This invention relates to the handling of highly viscous hydrocarbon containing materials. More particularly this invention relates to equipment and methods for extracting and pumping heavy hydrocarbons having a high viscosity such as bitumen or other semi-fluid crude oils.
Heavy hydro-carbonaceous materials, such as the bitumen from oil sands, asphalt, tars, pitch and other highly viscous hydrocarbons have a wide variety of uses in either native form or after treatment to reduce their viscosity. Further sources comprise heavy oils ranging from naturally heavy and viscous crude oils to sludge formed by precipitation of heavier molecules during long-term storage of oil in tanks or other vessels. (The term HCM as used herein refers to all such heavy hydro-carbonaceous materials.) Various upgrading methods are known for treating such materials to reduce their viscosity and produce lower molecular weight hydrocarbons. These methods typically treat the HCM in-situ or in facilities located apart from the source of the HCM i.e. remote treatment process.
Asphalt and tar are examples of HCMs that can undergo upgrading in a refinery or other facilities but can also find use in their substantially native form. Natural asphalt or tar deposits exist in many locations. A tar pit, or more accurately an asphalt lake or pitch lake, is the result of a type of petroleum seepage where subterranean bitumen leaks to the surface, creating a large area of natural asphalt. These deposits result when heavy hydro-carbonaceous material reaches the surface, its lighter components vaporize, thereby leaving only the thick asphalt.
These deposits can cover large areas ranging from a few acres to thousands of acres. Specific sites of natural asphalt occur in many geographic areas. Up until 1935 Guanoco Lake (also known as Bermúdez Lake) in Venezuela provided an extensive commercial site for producing such material and still covers more than 445 hectares (1,100 acres) and contains an estimated 6,000,000 tons of asphalt. Other deposits occur commonly where Paleogene and Neogene marine sediments outcrop on the surface; the tar pits at Rancho La Brea in Los Angeles are an example of such a formation. Although most pitch lakes are fossils of formerly active seepage, some, such as Pitch Lake on the island of Trinidad, continue to receive fresh crude oil that seeps from a subterranean source. Pitch Lake covers 47 hectares (115 acres) and contains an estimated 6,700,000 tons of asphalt. The asphalt provides Trinidad and Tobago with a major export for road building.
Whether for use in substantially native form or in producing upgraded products, utilization of HCMs requires handling in the form of collection and transport. Using remote treatment processes requires transport of the HCM from the source to treatment facilities. Initial collection of HCMs such as asphalt, whether used for road paving or as a refinery feed, first requires its collection by pumping or digging and usually delivery to a loading terminal. The viscosity of the tar or asphalt render such mechanical means cumbersome because the tar's stickiness which tends to clog equipment. Surface collection of tar brings with it soil, rock and water contamination that exacerbates equipment problems and reduces the value and/or utility of the collected tar. These problems have impeded or added to the cost of putting tar to useful purposes.
Pumping presents a highly desirable means for HCM collection and transport. Unfortunately, the high viscosity of HCMs hinders the use of pumps for its transport through pipes and other conduits. Filling the pump with the HCM poses the primary problem. If a pump could fill with the HCM it generally would have sufficient power and thrust to push the HCM further along the discharge pipe. But no matter how much power is applied, only suction can pull the HCM oil into the pump. However, the high viscosity usually creates a vacuum that causes bubble formation often resulting in cavitation at the pump. Bubble formation, i.e. cavitation denies the pump any material upon which to exert its thrust and leaves the pump suction line with a bottleneck. Similar related problems arise when trying to draw viscous asphalt from a tar pit via a suction line as well as pumping HCM from a tank.
Heating of the pump inlet pipe, by any means, would lower the oil viscosity, but that would only move the bottleneck back to the inlet of the suction line or to whatever point the heating stops. Traditional electric resistance heaters such as cartridge heaters depend on slow thermal conduction from a heater through stationary oil, which is too viscous for convection to help.
The vast surface area may also require the removal of the HCM from many different locations over the surface of the deposit. Locating and relocating a suction inlet that can also supply heat for HCM removal poses another problem in its recovery and handling.
