The present inventions relate to methods of rapid, antemortem detection of trace amounts of biological and chemical products, exemplary among those are the conformationally altered form of cellular prion protein in biological samples.
The transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, are infectious neurodegenerative diseases of mammals that include bovine spongiform encephalopathy (“mad cow” disease), chronic wasting disease of deer and elk, scrapie in sheep, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans. TSEs may be passed from host to host by ingestion of infected tissues or blood transfusions. Clinical symptoms of TSEs include loss of movement coordination and dementia in humans. They have incubation periods of months to years, but after the appearance of clinical signs, they are rapidly progressive, untreatable and invariably fatal. Attempts at TSE risk reduction have led to significant changes in the production and trade of agricultural goods, medicines, cosmetics, blood and tissue donations, and biotechnology products.
TSEs are associated with the conversion of host-encoded, cellular prion protein (PrPC) into a conformationally altered form (PrPSc). Post-mortem neuropathological examination of brain tissue from an animal or human has remained the ‘gold standard’ of TSE diagnosis and typically reveals astrocytosis and spongiform changes, sometimes accompanied by the formation of PrPSc-containing amyloid deposits. It is very specific but less sensitive than other techniques (Wells and Wilesmith, 1995; Gavier-Widen et al., 2005). Although the sensitivity of microscopic observation can be increased by immunohistochemical techniques that use antibodies specific to PrP to detect accumulation of PrPSc in amyloid deposits (van Keulen et al., 1995; 1996), these methods are ill-suited to rapid, routine analysis. An additional concern is that laboratory diagnosis of TSEs is complicated by the uneven distribution of TSE associated molecules in body tissues, with highest concentrations consistently found in nervous system tissues and very low concentrations in easily accessible body fluids such as blood or urine.
PrPSc has distinct physiochemical and biochemical properties such as aggregation, insolubility, protease digestion resistance, and a β-sheet-rich secondary structure. One such altered property of PrPSc, namely, partial resistance to protease digestion, forms the basis of the majority of diagnostic biochemical tests. To differentiate between PrPC and PrPSc, the sample is typically pretreated with proteinase K (PK). Since PrPSc is partially digestion resistant and PrPC is easily digested by PK, pretreatment results in elimination or reduction of interference from PrPC, and in a sample that is rich in PrPSc as compared to PrPC. However, it has been suggested by others that the majority of PrPSc in the brains of patients who died from CJD is a PK-sensitive version of PrPSc (sPrPSc), making the use of PK treatment in an antemortem assay, where PrPSc concentrations are very low, impractical. The development of diagnostic assays that do not require proteolytic treatment of samples would eliminate the issues associated with proteolytic digestion and reduced assay sensitivity.
Current PrPSc detection methods are time-consuming and employ post-mortem analysis after suspicious animals manifest one or more symptoms of the disease. Current diagnostic methods are based mainly on detection of physicochemical differences between PrPC and PrPSc which, to date, are the only reliable markers for TSEs. For example, the most widely used diagnostic tests exploit the relative protease resistance of PrPSc in brain samples to discriminate between PrPC and PrPSc, in combination with antibody-based detection of the PK-resistant portion of PrPSc. It has as yet not been possible to detect prion diseases by using conventional methods such as polymerase chain reaction, serology or cell culture assays. An agent-specific nucleic acid has not yet been identified, and the infected host does not elicit an antibody response.
Antibody-antigen binding events of PrPSc to three antibodies discussed herein (8E9, 11F12, and 5D6) have been characterized in an electronically published Oct. 31, 2008 publication by Chang, et al., PrP Antibody Binding-Induced Epitope Modulation Evokes Immunocooperativity, 205 J. Neuroimmunol., 94, 94-100, the contents of which are hereby incorporated herein in its entirety. These antibodies interact with different epitopes on PrPSc. Monoclonal antibody (Mab) 8E9 binds in the region of amino acids 155-200 of PrPSc. Mab 11F12 binds in the region of amino acids 93-122 of PrPSc. Mab 5D6 binds to an undefined conformational epitope of PrPSc. A conformational epitope does not bind to a specific continuous sequence of amino acids. Rather it binds to a region of the protein's structure that can include amino acid residues from several, disconnected areas of the amino acid primary structure.
Capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were performed using these three antibodies. Only using Mab 11F12 as the capture reagent and using the biotinylated monoclonal antibody 5D6 as the detector was successful in binding to and identifying PrPSc. Only this combination of antibodies in this order provided the same results in 263K-infected hamsters, scrapie sheep or CWD-affected deer. Detection was further enhanced using heat and or sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) denaturation. It is believed that this increased detection is due to antibody induced epitope unmasking in PrPSc. In essence, binding of one antibody (Mab 11F12) to PrPSc unmasks an epitope in some way to allow a second antibody (Mab 5D6) to bind better. It is not known whether this occurs through PrP conformational alterations, refolding of PrPC into PrPSc and/or changes in the PK-resistant or sPrPSc forms to make them more accessible to additional antibody binding.
Surround optical fiber immunoassay (SOFIA) was also disclosed in an electronically published Feb. 27, 2009 publication by Chang et. al., Surround Optical Fiber Immunoassay (SOFIA): An Ultra-Sensitive Assay for Prion Protein Detection, 159 Journal of Virological Methods, 15, 15-22. SOFIA combines the specificity inherent in Mabs for antigen capture with the sensitivity of surround optical detection technology. To detect extremely low signal levels, a low noise, photo-voltaic diode was used as the detector for the system. SOFIA utilizes a laser illuminating a micro-capillary holding the sample. Then, the light collected from the sample is directed to transfer optics from optical fibers. Next, the light is optically filtered for detection, which is performed as a current measurement and amplified against noise by a digital signal processing lock-in amplifier. The results are displayed on a computer and stored on computer software designed for data acquisition.
Rhodamine Red was detectable by SOFIA to a concentration of 0.1 attograms (ag). Thus, SOFIA shown there had a detection limit of approximately 10 ag of PrPSc from non-PK treated hamster brain, and extrapolating, about 1 femtogram of PrPSc from sheep and deer brain material. However, assuming equal antibody reactivity, western blotting indicated that there is at least 10-100 fold more PrPSc in hamster brains than in sheep and deer brain material on a gram equivalent basis suggesting that detection of the protein in the latter two species could be in the range of 10-100 ag or better.
