A novel method is provided for estimating the energy distribution of quanta of radiation such as photons incident upon a detector in spectroscopic systems such as in X-ray or gamma-ray spectroscopy. The method is particularly useful for count-rate regimes where pulse pile-up is an issue. A key step in the derivation of the estimator of an embodiment of the invention is the novel reformulation of the problem as a decompounding problem of a compound Poisson process. The method can be applied to any form of radiation detector detecting quanta or other corpuscles of radiation, such as x-rays, gamma rays or other photons, neutrons, atoms, molecules, or seismic pulses. Applications of spectroscopy from such detectors are well known. Such applications are described widely in the prior art, including in international patent applications PCT/AU2005/001423, PCT/AU2009/000393, PCT/AU2009/000394, PCTAU2009/000395, PCT/AU2009/001648, PCT/AU2012/000678, PCT/AU2014/050420, PCT/AU2015/050752, PCT/AU2017/050514, and PCT/AU2017/050512, each of which is incorporated herein in its entirety for the purpose of describing potential applications of the current invention and any other background material needed to understand the current invention.
X-RAY and gamma-ray spectroscopy underpin a wide range of scientific, industrial and commercial processes. One goal of spectroscopy is to estimate the energy distribution of photons incident upon a detector. From a signal processing perspective, the challenge is to convert the stream of pulses output by a detector into a histogram of the area under each pulse. Pulses are generated according to a Poisson distribution whose rate corresponds to the intensity of X-rays or gamma-rays used to illuminate the sample. Increasing the intensity results in more pulses per second on average and hence a shorter time before an accurate histogram is obtained. In applications such as baggage scanning at airports, this translates directly into greater throughput. Pulse pile-up occurs when two or more pulses overlap in the time domain. As the count rate (the average number of pulses per second) increases so does the incidence of pulse pile-up. This increases the difficulty in determining the number of pulses present and the area under each pulse. In the limit, the problem is ill-conditioned: if two pulses start at essentially the same time, their superposition is indistinguishable from a single pulse. The response of an X-ray or gamma-ray detector to incident photons can be modelled as the superposition of convolutions of pulse shape functions Φj(t) with Dirac-delta impulses,
The arrival times . . . , τ−1, τ0, τ1, . . . are unknown and form a Poisson process. Each photon arrival is modelled as a Dirac-delta at time τj, and with amplitude aj that is proportional to the photon energy and induces a detector pulse shape response Φj. The amplitudes aj are realizations of identically distributed random variables Aj whose common probability density function ƒA(x) is unknown. The pulse shape function Φj is determined by the geometry of the detector and the photon interaction. In some systems the variation in pulse shape is minimal and may be ignored, while other systems (e.g., HPGe) individual pulse shapes may differ significantly from one another ill. It is assumed all pulse shapes are causal i.e., Φj(t)=0 for t<0, uni-modal, of finite energy, and decay exponentially toward zero as t→∞. The integral of the pulse shape functions are normalized to unity, i.e., ∫−∞∞Φj(t) dt=1, so that the area under the pulse is given by Aj. The observed signal consists of the detector output corrupted by noise, i.e.,
The mathematical goal of pulse pile-up correction is to estimate ƒA(x) given a uniformlysampled, finite-length version of s(t). We assume throughout that the noise distribution w(t) is zero-mean Gaussian with known variance σ2. We also assume the photon arrival times form a homogeneous Poisson process with a known rate. Consisting of the detector response R corrupted by a noise process W, where Sk, Rk and Wk represent the kth elements of each series and where 0≤k<K. Let S, R and W be the uniformly sampled time-series corresponding to these signals,
Summary of Pulse Processing Methodologies: Numerous approaches have been proposed over the decades to address the issue of pulse pile-up. Approaches can be broadly categorized into two types: time-domain based and energy-domain based. A popular strategy is to attempt to detect when pile-up has occurred in the time domain, and either reject or compensate for the affected pulses. Early spectroscopic systems adopted a rejectionbased approach along with matched filtering. The disadvantage of this approach is that an increasing proportion of pulses are rejected as the probability of pile-up grows. The system rapidly succumbs to paralysis, placing an upper limit on the count rate [1]. Strategies that compensate or correct for pile-up have grown in number with the increase of cheap computational power. These include template fitting [2], baseline subtraction [3], adaptive filtering [4, 5], sparse regression [6, 7] and more. These approaches all attempt to identify and compensate for pile-up in the time domain, and are generally best suited to systems with low pulse shape variation. The complexity of these approaches increases significantly with increasing variability between pulse shapes Φj. It can be shown that any method that attempts to characterise individual pulses will suffer from pile-up. The best that these approaches can do is to reduce the onset of pile-up. Energy-based approaches attempt to address pile-up based on the statistics of an ensemble of pulses rather than individual pulses. They typically operate on histograms of estimated energy (the areas under clusters of pulses). The early work of Wielopolski and Gardner [8] and more recent extensions of their idea [9] operate primarily in the energy domain using ensemble-based strategies. Trigano et al. [10, 11] estimate the incident spectrum utilizing marginal densities from the joint distribution of the statistical properties of variable length clusters of pulses where the beginning and end of each cluster is detected. This circumvents the need to identify individual pulses, and is robust to pulse shape variation. Ilhe et al. [12] examine exponential shot-noise processes, restricting pulse shapes to a simple exponential to obtain tractable results. Further work [13] has been done to allow a wider range of pulse shapes. In both cases, knowledge is required of the pulse shape, along with estimates of the characteristic function and its derivative.