A related problem arises in petroleum storage tanks. When oil is stored in such tanks over periods of years, some of the heaviest components separate and form HCM sludge at the bottom of the tank. Removing the sludge by mechanical means involves hand labor, is dangerous work and is expensive. For example, a typical 200 foot in diameter storage tank that builds up 8 eight feet of sludge loses about 250,000 cubic feet of storage capacity which typically equals an overall storage capacity loss of 25 or 35%. Similar problems arise in in the shipment of oil in rail cars, ships, and barges. A reliable and efficient pump and pumping method for removing such deposits would have great value.
Accordingly, methods and equipment are sought that will increase the practicality and reduce the cost of the collection and transporting HCM for their commercial use.
It is known to heat heavy viscous hydrocarbons to improve their handling and enable transport of such material via pumping through lines and conduits. Such heating includes the use of RF frequencies. Bridges et al RE30,738 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,293,936 reveals a “triplate” arrangement of electrodes to heat a volume of oil shale or tar sands and gives design information for such an arrangement in U.S. Pat. No. 4,410,180. Bridges U.S. Pat. Nos. 8,210,256 and 8,408,294 also discloses a skin effect RF heater to heat the casing of an oil well and lower the viscosity of the oil. Rowland U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,196,329 and 4,320,801 and Snow et al U.S. Pat. No. 9,777,564 reveal RF oil well heaters that radiate RF and heat the surrounding oil deposit. All of these various heating arrangements apply to extraction of hydro-carbonaceous materials using pumps located in stationary locations that cannot meet the needs of withdrawing HCM over large surface areas.
Accordingly, apparatus and methods are sought for heating HCMs at localized regions of HCM deposit that can heat HCMs in solid and semi-solid form over an entire volume of an HCM deposits. What is needed is a way to heat the viscous feed where it is intended to flow from within the tank or other HCM deposits into a pump suction line.
Readily relocatable apparatus and methods that can easily operate from place to place in an HCM deposit are also sought.
Apparatus and methods are also sought that can initiate heating of HCM in close proximity to a suction inlet that supplies HCM to a pump.
In its simplest feature this invention solves this problem with a heater that effectively heats viscous tar, asphalt, etc. at the entrance to a pump suction pipe.
In a more complete form this invention overcomes the above problems by using a suction line with a heating structure and a heating method that heats the HCM ahead of a suction line entrance without significantly impeding the flow of heated HCM into the suction line.
Described differently, this invention provides a method and equipment to draw HCM though a pump suction line and into a pump that discharges the HCM to a desired location such as a treatment facility or a loading terminal with an apparatus using a method that can readily and easily withdraw HCM from various areas over the surface of the HCM deposit.
This invention particularly benefits the removal of HCM material from an HCM deposit such as an asphalt pit with placement of the inlet heating structure that facilitates drawing HCM into the suction line and is positioned at a depth in the asphalt under the surface. In this position it may gradually drain the pit. However, should the drainage slow to an unacceptable level, for example by the encountering of any subsurface structure or highly refractory HCM, the inlet heating structure and associated suction line inlet are rapidly relocatable to new drainage location with better and renewed recovery potential.
In one aspect, this invention comprises an HCM extraction system for withdrawing highly viscous hydro-carbonaceous material (HCM) from multiple points in an HCM reservoir by immersion and, preferably, periodic movement of the inlet heater for the withdrawal of HCM and its subsequent transfer to desired locations. Preferably the inlet heater design facilitates sideways sweeping to withdraw heated HCM through its intake openings.
The invention similarly facilitates removal of HCM sludge (i.e. man-made HCM deposits) from the bottom of storage tanks. By arranging the inlet heater with a collector in the form of an extended conduit and by installing the inlet heating device to movably sweep through the volume of the sludge, the inlet heater locally heats the material to reduce its viscosity so that it may be pumped out of the tank. Preferably the sweeping moves the inlet heater in a direction perpendicular to a long axis of the collector to take advantage of inlets located along an extended length of the collector. Sweeping the heating device through the volume of the sludge clears it from the tank and restores the full volume of the tank for oil or other hydrocarbon storage.