The laboratory technique of protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) has been reported to support the specific reproducible conversion of PrPC to PrPSc resulting in the amplification of minute quantities of PrPSc. Although the CWD infectious agent has been detected in saliva, blood, urine and feces, the direct immunodetection of PrPSc from this material has been unsuccessful (Haley et al., 2009a, b). Furthermore, the successful detection of the CWD infectious agent for some of this material required bioassays of the serial PMCA (sPMCA) products (Mathiason et al., 2006, 2009; Haley et al., 2009a, b; Tamguney et al., 2009). To facilitate preclinical detection of TSEs in peripheral tissues, notably blood, the target PrPSc in a sample can be amplified by means of PMCA (Saborio et al., 2001). PMCA has been reported to increase the sensitivity of the detection of PrPSc from brains of experimentally scrapie-infected rodents (Saborio et al., 2001; Deleault et al., 2003; Bieschke et al., 2004), cattle and sheep naturally infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy and scrapie, respectively (Soto et al., 2005), and more recently from humans with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (Jones et al., 2007) and deer with chronic wasting disease (Kurt et al., 2007). Furthermore, PMCA has been reported to detect PrPSc in sheep and hamster blood, both at terminal stages of disease and in pre-symptomatic animals (Castilla et al., 2005a, b; Saa et al., 2006; Murayama et al., 2007; Thorne and Terry, 2008) and in urine and cerebrospinal fluid (Atarashi et al., 2007, 2008; Murayama et al., 2007) making this technology a useful diagnostic tool. However, to date PMCA is hindered by the need for many rounds of cycling in order to visualize the final product by immunoblotting. In fact, performing many rounds of PMCA can lead to false-positive results. By 192 cycles, control blood samples showed the spontaneous conversion of PrPC to PrPSc, thus making this technique somewhat inadequate for diagnostic purposes. PMCA has great potential, but is hampered by various fundamental and technical difficulties including the length of time necessary to achieve optimal sensitivity (approximately 3 weeks).
The current dogma is that PrPSc directly correlates with infectivity and their accumulation in the brain causes neuropathology and clinical disease. It is also assumed that the rate and pattern of PrPSc accumulation, and, therefore, the rate of formation of neuropathology, determines the incubation periods of the disease (Prusiner et al., 1990; Carlson et al., 1994). However, it has also been shown that in the CNS and contrary to expectation, overall accumulation of PrPSc and infectivity to a high level can be present in asymptomatic mice (Bueler et al., 1994). Additional studies on naturally and experimentally infected sheep (Madec et al., 2004; Bulgin et al., 2006) have also demonstrated inconsistencies between the levels of PrPSc, IHC staining topology, extent of histological lesions and clinical disease.
To improve food safety it would be highly beneficial to screen all the animals for prion disease using antemortem, pre-clinical testing, i.e., testing prior to presentation of symptoms. However, PrPSc levels are very low in pre-symptomatic hosts. In addition, PrPScs are generally unevenly distributed in body tissues, with highest concentrations consistently found in nervous system tissues and very low concentrations in easily accessible body fluids such as blood or urine. Therefore, any such test would be required to detect extremely small amounts of PrP and would have to differentiate PrPC and PrPSc.
The ability to secure early diagnosis is vital for therapeutic interventions to be of real value. With respect to animals destined for the human food chain and blood and tissue donors, prion agents must be detectable well before the appearance of any clinical symptoms. Thus, there is a continuing need for more sensitive methods of prion detection.
The conformationally altered form of PrPC is PrPSc. Some groups believe that PrPSc is the infectious agent (prion agent) in TSEs, while other groups do not. PrPSc could be a neuropathological product of the disease process, a component of the infectious agent, the infectious agent itself or something else altogether. Regardless of what its actual function in the disease state is, what is clear is that PrPSc is specifically associated with the disease process and detection of it indicates infection with the agent that causes prion diseases.
The present inventions provide, among other things, methods to diagnose prion diseases by detection of PrPSc in a biological sample. This biological sample can be brain tissue, nerve tissue, blood, urine, lymphatic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, or a combination thereof. Absence of PrPSc indicates no infection with the infectious agent up to the detection limits of the methods. Detection of a presence of PrPSc indicates infection with the infectious agent associated with prion disease. Infection with the prion agent may be detected in both presymptomatic and symptomatic stages of disease progression.
These and other improvements have been achieved with SOFIA, a laser-based immunoassay which has been developed for the detection of PrPSc (Chang et al., 2009). SOFIA's sensitivity and specificity (Chang et al., 2009) eliminates the need for PK digestion to distinguish between the normal and abnormal PrP isoforms. Further, the detection of PrPSc in blood plasma has now been addressed by limited PMCA followed by SOFIA. Because of the sensitivity of SOFIA, PMCA cycles can be reduced, thus decreasing the chances of spontaneous PrPSc formation and the detection of falsely positive samples.
The present inventions meet the aforementioned needs of increased sensitivity in the detection of prion diseases in both presymptomatic and symptomatic TSE infected animals, including humans, by providing methods of analysis using highly sensitive instrumentation, which requires less sample preparation than previously described methods, in combination with recently developed Mabs against PrP. The methods of the present inventions provide sensitivity levels sufficient to detect PrPSc in brain tissue. When coupled with limited sPMCA, the methods of the present inventions provide sensitivity levels sufficient to detect PrPSc in blood plasma, tissue and other fluids collected antemortem. The time between sample collection and analysis can be less than 24 hrs for brain material The methods combine the specificity of the Mabs for antigen capture and concentration with the sensitivity of a surround optical fiber detection technology. In contrast to previously described methods for detection of PrPSc in brain homogenates, these techniques, when used to study brain homogenates, does not utilize seeded polymerization, amplification, or enzymatic digestion (for example, by proteinase K, or “PK”). This is important in that previous reports have indicated the existence of PrPSc isoforms with varied PK sensitivity, which decreases reliability of the assay. The sensitivity of this assay makes it suitable as a platform for rapid prion detection assay in biological fluids. In addition to prion diseases, the method may provide a means for rapid, high-throughput testing for a wide spectrum of infections and disorders.
While it was found that about 40 cycles of sPMCA combined with immunoprecipitation was inadequate for PrPSc detection in plasma by ELISA or western blotting, the PrPSc has also been found to be readily measured by SOFIA methods. In accordance with this invention the limited number of cycles necessary for the present assay platform virtually eliminates the possibility of obtaining PMCA-related false positive results such as those previously reported (Thorne and Terry, 2008).