We chose an energy-based pile-up correction approach in order to i) avoid the limitations associated with the detection of individual pulses [14] and to ii) be able to handle pulse shape variation without undue increase in computational complexity. Rather than utilizing the joint distribution [10, 11] or shot-process [12] approaches, we recast the pile-up problem as a ‘decompounding’ problem of a compound Poisson process. A compound Poisson process is a discrete-time random process where each component consists of the sum of a random number of independent identically distributed random variables, where the number of random variables in each sum is Poisson distributed [15]. ‘Decompounding’ of a compound Poisson process is the task of using the random sums to estimate the distribution from which the random variables have been drawn. Buchmann and Grübel [16] formulated the decompounding of compound Poisson processes in the context of insurance claims and queuing theory. Decompounding of uniformly sampled compound Poisson processes has received some attention in recent times [16, 17, 18, 12, 19]. The context of these derivations frequently assume (reasonably) that each event is detectable (i.e., there is no ambiguity regarding the number of events), or that the density estimators are conditioned on at least one event occurring in each observation [20]. These assumptions are of limited value when addressing the spectroscopic pile-up problem.
The investigation of non-parametric decompounding without conditioning on event detection has received relatively little attention in the literature. Gugushvili [18] proposes a non-parametric, kernel-based estimator for the decompounding problem in the presence of Gaussian noise. In embodiments of the invention, the inventors have conceived that once a method for selecting the kernel bandwidth is obtained, along with a method for transforming the observed detector output to fit the mathematical model, this estimator can be readily extended and applied to a reformulation of the spectroscopic pile-up problem.
In accordance with a first broad aspect of the invention there is provided a method of determining a spectrum of energies of individual quanta of radiation received in a radiation detector, the method comprising the steps of: (1) obtaining a time series of digital observations from the radiation detector comprising pulses corresponding to the detection of the individual quanta; (2) computing spectrum sensitive statistics from the detector signal, the spectrum sensitive statistics defining a mapping from a density of amplitudes of the pulses to a spectrum sensitive statistics; (3) determining the spectrum by estimating the density of amplitudes of the pulses by applying an inversion of the mapping to the spectrum sensitive statistics.
In embodiments, the spectrum sensitive statistics may be based on a sum of the digital observations over a plurality of time intervals and the mapping may be defined using an approximate compound Poisson process, which may be augmented by a modelled noise. The mapping may be expressed as a relation between characteristic functions of the amplitudes, the spectrum sensitive statistics and the modelled noise. The characteristic functions of the spectrum sensitive statistics may be computed with the use of a histogram of the sum of the digital observations to which is applied an inverse Fourier transform. Computation of a characteristic function of the amplitudes may comprise the use of a low pass filter.
In a first embodiment, the plurality of time intervals are nonoverlapping and have have a constant length L and each interval is selected to encompass zero or more approximately entire clusters of the pulses. This may be accomplished by requiring a maximum value of the detector signal at a beginning and end of each time interval. In this embodiment, the compound Poisson process may be defined as a sum of the amplitudes of the pulses in each time interval. The mapping may be expressed as defined in equations (40) and (41), which may be augmented by windowing functions.
In a second embodiment, a plurality of intervals comprise a first set of nonoverlapping time intervals constant length L selected without regard to entirety of clusters of the pulses, and a 2nd set of nonoverlapping time intervals of constant length L1 less than L also selected without regard to entirety of clusters of the pulses. L is at least as long as a duration of the pulses and preferably L1 is less than the duration of the pulses. In this embodiment, the compound Poisson process may be defined as in Section 6. The mapping may be expressed as defined in Section 6. The second embodiment may utilise processes and calculations for each set of time intervals as defined for the set of time intervals in the first embodiment.
In embodiments, a data-driven strategy is used that results in a near optimal choice for a kernel parameter, which minimises the integrated-square-of-errors (ISE) of the estimated probability density function of incident photon energies.
According to a second broad aspect of the invention there is provided a method of estimating count rate of individual quanta of radiation received in a radiation detector, the method comprising the steps of: (1) obtaining a time series of digital observations from the radiation detector comprising pulses corresponding to the detection of the individual quanta; (2) computing spectrum sensitive statistics from the detector signal, the spectrum sensitive statistics using the intervals of constant length L and constant length L1 as described above in relation to the 1st broad aspect; (3) determining an estimate of a characteristic function of the compound Poisson process by formula (99); (4) estimating the count rate from the estimate of the characteristic function. Step (4) above may be achieved by using an optimisation routine or some other means to fit a curve, estimating a DC offset of a logarithm of the estimate of the characteristic function, or fitting a curve to the logarithm of the estimate of the characteristic function.
