In this RAPID project, the investigators will collect baseline nutritional, behavioral, biomarker, and microbiome data on a provisioned group of small-bodied, nocturnal primates (galagos). The research will advance fundamental knowledge about primate adaptations and ecology. The project will inform primate conservation efforts and will provide unique opportunities for student training and mentoring in primate research at an EPSCoR state institution, including for students from groups that are underrepresented in STEM fields. <br/><br/>The investigators will establish a research program to examine diet, nutrition, behavior and microbiome for Otolemur garnettii (n=14, ages 3-23 years). Research aims will focus on the impact of dietary alteration on digestibility of nutrients (including protein and fiber); relationships between food choice, stress hormones and behaviors; and relationships between gut and oral microbiome, nutrition and welfare; and age-related aspects of well-being and nutrition. The project will also be able to test hypotheses about changes in behavior, well-being, and microbiome with a shift to naturalistic diet and housing.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.