The following represent non-limiting embodiments of the present invention. According to a first embodiment, methods for detection of the presence or absence of PrPSc in a biological sample suspected of having them are disclosed comprising the steps of concentrating PrPSc as may be present in the sample by substantially separating the PrPSc from sample matrix; labeling concentrated PrPSc with at least one molecular label to produce labeled PrPSc; and detecting the labeled PrPSc on analytical instrumentation.
According to a second embodiment of the present invention, methods for detection of the presence or absence of PrPSc in a biological sample suspected of having them are disclosed comprising the steps of concentrating PrPSc as may be present in the sample by substantially separating the PrPSc from sample matrix; labeling concentrated PrPSc with at least one molecular label to produce labeled PrPSc; and detecting the labeled PrPSc on analytical instrumentation. In this embodiment, the PrPSc are undigested.
According to a third embodiment of the present invention, methods for detection of the presence or absence of PrPSc in a biological sample suspected of having them are disclosed comprising the steps of concentrating PrPSc as may be present in the sample by substantially separating the PrPSc from sample matrix; labeling concentrated PrPSc with at least one molecular label to produce labeled PrPSc; and detecting the labeled PrPSc on analytical instrumentation. The duration of time between concentrating the PrPSc and analyzing the labeled PrPSc is preferably about 48 hours or less.
According to a further embodiment of the present invention, methods for detection of the presence or absence of PrPSc in a biological sample suspected of having them are disclosed comprising the steps of amplifying PrPSc in the sample by sPMCA; concentrating PrPSc as may be present in the sample by substantially separating the PrPSc from sample matrix; labeling concentrated PrPSc with at least one molecular label to produce labeled PrPSc; and detecting the labeled PrPSc on analytical instrumentation.
According to a further embodiment of the present invention, methods for detection of the presence or absence of PrPSc in a biological sample suspected of having them are disclosed comprising the steps of amplifying PrPSc in the sample by sPMCA; concentrating PrPSc as may be present in the sample by substantially separating the PrPSc from sample matrix; labeling concentrated PrPSc with at least one molecular label to produce labeled PrPSc; and detecting the labeled PrPSc on analytical instrumentation. In this embodiment, the biological sample is brain tissue, nerve tissue, blood, urine, lymphatic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid or a combination thereof.
“PrPSc” will be understood to mean the conformationally altered form of PrPC. PrPSc is specifically associated with the disease process and detection of it indicates infection with the agent that causes prion diseases. (TSE's) will be understood to include, but are not limited to, the human diseases Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS), fatal familial insomnia (FFI), and kuru, as well as the animal forms of the disease: bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, commonly known as mad cow disease), chronic wasting disease (CWD) (in elk and deer), and scrapie (in sheep). It is to be understood that “proteinaceous” means that the prion may comprise proteins as well as other biochemical entities, and thus is not intended to imply that the prion is comprised solely of protein.
“Substantially separating,” as used in the context of concentrating the PrPSc, is understood to mean that any sample matrix or non-PrPSc material that remains in the sample is insufficient to be detected, or to interfere with detection, by the method described herein.
“Labeled PrPSc” will be understood to mean PrPSc to which a fluorescent label has been covalently or non-covalently attached. Preferably, one fluorescent label is attached to a single PrPSc molecule.
“Capable of detecting” means that an instrument produces a signal that is significantly higher than the background noise signal of the instrument when a sample containing no labeled PrPSc is analyzed. Although the particular sample may contain greater than attomole quantities, it is understood were the sample to be diluted to approximately 0.1 attomole per milliliter of sample of labeled PrPSc that, upon analysis, the instrument would produce a reproducible and statistically significant signal.
“Attomole quantities,” means from 0.1 attomole to 1 femtomole.
“Antemortem” is understood to mean prior to death of the organism from which the sample is collected.
“Preclinically” or “presymptomatically” is understood to mean that the sample is collected from an organism that does not exhibit symptoms of a prion disease.
“Seeded polymerization” is understood to mean inducing conversion of PrPC to PrPSc that has higher beta-pleated sheet content and that is protease resistant.
“Enzymatic digestion” is understood to mean breakdown of proteins by proteases, intentionally introduced into the sample, which induce selective cleavage between specific amino acids. “Enzymatic digestion” is understood not to include autodigestion or digestion due to enzymes naturally present in the sample. “Undigested,” as used herein, is understood to mean that PrPScs are at no time during the sample preparation or analysis subjected to enzymatic digestion.
The methods of the present invention comprise the step of obtaining a sample that may or may not contain the abnormal isoform of PrP (PrPSc), for example, from an animal or human of which it is desired to determine whether infection has occurred. If the sample is from an infected organism, the sample comprises PrPSc and a sample matrix, understood to include non-PrPSc components such as cells, cellular components, biomolecules, non-PrPSc proteins, etc. The sample may be collected from and comprise nervous tissue, blood, urine, lymphatic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, other bodily fluids, and combinations thereof.
Once collected, the PrPSc are at least semi-purified, or concentrated, by separating the PrPSc of interest from the sample matrix. The concentration may occur by a variety of means that would be known to one of skill in the art, including but not limited to the use of molecular antibodies, immunoprecipitation, magnetic beads, antibody capture on a plastic surface, methods utilizing sodium phosphotungstate, methanol, and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the concentration occurs by using monoclonal antibodies. In SOFIA, several PrP-specific Mabs, which have recently been described to have a synergistic effect when used together in a capture ELISA were used. (Chang et al., PrP Antibody Binding-induced Epitope Modulation Evokes Immunocooperativity, J. of Immunology, v. 205, issue 1-2, pp. 94-100 (2008)).
The concentration further may occur by means of the technique described in Kim et al., 2005, incorporated herein by reference, which is an immunoprecipitation-based capture assay using a dye-labeled anti-PrP Mab along with a second biotinylated anti-PrP Mab and streptavidin-conjugated magnetic beads. Variations of this technique included dye-labeled anti-PrP Mabs with a second PrP Mab conjugated directly to magnetic beads.
The concentrated sample may comprise at least 0.1 attomole of PrPSc, alternatively at least 200 attomole, alternatively from about 0.1 attomole to about 1.0 nanomole, alternatively from about 0.1 attomole to about 1 femtomole, and alternatively from about 0.4 to about 1.0 attomole of PrPSc.
The PrPSc in the concentrated sample may be labeled with one or more fluorescent molecules to produce labeled PrPSc. The labeling may occur by a variety of methods known to one of skill in the art, including but not limited to fluorescent labeling, phosphorescent labeling, radioisotope labeling, biotinylation, and other means of labeling that would be understood by one of skill in the art. In one embodiment, the labeling is fluorescent labeling, and the fluorescent label is Rhodamine Red.