In a further usage of the invention for desludging tanks, the heating device can utilize the wall of the tank as the ground part of the electric circuit in conjunction with the heating structure to soften corner deposits and remove the sludge by contact with the heating device and the drawing of heated sludge into the inlet of a pump suction line.
Thus, the invention can take various forms based on the type of HCM, the type of HCM deposit and the access to the deposit. The following description of the major aspects of the invention and their variation do not limit the invention to such specific details.
In another aspect this invention is an inlet heater for supplying highly viscous hydro-carbonaceous material (HCM) from a reservoir of HCM to a pump inlet and for transporting said HCM from one location to another. The inlet heater includes a collector for receiving heated HCM and an HCM outlet of the collector delivers heated HCM to a pump.
The collector is made of electrically conductive material and has one or more electrodes positioned in proximity to it. The collector includes an electrical contact for receiving an electrical current from a radiofrequency (RF) generator and preferably an input. However, the collector's electrical connection arrangement may return an electrical current to the RF generator. At least one electrode has electrical contact with the RF generator to also deliver or receive electrical current from the RF generator. Where one of the electrodes and collector receives RF electrical input and the other returns RF current, they can together complete an electrical circuit with the RF generator. The electrode(s) are spaced from the collector to define a space between them that heats HCM therein and/or thereabout when the RF generator delivers electrical current to or receives electrical current from the electrodes.
The HCM system includes a radiofrequency (RF) generator having a positive or exciter conductor for electrical connection to an electrically conductive portion of a collector conduit having an elongated central axis. The conduit defines an HCM inlet or inlets for drawing HCM into the conduit and an HCM outlet that delivers heated HCM to a pump suction line. The neutral or ground conductor of the RF generator communicates electrically with a plurality of rods that form a return electrical path for the generator and that extend longitudinally in line with the central axis of the conduit in a spaced apart relationship thereto to surround the conduit with a cage-like structure. An outlet end of the pump suction line communicates heated HCM to a pump inlet of a pump. The pump outlet discharges HCM from the pump to a desired location via a pump discharge line.
In a method aspect the invention recovers highly viscous hydro-carbonaceous material (HCM) from multiple points in a reservoir of HCM to a pump that pumps the recovered HCM to a desired location. The method heats the HCM in-situ in a reservoir of HCM with a radiofrequency (RF) generator that transmits electrical input to a collector and electrical current returns through one or more electrodes. The method of the invention requires at least submerging the collector into a reservoir of HCM with one or more electrodes spaced apart from but close enough to the collector so that RF fields between the collector and the electrodes heat the HCM in the space between them. The heat lowers the viscosity of the HCM in the volume of HCM located proximate the collector so that a pump pulls in HCM via a pump suction line having fluid communication with a collector outlet. The pump discharges HCM to a desired HCM delivery location via a discharge line.
In all aspects of the invention the HCM inlet(s) provide a permeable surface that by the size of the openings it provides and/or the area it covers will not unduly inhibit the inflow of HCM into the collector. In one embodiment the HCM inlets comprise a series of apertures and, in another embodiment, it comprises a screen sized to permit HCM flow therethrough while also rejecting contaminants comprising solid or semisolid debris.
All applications of the invention employ a radiofrequency (RF) generator having positive and neutral conductors for supplying electric input to the inlet heater wherein one conductor is in electrical communication with a central element of the inlet heater (e.g. collector conduit) and the other conductor is in electrical communication with the electrode electrical contact so as to form a return path for the electric current. The RF generator may comprise a separate component that operates in conjunction with the inlet heater. In a specific embodiment the RF generator comprises an integrated component of a complete intake assembly.
In another embodiment at least four electrode rods at least partially surround the elongated collector conduit portion with an at least semi-cage-like arrangement with the rods spaced circumferentially at least 30 degrees from each other. In other forms of this embodiment at least six rods completely surround the collector conduit portion in a cage-like arrangement.
In another embodiment the rods are eliminated from at least one side of the heater, so that when it is brought in close proximity to a corner of the grounded tank, RF fields between the tank wall and the collector heat HCM located in these corners so that this HCM may be drawn into the pump inlet to clean the tank.