The rest of this application is organized as follows. Sections 3, 4 and 5 relate to the 1st embodiment of the 1st aspect of the invention. Sections 3 provides preliminary background, defines notation, outlines the mathematical model and gives a derivation of the estimator of the 1st embodiment, including modifications. Section 4 shows the performance of the modified estimator of the 1st embodiment for both simulated and experimental data, and discusses the results. Section 5 provides a conclusion for the 1st embodiment. Section 6 describe the 2nd embodiment, with reference to the 1st embodiment where relevant. Section 7 describes the 2nd aspect of the invention, a novel method of estimating count rate.
The general approach we take to addressing pile-up is based on the following strategy; i) obtain statistics from s(t) that are sensitive to the distribution of incident photon energies, and estimate those statistics using the observed, finite-length sampled version of s(t), ii) obtain a mapping from the density of incident photon energies to the statistical properties of the observed statistics, iii) estimate the density of the incident photon energies by inverting the mapping. Section 3.1 describes our choice of statistics. Section 3.2 argues that these statistics (approximately) have the same distribution as a compound Poisson process. Section 3.3 introduces a decompounding technique for recovering the spectrum from these statistics. It is based on the decompounding algorithm in [18] but further developed to obtain near optimal performance in terms of the integrated square of error. Our approach to the pile-up problem follows the general theme of finding some statistics of s(t) that are sensitive to the underlying spectrum, estimating these statistics from a finite-time sampled version of s(t), then inverting the map that describes the statistical properties of these statistics given the underlying spectrum, thereby producing an estimate of the spectrum.
We wish to obtain estimates of the photon energies from the observed signal given in (2). In typical modern spectroscopic systems, the detector output s(t) is uniformly sampled by an ADC. Without loss of generality, we assume the raw observations available to the algorithm are {s(k): k∈≥0}. Since identification of individual pulses can be difficult, we look instead for intervals of fixed length L∈
>0 containing zero or more clusters of pulses. Precisely, we define these intervals to be [Tj, Tj+L) where
Here, ϵ is chosen as a trade-off between errors in the energy estimate and the probability of creating an interval. The value of ϵ should be sufficiently small to ensure the error in the estimate of total photon energy arriving within each interval is acceptably low, yet sufficiently large with respect to the noise variance to ensure a large number of intervals are obtained. Although the probability of partitioning the observed data into intervals approaches zero as the count-rate goes to infinity, this approach succumbs to paralysis at higher count-rates compared to pile-up rejection strategies based on individual pulses, since multiple photons are permitted to pile-up within in each interval. Section 4.2 describes the selection of L and ϵ for real data. Each interval contains an unknown, random number of pulses and may contain zero pulses.
We estimate the total photon energy xj in the interval [Tj, Tj+L) using the sampled raw observations. Since the area under each pulse is proportional to the photon energy Aj defined in (1), we let
The number of photon arrivals, the energy of each arriving photon and the detector output noise in each interval [Tj, Tj+L) are assumed to be random and independent of other intervals. For pulse shapes with exponential decay, a small amount of the photon energy arriving in an interval may be recorded in the next interval. The amount of leakage is proportional to ϵ, and is negligible for sufficiently small ϵ. Consequently, the estimates x1, x2, . . . may be treated as the realization of a weakly-dependent, stationary process where each estimate is identically distributed according to the random variable X. This relationship is illustrated in
3.2 Approximation with Compound Poisson Process
In this subsection we describe the distribution of X in terms of ƒA(x). We will then invert this in section 3.3, to obtain an estimator for the density ƒA(x). Using (9), (2), (1) and the fact that (t) is causa we have
As justified below, this simplifies to
Both yj and zj are i.i.d. sequences of random variables. We denote their distributions by Y and Z. The distribution of Z is fully determined from the distribution of w(t), which is assumed zero-mean Gaussian with known variance σ2. Moreover, Y is a compound Poisson process since the number of terms in the summation (number of photon arrivals in an interval of length L) has Poisson statistics. Equations (11)-(13) are justified as follows. The first term of (10) represents leakage from earlier intervals and is approximately zero. This is easily shown for Gaussian noise by performing a Taylor expansion about ϵ=0
Thus there is a finite but small probability that some energy belonging to a previous interval will be included in the current estimate. In practice, this contribution is comparable to the noise for sufficiently small E. The third term in (10) is zero since (t) is causal. The second term in (10) can be written as
where we assume the pulse shapes (t) are sufficiently smooth such that
It approximates the total energy of all the photons arriving in the interval [Tj, Tj+L). Let νj designate the number of photon arrivals in the interval [Tj, Tj+L). We assume νj is a realization of a homogeneous Poisson process with rate parameter λ, where λ is expressed in terms of the expected number of photons per interval of length L. Henceforth we shall assume that (11) holds exactly, and write
Finally, we write xj as
where we assume Z has known variance σ2. In this subsection we model the statistic of section 3.1 using a compound Poisson process. This allows us to derive an estimator for the density ƒA(x) in terms of observable quantities. The number of photons arriving in the interval [Tj, Tj+L) is a Poisson random variable which we designate νj. The total energy in the interval Y can be modelled as a compound Poisson process i.e.,
where j,1=min{
: Tj≤τ
<Tj+L} is the index of the first-photon arrival time in the interval, the arrival times are assumed ordered, and
representing photon energy are independent realizations of the random variable A with density function ƒA(x). The {νj} form a homogeneous Poisson process with rate parameter λ. The Poisson rate λ is expressed in terms of the expected number of photons per interval of length L.