In an alternative embodiment, the PrPSc may be detected by means other than fluorescence, including but not limited to phosphorescence, absorption of infrared, visible and ultraviolet wavelengths, and by other spectroscopic means that would be understood by one of skill in the art.
In one embodiment, the concentrated sample is then analyzed on a suitable analytical instrument which is capable of sensitive and rapid detection of the PrPSc. In one embodiment, the instrument is capable of detection of attomole quantities of labeled PrPSc. In one embodiment, the time comprising the steps of concentrating the PrPSc, labeling the PrPSc and detection is 48 hours or less, alternatively 24 hours or less, and alternatively is 12 hours or less, and alternatively is 3 hours or less.
In one embodiment, instruments such as those described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/634,546, filed on Dec. 7, 2005, and incorporated herein by reference in its entirety may be employed for the purposes of this invention. An alternative embodiment of the system 100 is depicted in
The first ends of the optical fibers may be disposed in a substantially linear manner along the length of the container comprising the sample. The second ends of the optical fibers are bundled together to form a single end port. In other words, a given length of the second ends of the fibers from each linear array are intermingled to form a single bundle. Preferably, the second ends of the fibers from each linear array are randomly interspersed within the bundle. The plurality of optical fibers receives the signal emitted from the analyte of interest and transmits the signal from the first ends of the fibers to the end port comprising the second ends of the fibers. The fibers have a high numerical aperture (NA), which corresponds to sine θ/2, where θ is the angle of accepted incident light (optical acceptance angle). In this embodiment, the NA may range from about 0.20 to about 0.25 and the optical acceptance angle of from about 20 degrees to about 45 degrees. The optical acceptance angle is chosen such that substantially all of the emitted signal may be intercepted by the plurality of fibers. This ensures optimum collection efficiency of the signal from dilute analytes, such as PrPSc.
In one embodiment, the optical fibers comprise fused silica. The fibers may have a diameter of from about 50 micrometers to about 400 micrometers.
The bundling of the optical fibers from each linear array offers several advantages. Rather than separate detectors for each linear array being required, a single detector may be used. For a system comprising four linear arrays, this results in a detection area having one-quarter the size of four individual detectors. The background noise thus is dramatically decreased, which in turn increases the signal to noise ratio and thus lowers the limit of detection. In one embodiment, the size of the detector is from about 0.5 mm×0.5 mm to about 1 mm×1 mm. The limit of detection of the system of this embodiment is at least 0.1 attomole of analyte, alternatively is at least 200 attomole, alternatively is from about 0.1 attomole to about 1.0 micromole, alternatively is from about 0.1 attomole to about 1 nanomole, and alternatively is from about 0.4 to about 1.0 attomole of analyte. Alternatively, in this embodiment, the limit of detection of the system is at least 0.1 attogram of analyte, and alternatively is at least 10 attogram of analyte.
Non-limiting examples of suitable detectors include photo-diode detectors, photo-multipliers, charge-coupled devices, a photon-counting apparatus, optical spectrometers, and any combination thereof.
The emitted signal that is captured is converted to an electrical signal by photo-detector and transmitted to an analyzer (not shown), which receives the electrical signal and analyzes the sample for the presence of the analyte. Examples of analyzers would be well-understood by those of skill in the art. The analyzer may include a lock-in amplifier, which enables phase sensitive detection of the electrical signal, or any other means known in the art for analyzing electric signals generated by the different types of photo-detectors described herein.
The apparatus developed for these assays may be optimized for the collection of the light from the reporter molecule. The dyes currently used in fluorescence based assays have quantum efficiencies near or above 90%. In one embodiment, the dye is Rhodamine Red X (Invitrogen Corp., Carlsbad Calif.). In addition, the transconductance pre-amplifier and the lock-in detector settings are optimized to facilitate low signal/low noise detection. First, an appropriate modulation frequency is chosen for the optical chopper, which should be incommensurate with the line-frequency or other electrical sources of noise in the environment. In addition, line filtering by a lock-in amplifier should be employed. In one embodiment, the modulation frequency is 753 Hz, and the lock-in amplifier is set to filter at 60 Hz and 120 Hz. The sensitivity for the transconductance pre-amplifier was chosen based on expected signal level, and to maximize the pre-amplifier's input impedance, and in one embodiment is set to 1 nA/V. In one embodiment, the bandpass filter is centered on the chopper frequency, which is e.g. 753 Hz.
The procurement and propagation of the hamster-adapted 263K scrapie strain was as described Chang, B. et al., “PrP Antibody Binding-Induced Epitope Modulation Evokes Immunocooperativity,” J. Neuroimmunol. v. 205, issue 1-2, pp. 94-100 (2008)). Brains from sheep infected with scrapie and white-tailed deer infected with CWD were harvested at the time of clinical disease and frozen at −80° C. Brains from uninfected animals were similarly harvested and frozen. The coding region of the full-length deer, hamster, mouse and sheep PrP was cloned into a pET-23 vector to produce a tag-free protein (rPrP) as described in D. R. Brown et al., “Normal prion protein has an activity like that of superoxide dismutase,” Biochem J. vol. 344 pp. 1-5 (1999). Expression and purification was substantially identical to procedures C. E. Jones et al., “Preferential Cu2+ coordination by His96 and His111 induces β-sheet formation in the unstructured amyloidogenic region of the prion protein,” J. Biol. Chem. 279, pp. 32018-32027 (2004).
Experimental oral infections used a 20% scrapie sheep brain homogenate (derived from a composite of 7 scrapie brains from clinically and immunohistochemically positive animals) prepared in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). All uninfected animals were housed in a separate scrapie-free facility. Clinical signs of sheep scrapie included: fine head tremors progressing to body trembling, wool loss from rubbing, nibbling at extremities, hypersensitivity and gait abnormalities.
Genotyping of the sheep was performed commercially (Gene Check, Inc., Greeley, Colo.).
For IHC, formalin fixed third eyelid tissues were washed for 15 min in water and soak in 99% formic acid for 1 hr. After a 3 hr water wash, the tissues were paraffinized in a Microm STP 120, and cut at 4 microns for mounting. The slides were allowed to dry for at least 24 hours, deparaffinized and then immunostained using the Ventana (Ventana Medical Systems Inc., Oro Valley, Ariz.) proprietary reagents (prion enhancing solution and anti-PrP antibody) and Benchmark LT automated system.