In another aspect of the invention the inlet heater recovers HCM from a surface layer of HCM that comprises asphalt floating on a lake of water. The inlet heater heats the asphalt between a collector conduit and a cage of rods receiving RF input and the heated asphalt enters a permeable surface such as perforations located along the collector. The inlet heater is then pushed or pulled sideways by mechanical means, sweeping the layer of asphalt as it is heated into the collector and thence into the pump inlet. The rods are positioned so as not to impede the forcing of rigid asphalt by the sweeping motion into the space between the rods and the collector.
Another aspect of the invention incorporates a mixer within or about the intake assembly. The mixer can make use of solvents to aid in reducing the viscosity of the HCM by ensuring the solvent has sufficient contact with the HCM to make it effective. Preferably the mixer will form part of a collector within a cage-like structure of electrodes. An inlet heater that has a mixer typically includes piping and nozzles to discharge solvent in proximity to inlet heater and especially the mixer. The collector and/or the mixer may provide a suitable structure to retain the mixer in proximity to the intake assembly and to the HCM inlet. Preferably the mixer is incorporated into the collector.
Thus, this invention provides a practical apparatus and method for recovery of valuable HCM from geographically diverse locations and man-made storage locations. The invention does so by overcoming the previous difficulties that has restricted the use of HCM materials in a variety of useful applications.
The further description of this invention in the context of specific teachings and aspects that provide better understanding of its function and applicability does not imply any limitation on its applicability within the scope of the claims as hereinafter set forth.
The further description of this invention in the context of specific teachings and aspects that provide better understanding of its function and applicability does not imply any limitation on its applicability within the scope of the claims as hereinafter set forth. All references cited herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety.
The following terms have the following definition throughout the specification and claims.
The term HCM refers to all such heavy hydro-carbonaceous materials with a high enough viscosity to inhibit the practicality of their movement through a conduit by standard pumps used in refining and petrochemical applications without the incorporation of solvents or other viscosity reducing measures. The viscosity of HCM may range from 10 to 10,000 centipoise.
RF means radiofrequency power input from a radiofrequency (RF) generator.
Term about means a variation with respect to a given number equal to plus or minus 5%.
All aspects of the invention use a collector having an inlet for the inflow of HCM material, an HCM outlet from which a pump withdraws HCM material and at least one electrode spaced apart from the collector. A radiofrequency (RF) generator with RF electric fields in the megahertz region can volumetrically heat materials such as tar, and other HCM material in way similar to the operation of microwave ovens. RF waves can heat materials such as heavy oil primarily because such materials contain traces of dissolved water. Because of its high dielectric constant, water effectively absorbs RF energy even in small concentrations, e.g. less than one percent. In the absence of any water, HCMs still contain polar molecules such as chains with aromatic ends, or organic sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen compounds, which can absorb RF energy.
Thus, RF type heaters can heat HCMs to lower their viscosity. Such heating requires at least one pair of electrodes in a suitable configuration for immersion of at least one electrode into the HCM or to radiate RF energy into it. This invention configures such electrodes to produce heated HCM that flows into a pump suction line e.g. pipe, conduit, tube or hose.
Suitable RF generators can convert various sources of energy, such as 50 to 60-Hz electricity in single or 3 phase supply from a power company, generator using diesel or other fuel, or other mobile or fixed sources of electrical power. The RF generator preferably operates with the 3 phase power input to reduce power costs, especially when received from a power company.
Designing an effective apparatus and method for heating HCM to clean oil tanks and recover HCMs from deposits for processing or use in substantially native form requires use of the proper frequency or frequencies for the application. Obtaining the proper frequency affects the selection of RF generating equipment, determination of its availability and evaluation of its cost for that frequency. Depending on the arrangement of the inlet heater the radiofrequency of the RF generator will be in a range of 500 Hz to 1 GHz.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,140,180 (hereinafter '180) provides highly useful information related to the criteria affecting the design choice of RF heaters and particularly energy deposition in heater effectiveness.