The relationship between realizations of Y and the sampled detector response is illustrated in by substituting (2) into (9),
where zj is the realization of the unobservable random variable Y that represents the photon energy in an interval of the discrete-time detector response,
where zj is a realization of Z, an independent random variable representing errors in the sampling process and estimation of Tj. We assume Z has known variance σ2. With these definitions of X and Y, the number of intervals which can be found in a finite length of detector output is a random variable N. At high count-rates this approach succumbs to paralysis, as the probability of being able to partition the observed data into intervals approaches zero. The onset of paralysis occurs at higher count-rates compared to pile-up rejection based strategies, since multiple photons are permitted to pile-up within in each interval. Assume the time-series defined in (3)-(6) has been sampled uniformly. Without loss of generality, assume unit sample intervals beginning at t0=0 i.e., tk=k, 0≤k<K. Let R be a discrete-time random process representing the sampled detector response of (1). Let Y={Yj: 0≤j<N} be a discrete-time random process whose components Yj represent the total photon energy arriving during a fixed time interval. A compound Poisson process can be used to model Y, i.e.,
where νj is an independent Poisson random variable, and Ak are independent identically distributed random variables with density function ƒA(x). The {νj} form a homogeneous Poisson process with rate parameter λ. The process Y is not directly observable. Assume the pulse shape Φ(t) has finite support. Let A(t) be the indicator function for the set A. Let the pulse length
be given by
=sup({t: Φ>0})−inf({t: Φ(t)>0}). Let S=R+W={s(k):0≤k<K} be a discrete-time random process representing the observed detector output given by (2). It consists of the detector response R corrupted by a noise process W. Without loss of generality, we assume unit sample intervals. From the observations S we form the process X, where
and where Zj is a random variable from an independent noise process of known variance σ2. A simple model for testing theory is obtained when we let the pulse shape Φ(t)=(0,1)(t) in (1), in which case we let Xj=Sj, and N is simply the sample length K. Obtaining Xj from S is more complicated for real data. In that case we partition the process S into non-overlapping blocks of length L, where L>
. The Poisson rate λ is expressed in photons per block. The start of each block Tj∈
is chosen such that the total energy of any pulse is fully contained within the block in which it arrives
where {circumflex over (T)}j is an estimate of Tj. Section 4.2 describes the selection of L and ϵ for real data. With this definition of Xj, the number of components in Y becomes a random variable for a given sample length K. At high count-rates this approach succumbs to paralysis, as the probability of being able to create a block approaches zero. The onset of paralysis occurs at higher count-rates compared to pile-up rejection based strategies, since multiple photons are permitted to pile-up within in each block. Let Y={Yj: 0≤j<N} be a discrete-time random process whose components Yj are given by
where L∈ is a constant chosen such that h and d is a small threshold value close to zero. The random variable Yj thus represents the total photon energy arriving during a fixed time interval of length L. The value of d ensures the signal associated with photon arrivals is very small at the start and end of each interval. This is illustrated in
where νλ is a homogeneous Poisson process with rate parameter λ, and Ak are independent identically distributed random variables with density function ƒA(x). Let S=R+W be a discrete-time random process representing the sampled detector output given by (2). It consists of the detector response R corrupted by a noise process W. The process Y is not directly observable. Using (2), (25) and (32), we model observations by the process X={Xj: 0≤j<N}, i.e.,
We seek to invert the mapping from the distribution of photon energy A to the distribution of X. Our strategy is to first obtain the characteristic function of X in terms of ƒA, then invert the mapping assuming the count-rate and noise characteristics are known. Let ϕX, ϕY, ϕZ, ϕA be the characteristic functions of X, Y, Z, A. It is well known [15] that for the compound Poisson process Y with rate λ,
and since X=Y+Z then
Given the observations xj we can form an empirical estimate {circumflex over (ϕ)}X of the characteristic function of X. Treating this as the true characteristic function, we can invert (40), (41) to obtain the characteristic function of A and then take the Fourier transform to find the amplitude spectrum ƒA. Specifically, using (40), (41) and exploiting the assumption that Z is Gaussian to ensure ϕZ(u) will be non-zero ∀u∈, we let γ:
be the curve described by
Temporarily assuming ∀u, γ(u)≠0, after taking the distinguished logarithm of (43) and rearranging we have
Ideally, ƒA is recovered by taking a Fourier transform
The basic form of our proposed estimator is given in (88) and is derived from (45) via a sequence of steps. First, ϕX is estimated from the data (Step 1). Simply substituting this estimate for ϕX in (42) does not produce an ISE optimal estimate of γ. The approximate ISE is obtained from an approximate estimate of the error distribution of ϕX (Step 2). We then determine a sensible windowing function G(u) (in Step 3) and estimate γ by
The windowing function G(u) is designed to minimise the approximate ISE between ƒA and our estimate of ƒA based on (44), (45) and (46), but with γ in (44) replaced by (46). A similar idea is used for estimating ϕA from (44): a weighting function H(u) is found (in Step 4) such that replacing ϕA in (45) by
produces a better estimate of ƒA than using the unweighted estimate 1/λd log ({circumflex over (γ)}). Finally, the weighting function H(u) is modified (in Step 5) to account for the integral in (45) having to be replaced by a finite sum in practice. The following subsections expand on these five steps.
