frequency radar systems and can be easily realized by a person skilled in the art with other frequencies as well, e.g., with 77 GHz.

Embodiment 1 According to FIG. 1

The first exemplary embodiment is the radar system that is roughly illustrated in FIG. 1. The radar system has a transmitting antenna 1.1 for the radiation of transmitting signals and a plurality of, in particular, receiving antennas 1.2 for the simultaneous reception of transmitting signals that are reflected from objects.

The following exemplary embodiment is one with four receiving antennas but can be easily realized with any plurality of receiving antennas or with at least one receiving antenna.

All antennas (transmitting and receiving antennas) have the same beam shape with respect to elevation and azimuth. The four receiving antennas are located in the same plane, and each of them has the same lateral, i.e., horizontal spacing d.

The transmitting signals are obtained from the high-frequency oscillator 1.3 in the 24-GHz range. The frequency of the oscillator 1.3 can be changed by means of a driving voltage vSteuer. The driving voltage is generated in the driving means 1.9. The signals received by the antennas are mixed down to the low-frequency range in the real-valued mixers 1.5 also with the signal of the oscillator 1.3. Moreover, the phase of the oscillator signal may be rotated by 180° by means of the switchable inverter 1.4, or it may be left unchanged (the switchable inverter is driven by the driving means 1.9). After that, each of the receiving signals passes a band-pass filter 1.6 with the transfer function shown, an amplifier 1.7 and an A/D converter 1.8, followed by further processing thereof in a digital signal processing unit 1.10.

In order to be able to measure the distance from objects, the frequency of the high-frequency oscillator (and thus of the transmitting signals) is linearly changed very quickly (so-called frequency ramp), e.g., by 187.5 MHz within 16 μs (see FIG. 2). The frequency ramps are repeated periodically, e.g., every 20 μs, which means that there are a total of 1024 frequency ramps in the present numerical example.

The receiving signal of an individual object is, after mixing and thus also at the ND converter, a sinusoidal oscillation for each frequency ramp and for each of the four receiving channels, which can be explained by means of FIG. 2 as follows: If the object has a radial relative velocity of zero relative to the radar system, the frequency difference Δf between the transmitted signal and the received signal is constant and proportional to the signal propagation time Δt and thus proportional to the radial distance Δr=c·Δt/2, wherein c is the velocity of light and the factor ½ takes into consideration that the propagation time Δt refers to the outward travel and return travel of the wave. For example, the frequency difference Δf is Δf=2r/c·187.5 MHz/16 μs=r·78.125 kHz/m for the design mentioned above. Since the received signal is mixed in each receiving channel with the oscillator frequency and thus with the transmitting frequency, there is one sinusoidal oscillation each after the mixer, said oscillation having the frequency Δf. This frequency is in the MHz range, and it is shifted by the Doppler frequency when there is a non-imperceptible (radial) relative velocity. However, the Doppler frequency is in the kHz range only. Therefore, it is approximately negligible as against the frequency component by the object distance. If there are several objects, the receiving signal consists of several superimposed sinusoidal oscillations of different frequencies.

The receiving signals at the A/D converter are sampled, e.g., 512 times at an interval of, e.g., 25 ns each (i.e., with 40 MHz) during each frequency ramp in all four receiving channels (see FIG. 2). FIG. 2 shows that signal sampling is only useful in that time range in which receiving signals from objects in the interesting distance range arrive, i.e., at least the propagation time that corresponds to the maximally interesting distance must pass after the start of the ramp (i.e., 1.25 μs if maximum distance is 200 m).

After that, a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in the form of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) is formed over the, e.g., 512 sampled values of each frequency ramp and of each receiving channel, whereby objects in different distances resulting in different frequencies can be separated (see FIG. 3: signal prior to DFT in the presence of two objects (left) and after DFT (right), wherein k is the control variable over the 1024 frequency ramps and m is the control variable over the four receiving channels RXm).

