"Radioactive Waste Incineration Studies at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory" by Stretz et al., submitted to American Nuclear Society Annual Mtg-Jun. 9-13, 1980. |
"Controlled-Air Incineration of Transuranic-Contaminated Solid Waste" by L. C. Borduin, et al., presented to the 14th ERDA Air Cleaning Conference-Aug. 2-4, 1976. |
"Operation of a Prototype High-Level Alpha Solid Waste Incinerator by H. E. Hootman et al., Savannah River Lab-E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. Presented at American Nuclear Society 1979 Winter Mtg on 11/16/79. |
"Volume Reduction of Liquid & Solid Radioactive Wastes Using a Fluidized Bed Calciner/Incinerator" by J. R. May (Newport News Industrial Corp.) Oct. 3-7, 1978. |
"Incineration" pp. 83-112 Recommended Methods of Reduction, Neutralization, Recovery, or Disposal of Hazardous Waste, vol. III, Disposal Process Descriptions, Ultimate Disposal, Incineration and Pyrolysis Processes by TRW Systems Group-Aug. 1973. |