Furthermore, the voltage and current vary along the length in a sinusoidal way, and with opposite phase. Providing an electrical connection or short at the terminal ends of the RF electrodes (i.e. at the ends of the rods and the collector of this invention) assures a minimum voltage and a maximum current and power dissipation at this location, i.e. the current sine wave is a maximum and the voltage sine wave is null. By making the length of the electrodes (the rods and collector) much shorter than a quarter wavelength, then voltage and frequency will vary less and the dissipation of power I2R along the length will be mostly uniform. At 6.8 MHz a quarter wavelength is 24 ft., so with 8 ft of length the heating will be reasonably uniform. At the proximate end the current will be sin(30°)=71% of the maximum and the heating power will be 0.712=50% of the maximum. It will be a maximum at the distal end. On the other hand, the frequency must be high enough to cause the HCM material between the electrodes (rods and collector) to effectively absorb the RF energy. The absorption of heating also depends on the dielectric properties of the material being heated. For the dimensions given in the example above, the frequency may be in the range of half to a few megahertz (MHz.) For example, the industrial and scientific (ISM) band 6.78 MHz may be used. As explained above, a lower frequency may be used if a higher voltage is acceptable. A computer model based on known electrical engineering principles solving the Maxwell equations can establish practical design conditions of frequency, power, voltage and amperage to assure that the material within the electrodes is heated effectively.
A more convenient calculation method makes use of
Thus, the RF generator must deliver the required power to the inlet heater assembly at a chosen frequency. MHz frequencies require a vacuum tube generator, while the preferred solid state generators currently have an upper limit of 400 KHz. At 400 KHz the lower curve requires 1.5 hr heating, while the upper curve requires 3 weeks. To use the higher voltage of the lower curve may require a step-up transformer. Otherwise a slower rate may require the inlet heater to be built with a larger volume.
The impedance of the inlet heater assembly must match the impedance of the generator for an effective transfer of power. The matching is accomplished by a circuit including a transformer and capacitors as in known in the art. Alternatively the matching may be done with a stub tuner connected to the distal end of the inlet heater assembly, or to the coaxial cable leading from the RF generator to the inlet heater.
The rate of heating in terms of bbl/hr is determined by the heating time as calculated above multiplied by the volume of the inlet heater, depending on its length and diameter. The rate depends on the required temperature rise to reach a pumpable viscosity. Honey typically has a viscosity of 2000 centipoise (cp) and is pumpable. Typically, the viscosity of heavy oil is reduced an order of magnitude for each 15° C. heating. Therefor an HCM with viscosity 100,000 cp will be reduced to 1000 cp by 30° C. heating.
The rate also is determined by the capacity of the RF generator to deliver power to the inlet heater. The rate from a particular generator capacity can be determined by a heat balance. For example, a 100 KW generator can heat at the following rate:
This production rate can be achieved with an inlet heater containing a volume of 35.9 bbl HCM by heating in one hour. If more than an hour is required, the inlet heater can be made larger to achieve the same production rate. And the time depends on the voltage applied as explained above.
Specific forms of the inlet heater and intake assembly of this invention are set forth in conjunction with the referenced figures. The figures use like reference numbers in referring to like elements described in these embodiments. The components and arrangements described in these specific embodiments only describe a few of the many possible variations by which this invention may be practiced.
Looking then at the inlet heater,
Rods 12 may comprise any electrically conductive material that has sufficient strength to prevent excessive deflection of the rods 12, whether cantilevered or supported at both ends, when contacting the HCM and/or other objects or structures within or about the HCM. Suitable rod materials include metals such as aluminum or copper, or steel, but can use other materials. Preferably the rods can additionally be heated through a skin effect electric resistance so that the resulting heating of the rods helps the rods penetrate the HCM material prior to its heating by the RF fields.