Each of the discrete frequency control points j of the DFT corresponds to a distance r. Therefore, it can be also called “range gate” (by analogy with pulse radar). In the design mentioned above, the range gates have an interspace and thus a width of just one meter (results from r·78.125 kHz/m=1/(12.8 μs)). In the DFT, power peaks occur in the range gates in which objects are present. Since the sampled receiving signals are real-valued and the upper transition region of the analog band-pass filters 1.5 has a frequency bandwidth of, e.g., 8.764 MHz (corresponds to the range of 112 frequency control points), only 200 of the 512 discrete frequency control points can be processed in this numerical example. Note that filter transition regions cannot have any desired narrowness. The filters 1.5 damp small frequencies and thus the receiving signals from close objects in order to avoid the overdriving of the amplifiers 1.6 and the ND converters 1.7 (the intensity of the signals received at the antennas increases with decreasing object distance).

Complex spectral values e(j,k,m) occur over the, e.g., 1024 frequency ramps (k=0, 1, . . . , 1023) in each receiving channel m (m=0, 1, 2, 3) for each range gate j (i.e., each of the, e.g., 200 considered frequency control points). If there is exactly one object at the distance that corresponds to a range gate, the complex spectral value in this range gate j rotates over the, e.g., 1024 frequency ramps at the Doppler frequency since the distance (in the mm range or below that) and thus the phase position of the associated oscillation uniformly changes from frequency ramp to frequency ramp. The phase change of 45° per frequency ramp (see example in FIG. 4) corresponds to a distance change of the object of λ/(8·2)=0.78 mm, wherein the wavelength in this numerical example is λ=c/24.15 GHz=12.4 mm and the factor 2 in the denominator takes the outward travel and return travel of the waves into consideration from which the relative velocity vrel=0.78 mm/20 μs=140 km/h results. Several objects of different relative velocities in the same range gate are separated by forming, for each receiving channel and for each range gate, a second DFT over the complex spectral values occurring in the, e.g., 1024 frequency ramps. Each of the discrete frequency control points I of this second DFT corresponds to a set of Doppler frequencies. Because of the sampling of the Doppler frequency, it can be determined down to an unknown integral multiple of its sampling frequency only and thus a set of relative velocities vrel of objects so that the discrete frequency control points of the second DFT can be called “relative-velocity gates”. In the exemplary design considered herein, the set of possible relative velocities always includes only one relative velocity that is useful or possible with respect to road traffic (see FIG. 5). The second DFT is not only used for determining the relative velocity but also increases detection sensitivity (by about 10·log10(1024)=30 dB if there are 1024 frequency ramps) because of its integration.

The result of this second DFT for the relative velocities is a two-dimensional complex-valued spectrum for each receiving channel, wherein the individual cells can be called “range—relative-velocity gates” and power peaks caused by objects occur at the respective associated range—relative-velocity gate (see FIG. 5).

Finally, the information from the four receiving channels (to the four receiving antennas) is merged. The wave radiated by the transmitting antenna and reflected from an individual object arrives at the four receiving antennas m, m=0, 1, 2, 3, with different phase positions φ(m) in dependence on the azimuth angle α since the distances between the object and the receiving antennas are slightly different. Because of the horizontal equidistance of the receiving antennas, the phase differences linearly increase/decrease over the four receiving antennas (see FIG. 6). Aside from any constant and thus compensatable phase shifts, these phase differences continue to exist until after the second DFT so that digital beam shaping can be performed in each range—relative-velocity gate via the four receiving channels. For this purpose, sums are formed over the complex values of the four receiving channels, and each of them is multiplied by a set of complex factors with a linearly increasing phase. In dependence on the linear phase change of the respective set of factors, radiation lobes with different beam directions are formed. The beam width of these radiation lobes is considerably smaller than that of the individual receiving antennas. The summation described above is realized by, e.g., an 8-point DFT, wherein the four values of the four receiving channels are filled with four zeros. The discrete frequency values of this DFT correspond to different azimuth angles. Therefore, they can be called “angle gates” n (e.g., n=0, 1, . . . 7).