For blood collection (IACUC approved), the animals were restrained and a needle was inserted into the jugular vein. Immediately following blood collection (using sodium citrate as the anticoagulant), one half of the blood was chilled and shipped immediately. The remaining half of the collected whole blood sample was centrifuged at low speed for 15 min at 4° C. Plasma was removed, frozen and shipped on dry ice.
White-tailed deer care and sampling protocols were approved by the Colorado Division of Wildlife's (CDOW) IACUC. Neonatal white-tailed deer fawns acquired from several free-ranging sources were bottle-raised using canned evaporated bovine milk and established protocols (Wild and Miller 1991; Wild et al. 1994). Deer were confined to biosecure paddocks throughout the study, except during times of sample collections. Food, water and supplements were provided ad libitum in all paddocks. At about 6 months of age, white-tailed deer fawns were orally inoculated with about 0.5 g of conspecific, pooled, infectious brain material placed at the base of the tongue; previous analyses showed that this inoculum pool was infectious and contained about 6 μg PrPCWD per g of brain tissue (Raymond et al. 2000; Wolfe et al. 2007). All deer were evaluated by a veterinarian experienced in recognizing clinical signs of CWD, and subjectively scored for behavioral changes, loss of body condition, ataxia, and salivation or polydipsia. The five deer for this study were heterozygous for glycine and serine at codon 96 of the native prion protein gene, had PrPCWD accumulation in tonsil biopsies by 253 or 343 days post infection (dpi) (Wolfe et al. 2007), and were confirmed to be prion infected at postmortem examination 891 to 1774 dpi.
Blood samples were collected from the five inoculated white-tailed deer at 891 dpi. At the time of sampling, one animal (BC04) was in end-stage clinical chronic wasting disease, two (N204 and W1004) were showing some loss of body condition, and the other two (I304, K304) were clinically normal. For blood sampling, deer were sedated with xylazine, skin overlying the jugular vein was aseptically prepared, and about blood was collected via jugular venipuncture into a plastic bag treated with sodium citrate. Bags of blood were cooled and shipped overnight for processing.
PK-treated PrPSc, which consists of the core protein containing amino acids (aa) 90-231 (PrP90-231), was isolated from the brains of 263K infected hamsters using a procedure originally reported by Hilmert and Diringer (1984) and modified by Rubenstein et al. (1994). This material was solubilized using guanidine hydrochloride extraction and methanol precipitated as previously described (Kang et al., 2003) and used as the immunogen. PrP−/− mice were immunized and their immune responses monitored by ELISA as previously described (Kascsak et al., 1987). One of the immunized mice was used to produce hybridomas. The mouse received a final immunization of antigen by the intravenous route in phosphate-buffered saline (“PBS”) 4 days before fusion. Spleen cells were fused to an SP2/0 myeloma cell line expressing reduced levels of cell surface PrPC (Kim et al., 2003). The hybridomas were screened by ELISA as previously described (Kascsak et al., 1987) and the resulting cells were cloned three times by limiting dilution. Large scale Mab production was carried out using disposable bioreactor flasks (Integra Biosciences, Switzerland) and antibody was purified from media using protein G immunoaffinity chromatography (Pierce, Rockford, Ill.). Protein was determined by the micro BCA protein assay (Pierce) and isotyping was performed using the mouse Mab isotyping kit (Pierce). Each of the Mabs was biotinylated using the EZ-link biotinylation kit (Pierce).
Numerous Mabs were generated using the solubilized PrPSc as immunogen and the low PrP expressing SP2/0 myeloma cell line. Three of these Mabs, 08-1/5D6 (5D6), 08-1/11F12 (11F12) and 08-1/8E9 (8E9) were selected for this study and have been isotyped as IgG1, IgG2b and IgG2b respectively. Individually, all three Mabs react with both the normal and disease associated PrP isoforms.
Western blotting of total brain lysates (
By indirect ELISA, the three Mabs were immunoreactive to PK-treated PrPSc purified from 263K-infected hamster brains. The degree of reactivity was dependent on the extent of the denaturation treatment. Either heat or SDS treatment alone increased immunoreactivity but a combination of the two treatments resulted in the highest levels of antibody binding and immunoreactivity (Table 1) approximating an additive effect of the two treatments and suggesting that epitope exposure is a multi-mechanistic process. Interestingly, although 5D6 binds to a conformational epitope, reactivity of this Mab is not lost, but rather enhanced upon PrP denaturation. It has previously been reported (Tayebi et al., 2004) that heat denaturation is not sufficient to disrupt the polymeric structure of PrPSc. Furthermore, the Mabs were equally immunoreactive by ELISA to both PrPC from uninfected brains and total PrP (normal and abnormal PrP isoforms) in non-denatured brain homogenate. Immunoreactivity was equally enhanced approximately 2-fold following denaturation with SDS and heat. Following PK treatment and denaturation, the immunoreactivity of PrPSc was increased an additional 3-fold due to the presence of less exogenous brain protein binding as a result of the proteolytic digestion (data not shown).