An estimate of ϕX(u) is required to estimate γ(u). In this subsection we define a histogram model and describe our estimation of ϕX(u) based on a histogram of the xj values. Assume N intervals (and corresponding xj values) have been obtained from a finite length data sample. Although the empirical characteristic function
provides a consistent, asymptotically normal estimator of the characteristic function [21], it has the disadvantage of rapid growth in computational burden as the number of data points N and the required number of evaluation points u∈ increases. Instead, we use a histogram based estimator that has a lower computational burden. Assume that a histogram of the observed X values is represented by the 2M×1 vector n, where the count in the mth bin is given by
All bins of the histogram have equal width. The bin-width is chosen in relation to the magnitude of the xj values. Since the effect of choosing a different bin width is simply equivalent to scaling the xj values, we assume the bin-width to be unity without loss of generality. The bins are apportioned equally between non-negative and negative data values. The number of histogram bins 2M influences the estimator in various ways, as discussed in later subsections. For now, it is sufficient to assume that 2M is large enough to ensure the histogram includes all xj values. We estimate ϕX(u) by forming a histogram of scaled xj values and take the inverse Discrete Fourier transform i.e.,
This is a close approximation of the empirical characteristic function but where xj terms have been rounded to the nearest histogram bin centre (and u contracted by a factor of 2π). The term nm simply counts the number of rounded terms with the same value. Clearly, this function can be efficiently evaluated at certain discrete points u∈−M, . . . , M−1 using the fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
The design of the filters G(u) and H(u) in (46) and (47) rely on the statistics of the errors between {circumflex over (ϕ)}X and the true characteristic function. In this subsection we define and describe the characteristics of these errors. We assume the density function ƒX is sufficiently smooth (i.e., |dnƒX(u)/dun|≤Cn∈∀n∈
) and that the width of the histogram bins are sufficiently small (relative to the standard deviation of the additive noise Z) such that the errors introduced by rounding xj values to the centre of each histogram bin are approximately uniformly distributed across each bin, have zero mean and are small relative to the peak spreading caused by Z. In other words, the source of error arising from the binning of xj values is considered negligible. Due to both the statistical nature of Poisson counting and the expected count in each bin being non-integer (
≥0), discrepancies exist between the observed number of counts in any given histogram bin and the expected number of counts for that bin. We combine these two sources of error in our model and refer to it as ‘histogram noise’. We emphasize that this noise is distinct from the additive noise Z modelled in (11), which causes peak spreading in the histogram. Let the probability that a realization of X falls in the m-th bin be
Let the normalized histogram error ϵm in the m-th bin be the difference between the observed count nm and the expected count [nm]=Npxm in the mth bin, relative to the total counts in the histogram N i.e.,
Using (50), (51) and (52) we have
If the histogram is modelled as a Poisson vector, show that
Since the characteristics of the histogram noise can be expressed in terms of the total number of observed intervals N, the impact of using observation data of finite length may be accounted for by incorporating this information into the design of G(u) and H(u).