The result of this third DFT for the azimuth angles is a three-dimensional complex-valued spectrum, wherein the individual cells can be called “range—relative-velocity—angle gates” and power peaks caused by objects occur at the respective associated range—relative-velocity—angle gate (see FIG. 7: data prior to three-dimensional DFT (left) and thereafter (right)), i.e., the determination of the power peaks enables objects to be detected and the object quantities “distance”, “relative velocity” (aside from any ambiguities, see above) and “azimuth angle” to be determined. Since power peaks still have levels even in adjacent cells on account of the DFT windowing, the object quantities can be determined much more precisely than the gate widths by interpolation in dependence on these levels. Note that the window functions of the three discrete Fourier transforms are selected such that, on the one hand, the power peaks do not become too broad in order to achieve sufficient object separation but, on the other hand, the secondary lobes of the window spectra do not become too high in order to be able to detect also weakly reflective objects in the presence of highly reflective objects. As a fourth object quantity, the reflection cross-section of the object can be estimated from the height of the power peaks. The reflection cross-section indicates the intensity of the reflection of the radar waves from the object. The described detection of objects and the determination of the associated object quantities represent a measuring cycle and provide an instantaneous image of the surroundings, which is cyclically repeated, e.g., approximately every 30 ms.

In real radar systems, interference coupling or interference radiation occurs in the radar frequency range (e.g., 24 GHz) or in the range in which the low-frequency part of the electronic evaluation unit operates or is sensitive (e.g., approximately in the range of 50 Hz to 1 GHz). These interferences can be caused by other systems or by the radar system itself. Examples for such interferences are:

    • radiation from radar systems that operate in the same high-frequency range; such radiation penetrates via the receiving antennas;
    • radiation or coupling caused by other systems in the low-frequency range (e.g., by radio systems outside the vehicle or by other systems in the vehicle), said radiation or coupling penetrating via the casing that is not ideally shielded or via the on-board feed lines;
    • interfering signals caused by the radar system itself (e.g., the cycle of voltage regulators) that couple into the low-frequency receiving channels.

If no special measures are taken, all these interferences may result in the supposed detection of objects that do not exist in reality (ghost objects), which may result in wrong reactions of driver assistance functions. For example, if the 500-kHz cycle of a voltage regulator equally couples into all four receiving channels, the result will be a power peak in the three-dimensional spectrum (after the third DFT), said power peak resulting in the detection of an object at a distance of a bit more than 6 m, at an azimuth angle of 0° and at a relative velocity of 0 km/h. If the FSRA function (Full Speed Range Radar) is implemented with the radar system, this supposed detection consists in the erroneous and permanent detection of a vehicle driving ahead of the ego-vehicle at a very short distance from the ego-vehicle and at the same velocity as the ego-vehicle. The ego-vehicle slows down relative to the vehicle driving ahead in order to achieve a sufficiently big distance therefrom. However, since the distance from and the relative velocity of this ghost object never change (it slows down more or less at the same rate as the ego-vehicle), the ego-vehicle is almost slowed down to a standstill, which is of course unacceptable and may also become critical with respect to safety.

For avoiding the problem described above, the phase of the oscillator signal used for mixing is rotated at random from ramp to ramp by 180° by means of the switchable inverter 1.4, or it is left unchanged. The selected setting of the switchable inverter remains constant within each ramp. This results in the phases of the receiving signals equally varying after mixing, i.e., they are rotated by 180° or they are not. For frequency ramps where inversion has taken place, this must be corrected later (e.g., after the first DFT) by just multiplying the respective values by −1 (corresponds to a reversed rotation by 180°). After that, the useful signals resulting from reflections from objects are coherently reintegrated in the three discrete Fourier transforms. The result is the same three-dimensional spectrum as without random inversion with power peaks at the corresponding range—relative-velocity—angle gates.

The coupling into the low-frequency receiving channels (caused by, e.g., a 500-kHz cycle of a voltage regulator) is coherent prior to the correction of the phase variations over the ramps but becomes non-coherent after the correction by the ramp-to-ramp random multiplication by −1 or +1 so that said coupling does not result in a power peak any more because of the integration over the ramps taking place in the second DFT and the third DFT, but its power is distributed at random among all discrete frequency control points and thus represents white noise. Said noise occurs in the three-dimensional spectrum in all cells of the range gate for 6 m and, at a reduced level, in the one or two preceding and one or two subsequent range gates. There is no increased noise in the cells of other range gates since the coupling is coherent within each ramp and is therefore not transformed into noise by the first DFT, yet. In the exemplary design described above (a total of 1024 ramps), the noise caused by the coupling is approximately 10·log10(1024)≈30 dB below the power peaks that the coupling would generate without the phase variation. This is shown for an intensive 500-kHz coupling in FIG. 8. If this noise were above system noise (as shown in FIG. 8), the sensitivity of the radar system would be reduced. However, such intensive coupling can be avoided by a suitable circuitry layout.

