This invention relates to tracking systems for radar guided homing missiles. While it is applicable to systems having fixed antennas with electronic beam steering, it is primarily intended for partially strapdown systems, i.e., systems in which a gimbal mounted antenna is stabilised in space by means of gyroscopes strapped down, i.e., fixed, to the body of the missile, as compared to the more conventional gimbal systems where gyros are mounted directly on the antenna.
The object of the present invention is the improvement in the estimation of target direction, i.e., sightline, and sightline angular velocity, i.e., ‘rate’, for an angle tracking system using other than a directly space stabilized antenna.
The addition of stabilizing gyros to a gimbal mounted antenna increases the antenna inertia considerably and so worsens the response, particularly in the presence of highly manoeuvrable targets.
According to the present invention, in an angle tracking radar system for a target-seeking missile having a steerable beam antenna, the system comprising a receiver responsive to target signals received by the antenna to provide receiver output signals indicative of target direction, processing means including a recursive estimator, an inertial reference unit fixed relative to the body of the missile, the processing means being responsive to the receiver output signals and to body rate signals produced by the inertial reference unit to provide an estimate of target sightline direction and angular velocity for guiding the missile and steering the antenna beam onto the target, the processing means is adapted to convert the body rate signals and the receiver output signals into signals in an electronic frame having orthogonal coordinates which are controlled in dependence upon the body rate signals and the sightline angular velocity estimate to produce alignment of one of the coordinates and the estimated sightline, and the estimates of sightline and angular velocity are derived in the electronic frame coordinates preparatory to missile guidance control.
The antenna may be gimbal mounted and the target sightline estimate used to control the antenna to tend to align the antenna boresight and the sightline estimate.
The inertial reference unit preferably includes accelerometer means to measure the missile body acceleration, the recursive estimator, comprising a seven state extended Kalman filter, then being responsive to the measured body acceleration to provide an estimate of target acceleration for use in guiding the missile.
Where the inertial reference unit consists of rate gyros i.e., without accelerometers, the estimator may comprise a five state extended Kalman filter.
Where the inertial reference unit comprises pitch and yaw rate gyros, the body rate signal produced by the inertial reference unit may be deemed to include scale factor error components in respect of the gyros, and the estimator may then comprise a Kalman filter of which the scale factor error components constitute two state vectors.
The receiver output signals may be deemed to include receiver scale factor and radome aberration error components, the estimator then comprising a Kalman filter of which the receiver and radome error components constitute two state vectors.
An angle tracking radar system in accordance with the invention will now be described, by way of example, with reference to the accompanying drawings, of which:
Referring to the seeker system shown in
The function of each of these elements is described below.
Gimballed Antenna and Servo System
The antenna 1 is of a two axis gimballed design. Servo motors 3 & 5 are driven to cause the antenna to track the target in azimuth and elevation. The outer gimbal is driven relative to the body 15, and the inner relative to the outer gimbal using angle demands obtained from the angle tracking estimator (see later).
The most important feature of the antenna is that there are no rate gyroscopes mounted on the antenna to measure the angular velocity of the antenna. The mass and inertia of the gimbal mechanism is thus low and therefore the antenna is capable of tracking at large angular rates.
Transmitter, Receiver and Electronic Angle Tracking
The details of the transmitter and receiver are not of prime importance providing they are suitable for an active radar system. However, a specific design of receiver, employing electronic angle tracking, is assumed, by way of example. Although not essential to the overall angle tracking system, this design has known practical advantages.
which is zero when the estimates of the boresight error is correct).
The three channels are then amplified (31) by an automatic gain control (a.g.c.) system 33 operating off the sum channel detector, phase sensitive detectors 35 & 37 generating the receiver output.
The azimuth psd output is given by:
where S is the mean value of S.
A similar expression exists for the elevation output.
The transmitter 39 is coupled into the antenna via a circulator 41 in the sum channel.
Range and velocity tracking systems are included in the seeker but are not shown on the diagram since any of the standard techniques are satisfactory for the purposes of this invention. A further requirement is a system for measuring the signal to noise ratio. This may be achieved in several ways e.g., monitoring the agc level or examining the received spectrum in the receiver.
Summarizing, the receiver gives the following outputs:
The principal functions of the angle tracking estimator are:
The IRU consists of three rate gyroscopes and three accelerometers. The IRU is fixed to the missile body and measures the angular velocity of the missile with respect to inertial space and the non field specific force. The gyroscopes are essential to the angle tracking design but an angle tracking estimator may be constructed which does not require measured body acceleration.
Guidance Unit
The guidance unit has as its inputs the estimates of target direction, sightline rate and target acceleration normal to the sightline. The details of the guidance unit will depend on the particular application but typically the outputs of the unit will be autopilot commands.