HCM intake assembly 10 may be used in a variety of ways. It may be temporarily installed in a tank and arranged to move therein or permanently installed by attachment to a wall section 34 of a tank using appropriate electrical insulation between the tank wall and the conductors. The intake assembly 10 can also be mobile for deposition into a tar pit or other HCM deposit. The location of wall section 34 approximates the typical depth of insertion for inlet heater 11 into a natural HCM deposit. Again, rods 12 may supply additional heat to the HCM by methods such as resistive electrical heating where helpful to initially sink the intake assembly into an HCM deposit. Alternatively, the suction line may be connected to the neutral generator terminal. Then the electrode rods will be connected to the positive terminal, but they must be insulated from the grounded tank walls.
Rather than using wires, the output of the generator 26 may take the form of a coaxial cable 60 comprising an outer neutral or ground conductor 53 and an inner, positive, exciter, tubular conductor 56. This cable forms a T-connection 58 with a similar cable in the form of conduit 59 that provides a tubular extension of the conduit 14 and an outer shield 54. Conduit 14 together with an outer shield 54 provide positive and neutral connections to the inlet heater assembly 48. Shield 54 and conduit 59 may have a composition of a highly conductive material with sufficient thickness and strength to physically support the inlet heater 48 while conducting RF power to the inlet heater. The collector tube 14 communicates openly with conduit 59, so that HCM may flow from the collector down the conduit 59 toward an inlet 37 of a pump 28. One or more insulating rings 47 support the conduit 59 within shield 54 and seal gap 57 between the exterior of conduit 59 and shield 54 to prevent HCM from entering gap 57, thus preventing dissipation of power into HCM that may otherwise enter this gap. The rods 12 of the collector may be directly attached to the shield 54 or may be connected to the shield through a conductive ring 46 that can provide greater strength to the attachment point of rods 12. At the distal end of inlet heater 48 rods 12 may connect directly to the distal end of the collector tube 14 or rods 12 may connect with collector 14 though a metallic ring 50. To the left of T-connection 58 the conduit 59 transitions to an electrically insulating conduit 30 at a connector 44 to transport heated HCM to the pump. Optionally the shield 54 may extend to the left of T connection 58 by a distance equal to a quarter wavelength to form a waveguide beyond the cutoff that prevents radiation of RF into the surroundings.
Heating of HCM within the cage formed by rods 12 reduces its viscosity and facilitates flow through apertures 24, collector 14, conduit 59 and into pump 28 for delivery to a desired location via discharge line 32 as previously described.
In a variation of the embodiment depicted by
Other variations of the embodiment depicted by
In a modification of this arrangement the cables can extend from the terminal ends of conduits that extend into the tank about its periphery (not shown) to locate positions for pulling the cables and controlling the horizontal location of the inlet heater within the tank. Moreover, raising or lowering of such conduits to vertically adjust the cable pulling points can enable locating of the inlet heater anywhere within the volume of the tank and avoid potential problems associated with perforations through the tank wall. A suction line in the form of a coaxial cable can bring RF power to the heater and withdraw heated HCM from the tank.
When the inlet heater is used in a tarpit or the large diameter tank, it may be desirable to provide a method to keep it floating near the surface of the tar or sludge. For this purpose, floatation tanks may be attached at both ends of the inlet heater and sized to provide enough buoyancy to support the weight of the inlet heater. The tanks may be arranged so that the inlet heater floats just below the surface of the HCM.
In another embodiment the HCM may be contained in a tank or container small enough to be heated as a unit. In this case the electrodes need not sweep the volume but may be fixed in position so that the entire contents of the container are heated at once. For example,
The following is an example to calculate the production rate required for a given size of inlet heater when used to remove HCM from a tank or a pit. The length of the inlet heater is chosen to fit inside the given diameter of the tank or provided with a convenient length to deploy in a tar pit. In the case of an inlet heater with a cage-like arrangement of rods, the overall cage diameter is chosen so that the volume between the rods and the collector will heat HCM at the rate needed to satisfy the desired pumping rate of the withdrawn HCM. For example, the heater may be 8 ft. long, and may be 4 in. to 3 or more ft. in diameter. The collector conduit may be similar in diameter to the pump inlet, for example 2.4 in. For an 8 ft. long inlet heater with a collector conduit diameter of 2.4 in. and an 8 in. diameter of the cage formed by the rod bundle, the volume of material heated between the rods and the pipe is 4.9 ft3 or 0.9 bbl. In the sample calculation given above an RF generator may be designed to heat HCM by 30° C. at a rate of 35.9 bbl/hr, which should lower viscosity to make the HCM pumpable. Thus, using 100 KW power from the generator this example heats the volume of HCM in the heater structure in 0.9/35.9 hr or 1.5 minutes and requires nearly the highest voltage that is allowed. It also indicates that the movement of the heater may sweep this much HCM into the heater in 1.5 minutes.