The same principle applies to the other interference coupling or interference radiation mentioned above. Because of the random inversion, said coupling or radiation only results in possibly increased noise in few range gates (if the noise generated by it is above system noise) but does not result in ghost objects.

Embodiment 2 According to FIG. 10

So far, the ideal case (power is only radiated by transmitting antenna 1.1) has been discussed (see embodiment 1 according to FIG. 1). In fact, however, power is also radiated by the receiving antennas 1.2 since the mixers 1.5 do not ideally isolate, i.e., a part of the input power of the mixer obtained from the oscillator leaks from the mixer to the receiving antennas and is radiated by them.

For 24-GHz narrow-band radar systems operating in the so-called ISM band, the amount of power outputted to the transmitting antennas by the oscillator at least equals the amount of power outputted to the mixers. Since the mixers typically have an isolation of at least 20 dB, the power radiated by the receiving antennas is negligible as against the actual transmitting power (radiated by the transmitting antennas). For 24-GHz wide-band radar systems (so-called UWB radar systems), frequency allocation is very restrictive. It only allows the radiation of a very low transmitting power, which results in the fact that the amount of power unintentionally radiated by the actual receiving antennas on account of insufficient isolation comes close to the amount of power radiated by the transmitting antennas. This may result, in the arrangement according to FIG. 1, in sharp declines in the resulting transmitting-antenna diagram that takes both power components mentioned above into consideration (see FIG. 9), which results in the radar system being very insensitive in particular azimuth directions so that at least weakly reflective objects are not detected any more and thus cannot be seen at these azimuth angles.

The following exemplary embodiment can be easily realized for a radar system with a plurality of transmitting antennas and at least one receiving antenna and will be presented on the basis of an embodiment with one receiving antenna and four transmitting antennas.

Therefore, the radar system shown in FIG. 10 will be discussed in the following. It essentially differs from the original radar system (embodiment 1) in having only a single receiving antenna (instead of four) but having four equidistant transmitting antennas located in the same plane (instead of one). The four transmitting antennas are sequentially operated by means of a multiplexer 10.11. Only one antenna transmits in each ramp, wherein the respective next antenna is switched over to from ramp to ramp. With the same total of ramps (1024), 256 ramps are radiated by each transmitting antenna. Also in the present exemplary embodiment, the signals are evaluated by means of a three-dimensional DFT, wherein there are two slight differences as against the exemplary embodiment described above. On the one hand, the length of the second DFT is reduced to 256. On the other hand, a non-imperceptible relative velocity of an object results in a linear phase offset between the receiving signals from the four sequentially driven transmitting antennas. This linear phase offset is superimposed on the linear phase offset by the azimuth angle of the object. Since the relative velocity is known after the second DFT, the phase offset caused by it can be deducted, e.g., prior to the third DFT or later.

Furthermore, a disadvantage of the radar system according to FIG. 10 during UWB operation without phase variations over the ramps consists in sharp declines occurring in the transmitting-antenna diagrams because of the unintentional radiation of power by the receiving antenna. A further problem is that this power radiated by the receiving antenna significantly distorts angle formation, i.e., results in incorrect measuring of the azimuth angle of objects. The reason for this is that the power radiated by the transmitting antennas and reflected from an object results in a linear phase offset over the four transmitting antennas in the received signal in dependence on the azimuth angle of the object, which can be explained by analogy with FIG. 6. The power radiated by the receiving antenna and reflected from an object has, in the receiving signal, a phase that is independent of the used transmitting antenna. Therefore, the receiving signal consists of a component with a linear phase offset over the transmitting antennas and a constant component so that the sum does not have a linear phase offset over the transmitting antennas any more, whereby an azimuth angle formation based on the assumption that there is a linear phase offset results in errors.