Angle Tracking Filter Design
The main features of the angle tracking system are:
In addition the angle tracking system can be extended to include:
As mentioned above, Electronic Angle Tracking (E.A.T.) is not essential to the design, but for the purposes of this description it will be assumed that an EAT receiver is used.
The output of an EAT receiver is a measure of the difference between the true and estimated target direction. The azimuth differential error Δaz may be written as
Δaz=f(is·ja−îs·ja)+ν (1)
The design of the angle tracking estimator is based on the use of an artificial, electronic axes system, known as the ‘e’ frame, which is controlled using the measured body rate and the estimated sightline rate to remain in close alignment with the sightline frame. The sightline is defined by three unit vectors, one (is) pointing along the missile-target sightline and the other two forming the triad of vectors. The electronic ‘e’ frame is defined by a triad of vectors eμ, μ=1,2,3. These ‘e’ vectors can be written in terms of a triad of vectors i, j & k which define the missile's roll, pitch and yaw axes, i.e., the ‘body frame’.
e3=E31i+E32j+E33k (4)
where E is the direction cosine matrix which represents the transformation from the body frame to the electronic e frame. Thus, a vector VB in the body axes is related to the same vector Ve in the electronic frame by the equations
The time evolution of the e frame is governed by the following differential equations.
There are nine differential equations to solve for the e vectors. Fortunately since the vector e3 can be expressed as:
e3=e1×e2 (6)
the number of differential equations that need to be solved is reduced to six. The ‘e’ frame is initially aligned with the antenna system using the measured azimuth and elevation gimbal angles ψg, Bg
e1(0)=[cosθgcosψg, cosθgsinψg, −sinθg]
e2(0)=[−sinψg, cosψg, 0] (7)
e3(0)=[sinθgcosψg, sinθgsinψg, cosθg]
The e frame, being derived from the estimated sightline rate and the measured body rate, will rotate with respect to inertial space with an angular velocity {circumflex over (ω)}, provided that the measured body rate is an accurate measure of the true body rate, i.e., that the gyro outputs are accurate. The modifications required to the estimator if this assumption is false will be explained later.
The equations describing the motion of the sightline relative to the ‘e’ frame (ideally zero) are:
is a differential operator acting in the e frame
The differential equations for sightline rate are defined as
Past experience suggests that the following model of target acceleration normal to the sightline is suitable for most applications
Since the ‘e’ frame is in close alignment with the sightline frame, in the ‘e’ frame:
T is a transformation matrix from the antenna frame (Δ) to the electronic ‘e’ frame (
ΔAZ, ΔEL are the receiver outputs as defined in equations (3).
The Kalman gains Kij are determined from the covariance matrix P. Thus:
where H is the measurement matrix
The covariance matrix P is found by solving the matrix Ricatti equation
{dot over (P)}=FP+PFt+Q−PHtHP/σ2 (19)
The system noise spectral density matrix is usually chosen to be diagonal, i.e. Q=diag [Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7]. Simulation results have shown that if the Qi are chosen as follows:
Equations (19) are solved on line in the angle tracking filter processor as the engagement progresses. The covariance matrix is initialised using our knowledge of the system. Only the diagonal terms (variances) are considered for initialisation since there is no useful knowledge of the off diagonal terms. The direction cosine variances are initialised according to our knowledge of the angular lay on accuracy, and the sightline rate covariances according to our knowledge of the sightline rate. Past experience has lead to the initialisation of the variance on target acceleration to zero to avoid any deviation from the initial target acceleration estimate until the other filter states have settled down. The filter states should be initialised to values close to the true value of the states as this minimises the mean square error and improves the overall system performance. In the event that at the start of an engagement insufficient information is available to initialise the filter states all the filter states should be set to zero except the estimate of sightline direction îe which should be set to |1,0,0|
For the second equation giving the sightline rate, the receiver outputs in e frame coordinates are multiplied by Kalman gains K21 & K22 and applied to summing process 43, the other input of which is the estimated sightline in the e frame in a vector cross product (process 45) with the quantity Âe/R. The result of this summation is applied to another summing process 47 where it is added to the product of the output sightline rate estimate {circumflex over (ω)}e and the approach velocity factor 2{dot over (R)}/R. The result of this summation is integrated in process 49 to give the sightline rate estimate.
For the third equation the receiver outputs are processed similarly, by Kalman gains K31 & K32, and added, in process 51, to a vector cross product (53) of the sightline rate estimate and the target acceleration ÂTe. The sum is integrated in process 55 to product the target acceleration output.
Antenna Servo Demands
The two axis gimballed antenna is driven by servo motors to track the target in azimuth and elevation. The antenna servo is position controlled using angular inputs and the gimbal angle demands are derived from the outputs of the angle tracking estimator in the following manner. The angle tracking estimator provides an estimate of the target direction îse. This vector is transformed into the body frame to obtain îsB.
îsB=ETîse (21)
where ET is the transpose of the matrix E, given in equation (4). The vector îsB has components |îB, {circumflex over (m)}B, {circumflex over (n)}B| and the demanded gimbal angles can be obtained from these components.