To increase specificity and sensitivity for PrP detection, a capture ELISA assay was used incorporating a biotinylated detection antibody. As expected, for each of the Mabs biotinylated, 5-6 biotins were bound to each antibody molecule. Further, the biotinylation of the Mabs did not interfere with or reduce their immunoreactivity as assessed by indirect ELISA using partially purified PK-treated PrPSc (data not shown). Therefore, any differences in the binding and reactivity of the detection antibodies are not the result of the physical biotinylation process. Using PK-treated PrPSc that had been denatured with SDS and heat, several Mab combinations were examined and each antibody was assessed both as the capture reagent and as the detection reagent (Table 2). Only one of the antibody combinations, Mab 11F12 as the capture reagent and biotinylated 5D6 as the detector, was successful in binding to and identifying PrPSc. The results were the same regardless of whether the PrPSc was derived from 263K-infected hamsters, scrapie sheep or CWD-affected deer. The capture ELISA assay utilizing the 11F12-5D6 Mab combination was next assessed for its ability to detect PrP in total and PK-treated brain homogenates from uninfected and infected hamsters, sheep and deer (
PrPC could be detected in non-PK treated normal brain homogenates by capture ELISA from all three species. In all cases, the signal intensity (˜0.25-0.3) was no greater than twice above background (˜0.12-0.15). This material was eluted from the wells and examined by western blotting. In contrast to the results described above where PrPC was detected directly from non-PK-treated brain homogenates, western blotting of eluted samples resulted only in the detection of IgG light and heavy chains. PrPC was not detectable due to the low levels of bound material. Following PK digestion, ELISA values were reduced to background levels indicating the elimination of PrPC. PrPSc could readily be detected by the capture ELISA assay in PK-treated brain homogenates from 263K-infected hamsters, sheep scrapie and CWD. Interestingly, capture ELISA assays performed on non-PK treated brain homogenates, which contain both PrPC and PrPSc, showed signal intensities higher than what could be attributed to the PrPC (determined from the non-PK normal tissue) and PrPSc (determined from the PK-treated infected tissue) aggregate (
With the given set of Mabs used in this study, the degree of positive immunocooperativity, as shown in
An antibody-induced spatial rearrangement and/or conformational change in PrPSc can be demonstrated by showing that the 11F12-5D6 captured material has altered the epitope for another PrP-specific Mab. The capture assay was performed on non-PK-treated, SDS and heat denatured PrPSc. This was followed by incubation with biotinylated Mab 8E9, streptavidinalkaline phosphatase and substrate. The lack of a signal above background indicated that the epitope for Mab 8E9 was either no longer available or accessible. However, elution of the 11F12-5D6 captured material from the microtiter wells followed by Western blotting and immunostaining with Mab 8E9 demonstrated robust PrPSc staining indicating that the Mab 8E9 epitope was once again available (
Although Mab 8E9 was able to bind to PrPC and PrPSc directly on Western blots and indirect ELISA assays, replacing 5D6 with 8E9 in the capture ELISA assay resulted in no detectable PrP indicating the absence of biotinylated 8E9 binding to the antigen. Furthermore, the PrPSc specificity of the 11F12-5D6 antibody pair was not only due to the presence of these specific Mabs but also to the sequence of the binding events. Reversing the antibodies by utilizing 5D6 as the capture reagent and biotinylated 11F12 as the detection reagent (5D6/Biotin 11F12) resulted in minimal PrPSc binding from non-PK treated brain lysates when compared to the 11F12-biotinylated 5D6 combination (11F12/Biotin 5D6) (
For the preparation of 10% brain homogenates, brain tissues were homogenized in 10 vol. of ice-cold lysis buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 150 mM NaCl, 1% Igepal™ CA-630 (Nonidet P-40), 0.5% deoxycholate, 5 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) in the presence of 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) (if the homogenate was to be treated with proteinase K (PK), PMSF was omitted from the lysis buffer). After centrifugation at 1,000×g for 10 min, the supernatants were aliquoted and stored at −80° C.
The protocol and reagents for the capture assays are described in Chang, B. et al., “PrP Antibody Binding-Induced Epitope Modulation Evokes Immunocooperativity,” J. Neuroimmunol. v. 205, issue 1-2, pp. 94-100 (2008), the contents of which are hereby incorporated herein in its entirety. Hybridoma cell lines producing the murine monoclonal antibodies used herein have been deposited as indicated, infra. For the capture ELISA assay, 96-well plates were coated with affinity-purified 11F12 capture monoclonal antibody (Mab) (5 μg/ml) at room temperature for 2-3 hrs. The coated wells were blocked with 3% bovine serum albumin (Sigma) in PBS overnight at 4° C. The wells were washed three times with PBST. The antigen was either non-PK- or PK-(100 μg/ml PK at 50° C. for 30 min) treated brain lysates to which was added a final concentration of 1% PMSF. All samples were treated with 1% SDS (final concentration), heated at 100° C. for 10 min. and centrifuged at 16,000×g for 5 min. The supernatants were serially diluted 10-fold and 100 μl was added to each well. The plates were incubated at 37° C. for 1 hr. The wells were washed three times with PBST and 100 μl of the biotinylated 5D6 detector Mab (5 μg/ml) was added. After 60 min the wells were washed with PBST and 100 μl streptavidin conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (1:5,000) was added for 60 min at 37° C. PNPP (4-Nitrophenyl phosphate disodium salt hexahydrate) (Sigma) substrate solution was added to each well (100 μl) and after 60 min, product was measured with an ELISA reader (Bio-Tek, Vermont, N.Y.) at OD405.
For laser analysis, incubation with the biotinylated Mab 5D6 was followed by the addition of streptavidin conjugated to Rhodamine Red (1:1000). Following a 60 min incubation at 37° C., the wells were washed with PBST and treated with 100 μl 1N NaOH for 10 min at 100° C. and then shaken at room temperature for 20 min. The material was placed into a 100 ul Microcap™ (Drummond Scientific, Broomall, Pa.) microcapillary tube which was then inserted into a specifically designed tube sample holder for laser excitation and emission detection. Dilutions are calculated relative to the original starting brain tissue. Each value (data point) represents the mean±standard deviation (SD) from multiple assays as described in the figure legends.
Ten percent brain homogenates were prepared in lysis buffer as described above. The samples were centrifuged at low speed (2000×g for 10 min). Ten microliters of the supernatants were mixed with a final of 1× sample buffer, heated at 100° C. for 4 min and subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) using 12% acrylamide gels, transferred to nitrocellulose membranes and immunostained using either streptavidin-conjugated to alkaline phosphatase with NBT and BCIP as the substrate (Kascsak et al., 1986) or horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG (Pierce™) with super signal west femto maximum sensitivity substrate (Pierce) as previously described (LaFauci et al., 2006). For samples that were PK digested prior to SDS-PAGE, 40 ul of the supernatants from the low speed centrifugation were incubated with 100 μg/ml PK (final concentration) for 30 min at 50° C. followed by the addition of 1% PMSF, 1×SDS-PAGE sample buffer and heating at 100° C. for 5 min.
MagnaBind protein G beads (Pierce) were washed 3 times with PBS, resuspended in 50 μl of PBS and 200 μl of 10% brain homogenate was added with 50 μg of Mab 8E9 (10 mg/ml) in a total volume of 1.2 ml PBS. After mixing at room temperature for 1 hr, the beads were magnetically separated, washed 3 times with PBS containing 0.2% Tween 20 (PBST) and then resuspended in 600 μl PBS. After heating at 100° C. for 10 min and microcentrifugation at 16,000×g for 3 min, the supernatants were used for capture ELISA.
For blood samples, magnaBind protein G beads were resuspended in 100 μl PBS, followed by the addition of 100 μg Mab 8E9 in a final volume of 5 ml PBS and mixed at room temperature for 1 hr. The beads were washed with PBST, resuspended in 5 ml PBS containing 500 μl plasma and incubated for an additional 1 hr. As described above for brain, the beads were isolated, washed in PBST, heated and the microcentrifuged supernatant analyzed by capture ELISA.