Having obtained {circumflex over (ϕ)}X, the next task is to estimate γ. Rather than substitute {circumflex over (ϕ)}X(u) for ϕX(u) in (42), we instead use (46) as the estimator, which requires us to choose a windowing function G(u). In this subsection we attempt to find a function G(u) that is close to optimal. When the distribution of errors in {circumflex over (ϕ)}X(u) are considered, the windowing function G(u)=Gopt(u) that results in the lowest ISE estimator of the form given in (46) is
where {z} denotes the real component of z∈
. We cannot calculate Gopt(u) since ϕA(u) is unknown, so instead we attempt to find an approximation. We let
This is justified by considering the magnitude of the relative error between the functions gopt(u) and g1(u) where
The magnitude of the relative error is given by
Since {ϕA}∈[−1,1], we see the right hand side of (63) is maximum when
{ϕA(u)}=−1. The relative error is thus bound by
which justifies the approximation when λ is small, or when N|ϕZ|2(u)>>e4λ. Furthermore, we note that the above bound is quite conservative. The distribution of photon energies in spectroscopic systems can typically be modelled as a sum of K Gaussian peaks, where the kth peak has location μk and scale σk i.e.,
Consequently, the characteristic function will have the form
i.e., oscillations within an envelope that decays as e−cu{ϕA}|>>1 for most values of u. The approximation error will be significantly smaller at most evaluation points across the spectrum. Having chosen G(u), we can form an estimate of γ using (46). The windowing function reduces the impact of histogram noise arising from the finite number of data samples. For large values of Ne−2λ|ϕZ(u)|2, the impact of windowing is negligible and the estimator is essentially the same as using (42) directly. However, in the regions where
the windowing becomes significant, and acts to bound our estimate of γ i.e., Using the fact that the noise Z is Gaussian (so ϕZ(u)∈ and hence |ϕZ|2=ϕZ2), and since e−2λ>0 we see that
This ensures the argument to the distinguished logarithm in (47) remains finite even though limu→∞ϕZ(u)=0.
Once {circumflex over (γ)} has been obtained, we proceed to estimate ϕA using (47). This requires another windowing function H(u). In this subsection we find a function H(u) for estimating ϕA that is close to ISE optimal. We begin by defining a function ψ(u) for notational convenience
The ISE is minimized when H(u)=Hopt(u), where the optimal filter Hopt(u) is given by
Again, we cannot calculate the optimal filter by using (73)-(74) since ϕX(u), ϕA(u) and ϕϵ(u) are unknown. We instead make the following observations to obtain an approximation of the ISE-optimal filter.
The optimal filter remains close to unity as long as the estimated {circumflex over (ϕ)}A(u) remains close to the true value of ϕA(u). This will invariably be the case for small values of u since
Furthermore, equation (73) shows that if |ϕϵ(u)|≤≤|ϕX(u)|, then {circumflex over (ϕ)}X(u)=ϕX(u)+ϕϵ(u)≈ϕX(u) so Hopt(u)≈1. For larger values of u, when the magnitude of |ϕX(u)| becomes comparable to or less than |ϕϵ(u)|, the estimator
is dominated by noise and no longer provides useful estimates of ϕA(u). In the extreme case |ϕX(u)|<<ϕϵ(u)| so |{circumflex over (ϕ)}X(u)|≈|ϕϵ(u)| and hence
The window H(u) should exclude these regions from the estimate, as the bias introduced in doing so will be less than the variance of the unfiltered noise. Unfortunately the estimate of ϕA(u) can be severely degraded well before this boundary condition is reached, so (77) is not particularly helpful. A more useful method for detecting when noise begins to dominate is as follows.
Further manipulation of (67) shows that for typical spectroscopic systems, the magnitude of ϕA will have the form
i.e.; a mean component that decays according to the peak widths σk, and a more rapidly decaying oscillatory component that varies according to the location of the spectral peaks μk. In designing the window H(u), we are interested in attenuating the regions in |{circumflex over (ϕ)}A| where |ϕA|2≲|ϕϵ/ψ|2, i.e., where the signal power is less than the histogram noise that has been enhanced by the removal of ϕZ during the estimation of γ. To obtain an estimate of |ϕA|, a low-pass, Gaussian shaped filter Hlpf(u) is convolved with |{circumflex over (ϕ)}A| to attenuate all but the slowly varying, large scale features of |{circumflex over (ϕ)}A|. We denote this |{circumflex over (ϕ)}Asmooth|(u)
We see that |ϕϵ(u)| has a Rayleigh distribution with scale parameter
It is well known that the cumulative distribution function of a Rayleigh distributed random variable XRay is given by
Hence, to assist with computing the window H(u) we will make use of the function
to control the shape of H(u). The function αmin(u) provides an indication of how confident we can be that the estimate {circumflex over (ϕ)}A(u) contains more signal energy than noise energy. The approximation in (84) arises from the fact that |{circumflex over (ϕ)}Asmooth| is also a random variable slightly affected by the noise ϵ. On occasion—particularly for larger values of |u|—the histogram noise may result in sufficiently large values of αmin(u) to give a false sense of confidence, and potentially allow noisy results to corrupt the estimate of ϕA. To overcome this problem, the function was modified to be uni-modal in u
This modification was justified on the assumption that Gaussian noise causes ϕZ(u) to be decreasing in |u|. Consequently we expect [|ϕϵ(u)|/ψ(u)] to be increasing in |u|. If we ignore the local oscillations in ϕA(u) that are due to peak locations in ƒA(x), the envelope approximated by the smoothed |ϕAsmooth|(u) will be non-increasing in |u|. Equation (74) indicates the optimal window has the form λϕA(u)/(λϕA(u)+d log({circumflex over (ϕ)}X/ϕX)(u)+d log(G)(u), so the overall window shape will be decreasing in |u|. Hence, if the estimated characteristic function in the region of some u0 (where the signal to noise ratio is high) has determined that the window value should be H(u0)<1, then it is reasonable to reject the suggestion that in the region u1>u0 (where the signal to noise ratio will be worse) that H(u1)>H(u0). Using the knowledge that |Hopt(u)| should be close to unity for small |u|, close to zero for large |u|, and should ‘roll off’ as the signal-to-noise-ratio decreases—we consider two potential windowing functions as approximations of Hopt(u).