For avoiding both problems described above (declines occurring in the transmitting-antenna diagrams and incorrect azimuth angle formation), the phase of the oscillator signal used for mixing can be rotated at random from ramp to ramp by 180° by means of the switchable inverter 10.4, or it can be left unchanged. The selected setting of the inverter remains constant within each ramp. Over the ramps, this results in the power radiated by the receiving antenna becoming uncorrelated and thus non-coherent to the power radiated by the transmitting antennas. Again, the power radiated by the receiving antenna and reflected from objects results only in low noise in the corresponding range gates in the receiving signals. Said noise is approximately 10·log10(1024)≈30 dB below the power that would result without the phase variation (i.e., in the case of a coherent integration by means of the second DFT and the third DFT over 1024 ramps).

Embodiment 3 According to FIG. 11

The following exemplary embodiment can be easily realized for a radar system with a plurality of transmitting antennas and at least one receiving antenna and will be presented on the basis of an embodiment with one receiving antenna and two transmitting antennas.

The simpler radar system shown in FIG. 11 will be discussed in the following. It basically differs from the preceding radar system (embodiment 2) in:

    • having only two transmitting antennas (instead of four);
    • both transmitting antennas being operated simultaneously, i.e., each of the 1024 ramps being radiated by both antennas simultaneously so that no multiplexer is required;
    • the switchable inverter 11.4 being arranged before one of the two transmitting antennas and not between the oscillator and the mixer.

The switchable inverter 11.4 alternately varies the phase of the signal of the first transmitting antenna from ramp to ramp by 0° and 180°, i.e., the signal is inverted in every second ramp and remains unchanged therebetween. The phase of the signal of the second transmitting antenna is not varied. The alternating phase of the signal of the first transmitting antenna results in the receiving signals from this transmitting antenna being modulated at half the ramp recurrence frequency (25 kHz) over the ramps so that their Doppler frequency is also shifted by 25 kHz after the second DFT. The receiving signals from the second transmitting antenna are not shifted in the Doppler. For an object whose relative velocity corresponds to, e.g., a Doppler frequency of 5 kHz, the second DFT results in a power peak at 5 kHz for the receiving signals from the second transmitting antenna and a power peak at 30 kHz for the receiving signals from the first transmitting antenna. Thus, the components from the first transmitting antenna and from the second transmitting antenna can be separated on the basis of their frequencies after the second DFT. The component of the first transmitting antenna can be shifted back by 25 kHz, whereafter the third DFT (having a length of 2, for example) for angle formation can be performed.

Instead of the determinate alternating phase variation, there could be a random phase variation. In that case, however, the second DFT would have to be determined two times—one time with a correction of the phase variation and one time without said correction. In the DFT calculated with phase correction, the receiving signals from the first transmitting antenna would result in power peaks, whereas the receiving signals from the second transmitting antenna would generate noise that is approximately 30 dB below the power peaks. In the DFT calculated without phase correction, conditions would be vice versa. Because of that, the two components could be separated.

Embodiment 4 According to FIG. 12

The following exemplary embodiment can be easily realized for a radar system with at least one transmitting antenna and a plurality of receiving antennas and will be presented on the basis of an embodiment with one transmitting antenna and two receiving antennas.

Finally, the simple radar system shown in FIG. 12 will be discussed. It basically differs from the preceding radar system (embodiment 2) in:

    • having only one transmitting antenna (instead of two) but having two receiving antennas (instead of one);