If the heater dimensions are increased, the movement may be less. A 50 ft. long heater could heat the heater volume in 9.3 minutes. It could sweep the entire 45,000 bbl contents inside of a 200 ft. diameter 8 ft. sludge depth tank in 45000/35.9 hr or 1.7 months assuming passes at multiple levels.
Alternatively practice of the invention may employ higher frequency generators that typically have vacuum tubes. Such generators can provide frequencies as high 1 MHz and could reduce the heating time from 1.7 months to 0.5 months. The reduction in time will need balancing against the higher generator cost of such generators and the lower reliability of vacuum tubes. Such generators may be cost effective in heating small volumes of heavy materials where power requirements are low.
Larger rates may be obtained by increasing the size of the cage like structure provided by the rods surrounding the collector and/or by increasing the input power. In such cases a 50 ft. long inlet heater could sweep the entire inside of a 200 ft. diameter tank in 600 hr or 25 days with two passes at 2 levels.
Inlet Heater with Integral Mixer
Looking then at the preferred mixing arrangement of
A conductive ring 94 surrounds a non-conductive spacer 93 that in turn surrounds a proximate bearing 86. At the opposite end of inlet heater 82 a conductive sleeve 87 surrounds a distal bearing 95. Bearings 86 and 95 rotatably retain opposite ends of conduit 85. Sleeve 87 also supports a motor 88. Under electrical power from a pair of power leads 89, motor 88 supplies torque to rotate conduit 85. The motor typically operates on a standard power source such as 50 to 60 Hz current, but suitable motors may operate on any available power source.
A pump suction line 92 provides conduction of RF current with conduit 85 and an outer shield 91 provides conduction of RF current with ring 94 wherein suction line 92 and shield 91 provide a coaxial transmission of electrical RF inputs or input and return to inlet heater 82. RF heating occurs within a cage-like structure, formed around conduit 85 by rods 12 as previously described. Conductive sleeve 87 secures the distal ends of rods 12 and conductive ring 94 secures the proximate end of rods 12 to electrically connect the RF generator with rods 12. Suction line 92 has electrical communication with the RF generator and with conduit 85 via conductive bearing 86 that insures electrical conduction between suction line 92 and conduit 85. For this reason, bearing 86 typically comprises a highly conductive material. Conductive bearing 86 also inhibits HCM leakage through any space between the proximate end of conduit 85 and distal end of suction line 92 as conduit 85 delivers heated HCM to suction line 92.
The addition of solvent via a solvent tube 90 can further soften the HCM. Tube 90 can be attached to the mixer in any suitable way that delivers solvent through its outlet to a desired location. Preferably the positioning discharges solvent inside the space between rods 12 and conduit 85 (i.e. into the cage-like structure) and more preferably such that the solvent reaches the screw flight or other mixing element. Typically, the solvent addition varies with the amount of heat input. Solvent may be used with no heat addition to the inlet mixer 81. Solvent softened HCM enters the inlets 24 and flows through conduit 85 and pump suction line 92 to a pump in a manner analogous to that shown in
In the case where the solvent or lighter oil is floating on an expanse of heavier material (e.g. HCM) the mixer 81 can be positioned at the interface between the different hydro-carbonaceous materials and preferably across the interface, so that screw flight 84 or other mixing structures churn the solvent into the heavier material. Preferably, the solvent and HCM are simultaneously heated by the heater. Or the mixer can be used without turning on the heater where most suitable in particular cases. The now-thinner mixture again flows to a pump as previously described.