The indicator function provides a very simple windowing function
The threshold value α0 determines the point at which cut-off occurs, and can be selected manually as desired (e.g., α0=0.95). Once the threshold is chosen, the estimator exhibits similar ISE performance regardless of peak locations in the incident spectra. Rather than requiring the user to select a window width depending on the incident spectrum1, the width of the window is automatically selected by the data via αmod(u). While simplicity is the primary advantage of the rectangular window, the abrupt transition region provides a poor model for the roll-off region of the optimal filter. The second filter shape attempts to improve on that. 1Gugushvili [18] proposed a non-parametric estimator for the general decompounding problem in which a rectangular windowing scheme was used. It requires manual selection of window width, which varies with ϕA.
A window based on the logistic function attempts to model smoother roll-off. It is given by
where α0 again acts as a threshold of acceptance of the hypothesis that the signal energy is greater than the noise energy in the estimate {circumflex over (ϕ)}A(u). The rate of filter roll off in the vicinity of the threshold region is controlled by β0>0. This provides a smoother transition region than the rectangle window, reducing Gibbs oscillations in the final estimate of ϕA. Once again, although the parameters α0, β are chosen manually, they are much less dependent on ϕA and can be used to provide close to optimal filtering for a wide variety of incident spectra. Typical values used were α0=0.95, β0=40.0. The performance of the rectangle and logistic window functions are compared in section 4.
Having designed a window function H(u) and thus an estimator {circumflex over (ϕ)}A(u), the final task is to estimate ƒA(x) by inverting the Fourier transform. This sub-section describes several issues that arise with numerical implementation. Firstly, it is infeasible to evaluate {circumflex over (ϕ)}X, {circumflex over (γ)}(u) and {circumflex over (ϕ)}A numerically on the whole real line. Instead we estimate it at discrete points over a finite interval. The finite interval is chosen sufficiently large such that a tolerably small error is incurred as a result of excluding signal values outside the interval. This is justified for ƒA(x) being a Gaussian mixture, since the magnitudes of ϕX and ϕA will decay as e−cu}. Secondly, the distinguished logarithm in (47) is undefined if {circumflex over (γ)}(u)=0. In estimating γ(u) from the data, there is a small but non-zero probability that the estimate will be zero. In this case, the distinguished logarithm in (47) is undefined and the technique fails. As |u| increases, |ϕX|(u) decreases and may approach |ϕϵ|(u). When |ϕX|(u) and |ϕϵ|(u) have similar magnitudes, the probability of |ϕX+ϕϵ| (and hence {circumflex over (γ)}) being close to zero can become significant. The filter H(u) should roll off faster than |ϕX|(u) approaches |ϕϵ|(u) to reduce the impact this may have on the estimate. Ideally H(u) should be zero in regions where noise may result in |{circumflex over (γ)}|(u) being close to zero. Gugushvili has shown [18] that for a rectangular window, the probability of inversion failure approaches zero as the length of the data set increases N→∞.
We digress momentarily to introduce additional notation. Throughout the rest of the paper, bold font will be used to indicate a 2M×1 vector corresponding to a discretely sampled version of the named function, e.g., {circumflex over (ϕ)}A represents a 2M×1 vector whose values are given by the characteristic function {circumflex over (ϕ)}A(u) evaluated at the points u∈{0, 1, . . . , M−1, −M, . . . , −2, −1}. Square bracket notation [k] is used to index a particular element in the vector, e.g., {circumflex over (ϕ)}A[M−1] has the value of {circumflex over (ϕ)}A(M−1). We also use negative indexes for accessing elements of a vector in a manner similar to the python programming language. Negative indexes should be interpreted relative to the length of the vector, i.e., {circumflex over (ϕ)}A[−1] refers to the last element in the vector (which is equivalent to {circumflex over (ϕ)}A[2M−1]).
The estimation procedure we use may be summarized in the following steps.
The performance of the estimator is measured using the integrated square of the error (ISE). The ISE measures the global fit of the estimated density.
The discrete ISE measure is given by
where pA is a 2M×1 vector whose elements contain the probability mass in the region of each histogram bin i.e.,
The vector {circumflex over (p)}A represents the corresponding estimated probability mass vector.
Experiments were performed using simulated and real data.
The ideal density used by Trigano et al. [11] was used for these simulations. It consists of a mixture of six Gaussian and one gamma distribution to simulate Compton background. The mixture density is given by
where (μ, σ2) is the density of a normal distribution with mean μ and variance σ2. The density of the gamma distribution is given by g(x)=(0.5+x/200)e−(0.5+x/200). The density was sampled at 8192 equally spaced integer points to produce the discrete vector pA of probability mass. The FFT was taken to obtain ϕA, a sampled vector of ϕA values.