As a source of PrPC for sPMCA of both brain and blood, 10% (wt/vol) brain homogenates from normal hamsters, sheep and deer [prepared in PBS containing 150 mM NaCl, 1.0% Triton X-100, 4 mM EDTA, and complete protease inhibitor cocktail (Calbiochem)] were centrifuged (1,500×g, 30 sec) and the supernatants quick frozen. A 500 μl aliquot of serial 10-fold dilutions (10-8 to 10-11) of brain homogenates from 263K-infected hamster, sheep scrapie and CWD deer were mixed with 100 μl of the 10% normal brain supernatant from the corresponding species and incubated (1 hr at 37° C.) with shaking Each sample was then sonicated (28 W power output) followed by the addition of another 100 μl of 10% normal brain homogenate and incubation (1 hr at 37° C. with shaking) This was defined as one cycle of amplification. After each round of 5 cycles, PMCA was continued by transferring 500 μl of the PMCA reaction mix from the original reaction tube to new tube and adding 100 μl 10% normal brain homogenate. PMCA on 500 μl aliquots of undiluted scrapie sheep or CWD deer plasma was carried out similarly as described for brain. Following PMCA, samples were centrifuged at 2,000×g for 10 min. For brain samples, 200 μl of supernatant was digested with proteinase K (PK) (100 μg/ml, 500 C, 30 min), followed by the addition of 1% protease inhibitor cocktail and 1% SDS. Samples were heated at 100° C. for 10 min and 10 μl aliquots were analyzed by western blotting (Chang et al. 2009). For blood, following PMCA 500 μl of amplified blood samples were either untreated or PK-treated followed by Mab 8E9 immunoprecipitation prior to analysis by western blotting or SOFIA. For all PMCA samples, dilutions were expressed relative to the original undiluted brain or blood samples. Blood samples not subjected to PMCA were immunoprecipitated and processed similarly as above without the sonication and 37° C. incubation cycling.
Ninety-six well High Binding plates (Costar, N.Y.) were coated with capture Mab 11F12 (5 μg/well in 100 μl) at room temperature for 3 hrs and blocked with casein in TBS overnight at 4° C. Magnetic protein G beads and Mab 8E9 were mixed for 60 min, washed 3 times with PBST and the pellets resuspended in 800 μl PBS. Blood samples were centrifuged (800×g, 5 min) and 800 μl of the supernatants were combined with SDS (1% final conc), heated at 100° C. for 10 min, mixed with the G beads-Mab 8E9 for 60 min and wash 3 times with PBST. The final washed pellets were resuspended in 800 μl PBS and heated for 10 min. After centrifugation at 16,000×g for 5 min, 100 μl of supernatant was added to each well. After incubation at room temperature (1 hr) and washing with PBST, 100 μl of biotinylated Mab 5D6 (2 μg/well) was added for 1 hr. followed by washing and incubation with 100 μl streptavidin-Rhodamine Red-X conjugate (Invitrogen) for 1 hr. After 4 PBST washes, 100 μl of 1N NaOH was added and the plates were heated (100° C. for 10 min), mixed for 30 min at room temperature and neutralized with equimolar amounts of HCl. Analysis was performed on 90 μl aliquots.
The setup is designed around a commonly used disposable 100 microliter micro-capillary (Drummond Scientific Co., Broomall, Pa.) as a sample holder. The sample is excited by focusing temporally modulated light from a solid state, frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser (Beam of Light Tech.™, Clackamas, Oreg.) along the axis of the capillary, with typical power of 30 mW continuous wave at a wavelength of 532 nm, which matches well with the absorption peak of Rhodamine. A fiber optic assembly was designed comprised of four linear arrays which span approximately a third of the length of the capillary and are positioned at 90 degrees with respect to each other around the perimeter of the capillary. Because of the large numerical aperture (0.22, or an acceptance angle of ˜23 deg.) of the fibers, this orientation of the fibers results in complete coverage of the sample's field of view. The light collected by the four linear arrays is ganged (i.e., bundled, or combined) and focused into transfer optics in which a holographic notch filter (Kaiser Optical Systems Inc. Ann Arbor, Mich.), and band pass filters (Omega Optical, Inc. Brattleboro, Vt.) are mounted. These are used to eliminate the scattered light from the excitation source, and band-limit the detection of the fluorescence of the reporter dye, respectively. The light is then focused back into a single, multi-mode, 400 micron optical fiber (Thorlabs™, Inc. Newton, N.J.) and coupled to a single low noise photo-voltaic diode detector (United Detector Technology, Hawthorne, Calif.) which is mounted on a BNC connector directly on the pre-amplifier of the detection electronics. Detection of the signal employs a phase sensitive, or “lock-in”, detection scheme. The excitation source is modulated with an optical chopper (Thorlabs Inc.) which serves to generate the reference frequency for the detection system. The diode detector is mounted on the input of the transconductance pre-amplifier (Stanford Research Systems, Inc. Sunnyvale, Calif.) to reduce the total line impedance and eliminate difficulties in impedance matching of the signal at these low levels. The signal is then detected with a lock-in amplifier (Stanford Research Systems) and data acquisition is performed through a LabView™ (National Instruments Inc., Austin, Tex.). The program consists of an electronic strip chart which poles the lock-in amplifier for its reading in voltage periodically displays the time history of the measurements to the operator, and stores the values with a time stamp in an ASCII file. The time constant of the lock-in amplifier should be chosen to provide a bandwidth of a few tenths of a Hertz. For these measurements a time constant of 3 seconds was chosen. The lock-in requires several time constants in duration to obtain a stable reading (3 to 30 seconds in this case). The values for the measurements were taken after the signal had stabilized (20 to 30 sec.) after loading a new sample. The modulation of the excitation source, and reference frequency for the lock-in detector, were 753 Hz which was chosen to minimize environmental noise. In addition to this filtering of the signal at line-frequency and two times line frequency was done with the lock-in amplifier and the pre-amplifier signal was band-pass filtered at the modulation frequency. For the samples the pre-amplifier sensitivity of 1 nA/V was chosen, giving an input impedance of 1 M Ohm. In making the measurements a set of startup procedures was maintained which included: a warm up of 15 minutes for all electronics (the laser, lock-in amplifier, pre-amplifier), a visual check of dark signal levels to assure that system is properly electrically grounded, a measurement of laser power to check for stability and output level, a visual check of laser alignment. Control measurement of baseline signal is checked using a capillary with distilled, deionized water.