In operation the motor applies torque to its armature (e.g. the distally extended portion of conduit 85) and causes the screw to turn and stir the material within the cage structure created by rods 12. As described previously, the bearings are preferably made of conductive metal, and the conduit 85 is in electrical contact with the bearings 86 and 95 even as it rotates within them. Preferably bearing 95 electrically connects the two RF sources at the distal end of rods 12.
Solvent introduced through tube 28 into the mixing zone lowers the viscosity of the HCM as described below. The lower viscosity aids in the flow of HCM into the apertures 24 of the conduit 85.
As an optional feature a cowl 99 may be fixed at the proximate end of the heater and preferably within the confines of the electrode(s.) Preferably a non-rotating part such as ring 94 retains cowl 99 at the proximate end of inlet heater 48. Preferably cowl 99 is made of non-conducting material so that it does not affect the RF fields within the structure. When turning the screw flight in a direction that pushes HCM toward the proximate end of mixer 81, cowl 99 may prevent the HCM from flowing out of the zone defined by rods 12 and may urge HCM into inlets 24 near the proximate end of mixer 81. This feature may provide advantages whether using a mixing arrangement with or without solvent addition.
In this calculated example an HCM with an initial viscosity of 100,000 cp can be reduced by an order of magnitude to 10,000 cp by mixing diluent into the HCM in the amount as herein determined. Diluents that may be used to lower viscosity of HCM include naphtha fractions refined from crude oil, having a viscosity similar to that of diesel fuel, i.e. a viscosity near 3.5 cp. An approximate formula for the viscosity of a mixture is the Gambil rule (
where ν=viscosity, x=mol fraction, subscripts a and b refer to the HCM and the diluent respectively. Substituting νb=1−xa and solving, xa=(ν1/3−νb1/3)/(νa1/3−νb1/3) and xb=1−xa.
For a general case we assume that the HCM molecular weight is 4 times that of diesel fuel. Lowering the viscosity of HCM from 100,000 to 10,000 requires a solvent content of 24 wt %, with the remaining 76 wt % being HCM. To lower viscosity two orders of magnitude from 100,000 to 1,000 requires 52% solvent and 48% HCM. A particular HCM-solvent mixture is called dilbit and is made of Canadian bitumen and solvent which contains about 35 wt % solvent. Thus, any solvent can help lower viscosity, but a large proportion of solvent is required to lower viscosity by orders of magnitude.
Using solvent with viscosity lower than 3.5 is of little help, because calculation shows that the recovery results are essentially the same. Furthermore, such lighter solvents have a higher vapor pressure and may produce a combustible vapor mixture in the tank. Nitrogen addition to the vapor space in the tank lowers the combustible limit.
On the other hand, raising the temperature by 30° C. lowers viscosity two orders of magnitude, and is achievable with the heater. While in most cases heating alone will be practical, a combination of heating and solvent mixing may have advantages in some situations. For example, the added solvent makes the heated mixture, upon cooling, more stable when heat is lost during further transport. And with the addition of the previously described cowl, the mixer may push HCM into the pump inlet at a rate that allows the pump to work on HCM with less heating and only a partly reduced viscosity.
Recovery of Asphaltic Material from Tar Lakes
HCM may come from any of the sources described in the background of the invention or such other sources as generally fit the herein given descriptions and definition of HCMs. A particularly useful application of the invention applies to HCM deposits where the tar or other such viscous material floats on a layer on water, such as Guanoco Lake as previously described.
In application of this invention to removing HCM from a tar pit or lake having a thick layer of asphalt or other HCM the intake assembly provides an intake heater with a heating element as described for positioning below the surface of such deposit. The collector of the input assembly gradually drains the material as the pump pulls in HCM from the collector. In such applications the inlet heater may be modified to draw it sideways into the layer and heat the HCM material that is drawn into the heater elements and that act on material drawn into the opening defined by the collector of the inlet heater. In this manner heated product enters the through perforations in the central collector pipe.
The present application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/733,208, filed Sep. 19, 2018, entitled “Radio-Frequency Pump Inlet Electric Heater” (Attorney Docket No. C0620/41033). The entire contents of this application are incorporated herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
62733208 | Sep 2018 | US |