  • 1. Method for the suppression of interference radiation for a radar system for a motor vehicle, wherein one or several sequences of essentially identical high-frequency individual signals are radiated in a measuring cycle and the average time interval of said individual signals is greater than the propagation time of received signals that corresponds to a maximally interesting distance, particularly for determining the relative velocity of objects and for increasing the detection sensitivity;received signals are mixed with high-frequency signals, whereby low-frequency receiving signals are generated that represent sequences of individual signals; andthe phase position thereof is varied over successive low-frequency individual receiving signals by varying the phase position of the individual transmitting signals and/or of the high-frequency signals used for mixing and/or of the low-frequency individual receiving signals themselves.
  • 2. Method according to claim 1, wherein the amplitude curve of the radiated signals includes one or several sequences of short pulses and the phase position is varied from pulse to pulse in each case.
  • 3. Method according to claim 1, wherein the frequency curve of the radiated signals includes one or several sequences of linear frequency ramps of identical slope each and the phase position is varied from ramp to ramp in each case.
  • 4-15. (canceled)
  • 16. Method according to claim 1, in which the variation of the phase position of the individual transmitting signals and/or of the high-frequency signals used for mixing and/or of the low-frequency individual receiving signals is a determinate, pseudo-random or random variation or is made up of a determinate component and a random or pseudo-random component.
  • 17. Method according to claim 1, in which the phase position is varied by enabling a signal to be optionally inverted, i.e., by enabling the phase of the signal to be rotated by 180° or to be left unchanged.
  • 18. Method according to claim 1, in which the variation of the phase position is used for making interference coupling or interference radiation caused by the radar system itself or by other systems behave in an uncorrelated manner relative to received signals of objects during signal processing so that a significant part of said coupling or radiation can be suppressed, said interference coupling or interference radiation occurring in the radar frequency range or in the range in which the low-frequency part of an electronic evaluation unit operates or is sensitive.
  • 19. Method according to claim 1, wherein, when different antennas transmit and receive simultaneously, at least a large part of components of the high-frequency signals used for mixing that are unintentionally radiated by the receiving antennas on account of, e.g., non-ideal decoupling or incomplete reverse isolation of the receiving path are separated, by the variation of the phase positions, from the signals radiated by the transmitting antennas after their reflection from objects and reception in the signal processing means.
  • 20. Method according to claim 19, in which there are several antennas for transmitting and/or receiving that are used in different combinations in a parallel or serial manner, the angle of objects relative to the radar system is determined from the signals that are received by reflection from these objects in different antenna combinations, and angle determination errors are at least largely avoided by the variation of the phase position.
  • 21. Method according to claim 19, in which the variation of the phase position is designed such that the superposition of the power radiated by the transmitting antennas and by the receiving antennas does not result in any angle regions of significantly reduced detection sensitivity.
  • 22. Method according to claim 1, in which an integration over the low-frequency individual receiving signals is performed in the signal processing means that is correlated to the useful components and uncorrelated to the spurious components so that the spurious components only result in noise and thus cannot result in incorrect object detection and/or in a significantly incorrect determination of object quantities.
  • 23. Method according to claim 1, in which several antennas transmit simultaneously, wherein the phase position of the individual transmitting signals of different antennas relative to each other is varied, thereby allowing an at least approximate separation of the transmitting signals of different antennas when received by the same antenna.
  • 24. Method according to claim 23, wherein two antennas transmit simultaneously and the phase position of the individual transmitting signals of the two antennas relative to each other is varied in a random or pseudo-random manner or alternately from individual transmitting signal to individual transmitting signal by 0° and 180°.
  • 25. Method according to claim 1, in which several antennas receive simultaneously, wherein a summation of their receiving signals in the high-frequency or low-frequency range is performed and the phase position of the individual receiving signals of different antennas relative to each other is varied during said summation, thereby allowing an at least approximate subsequent separation of the receiving signals of different antennas in the signal processing means so that a part of the processing of the receiving signals can be performed in a shared path.
  • 26. Method according to claim 1, in which prior to, during or after the evaluation of respectively one individual receiving signal, the phase position variation used therefor is corrected.
  • 27. Radar system for covering the surroundings of a motor vehicle and for suppressing effects of interference radiation by the method according to claim 1, comprising transmitting means for the radiation of transmitting signals, wherein said transmitting means may include several antennas;receiving means for the reception of transmitting signals reflected from objects, wherein said receiving means may include several antennas; andsignal processing means for processing the received signals,wherein one or several sequences of essentially identical high-frequency individual signals are radiated in a measuring cycle and the average time interval of said individual signals is greater than the propagation time of received signals that corresponds to a maximally interesting distance, particularly for determining the relative velocity of objects and for increasing the detection sensitivityand received signals are mixed with high-frequency signals, whereby low-frequency receiving signals are generated that represent sequences of individual signals, characterized in thatmeans for phase angle rotation of individual signals are also provided and the phase position thereof is varied over successive low-frequency individual receiving signals by varying the phase position of the individual transmitting signals and/or of the high-frequency signals used for mixing and/or of the low-frequency individual receiving signals themselves by said means for phase angle rotation.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
10 2009 016 478.2 Apr 2009 DE national
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/DE10/00417 4/1/2010 WO 00 9/14/2011