The sensitivity limits of the instrument were tested by measuring the fluorescence signal emission of Rhodamine Red at decreasing concentrations. Rhodamine Red was detectable to a concentration of 0.01 attograms (ag) [20 attomoles (am)] (
Brain homogenates from normal and infected hamsters, deer and sheep were examined for their use in the method of the present invention. Western blotting of 10% brain homogenates confirmed the presence of PrPSc in the starting material. Typical PrP banding patterns were evident in the 10% brain homogenates prior to PK treatment with the characteristic band shifting to lower molecular sizes of PrPSc following PK digestion along with the elimination of PrPC from the normal hamster brain material as confirmation of complete proteolytic digestion. Serial dilutions of detergent extracted brain homogenates from clinical animals have demonstrated that the limits of PrPSc detection by Western blotting is approximately 10−3-10−4 while detection of PrPSc by capture ELISA was sensitive following an additional 101-102 fold dilution (data not shown). In comparison, using the same Mabs and brain homogenates, the sensitivity of the assay reported in this manuscript exceeded that for Western blotting and capture ELISA by at least 5 orders of magnitude. Using the method of the present invention, the signal to baseline ratios (S/B) were used to evaluate PrP detectability in brain homogenates. It was determined that an S/B ratio of greater than 1.1 indicated the presence of PrP. Serial dilutions of PK-treated and untreated brain homogenates from normal and infected brain tissue of hamsters, sheep and deer were assayed by the method of the present invention (
In the case of 10-fold serially diluted non-PK treated normal brain homogenates, PrPC was detectable by SOFIA to a dilution of 10−11 for hamsters and 10−10 for deer and sheep (with peak detection at 10−6-10−7 dilutions) after which the S/B ratios all fell below 1.1. The S/B ratios from of non-PK treated brain tissue of 263K infected hamsters, scrapie-infected sheep and CWD-infected deer continued to indicate the presence of PrP. Serially diluted brain homogenates from infected tissues all showed S/B values greater than 1.1 to a dilution of 10−11 for sheep and deer (with peak detection at 10−7) and 10−13 for hamsters (peak detection at 10−8). These results indicate that PrP from non-protease treated, infected brain tissue can be diluted beyond the levels of PrPC detectability while still maintaining the capability to detect total PrPSc. These results further suggest that there is at least 1 log more total PrPSc than PrPC in an infected brain at clinical disease. In support of this, it has previously been reported that PrPSc accumulates in the brain during scrapie infection and attains concentrations 10 times greater than that of PrPC. Using previously published data on 263K-infected hamsters (R. Atarashi et al. “Ultrasensitive detection of scrapie prion protein using seeded conversion of recombinant prion protein,” Nature Meth. vol. 4 (2007) pp. 645-650), SOFIA has a detection limit of approximately 10 ag of PrPSc from non-PK treated hamster brain. Extrapolation directly from the hamster data suggests that 1 femtogram of PrPSc can be detected from sheep and deer brain material. However, assuming equal antibody reactivity, Western blotting of diluted samples indicated that there is at least 10-100 fold more PrPSc in hamster brains than in sheep and deer brain material on a gram equivalent basis (data not shown) suggesting that detection of the protein in the latter two species could be in the range of 10-100 ag or better.
Immunoprecipitation with Mab 8E9 serves as a bridge linking PMCA and SOFIA, so, the utility of this Mab for PrP immunoprecipitations was examined. Mixtures of various ratios of 10% brain homogenates from uninfected and 263K-infected hamsters (uninfected:infected (%)-100:0, 90:10, 70:30, 50:50) were immunoprecipitated and analyzed by western blotting (
The ability to detect PrPSc in blood from 263K-infected hamsters and sheep scrapie samples following serial PMCA (sPMCA) has previously been reported. However, the large number of PMCA cycles necessary for PrPSc detection makes the technique impractical for use as a diagnostic assay. The issue of PrPSc detection in blood has been approached by incorporating sPMCA, followed by immunoprecipitation of the amplified target, and detection with the sensitive SOFIA assay (Chang et al., 2009). sPMCA was evaluated and validated using hamster brain (
Similar PMCA experiments with diluted sheep brain or CWD brain homogenates from clinical animals (along with the uninfected brain homogenates of the corresponding species as the source of PrPC) demonstrated the initial detection of amplified PrPSc by western blotting at 28 cycles of PMCA at the 10−8 dilution of infected brain. The increased number of cycles needed for the initial detection of PrPSc from sheep and deer brain compared to hamster brain was due to the lesser amount of starting PrPSc found in the original brain tissue. As expected, by the end of sPMCA40, the amplified PrPSc from the scrapie sheep and CWD deer brain homogenates was demonstrated by increased immunostaining intensity and detection limits of PK-resistant PrPSc. Although the sheep and deer brain tissue contained less PrPSc compared to infected hamster brain, the levels of amplification were still approximately 4 logs relative to the initial PrPSc levels (not shown).
Plasma from scrapie sheep and CWD deer were subjected to sPMCA40. The sheep samples consisted of three groups (Table 3, groups 1-3) of scrapie sheep, which, at the time of blood collection, were differentiated based on the presence or absence of clinical signs and PrPSc immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of third eyelid lymphoid follicles (
Similar studies were carried out with plasma obtained from several preclinical and clinical cases of deer CWD (
All ratios are weight ratios, unless specifically stated otherwise. All ranges are inclusive and combinable. The number of significant digits conveys neither a limitation on the indicated amounts nor on the accuracy of the measurements. All numerical amounts are understood to be modified by the word “about” unless otherwise specifically indicated.
All documents cited in the Detailed Description of the Invention are, in relevant part, incorporated herein by reference; the citation of any document is not to be construed as an admission that it is prior art with respect to the present invention. To the extent that any meaning or definition of a term in this document conflicts with any meaning or definition of the same term in a document incorporated by reference, the meaning or definition assigned to that term in this document shall govern.
Whereas particular embodiments of the present invention have been illustrated and described, it would be obvious to those skilled in the art that various other changes and modifications can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. It is therefore intended to cover in the appended claims all such changes and modifications that are within the scope of this invention.
This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. Provisional Patent Application 61/211,265, filed Mar. 25, 2009, incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. Provisional Patent Application 61/211,264, filed Mar. 25, 2009, incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.
These inventions were made with government support under Contract No. DE-AC52-06 NA 25396, awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The government has certain rights in the inventions. These inventions further were made with support from grant number DAMD17-03-1-0368, awarded by the Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, and grant number HL063837, awarded by the National Heart Lung Blood Institute.
Number | Date | Country | |
61211265 | Mar 2009 | US | |
61211264 | Mar 2009 | US |