Equation (93) was convolved with a Gaussian to simulate the effect of noise Z smearing out the observed spectrum
This represents the expected density of the observed spectrum, including pile-up and additive noise. Observation histograms were created using random variables that were distributed according to (94). Experiments were parameterized by the pair (N, λ) where N∈{104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109} and λ∈{1.0, 3.0, 5.0}. For each parameter pair (N, λ), one thousand observed histograms were made. Estimates of the probability mass vector pA were made using (88) with both (86) and (87) used for H(k). A threshold value of α0=0.95 was used for both window shapes, and β0=40.0 for the logistic shape. The discrete ISE measure of the error between each estimate {circumflex over (p)}A and the true vector pA were recorded. For comparison with asymptotic bandwidth results, estimates were made using a rectangular window whose bandwidth was selected according to the condition 1.3 specified by Gugushvili in [18] i.e., hN=(ln N)−β where β<½. We emphasize that the β of Gugushvili's filter is not to be confused with the β0 of (87). The asymptotic bandwidth criterion was implemented by using
Three values for Gugushvilli's β were trialed, namely β=½, ⅓, ¼.
1 × 10−5
The estimator was applied to real data to assess its usefulness in practical applications. The threshold value ϵ found in (8) was chosen to be approximately one half the standard deviation of the additive noise w(t). This ensured a reasonably high probability of creating intervals, yet ensured errors in the estimation of interval energy were low. A value for the interval length L was chosen approximately four times the ‘length’ of a typical pulse—that is, four times the length of the interval {t: Φ(t)>ϵ}. An energy histogram was obtained from a manganese sample, with a photon flux rate of nominally 105 events per second. A slight negative skew was present in the shape of the main peaks of the observed histogram, suggesting a complicated noise source had influenced the system. This is barely visible in (μ1, σ12)+α2
(μ2, σ22) to the noise peak located around bin index zero. A suitable value for λ was chosen manually. The logistic filter with data-driven bandwidth was used to estimate the true density.
We have taken the estimator proposed by Gugushvili [18] for decompounding under Gaussian noise, and adapted it for correcting pulse pile-up in X-ray spectroscopy. We have proposed a data-driven bandwidth selection mechanism that is easily implemented, and provides significant reduction in ISE/MISE across a broad range of sample counts of interest to spectroscopic applications (104˜109 counts). The data-driven rectangular bandwidth selection is close to optimal (for rectangular filters), and over the range of interest outperforms bandwidth selection based on asymptotic results or fixed bandwidth.
This section gives a summary of the spectrum estimator of the 2nd embodiment. The 2nd embodiment solves the problem of the 1st embodiment which requires entire clusters to be approximately encompassed in each interval. In the 2nd embodiment, the entire data series if desired can be used, and the overlap is compensated by introduction of 2 different interval lengths L and L1.
The introduction of the filter H(u; α) allows us to address several implementation issues that arise. The estimation procedure we use may be summarized in the following steps.
Partition the detector output stream into a set of non-overlapping intervals of length L i.e., [Tj, Tj+L), T0∈≥0, Tj+1≥Tj+L, j∈
≥0. Let xj be the sum of the detector output samples in the jth interval i.e.,
Assuming L is greater than a pulse length, the jth interval may contain ‘complete’ pulses as well as pulses which have been truncated by the ends of the interval. It can be shown that xj consists of a superposition of the energy of ‘complete’ pulses which we denote , the energies of truncated pulses which we denote with
1j and noise zj
If L1 is chosen to be slightly less than the pulse length, the x1j term will contain no ‘complete’ pulses, but consist of a superposition of only the energies of truncated pulses ylj and noise zj. The number of truncated pulses in any interval has a Poisson distribution. We have
where Z0 represents noise in the regions where pulses are fully contained in the interval (a length of L−L1), and Z1 represents noise in the regions where pulses are truncated (a length of L1). Hence,
Rearranging gives
We can estimate ϕX
To aid the reader's understanding, [|ϕƒ(k)|]. It can be see that |{circumflex over (ϕ)}ƒ| provides a reasonably good estimate of |ϕƒ| in the region where |{circumflex over (ϕ)}fsmooth|>>
[|ϕϵ|/(λϕZe−λ)]. As these two quantities approach each other, the quality of the estimate deteriorates until it is eventually dominated by noise. The filter H(k) should include good estimates of |ϕƒ| while excluding poor estimates. To find the regions where good estimates of |ϕƒ| are obtained we address the question: Given
[|ϕϵ/(λϕZe−λ)], what is the probability that the calculated values of {circumflex over (ϕ)}ƒ in a local region arise largely from noise?
The previous estimator assumed λ was known. An estimate of λ can be obtained without prior knowledge as follows.
The following figures are to aid understanding of the process.
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