The azimuth gimbal demand ψgD is given by:
ψgD=sin−1[−{circumflex over (n)}B] (22)
The elevation gimbal demand θgD is given by:
θgD=tan−1[{circumflex over (m)}B/{circumflex over (l)}B] (23)
EAT Feedback Signals
As described earlier, the receiver outputs are a measure of the difference between the true and estimated sightline direction. The estimated sightline direction îs is derived in the angle tracking filter. The azimuth (elevation) EAT feedback signal is given by îs·Ja (îs·ka). These two signals can be conveniently obtained from the demanded and measured gimbal angles. The îsB vector may be written in terms of the demanded gimbal angles ψgD, θgD as
îsB=[cosθgD cosψgd, cosθgD sinψgD, −sinθgD] (24)
and the ja, ka vectors in terms of the measured gimbal angles ψg, θg as
Therefore the EAT feedback signals can be constructed easily since the error between the demanded and measured gimbal angles is directly available in the antenna servo system.
Transformation from Antenna to Electronic Axes Systems
The receiver output signals must be transformed into the electronic frame before they can be used in the estimation process. Define a vector Δis thus:
This vector can be written in terms of its components in the antenna system as
Δias=(Δis·ia)ia+(Δis·ja)ja+(Δis·ka)ka (30)
and in terms of its components in the electronic frame as
Δise=(Δis·e1)e1+(Δis·e2)e2+(Δis·e3)e3 (31)
The receiver measures two components of the Δisa vector: the receiver's azimuth output ΔAZ is Δis·ja and the receiver's elevation output ΔEL is Δis·ka. The inputs to the angle tracking estimator
From equations (30, 31)
Now Δis·ia and ia·e2 are both small quantities
and similarly
This can be written as
Certain classes of target are unlikely to manoeuvre significantly. For these targets a simplified version of the angle tracking filter may be constructed as follows. The target acceleration states ÂT are deleted from the state space description and the number of states in the filter is reduced to five. The filter equations can be further simplified by omitting the measured missile acceleration terms of equations (12) and (20). The resulting filter design requires three rate gyroscopes and no accelerometers in the IRU.
Modification to Correct for Gyro Scale Factor Errors
The estimator equations given in the previous section assumed that expensive rate gyros were used in the inertial reference unit. The extension of the design to compensate for lower quality instruments will now be considered. The dominant errors of the rate gyros are assumed to be scale factor errors and bias drift. The scale factor errors are likely to have the most detrimental effect on the guidance systems and therefore it is necessary to design compensation for the scale factor errors.
The angular velocity of the ‘e’ frame with respect to inertial space ωE is
ωE=ωB+ωEB (41)
Therefore we could set
but if
Assume that
The angular velocity of the ‘e’ frame with respect to inertial space is
ωE=ωB−{circumflex over (ω)}B+{circumflex over (ω)}s (46)
The estimate of ωE, {circumflex over (ω)}E is given by
ωE={circumflex over (ω)}B−{circumflex over (ω)}B+{circumflex over (ω)}s={circumflex over (ω)}s (46)
Using the above equations the filter described above can be expanded to include two extra gyro scale factor states μ2 and μ3. The equations for this expanded estimator are as follows.
The Kalman gains Kij are given by
where the covariance matrix P is obtained from solving the matrix Ricatti equation
{dot over (P)}=AP+PAt+Q−PHtHP/σ2 (50)
and Q the system noise spectral density matrix is a diagonal matrix
The matrix A is:
The filter states are initialised in a similar manner as discussed previously, except that the initial values of the gyro scale factor error states μ2, μ3 are set to zero. The initial conditions on the matrix Ricatti equation are as before except that the variances on the gyro states are initialised according to the quality of the strapdown gyros.
Modifications to Correct for Receiver Errors
Receiver scale factor errors and radome aberation are potential source of guidance problems. The basic design of the angle tracking estimator may be developed to include extra states which compensate for these errors. It was assumed above that the EAT receiver produces outputs proportional to the difference between the m and n components of the sightline vector and their estimates m and n, corrupted by gaussian measurement noise. Radome aberration and receiver channel mismatches may result in receiver outputs which are not directly related to the sightline vector and these erroneous measurements could lead to poor estimates of the sightline rate.
To overcome this problem the filter equations may be extended as follows
as=iw+λ2e2+λ3 (51)
The estimator equations for this expanded filter are:
The Kalman gain matrix
is given by
K=PHt/σ2 (56)
where the covariance matrix P is obtained by solving the following matrix Ricatti equations:
The filter equations are initialised in a similar manner as discussed previously, except that the initial values of the receiver error states λ2, λ3 are set to zero. The initial conditions on the matrix Ricatti equations are as before except that the variances on the receiver error states are initialised using the expected values of the receiver errors and radome aberration.
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