Advanced Cast Products, Inc., CASTUF Superior Austempered Ductile Iron, no date provided. (no date). |
RTZ Iron & Titanium Inc., A Design Engineer's Digest of Ductile Iron, no date provided, Montreal, CA. |
John R. Keough, P.E. Markets for Ductile Irton and ADI, 2000, USA. |
Applied Process, Inc., Better Materials for Tough Engineering Applications, no date provided, USA. |
The Benefits of Using ADI, no date provided. |
John R. Keough, P.E., Austemepered Ductile Iron Versus Aluminum: No Contest, 2001, USA. |
John R. Keough and Dr. Kathy L. Hayryen, Automotive Applications of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI), (no date). |
Dr. Katrin Madler, On the Suitability of ADI As An Alternative Material for (Railcar) Wheels, 2000. |
Bela V. Kovacs, Austempered Ductile Iron: Fact and Fiction, Cover Story, Mar. 1990, USA. |
John R. Keough, P.E., An ADI Market Primer, Reprinted from Oct./Nov. 1995 Foundry Management and Tech. |
Ductile Iron Data for Design Engineers, book, no date provided. |